河南省南阳市2023-2024高二下学期期末考试 英语试题 (含答案无听力原文及音频)

1. 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题,满分95分)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,满分55分)两部分。
2. 将所有答案均按题号填涂或填写在答题卡或答题纸相应的答题处,否则不得分。满分150分,考试时间120分钟。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1. What is the weather like
A. Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Cloudy.
2. When will the next bus leave for the train station
A. At 8:20. B. At 8:30. C. At 8:40.
3. What did the man lose
A. Leathers. B. A pet. C. A suitcase.
4. Which film does Mike prefer
A. The horror film. B. The historical film. C. The science fiction film.
5. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In a restaurant. B. In a library. C. In a cinema.
6. How did the man get to the house
A. On foot. B. By car. C. By train.
7. What did the man have when they stopped
A. A cold drink. B. A fresh egg. C. some hot food.
8. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Teacher and student. B. Brother and sister. C. Classmates.
9. How often does the boy go to the bookstore
A. Once a month. B. Twice a week. C. Once a week.
10 Where will the speakers live on the trip
A. In a wood house. B. In a hotel. C. In a tent.
11. What will Paula take for the trip to the mountains
A. Bedding. B. Some food. C. Cleaning items.
12. What is the speakers’ attitude to the trip
A. Expectant. B. Hesitant. C. Critical.
13. What is the woman doing
A. Reporting to her boss.
B. Complaining of her boredom.
C. Apologizing to the man.
14. What is the man most probably
A. A reporter. B. A businessman. C. A doctor.
15. What day is it today
A. Friday. B. Saturday. C. Sunday.
16. What can we learn about the man
A. He often quarrels with the woman.
B. His life is always easy and interesting.
C. He seems to understand the woman at last.
17. What is the report about
A. A movie. B. A storm. C. A village.
18. How many houses were damaged altogether
A. 36. B. 14. C. 200.
19. What were the farmer couple probably doing when hearing a loud noise
A. Looking for their children. B. Repairing their house. C. Preparing breakfast.
20. What was the old woman’s first reaction when her house began shaking
A. Rushing out with her grandchildren.
B. Taking something out.
C. Calling her husband.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Whether you’re longing for well-being, meditation or a new outlook on life, these are the best British holiday retreats for immersing yourself and refreshing your soul. Put less pressure on yourself and invest in a little me-time.
Eco Yoga Argyll, Scotland
Anyone wishing to holiday without the carbon footprint should seriously consider retreating to Eco Yoga in the dazzling Scottish countryside. You’ll be interested from the start with numerous yoga choices, receiving guidance on everything from Ashtanga to Yin and Hatha Yoga
FitAgain, Dorset
Located in picturesque West Dorset, FitAgain is run by a wife and husband duo (搭档) who now focus on nutrition, adventure-filled exercise and motivational speaking to keep their guests’ minds and bodies alert. “We truly care about the people who come to us so we give them as much help as we can after the retreat. We want to continue their goals when they’re back in their normal busy day-to-day lives, using ongoing three-month support through our FitAgain app,” they said.
Wild & Free, Cornwall
This women-only retreat aims to reconnect you with the earth while you navigate the waves and calm your mind through yoga, all within the stunning scenery of Cornwall’s coastline. It focuses on “re-wilding” yourself. For a female adventurer who needs a short holiday from her lively career and home life, this trip is a love letter to yourself. It’s a chance to breathe without interruption, explore new activities without judgement, and wholly focus on oneself before returning to daily life.
Arvon Writers’ Retreat, Shropshire
Every writer fears the sensation of longing to write, but sitting down to do just that and simply losing inspiration. And, as frustrating as this may be, it’s not always the fault of the writer — what’s really needed is a little encouragement and relaxation. Simplicity is the key with this retreat. Delicious meals are provided and are enjoyed with other writers, luxurious yet understated bedrooms will inspire rather than distract and the workshop and library will give you pockets of inventive vision every time you venture in.
1. Which one is environmentally friendly among the four retreats
A. Eco Yoga Argyll. B. FitAgain.
C. Wild & Free, Cornwall. D. Arvon Writers’ Retreat.
2. Who may prefer Arvon Writers’ Retreat most
A. A director. B. A photographer. C. A novelist. D. An engineer.
3. What do the four listed retreats have in common
A. They are all in British. B. They all offer post-service.
C. They are all couple-friendly. D. They all provide library time.
An egg is kept on top of a cardboard toilet paper roll, which is on a plate that is resting on a glass of water. On the count of three, Tatiana Erukhimova quickly removes the plate, which, along with the roll, flies sideways and allows the egg to fall into the glass. She knew this would happen, thanks to the law of inertia (惯性), but Erukhimova still celebrates it.
Since this first video was posted on December 13, 2021, Erukhimova has received millions of views for her physics practical experiments, according to Texas A&M TODAY. “I could never get bored in her class,” reads one of the comments on the egg drop video.
Erukhimova moved from Russia to College Station in 1999 to take up a research position at Texas A&M. Both her parents are physicists. “My passion for physics runs in the family,” she said. She worked at the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Applied Physics before taking the position at Texas A&M.
When she was offered a part-time position instructing a junior-level course, Erukhimova had no teaching experience. It turned out to be a success even though the class only had 30 students. “After three years of teaching this class, I felt I was an experienced instructor. And then in 2006 at eight in the morning, I found myself in front of a large introductory physics class with more than 100 freshmen,” she recalled. That first day, Erukhimova said, was a “disaster.” The students were uninterested in her class. That experience is what taught her the importance of getting students interested in the subject.
Now she believes in giving demonstrative classes. Erukhimova does this by applying abstract physics concepts to everyday life. “I strongly believe everyone has to get a chance to play with physics and learn how much fun it is,” she said.
While sharing her love for physics is nothing new for Erukhimova, she has been pleasantly surprised by the number of people she’s been able to reach through her videos.
4. How is paragraph 1 mainly developed
A. By showing general rules. B. By providing a result.
C. By making classifications. D. By describing a process.
5. What might the students think of Erukhimova’s physics class in 2006
A. Thrilling and fascinating. B. Challenging but appealing.
C. Discouraging and boring. D. Embarrassing but rewarding.
6. What do we know about Erukhimova
A. She once took on a part-time position in Russia.
B. She focuses on making physics accessible and enjoyable.
C. She aims to increase the number of people she can reach.
D. She was inspired by online videos to start demonstrative classes.
7. What would be the best title for the text
A. Meet a Physics Professor Educating Millions Online
B. Admire a Physics Enthusiast Claiming Various Inventions
C. Appreciate a Physics Instructor Pioneering the Use of Videos
D. Remember a Physics Researcher Guiding the Development of Physics
Stuffed animals have often been seen as one of the strange conventions of childhood — an childish love we should eventually let go of, along with imaginary friends and Capri-Suns. If that love lasts past adolescence, it can be seen as embarrassing.
Yet that isn’t really such an unusual thing to do: Surveys have found that four in ten American adults sleep with stuffed animals. And it seems that over the past few years especially, plushies (绒毛公仔) and toys have become more popular with adults. This isn’t necessarily a matter of childhood keepsakes tagging along into adulthood for sentimental reasons — adults are buying plushies for themselves, simply because they like them. The “kidult” market, which is defined as anyone over age 12, is said to account for about $9 billion in toy sales every year. Gen Z is leading the way in embracing stuffed animals. “It went from being an embarrassment… to today, when Gen Z and Millennials proudly play,” the toy-industry consultant Richard Gottlieb told NPR.
Of course, plenty of people still find it odd or childish for adults to collect stuffed animals. When the TikTok influencer Charli D’Amelio posted a photo of herself lounging with a small army of colorful Squishmallows, some commenters were quick to deride her collection. D’Amelio responded with frustration: “Everyone expects me to be this adult all the time,” she wrote (she was l6 at the time), “I’m still growing up.”
I, for one, am not immune to the adult stuffed-animal revival. As a child, I wasn’t super interested in plushies; I saw them as useless, candyless pi atas (采罐). But in my early 20s, many of my friends started buying and gifting stuffed animals. One friend consulted me on whether the name Belly or Lulu would better suit a stuffed dragon. On my 21st birthday, someone gave me my own stuffed Jellycat. I placed it on my bed with no shame, knowing that many of my peers were doing the same.
8. Why is one’s love for stuffed animals considered awkward
A. Because it is unusual. B. Because it is immature.
C. Because it is imaginary. D. Because it is conventional.
9. Why do people buy plushies
A. Because of their reasonable prices.
B. Because of their personal preference.
C. Because of their sentimental feelings.
D Because of the popularity of plushies.
10. Which phrase can best explain the underlined word “deride” in paragraph 3
A. Make fun of. B. Lose control of.
C. Speak highly of. D. Take advantage of.
11. What’s the author’s present attitude towards stuffed animals
A. Critical. B. Objective. C. Approving. D. Dismissive.
We are often told that we are at the heart of a technological revolution, in which business and the world of work continue to be transformed and improved by computers, the Internet, the increased speed of communication, data processing, robotics, and now — artificial intelligence.
There is only one small problem with all this — none of it seems to show up in the economic data. If all this technology really is making us all work faster and better, there is precious little evidence. Between 1974 and 2008 the UK’s productivity — the amount of output you get per worker — grew at an annual rate of 2.3%. But between 2008 and 2020 the rate of productivity growth collapsed to around 0.5% per year. And in the first three months of this year, the UK’s productivity was actually down 0.6% on a year earlier. It is a similar picture in most other Western nations.
There are said to be two main explanations for why technology is not boosting productivity.
The first is that we are just not measuring the impact of technology properly. Dame Diane Coyle, a recognized expert on how we measure productivity, says, “There is nothing that doesn’t involve digital technology now, but it is difficult to see what is going on because none of this is visible in the statistics. We just don’t collect the data in ways that would help us understand what is happening.”
The other argument is that economic revolutions tend to be rather slow-burning affairs. Nick Crafts, a former professor at the University of Sussex Business School, points out that the huge changes in economic performance we tend to think of as having happened almost overnight actually took decades, and the same may well be happening now.
Technology is seemingly not the problem, and in some respects it is not the solution either. High productivity growth will come only to those who learn how to use it best.
12. What do the comparisons in paragraph 2 indicate
A. Technology didn’t promote productivity.
B. The UK’s productivity hasn’t grown for years.
C. Technology caused the decline in the influence of Western nations.
D. The UK’s productivity growth trend is an exception in Western countries.
13. Why is it difficult to see the impact of technology on the economy
A. There aren’t enough recognized experts.
B. Technology is used in an improper way.
C. There is no proper measurement equipment.
D. The collected data doesn’t reflect the technology.
14. What is the common understanding of past economic changes according to Crafts
A. They appeared by making use of technology.
B. They came decades after technological changes.
C. They occurred unexpectedly in a very short time.
D. They happened in a way different from those nowadays.
15. What is the author’s opinion on technology
A. It remains invisible to the statistics.
B. It is developing more slowly than we expected.
C. It is the solution to our daily problems.
D. It contributes to high productivity if fully used.
Turning the Page
Life is filled with numerous victories and downfalls, but what matters is how you tackle each situation. May it be your love life or a serious life struggle, we must learn to move on. ____16____
Draw a line mentally.
Life is going to throw a lot of problems. You need to be mentally prepared for each and every situation. You might find yourself in the same knots, in the same rotting company, and in the same dead ends. ____17____ This line will help you mark your future decisions.
There is one common mistake that many of us make when dealing with a problem or situation: We try to go through all of it on our own. In order to get out of this situation, you must be willing to bring others into the struggle. When we talk about others, I refer to the people that you are close with. These could be your family and close friends.
Try everything in your hands.
How can you move on from a struggle unless you have tried everything in your hands Sometimes we might feel that we have tried out so much and still nothing is working out for us. I know that situation as I have been there. ____19____ Try solutions that you never ever dreamed of, and who knows, they might actually make things better for you.
Let go of your past.
In order to move on from every struggle and heartbreak, you must let go of the past, guilt, and hatred. ____20____ You may feel like justifying them but they are only going to wear you out in the long run, so you have to avoid them.
Picture your goals in your mind and make sensible steps towards them with each passing day. Let nothing stand in your way.
A. Seek help from others.
B. Rely on whoever can help.
C. Though painful, we can get something out of them.
D. Here’s how you can create a new chapter in your life.
E. What you can do in this kind of situation is draw a mental line.
F. No matter what, negative feelings are always going to be helpless.
G. I would say this one thing to you, giving up is easy, but continuing with the pain is hard but worth it.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Luke Coelho recently moved from Brazil to attend school in the United States. He understands that integrity and ____21____ are values appreciated in all countries and cultures. And Luke didn’t hesitate to ____22____ both when he found a pocket full of family ____23____ left behind in a(n) ____24____ jacket.
Andy’s Attic is a clothing donation program at Luke’s new school, and Luke recently ____25____ the jacket through the program. Local resident Dave Kenney was the one who donated the jacket.
When Luke put on the coat, he found much more than a warm outer layer ____26____. Inside the pocket, Luke discovered several pieces of ____27____, including a bracelet and two diamond rings.
Luke ____28____ shared the news with his aunt Taryn Souza and together they set to work, trying to ____29____ the owner of the items. With some detective work, they were ____30____ to find Dave. Of course, he was ____31____ to receive the prized pieces back, but he hadn’t even ____32____ that they were in the jacket!
Earlier this year, both Dave’s mother and wife passed away, so he was especially ____33____ to have back the wedding ring he’d bought for his wife and items that had ____34____ his mother. Dave stated, “This fine young man did the right thing. I totally ____35____ what they did for me and my family.”
21. A. courage B. loyalty C. generosity D. honesty
22. A. exercise B. check C. promote D. learn
23. A. elements B. treasures C. traditions D. honors
24. A. forgotten B. outdated C. donated D. worn
25. A. discovered B. received C. found D. changed
26. A. in surprise B. in relief C. as expected D. as imagined
27. A. gold B. art C. material D. jewelry
28. A. excitedly B. hesitantly C. eventually D. immediately
29 A. locate B. recognize C. remind D. inform
30. A. eager B. likely C. able D. ready
31. A. supposed B. thrilled C. astonished D. annoyed
32. A. mentioned B. imagined C. admitted D. realized
33. A. grateful B. determined C. amused D. amazed
34. A. gone with B. come from C. belonged to D. stood for
35. A. accept B. appreciate C. support D. understand
In the long corridors of history, some people dedicate their lives to unveiling the mysteries of bygone civilizations. Dame Jessica Rawson, a ____36____ (distinguish) British art historian, archaeologist, and sinologist, is one of the most authoritative and representative experts in Western academia ____37____ (specialize) in ancient Chinese culture and archaeology. ____38____ over four decades dedicated to oriental antiquities, her contributions are unparalleled.
Rawson, a ____39____ (consult) to the Palace Museum in Beijing, an honorary professor at Peking University and the China Academy of Art in Hangzhou, and a fellow of the British Academy, has served as ____40____ professor of Chinese art and archaeology at the University of Oxford. In 2022, she ____41____ (award) the Tang Prize in Sinology, recognizing her outstanding contributions to the field. “I think ____42____ people need to understand, if they can, is that there are many different regions, and the regions have different histories, different customs, and even today, quite different food and almost different dialects,” she said.
From a young age, Rawson has been fascinated by the distant civilization of China. Her 27 years at the British Museum allowed her ____43____ (examine) Chinese artifacts and compare them with global collections, gaining rich academic experience. Since the 1970s, she has visited China dozens of times, conducting research at significant archaeological sites like Sanxingdui and Liangzhu. She has delved into the historical and cultural ____44____ (significant) of unearthed artifacts from tombs from various dynasties. Her latest book, Life and Afterlife in Ancient China, published in 2023, _____45_____ (offer) fresh perspectives on ancient Chinese civilization based on China’s latest archaeological discoveries.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Tom对中国书籍非常感兴趣,想让你推荐一类有趣又能提升思维品质的中国图书。请你给他写一封信,内容包括:
1. 推荐的图书类别;
2. 推荐理由。
注意:1. 词数80左右;
2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Tom,
Li Hua
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整短文。
Last year, I started doing some volunteer work for a charity in my town that helps disabled children. I found out that the charity needed to buy some new wheelchairs, but that they really didn’t have the money. So, I started to think about what I could do to raise money.
When I mentioned this to my friends, they said, “Well, why don’t you run the London Marathon !” They laughed and so did I — we all know that I’m not an athlete at all. I’d never done any running before. But later, I started to think that it might not be a bad idea.
I approached the charity and discussed the possibility of participating in the marathon on their behalf. They were excited with the idea and agreed to appoint me as their representative. With their support, I purchased the necessary running equipment and began my training journey.
Every night, I laced up my running shoes and hit the sidewalk, determined to build my endurance. After a month of consistent training, I was pleasantly surprised to discover that I could comfortably run nearly five kilometers. However, the reality remained: the marathon covered a challenging distance of 42 kilometers.
With the race only five months away, I intensified my training efforts. I pushed myself to the limits, knowing that completing the marathon was not only a personal achievement but also a means to secure funds for four much-needed wheelchairs. The thought of making a difference in the lives of disabled children motivated me to persevere.
As the race day approached, I filled my mind with determination and excitement. I knew that crossing the finish line would symbolize the end of my hard work and the success of a noble cause. With the support of my friends and the charity, I could run 25 kilometers during my training sessions.
However, when the big day came, I was not at all sure that I was ready.
With every step, I fought against my physical limitations.
第一部分 听力(略)
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
1. A 2. C 3. A
4. D 5. C 6. B 7. A
8. B 9. B 10. A 11. C
12. A 13. D 14. C 15. D
16. D 17. E 18. A 19. G 20. F
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
21. D 22. A 23. B 24. C 25. B
26. A 27. D 28. D 29. A 30. C
31. B 32. D 33. A 34. C 35. B
36. distinguished
37. specialising或者specializing
38. With 39. consultant
40. a 41. was awarded
42. what 43. to examine
44. significance 45. offers
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. Dear Tom
Thrilled to learn that you are fascinated by Chinese books, I would heartily recommend fantasy novels as a great choice.
Filled with thrilling adventures and memorable characters, fantasy novels can transport you into magical and imaginative worlds. Moreover, they encourage us to think outside the box and develop a deeper understanding of human nature and ethical dilemmas. Most importantly, not only can it broaden our perspectives, but it will also enhance our critical thinking skills.
If you have further questions, please keep me informed at your earliest convenience.
Li Hua
47. However, when the big day came, I was not at all sure that I was ready. My heart was pounding as I stood at the starting line, surrounded by thousands of other runners. Doubts filled my mind, but I took a deep breath and reminded myself of the reason I was doing this. The gun went off with a deafening blast, and I tentatively started running, my steps hesitant at first but slowly gaining more confidence and picking up speed.
With every step, I fought against my physical limitations. My legs ached, and my lungs burned, but I refused to give up. I thought about the disabled children who were relying on me, and that gave me the strength to keep going. The crowd’s cheers encouraged me, and as I neared the finish line, I felt a sense of accomplishment like never before. Finally, I crossed the line, exhausted but elated, knowing that I had made a difference and raised the funds needed for those new wheelchairs.



