Unit 6 The power of plants 学情评估(含答案)2024-2025外研版(2024)七年级英语上册

Unit 6 学情评估
 第一部分 选择题(共50分)
第一节 阅读下面语言材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Welcome to the farm! I'm a tomato seed. Here are steps to plant me.
  Step 1: Before planting, please wash me first with clean water and then soak (浸泡) me in warm water for 5~7 hours. After that, dry me in the sun for 2 hours, and then soak me in hot water at 45 ℃~50 ℃ for 4 hours. Step 2: Plant me in the soil about 10 cm deep, and then water me. The best temperature is between 15 ℃ and 28 ℃. Step 3: About two weeks later, a tomato plant will grow out of the soil. Step 4: Please water the tomato plant once a week. After two or three months, I will grow many flowers. Step 5: When the flowers die (枯萎), I will turn green. In 4 or 5 days, I will become red. Then you will have your own tomato. Pick me and have a taste.
( )1. What should you do first with a tomato seed before planting it
A. Dry it in the sun. B. Soak it in hot water.
C. Soak it in warm water. D. Wash it with clean water.
( )2. How deep do we plant the tomato seed in the soil according to the text
A. About 10 cm. B. About 11 cm.
C. About 12 cm. D. About 14 cm.
( )3. Which step can best show the picture on the right
A. Step 1. B. Step 2.
C. Step 3. D. Step 4.
( )4. What doesn't the writer tell us
A. How deep we plant the seed.
B. What temperature is fit(适合的)for the seed.
C. How to choose a good tomato seed.
D. How often we water the tomato plant.
The students at Mingde Primary School in Shandong have two labour classes every week. They learn to grow vegetables and other plants. When the vegetables grow big, they take them to the school kitchen. At lunchtime, they have the vegetables and other food for lunch. They don't have to spend money on lunches at school.
There are some animals in the school, too. It's like a small zoo. In the labour classes, students can watch the animals, play with them and give food to them.
The teachers in the school say that doing farm work is very good for the students. In the labour classes, students know a lot about vegetables and animals. Now they can help their parents with farm work at home. Doing farm work is also good for their health. The students all enjoy themselves in their labour classes.
( )5. What can students do in the labour classes
a. grow vegetables b. watch the animals
c. cook the animals in the school kitchen d. play with the animals
e. take photos of the animals f. give food to the animals
A. abdf B. acde
C. bdef D. acef
( )6. The students ____ when the vegetables grow big.
A. sell them B. take them home
C. take them to the school kitchen D. feed the animals
( )7. What is good for the students' health
A. Doing farm work. B. Having lunch at school.
C. Watching the animals. D. Giving the animals food.
( )8. Which of the following is true
A. The students have three labour classes in a week.
B. The students spend some money on their lunches.
C. The students can learn nothing in the labour classes.
D. The students have a good time in the labour classes.
Trees are important in our daily lives. What are the parts of a tree
Like many plants, a tree begins from a seed. A seed needs food, water and sunlight to grow.
All of the trees have roots. They go into the soil (土壤)and have two important jobs to do. They make the tree stand, and they take in water and other things from the soil.
The trunk of a tree supports the branches of the tree and moves water and other things from the soil to the other parts of the tree.
Branches grow out from the trunk. They are the growing ends of the tree. They also move water and other things from the trunk to the leaves.
Leaves can catch sunlight. Using sunlight, the leaves produce food for the whole tree. Leaves use the water from the soil to make sugar to feed the tree. At the same time, trees release (释放)oxygen into the air. This is very important, because all the animals and humans need oxygen to live.
( )9. A tree begins from a ____.
A. seed B. root
C. branch D. leaf
( )10. Which of the following CANNOT roots do for the tree
A. They make the tree stand.
B. They take in water.
C. They take in some other things from the soil.
D. They catch sunlight.
( )11. Which part of the tree can move water and other things from the trunk to the leaves
A. Roots. B. Branches.
C. Seeds. D. Leaves.
( )12. The writer wrote the passage to ____.
A. introduce some parts of trees B. tell us how to save trees
C. encourage(鼓励) us to plant trees D. introduce some interesting trees
Do you love flowers Today I will tell you something about a kind of beautiful flower—sunflowers.
A sunflower is a big, round, yellow flower. Sunflowers need a lot of sunlight to grow. In fact, sunflowers are made up of(由……构成) many small flowers. The central part is made up of one kind of flower, and the petals(花瓣)around it are another kind of flower.
We use sunflowers in different ways. One thing we do with them is to look at them! Many people plant them in gardens because they are so big, bright and colorful. They can also be cut and brought inside. They will last(维持)a long time in a vase(花瓶).
Sunflower seeds are delicious. People, birds, and other animals love to eat sunflower seeds. They can be difficult to be eaten (被吃掉)because of the shell, but they are rich in protein(蛋白质)and are good for health. Sunflower seeds also have a lot of oil(油). Many people use sunflower oil for cooking. The food tastes very nice after people use it.
Sunflowers are beautiful flowers, and they give us and other animals food. But be careful of the rough(粗糙的)stems, or they will hurt you.
( )13. Which is TRUE about a sunflower according to Paragraph 2
A. It is very small. B. It is made up of one kind of flower.
C. It has no petals. D. Its shape is round.
( )14. What does the underlined word “they” refer to
A. People. B. Birds and animals.
C. Sunflower stems. D. Sunflower seeds.
( )15. Why might people look at sunflowers
A. Because sunflower seeds are filled with protein.
B. Because sunflower seeds have a lot of oil.
C. Because sunflower seeds need a lot of sun to grow.
D. Because sunflowers are bright and beautiful.
( )16. We may find the passage from the ____ part of a newspaper.
A. plant B. food
C. animal D. health
第二节 阅读短文,从方框内所给的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有一个多余选项。
Autumn follows summer. 17. ________. In the northern hemisphere (北半球), the weather is starting to get cooler.
18. ________. Their colors change from green to beautiful golden (金色的) colors such as orange, yellow and brown. These leaves fall to the ground. Many people like to travel during autumn to enjoy the beauty of the leaves. It's also a good time for families to climb mountains.
Autumn is the time when many animals begin to collect food for the winter. Squirrels (松鼠) and other animals busily start gathering (收集)food. 19. ________.
Autumn is also a harvest (丰收) time. 20. ________. Pumpkins (南瓜) are healthy vegetables and they are harvested in autumn. They are used to make pumpkin soup and pumpkin pie(馅饼). Farmers use pumpkins to make the heads of scarecrows (稻草人). Scarecrows help to scare away birds so that they can't eat the food plants. Autumn is really a good season.
A. Farmers like this season very muchB. They can sleep in winterC. In this way they can eat it in winterD. Their leaves on the trees start to change colorsE. Autumn is also called “fall” in some countries
Mr. White loved his plants. His __21__ were in pots( 花盆). There were ten pots behind the house and eight pots in front of the house. There was a __22__ plant in every pot. No plants were the same.
It was Friday. It was time to water the plants. Mr. White __23__ the plants once a week. He went outside and __24__ the water. Water came out of the end of the hose(水管). He watered each plant behind the __25__. He watered each plant until the soil was __26__,wet and soft. Then he went to the front to water the plants. All the plants looked clean and __27__ again.
Then butterflies and birds __28__ the wet plants. They __29__ around them happily. Mr. White sat in a chair quietly for a while and then went back inside. The next __30__ he would water the plants again.
( )21. A. books B. coins
C. lives D. plants
( )22. A. different B. same
C. dangerous D. harmful
( )23. A. picked B. watered
C. planted D. cut
( )24. A. turned on B. turned off
C. turned down D. turned to
( )25. A. garden B. house
C. zoo D. pot
( )26. A. dry B. hard
C. simple D. dark
( )27. A. old B. terrible
C. beautiful D. same
( )28. A. ate B. visited
C. left D. came
( )29. A. walked B. danced
C. ran D. sang
( )30. A. day B. week
C. month D. year
 第二部分 非选择题(共40分)
Stop coffee and cola! Let's drink another one of the world's most popular drinks—tea 31. ________ May 21, International Tea Day. We all know that China is the birthplace(发源地)of tea culture. But what about the tea culture of other 32. ________(country)
A traveling monk (僧人) brought tea to Japan from China in the 33. ________(nine) century. The custom (习俗) of tea drinking later became 34. ________ important part of Japanese culture. In Japan, it is an art 35. ________(serve) tea. People enjoy the peace of the tea room.
India is one of the largest tea producers in the world. It also learned the art of tea drinking from China centuries ago. “Chai” is the Hindi (印地语) word for tea. Traditional Indian chai is a kind of black tea. 36. ________ different from Chinese black tea, people there 37. ________(mix) chai together with strong spices (香料).
Turkey (土耳其) also has a tea culture. The traditional Turkish teacup 38. ________(look) like a flower. The tea is 39. ________(usual)served very hot. Most often 40. ________(salt) or sweet biscuits are served along with the tea.
I love travelling around the world. I find there are different plants in different places.
  Coconut trees grow in hot places. They like a lot of rain and enjoy sunshine. They usually grow very tall. Their fruit provides(提供)us with good drinks.
  Lotuses grow in water. They often have beautiful flowers in summer. We can use their seeds to make Chinese medicine(中药). We can also use their stems to make delicious food.
  Pine trees grow in a very cold place. They grow very tall and stay green all year round. Their leaves are like needles(针). We use their wood to make and build things.
41. Where do coconut trees grow
42. What do we use lotus seeds for
43. When are pine trees' leaves green
44. Which do you like best?Why?(Write 15 words or more. )
45. 假如你是李辉,交换生Eric听说植物在中国传统文化中具有特殊意义,请你给他写一封书信,介绍一种具有文化意义的植物——竹子。
要点如下:1. 简要介绍;2. 文化意义。
Dear Eric,
I'm glad to introduce bamboo to you. In China, bamboo has a special meaning. We always see bamboo as the symbol of persistence.
一、第一节 A)1~4: DADC B)5~8: ACAD 
C)9~12: ADBA D)13~16: DCDA 
第二节 17~20: EDCA
二、21. D 点拨:分析前文可知此处指的是plants。
22~23: AB
24. A 点拨:turn on意为“打开”。这里指打开水。
25. B 点拨:由前文中的“There were ten pots behind the house and eight pots in front of the house. ” 可知选house。
26~30: DCBBB
三、31. on 32. countries 33. ninth 34. an 35. to serve
36. But 37. mix 38. looks 39. usually 40. salty
四、41. In hot places.  
42. Making Chinese medicine.
43. They are green all year round.
44. I like coconut trees best. Because their fruit is very delicious. I like drinking coconut juice in summer. (符合题意即可)
五、45. Dear Eric,
I'm glad to introduce bamboo to you. In China, bamboo has a special meaning. We always see bamboo as the symbol of persistence.
Bamboo grows in the south of China. It can grow very tall. In spring, baby bamboo comes out of the earth, and we call it sun. We can cook dishes with it. It is very delicious. In summer and autumn, it grows taller and taller with green leaves. However, it isn't like other trees. It's hollow inside its body.
People will cut bamboo down to make furniture when it is tall enough. People also like to draw bamboo to show its spirit.
Li Hui



