Unit 7 Happy Birthday! 基础卷(含答案)--人教版2024 七年级英语上册

Unit 7 Happy Birthday!
基础卷--人教版2024 七年级英语上册
1.—It’s a quarter ________ nine.
—You mean (意思是) it’s nine fifteen.
A.at B.to C.past D.for
A.shop; fish B.this; three C.what; who D.Gina; Grace
3.A mouse was looking for _________ to eat.
A.nothing B.something C.anything D.thing
4.I watch the ______________ news every day to learn about the world.
A.internationalist B.international C.nation D.national
5.Why not _______ in front of the candle
A.make a wish B.take a walk C.under discussion D.have a look
6.I want to be a TV reporter because I ______________ talking with all kinds of people.
A.stop B.enjoy C.keep D.hate
7.Jason didn’t tell his parents he was the winner (获胜者) of the race. He wanted to give them a ______________.
A.smile B.list C.surprise D.fear
8.Wow, your weekend is __________ than mine.
A.funnier B.funny C.happy D.angry
9.— ______ pants are these
—They are mine.
A.Who B.Who’s C.Whose D.whom
10.—_________ are these socks
—It’s seven dollars.
A.How much B.How many C.How old D.How about
二、 完形填空 (共两节,满分20分)
第一节 阅读下面短文,从短文前的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一个为多余选项。 (满分10分)
next time; make a wish; total; for example; blow out
11.She has many hobbies. , she collects all kinds of tickets.
12.Don’t play football in the street .
13.The birthday person usually .
14.Maria the candles on the cake in one go.
15.The cost of the holiday came to $500.
第二节 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
I’d like to tell you something about the best day of my life. That day was my 16 birthday, so I was really glad. In fact, I didn’t sleep 17 all night, because I kept thinking the presents I would get and the wind also blew strongly.
The next morning was sunny. I got up early and ran into the 18 , but it seemed (似乎) that no one found me. Mum and Dad were busy 19 newspapers. My two brothers had 20 . No one said a word. “They all forgot my birthday,” I said to 21 . I walked out of the kitchen. Suddenly, I 22 a noise, so I went back to see what it was. I couldn’t believe my eyes. There were lots of 23 on the kitchen table. “Surprise (惊喜)!” They shouted. When I turned around, I saw Mum, Dad and my brothers. There was a cake 24 twelve candles in Mum’s hands. They sang “Happy Birthday” to me. We 25 the cake and I opened all the presents.
They didn’t forget my birthday. It was really the best day of my life!
16.A.tenth B.eleventh C.twelfth D.thirteenth
17.A.well B.good C.better D.best
18.A.kitchen B.garden C.living room D.study
19.A.to read B.read C.reads D.reading
20.A.breakfast B.lunch C.dinner D.drinks
21.A.himself B.myself C.yourself D.themselves
22.A.looked B.saw C.watched D.heard
23.A.books B.presents C.pictures D.clothes
24.A.of B.from C.for D.with
25.A.took B.made C.shared D.prepared
三、 阅读理解 (共三节,满分50分)
第一节 阅读下面三个语篇,从每题所给的A、B、C、D三个选项中选出最佳选项。 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
Here is a card of invitation (邀请函) from Lisa.
26.What’s the date of Lisa’s birthday
A.Sunday. B.13 July. C.Saturday. D.9 July.
27.How old is Lisa
A.9. B.11. C.13. D.15.
28.Lisa was born on________.
A.13 July, 2023 B.9 July, 2023 C.9 July, 2014 D.13 July, 2014
29.Which is the best time to get to the party
A.11:00. B.11:30. C.13:00. D.13:30.
30.You can’t ________ at the party.
A. B. C. D.
In China, when a baby is one year old, there is a fun activity, zhuazhou, at his or her birthday party.
On that day, people usually put some food, toys and other things on a table. Then, parents put their babies on the table and the babies can take anything on it.
If a baby takes a pen, people will say he or she may be a good writer in the future. If a baby takes a cooker, people will know he or she may take good care of the family. When a baby takes a cake or a toy, people will think he or she knows how to have a good time in future life.
Zhuazhou has a long history in China. It began in the Southern and Northern Dynasties (南北朝). And it became popular (受欢迎的) in the Tang and Song dynasties. Ancient people considered it as one of the most important rituals in life. Now, zhuazhou is still (仍然) popular. Many Chinese families still have zhuazhou parties these days.
Zhuazhou, as an old tradition in China, shows people’s great love for a new member of their family.
31.There is a zhuazhou party for Toby today. Who is Toby
A. B. C.
32.What will happen if a baby takes a pen
A.He or she may be a good writer in the future.
B.He or she may take good care of the family.
C.He or she will know how to have a good time in future life.
33.Which picture shows the number of people having zhuazhou parties in different periods
A. B. C.
34.The lost parts of the mind map (思维导图) may be__________.
A.①history ②give things to the baby
B.①reasons (原因) ②give things to the baby
C.①history ②let the baby take one thing
35.Why do people have zhuazhou parties for their babies according to the passage
A.Because zhuazhou is popular in Chinese history.
B.Because people love their new born babies.
C.Because their babies can live a good life by doing so.
Today is Jenny’s grandma’s birthday.
Jenny is making a birthday card for her. She is using paper and crayons to make the card. She is putting a picture of Grandma and herself on the front. And her family are writing something for Grandma in the card.
Mother, you are the best woman in the world. Oh, I love you. Thank you for raising (抚养) me. Hope I can be with you Every time! Really! —Bob
Have a wonderful birthday, Mum! Do you know what your birthday present is It’s small and cute. It likes meat. It says,“Woof (汪), Woof!” —Mary
I’m writing a poem (诗歌).
I’m writing a riddle (谜语).
I’m drawing a picture of Grandma and me.
36.Whose birthday is it today
A. B. C. D.
37.What is Jenny using to make the card
A.Paper and crayons. B.A computer.
C.A box and flowers. D.An umbrella.
38.What’s Bob doing
A.He’s writing a riddle. B.He’s writing a poem.
C.He’s drawing a picture. D.He’s looking for a present.
39.What’s the birthday present from Mary
A.A rabbit. B.A zebra. C.A cat. D.A dog.
40.What’s the passage (文章) mainly about
A.Making the birthday cards. B.Taking a family photo.
C.Having a birthday party. D.Going on a trip.
第二节 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
Good morning, my good friends. I’m Lin Tao. Now I’m at school. 41 It’s not big but nice. 42 They are white and blue. Every student has a set. The teacher’s desk is in the front (前面) of the classroom. A computer and a box are on it. 43 We can’t play computer games on it. 44 When we lost some school things (学习用品), we can find them in the box. On the walls (墙) are four pictures and a map of China. 45 This is my tidy classroom. What about yours
A.The box is the Lost and Found box.
B.My friend always helps me find my pens.
C.The pictures are about my school.
D.This is my classroom.
E.The computer is for our teachers.
F.40 sets of desks and chairs are in the classroom.
第三节 阅读下面短文,根据其内容填空或回答问题。 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
Here is one club only for kids. It is for kids from 3 to 13 years old. Every morning, Kids’ Club starts at 10:30 with great activities such as playing games, making cakes and drawing pictures. Kids can take part in the activities and watch a film at 11:00. There are many wonderful movies in the club just for kids. They are fun to watch.
NOTE TO PARENTS: Parents can leave children over 8 alone (单独) in the theatre, but they should know that there is no child care for kids in the theatre. We do, however, make a safe and good room for kids to stay in. Only kids and their family can go there. If you leave your kids in the theatre, remember to come back on time for them at the end of the film.
46.Who is the club for
47.What can kids do at the Kids’ Club
48.What makes the club special (One example is OK. )
49.Do parents need to be with their children over 8 in the theatre
50.What do you think of the club
四、 语言运用 (共两节,满分25分)
第一节 根据中文意思,补全英语译文。(每空限填一词,缩写算一词) (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
52.蓝色加黄色是什么颜色? (翻译句子)

53.所以我们想给她买一些不错的东西。(buy sth for sb)
54.我的父母经常带我去一家好餐馆。(take sb to)
55.总会有一碗长面条。(there be句型)
第二节 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词或括号内单词的正确形式。(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Today is 24th November. It’s Dale’s 56 (thirteen) birthday. After breakfast, some of his friends come 57 (see) him. They give 58 (he) many nice presents. Dale is very happy. Then they play basketball for two hours. They have lunch in a restaurant. 59 the afternoon, they go to the Green Park. At about 5:30 pm, they come back home. 60 (Dale) mother buys a big cake for him. Dale’s name and the words “Happy Birthday” 61 (be) on the cake. Dale 62 (get) some nice presents from his family too— 63 basketball from his grandfather, a book from his grandmother, a pair of sports 64 (shoe) from his father, a yellow T-shirt from his mother 65 a CD from his sister Alice. How happy Dale is!
五、 写作 (满分25分)
66.请你仔细观察图片,根据图片所提供的信息,以“Amy’s Surprise Party”为题写一篇短文。
walk home from school, think of gifts... make dinner, read a newspaper... a birthday cake, be surprised... have a birthday party...
Amy’s Surprise Party
Last Friday was Amy’s birthday.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
11.For example 12.next time 13.makes a wish 14.blows out 15.total
16.C 17.A 18.A 19.D 20.A 21.B 22.D 23.B 24.D 25.C
26.B 27.A 28.D 29.A 30.B
31.B 32.A 33.C 34.C 35.B
36.B 37.A 38.B 39.D 40.A
41.D 42.F 43.E 44.A 45.C
46.Kids from 3 to 13 years old. 47.They can take part in the activities and watch films. 48.It is only for kids. /There are many wonderful movies in the club just for kids. 49.No, they don’t. 50.I think it’s interesting. /I think it’s a good place for kids to watch movies.
51.How much is the total
52.What colour is blue and yellow
53.So we want to buy some good things for her.
54.My parents often take me to a nice restaurant.
55.There is always a bowl of long noodles.
56.thirteenth 57.to see 58.him 59.In 60.Dale’s 61.are 62.gets 63.a 64.shoes 65.and
Amy’s Surprise Party
Last Friday was Amy’s birthday. As she walked home from school, she couldn’t help but think of gifts that she might receive. Meanwhile, her mother was making dinner, while her father was reading a newspaper. Her friends were busy preparing a surprise in the room. When Amy arrived home, she was surprised to see a birthday cake waiting for pletely surprised, she couldn’t believe her eyes. Soon, all her friends appeared in the room, and they had a birthday party together, filled with laughter and joy.




下一篇:Unit 5 Fun Clubs 基础卷(含答案)--人教版2024 七年级英语上册