外研版八年级上册 Module 1 How to learn English? 语法练习(含答案)

1.—Julie, what do you usually do after you finish your homework in the evening
—I usually ________ to some music.
A.listen B.listened C.will listen D.am listening
2.In the West, people often ________ flowers when they visit someone.
A.take B.is taking C.was taking D.will take
3.She is a book lover, and she often ________ her books with others.
A.trades B.traded C.has traded D.is trading
4.He ________ a stomachache. He shouldn’t eat anything for 24 hours.
A.is B.has C.have D.having
5.He’s going to ________ an engineer when he ________ up.
A.do; grow B.be; grows C.be; grow
6.If Li Lei ________ tomorrow, I will call him.
A.come B.doesn’t come C.will come
7.If David ________ to the party, he will have a great time.
A.go B.goes C.went D.will go
8.—Who broke the window
—I ________.
A.do B.does C.doing D.did
9.—It seems that you are very excited.
—That’s for sure. Our class ________ the ping-pong game again.
A.won B.wins C.will win D.is winning
10.I wonder what life ________ here in the past.
A.is like B.was like C.is looking like D.will look like
11.Jack _______ football every weekend when he was young.
A.plays B.played C.has played D.will play
12.—Did you tell Jack about the good news
—Oh, I was so busy these days that I just ________ it.
A.forget B.forgetting C.forgot D.forgets
13.—Helen, why didn’t you come to the party yesterday
—Oh, I ________ for the speech competition.
A.prepare B.prepared C.will prepare D.am preparing
14.My family were sleeping when the earthquake ________.
A.start B.started C.was starting
15.—What did you do last Sunday, Tina
—I ________ the Great Wall with my friends.
A.visit B.visited C.will visit D.am visiting
16.—Did you go on vacation last year, David
—Yes, I ______ to Guizhou with my family. It was a wonderful trip.
A.go B.went C.will go D.goes
17.—When will aunt come to see us
—She’ll come this weekend. She ________ me that by e-mail this morning.
A.tell B.told C.is telling D.will tell
18.—Will your sister ________ to Beijing to look for a job
—Yes, she ________.
A.goes; is B.go; does
C.go; will D.going; will
19.—You’d better take an umbrella. The weather report says it ________ in the afternoon.
—Thank you. I will put one in my bag.
A.rain B.rains
C.will rain D.is raining
20.—Has your father come back yet
—No. He ________ come back ________ this Sunday.
A.doesn’t; until B.won’t; after
C.doesn’t; after D.won’t; until
21.If I eat too much food, I _______ fat.
A.am B.was
C.will D.will be
22.Next week, each student in the class ________ a small gift from their teachers.
C.will receive
D.going to receive
23.—Mike, please don’t be late for class again.
—Sorry, Mr. Brown. I ________ do that again.
A.should B.must
C.couldn’t D.won’t
24.There ________ an educational program The First Lesson on CCTV-1 at 8 o’clock this evening.
A.will have B.is going to be
C.is having D.is going to have
25.My friend John ________ me with my English tomorrow afternoon.
A.helps B.will help C.is helping D.helped
26.In the future, robots _________ the problem of taking care of the old people.
A.solved B.will solve C.is solving D.solves
27.—What is Alex doing now
—He ________ a model of the Bird’s Nest.
A.will build B.is building C.builds D.built
28.—I can’t find Lily and Lucy. Where are they
—They are in the music room. They ________ tomorrow’s welcoming party there now.
A.organize B.organized C.will organize D.are organizing
29.—What are you ________, Li Mei
—My new skirt. I can’t ________ it everywhere.
A.finding, find B.finding, look for C.looking for, find
30.Some students ________ football over there. Let’s go and join them.
A.play B.played C.will play D.are playing
31.Today is Mother’s Day. My Dad ________ a special dinner for my Grandma at the moment.
A.prepare B.prepared
C.is preparing D.will prepare
32.There are some children in the park. They ________ now. They ________ a party next Sunday.
A.sing; have B.are singing; are going to have C.sing; are having
33.Look! Some students ________ clean up the snow at the gate.
A.help B.will help C.helped D.are helping
34.Helen often ________ basketball after class, and she ________ basketball now.
A.plays; is playing B.is playing; plays C.played; will play D.plays; will play
35. They_________for a walk last night.
A. go B.went C.goes D.going
36.If he (come) to the tea party, please let me know.
37.If it (not rain) tomorrow, I (visit) my grandparents.
38.—Why is John unhappy
—His team (lose) the football game again yesterday.
39.—What did your classmates do yesterday
—They (study) for tests in the classroom.
40.The singer (become) famous last year.
41.I (not go) fishing this Sunday. I (have) a field trip.
42.Let’s go and find out why the boy (cry) so sadly over there.
43.My grandma is (fix) her pants with scissors.
44.Many schools are (advise) students to take online classes during the pandemic.
45.You (not get) good grades if you (not work) hard.
46.I’m waiting for my friend. If she (not come), I (go )shopping alone (独自).
47.There (be) fewer workers in ten years.
48.They (come) back home in three days.
答案:1-5 AAABB 6-10 BBDAB 11-15 ACBBB 16-20 BBCCD
21-25 DCDBB 26-30 BBDCD 31-35 CBDAB
es 37. doesn't rain, will visit 38. lost 39. studied 40. became 41. won’t go, will have
42.crying 43. fixing 44. advising 45. won’t get, don’t work 46. doesn’t come, will go
47. will be 48. will come



