
一、阅读理解 阅读下列短文,然后根据其内容从A、B、C、D 中选出最佳选项
1.(8分)Super﹣smart is a smart computer and Ultra﹣smart is a smart robot.Look at what they did on Wednesday.
Super﹣smart wrote: Ultra﹣smart wrote:
10:00﹣11:00 Order food from the supermarket. Make a new hydrogen car for Jacky.
11:00﹣12:00 Collect holiday information for David's family. Play games with Jacky's son.
12:00﹣13:00 Teach David Chinese. Make lunch.
13:00﹣14:00 Check the plants in the garden. Play football with Jacky.
14:00﹣15:00 Read stories with David. Make afternoon tea.
(1)What is Super﹣smart?    
A.A computer.
B.A robot.
C.A game.
D.A car.
(2)When did Ultra﹣smart begin to make lunch?    
A.At 10:00.
B.At 11:00.
C.At 12:00.
D.At 13:00.
(3)Who did Ultra﹣smart play football with?    
C.His son.
D.His family.
(4)What is the text above?    
A.A letter.
B.A note.
C.A news report.
D.A shopping list.
2.(8分) Jesse Jones was born on 5 November 1960,in Michigan,USA.His dad,played the guitar and his mum,Anna
Jesse was well﹣known as a dancer and song writer,but today he's most famous for his singing.He started singing with his four older brothers in a group called The Jones,but they had a sister too.She joined them later.In 1978(专辑),including Dance,My Life and Fever.The first was also his best﹣selling album.
Jesse earned a lot of money from his music and advertisements on television,but he also gave a lot to people with problems.In 1984,the president of the United States thanked him for this.Jesse also acted in several movies.One of these was"Captain J".In it,the world is safe again.The film came out in America in 1986 and in Tokyo in 1987.
Jesse had two children,a boy and a girl,with his wife,a train and a lake with boats in the garden of his house.The children loved these but now they are grown up and only the lake is left.
(1)How many children did Joe and Anna have?    
(2)Which album was Jesse's best selling one?    
A.The Jones.
D.My life.
(3)Why did the American president thank Jesse in 1984?    
A.He earned a lot of money from his music.
B.He helped lots of people with problems.
C.He acted in a movie named"Captain J".
D.He made a sad queen happy once again.
(4)With a zoo,a train and a lake,Jesse built his family full of    .
3.(8分) The book The Lemonade War is about friendship,maths,and a fight between brother and sister.The story in the book takes place during a summer vacation.
Evan,the elder brother,is people﹣smart.He is good at communicating with people.He is enjoying the last few days of the vacation when he gets a piece of bad news.His sister,math﹣smart,is going to skip a grade(跳级),talk to her or run a lemonade stand(货摊) with her as it is planned.
Jessie,on the other hand,is excited because she and her brother will be in the same class.She really enjoys being with her brother.She can't understand why he suddenly refuses to share things and run a lemonade stand with her.It's a puzzle(难题),and she should be good at puzzles.But this puzzle is about feelings,and Jessie knows that feelings are her weakest subject.
The fight between them grows until it turns into a lemonade﹣selling competition.Whoever earns(赚)﹩100 first wins,and keeps both their earnings.
So who will win?Read the book and find out what will happen next.
(1)Which of the following can best explain the word"people﹣smart"?    
A.Be about friendship,maths,and a fight.
B.Be good at communicating with people.
C.Be about a fight between brother and sister.
D.Be good at skipping a grade at school.
(2)When does Evan get the news that Jessie is going to skip a grade to be in his class?    
A.He is reading the story during a summer vacation.
B.He is communicating with some other people.
C.He is enjoying the last few days of the vacation.
D.He is planning how to run a lemonade stand.
(3)What does the underlined word"puzzles"refer to?    
(4)What is the purpose(目的) of the text?    
A.To talk about real friendship.
B.To explain a subject.
C.To share a way to make money.
D.To introduce a book.
4.(8分) A farm in Australia has hit the record books after producing the world's heaviest blueberry(蓝莓).
The unusually large fruit weighs 20.40 grams.The record breaker is 39.31 mm in diameter(直径) and that is about the size of a table tennis ball.It is almost 10 times heavier than a normal blueberry.The fruit is grown by Brad Hocking,with Jessica Scalzo and Marie﹣France Courtois at Costa Group's berry farm at Corindi.
Mr Hocking said they were so excited to grow a blueberry breaking the Guinness World Records.He also said,"It's the result of good breeding(育种) and good growing."The blueberry was from the Eterna type,crisp texture(质地脆) and long shelf life."When we picked this one,"While the fruit is large,its quality and taste would remain as good as we had expected."When asked what he would do with this berry(冰沙) might be the most proper end for it.
The Eterna type is part of Costa Group's Variety Improvement Program.The program has been running for more than 25 years.And it plans to develop new kinds of blueberries in the Americas,Morocco,China,"We are always looking to develop new kinds of blueberries.And we're confident about new types."
(1)How heavy is a normal blueberry according to the text?    
A.Nearly 39.31 mm.
B.Over 20.40 grams.
C.About 2 grams.
D.More than 25 mm.
(2)After growing such a large blueberry,Mr Hocking felt very    .
(3)What is the advantage of the blueberry from Eterna type?    
A.It has broken the Guinness World Records.
B.It has large size,crisp texture and long shelf life.
C.It's the result of good breeding and good growing.
D.It will be made into smoothie by Jessica Scalzo.
(4)What can you infer(推断) from George Jessett's words?    
A.New kinds of blueberries might appear.
B.More blueberries will be grown soon.
C.Many countries plan to develop new types.
D.Costa Group's berry farm is famous now.
5.(8分) You may often do one or more of the following things.They will make people dislike you right away.(1)   
*Shaking your legs
If you have a habit of shaking your legs,you've probably been told to stop doing that.It is considered a bad habit,and you may make others have a hard time focusing on(集中注意力)
*Eating noisily
(2)    But if you're a loud eater,others sitting next to you may feel uncomfortable.And if you're a person who smacks his lips(砸嘴) when something's really delicious
*Not standing to one side on an escalator(自动扶梯)
There are rules for using an escalator.(3)    If you're walking up or down,go to the left side
*Not holding the door for the person behind you
Nothing is worse than when you're right behind someone and they just let the door shut behind them.(4)    You're showing them that you want to make their life a little bit easier,even if it is in such a simple way.
A.Say hello to these people.
B.From now on,stop doing them.
C.Eating can be a pretty wonderful experience.
D.Just hold the door open for the person behind you.
E.You should move to the right when you're standing still.
二、完形填空 阅读短文,根据内容从 A、B、C、D中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
6.(10分) Pete really,really hated losing.Winning was like (1)    to him,and he never wanted to lose that warm feeling.Losing,in Pete's book(2)    thing ever.
Then,a new kid named Albert came to Pete's school.Albert was good at (3)    table soccer,and Pete couldn't help but ask him to play a game.Pete took it very (4)   ,but Albert?He was as cool as a cucumber(黄瓜).Even so,Pete kept scoring goals like it was no big deal.Pete really wanted to win(5)   .But Albert didn't seem to care.He just said,"It was fun.We should play again sometime."
Everyone at school talked about Pete's (6)   ,but that night,Pete didn't feel the joy he hoped for.On the other side,Albert didn't seem to be (7)    by the loss at all.He just loved playing,win or lose.
For the next few days,Pete watched Albert carefully.He found that Albert was good at some things but not so good at others.However,Albert (8)    enjoyed whatever he was doing.It hit Pete then that one can have fun without worrying about winning or losing.It's all about enjoying the (9)    itself and doing your best.That was the (10)    way to live life.
(1)A.gold B.milk C.greeting D.sunshine
(2)A.worst B.largest C.best D.warmest
(3)A.telling B.preparing C.playing D.inventing
(4)A.seriously B.carelessly C.slowly D.quickly
(5)A.after class B.in a hurry C.at first D.in the end
(6)A.win B.joy C.gift D.team
(7)A.refused B.troubled C.taught D.helped
(8)A.never B.always C.just D.still
(9)A.book B.holiday C.game D.lesson
(10)A.right B.cute C.simple D.clear
三、语篇填空 阅读短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内所给单词的适当形式。
7.(10分) Wang Zhijun,48,became a teacher at a school in Chongyang county(1)    1995.And he has been teaching there for more than 28 years.
Wang's classroom was near Qingshan Reservoir,and there was water on three sides.It was difficult for students to get there.So he bought a small (2)    (wood) boat to pick students up for school,and then he took them home afterward.
When the weather was terrible or the water level was too high,Wang would invite his students(3)    (stay) and eat with him."Some students,sometimes(4)    (two) home,"Wang said.
With the development of the local economy, (5)    school moved to the other side of the reservoir in 2017.Wang could drive to pick up most of the students, (6)    a few still depend on his boat.
Over the years,Wang had several (7)    (chance) to go out of the mountains for better jobs,but he said he would worry about the children and chose to stay.
With Wang's help,more than 40 students from the village (8)    (go) to universities."My dream is to send more students out of the mountains so that they can go (9)    (high) and farther,"Wang said.Meanwhile(10)    (they) university studies and became teachers themselves.
四、阅读与表达 阅读下面短文,然后根据其内容回答所提问题。
8.(10分) The Hotel Whale
The Hotel Whale is built under the water.It is in the shape of a whale.This hotel has 50 bedrooms,a cafe and a shopping centre.
Forever Green Houses
These houses are both"green"and"smart".There is glass outside the houses.Heat is held under the glass and is then used as energy for each house.In the bathroom,your medicine cupboard is connected to your doctor's computer.In the kitchen,your smart fridge tells the supermarket's computer when you need more food.
The CJ3
The CJ3 is a new type of hydrogen car.The hydrogen in the car is mixed with oxygen from the air to make electricity for the car.The CJ3 has an electronic map and is driven by a computer.You tell the computer where you want to go.Then you sit back and relax as the car takes you there.
(1)How many bedrooms are there in the Hotel Whale?    
(2)Where is the medicine cupboard connected to in Forever Green House?    
(3)What can drive the CJ3 car instead of human?    
(4)Imagine(设想) what the schools will be like in 2050.Write 30 words or more.    
9.(20分)假期将至,学校英语社团计划开展兴趣俱乐部活动,包括Pet Club,UFO Club 和 Future Life Club。假如你是李辉,请写一封信,报名参加。
Dear Sir,
There are going to be some clubs in our school.I would like to join________.
Li Hui
一、阅读理解 阅读下列短文,然后根据其内容从A、B、C、D 中选出最佳选项
二、完形填空 阅读短文,根据内容从 A、B、C、D中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
三、语篇填空 阅读短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内所给单词的适当形式。
7.【答案】(1)in (2)wooden (3)to stay (4)second (5)the (6)but (7)chances (8)went (9)higher (10)their
四、阅读与表达 阅读下面短文,然后根据其内容回答所提问题。
(2)In the bathroom.
(3)The computer.
(4)In 2050,schools will change a lot.Students will stay at home to learn by computers.There will be fewer teachers because the robots can do the job.More new subjects will appear.
9.【答案】Dear Sir,
There are going to be some clubs in our school.I would like to join the Future Life Club.
My reason for this choice lies in my deep fascination with imagining and exploring possibilities beyond our present reality.The Future Life Club promises a platform where I can engage in discussions about advancements in technology,societal trends,and the shape of our future world.
I am confident that being a part of the Future Life Club will not only open my eyes but also develop a sense of responsibility towards shaping a better future.I am looking forward to being an active member of the club.
Li Hui



上一篇:Module 2 Unit 6 E-friends 分层作业(含解析)

下一篇:Unit 3 Family ties 学情评估(含答案)2024-2025外研版(2024)七年级英语上册