
We ______(go) to school at 7:30 every morning.
The boy _______(be) short and thin.His name _______(be) Peter. He ______(have) got two big eyes.
My parents ________(love) me very much.
The earth __________(be) round. It _________(run) around the sun.
__________you ______(live) in Shanghai Y而是,I___________.
Listen!The girl_______(sing) an English song.
I can ________(make) a paper crane now.
My parents_______(get) ready for the Spring Festival these day.
Tom_________(be) hungry.He___________(want) to eat some bread now.
Where _________(be) Jack He _______(do) his homework in the classroom.
Mary ________(be) a student of middle school next term.
________you ________(go) shopping with me this afternoon
What _______you_______this weekend I ________(visit) Shanghai Museum.
My father _________(take) me to the funfair this Sunday.
He __________(come) back in two hours.
My family________(move) to Beijing two years ago.
I ________(forget) to switch off the air-conditioner when I left home.
________you_______(see)the film yesterday No, I_________(see) it the day before yesterday.
Jenny ______(be) happy now because she _______(win) the game.
How _______you_______(feel) today I _______(feel) much better.
Jim _____________________(没有空) tomorrow morning.
He ___________________________(想成为一名足球运动员) when he grows up.
The students____________________(打篮球) after school。
The boy ________________________(将很开心) when he gets a good mark.
My grandma usually _________________(早起) in the morning.
May __________________________(不喜欢) tea。
They _________________(不吃午餐) at home on weekdays.
Who_________________(需要) some coffee.
Look,Mr. Smith and Mrs.Smith__________________________(在跳舞) together.
Listen, who_____________________(在唱歌) in the next room.
Oh,you are late.Your boss__________________(在等你) in the office.
John____________________(努力学习)these days.
Look.she can _________________________(画一条龙) now.
When ________________________(你离开家) this morning
She __________________(写信) to her friend last night.
My uncle ____________________(去韩国) three years ago.
My brother ___________________________(买了一台新电脑) last month.
Who _____________________________(教你英语) last term.
_________it always snow in Hangzhou A.Do B.Does C.Is
Who __________attend the meeting tomorrow A.will B. Is C.is going
.When ________you_______up this morning A. Do,get B.did ,got C.did,get
Listen!The boy____________the piano.A .played B plays C is playing
My father never _______________A .smoking B.smokes C.smoked
Don’t worry .You __________late.A.weren’t B. aren’t C.won’t be
My father always_________to work by metro,but this morning he________to work by bus.
A goes went B goes go C go went
Do you like skating in winter.Yes,I___________A do B like C am
Turn off the light.The baby __________A sleeps B is sleeping C shall sleep
She __________a storybook last night.A reads B is reading C read
My sister __________need any coke. A ./ B doesn’t C does
I__________to school on time this morning. A weren’t get B don’t get C didn’t get
How many foreign languages _________you speak A are B do C will
Where __________you last night A are B was C were
They are good friends. They always___________each other.A help B helping C helped
Who ________some juice I___________.A .wants do B.wants want C.want do
Mr.Lee___________in Beijing three years ago. A lives B lived C live
If I _______you,I will tell you.A.will see B see C saw
How ________the apple__________ A is, tasting B does,eat C does,taste
The flowers __________nice.A smell B are smelling C will smell
The girl ________a new dress.She looks pretty.A wears B is putting on C is
I must go home now.or my mother ______________about me.
A worries B will worry C is worrying
My teacher told us that light ____________faster than sound.A travels B is traveling C traveled
There _______a football match in the stadium.Are you going to watch it
A is B will have C will be
________you ________anything strange in the room A Are, hearing B Do,hear C Are hear
Lucy is a student of Grade Four.(last year)_______________________________________________________________
Tom does his homework after school.(now)_________________________________________________________________
I often say hello to our teachers at school.___________________________________________________________________
Carol is having an art lesson now.(once a week)______________________________________________________________
My brother went to school by bike yesterday.(tomorrow)_______________________________________________________
Are you free now (the day after tomorrow)_________________________________________________________________
The tie for my father was expensive. The tie for my father was _____________ __________________
Your hands are dirty .Go and wash them at once. Your hands are______ ________.Go and wash them at once.
It’s difficult to study English well. It’s_______ _________to study English well.
We enjoyed ourselves in the park._____________________________________________________________
There are few students in the classroom.__________________________________________________________
You can go to the Century Park by underground._____________________________________________
Her favourite sport is tennis.________________________________________________________
This blouse is not expensive .It only cost me 50 yuan._________________________________________________
I have English lessons every day except Sunday._____________________________________________________
We do eye exercises twice a day.______________________________________________________
Almost all the students have lunch at school.________________________________________________-
Jane won’t go to Hong Kong by train in June.___________________________________________________
John didn’t know the hard life of the poor people.__________________________________________________
Volleyball players can use arms,fists or hands to hit the ball.____________________________________________
A volleyball player mustn’t hold the ball while playing._________________________________________________
We spent our holiday in the mountains last Saturday.



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