Unit 4 Feelings 单元过关检测卷(无答案含听力音频+听力材料)

Unit 4 Feelings过关检测卷
Listening Part听力部分 40点
I.Listen and choose. 听音,选出你所听到的单词。(10点)
( )1. A. bought B. brought ( )2.A. thought B.fought
( )3. A. enough B. tough ( )4.A. rough B.ought
( )5. A. competition B. president ( )6.A. hurt B.trunk
( )7. A. dear B. near ( )8.A. pearl B.learn
( )9. A. swear B. sweater ( )10.A. spend B.spicy
II.Listen and answer. 听句子, 选出恰当的答语。(10点)
( )1. A.I was sad. B.I was sad because I was ill. C.You look sad.
( )2. A.I was happy. B.I hurt my leg. C.I am going to run.
( )3. A.No, I wasn’t. B.Yes, I did. C.Yes, I am.
( )4. A.Thank you. B.Congratulations. C.You are welcome.
( )5. A.I feel excited. B.I was angry. C.They are scared.
III. Listen and fill. 听对话,将与听到内容相符的图片序号填在横线上。(10点)
A. B. C. D. E.
1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________
IV. Listen and choose. 听短文,选出最佳选项。(10点)
( )1. How many people are there in the story
Four. B. Five. C.Six.
( )2. The old man gives them three __________.
peanut B. flowers C. seeds
( )3. What does the poor fisherman bring to the old businessman
A small purple flower. B. A big red flower. C. Nothing.
( )4. __________ gets the money because he is honest(诚实的).
A.The coach. B. The factory worker. C.The fisherman.
( )5. How do the other two men feel at last
A.Happy. B. Ashamed and sad. C.Worried.
Writing Part读写部分 60点
I. Read and choose. 选择恰当的单词或短语完成句子。(5点)
( )1. I can’t ______ my dog. It makes me cry.
A.cry B. find C. lost
( )2. My dog is ______ the race.
A. win B. won C. winning
( )3. Jiayi likes ________basketball and ______ to music.
A. play;listen B. to play; listen C. playing; listening
( )4. Bill got ________ A on his maths test. He felt very happy.
A. / B. a C. an
( )5. I was happy because Andy ________ to see me and helped me with my maths.
A. comes B. coming C. came
II. Read and judge.读小对话,判断图片正误。正确的选T,错误的选F。(5点)
( )1. A: Look at this girl. She is so angry. What happened B: She is angry because her dog eats her lunch.
( )2. A: Why did you feel so worried in this picture B:I felt worried because I wasn’t good at maths. I didn’t like tests.
( )3. A:You look so proud in this picture. Why B: I was so proud because I was going to sing for my class.
( )4. A:What do you know about Beijing B:It’s the capital of China. It’s famous for Peking Opera.
( )5. A:Where do you want to go this winter vacation B:I want to go to Canada. It’s famous for maple leaves.
III. Read and choose. 补全对话。(有一项是多余的)(10点)
Bill: Look at these pictures, Lily.
Lily: 1
Bill: I was sad because I was ill. 2
Lily: Well, look at this picture. You’re in bed, too, but you look happy. Why
Bill: 3
Lily: Oh. You look worried in this picture. 4
Bill: I was worried because I wasn’t good at maths. I didn’t like maths tests.
Lily: 5
Bill: Yes. Look, I got an A. I was so proud.
Lily: Congratulations!
Bill: Thank you.
VI. Reading Comprehension. 阅读短文,根据文章内容,选出最佳答案。(20点)
____________ (Title)Many kids have fun ideas about our life in the future. Maybe people will make these things one day. Let's have a look first, go, go, go! This sofa is cool. It can talk to me. It can play music, too. When I feel tired and want to sleep, it will play light music to help me fall asleep quickly. This is the sleeping mode(模式). When I'm reading a book on it, it will get into reading mode.These glasses don't look special. They also have two pieces of glasses. But they are different. They're not only short--sighted(近视) glasses but also a camera(相机) and a telescope(望远镜). If I want to see something far away, touch the glass on the right side, it will make the things far away bigger. If I want to take a photo, just touch the glass on the left side and blink (眨) my eyes.This smart (智能的) classroom looks like a spaceship (宇宙飞船). There is no blackboard or teachers in it. But there are some robots. They can answer any questions. With their help, learning is really easy. What's more, every student has a flying chair. When we press a button (按下按钮) on it, we can travel between home and school. My parents don't need to get up early and drive me to school again. ( )1.—How does the magic sofa help us fall asleep —It will ______.A.talk to us B.get into reading mode C.play light music( )2.If I want to see something far away with my super glasses. What should I do A.Touch the glass on the right. B.Touch the glass on the left. C.Blink my eyes.( )3.—Which is the right picture of the smart classroom A. B. C.( )4.—How do the students in the smart classroom go home —They go home ______.A.by car B.by flying chair C.by spaceship( )5.Choose a best title (标题) for this passage. A.Magic sofa B.Fun ideas about our future C.Super glasses
Our feelings are always changing. Sometimes we’re happy. Sometimes we’re sad. Sometimes we’re excited. Sometimes we’re worried. When we get a nice gift, we may feel happy or even excited. But when we lose it, we may feel upset. People have different feelings on one thing. For some people, they may feel sad when a game is over, but for some people, they may feel happy. People show their feelings differently. For some people, we can see their feelings from their faces or eyes, or by the tone of their voice. But for other people, we can’t find their real feeling easily. Everyone has good days and bad days. Sometimes it is helpful to share our feelings with others. Talking to other people about our feelings can help us relax and feel better.
( ) 1. Feelings do not change.
( ) 2. People will not feel sad if they lose something.
( ) 3. Everyone feels sad when a game is over.
( ) 4. Not all the people show their feelings on their faces.
( ) 5. Sometimes, sharing our feelings with other people can help us feel relaxed.
V. Choose and fill. 用所给词的恰当形式填空。每词限用一次。(10点)
feel like excited friend win together proud competition her on
I had a good day today. I got an A __________ my maths test. I __________ very happy. There was a new girl in our class. __________ name is Jiayi. She __________ playing basketball and listening to music. I was very __________ to meet her. I hope we will be __________ . After school we went to a singing __________. We sang in the competition __________ . We __________ first place, so I felt very __________ .
VI. Writing. 书面表达。(10点)
写一写你的心情吧,题目自拟,要求不少于6句话,用过去时态表达,注意正确使用标点符号,书写端正。提示:What day is it today It’s Monday/Tuesday/
Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday. I was...because...
I had to stay in bed.
What happened
You look worried in this picture. Why
I was happy because Andy came to see me and helped me with my maths.
You look sad in this picture. Why
Did you do well in the maths test XXX学校2023学年第一学期六年级英语
Unit 4 Feelings过关检测卷
Listening Part听力部分 40点
Listen and choose. 听音,选出你所听到的单词。(10点)
( A )1. A. bought B. brought ( B )2.A. thought B.fought
( A )3. A. enough B. tough ( B )4.A. rough B.ought
( A )5. A. competition B. president ( B )6.A. hurt B.trunk
( B )7. A. dear B. near ( A )8.A. pearl B.learn
( B )9. A. swear B. sweater ( A )10.A. spend B.spicy
Listen and answer. 听句子, 选出恰当的答语。(10点)
You look sad in this picture. Why
What happened
Did you do well in your English test
How do you feel today
( B )1. A.I was sad. B.I was sad because I was ill. C.You look sad.
( B )2. A.I was happy. B.I hurt my leg. C.I am going to run.
( B )3. A.No, I wasn’t. B.Yes, I did. C.Yes, I am.
( B )4. A.Thank you. B.Congratulations. C.You are welcome.
( A )5. A.I feel excited. B.I was angry. C.They are scared.
Listen and fill. 听录音,将与听到内容相符的图片序号填在横线上。(10点)
I was happy because my best friend came to see me and helped me with my maths.
I got an A on my maths test. Congratulations!
My cousin takes away my model plane. I am angry.
Today is my birthday. I am so happy to have a party together with my friends.
My dog Lucky is winning the race. I am so proud.
A. B. C. D. E.
1.____E______ 2.___D_______ 3.____A______ 4.____B______ 5.____C______
Listen and choose. 听短文,选出最佳选项。(10点)
( A )1. How many people are there in the story
Four. B. Five. C.Six.
( C )2. The old man gives them three __________.
peanut B. flowers C. seeds
( C )3. What does the poor fisherman bring to the old businessman
A small purple flower. B. A big red flower. C. Nothing.
( C )4. __________ gets the money because he is honest(诚实的).
A.The coach. B. The factory worker. C.The fisherman.
( B )5. How do the other two men feel at last
A.happy. B. ashamed and sad. C.worried.



上一篇:Unit1 In China 单元过关检测卷(无答案及听力材料含听力音频)

下一篇:牛津深圳版九(上)Unit 3 Family life Reading分层作业(含答案)