Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to. 基础卷(含答案) 人教新目标Go For It! 九年级全册

Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to. 基础卷-- 人教新目标Go For It! 九年级全册
1._______ your dream! You are sure to achieve it.
A.Look through B.Give up C.Stick to D.Take away
2.It was dark and he had completely lost his _______ of direction.
A.sense B.feeling C.sign D.attention
3.In many countries, you are supposed to _______ your gloves before shaking hands.
A.take off B.shut off C.cut off D.put off
4.I copied Lisa’s homework. My mother was _______ at me when she knew that.
A.excited B.pleased C.mad D.satisfied
5.Except for working hard, we should give more attention to proper exercise and enough sleep. _______, health always comes first.
A.For example B.After all C.So far D.In total
6.The company will be _______ because of the accident.
A.taken off B.shut off C.fallen off D.given off
7.I feel _______ lying in the sun. I enjoy that moment.
A.strange B.angry C.relaxed D.nervous
8.—Thanks ________.
—You’re welcome.
A.a lot of B.a lot C.much D.plenty of
9.There are ________ books on the shelf. You can choose one to read.
A.many B.any C.much D.a lot
10.—Tom prefers ________ to ________.
—Let’s ask him to take part in our dancing club.
A.singing; dancing B.dancing; singing C.to sing; dance D.sing; dance
二、 完形填空 (共两节,满分20分)
第一节 阅读下面短文,从短文前的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一个为多余选项。 (满分10分)。
Antarctica is mainly known for the penguins and seals 11 live there, but do you know dinosaur fossils (化石) have also been discovered there
In 2003 scientists discovered the remains of two dinosaurs 12 lived there millions of years ago. The first discovery was a plant eating dinosaur 13 is nearly 200 million years old. The parts of the dinosaur 14 were examined suggest that it was 9 meters long and 2 meters tall. Dinosaurs 15 have been found in other parts of the world are as long as 30 meters, however. So this dinosaur, 16 bones have excited researchers, was rather small. On the other side of Antarctica, some scientists discovered dinosaur bones by accident. The second dinosaur was a meat eater 17 stood about two meters tall. Scientists 18 were sheltering (躲避) from bad weather found the bones near the sea. The dinosaur fossils 19 they discovered were next to fossils of sea life. The scientists 20 made the discovery got a lot of money as a prize.
Dinosaurs could not survive (生存) in cold conditions, but in their time, Antarctica was different from now. It was warm and wet.
第二节、阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
If you were 90 years old, what would you plan to do Few people want to have new challenges (挑战) 21 that age. However, an old man named Jing Kui did something that 22 a lot of people.
As a man of 93, he met a challenge. One day, a film director came to him and 23 whether he wanted to act in his movie.” 24 in the movie ” asked the old man.
“You’ve been a barber (理发师). I believe you’re the right man for my movie The Old Barber.”
The old man read the script (剧本) before accepting the invitation. 25 he knew the story well, he still needed to keep all the words in mind. 26 was! He finally made it and took home a silver cup for a special acting prize. The movie also 27 both national and international prizes.
Jing became a barber when he was young. He loved the job, so he practiced hard to be a better one. In his eighties, he was still doing the same job. That was why he was 28 by the film director.
While the film was being made, the director had his worries because he didn’t know 29 Mr. Jing could keep it going. At last, when the filming was done, the director was really pleased. Jing 30 solved all his problems! Now Jing set a world record for being a 93- year -old actor star who had never acted before!
21.A.from B.of C.at D.on
22.A.scared B.worried C.surprised D.pleased
23.A.guessed B.asked C.found D.answered
24.A.What can I do B.What I can do C.How can I do D.How I can do
25.A.Unless B.Though C.Since D.Until
26.A.How big the challenge B.What big the challenge
C.How the big challenge D.What the big challenge
27.A.wanted B.failed C.showed D.won
28.A.requested B.repeated C.invented D.invited
29.A.that B.if C.where D.when
30.A.quickly B.hardly C.quietly D.successfully
三、 阅读理解 (共三节,满分50分)
第一节 阅读下面三个语篇,从每题所给的A、B、C、D三个选项中选出最佳选项。 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
Joey Alexander was born in Bali, Indonesia on June 25, 2003. He is so talented in jazz that he is considered a jazz prodigy. However, he says he doesn’t like being called a prodigy. He just prefers to be thought of as himself or as a jazz musician.
When Joey was 6 years old, his parents brought home a mini keyboard (键盘式电子乐器). And to their surprise, Joey could play the melody (乐曲) of Well, You Needn’t (a jazz classic written by Thelonious Monk). His parents directly gave him piano lessons. In just a year or so, he could already play difficult jazz pieces. For him, jazz is really great. It gives him freedom. That’s why he prefers jazz to modern or classical music.
In December, 2011, Joey was invited to play in front of the well-known jazz musician Herbie Hancock during his visit to Indonesia. Now at the age of 19, Joey has performed and collaborated (合作) with many top jazz musicians in Indonesia and also with some visiting jazz musicians from Europe. He has performed at many jazz festivals like the Jakarta International Java Jazz Festival.
31.What does the underlined word “prodigy” in paragraph 1 mean in Chinese
A.学员 B.导师 C.鼻祖 D.神童
32.What does Joey think makes him successful
A.Hard training.
B.Taking a lot of lessons.
C.The feeling of music in his heart.
33.What does Joey think of jazz
A.It makes him feel free.
B.It makes him feel peaceful.
C.It’s as good as classical music.
34.How old was Joey when he was invited to play in front of the jazz musician Herbie Hancock
A.6. B.8. C.10. D.11.
35.Which is the best title for the passage
A.A talented young musician
B.International jazz festivals
C.Famous jazz musicians
Have you ever watched a movie with your partners on the weekend Do you know what you should do and what you shouldn’t do in the cinema If you want to figure out the answers, you are supposed to have a look at your film ticket before you go into the cinema. That will tell you everything you want to know.
Here is a ticket from Friendship Theatre.
Friendship Theatre
Name of the film: So Long for Love Time: At 6 p.m. on December 1, 2023.
Number: 18 Row 8, 2nd F Price: 33
Notice: 1. Children below 1.3m are free. Children above 1.3m should enter with tickets. 2. Please check the date and seat number before you go in. Please sit in the right seat. 3. Don’t smoke in the hall. Smokers should go to the smoking area. It’s at the corner beside the restroom. 4. Cameras, videos and tape recorders are not allowed in the theatre. 5. Please set your mobile phones to vibration mode (振动模式) and keep silent while enjoying the film. 6. Keep the theatre clean. If you have rubbish, you should throw it to the dustbin. 7. If you arrive late, please wait outside the hall and then enter quietly into the hall during the interval and take a free seat.
36.Which of the following film can you enjoy in Friendship Theatre on December 1, 2023
A.So Long for Love. B.A World Without Thieves.
C.Harry Potter Four. D.Rush Hour.
37.How much should you pay for the tickets if you want to see the film with two friends
A. 33. B. 66. C. 99. D. 132.
38.You mustn’t ________ in the hall.
A.smoke B.take photos C.arrive early D.bring your mobile phone
39.What should you do if you arrive late
A.Enter quietly into the hall at any time. B.Find your seat at once.
C.Wait outside the hall first. D.Walk into the hall directly.
40.What can we know from the passage
A.Children under 1.2m are free. B.People can smoke in the theatre.
C.Rubbish should be thrown onto the floor. D.People can’t talk loudly while seeing the movie.
The balalaika, also called the “Russian guitar”, is a traditional Russian musical instrument. It has a long neck, a wooden triangle-shaped body and strings. It is usually used to play Russian music by plucking (弹拨) the strings with fingers or a pick.
Russians like the balalaika. The music played with it can be cheerful, as if the farmers were dancing happily to celebrate their harvest. It can also be energetic, as if the workers were working hard to make their country richer and stronger. If a Russian moves to live or work abroad, he will probably take a balalaika with him. When he feels lonely and sad, he will play it to cheer himself up.
The balalaika was originally played by the poor in Russia. At that time, balalaikas were made by the players themselves. They were rough, simple and cheap with different numbers of strings, from two to even six. Later a Russian musician Vasily Vasilievich Andreyev (1861-1918) improved the balalaika. He created a whole family of balalaikas of different sizes, all with three strings. The smallest balalaika is called Prima. It is 60-70 cm long. The biggest, Contrabass, is almost 2 meters high with a leg to sit on the floor. Andreyev founded the first balalaika orchestra (管弦乐队) in the world, mainly using balalaikas to perform. He gave concerts at the Universal Exposition in Paris in 1889, which was a great success.
Today, there are balalaika groups performing around the world. More and more people get to know the balalaika and are attracted by its Russian-style music.
41.The balalaika is a musical instrument _______.
A.without strings B.with a long neck C.of a round shape
42.The music played with a balalaika is usually _______.
A.soft and modern B.strong and serious C.cheerful and energetic
43.Andreyev is mentioned in Paragraph 3 to introduce _______.
A.the success of balalaika concerts
B.the history of balalaika orchestras
C.his contributions (贡献) to the balalaika
44.What can we know from the passage
A.The balalaika cannot be plucked with fingers.
B.The balalaika was played by the rich in Russia at first.
C.The balalaika makes Russian music attract more and more people.
45.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage
A.Balalaika: The “Russian Guitar” for the Poor.
B.Russia: The Home of Famouus Balalaika Musicians.
C.Balalaika: A Traditional Russian Musical Instrument.
第二节 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
English is a very difficult language to learn, but there are many ways to learn English. This article will tell you how to use music to learn English well.
Understand that there are hundreds, maybe even thousands of songs that have been written in English about any topic that you can possibly think of. School House Rock videos and all of these songs can be found on YouTube, in the library or ordered on eBay, bought at a record store. 46 Choose a few songs that you want to listen to.
Put the songs into an iPad or a mobile phone. 47 Listen to the songs a few times, let them enter your mind and remember them clearly.
Begin to try to sing them through. You won’t know all the words, but some will stick with you. If you’re not sure what the words mean, search them online or look them up in a dictionary. 48
Practice makes perfect. 49 Try singing as you’re in your car, or as you’re walking to or from work or public transportation (交通). Sing them until they become memorized in your brain and you can sing them without any music to be with you.
50 It doesn’t matter if your voice is good or not, as long as you’re using the music to teach yourself the information you need to know. Best of luck!
A.Be patient with yourself.
B.Sing the songs as often as possible.
C.There are lots of English songs.
D.Ask someone who speaks English to listen to your songs.
E.Play them again and again as you’re beginning to fall asleep.
F.You can also find a dictionary app if you have a smart phone.
第三节 阅读下面短文,根据其内容填空或回答问题。 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
American modern music is popular with people. There are three main kinds of modern music in the United States. One of them is country music. It comes from the south of America. Country music is simple and we can relax ourselves when we listen to it. It tells us about the everyday life and the feelings of the people.
The second kind of American modern music is blues (布鲁斯). What can we get from this kind of music Blue has the meaning of “sadness”. So we can taste the sad feelings in blues. And we can also learn about Black Americans’ life.
The last one is American rock music. It is a new way of music. It first came out in the way of rock and roll in the 1950s. Since then, there have been many ways of rock music: hard rock, soft rock and so on. Many young people like playing this kind of music.
51.How many main kinds of modern music are there in America (根据短文内容回答问题)
52.Where is country music from (根据短文内容回答问题)
53.When did rock music first come out in the way of rock and roll (根据短文内容回答问题)
Blue has the meaning of “sadness” so we can taste the feelings while listening to blues.
The passage is mainly about .
四、 语言运用 (共两节,满分25分)
第一节 根据中文意思,补全英语译文。(每空限填一词,缩写算一词) (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
58.最后,他因他的伤口感染而死。 (die)
59.Cindy Clark被认为是很有才华的导演并且他很注意细节。(汉译英)
60.我在长城上拍的那张照片赢得了比赛。(take, win)
第二节 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词或括号内单词的正确形式。(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)。
Do you like Chinese folk music Maybe your answer is no, but I like it very much. Last night, a friend of mine 61 (take) me to a concert of Chinese folk music. The piece had a simple name, Erquan Yingyue (Moon Reflected on Second Spring), which was played on the erhu, especially moved 62 (I). The erhu sounded sad enough to make me almost cry along 63 it as I listened. Although the music 64 (be) strangely beautiful, under the beauty I sensed a strong sadness and pain. Later I looked 65 the story of Erquan Yingyue, and I began to understand the sadness in the music.
Abing, a folk musician who was born in the city of Wuxi in 1893, wrote the music. His mother died when he was very young. He was taught 66 (play) many instruments by his father, and by age 17, Abing was famous for his 67 (music) ability. However, after his father died, Abing’s life grew worse. He was very poor. Not only that, he developed a serious illness 68 became blind. For several 69 (year), he had no home. He lived on the streets and played music to make 70 living.
五、 写作 (满分15分)
11.which/that 12.which/that 13.which/that 14.which/that 15.which/that 16.whose 17.which/that 18.who/that 19.(which)/(that) 20.who/that
21.C 22.C 23.B 24.A 25.B 26.A 27.D 28.D 29.B 30.D
31.D 32.C 33.A 34.B 35.A
36.A 37.C 38.A 39.C 40.D
41.B 42.C 43.C 44.C 45.C
46.C 47.E 48.F 49.B 50.A
51.Three. 52.It is/comes from the south of America. 53.In the 1950s. 54.sad 55.three main kinds of American modern music
56.Rosa likes soft/gentle/light music.
57.In the past, she stuck to/ kept/kept on reading even if/though she was busy.
/Even if/though she was busy in the past, she stuck to/ kept/kept on reading.
/No matter how/However busy she was in the past/she used to be, she kept/kept on/stuck to reading.
58.Finally, he died of his wound infection.
59.Cindy Clark is considered as a talented director and he pays attention to details./Cindy Clark was considered as a talented director and he paid attention to details.
60.The picture I took on the Great Wall won the competition.
61.took 62.me 63.with 64.was 65.up 66.to play 67.musical 68.and 69.years 70.a
I am Tony. I’d like to tell you about my favorite kind of music. There’re many kinds of music, but I like classical music best.
I think classical music has a lasting value and it’s more attractive than any other kind of music, so it’s worth enjoying. I have been to many concerts for classical music in my free time and I enjoyed all of them and felt really great.
However, it seems that most young people prefer pop music and they think pop music is cool. Whatever happens, I won’t change my love for classical music. I hope more and more people will love it, too.



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