
2024 年广东中考英语模拟卷一 The girl said, "I lost my 3." The man asked, "What does it look like " The girl replied,
"It's a pink wallet 4 some money and my ID card in it."
(时间:60 分钟 满分 90 分)
The man decided to 5 her. They walked around the street and looked for the wallet.
题目 一 二 三 四 五 六 总得分 After a while, they saw an old woman 6 something from the ground. They went to her and
得分 asked if she had seen a pink wallet. The old woman said, "Yes, I just found one. Is this
一、听说应用(本大题共 30 小题,每小题 1 分,共 30 分,分为 A、B、C、D 四部分,)省略 7 " The girl was very happy and said, "Yes, it is. Thank you very much."
二、语法选择(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分) The man and the girl continued their walk. When they passed a shop, the girl stopped and
请通读下面短文,掌握其大意,根据语法和上下文连贯的要求,从每小题 3 个选项 said, "I want to buy something 8 my mother. It's her birthday today." The man smiled and
中选出一个最佳的答案,并将答题卡对应题目所选的选项涂黑。 said, "That's very kind of you."
When I 1 a child, I loved to play in the park. There was a big tree 2 the center of The girl chose a beautiful scarf and 9 it happily. Then they said goodbye to each other.
the park. I often climbed up to the top of the tree and looked 3. One day, I saw a little bird in When the man got home, he felt very tired but 10. He knew that helping others could
the tree. It looked so cute 4 I wanted to catch it. But when I tried to climb closer to it, I bring happiness to both others and himself.
suddenly 5 and fell down. I hurt my leg 6 couldn't walk. I was very 7 and didn't 1. A. sitting B. standing C. lying D. sleeping
know 8 to do. Just then, a kind man came over. He saw what happened and 9 me to the 2. A. told B. asked C. said D. spoke
hospital. The doctor said it wasn't serious and told me to rest for a few days. I was very 3. A. bag B. book C. wallet D. phone
grateful to the man. From then on, I 10 more careful when climbing trees. 4. A. with B. without C. for D. of
1. A. am B. was C. were 5. A. helping B. helped C. helps D. help
2. A. in B. on C. at 6. A. took up B. looked up C. picked up D. looking up
3. A. around B. for C. after 7. A. it B. you C. your D. yours
4. A. that B. and C. but 8. A. to B. for C. from D. of
5. A. slipped B. jumped C. ran 9. A. took B. bought C. sold D. made
6. A. or B. so C. but 10. A. sad B. angry C. happy D. bored
7. A. scared B. scary C. scaring 四、阅读理解(本大题共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,共 30 分)
8. A. how B. what C. where 请阅读 A、B 两篇短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所
9. A. took B. bring C. carried 给句子的最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。
10. A. was B. am C. will be A
三、完形填空(本大题有 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分) In the past, people thought it was strange to use the left hand. Young students looked
通该下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。并将 down upon their left-handed classmates. Some children were even punished for using their left
答题卡对应题目所选的选项涂黑 hand to write. But these days parents and teachers have accepted that. In almost every school
One day, a man was walking along the street. He saw a little girl 1 on the corner of the in the world, left-handed students can use their left hand to write.
street crying. He went up to her and 2, "Why are you crying, little girl "
姓名:_____________ 学校:_____________ 联系电话:_____________ 考号:_____________
What caused the change Scientists say that people use both their brains. The left side of How about going to Huai'an for the weekend You can visit Zhou Enlai Memorial (纪念
the brain controls the right side of the body. The right side of the brain controls the left side of 馆) and taste Huaiyang delicious food such as lobsters (龙虾) and crabs (螃蟹).
the body. So right-handed people have a strong left brain, and left-handed people have a strong Tour Price: 690
right brain. Call us at 800-817-7223
As a result, some left-handed students are good at art and music. And some right-handed 4-Day Qingdao Private (私人的) Tour
students are also good at art and music. This doesn't mean that all left-handed students are Qingdao is famous for its sunshine, white sandy beaches and clear water. You can relax
smarter than right-handed students. It just shows that people use different parts of their brains. there, walking along the beaches and breathing the fresh air!
1. In the past, left-handed students were ______. Tour Price:
A. Accepted B. punished C. respected D. praised 1 person: 669
2. People use ______ of their brains. 2 - 5 persons: 550 / person
A. All B. one side C. both sides D. neither side 6 - 9 persons: 530 / person
3. Some left-handed students are good at art and music because ______. Call us at 800-810-6288
A. they have a strong left brain B. they have a strong right brain
C. they are smarter than right-handed students D. they learn art and music better 5-Day Taiwan Group Tour
4. Which of the following is TRUE Taiwan is a wonderful place. You can climb Ali Mountain, go boating in Sun Moon
A. Right-handed people have a strong right brain. Lake and experience the various cultures of the island.
B. Left-handed people have a strong left brain. Tour Price: 8,500
C. Both right-handed and left-handed people use different parts of their brains. Call us at 800-850-8288
D. All left-handed students are smarter than right-handed students.
5. The passage mainly tells us ______. 1. How long will the Huai'an Culture Group Tour last
A. left-handed students are smarter than right-handed students A. Two days. B. Four days. C. Five days. D. Eight days.
B. right-handed students are smarter than left-handed students 2. Mrs. Li is planning to take the 4-Day Qingdao Private Tour with her two daughters.
C. both right-handed and left-handed students are the same How much will they pay
D. people use different parts of their brains A. 1,650. B. 1,590. C. 2,090. D. 470.
B 3. If you want to go boating in Sun Moon Lake, you should call ______.
Do you like traveling If you are interested, come to our travel service as soon as possible. A. 800-817-7223 B. 800-810-6288 C. 800-850-8288 D. 800-830-7288
We offer the following travel lines for you to choose. 4. If you take the 5-Day Taiwan Group Tour, you will be able to ______.
A. taste Huaiyang food B. climb Ali Mountain
2-Day Huai'an Culture Group Tour C. enjoy the sunshine on the beach D. walk along the beaches
5. The passage may come from a ______.
A. Storybook B. travel magazine C. sports newspaper D. science report 六、读写综合题(本大题分为 A、B 两部分,共 25 分)
C A.回答问题(本题共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,共 10 分)
配对阅读。左栏是五个人的情况介绍,右栏是七种解决问题的方法,请为每个人选 请阅读下面短文,然后按照信息卡内的要求填写信息,并把答案写在答题卡对应题
择最合适的方法,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余项。 目的答题位置上。
(1) Tom is often late for school because he A. You should have a balanced diet and do The Internet has become an important part of our lives. It has changed the way we
always gets up late. This makes his teacher more exercise. It can help you keep healthy. communicate, learn, and do business.
angry. B. You should make a study plan and spend We can communicate with people all over the world through the Internet. We can send
(2) Jack likes playing computer games very more time on your lessons. And you should
much. He spends a lot of time on them every give up playing computer games. emails, chat online, and make video calls. It's much faster and cheaper than traditional ways of
day. As a result, he doesn't do well in his C. You can ask your parents or teachers for communication.
lessons. help. They can help you choose good books. The Internet is also a great source of information. We can search for anything we want to
(3) Mary is a good student. She studies hard. D. You should set the alarm clock and get up know, such as history, science, and culture. We can also take online courses and learn new
But she is very shy and doesn't like to talk early. skills.
with others. E. You should read more books and practice
However, the Internet also has some disadvantages. For example, some people spend too
(4) Bob is a fat boy. He likes eating speaking with your friends.
hamburgers and ice-cream very much. He F. You should learn to share your happiness much time online and neglect their real-life relationships. Some websites contain bad
doesn't like doing sports. and sadness with your friends. information that is not suitable for children.
(5) Linda is a middle school student. She likes G. You should join a sports club and do more In conclusion, the Internet is a useful tool, but we need to use it wisely.
reading books very much. But she doesn't exercise. It's good for your health. Information Card
know how to choose good books. Information Details
五、短文填空(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1. 5 分,共 15 分)
The way the Internet has changed 1.
并将答案写在答题卡对应题目的答题位置上。 our lives
It was a sunny day. I went to a park with my parents. We had a great time there. The advantage of communicating 2.
When we got to the park, we saw many beautiful f 1 . They were in different colors. through the Internet
There was a big l 2 in the middle of the park. Some people were b 3 boats on it. Near The thing we can search for on 3.
the lake, there was a big tree. Under the tree, some children were p 4 games. the Internet
My parents and I walked around the park. We saw a group of old people doing t 5 The disadvantage of the Internet 4.
exercise. Not far from them, some young men were r 6 . The conclusion 5.
After that, we went to a restaurant to have lunch. The food was very d 7 . We all liked it.
In the afternoon, we went s 8 . My mother bought a nice dress and my father bought a
pair of shoes for me.
When it was getting dark, we went home. We were very t 9 but happy.
It was a w 10 day.
B.书面表达(本题 15 分)
假设你是李华,你的英国笔友 Tom 对互联网很感兴趣,他给你发邮件询问互联网对
你生活的影响。请你根据上述短文内容以及你自己的实际情况,给 Tom 回一封邮件。
1. 介绍互联网对你学习和生活的帮助;
2. 谈谈互联网带来的一些问题;
3. 说说你是如何合理使用互联网的。
1. 词数 80 左右;
2. 邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Tom,
I'm glad to receive your email. The Internet has really changed my life.
Best wishes!
Li Hua
参考答案 Dear Tom,
I'm glad to receive your email. The Internet has really changed my life.
二、BCAAA BABAA First of all, it helps me a lot in my study. I can search for useful information and take
online courses to learn new knowledge. It also makes it easier for me to communicate with my
friends and family. I can chat with them and share my feelings at any time.
四、BCBCD AACBB DBEGC However, the Internet also brings some problems. Some people, including me, spend too
much time on it and it's bad for our eyes. And there is also some bad information that may
五、1. flowers 2. lake 3. boating 4. playing 5. Tai Chi 6. running affect us.
delicious 8. shopping 9. tired 10. wonderful To use the Internet properly, I limit the time I spend online every day. And I avoid
visiting bad websites.
Information Details Best wishes!
The way the Internet has changed 1. Communicate, learn and do business.
our lives Yours,
The advantage of communicating 2. Faster and cheaper than traditional ways.
through the Internet Li Hua
The thing we can search for on 3. Anything we want to know.
the Internet
The disadvantage of the Internet 4. Some people spend too much time online and neglect
real-life relationships. Some websites contain bad
information that is not suitable for children.
The conclusion 5. The Internet is a useful tool, but we need to use it



上一篇:Unit 1 Making friends 综合素质达标(含答案及听力原文无听力音频)

下一篇:Unit 4 What's the best movie theater?Section B (2a-2e)课件+教案+随堂小练(人教新目标八上)