
( )1.Jack __nine years old. Nick and I__ten years old.
A. are; is;are;am D. are, am
( )2._____mother's bike isn't blue. is red.
A. I...hers B. My...Hers C. My...She D.I...Her
( )3. Can you say this_English B.on C. of
( )4.I like the piano and I can___a bike.
A. play; ride B.playing; riding C.playing; ride D. play; riding
( )5. --- Thank you for helping me so much
A. Right. B. All right C.That's right D. You're welcome
( )6. Tom usually___well. But last week he___a bad a picture.
draws; drew B.drew; draw C.draw; drew D.draws; draws
( )7. After school we usually play basketball on__playground.
A. the, the B./;/ C./, the D.the,/
( )8. --- Hi, Jim.are you going
--- I'm going to Hong Kong.
A.What B.When C.Who D.Where
( )9.___the window! It's so cold today.
A. Not open B. Don't open C. Open D. Don't to open
( )10. It's time__home and have supper.
A.go B. to go C.going D.goes
Hi! I'm Tony. I love weekends! I always get up late on weekends. For breakfast, I only have 11 . It's usually an apple. I have a big lunch. After lunch, I like to eat ice-cream. It tastes 12 . In the afternoon, I like to 13 . I usually play basketball first._14 I swim. In the evening, I clean the house--I like_15_rooms. I always go to bed late, at about 23:00.
16 my sister doesn't like weekends. She has a job in a big store and she always 17 on weekends. She never goes out 18 her friends. She usually gets home from work at 22:00. After taking a shower(洗漱),she _19___.Sometimes she reads in bed in bed.But don’t ask her what she reads.She always falls asleep__20__reading one or two pages.
She always falls asleep20reading one or two pages.
( )11. A. eggs B. milk C.vegetables D.fruit
( )12.A.good B.welcome C.useful D. happy
( )13.A. sing B. draw C. do sports
( )14.A.Only B.So C.Really
( )15. A. tidy B.busy C. small D.old
( )16.A. And B. So C.But D. Because
( )17.A. writes C.calls D.plays
( )18.A.about B.from C.of D.with
( )19. A. gets dressed B. goes to work C. goes to bed D. does sports
( )20.A. after B.on D. before
Lucy is a Grade 7students.On a school day,she has five 40-minute lessons.Let's see what lesson she has in a week.
Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri.
8:00-8:40 English Chinese Math English Math
8:50-9:30 Math Math Science Computer Science
Sports break
10:00-10:40 History Art English Math Chinese
10:50-11:30 Science Geography P.E. Art English
Lunch break
14:00-14:40 Music Computer History Chinese History
14:50-15:30 P.E. English Geography Music P.E.
( )21.When does the second lesson start in the morning
A.At8:40 B.At 8:50 C.At 9:30 D.At 10:00
( )22.How long is the sports break every morning
A.10 minutes B.20minutesC.30minutes D.40mintes
( )23.Lucy has computer lessons on________.
A. Monday and Tuesday B. Tuesday and Thursday
C. Wednesday and Friday D.Thursday and Friday
( )24.What lessons does Lucy have every day
A.English and Chinese B.Chinese and history
C.English and math D.Math and history
( )25.How many P.E. lessons does Lucy have every week
A.One B.Two C.Three D.Four
Peter has a fight (打架) with one of his classmates. Then he goes to his grandfather and tells him his story angrily. “He is really bad,” the boy says, “and I hate (讨厌) him."
The grandfather says, "Let me tell you a story. When I was a boy, I also sometimes hated others for what they did.”
As Peter listens carefully, the grandfather goes on. "There are always two tigers (老虎) inside my heart. One is good and kind. He is good with everything around him. But the other is bad and unfriendly. Even the smallest thing will make him angry. He fights with everyone all the time for no reason. He can't think carefully because he always hates others. It is difficult to live with these two tigers inside my heart. They both try to control(控制) me.”
Peter looks into his grandfather's eyes and asks,“Which tiger always controls you, grandfather "
The old man says slowly and seriously (严肃地), “The one that I feed. I always feed the good and kind tiger, so I never hate others and seldom (很少) get angry now."
31. What's wrong with Peter
32.Who does Peter tell his problems to
33.Which tiger is controlling Peter
34. Is it easy to live with these two tigers
35. Why does the old man never hate others and seldom get angry
36. This is a photo of my f. These are my parents.37.I can r__a bike.
38. In the evening, I like watching TV after d_____
39. Carrot is a k_____of vegetable.
40. He is very h_____now. He needs some food to eat.
41. This hotel is very d___. I want to change (变换) to a new clean one.
42. Mrs Green is Linda's mother. Linda is Mrs Green's d_____
43. Shanghai is a big c_____ the east of China.
44. She is from E_____. She is an English girl.
45. Let's drink some orange j___.
46. I worked very late last night, so I was a bit____(累的)today.
47. Do you know how to_____(保持)healthy
48. My father's (办公室) is on the first floor (层).
49. My father works in a_____(工厂).50.Have you got a_____(钢琴)
Name Tony
Family members grandparents; parents; sister
Eating habits (习惯) ...
Sports ...
Dear Jenny,
Peter has a fight (打架) with one of his classmates.
His grandfather
The bad and unfriendly tiger
No,it isn’t.
Because he always feed the good and kind tiger
四 37.ride 38.dinner 39.kind 40.hungry 41.dirty 42.daughter 44.English 45.juice 46.tired 47.keep 49.factory 50.piano



上一篇:河南省南阳市2023-2024高二下学期期末考试 英语试题 (含答案无听力原文及音频)
