新人教版必修第二册 Unit 2知识清单原卷版+解析版【2025年新人教高考英语一轮复习综合素养分层演练】

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新人教版必修第二册 Unit 2综合演练
1.I can find the animal that gave     (毛皮) to make this sweater.
【解析】【分析】句意:我能找到提供毛皮做这件毛衣的动物。“ 毛皮 ”应用 fur ,不可数名词,此处作宾语,故填 fur 。
2.An     (有效的) way to prevent the burnout of young athletes is to reduce their mental stress.
【解析】【分析】句意:防止年轻运动员倦怠的有效方法是减轻他们的精神压力。“ 有效的 ”应用 effective,形容词,此处修饰名词way,作定语,故填 effective 。
3.No one can enter wildlife     (保护区) unless permitted.
【解析】【分析】句意:未经允许,任何人不得进入野生动物保护区。“ 保护区 ”应用 reserve ,不可数名词,此处作宾语,故填 reserve 。
4.He had an operation to     (除去) a nail in his chest.
【解析】【分析】句意:他做了一个手术,去除了胸前的一颗钉子。“ 除去 ”应用 remove ,此处不定式作定语,故填 remove 。
5.The valley is considered as an area of outstanding natural     (美).
【解析】【分析】句意:山谷被认为是一个具有杰出自然美景的地区。“美”应用 beauty ,不可数名词,此处作介词of 的宾语,故填 beauty 。
6.Small as it is, the ant is also a     (生物) on earth.
【解析】【分析】句意:蚂蚁虽小,但也是地球上的一种生物。“ 生物 ”应用 creature ,此处作表语,不定冠词后接单数名词,故填 creature 。
7.We will stand up and hold together always as one family in     (和谐).
【解析】【分析】句意:我们将站起来,永远团结在一起,成为一个和谐的家庭。“ 和谐 ”应用 harmony ,不可数名词,此处作介词宾语,故填 harmony 。
8.The number of visitors is bringing a     (威胁) to the area.
【解析】【分析】句意:游客的数量正在给该地区带来威胁。“ 威胁 ”应用 threat ,此处作宾语,不定冠词后接单数名词,故填 threat 。
9.In the north the Inuit lived by hunting seals, walruses (海象) and     (鲸鱼).
【解析】【分析】句意:在北方,因纽特人以捕猎海豹、海象和鲸鱼为生。“ 鲸鱼 ”应用 whale ,与seals,walruses并列,作动名词hunting的宾语,应用复数形式,故填whales 。
10.Disney is considered by many as the best     (大量的) service provider in America or the world.
【解析】【分析】句意:迪士尼被许多人认为是美国或世界上最好的大众服务提供商。“ 大量的 ”应用mass,形容词,此处修饰名词 service ,作定语,故填 mass 。
11.He said that he had grown up and could earn his own     (生活).
【解析】【分析】句意:他说他已经长大了,可以自己谋生了。“ 生活 ”应用 living ,此处作宾语,earn one's own living,固定短语,“谋生”,故填living。
【点评】考查名词,以及固定短语earn one's own living。
12.Look out, there is a     (鲨鱼) not far away!
【解析】【分析】句意:小心,不远处有一条鲨鱼!“ 鲨鱼 ”应用 shark ,此处名词作主语,不定冠词后接单数名词,故填 shark 。
13.A lot of     (物种) in the world are in danger of dying out.
【解析】【分析】句意:世界上许多物种面临灭绝的危险。“ 物种 ”应用 species ,可数名词,单复数同形,此处作主语,故填 species 。
14.Drunk driving
not only affects our everyday life, but may also    (威胁) people's lives.
15.It is a big
surprise to learn that you    (打算) to spend your
winter holiday in China.
【解析】【分析】句意:intend听说你打算在中国过寒假,真是令人惊讶。intend to do固定短语,“打算做......”,根据It is a big surprise to learn 的时态,可知用一般现在时,故填intend 。
【点评】考查时态,本题涉及一般现在时,以及固定短语intend to do。
16.Nature reserves have
protected many     (endanger) animals
from dying out.
17.He had his bad tooth    
(remove) yesterday, so he can't eat anything today.
【解析】【分析】句意:他昨天拔掉了坏牙,所以今天什么都不能吃东西。bad tooth与remove在逻辑上构成动宾关系,过去分词表被动,此处作宾补,故填removed。
18.As is known to us,
the People's Republic of China came into    
(exist) as an independent country in 1949.
【解析】【分析】句意:我们都知道,中华人民共和国作为一个独立国家在1949年成立。come into existence固定短语,“形成”,故填existence。
【点评】考查名词,以及固定短语come into existence。
19.To our delight, many
endangered species are
by the government now.
【解析】【分析】句意:令我们高兴的是,现在很多濒危物种都受到政府的保护。根据句意和空前的are being,可知谓语动词用现在进行的被动语态,故填protected。
20.To achieve harmony
between humans and animals, the world must protect these beautiful    .
21.There is a    (concern) look on his face.
22.The new rules will become    (effect) in the next few days.
23.With more and more forests cut    , a great deal of soil is being washed away.
【解析】【分析】句意:随着越来越多的森林被砍伐大量的泥土被冲走了。cut down固定短语,“砍倒,砍伐”,故填down。
【点评】考查副词,以及固定短语cut down。
24.We set up a wildlife reserve to protect animals from    (hunt).
【答案】being hunted
【解析】【分析】句意:我们建立了野生动物保护区,以保护动物免遭猎杀。介词后接动名词作宾语,结合句意可知用被动式,故填 being hunted。
25.The doctors held out little
hope for his    (recover).
26.As is reported on TV, many old customs have died     because they are out of date.
【解析】【分析】句意:正如电视上报道的,许多旧习俗已经消失了,因为它们过时了。die out,固定短语,“灭绝,消失”,故填out。
【点评】考查副词,以及固定短语die out。
27.Our planet's species is dying out     an alarming rate.
【解析】【分析】句意:我们星球上的物种正以惊人的速度灭绝。at a ...rate,固定短语,“以.......的速度”,故填at。
【点评】考查介词,以及固定短语at a ...rate。
28.They are still hunting     the missing boy, who disappeared last Sunday after attending his friend's birthday party.
【解析】【分析】句意:他们还在寻找失踪的男孩,他上周日参加完朋友的生日派对后就失踪了。hunt for,固定短语,“寻找”,故填for。
【点评】考查介词,以及固定短语hunt for。
29.It is reported that living spaces for wildlife     (reduce) due to the cutting of trees.
30.He     (shoot) two goals in the game.
Some people argue that wildlife conservation should focus  31.   the whole ecosystems(生态系统) instead of single species. Others support the umbrella method — by  32.   (live) in a celebrity species' habitat, smaller creatures  33.   (protect) as well. The thing is, that only works in some  34.   (situation). Take the beloved giant panda for example. By putting so much effort into the  35.   (nation) icon, China has at least partially protected many of the native forest birds and mammals in the panda's habitat, such as the endangered golden snub-nosed monkey, says Duke University conservationist Stuart Pimm.
On  36.   other hand, the endangered purple frog,  37.   (find) only in the Bengal tiger's range of India's Western Ghats, has not benefited from massive investments in the tiger's habitat. That's because  38.   the purple frog needs to grow — land with fast-flowing streams and largely free of roads — is different from the things that the tiger needs.
Pimm also offers these words of caution: that even  39.   (careful) made, supposedly scientific conservation methods may have faults — and may provide "an excuse not  40.   (make) tough decisions about conservation."
【答案】31.on / upon;32.living;33.will be protected / are protected;34.situations;35.national;36.the;37.found;38.what;39.carefully;40.to make
31.句意:有人认为,野生动物保护应该着眼于整个生态系统,而不是单一物种。 focus on / upon 固定短语,“聚焦”,故填 on / upon 。
33.句意:其他人支持伞式方法——通过生活在名人物种的栖息地,较小的生物也受到保护。此处是谓语动词,与主语 smaller creatures 是被动关系,应用被动语态,结合语境应用一般现在时或者一般将来时,故填 will be protected / are protected 。
34.句意:问题是,这只在某些情况下有效。此处名词作介词宾语,结合语境应用复数形式,故填 situations 。
35.句意:杜克大学保护主义者斯图尔特·皮姆说,通过为这个国家标志付出如此多的努力,中国至少部分保护了熊猫栖息地中的许多本土森林鸟类和哺乳动物,例如濒临灭绝的金丝猴。此处形容词修饰名词 icon ,作定语,故填 national 。
36.句意:另一方面,仅在印度西高止山脉的孟加拉虎范围内发现的濒临灭绝的紫蛙并没有从对老虎栖息地的大规模投资中受益。on the other hand固定短语,“另一方面”,故填the。
37.句意:另一方面,仅在印度西高止山脉的孟加拉虎范围内发现的濒临灭绝的紫蛙并没有从对老虎栖息地的大规模投资中受益。 the endangered purple frog 与find 在逻辑上是动宾关系,过去分词表被动,此处作定语,故填found。
38.句意:那是因为紫蛙需要生长的东西——水流湍急且基本上没有道路的土地——与老虎需要的东西不同。 the purple frog needs to grow是主语从句,从句中缺少need的宾语,应用what,故填what。
39.句意: Pimm 还提出了这些警告:即使是精心制作的、据称是科学的保护方法也可能存在缺陷——并且可能提供“一个不为保护做出艰难决定的借口”。此处副词修饰过去分词,故填 carefully 。
40.句意: Pimm 还提出了这些警告:即使是精心制作的、据称是科学的保护方法也可能存在缺陷——并且可能提供“一个不为保护做出艰难决定的借口”。此处不定式作定语,故填 to make 。
Protecting China's Giant Pandas
giant pandas show the achievement of the international effort to save animals
that are now in danger. In television programmes we often see pandas (1) funny games. Children have panda toys and
beautiful cards with pictures of lovely (2) in them. They often visit the giant pandas in
the zoos on (3) holidays
and have a good time there. However, scientists are worried about (4) of giant pandas. They know only about 1,000
giant pandas remain (5) today.
They think the giant pandas will die out in 30 years if the present conditions
are not (6) .
It is
reported that the giant pandas have a very (7) birth rate. About 115 pandas live in the zoos
and research centres mainly in China, but during the past 10 years they (8) only 34 (9) pandas that are still alive. The survival rate
of giant pandas in the wild is probably the same or lower.
are several reasons for the low (10) . The main reason is (11) male pandas can make love with females in a
very (12) season—only
a few days a year. When they do have babies, females often produce two pandas,
but the mother is usually not able to care for (13) of them. The newborn pandas (14) only a few kilograms each. They are too weak
to live without special care. In the zoo, scientists can help the mothers (15) the young pandas, but those living in the wild
do not get enough (16) .
It is very difficult for mother pandas to bring up their young pandas.
for the giant pandas have been worse in recent years. Pandas in China continue
to (17) in
number. We know pandas live on bamboos. But sometimes all the bamboos in one
area die. The pandas there have (18) to eat and die of hunger.
pandas now live in 13 separate (19) areas in China. Several years ago the Chinese
government and the International Wildlife Organization agreed (20) a project of protecting giant pandas in the
wild. We hope it could be useful.
(1)A.play B.playing C.do D.doing
(2)A.pandas B.children C.bamboos D.zoos
(3)A.ours B.their C.yours D.his
(4)A.past B.now C.future D.present
(5)A.live B.lives C.lively D.alive
(6)A.turned B.increased C.improved D.considered
(7)A.low B.proper C.high D.right
(8)A.cloned B.produced C.kept D.created
(9)A.small B.young C.little D.adult
(10)A.price B.speed C.birth
rate D.limit
(11)A.why B.how C.when D.that
(12)A.short B.long C.suitable D.certain
(13)A.all B.both C.none D.neither
(14)A.weight B.heavy C.weigh D.heaviness
(15)A.have B.raise C.observe D.care
(16)A.help B.food C.water D.milk
(17)A.reduce B.grow C.rise D.change
(18)A.something B.nothing C.everything D.anything
(19)A.protected B.protecting C.defending D.guarding
(20)A.to B.with C.in D.on
(1)考查动词。句意:在电视上我们经常看到大熊猫玩搞笑的游戏。play games“玩游戏”;see sb do sth“看见某人做了某事”;see sb. doing sth.“看到某人正在做某事”。根据语境可知,此处指看到过大熊猫玩搞笑的游戏。应使用see sb. do结构。故选A。
(2)考查名词。句意:孩子们有大熊猫玩具和印着可爱熊猫的漂亮卡片。A. pandas“熊猫”;B. children“孩子”;C. bamboos“竹子”; D. zoos“动物园”。根据上文的“Children have panda toys”可知此处是熊猫,故选A。
(3)考查代词。句意:他们经常在节假日到动物园看大熊猫,而且玩得很开心。A. ours“我们的”;B. their“他们的”;C. yours“你的,你们的”;D. his“他的”。故选B。
(4)考查名词。句意:然而,科学家很担心大熊猫的未来。A. past“过去”;B. now“现在”;C. future“未来”;D. present“现在”。根据下文的“They think the giant pandas will die out in 30 years”可知科学家担心30年后大熊猫会灭绝,故此处指未来,选C。
(5)考查形容词。句意:他们知道目前只有1000只大熊活着。A. live“活的”;B. lives“居住”;C. lively“生动的”;D. alive“活的”。根据下文的“They think the giant pandas will die out in 30 years”可知科学家担心30年后大熊猫会灭绝,且此处作为remain的表语,die out和alive是反义词复现,故选D。
(6)考查动词。句意:如果当前的条件不改善,他们担心在30年后大熊猫会灭绝。A. turned“转动”;B. increased“增加”;C. improved“改善”;D. considered“考虑”。根据语境可知,此处是指条件不改善,大熊猫有可能会灭绝,故选C。
(7)考查形容词。句意:据报道,大熊猫的出生率很低。A. low“低的”;B. proper“适当的”;C. high“高的”;D. right“正确的”。根据下文““The main reason is 11 male pandas can make love with females in a very 12 season—only a few days a year. ” 可知大熊猫一年的交配期只有几天,故推测其出生率低,选A。
(8)考查动词。句意:在动物园和研究所的大约115只大熊猫在过去10年繁殖的熊猫中,目前只有34只幼崽还存活着。A. cloned“克隆”;B. produced“繁殖,生产”;C. kept“保持,养”;D. created“创造”。根据上文可知本段谈论的是大熊猫的繁殖情况,下文的“females often produce two pandas”也是暗示,故选B。
(9)考查形容词。句意:在动物园和研究所的大约115只大熊猫在过去10年繁殖的熊猫中,目前只有34只幼崽还存活着。A. small“小的”;B. young“年幼的”;C. little“小的”;D. adult“成年的”。此处用young pandas指大熊猫的幼崽,故选B。
(10)考查名词。句意:大熊猫出生率低的原因有几个。A. price“价格”;B. speed“速度”;C. birth rate“出生率”;D. limit“限制”。根据语境可知,本段讨论大熊猫出生率的问题,且本段开头也是暗示,故选C。
(12)考查形容词。句意:主要原因是雄性大熊猫和雌性大熊猫的交配时间很短,一年只有几天。A. short“短的”;B. long“长的”;C. suitable“合适的”;D. certain“特定的”。根据下文的“only a few days a year”可知选A。
(13)考查代词。句意:雌性大熊猫一般一次生两个幼崽,但是熊猫妈妈通常不能两个同时照顾。A. all“(三者以上)都”;B. both“两者”;C. none“(三者以上)都不;D. neither“(两者)都不”。根据上文的two pandas和本句的not,可知此处用“两者都”符合逻辑,故选B。
(14)考查词性。句意:刚出生的熊猫幼崽通常只有几千克重。A. weight“重量”;B. heavy“重的”;C. weigh“重达……”;D. heaviness“重”。故选C。
(15)考查动词。句意:在动物园里,科学家帮助熊猫妈妈养育幼崽,但是那些生活在野外的大熊猫却得不到足够的帮助。A. have“有”;B. raise“养”;C. observe“观察”;D. care“关心”。根据上文的“but the mother is usually not able to care for 13 of them”可知选B。
(16)考查名词。A. help“帮助”;B. food“食物”;C. water“水”;D. milk“牛奶”。根据上文的“scientists can help the mothers 15 the young pandas”可知选A。
(17)考查动词。句意:在中国的大熊猫的数量继续在减少。A. reduce“减少”;B. grow“增加”;C. rise“上升”;D. change“改变”。根据上文的 “Conditions for the giant pandas have been worse in recent years.” 可知大熊猫的处境在变差,故推测他们的数量在减少,故选A。
(18)考查代词。句意:那儿的大熊猫没东西吃,然后饿死了。A. something“某事/物”;B. nothing“没有事/物”;C. everything“每件事/物”;D. anything“任何事/物”。根据下文的“die of hunger”可知熊猫死于饥饿,故选B。
(19)考查形容词。句意:在中国,大熊猫目前生活在13个独立的保护区。A. protected“受保护的”;B. protecting“保护的”;C. defending“防御的”;D. guarding“监护的”。根据下文的“a project of protecting giant pandas in the wild”可知选A。
(20)考查动词短语。句意:几年前,中国政府和国际野生动物组织就保护野生大熊猫的项目达成了共识。A. agree to“同意某项计划或建议”;B. agree with“同意某人或某人的话”; C. agree in无此表达;D. agree on“在……上达成共识”。此处是指中国政府和国际野生动物组织都同意保护野生大熊猫,即他们达成了共识,故选D。
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新人教版必修第二册 Unit 2综合演练
1.I can find the animal that gave     (毛皮) to make this sweater.
2.An     (有效的) way to prevent the burnout of young athletes is to reduce their mental stress.
3.No one can enter wildlife     (保护区) unless permitted.
4.He had an operation to     (除去) a nail in his chest.
5.The valley is considered as an area of outstanding natural     (美).
6.Small as it is, the ant is also a     (生物) on earth.
7.We will stand up and hold together always as one family in     (和谐).
8.The number of visitors is bringing a     (威胁) to the area.
9.In the north the Inuit lived by hunting seals, walruses (海象) and     (鲸鱼).
10.Disney is considered by many as the best     (大量的) service provider in America or the world.
11.He said that he had grown up and could earn his own     (生活).
12.Look out, there is a     (鲨鱼) not far away!
13.A lot of     (物种) in the world are in danger of dying out.
14.Drunk driving
not only affects our everyday life, but may also    (威胁) people's lives.
15.It is a big
surprise to learn that you    (打算) to spend your
winter holiday in China.
16.Nature reserves have
protected many     (endanger) animals
from dying out.
17.He had his bad tooth    
(remove) yesterday, so he can't eat anything today.
18.As is known to us,
the People's Republic of China came into    
(exist) as an independent country in 1949.
19.To our delight, many
endangered species are
by the government now.
20.To achieve harmony
between humans and animals, the world must protect these beautiful    .
21.There is a    (concern) look on his face.
22.The new rules will become    (effect) in the next few days.
23.With more and more forests cut    , a great deal of soil is being washed away.
24.We set up a wildlife reserve to protect animals from    (hunt).
25.The doctors held out little
hope for his    (recover).
26.As is reported on TV, many old customs have died     because they are out of date.
27.Our planet's species is dying out     an alarming rate.
28.They are still hunting     the missing boy, who disappeared last Sunday after attending his friend's birthday party.
29.It is reported that living spaces for wildlife     (reduce) due to the cutting of trees.
30.He     (shoot) two goals in the game.
Some people argue that wildlife conservation should focus  31.   the whole ecosystems(生态系统) instead of single species. Others support the umbrella method — by  32.   (live) in a celebrity species' habitat, smaller creatures  33.   (protect) as well. The thing is, that only works in some  34.   (situation). Take the beloved giant panda for example. By putting so much effort into the  35.   (nation) icon, China has at least partially protected many of the native forest birds and mammals in the panda's habitat, such as the endangered golden snub-nosed monkey, says Duke University conservationist Stuart Pimm.
On  36.   other hand, the endangered purple frog,  37.   (find) only in the Bengal tiger's range of India's Western Ghats, has not benefited from massive investments in the tiger's habitat. That's because  38.   the purple frog needs to grow — land with fast-flowing streams and largely free of roads — is different from the things that the tiger needs.
Pimm also offers these words of caution: that even  39.   (careful) made, supposedly scientific conservation methods may have faults — and may provide "an excuse not  40.   (make) tough decisions about conservation."
Protecting China's Giant Pandas
giant pandas show the achievement of the international effort to save animals
that are now in danger. In television programmes we often see pandas (1) funny games. Children have panda toys and
beautiful cards with pictures of lovely (2) in them. They often visit the giant pandas in
the zoos on (3) holidays
and have a good time there. However, scientists are worried about (4) of giant pandas. They know only about 1,000
giant pandas remain (5) today.
They think the giant pandas will die out in 30 years if the present conditions
are not (6) .
It is
reported that the giant pandas have a very (7) birth rate. About 115 pandas live in the zoos
and research centres mainly in China, but during the past 10 years they (8) only 34 (9) pandas that are still alive. The survival rate
of giant pandas in the wild is probably the same or lower.
are several reasons for the low (10) . The main reason is (11) male pandas can make love with females in a
very (12) season—only
a few days a year. When they do have babies, females often produce two pandas,
but the mother is usually not able to care for (13) of them. The newborn pandas (14) only a few kilograms each. They are too weak
to live without special care. In the zoo, scientists can help the mothers (15) the young pandas, but those living in the wild
do not get enough (16) .
It is very difficult for mother pandas to bring up their young pandas.
for the giant pandas have been worse in recent years. Pandas in China continue
to (17) in
number. We know pandas live on bamboos. But sometimes all the bamboos in one
area die. The pandas there have (18) to eat and die of hunger.
pandas now live in 13 separate (19) areas in China. Several years ago the Chinese
government and the International Wildlife Organization agreed (20) a project of protecting giant pandas in the
wild. We hope it could be useful.
(1)A.play B.playing C.do D.doing
(2)A.pandas B.children C.bamboos D.zoos
(3)A.ours B.their C.yours D.his
(4)A.past B.now C.future D.present
(5)A.live B.lives C.lively D.alive
(6)A.turned B.increased C.improved D.considered
(7)A.low B.proper C.high D.right
(8)A.cloned B.produced C.kept D.created
(9)A.small B.young C.little D.adult
(10)A.price B.speed C.birth
rate D.limit
(11)A.why B.how C.when D.that
(12)A.short B.long C.suitable D.certain
(13)A.all B.both C.none D.neither
(14)A.weight B.heavy C.weigh D.heaviness
(15)A.have B.raise C.observe D.care
(16)A.help B.food C.water D.milk
(17)A.reduce B.grow C.rise D.change
(18)A.something B.nothing C.everything D.anything
(19)A.protected B.protecting C.defending D.guarding
(20)A.to B.with C.in D.on



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