
试卷满分:120分 考试时间:135分钟
第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Welcome to our school. You can do a lot of things e and join us.
Sunday 8:30---11:30 Personal Inventions You can see many inventions by the students; you may also bring your own inventions. Monday 19:00--21:00 Space and Man Dr. Thomas West If you want to know more about the universe.
Wednesday 19:30---21:00 Modern Medicine Mrs. Lucy Green Would you like to know medical science Friday 18:30--21:00 Computer Science Mr. Harry Morison from Harvard University Learn to use Windows XP.
1.When can you have a chance to introduce your inventions
A. on Monday B. on Friday C. on Sunday D. on Wednesday
2.Where does the person who teaches Computer Science come from
A. Australia B. America C. Canada D. New Zealand
3.Who can you learn something about a disease called TB from
A. Mr. Morison B. Dr. West C. Mr. Thomas D. Mrs. Green
My teacher, Mr. August J. Bachmann, was the most influential teacher I ever had.
I had gotten into trouble in his class: Another student had pushed me for fun, and I became angry and began to hit him. Mr. Bachmann stopped the fight, but instead of sending me to the office, he sat me down and asked a simple question, "Penna, why are you wasting your life Why aren't you going to college "
I didn't know anything about colleges or scholarships. No one had ever considered that a fatherless boy from the poorest neighborhood had a future. That day, instead of rushing off for lunch, he stayed and explained possible education options to me At the end of our talk, he sent me to see a secretary who had a child at a state college. This was in 1962 at Emerson High School in Union City, New Jersey.
Well, 55 years have passed, and what have I done with the knowledge he gave me I gained a PhD from Fordham University when I was only29. I taught English and social studies and then moved up the chain of command from teacher to principal(校长).
I've sat on the board for Magnet Schools of America and represented that organization at the United Nations. I've won a number of great educational awards. But where would I be if a truly caring teacher had not taken the time out of his lunch period to speak to me It was without question only hi s confidence in me that helped me forward.
I have repaid his kindness hundreds of times by encouraging misguided youngsters to aim higher. If I have saved any children, it is because of hi m. If I have been a successful educator, it is because I had a great role model in Mr. Bachmann.
4.The writer before Mr. Bachmann talked to him.
A. was an active boy
B. was an aimless boy
C. liked making troubles in class
D. would get punished by his teachers
5.Which of the following best describes Mr. Bachmann
A. Fair B. Confident C. Inspiring D. Humorous.
6.How did Mr. Bachmann influence the writer
A. He set the writer on the right path.
B. He was strict with the writer.
C. He helped the writer with his study.
D. He tried to set a good example to the writer.
7.What does the writer think of his achievement
A. He is very proud of himself.
B. He feels his effort gets paid off at last.
C. He owes his achievement to Mr. Bachmann.
D. He thinks it an honor to be a successful educator.
Not too long ago, one of my daughter's middle-school teachers told me that my daughter was spending a lot of time on her phone during class.
This didn't surprise me. I am a filmmaker and I'm making documentary(纪录片)“Screenagers(屏幕少年): Growing up in the Digital Age” carefully because I know how strongly technology attracts youth and how confused we are about what to do about that.
This month, the screenagers team and I completed a survey of people who were interested in the topic of our film to gather data on middle-school phone rules. More than 1, 200 middle school parents in the United States responded. Two striking findings appeared:
●55%of the parents said their children's middle schools now allow cell phone use, with public schools being more likely than private schools to allow it.
●more than 80%of parents do not want their kids to use cell phones during school.
Recently, France announced it is banning cell phones in school for all students age 15 and under, starting next fall. From our survey, it's not only parents who support" away for the day" policies, which require students to leave their phones out of reach-so does science.
We know that the frontal lobe(脑叶)—the part of the brain responsible for impulse(冲动)control-is not fully developed in middle school-aged children. When we expect kids to learn how to handle phone use in places like classrooms, we are setting many of them up for failure. Schools prohibiting(禁止)cell phones saw student test scores improve by 6. 41%, according to a 2015 study from the United Kingdom. In the US, administrators of schools that have adopted" away for the day" policies have reported improvements in students' emotional well-being too.
It is time we should follow France's lead and do what is best for our middle-school students today.
8.Why did the author feel no surprise about her daughter's behavior
A. Her daughter didn't work very hard.
B. The digital world is important to students.
C. Films have attracted students deeply.
D. Technology has influenced(影响) youth greatly.
9.What is the author's attitude towards students' using cell phones during class
A. Supportive B. Unclear C. Concerned D. Indifferent.
10.What does the screenagers team's survey find
A. Banning phones in school gets scientific support.
B. Private schools have loosed control over phones.
C. Using phones frequently does harm to the brain.
D. Students are not allowed to use phones.
11.What is the text mainly about
A. Smartphones aren't a smart choice in middle schools.
B. Cell phones have a bad influence on students' brain.
C. Western countries tend to ban the use of cell phones in school.
D. Students without cell phones make rapid progress in study.
Can you imagine living without cars, computers or telephones Some people in the rainforest and mountains of Venezuela and Brazil do just that. One tribe(部落), the Yanomami, has lived the same way for thousands of years. They only have numbers for one, two and more than two, and they have never invented the wheel. But they have also been called some of '"the last free people on earth."
In the late 1920s, researchers found a tribe of people untouched by modern society. This was the first reported meeting with the Yanomami, who were living deep within the South American jungle.
Scientists agree that their location deep in the forest helped their culture unchanged. Until recently, most Yanomami still lived in isolated regions.
Everything they needed came from the rain forest. They hunted, fished and farmed the land. Then a discovery brought the outside world to them. And along with it came deadly changes.
Gold was discovered in Yanomami in the 1970s. By 1987, around 80,000 miners had moved into the area. In a fight to take over the land, they ki1led some Yanomami. They also brought into new sicknesses, including the common cold and malaria. Today over 62 percent of Yanomami show signs of malaria.
Just as deadly were the results of mining, including polluted streams and cleared forests. Within just seven years their population fell by 20 percent.
Today governments and international organizations are looking for ways to protect the Yanomami. The Brazilian government has reserved a large area of land for the tribe. And in 1990, Brazil ordered all the miners out of Amazon region. Yet these things might not be enough. Gold is so valuable that miners keep going back and harming the Yanomami's way of life.
12.When was the existence of the Yanomami first discovered .
A. In the 1970sB.In the late 1920sC.In1987D.In1990
13.Which of the following statements is true
A. The Yanomami is the only remaining "untouched"people on earth.
B. Most Yanomami know the exact meaning of the number 8.
C. The Yanomami learned to use wheels long before.
D. Before miners arrived, the Yanomami had never suffered from malaria.
14.Which of the following was NOT the reason for the sharp decrease of the Yanomami's population .
A. They starved to death
B. They were killed in the fight
C. Their living environment was destroyed
D. They were killed by the new illnesses brought by miners
15.What can be inferred from the passage
A. The discovery of gold is beneficial to the Yanomami
B. Gold mining made no difference to the Yanomami
C. Miners are a great threat to the protection of the Yanomami
D. Nowadays no miners remain in Amazon Region
How to Choose the Right Career
Choosing the right career can be difficult, and consequently you will find many of us can hardly find a suitable job in our daily life. 16 .
Assess your hobbies. It is very easy to turn your hobbies or something you love doing into a future career. Many hobbies are related to real world needs and positions. Consider what you like to do and how that might fit into a career. Remain humble as you work toward your goal.
Assessing your skills
Consider what skills you are good at. If you are particularly good at certain skills, such as fixing things or making things, this can provide you wit h a great future career, since skilled labor is often in demand and you will find it fairly easy to find work. 18 People who interact with others well can easily get careers as social workers or in marketing and similar business positions.
Considering your current state.
Explore yourself. Figuring out what you should do with your life may sometimes require you to get to know yourself better. If you want a career that will really make you happy, you have to have an impressive awareness of what you want and what you enjoy.
19 .
Thinking about your future.
Examine your future financial security. One of the most important things to consider is if
the career path you're choosing will provide you with an acceptable level of financial security. In other words, will you be able to make enough money to support yourself and your family Meanwhile, you are supposed to pay special attention to your future job stability, 20 . Accordingly, you will need to consider if the career you choose is stable enough for you and your desires for the future.
Admittedly, the combination of the above four steps proved extremely effective when choosing the future career. Once you get started,you'll find it quite beneficial and even enjoyable!
A. Evaluating your interests
B. Assessing your personality
C .Therefore, having a defined career direction will help you achieve your goal.
D. Job markets changes a lot as society needs different things at different times
E. For some people, this means taking some time off to decide what's vital to them.
F. If you have a good command of communicating with others, there are jobs for you as well.
G. However, with serious self-planning and self-reflection, you can set yourself on a path towards a fulfilling career.
第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 完形填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
When I was 15 years old, I was a straight A student. I was always 21 with a great group of friends, and I would hang out with them every weekend. Then I moved to a new place just before high school, and everything 22 overnight.
While trying to 23 to my new surroundings, I also started tenth grade. Going to public school in a big city, however, was harder than before. I started 24 not well in class. Although I tried hard, my mind would go 25 the moment I attended the exam. All my 26 didn't pay off(取得成功), and I failed somehow. As a result, I became 27 and turned to video games.
An English teacher noticed I was 28 .He suggested I should go to the after-school classes for the kids who needed help. 29 to get a passing grade, I went. And that's where I met Oliver. 30 , he became my best friend and I was back on 31 . Little by little, my 32 improved. It seemed that reshaping ourselves in a new environment wasn't that terrible as 33 .
As the year progressed, I made many friends and won many awards as well. 34 , I see that my depression slowly 35 . Having a friend really helped, even more than video games.
21.A.covered B.surrounded C.filled D.greeted
22.A.improved B.revised C.changed D.failed
23.A.adapt B.turn C.move D.react
24.A.debating B.sleeping C.imagining D.performing
25.A.wild B.blank C.silent
26.A.hope B.effort C.wisdom D.anxiety
27.A.addicted B.amazed C.depressed D.interested
28.A.struggling B.cheating C.missing D.recovering
29.A.Proud B.Afraid C.Confident D.Eager
30.A.Completely B.Carefully C.Gradually D.Seriously
31.A.track B.purpose D.duty
32.A.decisions B.grades C.strengths D.goals
33.A.suggested B.planned C.intended D.expected
34.A.Worse still B.Looking back C.To be frank D.Generally speaking
35.A.existed B.balanced C.disappeared D.suffered
On the 36 (one) day of my school life in the USA, I showed a great interest in one of the 37 (lecture), marketing lecture. My teacher, Mrs. Tolman, 38 (recommend) I should register a 39 (nation) marketing club called DECA attracting many students with talent and interest in business. So I did.
The first challenge was 40 (collect) money for the marketing competition later in the year by selling candles. Mrs. Tolman said the competition was due(到期的) in a week and that 40 percent of the income would go into my personal account, 41 made me 42 (addict) to the selling..
At 43 beginning, I tried to sell some candles to my host mom. She said that if I could show the candles 44 (confident) and do a wonderful sales presentation, she would certainly buy some. I started my topic with a firm handshake. Then I focused 45 all the different kinds of candles and the special sales I could offer and convinced her that our candles were the best choices for gifts and home decorations. Finally she bought three candles.
第三部分 词汇、句型与写作(共三节,满分40分)
第一节 词汇基础(共15小题,每空1分,满分15分)
46. First (印象)is very important,because you never get a second chance to make another one.
47. I feel much more c about myself and my abilities these days.
48.All the applicants will be considered regardless of age,sex,religion or (国籍).
49. China's (策略)of speeding up the development of its western pat has transformed Xi'an into a magnet(磁铁)for returning students to start their careers.
50. Parents are naturally a about their children.
51. However,this view is (质疑;挑战)by some researchers.
52.He didn't have any (正式的)dance training.
53.We haven't found the (解决办法)yet,but I'm sure we're on right way.
54. He was a (恼怒)to learn that the train would be delayed.
55. Like most of my g ,I am very proud of our nation's prosperity and strength.
56 .I like films that are considered educational or (令人振奋的).
57. More f than males are employed in the factory.
58. There followed an (令人尴尬的)silence while we all tried to think of something to say.
59. Most of students live on c because it is safe and convenient.
60 International (组织) such as the UN play an important role in dealing with international affairs.
第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
Dear Jim,
Li Hua2022-2023学年度第一学期晓升中学高一级第一次阶段考英语科试卷答案
阅读理解 (每小题 2 分)
1-5 CBDBC 6-10 ACDCA 11-15 ABDAC
七选五 (每小题 2 分)
16-20 GAFED
完形填空 (每小题1.5 分)
21-25 BCADB 26-30 BCADC 31-35 ABDBC
第二部分: 语言知识运用 第二节 语法填空 (每小题 1.5分,共15分)
first 37. lectures 38. recommended 39. national 40. to collect
which 42. addicted 43. the 44. confidently 45.on
第三部分 词汇、句型与写作
词汇基础 (共10小题,每空1分,满分10分,请写出完整的单词)
46. impression 47.confident 48.nationality 49.strategy 50.anxious
51.challenged 52.formal 53.solution 54.annoyed 55.generation
56.exciting 57.females 58.awkward 59.campus 60. organisations/organizations
Dear Jim,
I'm delighted to hear that you' ll be a senior student. Now, I'd like to share my study tips with you.
First, you'd better communicate with your teachers regularly. In this way, they may offer some great advice on both your study and life to you. Second, why not involve yourself in each class actively, listen to the teacher attentively and take notes carefully so that you can review later Third, it's a good idea to do your homework on time after school, which will help you practise what you have learned and make it fresh in your mind.
I sincerely hope my advice can be helpful to you and that you can enjoy your new school life.
Best wishes!
Li Hua




下一篇:Unit 6 A Day in the Life 基础卷(含答案)--人教版2024 七年级英语上册