
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Are you looking for destinations of your summer trips Let’s check it out!
Singapore is an energetic multicultural city-state in Southeast Asia. It offers a unique mix of Chinese, Malay, Indian, and Western cultures. The city has an impressive skyline and is a center for business, shopping, and dining. Visitors can explore the busy markets of Chinatown, Little India, and Arab Street, as well as the Gardens by the Bay and the Marina Bay Sands.
Istanbul is a city where two continents meet, Europe and Asia. It is a cultural melting pot with influences from Greek, Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman empires. The city features amazing architecture, such as the Hagia Sophia and Blue Mosque, and a rich cooking scene with traditional Turkish delights. Visitors can also take a boat ride across the Bosphorus Strait to explore the Asian side of the city.
Hong Kong
Hong Kong is a busy international city in China that combines Eastern and Western cultures. The city is famous for its skyscrapers, street markets, and delicious snacks. Visitors can explore the city's historic streets in Central, take a cable car(缆车) up to Victoria Peak for fascinating views, or visit the giant Buddha statue on Lantau Island.
Toronto is Canada’s largest city and is known for its multiculturalism and diversity. The city is home to over 140 languages, and over half of its population was born outside of Canada. Toronto’s cultural scene reflects this diversity, with numerous festivals celebrating different cultures, such as Caribana, the Toronto International Film Festival, and the Taste of the Danforth Greek festival
Click here for more information about the attractive destinations in the world!
1.Where can tourists experience a mix of ancient European and Asian cultures
A.Toronto. B.Hong Kong C.Istanbul. D.Singapore.
2.What is special about Toronto
A.It covers the largest area of the four. B.The native people are in the majority.
C.I towns a range of street markets. D.It offers chances to experience festivals.
3.What do the four destinations have in common
A.Cultural diversity. B.Unique architecture.
C.Convenient transport. D.Distinctive languages.
A woman in a cap wanders calmly along. Except for the lava (熔岩) erupting behind her, she could be walking in the park. The woman turns to watch the molten rock flow for a moment then walks calmly toward the camera. The footage(镜头) is from Werner Herzog’s book to volcanoes and volcano hunters, Into the Inferno, and the woman pictured is perhaps one of the most important volcanologists of all time, Katia Krafft.
Born in France, in 1942, Katia developed an interest in volcanoes at an early age. Later, she met Maurice Krafft. The pair bonded over their shared love of volcanoes before marrying in 1970. The Kraffts wrote about 20 books on volcanoes across the globe.
Katia and her husband made great progress in educating the general public in volcanology. Their footage had more than scientific value. For instance, when Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines began to show signs of an eruption in 1991, the Kraffts were able to present Philippine President Cory Aquino with video footage of the effects of the 1985 eruption of Nevado del Ruiz in Colombia, asking him to call for an evacuation of those in the danger zone.
In 1969, Katia was awarded the prize of the Vocation Foundation for her work on active volcanic sites.
The couple lost their lives, along with more than 40 others during the eruption of Mount Unzen in Japan on June 3.1991. when they were caught in a flow of rock, gas and ash moving at speeds of over 100 miles per hour, with temperatures of more than 800 degrees Fahrenheit. Katia was 49; Maurice, 45.
Katia’s impact on volcanology has reached far beyond her death and has encouraged many young women to study our restless planet. “Katia Krafft is definitely the reason why I’m doing this job,” says Carla Tiraboschi, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Minster, Germany. Carla first saw Katia in a documentary when she was just six or seven years old and has been crazy about volcanoes ever since.
4.What can we infer from the book Into the Inferno
A.Its author is Katia Krafft. B.It’s a biography of Katia Krafft.
C.It calls on protecting the environment. D.It focuses on volcanoes and their explorers.
5.What do we know about the couple
A.They prevented a natural disaster.
B.They served as a warning in Japan.
C.They helped spread volcano science.
D.They covered Mount Pinatubo’s eruption.
6.Which can replace the underlined word “evacuation” in paragraph 3
A.Substance. B.Departure. C.Occupation. D.Intervention.
7.How did Katia influence Carla Tiraboschi
A.Katia’s death made her restless. B.Katia helped her with her research.
C.Katia taught her to make a documentary. D.Katia’s deeds inspired her career choice.
In ancient Maya civilization, cacao — which chocolate is made from — wasn’t just for the elites (精英). Traces of the sacred plant show up in antiques from all types of neighborhoods and in and around a former Maya city, researchers report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The finding suggests that, contrary to previous thinking, cacao was consumed at every social level of Maya society.
“Now we know that the ceremonies with cacao were likely played out by everyone,” says AnabelFord, an archaeologist at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Cacao was sacred to the ancient Maya, consumed in ceremonies and used as a currency. The cacao tree itself was linked to Hun Hunahpu, a Mayan god. Previous research found cacao in burials (墓地), suggesting that its use was restricted to those at the top.
To explore the extent to which cacao was used in broader Maya society, Ford and colleagues examined 54 antiques dating from A.D.600 to 900. The antiques come from jars, mixing bowls, serving plates and vases thought to be drinking vessels. All the pieces were found in residential and ceremonial civic areas of varying size and status from city centers, foothills, upland areas and the valley around the former Maya city of El Pilar, on the present-day border of Guatemala and Belize.
To identify cacao, the researchers searched for theophylline, a compound found in trace amounts in the plant. The team found the compound on more than half of the samples, on all types of antiques and distributed throughout social contexts.
Future research will move beyond who consumed cacao and explore the role of farmers in managing the critical resource. “A better question is to understand who grew it,” Ford says, because those people probably had greater access to the valuable commodity.
8.What do traces of cacao found in Mayan antiques indicate
A.Cacao was once unique to Maya society.
B.Cacao was only available to wealthy Mayan people.
C.Cacao was accessible to Mayan ordinary people.
D.Cacao left more traces in the Mayan city center.
9.What can we learn from the first two paragraphs
A.There is no need to do further research on cacao.
B.Mayan people liked eating chocolate very much.
C.Mayan festivals were the same as those of the modern times.
D.There were some limitations in previous research about cacao.
10.Why did Ford and his colleagues examine 54 antiques
A.To make copies of Mayan antiques.
B.To learn about the Mayan eating habits.
C.To find out cacao’s relationship with the religion.
D.To know about Mayan social groups of cacao use.
11.Which of the following will be the focus of the research about cacao
A.The varieties of cacao. B.Ways cacao was spread out.
C.Cacao tree growers. D.The cacao’s value.
Electric vehicles (EVs) now are not practical for long-distance travel due to the need for repeated or lengthy stops at charging stations. But what if they could — like planes being refueled in the air from another aircraft — get a charge-on-the-go
The idea sounds impossible, but there are already technologies in use that would help charge specialized vehicles. With rural electric charging stations almost non-existent, Swarup Bhunia and engineers at the University of Florida, Gainesville, are suggesting that “car-to-car charging” and “mobile charging stations” could likely solve this problem faster than the sudden increase of charging points or battery advancements.
Along with mobile charging stations idea, Bhunia believes that if more and more people buy electric cars, it would be super-efficient if all cars on road could share charge with one another. What Bhunia and his team are describing is a cloud system that examines all of the EV drivers on the road, where they are going, and how much charge each vehicle has. The cloud then determines, for example, that EV-A has an 89% battery charge, but requires only 4% to reach its destination, while EV-B has a 22% battery charge, yet requires 31% to reach its destination. If the two EVs are going in the same direction, the system would instruct them to carry out the charge transfer. The system would then link the provider with the receiver, and a credit system would ensure that everyone is paying for the charge they use.
Inside the given traffic network, every vehicled charge could be examined against each vehicle’s demand, and “mobile charging stations,’’ which would be large automated trucks with onboard charging equipment to fill in the demand gaps.
“We imagine a safe and firm telescopic arm (伸缩臂) carrying the charging cable,’’ said Bhunia, describing how to get one charge into another car while running down the freeway, much like to aircraft during mid-air refueling. After two EVs lock speed and are in range for charge sharing, they will extend their charging arms.
12.To realize long-distance travel for EVs faster, Bhunia agrees with .
A.stops at charging stations B.mobile charging stations.
C.increase of charging points D.battery advancements
13.According to the text, the cloud system can .
A.determine where EVs are going and how EVs will be charged
B.figure out how much charge a car need to reach its destination
C.work out the problems drivers meet when a charge transfer occurs
D.guarantee that all the drivers are paying for the charge they get
14.What are mobile charging stations
A.Power plants for the charge transfer. B.Charging equipment to fill in the charge gaps.
C.Vehicles providing charge for other cars. D.Trucks getting charges from other vehicles.
15.Which of the following can be the best title for the text
A.Can we charge EVs with car-to-car mobile charging
B.Can charging points be a possible way to charge EVs
C.How does a cloud system make charging EVs easier
D.How do we charge EVs with mobile charging stations
We’ve heard of IQ and EQ, which are commonly used. But have you heard of AQ — adversity quotient (逆境商数) Sometimes, unfavorable situations can take us by surprise or shock us. It could be failed friendships or financial hard times in our life. 16 AQ measures our ability to hear the shocks. It can be used to predict our attitudes, perseverance, and the way we deal with changes in life and work. So the ability is important not only in life but also in work. 17
Luckily, there are some suggestions to help you be more resilient (适应力的) and adaptable in the face of adversity (逆境), according to Dr Shahram Heshmat, a professor of health economics.
18 Resilient people often have an aim and are able to concentrate more on a desired outcome, seeing negative situations as a small stone on the way to achieving their goals.
Learn to relax and regulate your emotions. 19 Talking about unpleasant things in detail can make you stressed and breathe heavily. To see difficulties more as an opportunity to learn and grow is important emotionally.
Ensure you have a good social support network. You should learn to pour out the trouble to families or close friends. 20
In short, we can’t predict and prevent something unpleasant. But, if we develop our resilience, it will become easier to get through such hard times.
A.Try to find a meaningful goal.
B.Deal with the ups and downs of life.
C.But how can we develop our resilience
D.The support of others can help you adapt quickly.
E.Our resilience is a must when there is a great change.
F.Also it could be missing a chance of promotion in work.
G.It helps you relieve stress by practising breathing calmly.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
This past summer was really special for Jaequan Faulkner, a 13-year-old boy living in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He set up a hot dog 21 outside his home to make some extra money. The boy took care to make sure that all food was fresh and clean. People in the neighborhood 22 the boy’s spirit, but there was only one 23 : he didn’t have a permit.
When the Department of Health received a complaint, instead of shutting down Jaequan’s stand, they did something 24 . They helped the teenager get a permit so that his business could 25 .
Daniel Huff, director of the department, said they were 26 to help a young man with such a sense of 27 . The health inspectors helped to pay for his first permit. Then, Huff took another step and helped 28 Jaequan with the Economic Opportunity Network, which gave the young businessman tips on 29 a small business.
“I was kind of 30 and so grateful,” Jaequan said about all the 31 .
“Because usually I would have one person at a time doing me a 32 , but there proved to be so many kind people at once.”
The food stand now operates with a 33 and is open four hours daily from 11 am to 3 pm. Jaequan handles 90 percent of the business, and he is also planning to 34 to organizations that help teenagers in need. With such an experience, the boy surely is going to have a 35 future.
21.A.store B.stand C.factory D.tent
22.A.declared B.appreciated C.suspected D.trusted
23.A.advantage B.strategy C.problem D.request
24.A.official B.efficient C.commercial D.special
25.A.survive B.remove C.respond D.profit
26.A.willing B.curious C.hesitant D.scared
27.A.direction B.duty C.business D.humour
28.A.comment B.connect C.cut D.charge
29.A.delivering B.stopping C.starting D.running
30.A.disappointed B.surprised C.frightened D.addicted
31.A.credit B.trouble C.inspiration D.support
32.A.favour B.promise C.performance D.form
33.A.feature B.document C.container D.permit
34.A.apply B.donate C.devote D.refer
35.A.various B.unfortunate C.bright D.sharp
第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)
Thunderous laughter and applause almost blew off the roof of London’s Excel Exhibition Centre 36 Saturday night, when a punchline (妙语) by Guo Degang, 37 popular Chinese traditional crosstalk performer, landed with an audience of thousands.
Along with Guo and his partner Yu Qian, a handful of 38 (comedian) from the DeYun She Performance Group started their first overseas tour in Australia in 2011. Since then, they have performed in six different countries. “Laughter is appealing and that is 39 makes the art form of crosstalk comedy powerful,” said Guo, 40 (add) that this traditional art can help overseas Chinese overcome homesickness and introduce traditional Chinese culture to a broader audience.
“Ever since I 41 (start) learning Chinese, I’ve been interested in Xiangsheng,” Christian Elliott, an audience member 42 has been learning Chinese for more than five years, told Xinhua. He wanted to see how much of the show he could understand given that there is a difference “between knowing conversational Chinese 43 knowing ‘full’ Chinese.”
In recent years, crosstalk comedy is becoming 44 (increase) popular in China, especially with young people. Guo alone currently has over 15 million followers on Douyin. With London being the first stop of its Europe tour this year, the group is expected 45 (perform) in cities including Glasgow, Paris, Milan and Madrid in the upcoming months.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
参考词汇:科技小发明:technology gadgets
Dear David,
I’m glad to invite you to the Science Festival
Li Hua
I loved writing. It was a hobby. But my high school English teacher, Rachel Green was determined to make me an author. Her comments were more than just about fixing grammatical errors. She wrote questions to make my essays more detailed; she underlined passages that she agreed with. Her letters always started with how proud she was that I was brave enough to write the truth, how she saw potential in me. I enjoyed her words — read them over and over.
I needed this care, this recognition. I was the last Watson child to attend Jefferson High School. My sister Cheryl was known for being one of the star writers of the school newspaper. Dyan, another sister, was good at playing the piano. My sisters were involved in all types of after-school activities: cheer-leading, volleyball, track and student government. While I was the little one following them like a shadow. No one noticed my existence except Ms Green.
Adjusting to high school was challenging, and I felt insecure. On the first day of my high school, a teacher greeted me with a hug, saying, “You have some big shoes to fill.” Then she showed me the trophy case(奖杯橱窗) in the hallway. I immediately recognized two: Cheryl and Dyan. I was inspired, yes, but mostly worried. My Spanish was so-so. I got good grades but was not a straight A’s student. I loved music, but I wasn’t good at playing any musical instruments. Worse still, I never dared to share my story in front of my class. I tried to walk in my sisters’ shoes, but they didn’t fit. I tried to follow their steps, but it’s too hard, really.
One day, Ms Green invited me to read my new story in front of my class in the writing lesson next week. My heart skipped a beat and disbelief washed over me. I murmured my anxiety about being laughed at. Stroking my hair gently, Ms Green assured me that my story full of fantasy would win everyone’s heart. Days seemed to be minutes.
Before I knew it, the big day came!
After class, I went to my teacher’s office to express my thanks.
1.C 2.D 3.A
4.D 5.C 6.B 7.D
8.C 9.D 10.D 11.C
12.B 13.D 14.C 15.C
16.F 17.C 18.A 19.G 20.D
21.B 22.B 23.C 24.D 25.A 26.A 27.C 28.B 29.D 30.B 31.D 32.A 33.D 34.B 35.C
36.on 37.a 38.comedians 39.what 40.adding 41.started 42.who/that 43.and 44.increasingly 45.to perform
46.Dear David,
I’m glad to invite you to the Science Festival to be held in our school next Monday to enjoy the students’ technology gadgets.
The Science Festival is scheduled to take place on the playground from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m., lasting three hours. Its purpose is to encourage us students to think creatively as well as share our works with others. At this festival, you can enjoy various gadgets which are of great use in our daily life. What’s more, some excellent student inventors will introduce the functions of their technology gadgets and perform them on the spot, which I think will be the most exciting part.
I would appreciate it if you could join in the coming Science Festival. Looking forward to your reply and expecting your coming.
Li Hua
47.Before I knew it, the big day came! My heart beating wildly and legs trembling, I stepped onto the platform. “Once. upon...” I uttered every word with a tied tongue. Everyone waited in silence. But seeing Ms Green’s encouraging smile, I took a deep breath and illustrated my story in a modest tone. Gradually, everyone got immersed in the fantasy world of my story. No sooner had I finished my story than my class burst into a round of applause. And Ms Green nodded appreciatively.
After class, I went to my teacher’s office to express my thanks. Upon seeing Ms Green, tears of gratitude welled up in my eyes, and I added emotionally, “Ms Green, it’s your recognition and guidance that have enabled me to recognize my unique talent.” She hugged me tightly in her arms, whispering in my ear, “You are bound to be a great author and believe in yourself.” Since then, I have created more excellent works. Deep in mind, I know I could walk in my own shoes and become the best version of myself.



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