2025年牛津译林版中考复习 单词拼写+阅读理解(江苏专用含解析)

中考复习 单词拼写100题(选自江苏名校模拟试题)
1.(2024·江苏无锡·三模)The (原因) of the fire that happened yesterday is not yet known.
2.(2023·江苏无锡·三模)The pilot succeeded in (控制) the spinning spacecraft in just half an hour.
3.(2024·江苏无锡·三模)The sight of her son’s graduating filled her with (骄傲).
4.(2024·江苏无锡·三模)In fact, good learning habits really (重要) much to us students.
5.(2024·江苏连云港·三模)—Dad, must we wait until the light becomes green
—Yes, I’m afraid we have to. That’s the (交通) rule.
6.(2024·江苏宿迁·三模)Millie was soon out of (呼吸), but she continued to run.
7.(2024·江苏宿迁·三模)—Why did Dong Yuhui’s lucky day fall on (六月) 9th, 2022
—That was because of his kindness and selfless support for those high school graduates.
8.(2024·江苏扬州·三模)We should always keep it in mind that comes first. (安全)
9.(2024·江苏无锡·中考真题)I won’t let you go (除非) you tell me the truth.
10.(2024·江苏苏州·中考真题)Stop (推) and just wait for your turn.
11.(2024·江苏扬州·三模)After four years of college education, more and more young men return to Nantong to help with the (当地的) development.
12.(2024·江苏扬州·三模)All the students are looking forward to the talent show on (星期五).
13.(2024·江苏扬州·三模)Are you sure the new method will (奏效)
14.(2024·江苏扬州·三模)We must stay together (无论什么) happens.
15.(2024·江苏扬州·三模)Last week Suzy (借)the four great classical Chinese novels from Henry.
16.(2024·江苏扬州·三模)Guyu, the last solar terms of spring, usually falls in . (四月)
17.(2024·江苏宿迁·三模)—What do you think (要紧) most in learning a foreign language well
—Practising reading it as much as possible.
18.(2024·江苏宿迁·三模)It’s necessary for everyone to behave (礼貌地) in public.
19.(2024·江苏连云港·三模)The TV program Super Brain is so (极好的,美妙的) that it is well worth watching.
20.(2024·江苏宿迁·三模)It’s necessary for teenagers to learn how to (花费) their pocket money wisely.
21.(2024·江苏南京·一模)—Would you like green tea or black tea
—Thanks a lot. (两者之一) will be OK.
22.(2024·江苏无锡·三模)Blind boxes which have (未知的) items inside attract the kids a lot.
23.(2024·江苏无锡·三模)She started drawing at the age of 5 and she was a (天生的) artist.
24.(2024·江苏无锡·三模)We (承诺) to deliver to your door within 48 hours of your ordering.
25.(2024·江苏无锡·中考真题)Be more careful! A (过失) is as good as a mile.
26.(2024·江苏苏州·中考真题)It’s important to learn from (错误) and become stronger.
27.(2024·江苏连云港·三模)My best friend May always exercises more to bring her weight under (控制).
28.(2024·江苏连云港·三模)Don’t give up (尝试). I’m sure you will succeed.
29.(2024·江苏无锡·三模)Alice likes dancing and she dreams of being a ballet (舞蹈家) in the future.
30.(2024·江苏无锡·三模)Please send me a (答复) as soon as possible.
31.(2024·江苏无锡·三模)We offered to look after our (邻居的) dog when she was away.
32.(2024·江苏宿迁·三模)In these , each plant has its own story to tell. (花园)
33.(2023·江苏连云港·中考真题)It is (有意义的)to do a survey on how to go green in the community.
34.(2024·江苏无锡·三模)Audrey Hepburn, Hollywood’s all-time best, is a (天生的) artist.
35.(2024·江苏无锡·三模)The new house is far too expensive, though it is (无疑地) comfortable to live in.
36.(2024·江苏无锡·三模)It is generally considered unwise to give children (任何) they want.
37.(2024·江苏无锡·一模)Ordering food according to your needs helps avoid food (浪费).
38.(2024·江苏宿迁·三模)—The “April snow” is here! It’s not real snow, of course—it’s catkins (飞絮).
— (幸运地), scientists have found many ways to control it.
39.(2023·江苏连云港·三模)As times goes, my grandmother can’t see as (清楚) as she used to.
40.(2024·江苏宿迁·三模)The song is very (受欢迎的) with both young people and old people.
41.(2024·江苏宿迁·三模)Wearing red may help you when you are having difficulty making (决定).
42.(2024·江苏扬州·三模)This kind of robot is designed for patients in need. (专门地)
43.(2024·江苏扬州·三模)May you have the to move forward and the calmness to step back. (勇气)
44.(2024·江苏无锡·中考真题)The work is very (累人的), but nobody complains about it.
45.(2024·江苏苏州·中考真题)I have (邀请) the whole class of children, so no one feels unhappy.
46.(2024·江苏扬州·中考真题)New have greatly changed our lives. (技术)
47.(2024·江苏扬州·中考真题)They didn’t go to their niece’s fifth birthday party last . (七月)
48.(2024·江苏扬州·三模)Our class (赢) high praise in last year’s study tour.
49.(2024·江苏扬州·三模)A friend of (我的) will come to visit my family this weekend.
50.(2024·江苏扬州·三模)I won’t tell you my plan (除非) you tell me yours.
51.(2024·江苏扬州·三模)Our country has a (骄傲的) record of sporting achievement.
52.(2024·江苏扬州·三模)My uncle lives in a town kilometers from Yangzhou. (十五)
53.(2023·江苏连云港·中考真题)About 100 (百万) people used ChatGPT in the first two months.
54.(2024·江苏扬州·三模)To get the scholarship, he spends more time than he used to p laying basketball. (练习)
55.(2024·江苏宿迁·三模)Many young couples have got used to (记录) their children’s life online.
56.(2024·江苏宿迁·三模)Because of the rain, the football match has been (取消).
57.(2024·江苏南京·三模) (科技) has change our lives a lot.
58.(2022·江苏连云港·三模)I (骑) a bicycle to school, but now I am used to walking to keep fit.
59.(2024·江苏无锡·一模)As President Xi said, “Let’s seize the day and live it to the full ” (只争朝夕,不负韶华), we mustn’t waste time with (粗心).
60.(2024·江苏无锡·一模)The journey of a thousand miles must begin with a (单个的) step.
61.(2024·江苏无锡·三模)Language can (塑造) the way we think, express ideas and see the world.
62.(2023·江苏无锡·三模)We feel strange about his (沉默) at the party, as he used to talk too much.
63.(2024·江苏无锡·三模)The TV programme is (专门地) designed for seniors to view.
64.(2024·江苏宿迁·三模)We can trust him because he never tells lies and always keeps (秘密) for us.
65.(2024·江苏连云港·三模)It is said that (大量) of tourists went travelling this May Day holiday.
66.(2024·江苏南京·三模)Because of the new international situations, we should (保卫,防范) against any possible danger.
67.(2024·江苏宿迁·三模)He was too tired to walk (径直地) after a busy day’s work.
68.(2024·江苏无锡·中考真题)The 2024 Wuxi Marathon was covered (现场直播) on TV.
69.(2024·江苏苏州·中考真题)The 2024 Paris Olympics will bring over 10, 000 athletes (在一起) this summer.
70.(2024·江苏扬州·中考真题)For further information on weather conditions, call the hotline below. (明天)
71.(2024·江苏南京·三模)My dream is to be an accountant and (她的) is to be an engineer.
72.(2024·江苏南京·三模)—What does UNICEF do for children in poor areas
—It provides basic (教育) for them.
73.(2024·江苏南京·三模)The singer was almost (不知名的) in this country until recently.
74.(2024·江苏宿迁·三模)Some of my (英雄) are real people, and some are from stories.
75.(2024·江苏南京·三模)Since he had no musical , he made music with common objects. (乐器)
76.(2024·江苏宿迁·三模)In today’s DIY class, students made cards in different (形状).
77.(2024·江苏南京·三模)The (努力) you practise, the greater progress you will make.
78.(2024·江苏南京·三模)Mr. White was stopped to (清理, 清洁) his office.
79.(2024·江苏南京·三模)The police (证实) that he was the suspect.
80.(2024·江苏宿迁·三模)My dream is to be an engineer and (她的) is to be a dancer.
81.(2024·江苏宿迁·三模)Now Mr. Green feels (孤独的) from time to time after his wife died.
82.(2024·江苏宿迁·三模)The government requires schools to provide free after-school (服务;工作) for both primary and secondary school students.
83.(2024·江苏南京·三模)Many musicians dream music without (国界).
84.(2024·江苏南京·三模)No matter how times change, the of Lei Feng will always be relevant. (精神)
85.(2024·江苏扬州·中考真题)Some of are better at helping others than we are at looking after ourselves. (我们)
86.(2023·江苏苏州·二模)Kate’s mother is not busy today. She has nothing (其它) to deal with.
87.(2023·江苏苏州·二模)Many people think that Hanfu is an art (形式) and one of the most important parts of Chinese national culture.
88.(2023·江苏苏州·二模)June (标志) the beginning of the rainy season in some parts of China.
89.(2023·江苏苏州·二模)Tan Dun is one of the greatest (音乐家) in the world. I like him very much.
90.(2024·江苏扬州·中考真题)My father always clothes shopping, for he doesn’t care about his clothing. (避免)
91.(2024·江苏扬州·二模)I can rest easy, knowing that she’s home. (安全)
92.(2024·江苏苏州·二模)Learning practical (技能) plays an important role in shaping a person’s character.
93.(2024·江苏苏州·二模)The world-famous engineer is busy (设计) a new type of eco-friendly bicycle.
94.(2020·江苏苏州·中考真题)Shake the bottle well so that the milk (混合) with the tea.
95.(2024·江苏扬州·一模)A wise man gets more from his than a fool from his friends. (敌人)
96.(2021·江苏南京·一模)You can’t go into this (私人的) garden if you are not allowed to.
97.(2023·江苏南京·三模)Students can (借) the books for only two weeks. But they only need to renew online.
98.(2024·江苏南京·二模)I think our hometown will be a (现代化的) city in the near future.
99.(2024·江苏南京·二模)Lucy decided to lose (重量) by doing more exercise and having a healthier lifestyle.
100.(2024·江苏南京·二模)Going to college can (标志) the beginning of new life.
【详解】句意:昨天发生的火灾的原因还不清楚。根据“The...of the fire that happened yesterday is not yet known”可知,“原因”cause,the cause of sth.“某事的原因,某事的起因”。故填cause。
【详解】句意:事实上,良好的学习习惯对我们学生来说真的很重要。分析句子成分可知,空格处应用谓语动词“重要”matter,结合语境和“In fact”可知,句子为一般现在时,由于主语good learning habits为复数,故谓语动词应用原形。故填matter。
【详解】句意:——爸爸,我们必须等到绿灯亮吗?——是的,我恐怕我们必须这么做。这是交通规则。traffic“交通”,作定语修饰名词“rule”,组成名词词组traffic rule“交通规则”。故填traffic。
【详解】句意:米莉很快就上气不接下气了,但她继续跑着。breath“呼吸”,名词,out of breath“上气不接下气”。故填breath。
【详解】句意:别推了,等着轮到你。push“推”,动词。stop to do sth.“停下来去做某事”,stop doing sth.“停止正在做的某事”。此处指不要再推了,应用动名词作宾语。故填pushing。
【详解】句意:上周,苏西向亨利借了中国的四大古典小说。“借”应用动词borrow表示,根据“Last week”可知句子应用一般过去时,动词borrow的过去式为borrowed。故填borrowed。
【详解】句意:青少年有必要学会如何明智地使用他们的零花钱。此处指对于青少年来说,故spend“花费”符合,是动词,疑问词+to do,作宾语,故填spend。
【详解】句意:——你想要绿茶还是红茶? ———非常感谢。任何一个都可以。根据“Would you like green tea or black tea ”及中文可知,此空填either“两者之一”,句首首字母大写。故填Either。
【详解】句意:我最好的朋友梅总是多锻炼来控制她的体重。“控制”control,under control“处于控制之下;情况正常”,是固定搭配。故填control。
【详解】句意:不要放弃尝试。我相信你会成功的。try“尝试”,动词。give up doing sth.“放弃做某事”,动名词作宾语。故填trying。
【详解】句意:根据你的需要点餐有助于避免食物浪费。根据汉语提示可知,空格处应该填写waste“浪费”,food waste“食物浪费”是固定词组。故填waste。
【详解】句意:随着时间的推移,我的祖母不能像以前那样看清楚了。clear“清楚的”,空处修饰动词需用副词clearly。根据“can’t see as...(清楚) as she used to”可知,此处为副词原级比较,表示两者程度不同时用“not as+副词原级+as”表示。故填clearly。
【详解】句意:这首歌在年轻人和老年人中都很受欢迎。popular“受欢迎的”,形容词作表语,be popular with“受……欢迎”。故填popular。
【详解】句意:当你在做决定时遇到困难时,穿红色衣服可能会对你有所帮助。make decisions“做决定”,动词短语。故填decisions。
【详解】句意:这种机器人是专门为有需要的病人设计的。specially “专门地”,此处副词修饰谓语动词。故填specially。
【详解】句意:愿你有向前的勇气和后退的从容。根据“May you have the...”可知,此处填名词作宾语,courage “勇气”,不可数名词。故填courage。
【详解】句意:我们班在去年的巡回学习中赢得了高度赞扬。win“赢”,动词。根据“last year’s study tour”可知,时态是一般过去时,谓语动词用其过去式。故填won。
【详解】句意:为了获得奖学金,他花了比过去更多的时间练习篮球。根据中文和首字母提示,结合横线前“he spends more time than he used to…”可知,practise“练习”,动词,spend time doing sth.“花费时间做某事”,动名词作宾语。故填(p)ractising。
【详解】句意:许多年轻夫妇已经习惯了在网上记录孩子们的生活。record“记录”,动词;get used to doing sth.“习惯于做某事”,固定词组。故填recording。
【详解】句意:因为下雨,足球比赛取消了。根据中文提示,cancel“取消”符合语境,结合“has been”可知,设空处填过去分词。故填canceled/cancelled。
【详解】句意:我以前骑自行车去学校,但是现在我习惯走路,为了保持健康。ride“骑”,根据“but now I am used to walking to keep fit.”可知,空处表示过去骑自行车,用一般过去时,ride的过去式为rode。故填rode。
【详解】句意:这个电视节目是专门为老年人设计的。观察句子结构可知, 空格所填词为副词,修饰designed,“专门地”对应的英文为specially。故填specially。
【详解】句意:据说这个五一假期有很多游客去旅游了。plenty“大量”,代词;plenty of“大量的”,用于修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词。故填plenty。
【详解】句意:由于新的国际形势,我们应该警惕任何可能出现的危险。guard“保卫,防范”,动词。结合“we should…”可知,情态动词后应接动词原形。guard against“防范”符合语境。故填guard。
【详解】句意:我心目中的英雄有些是真人,有些则来自故事。“英雄”hero,根据“are”及“Some of”可知此处用名词复数heroes。故填heroes。
【详解】句意:怀特先生被拦住去打扫他的办公室。根据“Mr. White was stopped to ... his office.”及中文提示可知,此处应用clean表示“清理,清洁”,结合空前动词不定式符号“to”可知,空格处应填动词原形。故填clean。
【详解】句意:我们中有些人更善于帮助别人,而不是照顾自己。根据“Some of”及汉语提示可知,介词of后应跟宾格代词us“我们”。故填us。
【详解】句意:谭盾是世界上最伟大的音乐家之一。 我非常喜欢他。音乐家:musician,可数名词,one of后加名词复数。故填musicians。
【详解】句意:知道她安全地到家了,我就放心了。根据“she’s … home”可知,此处应用形容词safe“安全的”的副词形式safely“安全地”修饰 “is home”,在句中作状语。故填safely。
【详解】句意:那位世界著名的工程师正在忙着设计一款新型环保自行车。根据汉语提示可知此处应用动词“design”,“be busy doing sth.”表示“忙着做某事”,因此此处动词需变为动名词“designing”。故填designing。
“混合”译为“mix”。so that引导的目的状语从句,主句是祈使句,从句根据需要选择合适的时态,结合句意可知要用一般现在时;主语"the milk”是不可数名词,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式mixes。故答案为mixes。
【详解】句意:智者从敌人那里得到的比愚者从朋友那里得到的还多。根据“than a fool from his friends”可知,前后形式一致,所以此空填名词复数,enemy“敌人”的复数形式为enemies。故填enemies。
【详解】句意:这些书学生们只可以借两周,但他们只需要在网上续借。“借”borrow,短暂性动词;由“for only two week”可知,用延续性动词,borrow对应的延续性动词是keep,且情态动词can后加动词原形。故填keep。
答案第1页,共2页中考复习 任务型阅读(填表10空)14篇(选自泰州中考模拟试题)
(2024·江苏泰州·三模)Climbers can be a very tough (艰难的) crowd and among them is the British Joe Simpson. In 1985, Simpson set out to climb Siula Grande in South America. Shortly after he got to the peak, Simpson fell over in the snow and broke his leg. In this situation, a broken leg means almost certain death, but Simpson tried and successfully pulled himself across fields of ice and stone until he reached the base camp eight kilometres away. How did he make it Over and over again Simpson broke the main task down into smaller goals.
Break your main task into smaller goals. This is often the key to a successful plan to achieve challenging goals that seem to be impossible.
Language learning, similar to mountain climbing, is a tough task to most language learners. However, learning from the above story, we can use Simpson’s method to study languages. My tips for designing a study plan are as follows:
Understand what kind of learner you are
Some people are “visual (视觉) learners” and remember best by seeing pictures and imagining things in their mind; others are “auditory (听觉)” and are happy to learn by listening; “kinesthetic (动觉)” learners tend to learn by doing things and experience.
Realize your own competence (竞争力)
You should realize what your strengths and weaknesses are. Also, you should know which skill you are going to improve most Spend your time on each skill properly. Then do a little every day rather than try to “cram” lots in a short time.
Write down your plan on a calendar
Decide which skill and what area you are going to practise each day. More importantly, your plan should be practical. Once you have a clear goal in your mind, write it down on your calendar. Each day you should carry out your plan according to your timetable. Do not delay or make up any excuses because of your failure to complete your daily task.
Studying is like climbing a mountain and you should take one step at a time. When you set out to climb it step by step you will find that it is not so difficult as you think. Similarly, it is also true in language learning. You can improve your language skills step by step. Break your main task into smaller goals, and you will realize your dream.
A Virtual Visit to Stolen Art
Virtual (虚拟的) museums are nothing new these days.
Technology has allowed people to take trips to some of the world’s greatest museums on their couch. Now how about a virtual visit to stolen art
UNESCO is building the world’s first virtual museum of stolen cultural artifacts (文物). Their aim is to raise public awareness of culture heritage (遗产) protection.
“Behind every stolen work lies a piece of history,” said UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay. “We want to place these works back in the spotlight so that more people can notice them.”
The virtual museum works as an educational tool. It will offer visitors 3D images of stolen artifacts. There will also be detailed information about their history.
The project will be designed by Francis Kere. The architect won the famous Pritzker Architecture Prize in 2022. For the museum, he has designed a virtual globe with a spiral (螺旋的) central structure.
When it is opened in 2025, the museum will present 600 pieces of artifacts. One of the most important items is a 3rd-century alabaster stone inscription. It was taken from Awwam temple in Yemen. Visitors will also be able to see an ivory relief from the 7th century BC. The work of a lion attacking a man was stolen from, the Baghdad Museum. A green stone mask looted from the Maya site of Rio Azul will also be on display.
“These are objects that once existed, but we don’t know where they are,” said Ernesto Ottone. He is UNESCO’s assistant director’ general for culture. “We will exhibit them in a space where we can really tell the story and the context behind them.”
“No one has imagined a museum like this,” Azoulay said. “The presentation of each artwork is a deep dive (深入研究) into its universe, its culture, and the society that produced it,” she added.
A Virtual Visit to Stolen Art
Background ● Technology makes it 11 for us to go on a journey to the world’s greatest museums without stepping out. ● Designers hope that every stolen work will attract more 12 so that people can learn about the history behind it.
Design ● Francis Kere, the 13 of the famous Pritzker Architecture Prize, will design the project. ● There is going to be a virtual globe with a spiral central structure in the museum.
Artifacts ●In the museum, visitors will be 14 with 3D images of stolen artifacts and information, about their history in detail. ●600 pieces of artifacts will be presented in the museum, such as the 3rd-century alabaster stone inscription. If you pay a visit, you can see 15 an ivory belief from the 7th century BC and a green stone mask looted from the Maya site of Rio Azul. ●Artifacts will be exhibited in a space where we can 16 tell the story and the context behind them.
Opinions ●The presentation of each artwork makes the public 17 of culture heritage protection. ●Though these are objects that once existed, where they are is 18 . ●The museum is 19 imagination. We can take a deep research, because each artwork 20 is a part of universe, culture, and the society that produced it.
Tang poem come alive in Chang’an
As the capital of the Tang Dynasty, Chang’an was one of the world’s largest and richest cities at the time. The movie’s Chinese name, 30, 000 Li from Chang’an, is taken from a poem by Chen Zilong, a poet in the Ming Dynasty. In the poem, Chang’an stands for the flourishing age (盛世) of the Tang Dynasty.
The Chinese animated film, Chang’an, showing some of China’s most well-known poets, has won praise for making people interested in traditional Chinese poetry. The film is set in the Tang Dynasty, an age of prosperity (繁荣). It mainly tells the stories of Gao Shi and Li Bai , describing their struggles to better themselves and society in the Tang Dynasty. In the almost three-hour-long film, 48 well-known Tang poems are mentioned.
The film has received more than 170, 000 reviews and got an average score of 8.3 out of 10 on the website Douban, better than 93% of the animated films on the website.
In one scene of the film, Li Bai’s well-known poem Bring in the Wine is read as he stands beside the roaring Yellow River and then flies into the sky on the back of a crane. The scene is the most popular according to the viewers.
“The most exciting thing is realizing that these great poets were not just familiar (熟悉的) names but real people,” said a moviegoer.
Xie Junwei, the film’s co-director, hopes the film can increase awareness (意识) of traditional Chinese culture and history among young Chinese. “We tell the stories of these famous people to young people through an animated film so that they can have a deeper understanding of our history and classic works,” said Xie.
Tang poems come alive in Chang’an
Chang’an: As the capital of the Tang Dynasty , in Chen Zilong’s poem, Chang’an 21 the flourishing age of the Tang Dynasty.
The 22 to the film Chinese name: 30,000 Li from Chang’an, taken from a poem by Chen Zilong, a poet in the Ming Dynasty.
Background: It is 23 in the Tang Dynasty. At the time, Chang’an was 24 the world’s largest and richest cities.
Story: the struggles of Gao Shi and Li Bai to better themselves and society.
The reviews about the film On Douban: 25 170, 000 reviews, an average score of 8.3 The most popular scene : Li Bai stands beside the roaring Yellow River while 26 the poem Bring in the Wine, and then 27 into the sky on the back of a crane. One review: the great poets were not just familiar names but real people.
The 28 of the film To help young Chinese develop an 29 in traditional Chinese culture and history and understand them 30 .
What forms of transportation would you prefer when you travel, planes, train or cars All of the above will be improved with 5G technology.
Gacha, the word’s first all-weather robot bus in Finland, is a good example. Telecoms company Nokia has set 5G transmitters (信号发射器) in 15 lampposts(路灯柱) along 1-km route. These transmitters are then used to control buses, making them driverless and work perfectly even under difficult conditions—in the dark as well as rain, snow or mud.
There are also 5G roads. These roads have 5G transmitters and cameras. They can provide many services. For example, the roads can tell electric car drivers where the nearest charging station (充电站) is.
In Seoul, a smart management system is being used in one of the city’s underground stations. This system has many smart features, including a 3D map, sensors (传感器) and modern camera system that make station more efficient and safer.
Even airplanes will become smart in the near future. Airbus, one of the world’s biggest airplane makers, is working on new airplanes that will have many sensors and 5G transmitters. The sensors will keep track of (了解……的动态) many things, such as whether the toilet needs to be cleaned, or whether passengers have fastened their seat belts.
We believe that 5G will bring a bright future for smart traveling.
5G technology makes travelling smart
Robot bus The robot bus is 31 Gacha. It is the world’s first all-weather robot bus. Nokia has set 5G transmitters in lampposts along a l-km route. These transmitters control the buses that have no 32 . They can work even under difficult conditions.
5G roads These roads have 5G transmitters and cameras. They can 33 many services to people. Electric car drivers can 34 the nearest charging station through the roads.
Management system The smart management system is being used in one of 35 underground stations. This system makes the station more efficient and safer 36 a 3D map, sensors and a modern camera system.
37 Airbus is making 38 airplanes that will have many sensors and 5G transmitters. The sensors will keep track of many things—whether the toilet needs 39 or whether passengers have fastened their seat belts.
We believe that 5G will make the 40 of smart travelling brighter.
Do you want to be an astronaut in the future Every year on April 24, it’s Space Day of China. It’s a day to celebrate the country’s growth in space exploration. The successful manned space missions (任务) are a big part of it. Ever since Yang Liwei made it to space in 2003, as many as over 20 Chinese astronauts have gone to space. Being an astronaut is cool but sometimes dangerous.
What problems do astronauts face
In space, astronauts face many problems. There is little gravity there, which influences their bodies. Also, being away from family and friends and stuck in a tiny spaceship for a long time can make them feel sad or stressed out. What’s more, if something goes wrong on their mission all of a sudden, they have to work out how to fix it under huge pressure. That’s why astronauts have to be smart, strong and ready for any challenge before they can go to space.
How are astronauts trained
To make sure that Chinese astronauts complete their missions and return to Earth safely. “Eight types, covering more than 200 subjects of training, are set.” Huang Weifen, chief designer of the astronaut system for China’s manned space project, told CCTV News. Apart from physical training, it also includes basic science knowledge and mock (模拟) missions. Before astronauts can go to space, they train like this for at least three and a half years.
One of the hardest parts of the training for astronauts is the underwater training. This helps them get ready for the weightless environment in space. Huang explained that astronauts wear diving suits (潜水服) that weigh more than 100 kilograms and stay underwater for six hours at a time. Moving around in the water with such a heavy suit is really tiring.
Huang said that one astronaut, Nie Haisheng, even lost 2 kilograms after one underwater training exercise.
Train hard to work in space
China has achieved great success in space exploration. A number of Chinese astronauts have been to space 41 2003. Being an astronaut is cool but 42 , so training is necessary.
43 astronauts face Low 44 which makes them feel uncomfortable. Feeling sad or stressed because of being away from home Some sudden problems which need 45 .
Training astronauts receive Basic information 8 types which cover 46 200 subjects are set. Physical training, basic science knowledge and mock missions are 47 . At least 3. 5 years will be spent on training.
One of the hardest—the underwater training The 48 is to help astronauts prepare for the weightless environment in space. Astronauts wear very 49 diving suits and stay underwater for a long time at a time. Nie Haisheng even lost 2 kilograms after one underwater training as it makes astronauts feel 50 .
(2024·江苏泰州·二模)阅读下面短文,根据所读内容,在文后表格空白处填入一个最恰当的单 词。注意:每空只填一个单词。
You can see cucumbers (黄瓜) hanging on vines (藤蔓). Wheat sprouts (发芽) from the soil. Purple eggplant (茄子) flowers come out. But you’re not on a farm. You are inside Yuegong, a closed lab at Beihang University in Beijing.
An important experiment was once carried out in the lab. It is called Yuegong-365. Eight volunteers took turns to live by themselves in the closed lab for a year. In January 2018, four volunteers finished spending 200 days in the lab. This set a world record for the longest stay in a self-contained (自给自足的) space, China Daily reported. Then, another four volunteers lived in the lab and the experiment ended in May that year.
The experiment could give scientists information that can be used to create better living areas for astronauts in space, Xinhua News Agency reported.
Life in Yuegong was busy. Volunteers got up at 6:30 am and went to bed at 11:30 pm. Growing food was their daily activity. There were more than 30 kinds of vegetables and fruit for them to grow and eat. They even ate insects in order to get protein (蛋白质).
They also recorded their body temperature, blood pressure and personal feelings every day. Scientists outside the lab used the information to monitor (监控) their health.
Was living in the lab boring No! With internet, volunteers could go online to read the news or watch TV shows. They also read books, wrote and even rode bikes. “There’s no time to be bored,” volunteer Hu Jingfei said.
The experiment called Yuegong -365
When Started from 2017 and ended in the next 51 .
52 In a lab called Yuegong.
Who Eight 53 in two groups took turns to live in the lab for a year. The first group stayed in the lab 54 than the second group.
What was the life in the lab like *They started their day at 6:30 am and ended 55 hours later. *Their everyday life was 56 . *They ate vegetables and plants grown by themselves, as well as 57 to get protein. *They recorded their body temperature, blood pressure, and their personal 58 each day.
How did they feel There were internet, books and bikes, 59 they didn’t feel bored at all.
What can the experiment do It can help scientists improve 60 lives in space.
(2024·江苏泰州·二模)任务型阅读 阅读下列短文,根据短文中的信息完成文后的表格。(每空一词)
Learning a language is a long course that requires time, love and devotion. With the rise of language apps, it is perhaps more popular than ever. But the apps aren’t supposed to be used alone to learn a language. To language learners, apps are a kind of tool. But that doesn’t mean you have to be trapped in them.
Not everyone can attend proper language classes, what can they do Here are some creative ways for them to learn a new language. Follow these, they will discover the truth about language learning.
Be a child, watch cartoons
One of the most common advice for language learners is to watch films and shows in the language they are learning. But to the beginners, it’s difficult to understand without the help of subtitles (字幕). They can watch children’s cartoons instead. These cartoons are often made up of basic expressions and words. Moreover, cartoons usually come with clearer and slower pronunciation, which will help learners understand without subtitles.
Let the words flow
One has the risk of making mistakes when trying to practise in public or with local people, so start small instead. Speak to your pet or an object around the house. Tell them about your day or describe how you feel.
The goal is to get used to sounding the letters and getting the words out. As you grow more confident, come up to the waiter at a real French restaurant (or whatever language you may be working on) or a local person.
A foreign stamp
A good method to test your writing skills is to keep a penfriend. Ideally, find someone who is fluent (流利的) in the language you are learning. And he is also learning your language. Through the exchange of letters, you get to practise your writing skills. What’s more, everyone gets a friend.
The 61 about learning a new language
A (n) 62 to learning a new language ★With love, one also needs to spend time in learning a new language and 63 himself to it. ★Language apps 64 be used alone and they’re just a kind of tool.
Creative language learning 65 Be a child, watch cartoons ★Watch cartoons 66 of films or shows because they are easier to understand. ★Cartoons include basic expressions and words. And characters in them pronounce more clearly and 67 .
Let the words flow ★Speak to your pet or an object first if you are afraid to 68 mistakes in public. ★After having more 69 in yourself, go and find someone to practise with.
A foreign stamp ★Keep a penfriend to practise your writing skills by writing 70 to each other.
(2024·江苏泰州·二模)任务型阅读 阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词,每个空格只填1个单词。
If our time is our most valuable thing, maybe we should be surprised how willingly we waste it.
I’ve read when smokers give up the habit, their lungs (肺) begin to repair themselves. So could it be true that our brains are boring by hours of phone use
One day, something in me touched me and I decided to stop my phone addiction (上瘾) habit to live my life fully.
Of course, a complete change was impossible because the phone was part of our daily life. My new rules allowed for basic uses such as texting, calling, checking the news and making planned searches. Also, online shopping and social media (媒体) use should be limited. But my No. 1 rule was simple: Do not pick up the phone as a reflex (反射动作) to kill boredom.
Reducing my screen time has caused a lot, which is quite interesting. Just a few days after giving up the habit, I’ve read two books and I’ve had more creative ideas for writing projects in the last week than I had in the last year. More interestingly, I’ve also had more active communication with someone I don’t know, whether it’s giving out a praise, laughing at something funny, or taking an extra moment to hold open a door.
We’ve given the little computers in our hands far more of our time and attention than they should. They’ve become crutches (拐杖), giving us excuses. But the funny thing is, when we put them down, we’ll fill our time in a wise way.
And we may just discover a new enjoyment of old pleasures or new ones, which makes our brains fresh and new instead of being weak in ways we’d almost forgotten.
Time for change
Brief introduction Realizing the 71 of time, I decided to give up my phone addition habit. In this way, I could live a 72 life.
My new 73 for using my phone *Basic activities 74 texting, calling, checking the news and making planned searches were allowed. *I should 75 online shopping and social media use as well.
The 76 of reducing my screen time *I've done more 77 , and had more creative ideas for my writing. *I’ve communicated with 78 more actively.
My reflections (反思) *Managing our phone use allows us to make use of our time 79 . *We can discover old joys and find new ones. They do not make our brains weak 80 keep them fresh and new.
You might have a friend or a classmate who remembers every single detail. How can they make it A good memory is often seen as something that comes naturally and a bad memory as something that cannot be changed. However, actually there are plenty of things that you can do to improve your memory.
Take an interest
We all have the same opinion that we can easily remember the things we are interested in and forget the ones that bore us. It’s not hard to explain why schoolboys remember football results without difficulty, but make a great effort to remember dates from history lessons! One way to “make” yourself more interested is to ask questions —the more, the better!
Organize things in groups
Researchers have found that information organized in groups can be easy to remember. You can use this by organizing the materials you are studying. Try grouping similar knowledge together, or make a mind map of textbook reading to help group the information. Then when you learn more about that subject, you understand that better. Be sure things are clear in your mind. If not, ask questions until you understand!
What’s more, when you’re learning new materials, take the time to think about the relationship between the present information and what you’ve already known. Then it helps you remember information.
Take physical exercise
Physical exercise is also important for your memory, because it increases your heart rate and sends more oxygen to your brain, and that makes your memory work better. Exercise also reduces stress which is very bad for the memory.
So the next time you're learning new information, you can use the methods above. I’m sure that you will improve your memory and get more out of it.
81 to Improve Your Memory
82 Some people were 83 with a good memory, and a bad memory is 84 to be changed, but we can do a lot of things to improve our memory.
Main body Taking an interest We all 85 that it’s easy to remember the things you are interested in.
86 things in groups Organize information in groups to remember knowledge 87 . 88 the relationship between new materials and your knowledge.
Taking physical exercise Exercise to make your memory work better with 89 stress.
conclusion If you use the methods above, your memory will become 90 .
People aged from seven to sixteen in the UK spend nearly four hours online. Many of them think they can learn and have fun with a screen. A lot of research shows that too much screen time can have a bad effect on people’s physical and mental health.
It’s common to find that all the villagers turn off screen devices from 7 p.m. to 8: 30 p.m. in Mohityache Vadgon village, in India. During this time, young people could focus on their homework, and families and friends could talk face-to-face more.
However, some say that a screen simply provides information—it is not harmful in itself. What do you think Should you set limits on screen time A big debate (辩论) has been going on for months on the Internet.
Yes—screen time should be limited
Phones, computers, and TV are great resources for getting information and lots of fun. However, people can be crazy about them and some people need help to get away from them. Even if people are chatting on their phones or playing online games together, they can still feel lonely. Limiting screen time allows people to connect with family and friends in the real world. It’s also a great chance for people to go outside and be active, which is good for their health. Too much screen time can lead to sleeping problems.
No—people can manage their screen time
Do birds dream What was the biggest dinosaur ever discovered Through devices, people can find answers to these questions. They can learn about great works of literature, and find out what is happening around the world. It is a great resource for homework. This shows screen time is important, so it should not be limited. Electronic devices allow friends and family far away from each other to stay in touch.
Limiting it might make people lonely. Most people naturally take screen breaks when they eat or exercise. How much screen time people should spend depends on themselves.
Should screen time be limited Situation of screen time spent People aged from 7 to 16 in the UK spend nearly four hours online. They use screens for learning and 91 . A lot of research shows that too much screen time can affect people’s health 92 . Actions taken in Mohitvache Vadgon village Most people in the village turn off their televisions and phones for one and a 93 hours every evening.
A debate on whether to limit screen time or not
Voice for itLimiting screen time can ◆help people who are 94 about getting information and fun from screens to get away from them. ◆allow people to connect with families and friends in the 95 world, or they may feel lonely. ◆get people to go outside and be active, which may be good for 96 , such as being away from sleeping problem. Voice 97 it 98 screen time can ◆help people find answers to many questions 99 “Do birds sleep ” ◆help people learn about great works of literature, and find out what is happening around the world. ◆be a great resource for homework.
The write’s viewPeople should 100 for themselves how much screen time they should have. Anyway, taking a break from screen is good for you.
(2024·江苏泰州·一模)阅读下面短文,根据所读内容,在文章后面表格空格里填入一个最恰当 的单词。注意:每个空格只填一个单词。
The drum has existed in Chinese civilization for thousands of years and has a deep spiritual meaning which is more than a kind of musical instrument. Confucius regarded the “Drum Dance” highly. It is also the origin of the Chinese phrase “guwu” which means “embolden” (大胆) in English.
The drum was mentioned in Chinese history in the Pottery Age. The Zhou dynasty set up the drum music institution that was responsible (负责的) for the management of officers known as “drum men” and developed a complete drum music system. From then on, drums came to be used in ancient Chinese practices such as sacrifice (祭祀), military (军事), labor (劳动) and other activities.
In ancient China, agriculture was the main form of production and drums were considered indispensable (不可或缺的) for a good harvest. Since the sound of drums echoes that of thunder, it was believed that playing drums could attract rain. So the instrument was used to pray for good weather and to “communicate” with them.
Drums also played a part in the war. Because of a strong resonance effect (共振作用), the drum’s sound could go very far while increasing fear in the heart of the enemies. So the drum was used as a military booster for a long time.
In the Tang and Song dynasties, the society was developing fast and drums were widely used. The national band, drama, folk art, song and dance, boat racing, lion dance, festival gathering and labor competition were all together with the beats of drums. The sound of drums became synonymous (同义的) with celebrations, filling hearts with joy.
Different types of Chinese drums exist today. For example, “Taiping Drum” is used to express hope for peace and prosperity while “Ansai Waist Drum” is meant to show the spirit of the Loess Plateau (黄土高原) and the heroic character of farmers in Northwest China. Kaifeng has “Pan Drum”, and Luochuan of Shaanxi Province is known for its “Bie Drum”.There are also some cheerful and time-honored drum dances such as “Fengyang Flower Drum” in Anhui Province and “Fishing Basket Flower Drum” in Jiangsu Province.
In a word, drum culture reflects (反映) the stability (安定) and prosperity (繁荣) of Chinese society. For thousands of years, Chinese people have always been expecting peace and satisfaction.
Drum culture in China
Introduction ●The drum appeared thousands of years ago in China. It goes far 101 a musical instrument and has a deep effect on history and culture.
In 102 times ● The 103 of the drum in China can be traced back to the Pottery Age. ●A special drum music institution was set up for 104 officers called “drum men”. Meanwhile, a complete drum music system was developed. ●Later, drums were put into 105 in ancient Chinese practices. ●People played drums for a good harvest in agriculture since people 106 it could bring rain. ●The sound of the drum could travel a long way, 107 it would give enemies a stronger sense of fear in the war. ●With the fast 108 of the society, drums were widely used and the sound of drums filled people’s hearts with joy.
Today ·Drums of different types are seen across China and they 109 a lot to their local culture.
Conclusion ●Drum culture reflects the stability and prosperity of Chinese society. ●People hope to live 110 with satisfaction in the society like this.
Beginning of Spring
Beginning of Spring, Lichun in Chinese, is the first of the 24 Solar Terms (节气) in the traditional Chinese calendar. After that everything turns green. People clearly notice that daytime becomes longer and the weather gets warmer. The following are some things people do to celebrate the coming of spring.
Flying kites
Spring is the best season for kite-flying. This traditional folk activity began over 2,000 years ago. It can help build one’s health and prevent diseases. A breath of fresh air outside can refresh their mind when they are flying kites.
Wearing fabric swallows
Wearing fabric swallows is a custom in some parts in Shaanxi. Every Beginning of Spring, people like to wear a swallow made of colorful silk on their chests. The swallow is a symbol of spring and happiness.
Biting the spring
In many parts of China, people follow the custom of “biting the spring” on the day of Beginning of Spring. They eat spring pancakes, spring rolls (春卷), or a few carrots.
Making a Spring Ox
This custom in Shaanxi is practiced right before Beginning of Spring. The local government hires some skilled workers and gathers them to build the frame (框架) of an ox out of bamboo strips and the legs with wood. People would do so to welcome spring and hope for a good harvest that year.
People in China began holding a special activity on the day of Beginning of Spring about 3,000 years ago. By the Qing Dynasty (1644—1911), greeting spring had become an important folk activity. Since then, Beginning of Spring as an important solar term has been passed on.
Beginning of Spring
Introduction Beginning of Spring is the first of the 24 Solar Terms in the traditional Chinese calendar, and it is 111 Lichun in Chinese. Daytime gets longer and the temperature gets 112 .
The 113 of Beginning of Spring Flying kites As a traditional folk activity, it has a 114 of more than 2,000 years. It can help people keep 115 and prevent diseases.
Wearing fabric swallows The swallows 116 for spring and happiness, so many people wear fabric swallows on the day of Beginning of Spring.
Biting the spring People celebrate Beginning of Spring by 117 some specially-made food.
Making a Spring Ox The skilled workers 118 bamboo strips and wood to make an ox. People do so to welcome spring and 119 a good harvest.
Conclusion It is 120 for Chinese people to greet spring on the day of Beginning of Spring.
(2024·江苏泰州·一模)Do you know that over 1/3 of all food produced in the world goes to waste According to the United Nations (UN), every year around the world, about one billion tons of food is wasted. At the same time, there are about one billion people who go hungry. Simply 1/4 of the food wasted is enough to keep them out of hunger. In addition, the wasted food produces over three billion tons of carbon dioxide (CO2), which speeds up climate (气候) change. What can we do to solve this food waste problem
One effective solution is balancing food production with demand (需求). In hotels and other similar places, special instruments should be used so that cooks just prepare and cook food as it is ordered.
Another effective solution is starting programs to reduce food waste. Stores and buyers can try their best to be creative in food waste reduction. For example, stores can show customers instructions telling them how to make full use of food. Buyers can try not fixing their eyes only on food of the best quality (质量). Sometimes, the food of non-top quality is also good enough to eat, or can be bought and then used to make delicious dishes.
One of the hardest solutions to achieve is for each and every one to buy and prepare food with a plan of their own so that less food is wasted. Challenging as it is, the use of meal plans in preparing food can play an important role in ending food waste in the family.
Food recycling is one of the known solutions. Efforts are now already in progress. Food that is not safe for humans to eat is recycled into other products such as animal food and clothing. Yet, there is still a long way to go and much for improvement in this area.
In a word, food waste has been one of the biggest problems in the world that have influenced us greatly. Many solutions have been found and many more are yet to be worked out. If each of us can put in more efforts, food waste is sure to be reduced for the good of our future.
How to solve food waste
Current 121 Every year people around the world waste one billion tons of food, 1/4 of which is enough to 122 about one billion people who go hungry now. Over three billion tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) produced by the wasted food makes climate (气候) change develop 123 .
Solutions Keep a balance 124 food production and demand Cooks can use special instruments to keep food materials in order to prepare and cook food as it is ordered.
Start programs to reduce food waste in 125 ways Stores can 126 customers with instructions, telling them how to make full use of food. Buyers can buy and use the food of non-top quality 127 of just paying attention to the food of the best quality.
Buy and prepare each one’s food with their own plan To end food waste in the family, it is of great 128 to carry out the use of meal plans.
Recycle food We can recycle food that is not safe for humans to eat into something 129 , such as animal food and clothing.
Conclusion Food waste, one of the biggest problems, has had great 130 on us. Luckily, we are on the way to reduce food waste for the good of our future.
Let’s go camping
As you know, camping has a lot of advantages. Here is a list of the most important reasons to send your kids to camp. At camp, children can do as many things as follows.
Make true friends
Camp is the place where kids make their very best friends. Free from the social expectations and stress at school, camp encourages kids to relax and make friends easily. All the amazing activities and endless fun at camp draw everyone together. Every day, friendships are created.
Learn social skills
Coming to camp means joining a community where everyone must agree to work together and respect each other. When they live in a small room with others, kids solve problems without the help of families, and understand the importance of open communication more deeply. Camp builds teamwork.
Grow more independent (独立)
Camp is the perfect place for kids to practice deciding to do something for themselves. Managing their daily choices in the safe, caring environment of camp, children welcome these as a chance to grow in new directions. Camp helps kids develop who they are.
Experience success and become more confident
Camp helps children build self-confidence. With its non-competitive activities and different chances to succeed, camp life really opens a new world for young people. There's achievement every day. Camp teaches kids what they can do.
Spend their day being physically (体力的) active
As children spend so much time these days inside and mostly sitting down, camp provides a wonderful chance to move. Running, swimming, jumping, climbing! Young bodies get fully exercised. Camp is action!
Advantages of camp Details
Make true friends Kids are 131 to develop friendship with others through many amazing activities. Friendships are 132 every day.
Learn social skills Camping is a community. Kids will know it’s important to 133 more openly with others. Camp builds 134
Grow more independent Kids make 135 for themselves and they will find it is a new direction to develop. Camp helps kids develop 136 they are.
Experience 137 and become more confident Non-competitive activities help kids 138 in themselves and they achieve every day.
139 part in physical activities Kids will do 140 exercise to get stronger.
1.Break 2.reached 3.managed 4.Tips/Suggestions/Advice 5.imagining 6.aware 7.better 8.Make/Design 9.fail 10.similar
1.根据“Break your main task into smaller goals”可知要将主要任务分成一些小目标,break...into...“把……分解成……”,此处是祈使句,以动词原形开头,首字母大写。故填Break。
2.根据“Shortly after he got to the peak, Simpson fell over in the snow and broke his leg”可知到达顶峰后不久,辛普森摔倒在雪地里,摔断了腿,reach“到达”,句子用一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填reached。
3.根据“Simpson tried and successfully pulled himself across fields of ice and stone until he reached the base camp eight kilometres away.”可知但辛普森尝试并成功地穿过冰原和石头地,直到他到达八公里外的大本营,manage“设法做成”,句子用一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填managed。
4.根据“My tips for designing a study plan are as follows:”可知此处介绍了设计学习计划的建议,此处可用名词复数tips/suggestions,也可用不可数名词advice,首字母大写。故填Tips/Suggestions/Advice。
5.根据“Some people are ‘visual (视觉) learners’ and remember best by seeing pictures and imagining things in their mind”可知有些人是“视觉学习者”,通过看图片和想象脑海中的事物来记忆最好。故填imagining。
6.根据“You should realize what your strengths and weaknesses are”可知你应该认识到你的长处和短处是什么,be aware of“意识到”。故填aware。
7.根据“Then do a little every day rather than try to ‘cram’ lots in a short time.”可知每天做一点,而不是试图在短时间内“塞满”很多,所以每天做一点是更好的,用比较级better。故填better。
8.根据“More importantly, your plan should be practical. Once you have a clear goal in your mind, write it down on your calendar.”可知要制定/设计一个实际的计划,make“制定”,design“设计”,句子是祈使句,以动词原形开头,首字母大写。故填Make/Design。
9.根据“Do not delay or make up any excuses because of your failure to complete your daily task.”可知不要因为没有完成日常任务而拖延或编造任何借口,fail to do sth.“未能做某事”,句子用一般现在时,主语是you,谓语动词用原形。故填fail。
10.根据“Language learning, similar to mountain climbing,”以及“Studying is like climbing a mountain and you should take one step at a time”可知学习就像爬山,你应该一步一个脚印,be similar to“和……相似”。故填similar。
11.possible 12.attention 13.winner 14.provided 15.both 16.really 17.aware 18.unknown 19.beyond 20.itself
11.根据“Technology has allowed people to take trips to some of the world’s greatest museums on their couch.”可知,科技让我们有可能足不出户地参观世界上最伟大的博物馆。“make it+形容词+to do”意为“使得做某事怎么样”,possible“可能的”,形容词。故填possible。
12.根据“We want to place these works back in the spotlight so that more people can notice them.”可知,虚拟博物馆的目的是希望每一件被盗的艺术作品都能够得到更多人的关注。attention“关注”,不可数名词。故填attention。
13.根据“The project will be designed by Francis Kere. The architect won the famous Pritzker Architecture Prize in 2022.”可知,Francis Kere是2022年普利兹克建筑奖的获得者。winner“获得者”,此时特指Francis Kere,所以用其单数形式。故填winner。
14.根据“It will offer visitors 3D images of stolen artifacts.”可知,虚拟博物馆为游客提供被盗文物的3D图像。provide sb. with sth.“为某人提供某物”,结合本句为一般将来时的被动语态,所以动词用过去分词形式。故填provided。
15.根据“Visitors will also be able to see an ivory relief from the 7th century BC.”和“A green stone mask looted from the Maya site of Rio Azul will also be on display.”可知,参观者可以看到公元前7世纪的象牙浮雕和玛雅遗址中的绿色石头面具,即这两者都可看到,both...and“两者都”。故填both。
16.根据“We will exhibit them in a space where we can really tell the story and the context behind them.”可知,文物将在一个可以真正讲述故事及其背景的空间展出。really“真正地”,副词修饰动词。故填really。
17.根据“Their aim is to raise public awareness of culture heritage protection.”可知,虚拟博物馆的目的是为了让公众有文物保护的意识。aware of“意识到”,make sb. adj“让某人……”。故填aware。
18.根据“These are objects that once existed, but we don’t know where they are.”可知,虽然这些物品曾经存在过,但是它们在哪里不得而知。unknown“未知的”,形容词作表语。故填unknown。
19.根据“No one has imagined a museum like this.”可知,没有人想象过这样的博物馆,即“超乎想象”。beyond imagination“超乎想象”。故填beyond。
20.根据“The presentation of each artwork is a deep dive into its universe, its culture, and the society that produced it”可知,每件艺术品的展示都是对其宇宙、文化和产生它的社会的深入了解。设空处作主语each artwork的同位语,用其反身代词表示强调,itself“它自己”。故填itself。
21.represents 22.introduction 23.set 24.among 25.over 26.reading 27.flies 28.purpose 29.interest 30.better
21.根据第一段“As the capital of the Tang Dynasty, Chang’an…In the poem, Chang’an stands for the flourishing age (盛世) of the Tang Dynasty.”可知在陈子龙的诗里,长安代表了唐朝盛世。“stands for”的同义词是“represent”,同样需用单三形式。故填represents。
22.根据第二段的内容“The Chinese animated film, Chang’an…It mainly tells the stories of Gao Shi and Li Bai , describing their struggles to better themselves and society in the Tang Dynasty”可知本段主要介绍了电影《长安三万里》的名字、背景及故事梗概,因此是对电影的介绍“The introduction to the film”。故填introduction。
23.根据第二段“The film is set in the Tang Dynasty, an age of prosperity (繁荣).”可知故事的背景是设在唐朝。故填set。
24.根据第一段“As the capital of the Tang Dynasty, Chang’an was one of the world’s largest and richest cities at the time.”可知那时长安是世界上最大和最富有的城市之一,也就是长安在这其中,应用“among”。故填among。
25.根据“The film has received more than 170, 000 reviews and got an average score of 8.3 out of 10 on the website Douban”可知电影《长安》在豆瓣网上有超过170, 000条影评。故填over。
26.根据“In one scene of the film, Li Bai’s well-known poem Bring in the Wine is read as he stands beside the roaring Yellow River and then flies into the sky on the back of a crane.”可知最受欢迎的场景是著名诗人李白站在咆哮的黄河边朗读着古诗《将进酒》然后坐在仙鹤的背上飞向了天空,因此此处应填动词“read”,位于“while”后应用现在分词“reading”,表示进行。故填reading。
27.根据“In one scene of the film, Li Bai’s well-known poem Bring in the Wine is read as he stands beside the roaring Yellow River and then flies into the sky on the back of a crane.”可知最受欢迎的场景是著名诗人李白站在咆哮的黄河边朗读着古诗《将进酒》然后坐在仙鹤的背上飞向了天空,因此此处应用动词“fly”,根据前面并列动词“stands”可知此处也应用单三形式“flies”。故填flies。
28.根据最后一段内容“Xie Junwei, the film’s co-director, hopes the film can increase awareness (意识) of traditional Chinese culture and history among young Chinese. ‘We tell the stories of these famous people to young people through an animated film so that they can have a deeper understanding of our history and classic works,’ said Xie.”可知本段主要讲了电影的目的,“The purpose of the film”。故填purpose。
29.根据最后一段“Xie Junwei, the film’s co-director, hopes the film can increase awareness (意识) of traditional Chinese culture and history among young Chinese. ‘We tell the stories of these famous people to young people through an animated film so that they can have a deeper understanding of our history and classic works,’ said Xie.”可知电影的目的是帮助中国的年轻人培养对中国传统文化和历史的兴趣,并且更好地理解它们。因此此处应填名词interest兴趣。故填interest。
30.根据最后一段“Xie Junwei, the film’s co-director, hopes the film can increase awareness (意识) of traditional Chinese culture and history among young Chinese. ‘We tell the stories of these famous people to young people through an animated film so that they can have a deeper understanding of our history and classic works,’ said Xie.”可知电影的目的是帮助中国的年轻人培养对中国传统文化和历史的兴趣,并且更好地理解它们。因此此空应用“better”,表示“更好地”。故填better。
31.called/named 32.drivers 33.offer/give 34.find/know 35.Seoul’s 36.with 37.Airplanes 38.new 39.cleaning 40.future
31.根据“Gacha, the word’s first all-weather robot bus in Finland, is a good example.”可知,Gacha是世界上第一辆全天候机器人公交车;call“称呼”/name“取名”,符合语境,此处应用过去分词,与is构成被动语态。故填called/named。
32.根据“These transmitters are then used to control buses, making them driverless and work perfectly even under difficult conditions”可知,这些发射器控制着没有司机的公共汽车,即使在困难的条件下也能工作;driver“司机”,符合语境,此处应用复数表示泛指。故填drivers。
33.根据“They can provide many services. ”可知,它们给/提供人们许多服务;offer“提供”,offer sth. to sb.“给某人提供某物”;give“给”,give sth. to sb.“把某物给某人”。故填offer/give。
34.根据“For example, the roads can tell electric car drivers where the nearest charging station (充电站) is.”可知,电动汽车司机可以通过道路找到/知道最近的充电站;find“找到”,know“知道”,情态动词can后接动词原形。故填find/know。
35.根据“In Seoul, a smart management system is being used in one of the city’s underground stations.”可知,该智能管理系统正在Seoul的一个地铁站中使用;修饰名词应用名词所有格。故填Seoul’s。
36.根据“This system has many smart features, including a 3D map, sensors (传感器) and modern camera system that make station more efficient and safer.”可知,有3D地图、传感器和现代摄像系统,使得空间站更高效、更安全;with“带有”,符合语境。故填with。
37.根据“Airbus is making ... airplanes that will have many sensors and 5G transmitters.”和“The sensors will keep track of many things...”可知,此处是介绍未来的智能飞机;airplane“飞机”,符合语境,此处应复数表示泛指,且首字母大写。故填Airplanes。
38.根据“Airbus, one of the world’s biggest airplane makers, is working on new airplanes that will have many sensors and 5G transmitters.”可知,空客正在制造配备许多传感器和5G发射器的新飞机;new“新的”,符合语境,作定语修饰名词。故填new。
39.根据“sensors will keep track of (了解……的动态) many things, such as whether the toilet needs to be cleaned, or whether passengers have fastened their seat belts.”可知,传感器将跟踪许多事情——厕所是否需要清洗,或者乘客是否系好了安全带;clean“清洁”,动词;need doing sth.“需要做某事”。故填cleaning。
40.根据“We believe that 5G will bring a bright future for smart traveling.”可知,5G将创造智能旅行的未来;future“未来”,符合语境。故填future。
41.since 42.dangerous 43.problems 44.gravity 45.solving 46.over 47.included 48.purpose/aim/goal 49.heavy 50.tired
41.根据“Ever since Yang Liwei made it to space in 2003, as many as over 20 Chinese astronauts have gone to space.”可知,自2003年以来,已有多名中国宇航员进入太空;since“自从”,符合语境。故填since。
42.根据“Being an astronaut is cool but sometimes dangerous.”可知,成为一名宇航员很酷,但有时也很危险;dangerous“危险的”,符合语境。故填dangerous。
43.根据“Low ... which makes them feel uncomfortable.”、“Feeling sad or stressed because of being away from home”和“Some sudden problems which need ...”都是宇航员需要面临的问题;problems“问题”,符合语境,首字母大写。故填Problems。
44.根据“There is little gravity there, which influences their bodies.”可知,低重力会让他们感到不舒服;gravity“重力”,符合语境。故填gravity。
45.根据“What’s more, if something goes wrong on their mission all of a sudden, they have to work out how to fix it under huge pressure.”可知,一些突发的问题需要解决;solve“解决”,动词;根据sth. need doing“某事需要被做”可知,应用ing形式。故填solving。
46.根据“Eight types, covering more than 200 subjects of training, are set.”可知,设置了8种培训类型,涵盖200多个培训科目;over“超过”,符合语境,与more than同义。故填over。
47.根据“Apart from physical training, it also includes basic science knowledge and mock (模拟) missions.”可知体能训练、基础科学知识和模拟任务都被包括在内;include“包括”,动词,此处应用过去分词included,与are构成一般现在时的被动语态。故填included。
48.根据“This helps them get ready for the weightless environment in space.”可知,水下训练的目的/目标是帮助宇航员为太空中的失重环境做好准备;purpose/aim“目的”,goal“目标”,符合语境;由is可知,名词用单数。故填purpose/aim/goal。
49.根据“Huang explained that astronauts wear diving suits (潜水服) that weigh more than 100 kilograms and stay underwater for six hours at a time.”可知,宇航员穿着很重的潜水服,并且一次在水下待很长时间;heavy“重的”,符合语境,作定语修饰名词。故填heavy。
50.根据“Moving around in the water with such a heavy suit is really tiring.”可知,作为宇航员,聂海胜在一次水下训练后甚至瘦了2公斤,因为水下训练让人很累;tired“累的,疲惫的”,形容词作表语。故填tired。
51.year/May 52.Where 53.volunteers 54.longer 55.seventeen/17 56.busy 57.insects 58.feelings 59.so 60.astronauts’
51.根据“In January 2018, four volunteers finished spending 200 days in the lab. This set a world record for the longest stay in a self-contained (自给自足的) space, China Daily reported. Then, another four volunteers lived in the lab and the experiment ended in May that year.”可知,2018年1月,四名志愿者完成了在实验室中生活200天的时间,从2017年开始,到次年结束。之后,另外四名志愿者也在实验室中生活,这个实验于2018年5月结束。故填year/May。
52.根据“In a lab called Yuegong.”可知,此处说明了月宫-365实验做的地点。故填Where。
53.根据“Eight volunteers took turns to live by themselves in the closed lab for a year. In January 2018, four volunteers finished spending 200 days in the lab…Then, another four volunteers lived in the lab and the experiment ended in May that year.”可知,八名志愿者分成两组轮流在实验室生活了一年。故填volunteers。
54.根据“Eight volunteers took turns to live by themselves in the closed lab for a year. In January 2018, four volunteers finished spending 200 days in the lab…Then, another four volunteers lived in the lab and the experiment ended in May that year.”可知,八名志愿者分成两组轮流在实验室生活了一年,第一组志愿生活了200天,因此第一组比第二组在实验室停留的时间更长。故填longer。
55.根据“Life in Yuegong was busy. Volunteers got up at 6:30 am and went to bed at 11:30 pm.”可知,志愿者早上6点30分起床,晚上11点30分就寝。因此他们应是早上6:30开始一天的活动,17小时后结束。故填seventeen/17。
56.根据“Life in Yuegong was busy.”可知,他们每天的生活很忙。故填busy。
57.根据“Growing food was their daily activity. There were more than 30 kinds of vegetables and fruit for them to grow and eat. They even ate insects in order to get protein (蛋白质).”可知,他们吃自己种植的蔬菜和水果,也吃昆虫以获取蛋白质。故填insects。
58.根据“They also recorded their body temperature, blood pressure and personal feelings every day.”可知,他们还每天记录自己体温、血压和个人感受。故填feelings。
59.根据“Was living in the lab boring No! With internet, volunteers could go online to read the news or watch TV shows. They also read books, wrote and even rode bikes.”可知,因为有网络、书籍和自行车,所以他们根本不会感到枯燥,空处前后句存在因果关系,应用so连接。故填so。
60.根据“The experiment could give scientists information that can be used to create better living areas for astronauts in space, Xinhua News Agency reported.”可知,这个实验能够为科学家提供信息,用来改进太空中宇航员的居住区。故填astronauts’。
61.truth 62.introduction 63.devote 64.shouldn’t 65.ways/tips 66.instead 67.slowly 68.make 69.confidence 70.letters
61.根据“Here are some creative ways for them to learn a new language. Follow these, they will discover the truth about language learning.”可知,本文主要是告诉我们语言学习的真谛,truth“真谛”。故填truth。
62.根据文章的第一段“Learning a language is a long course that requires time, love and devotion. With the rise of language apps, it is perhaps more popular than ever. … But that doesn’t mean you have to be trapped in them.”可知,文章的第一段的内容用于以引起读者的兴趣,并简要介绍写这篇文章的目的或背景,a/an“一个”,冠词,后加可数名词单数introduction“介绍”,可数名词单数。故填introduction。
63.根据“Learning a language is a long course that requires time, love and devotion. ”可知,学习一门语言是一个漫长的过程,需要时间、热爱和投入;又根据“need to do sth.”可知,空处填入动词原形,devote oneself to sth.“致力于某事”,动词短语。故填devote。
64.根据“But the apps aren’t supposed to be used alone to learn a language. To language learners, apps are a kind of tool. ”可知,这些应用程序不应该是用来单独学习语言的,be supposed to do sth.=shouldn’t +动词原形,意思为“不应该”。故填shouldn’t。
65.根据“Here are some creative ways for them to learn a new language.”可知,这里有一些创新的方法供他们学习新语言,ways“方法”;tips“技巧”。故填ways/tips。
66.根据“One of the most common advice for language learners is to watch films and shows in the language they are learning. But to the beginners, it’s difficult to understand without the help of subtitles (字幕). They can watch children’s cartoons instead.”可知,他们看儿童动画片代替看电影和节目,instead“代替”。故填instead。
67.根据“Moreover, cartoons usually come with clearer and slower pronunciation, which will help learners understand without subtitles.”可知,动画片通常有更清晰、更慢的发音,slowly“慢地”,副词,与“clearly”是并列的。故填slowly。
68.根据“One has the risk of making mistakes when trying to practise in public or with local people, so start small instead. Speak to your pet or an object around the house. Tell them about your day or describe how you feel.”可知,在公共场合或与当地人练习时有犯错误的风险,be afraid to do sth“害怕做某事”,make mistakes“犯错误”,“make”用原形。故填make。
69.根据“As you grow more confident, come up to the waiter at a real French restaurant (or whatever language you may be working on) or a local person.”可知,当你变得更加自信时,走到一家真正的法国餐厅的服务员(或你正在学习的任何语言的国家)或当地人面前;又根据“After having more …in yourself”可知,空处需要填入名词,confidence“自信”,不可数名词。故填confidence。
70.根据“Through the exchange of letters, you get to practise your writing skills.”可知,通过写信,你可以练习你的写作技巧。故填letters。
71.value 72.full 73.rules 74.like/including 75.limit 76.results 77.reading 78.strangers 79.wisely 80.but
71.根据“If our time is our most valuable thing”以及“something in me touched me and I decided to stop my phone addiction (上瘾) habit to live my life fully.”可知作者意识到了时间的价值,所以觉得戒除手机成瘾,享受充实的生活,value“价值”。故填value。
72.根据“something in me touched me and I decided to stop my phone addiction (上瘾) habit to live my life fully.”可知作者是为了享受充实的生活,修饰名词用形容词full。故填full。
73.根据“My new rules allowed for basic uses”可知此处介绍了使用手机的规则,用名词复数rules。故填rules。
74.根据“My new rules allowed for basic uses such as texting, calling, checking the news and making planned searches.”可知此处是举例说明一些基本活动,用介词like“像”/including“包括”。故填like/including。
75.根据“Also, online shopping and social media (媒体) use should be limited”可知网上购物和社交媒体应限制使用,情态动词后加动词原形limit“限制”。故填limit。
76.根据“Reducing my screen time has caused a lot”可知此处介绍减少屏幕时间造成的结果,用名词复数results“结果”。故填results。
77.根据“Just a few days after giving up the habit, I’ve read two books”可知作者做了更多的阅读,do more reading“多阅读”。故填reading。
78.根据“I’ve also had more active communication with someone I don’t know”可知作者还与一个不认识的人进行了更积极的沟通,即陌生人,用名词复数strangers“陌生人”。故填strangers。
79.根据“But the funny thing is, when we put them down, we‘ll fill our time in a wise way.”可知当我们放下它们时,我们会以明智的方式管理时间,修饰动词用副词wisely“明智地”。故填wisely。
80.根据“And we may just discover a new enjoyment of old pleasures or new ones, which makes our brains fresh and new instead of being weak in ways we'd almost forgotten.”可知我们可能会发现对旧的或新的乐趣的新享受,这会让我们的大脑变得新鲜和新鲜,而不是以我们几乎忘记的方式变得软弱,not...but...“不是……而是”。故填but。
81.How/Ways 82.Introduction 83.born 84.unable 85.agree 86.Organizing 87.easily 88.Consider 89.less 90.better
81.根据“However, actually there are plenty of things that you can do to improve your memory.”可知,本文介绍了如何提高记忆力,故填How/Ways。
83.根据“A good memory is often seen as something that comes naturally and a bad memory as something that cannot be changed”可知,好的记忆力通常被认为是自然而然产生的,be born with“与生俱来”,故填born。
84.根据“a bad memory as something that cannot be changed”可知,坏的记忆力则是无法改变的,cannot=be unable to“不能”,故填unable。
85.根据“We all have the same opinion that we can easily remember the things we are interested in and forget the ones that bore us.”可知,我们都有同样的观点,我们可以很容易地记住我们感兴趣的事情,忘记我们无聊的事情,have the same opinion“有相同的观点”,也就是都同意这个观点,agree“同意”,故填agree。
86.根据“Organize things in groups”可知,把事情分组整理,故填Organizing。
87.根据“Researchers have found that information organized in groups can be easy to remember.”可知,分组组织的信息更容易记忆,修饰动词remember,用副词easily,故填easily。
88.根据“take the time to think about the relationship between the present information and what you’ve already known”可知,花点时间思考当前信息和你已经知道的信息之间的关系,也就是考虑新材料和你的知识之间的关系,故填Consider。
89.根据“Exercise also reduces stress which is very bad for the memory.”可知,运动还可以减轻压力,故填less。
90.根据“I’m sure that you will improve your memory and get more out of it.”可知,用了这些方法,记忆力会变得更好,故填better。
91.fun 92.badly 93.half 94.crazy 95.real 96.health 97.against 98.Managing 99.like 100.decide
91.根据“Many of them think they can learn and have fun with a screen.”可知,他们可以通过屏幕学习和娱乐,fun“乐趣,享受”,名词作宾语。故填fun。
92.根据“A lot of research shows that too much screen time can have a bad effect on people’s physical and mental health.”可知,过多的屏幕时间会对人们的身心健康产生不良影响,badly“不利地”,副词,修饰动词affect。故填badly。
93.根据“It’s common to find that all the villagers turn off screen devices from 7 p.m. to 8: 30 p.m. in Mohityache Vadgon village, in India.”可知,从晚上7点到8点半关掉屏幕设备,时长一个半小时,one and a half hours“一个半小时”。故填half。
94.根据“However, people can be crazy about them and some people need help to get away from them.”可知,帮助那些痴迷于从屏幕上获取信息和乐趣的人们远离它们,crazy“着迷的”,形容词作表语。故填crazy。
95.根据“Limiting screen time allows people to connect with family and friends in the real world.”可知,有限的屏幕时间可以让人们在现实世界中与家人和朋友联系,real“真实的”,形容词作定语。故填real。
96.根据“It’s also a great chance for people to go outside and be active, which is good for their health.”可知,这对人们的健康有好处,health“健康”,名词作宾语。故填health。
97.根据“A debate on whether to limit screen time or not”和“Voice for it”可知,表格左侧表示同意限制屏幕时间,表格右侧表示反对限制屏幕时间,against“反对”,介词。故填against。
98.根据“No—people can manage their screen time”可知,人们可以管理他们的屏幕时间,manage“管理”,此处使用动名词作主语,首字母要大写。故填Managing。
99.根据“help people find answers to many questions...‘Do birds sleep ’”可知,此处举例说明能找到问题的答案,like“像,例如”,介词。故填like。
100.根据“How much screen time people should depend on themselves.”可知,看屏幕的时间长短取决于人们自己,即:人们应该自己决定看屏幕的时间长短,decide for oneself“自行决定”,情态动词should后接动词原形。故填decide。
101.beyond 102.ancient/old 103.history 104.managing 105.use 106.believed/thought/considered 107.so 108.development 109.mean/matter/contribute 110.peacefully
101.根据“The drum has existed in Chinese civilization for thousands of years and has a deep spiritual meaning which is more than a kind of musical instrument.”可知,鼓在中华文明中存在了几千年,有着深刻的精神内涵,它远远超出了一种乐器的范畴,more than等同于beyond“超过”。故填beyond。
103.根据“The drum was mentioned in Chinese history in the Pottery Age.”可知,鼓在中国的历史可以追溯到陶器时代。故填history。
104.根据“The Zhou dynasty set up the drum music institution that was responsible (负责的) for the management of officers known as ‘drum men’ and developed a complete drum music system.”可知,为管理官员设立了专门的鼓乐机构称为 “鼓人”,介词for后跟动名词managing “管理”。故填managing。
105.根据“From then on, drums came to be used in ancient Chinese practices such as sacrifice (祭祀), military (军事), labor (劳动) and other activities.”可知,后来,鼓被用于中国古代的实践中,put into use“使用于”。故填use。
106.根据“Since the sound of drums echoes that of thunder, it was believed that playing drums could attract rain.”可知,因为鼓声与雷声相呼应,所以人们相信打鼓可以吸引雨水,believe “相信”/ think “认为”/consider “认为” 符合;时态为一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填believed/thought/considered。
107.根据“Drums also played a part in the war. Because of a strong resonance effect (共振作用), the drum’s sound could go very far while increasing fear in the heart of the enemies. So the drum was used as a military booster for a long time.”可知,此处为因果关系,前因后果,故填so。
108.根据第5段“In the Tang and Song dynasties, the society was developing fast and drums were widely used.”可知,随着社会的快速发展,鼓被广泛使用,由“With the fast...of the society”可知,空处应填develop的名词development“发展”。故填development。
109.根据第6段“Different types of Chinese drums exist today...and ‘Fishing Basket Flower



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