
1. What will the man probably do
A. Get a new car.
B. Buy the woman's car.
C. Help the woman paint her car.
2. Why is the man leaving early
A. He isn't interested in the movie.
B. He wants to stay out of the traffic jam.
C. He doesn't know the way to the theatre.
3. What is the man dissatisfied with about his new job
A. The salary. B. The hours. C. The location.
4. How does the man usually get to the shopping center
A. By bus. B. On foot. C. By car.
5. Where is the paper for the printer
A. On the bottom shelf. B. On the top shelf. C. On the floor.
6. What is the possible relationship between the two speakers
A. Co-workers.
B. Boss and assistant.
C. Salesman and customer.
7. Where will the man be at 4:45 pm tomorrow
A. In a meeting room. B. At the airport. C. In his car.
8. Why did Ann quit her job according to the woman
A. The pay was low.
B. It wasn't challenging.
C. It took up much of her time.
9. What are the two speakers talking about
A. Waste collection. B. House cleaning. C. Building materials.
10. When is garbage collected
A. On Mondays. B. On Wednesdays. C. On Thursdays.
11. What kind of apartment do the speakers prefer
A. One near the market.
B. One without furniture.
C. One with two bedrooms.
12. How much might the speakers pay
A. $350. B. $415. C. $400.
13. Who might the speaker be
A. A performer in the concert.
B. The producer of the concert.
C. The organizer of the concert.
14. Why does the speaker apologize to those sitting at the back
A. Because they were standing in the rain.
B. Because they had to work behind the scene.
C. Because the performers didn't have good sense of humor.
第三节 听取信息(共4小题;每小题1.5分,共6分)
Do Your Part in Environmental Protection
Reduce your use of materials and energy ● Bring a 15 bag with you shopping ● Cut down on electricity use
Reuse a variety of items ● Buy and donate used clothing ● 16 buying bottled water
Get into the recycling 17 ● Shop for recycled products ● 18 your recyclables
第一节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)
A mystery man, known as Benny, has been spreading happiness—one $100 bill at a time for more than three years in and around Salem, Oregon.
He randomly 19 the bills in shops to be found, surprising and delighting unsuspecting shoppers. When it appeared that others might be trying to copy him, he started 20 his bills.
It is estimated that he has hidden more than $50,000 worth of $100 bills, and that's only what has been reported. Some people have been 21 where the bills are found, and notice that he has left them in stores, markets and fairs. Those who find one all have a similar tale about being 22 when a $100 bill, with the mark of “Benny”, falls out of the packaging of something.
It is 23 how these bills always seem to end up in the right hands. They have helped people pay their electric bill, make their rent, and even provide the homeless with 24 for a couple of nights. But the real magic of Benny is that more than half of the 25 report paying it forward to their favorite non-profit or a stranger in need. Some of the most heartwarming stories involve 26 . Instead of shopping for toys, they decide to buy school supplies for their classmates or groceries for the local food bank.
The bills are so 27 by some of the people who find them that they post them on their refrigerators or carry them in their purses. It's a 28 , they say, to give and be like Benny.
19. A. covers B. buries C. hides D. stores
20. A. returning B. checking C. changing D. signing
21. A. keep sight of B. keep track of C. lose sight of D. lose track of
22. A. amazed B. impressed C. inspired D. amused
23. A. acceptable B. sensible C. admirable D. remarkable
24. A. food B. clothing C. shelter D. transport
25. A. finders B. sellers C. losers D. receivers
26. A. teachers B. children C. the elderly D. the disabled
27. A. protected B. recommended C. treasured D. expected
28. A. chance B. challenge C. record D. reminder
第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)
Understanding the meaning of dreams is crucial for personal growth. In 2023, researchers 29 (conduct) an experiment to prove that dreams reflect our subconscious(潜意识的) thoughts and desires. Whether they are pleasant or nightmares, they all hold a message about our inner world. People regarding dreams 30 inspirations know that they can motivate us to achieve goals. Therefore, listening to 31 our dreams tell us might lead us to a better understanding of ourselves and a more fulfilling life.
I'll never forget the time 32 my parents sent me to learn painting. Since I was very young, they 33 (expect) that I could understand art and master one skill. This experience brings me the sense of art, 34 (allow) me to have my own understanding of art. Art is an important way to express people's opinion. For example, the difference between classical and ordinary paintings lies in the thoughts. The famous artists implant their ideas in the pictures, which 35 (admit) by the public, so the value of arts can be seen.
Yellowstone National Park is the world's first national park. It lies mainly on a broad plateau in the Rocky Mountains, 36 (surround) by mountains from 3,048-4,267m high. The area, a huge crater like 37 (volcano) basin, is a geological hot spot responsible for several massive eruptions, the most recent occurring some 640,000 years ago. The park has a wide variety of flowers and other plant lives. Bears, mountain sheep, elk, bison, moose, many smaller animals, and more than 200 kinds of birds inhabit Yellowstone, which is one of the world's 38 (large) wildlife sanctuaries(保护区).
第三部分 阅读理解(共2节,共30分)
Growing up in an underdeveloped zone of Johannesburg, South Africa, Musa Motha says his surroundings weren't exactly ideal. Soccer was his favorite sport, and he fondly remembers the times he played for the local youth team. But when he was 10 years old, he injured in his left leg. This changed everything.
A bone marrow biopsy(骨髓活检) revealed Motha had osteosarcoma, a type of bone cancer, in his left leg. While his soccer injury was not the cause, it did draw attention to the already-present cancer. He chose the amputation(截肢) and ever since that day, he decided he was going to approach life differently—more positively, he said.
True to his word, Motha, now 26, can be seen twirling(转动) across stages around the world. He first encountered dance at a neighborhood party, where he asked a friend to teach him some modified moves. “Then I danced the whole night,” he recalled. His talents did not go unnoticed; he began appearing in South African TV ads and shows. He even appeared in Drake's One Dance music video.
Motha thinks that representation needs to extend beyond the performing arts. “The more we can see the disabled person in multiple aspects of life, such as helicopter pilots, engineers, chefs, choreographers and professors, the greater hope we can hold onto for a society where no one is on the margins,” he said. That's Motha's dream as well.
Though he said that dance gave him “a purpose”, he added “I don't want to see myself as a dancer only.” He wants to create a space for other people with disabilities to go outside their comfort zone—from soccer to singing. He feels that greater representation will create more opportunities and inclusion, paving the way for people with disabilities to shine. “Instead of telling a so b story, I find that the most beautiful stories are after the amputation,” Motha said. He encourages others with disabilities that they, too, can do everything: “There's a whole lot of things that you can overcome and that actually define how strong you are.”
39. What caused the discovery of Motha's cancer
A. The terrible living environment.
B. The routine medical examination.
C. The accidental injury in his left leg.
D. The high amputation of his left leg.
40. Why does Motha refuse to see himself as a dancer only
A. To indicate that dance is no longer his favorite.
B. To inspire the disabled to go beyond themselves.
C. To stress he hasn't gone outside his comfort zone.
D. To show off his talents in more aspects of his life.
41. Which of the following can best describe Motha
A. Brave and humorous. B. Friendly and sociable.
C. Humble and creative. D. Optimistic and ambitious.
On March 7, 1907, the English statistician Francis Galton published a paper which illustrated what has come to be known as the “wisdom of crowds” effect. The experiment of estimation he conducted showed that in some cases, the average of a large number of independent estimates could be quite accurate.
This effect capitalizes on the fact that when people make errors, those errors aren't always the same. Some people will tend to overestimate, and some to underestimate. When enough of these errors are averaged together, they cancel each other out, resulting in a more accurate estimate. If people are similar and tend to make the same errors, then their errors won't cancel each other out. In more technical terms, the wisdom of crowds requires that people's estimates be independent. If for whatever reasons, people's errors become correlated or dependent, the accuracy of the estimate will go down.
But a new study led by Joaquin Navajas offered an interesting twist(转折) on this classic phenomenon. The key finding of the study was that when crowds were further divided into smaller groups that were allowed to have a discussion, the averages from these groups were more accurate than those from an equal number of independent individuals. For instance, the average obtained from the estimates of four discussion groups of five was significantly more accurate than the average obtained from 20 independent individuals.
In a follow-up study with 100 university students, the researchers tried to get a better sense of what the group members actually did in their discussion. Did they tend to go with those most confident about their estimates Did they follow those least willing to change their minds This happened some of the time, but it wasn't the dominant response. Most frequently, the groups reported that they “shared arguments and reasoned together.” Somehow, these arguments and reasoning resulted in a global reduction in error.
Although the studies led by Navajas have limitations and many questions remain, the potential implications for group discussion and decision-making are enormous.
42. What is Paragraph 2 of the text mainly about
A. The methods of estimation. B. The underlying logic of the effect.
C. The causes of people's errors. D. The design of Galton's experiment.
43. Navajas’ study found that the average accuracy could increase even if __________.
A. the crowds were relatively small
B. there were occasional underestimates
C. estimates were not fully independent
D. individuals did not communicate
44. What is the author's attitude toward Navajas' studies
A. Approving. B. Dismissive. C. Doubtful. D. Unclear.
Recently the term “climate anxiety” has been used to better describe our growing concerns about climate change. While there is evidence that climate anxiety can be identified and reliably measured, what's less clear is how it relates to mental illness. Mental health providers across the world are noting the presence of climate anxiety in their patients; however, the degree to which it is influencing mental illness is not yet clear, though evidence addressing this question is slowly growing.
For years now, mental health clinicians have seen climate anxiety influencing presentations of mental illness in a variety of ways, some extreme. Recent studies are starting to look at links between climate anxiety and mental illness in larger samples to help better understand the directionality of their relationship. In a U. S. survey of more than 340 people published in 2018, climate concerns were associated with depressive symptoms. Ecological coping, which includes pro-environmental behaviors such as reducing energy consumption, appeared to be protective against depression, indicating that climate concerns and the poor coping skills used to address them could be causing depressive symptoms.
So who might be more at risk of mental illness secondary to the uncertainties around climate change Unsurprisingly, climate anxiety appears higher in individuals with more concern about environmental issues at baseline and those already experiencing direct effects of climate change. Climatologists also face increased risk given their in-depth knowledge on the issue coupled with the upsetting task of trying to convey it to individuals and governments that often deny or downplay it. People with high levels of neuroticism, a personality trait that increases susceptibility(敏感) to mental illness, are also likely to be at high risk.
Some individuals report adaptive responses to climate anxiety like adopting pro-environmental behaviors and participating in collective action, while others are unable to respond behaviorally at all. It's not yet clear how these varying reactions manifest (呈现) on a population level and how they're influencing humanity's response to climate change. However, a recent survey of nearly 200 people found that, while climate anxiety was associated with an emotional response to climate change, it was not correlated with a behavioral response.
If this is true for humanity as a whole, we must urgently help motivate the anxious among us. Doing so successfully will require many approaches, such as delivering cognitive-behavioral therapy (认知行为疗法) to the most severely affected and demonstrating to entire populations that change is possible by better publicizing productive efforts by organizations to reduce their carbon footprints. We can't let climate anxiety stop us from responding to climate change, because now, more than ever, we need action, not inaction.
45. What can be learned from the first two paragraphs
A. Mental illness may increase the risk of climate anxiety.
B. Reducing energy consumption can help treat depression.
C. Failure to handle climate anxiety may cause depressive symptoms.
D. The influence of climate anxiety on mental illness can be measured.
46. The underlined phrase “secondary to” in Paragraph 3 probably means __________.
A. regardless of B. as a result of
C. as serious as D. less important than
47. Which of the following might be effective in helping the anxious overcome climate anxiety
A. Publicizing the latest research on climate anxiety.
B. Funding studies into cognitive-behavioral therapies.
C. Delivering speeches to anxious people on a regular basis.
D. Informing the public of practical ways to live a greener life.
48. What is the purpose of this passage
A. To reveal consequences of climate anxiety.
B. To show new findings about climate anxiety.
C. To compare climate anxiety and mental illness.
D. To demand care for those experiencing climate anxiety.
People Who Can't Count
A recent study has discovered that dyscalculia, the mathematical inability in reading, affects about 5% of children in Britain. There is no simple way of finding out the reason and kids with this learning disability are usually labelled unintelligent.
So what exactly is this learning disability in mathematics Unlike most people, dyscalculics cannot recognise three or four objects. 49 For example, they need to count the books on the table before they can say how many there are. In other words, they have to count them one by one. This is where they are different from others. The majority of us, if shown three or four similar things, can immediately recognise them.
50 They cannot understand, for instance, why two and three makes five. Another problem is not being able to tell which group contains more objects than the other. Experiments have proved that dyscalculics have not developed the part of the brain responsible for processing numbers.
There are also problems with the abstract concept of time for dyscalculics. 51 If your best friend is always late, he might be suffering from dyscalculia. Dyscalculics cannot keep track of time, and they never know how much time they have spent getting ready and how long it will take them to get to work. In addition, research has shown that dyscalculics behave oddly in social situations. 52 This poor ability can explain why they never know how much change they are due or what kind of budget they need for their holiday.
On the other hand, dyscalculics are very good at creative arts. People suffering from dyscalculia can become painters or poets. Dyscalculia does not seem to delay language acquisition. Dyscalculic children acquire language at the same time as, if not earlier than, most children and have no problem learning to read or write. 53
A. Dyscalculics have difficulties in using numbers at all.
B. This disability scares children away from learning mathematics.
C. They would ask for a phone number again and again before writing it down.
D. They have to go through the routine of counting even a small number of objects.
E. They never know how much they should tip the waiter or they've got left after a shopping trip.
F. We can see that dyscalculia is only a learning disability, not a general indication of intelligence.
G. This can account for their difficulty in reading schedules and remembering the order in which things have happened.
第一节 单词拼写(请用五、六、七单元学过的单词的适当形式填空,共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)
54. The bad weather increases the danger of their __________(探险).
55. The old woman continued to do cooking d__________ her age of 90.
56. She stood there,__________(犹豫) over whether or not to tell him the truth.
57. Mary was a__________ the first prize for her remarkable performance last term.
58. When it comes to maintaining a relationship, nothing but __________(真诚) matters most.
59. S__________ such heavy loss in the hurricane, the farmer didn't expect to have a good harvest.
60. We have various duties at different s__________ of our life, for example, enriching our knowledge during youth.
61. His unusual use of color has led experts to think that Van Gogh's mental illness may have a__________ his sense of sight.
62. In the near future we can live in a smart home that can __________(综合) computers into the structure of the building itself.
63. Inspired by his s__________ with deafness, Beethoven produced some amazing pieces, including nine symphonies, five piano pieces, and an opera!
第二节 完成句子(请用五、六、七单元学过的短语完成,共5小题;每小题1分,共5分)
The air conditioner __________ yesterday, so I did not sleep well.
I came across these old photos __________.
Nature got hurt, felt pain, and finally __________.
She __________ of terror when she spotted the white shark.
__________ the extreme cold, we were unable to plant the trees.
第一节 阅读与表达(共4小题,第69、70、71小题各2分,第72小题4分,共10分)
Do We Need Art in Our Lives
No one will be surprised to hear that the arts are under fire in this day and age. We view the arts as something of a hobby, something that's fun but certainly can't pay the rent. If it's not a useful skill, no wonder arts funding is being cut in schools. Do we really need art in our lives
In schools, time and money is at a premium(稀有而珍贵), now more than ever. With teachers having to fit so many lessons into every day, it's easy to see why art is dropping more and more by the wayside. Budgets are dropping at an alarming rate, and what school is going to drop teaching in essential subjects such as math or science when they can drop art instead
It seems as though the loss of art in daily life is a sad fact of life, but it doesn't have to be. There are actually a lot of practical uses for art for many people. For example, art therapy has helped people with a range of illnesses, both mental and physical, cope with their symptoms. Art is found almost anywhere you look in your home. Practical items, such as bedspreads, furniture or clothing, are all art forms in themselves and arouse emotions in the people interacting with them.
Art also gives us insight into the world. History tells us what happened and when it happened, but it can't tell us how the population at large felt about it, which is where art steps in. We know a lot about how people in the past lived and worked, because their art has given us such a deep insight into their daily lives. We wouldn't have that insight without it.
Most of all, we need art in our lives as it gives us a form of self-expression. Being able to talk about our feelings is essential to staying healthy. You may not think you talk about your feelings, but you may express them in other ways. Some like to cook or bake, some like to work on machinery, and others may like to paint or draw. Whatever you like to do in your spare time, you're probably creating art every day.
So, do we need art in our lives Many people would say no, but the art they're thinking of is the art you see in galleries. Art is actually much more accessible and is truly needed in everyday life. It helps those in need, gives people in the future an idea of what life was like, and is a vital form of self-expression.
69. Why do some schools drop art
70. From which three aspects can art benefit our lives
71. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
We need art in our lives but art only exists in galleries and theatres.
72. Explain how art benefits you by giving an example. (About 40 words)
第二节 应用文写作(共15分)
73. 假设你是红星中学高一学生李华,你们学校正举办主题为“An Admirable Person In My Eyes”的英文征文活动,请你写一篇短文投稿。内容包括:
An Admirable Person in My Eyes
I consider ... a respectable person. ____________________________________________________________
15. reusable 16. Avoid 17. habits 18. Sort
完形 19-28 CDBAD CABCD
29. conducted 30. as 31. what 32. When
33. have expected 34. allowing 35. are admitted 36. surrounded 37. Volcanic
38. largest
A篇39-41 CBD B篇42-44 BCA C篇45-48 CBDD
七选五49-53 DAGEF
54. exploration 55. despite 56. hesitating 57. awarded 58. sincerity
59. Suffering 60. stage 61. affected 62. integrate 63. struggles
64. broke down 65. the other day 66. turned its back on us
67. let out a scream 68. Due to
69. Because time and money is at a premium / limited.
70. Art has a lot of practical uses; it gives people insight into the world; it gives people a form of self-expression.
71. We need art in our lives but art only exists in galleries and theatres.
According to the passage, art is much more accessible. It is part of our life. So art is everywhere not just in galleries and theatres.
72. 略
应用文写作Possible Version



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