
英 语
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.Whose paintings does the woman prefer
A. Monet’s B. Picasso’s. C. Van Gogh’s.
2.When will the play be performed
A. October 15th. B. October 16th. C. October 17th.
3.Which petrol station will the woman go to
A. The one near the crossroads.
B. The one next to the cinema,
C. The one opposite the bridge.
4.Where does the conversation take place
A. At a doctor’s.
B. At the woman’s home.
C. In a restaurant.
5.How much should the man pay
A. $80. B. $160. C. $200
6.Why does the woman reschedule the meeting
A. She needs to leave for another branch.
B. She has to work on a report.
C. She has a conference.
7.When will the speakers probably have the meeting
A. During four and five o’clock.
B. During two and four o’clock.
C. During one and two o’clock.
8.What might the man be
A. A tour guide.
B. A store assistant.
C. A hotel receptionist.
9.What does the man offer to do
A. Provide an umbrella.
B. Buy an umbrella.
C. Share an umbrella.
10.What does the man remind the woman of
A. The location of stores.
B. A departure date.
C. A closing time.
11.When does Mike’s normal workday start
A.8:25. B.9:15. C.9:50.
12.How did Tom finally get to his workplace
A. By taxi. B. By car. C. By truck.
13.What can we learn from the conversation
A. Mike’s car will be repaired soon.
B. The relationship between them is an HR manager and an employee.
C. Mike will not be punished for being late.
14.What’s relationship between the two speakers
A. Student and teacher.
B. Customer and shop assistant.
C. Tourist and guide.
15.When can people enjoy the festive atmosphere in Dong village
A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Winter.
16.What is the must-try local food here
A. Roasted meat. B. Sour potatoes. C. Sour fish soup.
17.What will the speakers do next
A. Visit the drum towers,
B. Go on exploring more surprises.
C. Try some specialties.
18.Before 2024, how many times did Paris hold the Olympic Games
A. Three times. B. Twice. C. Once.
19.Which is the new event in the 2024 Paris Olympics
A. Surfing. B. Swimming. C. Gymnastics.
20.Why did they cut ten events from the Tokyo Games
A. To save money.
B. To leave a positive long-term impact.
C. To be more eco-friendly and efficient.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
The Best Things to Enjoy
Dancing Queens and Kings
Seeing stars outside their comfort zones has always held a certain appeal. A touring version of the TV show “Battle of the Network Stars” stops at the Altria: Theater, bringing recent hockey champions and former NBA player Iman Shumpert as well as the professional dancers. Tickets are $59.50 to $369.
Comic Treat
Fortune Feimster brings fun to the Dominion Energy Center’s Carpenter; Theatre on Jan. 9. You may have seen her Netflix “Sweet & Salty”, where she humorously talks about her entertainment career. The show arrives at 7 pm. Tickets are $31.50 to $81.50.
Spirit of Giving
Experience holiday traditions through the Latin Ballet of Virginia’s production of “The Legend of Poinsettia”. The story is based on a Mexican legend about a good-hearted girl who unearths the true spirit of giving. Celebrate 20 years of the production at the Cultural Arts Center at Glen: Allen at 7:30 pm on Jan. 7. Tickets are $15to $20.
Bring It Home
Take the first steps toward making your home-rebuilding decision a reality at the Richmond Remodeling Expo, on Friday, Jan. 9, at the Greater Richmond Convention Center. Walk the show to gather ideas while discovering the latest in kitchens, room addition s and more. Pick up professional advice and connect with builders and design professionals who can translate your home-improvement dreams into reality. Tickets are $3.
21.How much would you probably pay to enjoy athletes’ performance
A. $3. B. $15. C. $31.5. D. $61.5.
22.Where can you see a humorous actress
A. At the Altria Theater. B. At the Carpenter Theatre.
C. At the Cultural Arts Center. D. At the Greater Richmond Convention Center.
23.What can you enjoy on Jan.9
A. Some hands-on activities. B. A Mexican legend.
C. Skills to improve houses. D. The pleasure of giving.
Bartek Ostalowski lost both his arms in a terrible accident in 2006, but that wasn't enough to kill his dream of one day becoming a professional racecar driver. Finding himself armless at just 20 years old and faced with the difficult task of learning to drive a car on a race circuit must have been quite the shock for Bartek, but he mustered the courage and the drive to push' on. In three years, he became a master of driving a racecar with his feet. Today, Bartek Ostalowski is the world's only professional sport driver who drives using his feet.
In order to deal with his physical limitations, Bartek transformed his racecar according to his needs, adding a new engine, and stronger transmission(变速器). The ambitious Polish driver uses his right foot to control the pedals, while moving on with his left one. The racecar is controlled with the shoulder.
"After my accident, I was looking for a solution. I asked myself if I wanted to race again what would I need to do ” Bartek told the reporter of Business Insider. “I heard about someone in Poland who, like me, had no arms, but he drove a car on a daily basis with no problem. After meeting him, my dream and passion for motorsports were alive and strong, and I made the decision to return to racing one day.”
In 2019, Ostalowski finished in ninth place out of 50 drivers in the Polish Drift Championship, one of the most competitive championship series in all of Europe, and the year before that, he won the international Czech Drift Series, beating dozens of other professional sports drivers.
“Of course I encourage other people with disabilities to get involved in motorsports. It's a beautiful passion and I think a great form of recovery too. So make your dreams come true, ”the Polish driver said.
24.What is special about Bartek Ostalowski
A. He lost his arms. B. He is a racecar driver.
C. He drives the racecar with feet. D. He becomes a master of driving a racecar.
25.Who encouraged Bartek Ostalowski most according to the text
A. A driving master. B. A disabled driver.
C. A great champion. D. A newspaper reporter.
26.How does the author think of Bartek Ostalowski according to paragraph 4
A. Admiring. B. Frightening. C. Interesting. D. Embarrassing.
27.What is the best title for the text
A. A story about a dream coming true
B. A great celebrity rising from a terrible accident
C. The man with courage and drive on a race circuit
D. The only armless professional sports driver in the world
In Mediterranean waters, off the coast of France, a diver recently visited the shipwreck La Lune, which lay untouched and unexplored on the ocean bottom since it sank in 1664. But the wreck’s first visitor in centuries wasn’t human. It was a robot.
Called OceanOne, the bright orange diving robot measures about 1.5 meters in length and has a torso (躯干), a head with stereoscopic vision (立体视觉) and arms. Its lower section holds its computer “brain”, a power supply, and an array of eight multidirectional thrusters (推进器).
Guided by a computer scientist from a boat, OceanOne combined artificial intelligence, sensory feedback and flexible mechanical construction to perform delicate tasks underwater, such as retrieving a delicate cultural relic from the ruins. It can place the cultural relic in a box so the thing can be brought to the surface.
OceanOne can not only investigate parts of the ocean that are less accessible to people, but can do so with the flexibility of a human diver. The engineers also created an interface (接口) that allows a person to not only control the robot, but to actually “feel” what the robot is touching. “The intention here is to have a human diving virtually,” said Oussama Khatib, who piloted OceanOne on its La Lune visit. Khatib, a professor of computer science at Stanford University in California, explained that the experience of guiding the robot is almost like being the diver. “You can feel exactly what the robot is doing,” said Khatib.
OceanOne is also capable of interpreting and responding to its environment autonomously, detecting whether its hands-on work requires a lighter touch and when it needs to make adjustments to stay in place or change direction.
The team behind OceanOne viewed the robot as a means for studying Red Sea’s coral reefs at depths that were inaccessible to a human diver. OceanOne would conduct underwater research—operated by a scientist on the surface—without damaging the reef or its inhabitants.
28.What do we know about OceanOne
A. It has replaced a diver’s job. B. It functions as a human.
C. It is a fish living in the ocean. D. It can conduct demanding tasks.
29.What does the underlined word “retrieving” in paragraph 3 refer to
A. Carving. B. Recovering. C. Guiding. D. Crashing.
30.What is the engineers’ purpose of creating an interface
A. To make a div er operate it conveniently.
B. To connect the robot to other computers.
C. To satisfy an operator’s virtual experience.
D. To learn well how the robot performs tasks.
31.Which word can best describe OceanOne
A. Tiny. B. Traditional. C. Human-like. D. Multifunctional.
A March 2023 report from Goldman Sachs estimated that AI capable of content generation could do a quarter of all the work currently done by humans. Across the European Union and US, the report further notes, 300 million jobs could be lost to automation. And that could be awful, says Martin Ford, author of Rule of the Robots: Hot Artificial Intelligence Will Transform Everything.
“It’s not just that this would happen to individuals, but it could be pretty systemic.” he says. “It could happen to a lot of people, potentially quite suddenly, potentially all at the same time. And that has implications not just for those individuals, but for the whole economy. ”
Thankfully, it’s not all bad news. The experts issue their warnings with a caveat (限制性条款): there are still things Al isn’t capable of—tasks that involve distinctly human qualities, like emotional intelligence and outside-the-box thinking. And moving into roles that centre those skills could help lessen the chances of being replaced.
“I think there are generally three categories that are going to be relatively insulated (隔离) in the foreseeable future,” says Ford. “The first would be jobs that are genuinely creative: you’re not doing formulaic work or just rearranging things, but you’re genuinely coming up with new ideas and building something new.”
“The second insulated category, he continues, is jobs that require sophisticated (老练的) interpersonal relationships. He points to nurses, secretarial clerks and investigative journalists. These are jobs, he says, “where you need a very deep understanding of people.”
The third safe zone, says Ford, “are jobs that really require lots of mobility and dexterity (灵巧) and problem-solving ability in unpredictable environments”. Many trade jobs—think electricians, plumbers, welders and the like—fall under this umbrella, he adds. “They are probably the hardest of anything to automate.”
In short, seeking roles in dynamic, shifting environments that include unpredictable tasks is good way to stave off job loss to AI. At least, for a while.
32.According to Martin Ford what’s his attitude towards AI
A. Favorable. B. Pessimistic. C. Neutral. D. Dismissive.
33.Why did the writer mention the caveat in Paragraph 3
A. To introduce the main topic. B. To clarify a concept.
C. To present a fact. D. To make a comparison.
34.According to the passage, in the future which job is more likely to be replaced by Al
A. A business consultant. B. A craftsman.
C. A typist. D. A tourist guide.
35.What’s the best title for the text
A. The robots really are coming for some jobs.
B. The jobs AI won’t take yet.
C. AI will transform working mode.
D. The jobs people can do in the future.
Working provides good experience
Working part-time is a good experience for students. Of course, it has some bad points. As for me, I have a part-time job working at a supermarket. It is harder than it looks. Sometimes I have to give up my sleeping time in order to do my homework. ____36__ However, thanks to it, or because of it, I have learned to use my time more wisely.
___37___ Of course we do, but I don’t think students work just for money. We get other things from working. For example, I have learned to communicate better with other generations.
____38__ I can’t spend as much time at school as I did before. I don’t have as much time to see my friends. It’s harder to get my schoolwork done. Sometimes, I have to ask for time off from work because I need time to finish school projects.
I can’t act the same way at my workplace as I do at school. However, to communicate with different generations is a useful experience for me. ___39___ When I am part of it, thanks to my part-time work experience now, I’ll have learned how to communicate better with adults.
What I want to say is that although working part-time has some bad points for students, it also gives us valuable experience for whatever we do later in life. ___40___
A. That is not good, I know.
B. I think schoolwork is more important for students.
C. Sooner or later, I have to be a member of adult society.
D. However, working does affect my life as a student.
E. Some people say that students take part-time jobs only for money.
F. In conclusion, students should balance part-time job and study.
G. Therefore, working part-time is really a good experience for students
第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)
Back in 2017, Kofi Thomas heard about an open space in his neighborhood. Somehow, the piece of city land had been 41 by time. Instead of a narrow and weedy plot of land, Kofi saw the open space as a(n) 42 to realize his vision.
As a gardener, Kofi hoped to create a 43 for his community. After getting 44 from the relevant department, Kofi and his friends 45 to clean out the broken glass and fallen tree leaves on the open space. Then they 46 ten tons of soil and were ready to 47 the seeds.
The garden was open to the public in April 2018. It has since become a green space that 48 people to harvest and eat the food 49 by the land.
Part of the garden's purpose is to share fresh vegetables with their neighbors. They 50 donate them to local women's shelters, church groups and other community groups. To date, they've 51 over 10,000 pounds of fresh food.
And they're forming partnerships with nearby schools to encourage 52 to learn more about sustainable living. “All of the food that we grow serves as a(n) 53 tool,” Kofi said. “A lot of kids around here have never even 54 a tomato plant. It's really 55 to have the youth recognize these plants and understand the health benefits of growing their own food.”
41.A. paid B. forgotten C. chosen D. represented
42.A. failure B. ability C. sign D. opportunity
43.A. school B. church C. garden D. shelter
44.A. approval B. comfort C. criticism D. information
45.A. refused B. started C. regretted D. pretended
46.A. s wept away B. gave up C. brought in D. broke through
47.A. sell B. share C. show D. plant
48.A. welcomes B. warns C. requests D. forces
49.A. controlled B. buried C. improved D. produced
50.A. suddenly B. fortunately C. routinely D. barely
51.A. sent out B. kept out C. found out D. left out
52.A. teachers B. kids C. parents D. doctors
53.A. sharp B. editing C. marketing D. educational
54.A. donated B. seen C. imagined D. borrowed
55.A. useless B. risky C. cool D. strange
The need for speed is so deeply rooted in modern society that we often forget to press pause and think about the things that get 56 (good) with time:antiques, aged wine, long-term relationships and expertise over the years.
Peking Opera is a slow process too. An often-repeated saying goes as follows:Three minutes on stage, 10 years 57 stage. It’s meant as a nod to its demanding nature and a reminder of its high standards that ensure that any performance 58 (do) the way the forefathers wanted it.
Peking Opera is demanding because of the extensive list of skills it 59 (require). A performer is an actor, singer, dancer, acrobat, mime and martial artist all rolled into one. They’re also expected 60 (apply) delicate make-up, put on heavy costumes and, 61 (depend) on their character, perform on stage in 15cm platform shoes.
There is so much to take in 62 disciples(学徒) usually start their career as young children, spending years conditioning their bodies and minds for the stage.
So what chance does 63 theatre beginner with little patience and zero flexibility like me stand against Peking Opera Do I have what it takes to put on a 64 (success) show There’s only one way to find out: I’m rolling up my sleeves and training under the 65 (guide) of senior stage masters in the field.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
66.假定你是校剪纸社(Paper-cutting Club)负责人李华,得知你校美国交换生Jim对该社很感兴趣,请你给他写一封邮件邀请其加入,内容包括:
Dear Jim,
Li Hua
There’s a lot that goes into moving to a new city. You’re house hunting in areas you aren’t familiar with, dragging all of your belongings around, trying to figure out which grocery store keeps your favourite noodles in stock, and wondering when you’ll ever find a new dentist. This was exactly what I went through when I settled in Chicago.
Every day, I was fully occupied, exhausted. I found my new city so big and unfriendly.
After graduating from college in May, I moved from the town of Oxford, Mississippi, to Chicago to start my full-time job. Typically, when I went through lots of change in my life, I had consistent faces around me: my family or my friends. This time, however, it was just me. And for someone who’s an introvert (内向的人), this was anything but easy.
Besides, the job itself was also something beyond my expectation. What I learnt in college was totally different from what I needed to do in the company. I worked longer hours to sort things out and couldn’t sleep well at night. It was a lot of change at once. It was too much. I was helpless.
What’s worse, my poor health added to the helplessness. Due to days of pressure, I had a physical problem. It seemed that I had to go to hospital for a thorough examination. It seemed a small challenge compared to the one I was about to face, but things started to go wrong right from the beginning.
Not having a car or knowing the city, I was depending on a couple of buses to get around. Although I’d left myself plenty of time, soon it was obvious that I was going to be late, as I had mistakenly got on a bus that was taking me in the opposite direction.
Paragraph 1:
I had no choice but to get off the bus.
Paragraph 2:
Suddenly, a car stopped in front of me and it was the same woman.
第一部分 听力(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)
1.答案:C 2.答案:B 3.答案:C 4.答案 :A 5.答案:B 6.答案:A 7.答案:C 8.答案:C 9.答案:A 10.答案:C 11.答案:A 12.答案:A 13.答案:B 14.答案:C 15.答案:A 16.答案:C 17.答案:B 18.答案:B 19.答案:A 20.答案:C
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
21.答案:D 22.答案:B 23.答案:C 24.答案:C 25.答案:B 26.答案:A 27.答案:D
28.答案:D 29.答案:B 30.答案:C 31.答案:D 32.答案:B 33.答案:A 34.答案:C
第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
41.答案:B 42.答案:D 43.答案:C 44.答案:A 45.答案:B 46.答案:C
47.答案:D 48.答案:A 49.答案:D 50.答案:C 51.答案: A 52.答案:B
53.答案:D 54.答案:B 55.答案:C
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
答案:56.better;57.off;58.is done;59.requires;60.to apply;61.depending;62.that;63.a;64.successful;65.guidance
第四部分 写作 (共两节, 满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
Dear Jim,
I’m Li Hua, head of Paper-cutting Club in our school. Learning that you’re interested in our club, it’s my great honor to invite you to join us.
Founded in 2015, our club aims to offer a platform where students can learn, create and appreciate the traditional art of paper-cutting. A wide variety of activities are held on a weekly basis, including workshops led by experienced artists, exhibitions showcasing our members’ outstanding creations and visits to museums and art galleries to deepen our understanding of this art form.
I’m convinced that our club will definitely be a journey to a cultural feast. Looking forward to your participation.
Li Hua
第二节 (满分25分)
I had no choice but to get off the bus. Standing on the pavement, I felt totally at a loss. Strangers passed by, but I couldn’t gather the courage to ask for directions. Just at the moment, a middle-aged woman, instead of moving on, stopped to ask if I needed help. After I explained my situation to her, she pointed to a bus stop across the street. “No.5 bus will take you to the hospital.” she said kindly. I showed my thanks and hurried to the stop, where I waited for the bus restlessly.
Suddenly, a car stopped in front of me and it was the same woman. She waved her hand and offered to give me a ride. The smile on her face was so bright that I was nearly moved to tears. With gratitude filling my heart, I got in the car. “I see you’re not familiar with the city,” she chuckled. I told her about my helplessness in the new city along the way. “Don’t worry. Everything will work out here.” she comforted me when dropping me off at the hospital. Yes, everything would go fine, starting from making such an amazing friend.



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