Module 2 Unit 4 Our neighbours 分层作业(原卷版+解析版)

2024-2025学年六上英语分层作业Module 2 Unit4 Our neighbours
1.邻居 2.儿子
3.女儿 4.吵闹的
5.猫头鹰 6.挖
(一) 用单词正确形式填空
8.Betty (write) some interesting books. She is a famous (write).
9.“Please stop (make) noise at night. We can’t sleep,” said the rabbits.
10.Peter doesn’t like his new neighbours, because they are too (noise).
11.The rabbits (be) very angry, because the owl made a lot of noise.
12.Did you (have) breakfast this morning
13.The rabbits could not (sleep).
(二) 看图片完成句子
14.It was tiring to a hole.
15.Don’t make . My grandmother is .
16.Peter a hole and planted a in the park yesterday.
17.The Zhangs have two children. Lily is their and Tom is their .
18.Mike can’t well, because his neighbours make .
19.—Did you play with Sam last weekend
—Yes, I did. I with him in my home.
20.—Where do you come from
—I come from .
21.How long does it _______ to get to Chongqing ( )
A.takes B.make C.take
22._______ are my neighbours. They have two _______. ( )
A.The Brown; child B.The Browns; children C.The Browns; child
23.—______ ( )
—Sure. We can plant a tree in it.
Shall we go shopping now B.Can you plant trees
C.Shall we dig a hole
24.Mr Owl is not a friendly neighbour. He likes _______. ( )
A.making noise B.making dinner C.catching insects
25.______ are my neighbours. They have three children. ( )
A.The Whites B.The White C.Mr White
26.Andrew, don’t make ______! You mother didn’t sleep well last night. ( )
A.noisy B.noise
四、连词成句, Who, the, in the photo, girl ( ) TV, on, weekend, I, sometimes, the (.), neighbours, the Wus, are (.)
30.a, writer, Mrs Green, is (.)
31.have, daughter, a, they (.)
32.are, neighbours, who, your ( )
healthy neighbor did had handsome
Bob: Who is the boy in the photo, Ann Is he your friend
Ann: No, he isn’t. He is my 33 , David. We are in the same class.
Bob: He is tall. He has big eyes. He is very 34 . And he looks strong and 35 . Does he often play sports
Ann: Yes, he does. We often play basketball with him on Sunday.
Bob: 36 you play basketball with him last Sunday
Ann: Yes, I did. we 37 a good time.
My name is Mike. I live in the countryside. The Wus and the Lius are my neighbours. The Wus have two children. Both are boys. They are Danny and Peter. We are good friends. I always play with them at weekends. We played chess yesterday morning. The Lius have a daughter. Her name is Anna. Anna is my sister Alice’s good friend. They often play together. They are in the same class. They came back home together after school yesterday. Anna had dinner at my home yesterday. We had dumplings. Anna liked the dumplings very much. You see, I have good neighbours. We love each other.
38.Mike lives in the countryside. ( )
39.The Wus and the Lius are neighbours. ( )
40.Mike, Danny and Peter played basketball yesterday. ( )
41.Anna and Alice are sisters. ( )
42.Anna had dinner at Mike’s home yesterday. ( )
同学们,你了解你的邻居吗? 邻居家里有几口人? 他们的工作是什么? 邻居家有孩子吗? 你平时会和邻居一起做什么? 上周末你们一起做了什么事呢?请以“My neighbours”为题,写一篇作文。要求语言规范,60个单词左右。
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2024-2025学年六上英语分层作业Module 2 Unit4 Our neighbours
(沪教牛津版-深圳用) 解析版
1.neighbor 2.son 3.daughter 4.noisy 5.owl
6.dig 7.make noise
7.制造噪音,是一个动词短语,制造为make,噪音为noise,短语英文为make noise,故答案为make noise。
8.wrote writer
【详解】句意:“请停止在夜晚制造噪音。我们无法入睡,”兔子们说道。本题考查动词的形式。stop doing停止做……,make的动名词形式为making。故答案为making。
【详解】句意:挖洞是累人的。本题考查动词的形式。根据图片和句意可知,本题考查单词dig挖,动词,It is+形容词+to do sth做某事是怎么样的,dig是原形,故答案为dig。
15.noise sleeping
16.dug tree
17.daughter son
18.sleep noise
【详解】句意:迈克____不好,因为他的邻居们制造____。本题考查动词的形式和动词短语,根据图片可知是不能入睡,睡觉sleep,can’t后的动词用原形;make noise制造噪音,动词短语,故答案为sleep;noise。
19.played chess
【详解】句意:—上周末你和萨姆玩了吗?—是的。我和他在我家下象棋了。图中是下象棋play chess,句子是一般过去时,play用过去式played,故答案为played chess。
20.the UK
【详解】句意:—你来自哪里?—我来自英国。根据图片可知来自英国the UK,故答案为the,UK。
【详解】句意:到达重庆要花费多长时间?本题考查动词辨析及其动词的形式,A花费,动词第三人称单数;B制作,动词原形;C花费,动词原形。It takes some time to do something.花费多长时间做某事。does后跟动词原形。故选C。
【详解】句意:______是我的邻居。他们有三个孩子。本题考查专有名词。are是复数,故主语也应是复数。Mr White怀特先生,是单数,排除C;the+姓氏的复数表示一家人,The Whites怀特一家,排除B。故选A。
【详解】句意:安德鲁,不要制造______!你妈妈昨晚没睡好。本题考查动词短语。A吵闹的,B噪音,C食物,make noise制造噪音,动词短语。故选B。
27.Who is the girl in the photo /Who’s the girl in the photo
【详解】本题考查句子结构。is是,Who谁,the girl女孩,in the photo在照片上。根据所给的问号和疑问词Who可知句子是特殊疑问句。根据各词词义可知连成句子:照片上的女孩是谁?Who和is可缩写为Who’s。故答案为Who is the girl in the photo /Who’s the girl in the photo
28.I sometimes watch TV on the weekend.
【详解】watch TV看电视,on the weekend在周末,I我,sometimes有时,根据所给句号和单词,可知句子是陈述句,根据词义连成句子:周末我有时看电视。故答案为I sometimes watch TV on the weekend.
29.The Wus are my neighbours.
【详解】my我的,neighbours邻居,the Wus吴家,are是,根据所给句号和单词,可知句子是陈述句,根据词义连成句子:吴家是我的邻居。故答案为The Wus are my neighbours.
30.Mrs Green is a writer.
【详解】a一名,writer作家,Mrs Green格林夫人,is是,根据所给句号和单词,可知句子是陈述句,根据所给词义连成句子:格林夫人是一名作家。故答案为Mrs Green is a writer.
31.They have a daughter.
【详解】have有,daughter女儿,a一个,they他们,根据所给句号和单词,可知句子是陈述句,根据词义连成句子:他们有一个女儿。故答案为They have a daughter.
32.Who are your neighbours
【详解】are是,neighbours邻居,who谁,your你(们)的,根据所给问号,可知句子是疑问句,根据词义连成句子:你(们)的邻居是谁?故答案为Who are your neighbours
33.neighbor 34. handsome 35.healthy 36.Did 37.had
34.上句句意:他很高。他有大眼睛。可知这句描述他的长相。 他非常帅。handsome帅的,符合句意。故答案为handsome。
36.句意:你上周日和他一起打篮球了吗?本句是一般疑问句,根据last Sunday可知是一般过去时态,用did提问,注意首字母大写。故答案为Did。
37.句意:我们玩得很开心。have a good time玩得开心。根据语境可知本句是一般过去时态,have用过去式had。故答案为had。
38.T 39.T 40.F 41.F 42.T
38.句意:迈克住在乡下。根据My name is Mike. I live in the countryside.,可知迈克住在乡下,故答案为T。
39.句意:吴家和刘家是邻居。根据The Wus and the Lius are my neighbours.,可知吴家和刘家是邻居,故答案为T。
40.句意:迈克,丹尼和彼得昨天打篮球了。根据They are Danny and Peter. We are good friends. I always play with them at weekends. We played chess yesterday morning.,可知迈克,丹尼和彼得昨天下象棋了,故答案为F。
41.句意:安娜和爱丽丝是姐妹。根据Anna is my sister Alice’s good friend.,可知安娜和爱丽丝是好朋友,故答案为F。
42.句意:安娜昨天在迈克家吃的晚饭。根据Anna had dinner at my home yesterday.,可知安娜昨天在迈克家吃的晚饭,故答案为T。
My neighbours
The Wus are my neighbours. They are from Hainan. There are four people in this family. Mr Wu is tall and strong. He is a doctor. Mrs Wu is a teacher. They have a daughter and a son, Lingling and Daming. We often read books and play basketball together. We went to the park last weekend. I like my neighbours.
【详解】1.题干解读:该题目要求以“My neighbours”为题,从多方面介绍你的邻居。注意文章为一般现在时态并要符合字数要求。
2.参考词汇:tall高的,strong强壮的,doctor医生,teacher老师,daughter女儿, son儿子,read books读书,play basketball打篮球,last weekend上周末
参考句型:There are...;They are from ...;He is a...; We often...
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