外研剑桥(Join in)版(刘兆义主编)六年级上册期末复习:连词成句(含答案)

六年级英语上册期末专项复习(Join in 外研剑桥英语)
1.are, in, many, There, places, Beijing, interesting (.)
2.China, is, Wuhan, city, a, in, big (.)
3.at, English, harder, going, to, work, I’m (.)
4.moon, cakes, and, Families, eat, get, together (.)
5.season, spring, My, is, favourite (.)
6.see, them, did, you, yesterday ( )
7.eat, carrots, the, rabbits (.)
8.the, you, matter, with, what’s ( )
9.holiday, How, your, was, winter. ( )
10.I, love, for, ice cream, breakfast (.)
11.eat, the, silkworms, on, the, leaves, trees (.)
12.live, a, I, in, city, far, from, village, the (.)
13.is, your, subject, favourite, What ( )
14.Labour, how, your, Day, was, holiday ( )
15.many, you, do, how, subjects, have ( )
16.live, I, Ottawa, in (.)
17.in, live, China, pandas (.)
18.in, the, sea, live, sharks (.)
19.apple, small, The, is (.)
20.Kangaroos, in, live, Australia (.)
21.working, computer, I, with, love, my (.)
22.lands, Mayflower, America, the, in (.)
23.up ghosts dress they as or witches (.)
24.play, you, we’ll, on, trick, a (!)
25.nobody home there's at (.)
26.upstairs open window the is (.)
27.many, birds, fruit, there, and, were, trees (.)
28.the, left, it's, street, on, of , side, the (.)
29.church, opposite, the, is, park, the (.)
30.more, reading, will, I, listening, and, do (.)
31.new, the, where, cinema, is ( )
32.to, want, we, to, other, listen, each (.)
33.chickens, she, the, also, feeds (.)
34.taking, he, photographs, loves (.)
35.precious, me, they, very, to, are (.)
36.cute, it, so, is (!)
37.moon, the, full and bright, is (.)
38.has, big, It, a, got, nose (.)
39.mouth, a, very, got, has, it, big (.)
40.Mike, that, is, speaking ( )
41.is, film, Mike, to, see, going, a (.)
42.on, What’s, TV, afternoon, this ( )
43.year, can, again, I, next, come, ( )
44.boring, it, is, Arctic, in, the, ( )
45.are, going, we, the, playground, to, (.)
46.can, go, we, again, fishing, tomorrow, ( )
47.are, no, there, malls, here, shopping, (.)
48.beautiful, Arctic, very, the, is, (!)
49.always, on, they, Sunday, TV, watch (.) (连词成句)
your coat.
51.football, never, watch, I, (.)
52.she, watch, will, this, afternoon, Man, and, Nature, (.)
53.doesn’t, his, sister, cartoons, like, (.)
54.Mingming, sister, his, and, watching, TV, like, (.)
55.she, are, thinks, they, boring, (.)
56.they, boring, thinks, she, are, (.)
57.never, watch, football, I, (.)
58.moment, a, wait (.)
59.got, I, a, new, have, CD-ROM (.)
60.at, light, don’t, go, red, the (!)
61.cook, does, your, day, Chinese, mother, food, every ( )
62.film, about, we, space, are, to, travel, going, see, a (.)
63.get, how, can, restaurant, to, I, the ( )
64.this, see, doctor, should, he, a, morning (.)
65.a, life, healthy, very, has, uncle, My (.)
66.does father do What your ( )
67.park go the Let’s nature to (.)
68.pet, after, she, dog, look, her, should (.)
69.What, interesting, an, film, (!)
70.film, tomorrow, am, see, I, to, a, going, (.)
71.left, at, the, turn, hospital, (.)
72.about space travel, are, going to, see a film, the students ( )
73.the traffic lights, You, pay attention to, must (.)
74.and, at a yellow light, slow down, stop (.)
75.can, get to, how, I, the Fuxing Hospital ( )
76.all, be together, tonight, we, will (.)
77.this morning, my father, should, see a doctor (.)
78.likes, reading stories, Peter, after class (.)
79.wrong, what’s, his, English teacher, with ( )
80.be, don’t, angry, your sister, with (.)
81.we, get to, How, the, museum, can ( )
82.are going to, in Renmin Park, We, draw pictures (.)
83.traffic lights, pay attention to, I, must, the (.)
84.No. 57 bus, Take, over there, the (.)
85.Turn left, the, at, bookstore (.)
86.is, going, Amy, where, week, next ( )
87.go, red, at, don’t, light, the (!)
88.I, come, foot, to, usually, on, school (.)
89.right, at, office, turn, the, post (.)
90.office, we, the, in, post, of, are, front (.)
91.he, doing word puzzles, like, does ( )
92.do, you, How, come, school, to, ( )
93.take, I’m, No.22, to, going, bus, the, (.)
94.you, are, going, When, ( )
95.left, at, Turn, the, bookstore, (.)
96.are, What, to, tomorrow, do, you, going, ( )
97.going, draw, park, we’re, to, some, in, pictures, the (.)
98.should, take, a, breath, you, deep, and, ten, to, count (.)
99.your, do, what, mother, does ( )
100.come, school, do, how, you, to ( )

1.There are many interesting places in Beijing.
2.Wuhan is a big city in China.
3.I’m going to work harder at English.
4. Families get together and eat moon cakes.
5.My favourite season is spring.
6.Did you see them yesterday
7.The rabbits eat carrots.
8.What’s the matter with you
9.How was your winter holiday
10.I love ice cream for breakfast.
11.The silkworms eat leaves on the trees.
12.I live in a village far from the city.
13.What is your favourite subject
14.How was your Labour Day holiday
15.How many subjects do you have
16.I live in Ottawa.
17.Pandas live in China.
18.Sharks live in the sea.
19.The apple is small.
20.Kangaroos live in Australia.
21.I love working with my computer.
22.The Mayflower lands in America.
23.They dress up as ghosts or witches.
24.We’ll play a trick on you!
25.There's nobody at home.
26.The window upstairs is open.
27.There were many fruit trees and birds.
28.It's on the left side of the street.
29.The church is opposite the park. /The park is opposite the church.
30.I will do more reading and listening.
31.Where is the new cinema
32.We want to listen to each other.
33.She also feeds the chickens.
34.He loves taking photographs.
35.They are very precious to me.
36.It is so cute!
37.The moon is full and bright.
38.It has got a big nose./It’s got a big nose
39.It has got a very big mouth.
40.Is that Mike speaking
41.Mike is going to see a film.
42.What’s on TV this afternoon
43.Can I come next year
44.Is it boring in the Arctic
45.We are going to the playground.
46.Can we go fishing again tomorrow
47.There are no shopping mall here.
48.The Arctic is very beautiful.
49.They always watch TV on Sunday.
50. Put on
51.I never watch football.
52.She will watch Man and Nature this afternoon.
53.His sister doesn’t like cartoons.
54.Mingming and his sister like watching TV.
55.She thinks they are boring.
56.She thinks they are boring.
57.I never watch football.
58.Wait a moment.
59.I have got a new CD-ROM.
60.Don’t go at the red light!
61.Does your mother cook Chinese food every day
62.We are going to see a film about space travel.
63.How can I get to the restaurant
64.He should see a doctor this morning.
68.She should look after her pet dog.
72.The students are going to see a film about space travel.
73.You must pay attention to the traffic lights.
74.Slow down and stop at a yellow light.
75.How can I get to the Fuxing Hospital
76.We will all be together tonight.
77.My father should see a doctor this morning.
78.Peter likes reading stories after class.
79.What’s wrong with his English teacher
80.Don’t be angry with your sister.
86.Where is Amy going next week
87.Don’t go at the red light.
88.I usually come to school on foot.
89.Turn right at the post office.
90.We are in front of the post office.
91.Does he like doing word puzzles
92.How do you come to school
93.I’m going to take No.22 bus there.
94.When are you going
95.Turn left at the bookstore.
96.What are you going to do tomorrow
97.We’re going to draw some pictures in the park.



上一篇:外研剑桥(Join in)版(刘兆义主编)六年级上册期末复习:词汇 语音(含答案)

下一篇:Unit 1 Making friends 综合素质达标(含答案及听力原文无听力音频)