
1.__________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________
1. I have to them 20 pounds for this room each month.
A. pay B. paid C. cost D. took
2. They spend too much time the report
A. writing B. to write C. on writing D. write
3. --What beautiful shoes you’re wearing! They must be expensive .
--No,they only——l0 yuan.
A.spent B.took C.paid D.cost
4. --Will you please for my dinner, Peter
A. spend B. pay C. cost D.take
5. It will me too much time to read this book.
A. take B. cost C. spend D.pay
6. This science book ____ me a great amount of money.
 A. took  B. cost  C. used  D. spent
7. May I borrow 12 yuan from you I'll it back next week.
A. take B. cost C. pay D .spend
8. I two hours on this maths problem yesterday.
A. take B. cost C. pay D .spent
9. Repairing this car him the whole afternoon.
A. took B. cost C. pay D .spent
10. ----How do you come to school
----By bike. Taking a bus may _____ much money. And walking ______ too much time.
A. take; pays B. cost; takes C. pay; costs D. pay; takes
11. She usually ________ much time shopping in the supermarkets.
A spends B costs C takes D pays
12. American students spend ________ time _________ homework than Chinese students.
A. fewer, doing B. less, to do C. less, doing D. least, doing
13. This kind of computer _______ too much. I can't afford one.
A.takes B. spends C. pays D. costs
14. It will ________ us several years to learn a foreign language well. (09无锡)
A. cost B. take C. spend D. use
15. Since June 1st, 2008, when we want plastic bags in the supermarket, we have to ________(付款) them. (09连云港)
16. He likes English. He spends lots of time __________(read) it every day. (09宿迁)
17. I'm interested in animals,so I___every saturday working in an animal hospital
A. Pay B. cost C. take D. spend
18. They spend too much time _____the report(报道).
A. writing B. to write C. on writing D. write
19. --What beautiful shoes you’re wearing! They must be expensive.
--No,they only____l0 yuan.
A.spent B.took C.paid D.cost
20. --Will you please ____for my dinner Peter --Sure!
A. spend B. pay C. cost D.take
21. It will ____ me too much time to read this book.
A. take B. cost C. spend D.pay
22. This science book ___ me a great amount of money.
A. took B.cost C used D.spent
23. -Do you often get online
--Yes, I ____ lots of time on it. It’s a good way to kill time.
A. cost B. spend C.take D. pay
24. --l think traveling around the city by taxi is very convenient
--Yes, but it_____ too much
A. pays B. costs  C. spends D. takes
25. I'm interested in animals, so I ________ every Saturday working in an animal hospital.
A. pay B. cost C. take D. spend
26. ----Do you often get online ---Yes. I _____lots of time on it. It’s a good way to kill time.
A. cost B. spend C. take D. pay
27. This science book ____ me a great amount of money.
A. took B. cost C. used D. spent
三. 完成句子
It ____________________________________ yesterday.
四、根据句子意思和时态,用spend, take, cost和pay 的正确形式来填空,请注意考虑时态的变化。
1. I _____________ two hours on this math problem.
2. The car ____________ him around ten thousand US dollars.
3. His money ___________ ______________ for books.
4. It _____________ them three years to build this road.
5. Don’t worry! I'll ___________ for you.
6. The error _________ the company one million pounds.
7. They ______________ us every month.
8. They _______________two years (in) building this bridge.
9. I have to_________ them 20 pounds for this room each month.
10. A new computer ______________ a lot of money.
11. I have to __________ for the lost book.
12. May I borrow 12 Yuan from you I'll ______ it back next week.
13. Homework___ me half an hour every day.
14. It ___me $20 to take the train.
15. It ___me half an hour to find the boy.
16. I ___$20 for her book.
17. I ____$20 on the book.
18. It _____me half an hour to climb up the mountain.
19. I ____half an hour climbing up the mountain.
20. How much did you ____for the ticket
21. How much does it ____to buy the book
22. How long do you _____speaking English every day
23. How much did you ____on the pants
答 案:
①I spend 100 yuan on this coat.=I spend 100 yuan to buy this coat.
②The coat cost me 100 yuan.=It cost me 100 yuan to buy this coat.
③I paid 100 yuan for this coat.
④It takes me 100 yuan to buy this coat.
1-5 AADBA 6-10BCDAB 11-14 ACDB 15. pay for 16. reading
17-23 DADBA 22-27BBBDBB
1. A new computer costs a lot of money.
2. It took them three years to build this road.
3. I have to pay them 20 dollars for this room each month.
4. Remembering these new words cost him a lot of time.
5. They spent two years (in) building this bridge.
6. It took him ten minutes to go to the zoo by bus/ to take the bus to the zoo.
四、1. spent 2. cost 3. was spent 4. took 5. pay 6. cost
7. pay 8. spent 9. pay 10. costs 11. pay 12. pay
13. takes 14. cost 15. took 16. paid 17. spend 18. took
19. spend 20. pay 21. cost 22. spend 23. spend



