Unit 4 What's the best movie theater?Section B (2a-2e)课件+教案+随堂小练(人教新目标八上)

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Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater Section B (2a-2e) Period 4
课题 Section B (2a-2e) 单元 Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater 课型 Reading
使用教材 人教版 出版时间 2015 学科 英语 年级 八年级
教学目标 To grasp some key words and phrases: talent, winner, magician, beautifully, winner, prize, role, have... in common, be up to, make up, for example, etcTo understand the passage about talent shows.To talk about the most talented person.To be interested in your own talent and help them chase the dream
重难点 To understand the passage about talent showsTo talk about the most talented person.
教学方法 Task-based teaching method, situational teaching method
教学工具 PPT. textbook, blackboard, a multimedia computer
Step 1 Leading-inGive students the pictures and the video of talent shows and ask them : Do you know them Why do they become famous 2. Free talka. Who is the most talented person you know b. What can he/she do [Purpose] To lead in the topicStep 2 Pre-readingAsk students to read the passage quickly and find the answers to the question: Which three talent shows are mentioned [Purpose] To improve Ss’ reading skills.Step 3 While-reading 1. Let students read the passage and match the topic sentences with each paragraph.2. Ask students to read Para l carefully and answer the questions.a. How is it to watch people show their talents b.How are talent shows getting now c. Which three talent shows are mentioned 3. Lead students to read Para 2 and answer the questions. a. What do talent shows have in common b. Who can join the shows c.Who plays a role in deciding the winner d. What does the winner get 4.Let students read Para 3 and fill in the blanks like or dislikeReasonslikedon't like5. Play the tape and ask students to listen and repeat.[Purpose] To improve Ss’ reading skills and help Ss understand the passageStep 4 Post-reading1. Present the mind map of this passage and ask students to retell the passage 2. Ask students to work in class and try to find the talented people in class.3. Invite some students to make a report [Purpose] To practice the target knowledge Step 5 SummaryThe main idea of the passageTo believe yourself and you will be the bestStep 6 Homework1.Retell the passage2.Finish the exercise.
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Period 4 Section B (2a-2e)
Unit 4
What’s the best movie theater
Learning objectives
1. To grasp some key words and phrases: talent, winner, magician, beautifully, winner, prize, role, have... in common, be up to, make up, for example, etc
2. To understand the passage about talent shows.
3. To talk about the most talented person.
4. To be interested in your own talent and help them chase the dream
A: I think ... is the most talented person.
B: What can he/she do
A: He/She ...
I think … is the most talented person. She/He …. And she/he took … prize …. She/He can even make the … very well. Now she/he is a very famous star.
2a Who is the most talented person you know What can he/she do Tell your partner about this person.
China’s Got Talent (中国达人秀)
Zhuo Jun
Zhuo Jun is the winner of China’s Got Talent.
/'w n /
/pra z/
He gets a very good prize (奖品).
People play a role in deciding the winner.
卓 君
They have great talents.
/'t l nt/ (天赋).
They have one thing in common /'k m n/ (有共同特征).
Zhuo Jun and Sweet Mother joined China’s Got Talent.
Zhuo Jun
Sweet Mother
They have one thing in common:
They have great talents.
But Zhuo Jun was the winner, he got a very good prize.
People play a role in deciding the winner.
America’s Got Talent
The Voice of China
China’s Got Talent
Talent Shows
American Idol /'a dl/ 偶像
The passage will talk about
A. the piano.
B. two girls.
C. talent shows.
Predict (预测):
Read and match
C.All have one thing in common
B. are getting
more and more popular.
A.People’s ideas about
talent shows
Talent shows
these shows
The passage talks about____________.
talent shows
Read Para 1
1 Which three talent shows are mentioned(提及)
American Idol
Yes, talent shows are getting more and more popular.
China’s Got Talent
America’s Got Talent
Talent shows
2 Are the talent shows getting more and more
1 What kind of people do talent shows look for
2 Who can join the shows
3 Who plays a role in deciding the winner
4 What does the winner get
Read Para 2
Talent shows
look for…
the … (good) singers
the … (talented) dancers
the … (exciting) magicians
the … (funny) actors..
All kinds of
people join…
People play
a role in…
The winner
1 What kind of people do the talent shows look for
All kinds of people join these shows.
The People who watch the show play a role in deciding the winner.
4 What does the winner get
The winner always gets a very good prize.
Talent shows
In Common
3 Who plays a role in deciding the winner
They try to look for the best singers, the most talented dancers, the most exciting magicians, the funniest actors and so on.
[m 'd n]
2 Who can join the shows
Does everybody enjoy watching the shows
Read Para 3 and answer the question
No, not everybody enjoys watching these shows.
Not like
Fun to watch
Make dreams
come true…
1.Why do some people not like these shows
2.Why do some people like these shows
Lives of the performers are made up
They are fun to watch.
They give people a way to make their dreams come true.
Read Para 3
Different people have different ideas.
Some think that the lives of the performers are made up.
2c Read the passage again and answer the questions.
The people who watch the show.
Because they think that the lives of the performers are made up.
Because they’re fun to watch and they give people a way to make their dreams come true.
They try to look for the best singers, the most talented dancers, the most exciting magicians, the funniest actors and so on.
What do talent shows have in common
2. Who decides the winner
3. Why do some people not like these shows
4. Why do some people like these shows
5. What do you think of these shows
useful words and phrases
Translate the following phrases into English.
have got
be good at
around the world
such as/for example
have … in common
try to do sth.
and so on
all kinds of
more and more popular
1.具有 __________________
2.擅长 ________________
3.越来越流行 ____________________
4.世界各地 __________________
5.例如 ___________________
6.有相同特征 ________________
7.尽力去做某事 ___________
8.等等 _____________
9.各种各样的 __________
play a role
get a very good prize
enjoy doing sth.
make up
in fact
take … seriously
come true
be up to …
10.由……决定 __________
11.发挥作用 __________________
12.得到丰厚的奖赏 ___________________
13.喜欢做某事 __________________
14.编造 ___________________
15.实际上 ________________
16.认真对待 ______________
17.实现 _____________
Talent shows
Talent shows look for…
All kinds of people join…
People play a role in…
The winner can get…
Talent shows
in common
Not like
the most talented dancers
the most exciting magicians
the funniest actors
play the piano the best
sing the most beautifully
2d Underline all the superlatives in the passage. Then write sentences using at least four of them.
best singer: In my class, Tom is the best singer because he can sing fast songs very well.
2e Who’s got talent in your class Add more talents and write a classmate’s name for each talent. Find out how many students in your group agree with you.
Everyone is good at something. Try to discover it.
Age: 23
Name: Liu Wei
He started playing the piano with his feet at the age of 10, and he dreamed of becoming a pianist(钢琴家).
Could his dream come true
Hard work makes his dream come true.
You can dream it, you can do it.
有梦者事竟成 。
1.Retell the passage
2.Finish the exercise./ 让教学更有效 精品试卷 | 英语学科
Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater Section B (2a-2e) 随堂小练
1.Those ____________(魔术师)from America look very young.
2. Would you like to g_________me some bread I am hungry.
3.Not _____________ (每人) is good at music.Some can't sing well.
4.What r___________does the girl play in the movie
5. There will be a __________(天赋)show in our school hall tomorrow afternoon.
6. Paul can't buy that expensive piano because his family is very p__________.
1. Who is the__________( win) of the English speaking competition
2. Gina is a kind girl and she___________(true) likes to help others.
3.They enjoyed__________( watch) the soccer game on TV.
4.My brother works hard and I think he can make his dream__________(come) true.
5.You should take the game____________(serious).
6. This is a good way____________(cross) the bridge.
beautiful; prize; make up; be up to; all kinds of
1. It ______________ the teacher to decide where we will go for a vacation.
2. After winning the____________, Lily became famous overnight.
3. The store sells_____________things such as clothes, books and food.
4. Steve sang the song very_______________and his teacher was very happy.
5. Nick______________a story about his trip last month.
一、1.magicians 2.give3.everybody/everyone4.role 5.talent 6.poor
二、1.winner 2.truly 3.watching 4.come5.seriously 6. to cross
三、1.is up to 2. prize3.all kinds of4. beautifully5. made up



