Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake 基础卷(含答案)-人教新目标版八年级上册

Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake 基础卷-人教新目标版八年级上册
1.—Let’s ________ some potatoes for lunch.
—Good idea.
A.dig B.dug C.digging D.to dig
2.—________ is your new yellow dress
—200 yuan!
A.How many B.How far C.How much D.How soon
3.—Jenny, ________ monkeys can you see in the colorful picture
—Mom, there are two.
A.how many B.how much C.how old D.how long
4.________ to turn off the lights when you leave the classroom.
A.Don’t remember B.Remembered C.Remembering D.Remember
5.—What do we need to make that drink
—Some ________ and ________.
A.water; a glass of milk B.water; a glass of milks
C.waters; a glass of milk D.waters; a glass of milks
6.—Mom, what’s this
—It’s an ________.
A.orange B.banana C.pear D.grape
7.I think the ________ of the restaurant is the worst in our town.
A.serve B.service C.services D.serves
8.—The box is very heavy. What’s in it
—Oh, it ________ chocolate.
A.is filled with B.is covered with
C.is made of D.is used for
9.You have a cold. Let me ________ your temperature.
A.take B.to take C.eat D.had
10.I think I’ll need ________ for my breakfast.
A.two cups of milks B.two cups of milk
C.two cup of milk D.two cup of milks
二、 完形填空 (共两节,满分20分)
第一节 阅读下面短文,从短文前的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一个为多余选项。 (满分10分)。
make, minute, in, need, pour, with, final, one, into, tell
Do you know how to make a cup of tea You may think it’s simple. 11 fact, it is not. Now let me 12 you the steps.
13 , you should start to boil (煮沸) some water. While waiting for boiling, get your teapot ready. Warm up your teapot by 14 hot water into it. After a while, pour the water out, and put some tea in the teapot. 15 sure you put the right amount (量) of tea into it. Next, pour fresh hot water over the tea and cover the teapot 16 its cap tightly (紧紧地). Then brew (泡) the tea for five 17 . Good tea 18 much time to brew. But the tea will be quite bitter if you brew for too long. 19 , pour the tea 20 your cup and you can drink it.
第二节、阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
I’m a girl and I like making and eating fruit ice-cream. Do you want to make super fruit ice-cream I can help you, and then you can make it by 21 .
When making a bowl of fruit ice-cream, you will need a cup of yogurt and honey, two 22 of milk, two spoons of sugar and lemon juice, some apple sauce, cheese and one small watermelon.
Here are the instructions (说明) on how to make super fruit ice-cream:
First, 23 the watermelon up. Then pour the milk into a bowl, heat it and 24 the sugar to it. Wait until the milk is 25 . Next, pour the yogurt, lemon juice and honey into the bowl and 26 them up. Then put the apple sauce and cheese into a blender. 27 on the blender. Finally, take out the ingredients from the blender. Put them 28 the bowl. Put the bowl in the fridge for about two hours. Then take it out and put the watermelon pieces on the 29 . Put it into the fridge again. After three hours, you can take it out and 30 the super fruit ice-cream. It is very delicious and cool. Do you want to have a try Go ahead!
21.A.you B.yourself C.itself D.it
22.A.cups B.pieces C.bags D.plates
23.A.pour B.cut C.cover D.fall
24.A.get B.peel C.add D.show
25.A.hot B.cool C.dry D.salty
26.A.mix B.cook C.do D.begin
27.A.Come B.Turn C.Go D.Have
28.A.under B.on C.to D.into
29.A.middle B.bottom C.top D.end
30.A.drink B.eat C.see D.smell
三、 阅读理解 (共三节,满分50分)
第一节 阅读下面三个语篇,从每题所给的A、B、C、D三个选项中选出最佳选项。 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
I usually make chicken and sausage (香肠) soup when it’s “soup weather”. The weather in Louisiana’s winter is very cold. And soup is a great meal to warm us up.
Every cook has his or her own way. My husband says mine is just the way he likes. And my son has my soup for supper, and breakfast and lunch the next day, so that’s good enough for me.
The key is finding a hen of about six or seven pounds. I always ask the vendor (摊贩) to cut it up for me because the bones (骨头) are hard, and I don’t have a heavy cleaver.
First, I melt (融化) some butter in a big pot and brown the hen. Then I cook one onion, some celery (芹菜) and one green pepper in the pan. I cook them for seven or eight minutes. Next I add some sausage, the hen pieces and then enough water. After that, I let it simmer (煨) for 2. 5 to 3 hours.
I ask my husband to taste it. When I ask him what it needs, he always says, “A spoon. ”
31.Which season is “soup weather” in
A.Spring. B.Autumn. C.Winter.
32.What does the underlined word “cleaver” mean
A.砍肉刀 B.力气 C.锤子
33.How long does the writer simmer the soup
A.For at least 120 minutes.
B.For at least 150 minutes.
C.For at least 180 minutes.
34.What can we infer (推断) from the last paragraph (段)
A.The writer thinks the soup is good enough.
B.The husband wants to have the great soup.
C.The husband can’t find the spoon.
35.Which of the following is not true according to the passage
A.The hen is about six or seven pounds.
B.The writer’s son doesn’t like the soup.
C.There are three kinds of vegetables in the soup.
Making a cake (for 6 persons)
What you need: 11/4 cups of flour (面粉), 11/4 spoons of baking powder (发酵粉) 1/2 cup of milk 1/3 cup of butter 2 large eggs 1/4 spoon of salt 1 cup of sugar 3/4 spoon of vanilla (香草香精)
What to do: 1. Butter a cake pan (蛋糕烤盘). Cut a piece of wax paper (蜡纸) the size of the pan and put it into the pan. Butter the wax paper. 2. Mix the flour, baking powder and salt in a bowl. 3. Mix the butter, sugar, vanilla and eggs. Stir (搅拌) the mix slowly. 4. Put the mixture of Steps 2 and 3 together and add milk and then stir again. 5. Pour the mixture into the pan. 6. Put the pan in the already hot oven and bake for 30 minutes. Then take out the pan from the oven. Cool the cake for 10 minutes.
36.How much milk do you need to make the cake
A.1/2 cup. B.3/4 cup. C.1 cup.
37.Which of the following do you need to make the cake
A.Yogurt. B.Water. C.Salt.
38.What should you do before putting the wax paper into the pan
A.Buttering the pan.
B.Putting the flour in the pan.
C.Buttering the wax paper.
39.Which of the following is TRUE
A.You should stir the mix quickly.
B.You should mix the eggs with the flour first.
C.You should make the oven hot before you put the pan into it.
40.The material may be from a ________.
A.magazine B.dictionary C.storybook
Do you know mukbang (吃播) It is about the eating shows in front of the camera (相机) on the Internet. In the shows, mukbangers eat food and sometimes talk to people who watch their videos.
The eating shows started in South Korea in around 2010 and then became popular all over the world. Why did mukbang start in this country Actually, South Korea has the culture of eating together, but eating on one’s own is quite common in the country. Watching mukbang can be a way to have someone to eat with. People can connect (联系) with others even though they are at home alone.
However, mukbang has its bad sides. The way mukbangers eat food in some shows isn’t healthy. These bad eating habits can bring serious health problems. Worse still, some mukbangers prepare a lot of food but throw away much food without others knowing during the show or after the show. These mukbangers waste (浪费) a lot of food.
Now, many people criticize such shows. Food waste is a serious problem around the world, and lots of people still don’t have enough food to eat. Our country does a lot of things to solve the problem and asks short-video platforms, such as TikTok and Kuaishou, to take action.
41.If we watch mukbang videos, we may probably see ________.
A.someone is telling stories B.someone is having some delicious food
C.someone is cooking a meal D.someone is playing games
42.Which of the following is true according to the second paragraph
A.Mukbang appeared about 20 years ago.
B.Mukbang is just popular around South Korea.
C.Very few people in South Korea eat on their own.
D.Watching mukbang videos can make people feel they are eating with someone.
43.The problem of mukbang is that some mukbangers ________.
A.don’t have enough food to eat
B.show different eating habits to people
C.disagree with the culture of eating together
D.don’t eat all the food they prepare and throw much of it away
44.What does the word “criticize” in Paragraph 4 mean in Chinese
A.表扬 B.报道 C.批评 D.期待
45.The best title of this passage is ________.
A.Bad Eating Habits B.Food Waste Around the World
C.Eating on Camera D.The Culture of Eating in South Korea
第二节 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
I grew up in the countryside. I learned to cook at the age of about 10. When I first made dough (生面团), I thought it would be easy—just mixing water with flour. But it turned out to be different. First I made the dough too soft. 46 But as I kept trying, I learned how to make it more successfully. Later, I cooked dishes and things like dumplings. I fell in love with cooking. It’s a good way to relax. Now working at home, I cook every meal and never get food delivered (点外卖). 47 Besides cooking, I did a lot of farm work in my childhood. 48 It was hard work, but I learned a lot.
49 But they can’t bring you the joy of learning knowledge directly. They bring a new way to look at the world. You’ll think everything on your plate is important.
I’m happy to know that there is labor education in primary and middle schools in China. Students in primary and middle schools have at least one class every week to learn simple household skills (技能) like cooking and cleaning. 50 And you will be thankful for these skills in the future.
A.Then I made it too hard.
B.I am too busy to cook meals.
C.I learned how to plant vegetables.
D.It saves money and is good for my health.
E.These skills will help you for the rest of your life.
F.Someone might say we can learn these from books.
第三节 阅读下面短文,根据其内容填空或回答问题。 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
How many of you like to buy a hamburger for lunch or eat some cookies between classes But remember to have a look, is there any trans fatty acid (反式脂肪酸) People make trans fatty acids by adding hydrogen (氢) to vegetable oil (油). If the food has trans fatty acids, it will taste more delicious and be kept for a longer time. However, research finds that trans fatty acids are very unhealthy. Many countries, such as Denmark, have stopped the use of trans fatty acids. The US also makes law about it. There is no such a rule in China. It is mainly because Chinese diets have much fewer trans fatty acids than those in the West, according to food safety experts. But young people should be careful, because cakes and cookies often have trans fatty acids. Some fast food restaurants also use oil with trans fatty acids to fry because they make food last longer. In recent years, many food companies have started to use fewer trans fatty acids. For example, KFC in China said in 2006 that their food had no trans fatty acids. How many trans fatty acids are safe for people The World Health Organization says that a grown-up should eat no more than l% of his diet a day. If people take 5 grams of trans fatty acids a day, the risk of heart disease will increase by 25%.
51.How do people make trans fatty acids
52.Which country doesn’t make rules about trans fatty acids according to the passage
53.Why do some fast food restaurants use oil with trans fatty acids to fry
54.When did KFC in China say that their food has no trans fatty acids
55.How many trans fatty acids can a grown-up eat a day
四、 语言运用 (共两节,满分25分)
第一节 根据中文意思,补全英语译文。(每空限填一词,缩写算一词) (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
第二节 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词或括号内单词的正确形式。(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
I don’t like eating vegetables. I think I am healthy enough even without eating them. But one thing changed my mind.
A few days 61 , I played with my friend Andrew at his house. We played for the whole morning and then both of us felt 62 . Andrew said he could cook popcorn and he would cook some 63 me.
First, he put some corn into the blender (搅拌机). Next he added some butter into it. Then he turned on the 64 and let it work for three minutes. Finally, he 65 it off. The popcorn was very delicious because Andrew put 66 lot of butter on it.
We quickly finished eating it. “This is so great,” Andrew said. “I know it’s unhealthy, 67 I don’t care.” “You’re in good shape,” I said. “In fact, I’m not,” he said. He showed his stomach (腹部) to 68 . It was pretty fat.
That night, at the dinner table, I 69 a fight (争吵) with my parents because I didn’t eat vegetables as usual. They were 70 with me. But later when I thought about Andrew and his stomach, I decided to eat some vegetables.
五、 写作 (满分15分)
1. 三杯面粉+两勺食盐+半勺酵母 (yeast)+一勺橄榄油+一杯水→比萨饼面团 (pizza dough);
2. 放上番茄酱 (tomato sauce);   
3. 青椒、香肠 (sausage) 切片铺好;
4. 在青椒和香肠的上面铺一层奶酪;
5. 烘烤 (bake)。
要求:在介绍制作过程时,请使用first, second, after that, then, finally等词汇。
Hello, I’m Li Hong from Class 3, Grade 8. I’m very happy that many students like my pizza. I want to tell you how to make it.
11.In 12.tell 13.First 14.pouring 15.Make 16.with 17.minutes 18.needs 19.Finally 20.into
21.B 22.A 23.B 24.C 25.B 26.A 27.B 28.D 29.C 30.B
31.C 32.A 33.B 34.B 35.B
36.A 37.C 38.A 39.C 40.A
41.B 42.D 43.D 44.C 45.C
46.A 47.D 48.C 49.F 50.E
51.They/People make trans fatty acids by adding hydrogen to vegetable oil. 52.China doesn’t make rules about trans fatty acids(according to the passage). 53.Because they/trans fatty acids make food last longer. 54.KFC in China said in 2006 that their food had no trans fatty acids. 55.A gown-up can eat no more than 1% of his diet a day.
56.It is one of the most beautiful cities that I have ever visited.
57.Please allow me to ask several questions.
58.The nature reserve provides food and cover for the red-crowned cranes.
59.Please wash these clothes.
60.Kate, don’t turn on the blender.
61.ago 62.hungry 63.for 64.blender 65.turned 66.a 67.but 68.me 69.had 70.angry
Hello, I’m Li Hong from Class 3, Grade 8. I’m very happy that many students like my pizza. I want to tell you how to make it.
We need cheese, three sausages, two green peppers, water, olive oil, yeast, salt, some tomato sauce and flour. First, make the pizza dough. Mix three cups of flour, two spoons of salt, one cup of water and one spoon of olive oil together. Remember to add half a spoon of yeast. Second, put the tomato sauce on the dough. After that, cut the green peppers and sausages into pieces, and put them on the top of the tomato sauce. Then, put the cheese on the top. Finally, turn on the oven. Bake the pizza in the hot oven for 20 minutes. Then you can enjoy it.
That’s all. It’s not hard for you to make the pizza. I am sure if you have a try at home, you will enjoy it.



上一篇:Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show 基础卷(含答案)-人教新目标版八年级上册

下一篇:Unit 3 I'm more outgoing than my sister. 基础卷(含答案)人教新目标版八年级上册