Unit 1 What's he like?Part A(同步练)

小学英语 五年级上册Unit 1 What's he like
Part A ( 1) Let's try Let's talk
( )Miss White.
( )Is she kind
( )Who's your English teacher
( )Yes, she is.
1. My PE teacher is tall.
2. He is our music teacher.
1. 2. 3. 4.
1.-Is he young ________________________________________
2. --Is she kind ________________________________________
3. -Is she quiet ________________________________________
4.Is he tall ________________________________________
Wang Feng has a good friend, and his name is Jim. He is from Canada.Wang Feng and Jim are in the same class. They go to school five days a week. They stay at home on Saturday and Sunday. Jim likes China and Chinese food. He likes rice cakes very much. At school, they often play table tennis after class.
Wang Feng and Jim like making things. Now they are making a model plane. They like going fishing on Sunday morning. Jim speaks English and a little Chinese. Wang Feng speaks Chinese and a little English. They learn from each other.
( ) 1.Wang Feng has a(n)____________________friend.
A. American B.Canadian C.Australian D.Chinese
( ) 2. They don't go to school on____________________
A. Monday B. Friday C.weekdays D.weekends
( ) 3.Wang Feng teaches Jim____________________and Jim teaches Wang Feng____________________
A.Chinese; Chinese B.English; English
C.Chinese;English D. English; Chinese
Part A (2) Let's learn Ask and answer
科学老师 maths teacher
音乐老师 art teacher
数学老师 music teacher
美术老师 English teacher
英语老师 science teacher
1.unnyf ____________________2.dol____________________
( )1.Mr Zhang is our PE teacher. He's young.
( )2.Mr Ma is our art teacher. He's old.
( )3. Miss Wu is our English teacher. She's funny.
( )4.Mrs Smith is our maths teacher. She's strict.
( )5. Miss White is our music teacher. She's kind.
Hello! I'm Tim. I'm ten years old. I have many teachers, Chinese teacher, maths teacher, English teacher, art teacher, science teacher and so on. Some teachers are tall. Some teachers are short. Some teachers are kind. Some teachers are strict. And some teachers are special. Books are my teachers. A storybook can tell me interesting stories. A music book can teach me to sing. A science book can tell me about the world. Books can make me clever. Books can make me happy. My dad is my teacher. He helps me a lot. He helps me with my homework. He teaches me to play football. He teaches me to swim. He loves me a lot. They are all my teachers in my life. Who is your special teacher
( ) 1. Some of Tim's teachers are____________________
A. strong B.heavy C. strict
( )2.____________________can tell Tim interesting stories.
A.Maths teachers B. Storybooks C.Music books
( ) 3. Books can make Tim ____________________
A. clever and hard-working B. clever and strict
C. clever and happy
( ) 4.______________________teaches Tim to play football and swim.
A. Books B. Tim's dad C. Tim's PE teacher
Part A (3) Let's spell
( )1. A.many B.body C. my
( )2.A. funny B. why C.happy
( )3.A.yellow B. party C. family
( )4.A. Mary B. lady C. young
( )5. A.yes B. sunny C. windy
( )1.windy ( )2.happy ( )3. baby
( )4. sorry ( )5.sunny
1. 2.
3. 4.
Today is Sunday. Will and his friends are going to the People's Hospital to see their English teacher, Miss Chen, because she is ill.
At eight o'clock, John, Liu Fang and Judy come to Will's home. They want to buy some things for Miss Chen together. First they go to the flower shop on foot. They buy some yellow carnations, because yellow is Miss Chen's favourite colour. The flowers are forty yuan. Then they go to a big supermarket to buy some food and
fruit. After that, they go to the hospital by taxi. They give their gifts to Miss Chen and
say some good wishes to her. Miss Chen is very happy.
( )1.Miss Chen is in the____________________ now.
A. hospital B. supermarket C.school D. flower shop
( ) 2. Will and his friends ____________________to the flower shop.
A. take the bus B.walk C. take the taxi D.on foot
( ) 3.The carnations cost them_____________________yuan.
A. twenty B.thirty C. forty D.fifty
( ) 4. They say some ____________________to Miss Chen.
secrets B. good wishes C. bad wishes D.messages




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