
湖北省十堰市郧阳区柳陂镇西流小学2023 ~2024学年秋学
听力部分(30 分)
一、Listen, choose and write.琼琼来到杭州的第一天, 住在了运动村,让我们一起认真阅读琼琮的日记,了解它住的房子怎么样吧!(10 分)
二、Listen and choose.你知道江南忆组合还有谁吗 看,这个是莲莲。请认真听他们的对话,听究后你将更加了解莲莲哦!(10 分)
01. What's Linda like
A. She is kind. B. She is helpful. C. She is polite.
()2. What can Linda do for the Asian Games(亚运会开幕式)
A. She can dance. B. She can sing. C. She can do some sports
()3. What does Cong Cong often do on the weekend
A. He often dances. But He often does sport China. He often draws
()4. What does Cong Cong have on Mondays
A. He has English、maths and art. B. He has English 、Chinese and art.
C. He has English、maths and music.
05. What's Linda's favourite food
A. Beef. B. Beef noodles. C. Chicken.
三、Listen and write.你知道他是谁吗 他也是江南忆组合之一哦! 他叫宸宸,他和琮琼、蒋莲也是第一次见面。听,他在做自我介绍呢!(10 分)
What he like ?
He is1_______ and funny.
What does he love
He loves music and2________.
What can he do
He can3._______very well.
What does he do every week
He has music classes on 4.__________Thursdays.
He oftenplays5.________
With his friends after school.
He sometimes watches TV on the weekend.
笔试部分(70 分)
四、Read and write.第一次来杭州,琼琮、莲莲和宸宸心情都非常激动,为了记录在杭州的快乐时光,他们拍了好多照片,并发了朋友圈,让我们来看看吧 1(10 分)
Today is 1 .
We went to the 2 . We took many photo 3 . And we ate 4 Look, Chen Chen ca n play 5
五、亚运会开幕式马上就要开始啦! 琼琼、莲莲、宸宸在候场室,虽然紧张,但依然还在聊个不停哦!(5 分)
( )1. Linda:Cong Cong of ten says“Hello”to other people.
Chen Chen:Yes. She is a girl.
A. polite B. hard-working C. shy
( )2. Cong Cong:Linda can do sport, but Chen Chen can't do sport
A. any, any B. some, any C any, some
( )3. Chen Chen:What's your favourite food
Linda:My favourite food is ice cream. It's
A. hot B. healthy C. sweet
( )4. Cong Cong:What do you do on Sundays Linda:
A. I have English and maths. B. I often play football. C. I like beef best
( )5. Cong Cong:Look!Are there any in this picture
Chen Chen:Yes, there are.
A. buildings B. building Ca buildings
六、亚运会赛场上,全红婵夺冠啦!她是跳水界一颗璀璨的恒星,她的成功之路也是我们学习的榜样,琼琼已经迫不及待的想和她分享喜悦啦!让我们一起看看全红婵的回答是否合理吧!合理写 T,不合理写 F,并改正过来。(10分):
1、 Cong Cong:What can you do for the Asian games
Hong Chan:Yes,I can.
( )
2、Cong Cong:What's your favourite drink
Hong Chan:Noodles.
3、Cong Cong:I s there a flag(国 旗) in the photo Hong Chan:Yes, there is.
4、 Cong Cong:Who's your diving teacher(教练) Hong Ch an:She's kind.
( )
5、Cong Cong:Do you often watch T V on the weekend Hong Chan:Yes,I do.
七、宸底在杭州亚运会开幕式前收到了一张明信片。请阅读明信片内容,选择正确答分. (10 分)
Dear Coon .
How are you7I'm in Hangzhou. It's rainy and cool It's about 21 deg
Today is the opening ceremony(开幕式) of the Asian Games(亚运会) in Hangzhou. I am very happy. Now it's 5 p. m. My friend Cong Cong and I are outside the Hangzhou Olympic Sports(奥体中心) gym. The opening ceremony starts at 8 pm. Here w e can see people from all over the world The gym is so beautiful. It looks like a big flower. There are 40 big games in this Asian Game s And there are 56 gyms for all the games
Do you want to come here for the great Asian Games I'd like to see you in Hangzhou
( )1. Who writes this postcard
A. Chen Chen B. Cong Cong C. QQ
( )2. The weather is . in Hangzhou.
A. sunny and warm B. rainy and cool C. cold and windy
( )3. The opening ceremony starts 二
A. at 5 p. m. B,at7 p. m Cat 8 p. m
()4. Which of the pictures is the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center gym
( )5. There are gyms in this Asian Games.
八、先 40 琮琮参与号杭州亚运会的全 S 过程,也目睹了中国运动健儿所有夺金时刻,他内心充满自豪与骄做之余,他梦想未来也可以为国争光!(20 分)
Task1:Read and judge.,判断可于是否 与课程相符
()1. Cong Cong has science, maths and art on Wednesdays
()2. Cong Cong has two reading classes every week
()3. Cong Cong doesn't have football class on Thursdays
()4. Cong Cong has music class on Tuesdays and Thursdays
()5. Cong Cong has English every day
Task2:Read and complete.阅读琮琮,完成句子。
1. Cong Cong has and ______ everyday 2. Cong Cong has science on Mondays,_ and Thursdays
3. Cong Cong has English classes very week 4. Cong Cong has on Tuesdays and Thursdays. He can sing and dance.
九.同学们,当前,世界之变、时代之变、历史之变正以前所未有的方式展开,构建人类命运共同体是世界各国人民前途所在.杭州亚运会“心心相融,爱达未来”的口号与“更快、更高、更强——更团结”的奥林匹克格言高度契合,寄托着面向未来、共建亚洲和人类命运共同体的美好愿望。琮琼也在为此努力着,请仿照琮琮的介绍,写一篇你的小短文,让全世界看到、听到此刻努力上进的你吧1(5 分)
Hello. My name is Cong Cong. I am polite. I often sing and dance on the weekend.My favourite food is salad. My favourite drink is milk. Let's befriend!
Hello My name is




下一篇:Unit 1 What's he like?Part A(同步练)