Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are 基础卷(含答案) 人教新目标Go For It! 九年级全册

Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are 基础卷-- 人教新目标Go For It! 九年级全册
1.When I was ill, our teacher came to see me ______, which moved me a lot.
A.at birth B.in person C.at first D.in public
2.— Why did he look so sad
— Because he ______ to pass the final exam.
A.succeeded B.failed C.required D.advised
3.The old man couldn’t afford to buy that bike although it was ________.
A.unimportant B.inexpensive C.impolite D.unnecessary
4.If you have no idea about how to use the machine, you can read the ______ first.
A.interviews B.inventions C.instructions D.corrections
5.You needn’t take your wallet while shopping. It’s ______ to pay on WeChat or Alipay (支付宝).
A.convenient B.helpful C.comfortable D.polite
6.Mo Yan’s works have had a big ______ on many young writers.
A.influence B.examination C.introduction D.success
7.It’s ______ to cut in line. We shouldn’t do that.
A.impossible B.impatient C.impolite D.important
8.Exercise has a great ________ on our health.
A.change B.surprise C.progress D.influence
9.It’s ______ in the forest at night. You can only hear the sound of wind.
A.cold B.silent C.dry D.busy
10.Tom didn’t ________ to tell his mom the truth. Because she would be very angry.
A.should B.will C.dare D.need
二、 完形填空 (共两节,满分20分)
第一节 阅读下面短文,从短文前的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一个为多余选项。 (满分10分)。
they although three discover fail direct strange complete polite where thank on
This was my first visit to the airport. I knew I should go to the check-in counter(柜台)first but I didn’t know 11 it was. I tried asking a passing businessman for help, but 12 to make myself understood. He just walked away quickly. I had been in this country for several months, but I could not even remember how to ask for 13 . How terrible! Another bus arrived and the passengers came out. Here was my chance. I could follow 14 to the right place. I wouldn’t have to say a word.
I finally reached the elevator(电梯). Oh, no! There was not enough space for me. I got 15 the elevator when it returned and looked at all the buttons(按钮). Which one could it be I chose Button 3. The elevator slowly climbed up to the 16 floor and stopped.
Tears filled my eyes as I saw the empty(空的) hall. Just then one of the staff members appeared. He said he was a guard there and asked 17 if I needed any help. Then he led me down a long hallway. We walked up some stairs, turned a comer, and finally got to the check-in counter.
When I turned 18 him, the man was gone. 19 I will never know that kind man’s name, I will always remember his help. I only hope that one day I can do the same for another 20 who has the same experience as me.
第二节、阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
Dear Steve,
How is it going Thank you for sending me a 21 . I really like the stamp on the postcard. It’s 22 . I like it. Oh, I forgot to say sorry to you. Just now I didn’t answer your phone call. Ha ha, when you called me, I was taking a shower in the 23 .
Now I will tell you Cindy’s 24 . Cindy lives at 16 Park Street. It’s very 25 to take the subway to Cindy’s house. Her house is across from the subway station. Of course, you can drive a car there. Near Cindy’s house, there’s an underground 26 . But I 27 you to get there by subway. Taking a car can cost lots of money. Taking the subway is inexpensive. On the left of her house, there’s a small 28 . From Monday to Friday, it’s 29 . But on the weekend, you can see many people buy books there. On the right of her house is a fruit store. In it there are all kinds of fruits such as bananas, apples, oranges and 30 . Before you visit Cindy, you should give her a call. Oh, I have to go! Mom needs my help.
21.A.staff B.speaker C.mail D.postcard
22.A.impolite B.fascinating C.nearby D.present
23.A.classroom B.workroom C.bathroom D.restroom
24.A.address B.mall C.request D.direction
25.A.polite B.convenient C.central D.eastern
26.A.police office B.amusement park C.post office D.parking lot
27.A.pardon B.rush C.advise D.pass
28.A.supermarket B.bookstore C.park D.washroom
29.A.crowded B.uncrowded C.expensive D.inexpensive
30.A.grapes B.stamps C.corners D.courses
三、 阅读理解 (共三节,满分50分)
第一节 阅读下面三个语篇,从每题所给的A、B、C、D三个选项中选出最佳选项。 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
Every English learner needs to know how to ask for something in English. There are a number of ways to do this.
If you know someone has something, you can ask for it with a polite question. If you don’t know, it’s possible to ask for something with a yes or no question. Be careful not to use the direct expressions. In other words, don’t say “Give me that”, but ask kindly as the following examples, “Do you have a pen I could borrow ” “Is there any wine ” “Did you buy any bread ”
If you know or see someone has something, ask a polite question with “could”, “may” or “might”. It’s also possible to use “can” in some special situations. In the past, “can” was not used when people asked for something, but meant ability. In the UK, people mainly use “Can you lend me… ” or “Can I have… ” In the US, this is still considered to be wrong and “May I have… ” is preferred.
It’s common to use “Could you lend/hand/give… ” You can also use “May/Can I borrow… ” “Could/Can you lend me… ” “May I have… ” “Could you hand/give me… ” Do not begin a sentence with “please”, but you can add “please” at the end of the sentence to be polite.
31.What can we ask if we know someone has something
A.A direct question. B.A no question.
C.A yes question. D.A polite question.
32.What didn’t people say when they wanted something politely in the past
A.Can I use your dictionary
B.Could you lend me your bike
C.May I try your computer now
D.Might I take your car today
33.Which of the following is a correct polite expression according to the passage
A.Do you give me any milk, please
B.Please could you lend me your ruler
C.May I have some tea, please
D.Please could you hand me a knife
34.What’s the main idea of the passage
A.How to express or ask politely.
B.What to do when we are polite.
C.How to describe our ideas.
D.What to do with our language problems.
35.Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage
A. B.
C. D.
We talked with June Galloway about her book Get off on the Right Foot: Don’t Let the Wrong Gesture (手势) Ruin Your Day.
English is an international language. But in your book, communication without words is paid more attention to. ▲
June:Well, gestures and other body languages have different meanings in different places. Something that you think is friendly or polite could be considered to be very impolite in another culture. I’ve described many of these customs and cultural differences, so my readers won’t get off on the wrong foot when they meet people from places where the culture is different from their own.
Can greeting someone the wrong way really lead to misunderstanding
June:In some places, yes. The heavy handshake that a North American expects may seem quite impolite in other places. And a light handshake—which is usual in some countries—may seem unfriendly to a North American.
What other gestures can cause misunderstanding
June:Take the gesture for “Come here” for example. In North America, people gesture with the palm(掌心) up. Well, in southern Europe, that gesture means “goodbye”. And in many Asian countries, the palm-up gesture is thought rude. Instead, people there gesture with the palm down.
Surely, there must be some gestures used everywhere, right What about the thumb-up(翘拇指)gesture for “great”
June:Sorry. That’s very rude in Australia and the Middle East. That is why it’s important to know about body language and cultural differences.
36.Which of the following can be put in ▲
A.How is it going B.Why is that so important
C.Can you give us some examples D.Could it make readers interested
37.What does June mean by saying “my readers won’t get off on the wrong foot”
A.Her readers won’t hurt others. B.Her readers won’t have a bad start.
C.Her readers won’t know how to walk. D.Her readers will always know where to go.
38.Which gesture should you use if you want to say “goodbye” in southern Europe
A. B. C. D.
39.According to the passage, which is NOT mentioned in June’s book
A.Some common gestures. B.Different meanings of a gesture.
C.The importance of body language. D.The development of body language.
40.Which of the following is TRUE
A.A light handshake is quite polite in North America.
B.June mainly talks about the English language in her book.
C.The book is helpful to those who often travel around the world.
D.If you want to say “great” to an Australian, just make a thumb-up gesture.
Have you met someone who kept talking and talking, and you couldn’t get them to stop You don’t want to be impolite by telling them to shut up, but you really want to get out of the conversation. Here are some ways to help you.
Use body language. While it may feel impolite, you could turn away, leave your headphones on, and avoid looking at his or her eyes, which will show that you don’t want to talk. This may save you from directly telling someone to stop talking later on.
Keep working on whatever activity you are doing. Get up and move around, be active and find little things to do instead of listening.
Interrupt them as soon as you can. Saying things like “I’d like to add something” or “If I could interrupt you for just a minute” will often let someone know that they are talking too much.
Lead the conversation. This is especially helpful when dealing with someone you often talk to. Let them know that you heard what they said and guide the conversation in a different direction.
Mention that you don’t have a lot of time to talk. Expressions like “I would love to chat(聊天) but I have to go for a movie right now” and “Today’s not a great day to talk. I have a lot of tasks” will make you easily end the conversation.
Remember it is a skill to back out of a conversation without saying “You are boring. Shut up.”
41.How many suggestions does the writer mention in the text
A.Three. B.Four. C.Five. D.Six.
42.Which of the following is the best way to make someone stop talking
A.Saying someone is boring. B.Getting up and finding something else to do.
C.Looking at him or her and listening carefully. D.Leaving your headphones off and keep smiling.
43.What does the underlined word “Interrupt” mean in Chinese
A.离开 B.打断 C.倾听 D.接受
44.What can we know according to the text
A.We can end a conversation easily.
B.Don’t stop talking until someone ends it.
C.To end a conversation politely, we need to get skills.
D.It’s impolite to guide a conversation in a different direction.
45.What’s the best title for the text
A.How to End a Conversation Politely B.Polite Ways to Start a Conversation
C.How to Lead and Guide a Conversation D.Body Language Helps Express Well
第二节 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
There was a peacock (孔雀) in an animal city. He was very arrogant (傲慢的). Other animals didn’t like him.
One morning the peacock wanted to go to a park but he got lost. He was worried. Then he saw a sheep. He walked to him and asked, “Hey! How can I get to the nearby park ” 46
Then the peacock shouted, “Didn’t you hear me I’m asking you!” The sheep looked at him, but he didn’t say anything.
The peacock had to leave. 47 The cat asked, “Excuse me, Uncle Elephant. How can I get to the supermarket ” The elephant said with a smile, “Go this way to the end and turn left.” 48
The peacock walked to the elephant and asked, “Hey! How can I get to the nearby park ” 49 The peacock was angry and shouted, “Why would you tell the cat, but you wouldn’t tell me ” The elephant turned around and said, “The cat is so polite. What about you ”
50 He lowered his head and said, “Thank you for your teaching. I won’t do that again.”
From then on, the peacock began to be polite to others and slowly became popular.
A.The elephant didn’t look at him.
B.The face of the peacock turned red.
C.The cat thanked the elephant and left.
D.The sheep didn’t answer his question.
E.He wondered whom he could ask for help.
F.He went to a river and saw a cat and an elephant there.
第三节 阅读下面短文,根据其内容填空或回答问题。 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
There are some apologetic terms (表示歉意的用语) in English. It seems that they mean the same thing. They almost do. However, what’s the difference between “Pardon ”, “I’m sorry”, “Excuse me” and “What ”.
Americans don’t really use “Pardon ”. If you do, they will probably joke that you’re trying to sound pretentious (炫耀的) or joke that you’re British.
I’m sorry.
We often use “I’m sorry” for past events. That’s to say, it is generally used to apologize for something you have already done. For example, if you step on someone’s foot on a crowded bus, you would say “I’m sorry” or “Sorry”.
Excuse me.
This is generally a term to ask permission (允许) for something. For example, you’re walking through a crowded space and someone is in your way. You would say “Excuse me” to ask him/her to move out of your way.
Americans usually use it to ask someone to repeat himself/herself. If you want to be politer, you could say, I’m sorry, what was that ” or “Excuse me, what did you say ” or any other such thing. Most Americans just say “What ” though.
In our daily life, we can also use these terms by mixing them up. You could, for example, ask someone to move by saying “Sorry, would you mind moving ” It’s an extra-polite way to make your request.
51.Who say “Pardon ” more often, Americans or the British
52.Which term is used for future events according to the passage
53.When do Americans usually say “What ”
55.What is the passage mainly about
四、 语言运用 (共两节,满分25分)
第一节 根据中文意思,补全英语译文。(每空限填一词,缩写算一词) (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
56.这将会帮助你更好地与别人交流。(communicate with)
57.我对很多学科都感兴趣,例如音乐、英语和历史。(such as)
58.The first expression sounds less polite than the second one.
59.Sometimes we even need to spend time leading into a request.
第二节 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词或括号内单词的正确形式。(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)。
It’s important to use the correct language, but sometimes this alone is not enough — we need to learn how to be polite when we make 61 (request).
In English, “Where are the restrooms ” and “Could you please tell me where the restrooms are ” are similar requests, but the first could sound 62 (polite).
In English, just like in Chinese, we change the way we speak when 63 (talk) with different people. If you say to your teacher “Where is my book ”, this will sound rude. B 64 if you say, “Excuse me, Mr. West. Do you know where my book is ”, your question will sound much m 65 polite. On the o 66 hand, it might be all right to say “Where is my book ” in some 67 (situation), perhaps with people you know well.
And you would not usually say, “Peter, lend me your pen.” To order 68 (direct) like this can sound rude in English. Usually in English polite questions are 69 (long) and include the extra language, such as “Could you please … ” or “Can I ask … ” It sounds more polite to say, “Peter, could you please l 70 me your pen ” Sometimes we might even need to spend some time leading into a question or a request.
五、 写作 (满分15分)
Dear Jack,
I think we will have a good time.
11.where 12.failed 13.directions 14.them 15.on 16.third 17.politely 18.to thank 19.Although 20.stranger
21.D 22.B 23.C 24.A 25.B 26.D 27.C 28.B 29.B 30.A
31.D 32.A 33.C 34.A 35.A
36.B 37.B 38.A 39.D 40.C
41.C 42.B 43.B 44.C 45.A
46.D 47.F 48.C 49.A 50.B
51.The British. 52.“Excuse me” is used for future events. 53.They usually say “What ” to ask someone to repeat himself/herself. 54.美国人通常用它来让别人重复他/她自己(的话)。 55.The differences among some apologetic terms in English.
56.This will help you communicate better with other people.
57.I am interested in many subjects, such as music, English and history.
60.Is it polite to open a birthday gift in front of guests in your country
61.requests 62.impolite 63.talking 64.(B)ut 65.(m)ore 66.(o)ther 67.situations 68.directly 69.longer 70.(l)end
71.One possible version:
Dear Jack,
I’ll have a birthday party at 7 p.m. this Friday. I’d like to invite you to my home. Your house is not far from mine. You can walk here. Let me tell you the way to my home. Walk along Green Street and take the second turning on the left/turn left at the second crossing. And my home is on your right. At the party, we can sing, eat a birthday cake and play games. What’s more, we can watch a wonderful movie together.
I think we will have a good time.



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