
一、听力理解,请听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(每小题1分)
1.(2023七下·抚州月考) What are they talking about
A.A photo. B.A fish. C.Swimming.
2.(2023七下·抚州月考) What's the weather like today
A.Rainy. B.Sunny. C.Cloudy.
【解析】【听力原文】W: What a sunny day today! I'm so happy to see the sun again.
M:But the radio says it will be cloudy tomorrow, and then rainy for another ten days.
【分析】句意:今天天气怎么样?根据听力材料What a sunny day today!今天真是晴朗的一天!由句中关键词sunny,可知今天天气是晴朗的。故选B。
【点评】考查短对话理解。先浏览题干清楚题干问什么,结合听力材料听出关键词句What a sunny day today!。
3.(2023七下·抚州月考) How does Mary go to school
A.By bus. B.By bike. C.By subway.
【解析】【听力原文】M:How do you go to school
W: I go to school by bike.
M:How about Mary
W: She takes the bus to school.
【分析】句意:玛丽怎么去上学?根据听力材料How about Mary She takes the bus to school.玛丽怎么样?她乘公共汽车去学校。可知她乘公共汽车去学校。故选A。
【点评】考查短对话理解。先浏览题干清楚题干问什么,结合听力材料听出关键词句She takes the bus to school.。
4.(2023七下·抚州月考) Where is the hotel
A.On South Street.
B.Across from the bank.
C.Next to the bank.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Excuse me, is there a hotel near here
W: Yes, there is. It's on North Street. It's across from the post office, next to the bank.
【分析】句意:酒店在哪儿?根据听力材料It's on North Street.It's across from the post office, next to the bank.它在北街。它在邮局对面,银行旁边。可知它在银行旁边。故选C。
【点评】考查短对话理解。先浏览题干清楚题干问什么,结合听力材料听出关键词句It's across from the post office, next to the bank.。
5.(2023七下·抚州月考) What does the girl mean
A.Ice cream isn't delicious.
B.Ice cream is not good for health.
C.Ice cream is good.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Would you like some ice cream
W:It tastes good, but it's not good for us.
【分析】句意:女孩这话是什么意思?根据听力材料It tastes good, but it's not good for us.它味道不错,但对我们并不好。可知此处是指冰淇淋对我们的身体不好。故选B。
【点评】考查短对话理解。先浏览题干清楚题干问什么,结合听力材料听出关键词句It tastes good, but it's not good for us.。
二、听力理解,请听下面4段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(每小题1分)
(2023七下·抚州月考) 请听对话,回答问题。
6.What does the boy want his mother to help with
A.Homework. B.Housework. C.English.
7.What is the boy's father doing
A.Washing clothes.
B.Making soup.
C.Cleaning the house.
【解析】【听力原文】M:Mom, can you help me with my homework
W:Sorry, Bob. I'm washing the clothes. You can ask your father for help.
M: But he is making soup.
W:Come and help me first, then I can help you.
M:Sounds like a good idea.
6.句意:男孩想让妈妈帮忙做什么?根据听力材料Mom, can you help me with my homework 妈妈,你能帮助我做作业吗?可知他让妈妈帮他做作业。故选A。
7.句意:男孩的父亲在做什么?根据听力材料You can ask your father for help.But he is making soup.你可以向你的爸爸寻求帮助,但是他正在做汤。可知他的爸爸在做汤。故选B。
(2023七下·抚州月考) 请听对话,回答问题。
8.Why can't they read English
A.Because the baby is sleeping.
B.Because it's too late.
C.Because they are ill.
9.Where is the park
A.Behind the hotel.
B.Near the library.
C.Near the supermarket,
【解析】【听力原文】W:Let's read English, Gavin.
M:Oh, no, Cindy. We can't read here. The baby is sleeping.
W:OK, let's go to the park.
M: That's a good idea. We can read English and fly kites there. But I don't know the way to the park.
W:Go with me. It's near the supermarket.
M:Great. Let's go.
8.句意:他们为什么不能读英文?根据听力材料We can't read here. The baby is sleeping.我们不能在这里看书。宝宝正在睡觉。可知是因为宝宝在睡觉不能大声读英语。故选A。
9.句意:公园在哪里 根据听力材料It's near the supermarket.它靠近超市。可知公园在超市附近。故选C。
(2023七下·抚州月考) 请听对话,回答问题。
10.What did Gina do on her vacation
A.She watched TV at home.
B.She went swimming.
C.She went to climb mountains.
11.How was the weather when Gina was on vacation
A.Sunny and cool. B.Sunny and warm. C.Cold and windy.
12.Did John have a good time on vacation
A.Yes, he did. B.No, he didn't. C.We don't know.
【解析】【听力原文】M:Hi, Gina! What did you do on vacation
W:I went to climb mountains.
M: How was the weather
W: It was sunny and warm. And you, John Where did you go on vacation
M:I stayed at home. And the weather was terrible! It was cold and windy! It was really boring!
W: What a pity! You know it is a good sport to climb mountains. And of course, I felt very tired after climbing mountains.
10.句意:吉娜假期做了什么?根据听力材料Gina! What did you do on vacation I went to climb mountains.吉娜!你假期做了什么?我去爬山了。可知她假期去爬山了。故选C。
11.句意:吉娜度假期间天气怎么样?根据听力材料How was the weather It was sunny and warm.天气怎么样?晴朗、温暖。可知她度假期间天气晴朗、温暖。故选B。
12.句意:约翰假期过得愉快吗?根据听力材料! It was really boring!真是无聊极了!可推知他的假期过得不愉快。故选B。
(2023七下·抚州月考) 请听对话,回答问题。
13.How old is Paul
A.Ten. B.Twelve. C.Fourteen.
14.What does Paul look like
A.He is short and a little bit heavy.
B.He is tall with a round face.
C.He is of medium build with blue eyes.
15.What can we get from the conversation
A.Paul can't swim.
B.Paul's Chinese is not bad.
C.Paul is from England.
【解析】【听力原文】W:Do you know that boy with blue eyes And he is of medium build.
M: You mean Paul Oh, I know him. He is an American exchange student.
W:How old is he
W:Does he like sports
M: Yes. He can swim and play basketball very well. But he likes soccer best. Do you want to make friends with him
W:Sounds good. Can he speak Chinese
M: Uh... not bad. Maybe you can be friends.
W:Sounds great.
13.句意:保罗几岁了?根据听力材料How old is he Fourteen.他多大了?十四岁。可知保罗是14岁。故选C。
14.句意:保罗长得什么样?根据听力材料Do you know that boy with blue eyes And he is of medium build.You mean Paul Oh, I know him.你认识那个蓝眼睛的男孩吗?他中等身材。你是说保罗吗?哦,我认识他。可知保罗是蓝眼睛,中等身材。故选C。
15.句意:从谈话中我们能得到什么?根据听力材料Can he speak Chinese Uh... not bad.他会说中文吗?呃……还不错。可知他的中文不错。故选B。
(2023七下·抚州月考) 请听下面一段独白,根据独白内容完成下列句子,每个空格不超过3个单词。
16.The students will visit the space museum on    .
17.They will leave school at    a. m.
18.They will get there    .
19.They need to take a pencil and a(n)    to write things down.
20.They will have lunch at    .
17.40/eight forty
18.by bus
20.the museum restaurant
【解析】【听力原文】 Good morning, boys and girls. We're going to visit the space museum on Saturday. We will have to leave school at eight forty in the morning, so don't be late. We will get there by bus.Please meet me at the school gate. The bus trip is 6 dollars each. I'm going to give you some work to do at the museum. You'll need to write things down. So take a pencil and a notebook with you.We will have lunch at the museum restaurant, so you needn't bring any food with you. OK, that's all.
16.根据听力材料We're going to visit the space museum on Saturday.我们将于星期六去参观太空博物馆。可知学生们将周六去参观太空博物馆。故答案为Saturday。
17.根据听力材料We will have to leave school at eight forty in the morning,根据句中eight forty,可知他们将早上八点四十分离开学校,故答案为40/eight forty。
18.根据听力材料We will get there by bus.我们将乘公共汽车到达那里。可知他们将乘公交车去那里。故答案为by bus。
19.根据听力材料So take a pencil and a notebook with you.因此,请带上一支铅笔和一个笔记本。可知他们需要带一支铅笔和一个笔记本。故答案为notebook。
20.根据听力材料We will have lunch at the museum restaurant,我们将在博物馆餐厅吃午餐,可知他们将在博物馆餐厅吃午餐。故答案为the museum restaurant。
四、单项填空,请阅读下面各小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项(每小题1分,共8分)
21.(2023七下·抚州月考) —Listen! Who ____ in the music room
—It must be Jane. She usually ____at this time every day.
A.sings, sings B.is singing, is singing
C.sings, is singing D.is singing, sings
22.(2023七下·抚州月考) —Hello, Linda!____is it from your home to our school
—About 10 minutes' walk. So I always walk to school.
A.How B.How long C.How far D.How soon
23.(2023七下·抚州月考) —What would you like for breakfast
—I'd like some ____noodles and ____.
A.tomatoes, meats B.tomatoes, meat
C.tomato, meat D.tomato, meats
24.(2023七下·抚州月考) The train was so ____that I spent too much time on it.
A.fast B.clean C.slow D.cheap
25.(2023七下·抚州月考) —Is your mother tall ____short
—Well, she is of medium height.
A.and B.or C.so D.but
26.(2023七下·抚州月考) Remember to take your things home. Don't ____them at school.
A.stop B.leave C.practice D.forget
27.(2023七下·抚州月考) Tom doesn't like milk, so he ____drinks it.
A.often B.never C.usually D.always
28.(2023七下·抚州月考) —
—Yes, I'd like some dumplings.
A.May I take your order
B.What would you like
C.Would you like some noodles
D.What kind of dumplings do you like
(2023七下·抚州月考) 请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。
Long time ago, there was a heavy rainstorm in the neighborhood. A strong wind 29. by.
30. seeds(种子)fell from a flower. After some time, the first seed said that she wanted to grow. She knew that she may 31. with problems now and then, but she was ready(做好准备的)for 32. . She reached(伸展) her 33. down into the earth(土壤) and grew. Then her arms grew up to the sun. A few days later, she was a beautiful 34. .
How about the other seed She is 35. from the first seed. She sat there 36. . She was afraid 37. growing up. She was also worried about having 38. sunshine. Her head was full of worries, 39. she did 40. and waited.
One day, 41. hen(母鸡) came here. Looking at the flower, the hen smiled and saId,"What a 42. flower!"Then she turned around and saw the seed. The he n 43. the seed and ate it.
29.A. walked B. blew C. flew D. ran
30.A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four
31.A. see B. have C. meet D. talk
32.A. it B. him C. her D. them
33.A. legs B. arms C. hands D. head
34.A. seed B. grass C. tree D. flower
35.A. different B. far C. quiet D. fast
36.A. relaxing B. listening C. worrying D. thinking
37.A. to B. of C. in D. about
38.A. too many B. too much C. many too D. much too
39.A. because B. so C. then D. and
40.A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing
41.A. a B. an C. the D./
42.A. funny B. lovely C. noisy D. lazy
43.A. got up B. put up C. picked up D. woke up
(2023七下·抚州月考) 请先阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意,然后用方框中所给词的适当形式填空, 并将答案填写到答题卡的相应位置。每个词限用一次。
because sport busy his guitar with good twelfth practice in teach
David likes art a lot, so he wants to join the art club, but he doesn't want to go alone. He calls his friends to go with him, but everyone is  44.  . Scott is helping his mom  45.   housework.His mom thinks it's important for him to learn it. Lucy is really interested  46.   music, so she is taking a music class now. Miss Miller is  47.   Lucy and her friends to sing an English song in a classroom now. John also likes music. He is playing the  48.   in his bedroom. It often takes him an hour  49.   it. Linda is having her  50.   birthday party. All of her friends come to her house to say"Happy Birthday". Mike is playing ping-po ng with his sister. It is his favorite  51.  . Sarah is helping her little brother with  52.   English. He doesn't do  53.   in English. David is not happy,  54.   no one can go to the club with him.
【答案】44.busy;45.with;46.in;47.teaching;48.guitar;49.to practice;50.twelfth;51.sport;52.his;53.well;54.because
六、阅读理解,请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项(每小题2分,共46分)
(2023七下·抚州月考) 阅读理解
The summer vacation is coming. Would you like to make your vacation colorful Happy Kids Club has wonderful activities(活动) for you during the two-month vacation. Come and enjoy!
Chess Club Time: 10:00 a. m.—12:00 a. m. on Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday Cost:320 yuan a month Telephone number:358-2210 Activities: You can learn how to play chess. If you can do it well, you can join the chess competition!
Sports Center Time:2:00 p. m.—6:00 p. m. on Tuesday and Friday Cost: 500 yuan a month Telephone number: 359-2134 Activities:You will learn something about sports from some famous players and get good training!
English Club Time: 11:00 a. m.—4:00 p. m. from Wednesday to Sunday Cost:460 yuan a month Telephone number: 389-2233 Activities: You can learn English and make friends here!
55.When is the Chess Club open to kids
A.At 10:30 a. m. on Thursday.
B.At 11:00 a. m. on Tuesday.
C.At 8:30 a. m. on Wednesday.
D.At 9:00 a. m. on Sunday.
56.How much should Mr. Black pay if his daughter wants. to be in the English Club for two months
A.460 yuan. B.500 yuan. C.920 yuan. D.1,000 yuan.
57.Which of the following is TRUE
A.We can go to the Chess Club on Monday.
B.Kids can join these activities during the winter vacation.
C.Children can not join the English Club if they can't speak English.
D.Students can learn from some famous players in the Sports Center.
【解析】【分析】主要介绍了"Happy Kids Club"在即将到来的两个月暑假期间为孩子们提供的丰富多彩的活动。
55.细节理解题。根据第一个表格Chess Club Time: 10:00 a. m.—12:00 a. m. on Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday可知国际象棋俱乐部时间是周三、周四和周日上午10:00至中午12:00,故选A。
56.数字计算题。根据第三个表格Cost:460 yuan a month可知每个月460元,两个月920元,故选C。
57.细节理解题。根据第二个表格You will learn something about sports from some famous players and get good training!可知你会从一些著名的运动员那里学到一些运动知识,并得到很好的训练,故选D。
(2023七下·抚州月考) 阅读理解
What's the best day of the week for the people in England It must be Sunday. The day of rest is when you relax, see family and friends and eat a big, big roast(烤肉) dinner.
Sunday dinner has roast chicken or beef, potatoes, vegetables and Yorkshire pudding(布丁).This kind of pudding is made from eggs, milk and flour.
The Englishmen have kept this tradition(传统) for a long time. In the old days, people went to church on Sundays. They were hungry after that, so families always ate a big meal.
For me, a good Sunday must have a good roast dinner. I remember the smell of the kitchen on Sundays when my mom would cook delicious roasts. My favorite was always the Yorkshire pudding.I can enjoy it with meat and vegetables!
Today the Sunday roast is not just popular with families at home, it is also a great Sunday activity to meet your friends in the restaurant. During my high school days, Sundays were a time when I would meet my friends, old and new. We would talk about films and life while enjoying a big roast dinner.
58.The Yorkshire pudding is made from these things EXCEPT____.
A.milk B.onion C.eggs D.flour
59.How did people feel after going to church on Sundays in the old days
A.Tired. B.Excited. C.Thirsty. D.Hungry.
60.What does the underlined word"it"in Paragraph 4 refer to
A.The roast. B.The smell. C.The pudding. D.The dinner.
61.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.Sunday dinner has roast chicken or mutton, potatoes, vegetables and Yorkshire pudding.
B.Sunday dinner has a short history in England.
C.For the writer, a good Sunday must have a good pudding dinner.
D.People in England can enjoy the Sunday roast in the restaurant with friends today.
62.What is the writer's purpose(目的) according to the passage
A.To tell us something about Sunday dinner in England.
B.To tell us something about his favorite dish ——Yorkshire pudding.
C.To tell us why the Englishmen have the tradition of Sunday dinner.
D.To tell us why the writer likes Sunday dinner.
58.细节理解题。根据This kind of pudding is made from eggs, milk and flour.可知这种布丁是由鸡蛋、牛奶和面粉制成的,没有洋葱,故选B。
59.细节理解题。根据They were hungry after that, so families always ate a big meal.可知在那之后,他们饿了,所以家人总是吃一顿大餐,故选D。
60.代词指代题。根据前句My favorite was always the Yorkshire pudding.我最喜欢的一直是约克郡布丁,可知讲的是作者可以享受约克郡布丁,所以it代指布丁,故选C。
61.细节理解题。根据Today the Sunday roast is not just popular with families at home, it is also a great Sunday activity to meet your friends in the restaurant.可知今天,周日烤肉不仅在家里很受欢迎,而且在餐厅与朋友见面也是一项很棒的周日活动,故选D。
(2023七下·抚州月考) 阅读理解
A few weeks ago, when I drove to a friend's house, I saw a mom and her child walking their dog along the road. The mom was wearing a really cool jumpsuit(连体衣).
When I drove past, I had my window down and shouted, "I love your jumpsuit!" She was stunned but then smiled.
After vising my friend, I drove back and went to a petrol station. I saw the woman again. As she was passing the entrance(入口),I said,"Excuse me,were you just walking your dog not long ago "
"Was that you !I was having such a bad morning and your words helped me out. Thank you,"she said with a big smile.
It made my heart sing and I almost cried. We gave each other a high five(击掌) and went on our way.
When you see something cool, just say it, maybe the person just need to hear it. When you feel excited to do something, just do it. You will make a difference.
63.What was the mom doing on the road
A.Driving to visit a friend. B.Looking for her child.
C.Walking the dog. D.Putting on a jumpsuit.
64.The underlined word"stunned"in Paragraph 2 probably means ____.
A.angry B.happy C.excited D.surprised
65.Why did the woman thank the writer
A.Because the writer let her pass the entrance first.
B.Because the writer made her happy.
C.Because the writer helped her turn the car around.
D.Because the writer gave her a high five.
66.What is the main idea of the passage
A.Don't talk to others.
B.Learn to work with others.
C.Giving a high five is friendly.
D.Don't be mean(吝啬) to praise(赞美).
67.Where can we find the passage
A.A book about art. B.A book about travel.
C.A book about life. D.A book about science.
63.细节理解题。根据I saw a mom and her child walking their dog along the road.我看到一位妈妈和她的孩子在路上遛狗,可知妈妈正在遛狗,故选C。
64.词义猜测题。A.生气的;B.高兴的;C.感到兴奋的;D.感到惊讶的。根据前句When I drove past, I had my window down and shouted, "I love your jumpsuit!"当我开车经过时,我摇下车窗大喊:"我喜欢你的连身衣!",可知她感到惊讶,故选D。
65.细节理解题。根据"Was that you !I was having such a bad morning and your words helped me out. Thank you,"she said with a big smile."是你吗?!我早上过得很糟糕,你的话帮了我一把。谢谢你,"她笑着说,可知作者让女士高兴,所以女士感谢作者,故选B。
66.主旨大意题。根据全文可知主要讲了一位女士因为作者的赞美使自己糟糕的心情变得开心,结合最后一段When you see something cool, just say it, maybe the person just need to hear it. When you feel excited to do something, just do it. You will make a difference.当你看到一些很酷的东西时,就说出来,也许这个人只是需要听到它。当你对做某事感到兴奋时,就去做。你会有所作为的,可知讲的是不要吝啬赞美,故选D。
(2023七下·抚州月考) 阅读理解
Do you know TikTok(抖音) It is a short video(视频) sharing app. TikTok started to be popular in 2017. Now people around the world are excited about it.
People like to put short videos on TikTok. Some of them are not actors but they are real artists in everyday life. They make videos with different music and then put them on TikTok. It gives them a chance(机会) to show themselves.
One day, a student Zhou Liang put a video about practicing dancing on TikTok. To his surprise,he got 540,000 fans quickly. After that, Zhou Liang and his friends enjoyed showing their interesting ideas on it. He said he used TikTok as a way to make others happy. He could also watch others'videos from it, so it was a good way to hear other people's voices.
However, if you spend too much time on it, ▲ . Try to put down your phone and go out to enjoy the things in your real life, like sunshine and clean air. Be an artist in the real life.
68.TikTok is popular for ____.
A.five years B.six years C.seven years D.eight years
69.What can we do on TikTok
①To show ourselves ②To make others happy ③To show our interesting ideas
④To make videos ⑤To hear other people's voices
A.①②③④⑤ B.①②③⑤ C.①②④⑤ D.①②③④
70.Choose the best part to fill in the blank" ▲ "in Paragraph 4.
A.you will love it
B.you will find it is important
C.it makes you happy, too
D.you will miss a lot of great things in real life
71.Which of the following may the writer agree(同意) with
A.We can't put videos on TikTok.
B.TikTok is bad for us, we can't use it.
C.We can't spend too much time on TikTok.
D.TikTok is very interesting, so we can enjoy it all the time.
72.Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage
A. B.
C. D.
68.细节理解题。根据 TikTok started to be popular in 2017.可知抖音在2017年受欢迎,所以已经6年了,故选B。
69.细节理解题。根据People like to put short videos on TikTok. Some of them are not actors but they are real artists in everyday life. They make videos with different music and then put them on TikTok. It gives them a chance(机会) to show themselves.After that, Zhou Liang and his friends enjoyed showing their interesting ideas on it. He said he used TikTok as a way to make others happy. He could also watch others'videos from it, so it was a good way to hear other people's voices.人们喜欢在抖音上发布短视频。他们中的一些人不是演员,但他们在日常生活中是真正的艺术家。他们用不同的音乐制作视频,然后把它们放在抖音上。这给了他们一个展示自己的机会。在那之后,周亮和他的朋友们喜欢在上面展示他们有趣的想法。他说他用抖音来让别人开心。他还可以通过它观看别人的视频,所以这是一种听到别人声音的好方法,故选A。
70.细节理解题。根据后句Try to put down your phone and go out to enjoy the things in your real life, like sunshine and clean air.试着放下手机,出去享受现实生活中的东西,比如阳光和清新的空气,可知前句讲的是你会错过现实生活中的许多美好事物,故选C。
71.细节理解题。根据ry to put down your phone and go out to enjoy the things in your real life, like sunshine and clean air.试着放下手机,出去享受现实生活中的东西,比如阳光和清新的空气,可知作者认为我们不能花费太多时间在抖音上,故选C。
(2023七下·抚州月考) 请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容从下面方框内的七个选项中选择五个还原到文中,使短文意思通顺、结构完整, 并在答题卡上将其序号涂黑。一空一句。
Today we have many inventions(发明), they are very useful in our daily life.  73.   Here are some best inventions in 2022 around the world, let's take a look!
Hug(拥抱) you back
When we feel unhappy, toys can be our good friends. A company in America made this kind of toys. Different from other toys, the toy weights(重)about 3 kilos.  74.   They make the toy so heavy that it can give us the feeling of being hugged.  75.   The company hopes the toys can help people to keep happy and have good sleep.
Free your hands
 76.   But it can be difficult to hold the phone in one hand for a long time. An England company has made a special camera. It looks like a necklace(项链).  77.   So we can use it to watch videos without the help of our hands. The camera can also be connected(连接) with our friends'phones so that we can share what we see with our friends.
A. They make the world a better place, too.
B. We like to watch short videos or movies on the phone.
C. They have two big eyes and a small mouth.
D. There are some small but heavy balls in the toy.
E. So when we hug the toys, they can hug us back!
F. Most of us have mobile phones.
G. But there is a camera on the necklace.
【解析】【分析】主要介绍了2022年全球的一些最佳发明,并详细描述了其中的两个发明——"Hug(拥抱) you back"和"Free your hands"。
A.They make the world a better place, too.它们也让世界变得更美好。
B.We like to watch short videos or movies on the phone.我们喜欢在电话里看短视频或电影。
C.They have two big eyes and a small mouth.它们有两只大眼睛和一张嘴。
D.There are some small but heavy balls in the toy.玩具里有一些小而重的球。
E.So when we hug the toys, they can hug us back!所以当我们拥抱玩具时,它们也会拥抱我们!
F.Most of us have mobile phones.我们大多数人都有手机。
G.But there is a camera on the necklace.但是项链上有个摄像头。
73.根据前句Today we have many inventions(发明), they are very useful in our daily life.今天我们有很多发明,它们在我们的日常生活中非常有用,可知后句讲的是发明让世界更美好,故选A。
74.根据前句Different from other toys, the toy weights(重)about 3 kilos.与其他玩具不同,这个玩具重约3公斤,可知后句讲的是玩具里有一些小而重的球,故选D。
75.根据前句They make the toy so heavy that it can give us the feeling of being hugged.他们把玩具做得太重了,让我们有被拥抱的感觉,可知后句讲的是与拥抱有关,故选E。
76.根据后句But it can be difficult to hold the phone in one hand for a long time.但是很难长时间用一只手握住手机,可知前句讲的是我们喜欢在电话里看短视频或电影,故选B。
77.根据前句It looks like a necklace(项链).它看起来像一条项链,可知后句讲的是与项链有关,故选G。
(2023七下·抚州月考) 请阅读下面对话,根据对话内容从下面方框内的七个选项中选择五个填入空白处,使对话通顺、合理,意思完整, 并在答题卡上将其序号涂黑。 一空一句。
A. Then you can see a bank. B. It just takes you five minutes to walk there. C. Is there a park in the neighborhood D. Thanks for telling me. E. Are there any restaurants near here F. How can I get there G. Can I take a bus
A:Excuse me.  78.  .
B: Yes, there is.
A: 79.  .
B: Just go along this road and turn right.  80.   The park is just next to the bank.
A:Do you often go there
B:Yes, I do.
A: Is it far from here
B:No, it isn't.  81.  .
A:OK. I want to read books and enjoy the sunshine there.
B: Good idea. It's very relaxing to enjoy the sunshine.
A:Yes, you are right.  82.  .
B: You're welcome.
A.Then you can see a bank.然后你可以看到一家银行。
B.It just takes you five minutes to walk there.步行到那里只需要五分钟。
C.Is there a park in the neighborhood 附近有公园吗?
D.Thanks for telling me.谢谢你告诉我。
E.Are there any restaurants near here 这附近有餐馆吗?
F.How can I get there 我怎样才能到那里?
G.Can I take a bus 我可以坐公共汽车吗?
78.根据后句Yes, there is.是的,有,可知前句讲的是is there引导的一般疑问句,故选C。
79.根据后句Just go along this road and turn right.沿着这条路走,然后右转,可知前句强劲的怎样到达,故选F。
80.根据前句Just go along this road and turn right.沿着这条路走,然后右转,可知后句讲的是然后你可以看到一家银行,故选A。
81.根据前句Is it far from here B:No, it isn't.可知离这里不远,所以后句讲的是步行五分钟到那,故选B。
82.根据后句You're welcome.不客气,可知前句讲的是谢谢,故选D。
83.(2023七下·抚州月考) "青春须作为, 书香趁年华。追求梦想,用行动诠释。"假如你是李华, 代表班级推荐你的同学Helen 参加学校"年度之星"评选。请根据以下图片提示内容,完成这篇英语推荐信。
要求:1. 必须包含以下所给要点, 条理清晰, 行文连贯, 可适当发挥;2. 文中不能出现真实人名和校名;3. 词数:60词左右(短文开头已给出,不计入总词数)。
Dear Headmaster,
Hearing that you are going to choose the star of the year, I'd like to recommend( 推荐)Helen.
Li Hua
【答案】Dear Headmaster,
Hearing that you are going to choose the star of the year, I'd like to recommend Helen.
She is very tall. She has a round face and long hair. She is very friendly and kind. She is always ready to help others. No matter who is in trouble, she will always be there to give a hand. She loves sports and reading. She is good at playing the piano. Last week, she went to the old people's home. She helped the old clean up and told them stories.
We all think Helen can be the star. If she is the star of the year, we will be very happy.
【点评】作文内容全面,运用好词好句,如:be ready to do;help others;give a hand;be good at;play the piano;help sb. do sth.;clean up;tell sb. stories;like doing等。好词好句的运用为文章增色不少,如: No matter who is in trouble, she will always be there to give a hand.If she is the star of the year, we will be very happy.;宾语从句We all think Helen can be the star.等。连词if、and的运用使文章上下文联系更为紧密。
一、听力理解,请听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(每小题1分)
1.(2023七下·抚州月考) What are they talking about
A.A photo. B.A fish. C.Swimming.
2.(2023七下·抚州月考) What's the weather like today
A.Rainy. B.Sunny. C.Cloudy.
3.(2023七下·抚州月考) How does Mary go to school
A.By bus. B.By bike. C.By subway.
4.(2023七下·抚州月考) Where is the hotel
A.On South Street.
B.Across from the bank.
C.Next to the bank.
5.(2023七下·抚州月考) What does the girl mean
A.Ice cream isn't delicious.
B.Ice cream is not good for health.
C.Ice cream is good.
二、听力理解,请听下面4段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(每小题1分)
(2023七下·抚州月考) 请听对话,回答问题。
6.What does the boy want his mother to help with
A.Homework. B.Housework. C.English.
7.What is the boy's father doing
A.Washing clothes.
B.Making soup.
C.Cleaning the house.
(2023七下·抚州月考) 请听对话,回答问题。
8.Why can't they read English
A.Because the baby is sleeping.
B.Because it's too late.
C.Because they are ill.
9.Where is the park
A.Behind the hotel.
B.Near the library.
C.Near the supermarket,
(2023七下·抚州月考) 请听对话,回答问题。
10.What did Gina do on her vacation
A.She watched TV at home.
B.She went swimming.
C.She went to climb mountains.
11.How was the weather when Gina was on vacation
A.Sunny and cool. B.Sunny and warm. C.Cold and windy.
12.Did John have a good time on vacation
A.Yes, he did. B.No, he didn't. C.We don't know.
(2023七下·抚州月考) 请听对话,回答问题。
13.How old is Paul
A.Ten. B.Twelve. C.Fourteen.
14.What does Paul look like
A.He is short and a little bit heavy.
B.He is tall with a round face.
C.He is of medium build with blue eyes.
15.What can we get from the conversation
A.Paul can't swim.
B.Paul's Chinese is not bad.
C.Paul is from England.
(2023七下·抚州月考) 请听下面一段独白,根据独白内容完成下列句子,每个空格不超过3个单词。
16.The students will visit the space museum on    .
17.They will leave school at    a. m.
18.They will get there    .
19.They need to take a pencil and a(n)    to write things down.
20.They will have lunch at    .
四、单项填空,请阅读下面各小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项(每小题1分,共8分)
21.(2023七下·抚州月考) —Listen! Who ____ in the music room
—It must be Jane. She usually ____at this time every day.
A.sings, sings B.is singing, is singing
C.sings, is singing D.is singing, sings
22.(2023七下·抚州月考) —Hello, Linda!____is it from your home to our school
—About 10 minutes' walk. So I always walk to school.
A.How B.How long C.How far D.How soon
23.(2023七下·抚州月考) —What would you like for breakfast
—I'd like some ____noodles and ____.
A.tomatoes, meats B.tomatoes, meat
C.tomato, meat D.tomato, meats
24.(2023七下·抚州月考) The train was so ____that I spent too much time on it.
A.fast B.clean C.slow D.cheap
25.(2023七下·抚州月考) —Is your mother tall ____short
—Well, she is of medium height.
A.and B.or C.so D.but
26.(2023七下·抚州月考) Remember to take your things home. Don't ____them at school.
A.stop B.leave C.practice D.forget
27.(2023七下·抚州月考) Tom doesn't like milk, so he ____drinks it.
A.often B.never C.usually D.always
28.(2023七下·抚州月考) —
—Yes, I'd like some dumplings.
A.May I take your order
B.What would you like
C.Would you like some noodles
D.What kind of dumplings do you like
(2023七下·抚州月考) 请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。
Long time ago, there was a heavy rainstorm in the neighborhood. A strong wind 29. by.
30. seeds(种子)fell from a flower. After some time, the first seed said that she wanted to grow. She knew that she may 31. with problems now and then, but she was ready(做好准备的)for 32. . She reached(伸展) her 33. down into the earth(土壤) and grew. Then her arms grew up to the sun. A few days later, she was a beautiful 34. .
How about the other seed She is 35. from the first seed. She sat there 36. . She was afraid 37. growing up. She was also worried about having 38. sunshine. Her head was full of worries, 39. she did 40. and waited.
One day, 41. hen(母鸡) came here. Looking at the flower, the hen smiled and saId,"What a 42. flower!"Then she turned around and saw the seed. The he n 43. the seed and ate it.
29.A. walked B. blew C. flew D. ran
30.A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four
31.A. see B. have C. meet D. talk
32.A. it B. him C. her D. them
33.A. legs B. arms C. hands D. head
34.A. seed B. grass C. tree D. flower
35.A. different B. far C. quiet D. fast
36.A. relaxing B. listening C. worrying D. thinking
37.A. to B. of C. in D. about
38.A. too many B. too much C. many too D. much too
39.A. because B. so C. then D. and
40.A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing
41.A. a B. an C. the D./
42.A. funny B. lovely C. noisy D. lazy
43.A. got up B. put up C. picked up D. woke up
(2023七下·抚州月考) 请先阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意,然后用方框中所给词的适当形式填空, 并将答案填写到答题卡的相应位置。每个词限用一次。
because sport busy his guitar with good twelfth practice in teach
David likes art a lot, so he wants to join the art club, but he doesn't want to go alone. He calls his friends to go with him, but everyone is  44.  . Scott is helping his mom  45.   housework.His mom thinks it's important for him to learn it. Lucy is really interested  46.   music, so she is taking a music class now. Miss Miller is  47.   Lucy and her friends to sing an English song in a classroom now. John also likes music. He is playing the  48.   in his bedroom. It often takes him an hour  49.   it. Linda is having her  50.   birthday party. All of her friends come to her house to say"Happy Birthday". Mike is playing ping-po ng with his sister. It is his favorite  51.  . Sarah is helping her little brother with  52.   English. He doesn't do  53.   in English. David is not happy,  54.   no one can go to the club with him.
六、阅读理解,请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项(每小题2分,共46分)
(2023七下·抚州月考) 阅读理解
The summer vacation is coming. Would you like to make your vacation colorful Happy Kids Club has wonderful activities(活动) for you during the two-month vacation. Come and enjoy!
Chess Club Time: 10:00 a. m.—12:00 a. m. on Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday Cost:320 yuan a month Telephone number:358-2210 Activities: You can learn how to play chess. If you can do it well, you can join the chess competition!
Sports Center Time:2:00 p. m.—6:00 p. m. on Tuesday and Friday Cost: 500 yuan a month Telephone number: 359-2134 Activities:You will learn something about sports from some famous players and get good training!
English Club Time: 11:00 a. m.—4:00 p. m. from Wednesday to Sunday Cost:460 yuan a month Telephone number: 389-2233 Activities: You can learn English and make friends here!
55.When is the Chess Club open to kids
A.At 10:30 a. m. on Thursday.
B.At 11:00 a. m. on Tuesday.
C.At 8:30 a. m. on Wednesday.
D.At 9:00 a. m. on Sunday.
56.How much should Mr. Black pay if his daughter wants. to be in the English Club for two months
A.460 yuan. B.500 yuan. C.920 yuan. D.1,000 yuan.
57.Which of the following is TRUE
A.We can go to the Chess Club on Monday.
B.Kids can join these activities during the winter vacation.
C.Children can not join the English Club if they can't speak English.
D.Students can learn from some famous players in the Sports Center.
(2023七下·抚州月考) 阅读理解
What's the best day of the week for the people in England It must be Sunday. The day of rest is when you relax, see family and friends and eat a big, big roast(烤肉) dinner.
Sunday dinner has roast chicken or beef, potatoes, vegetables and Yorkshire pudding(布丁).This kind of pudding is made from eggs, milk and flour.
The Englishmen have kept this tradition(传统) for a long time. In the old days, people went to church on Sundays. They were hungry after that, so families always ate a big meal.
For me, a good Sunday must have a good roast dinner. I remember the smell of the kitchen on Sundays when my mom would cook delicious roasts. My favorite was always the Yorkshire pudding.I can enjoy it with meat and vegetables!
Today the Sunday roast is not just popular with families at home, it is also a great Sunday activity to meet your friends in the restaurant. During my high school days, Sundays were a time when I would meet my friends, old and new. We would talk about films and life while enjoying a big roast dinner.
58.The Yorkshire pudding is made from these things EXCEPT____.
A.milk B.onion C.eggs D.flour
59.How did people feel after going to church on Sundays in the old days
A.Tired. B.Excited. C.Thirsty. D.Hungry.
60.What does the underlined word"it"in Paragraph 4 refer to
A.The roast. B.The smell. C.The pudding. D.The dinner.
61.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.Sunday dinner has roast chicken or mutton, potatoes, vegetables and Yorkshire pudding.
B.Sunday dinner has a short history in England.
C.For the writer, a good Sunday must have a good pudding dinner.
D.People in England can enjoy the Sunday roast in the restaurant with friends today.
62.What is the writer's purpose(目的) according to the passage
A.To tell us something about Sunday dinner in England.
B.To tell us something about his favorite dish ——Yorkshire pudding.
C.To tell us why the Englishmen have the tradition of Sunday dinner.
D.To tell us why the writer likes Sunday dinner.
(2023七下·抚州月考) 阅读理解
A few weeks ago, when I drove to a friend's house, I saw a mom and her child walking their dog along the road. The mom was wearing a really cool jumpsuit(连体衣).
When I drove past, I had my window down and shouted, "I love your jumpsuit!" She was stunned but then smiled.
After vising my friend, I drove back and went to a petrol station. I saw the woman again. As she was passing the entrance(入口),I said,"Excuse me,were you just walking your dog not long ago "
"Was that you !I was having such a bad morning and your words helped me out. Thank you,"she said with a big smile.
It made my heart sing and I almost cried. We gave each other a high five(击掌) and went on our way.
When you see something cool, just say it, maybe the person just need to hear it. When you feel excited to do something, just do it. You will make a difference.
63.What was the mom doing on the road
A.Driving to visit a friend. B.Looking for her child.
C.Walking the dog. D.Putting on a jumpsuit.
64.The underlined word"stunned"in Paragraph 2 probably means ____.
A.angry B.happy C.excited D.surprised
65.Why did the woman thank the writer
A.Because the writer let her pass the entrance first.
B.Because the writer made her happy.
C.Because the writer helped her turn the car around.
D.Because the writer gave her a high five.
66.What is the main idea of the passage
A.Don't talk to others.
B.Learn to work with others.
C.Giving a high five is friendly.
D.Don't be mean(吝啬) to praise(赞美).
67.Where can we find the passage
A.A book about art. B.A book about travel.
C.A book about life. D.A book about science.
(2023七下·抚州月考) 阅读理解
Do you know TikTok(抖音) It is a short video(视频) sharing app. TikTok started to be popular in 2017. Now people around the world are excited about it.
People like to put short videos on TikTok. Some of them are not actors but they are real artists in everyday life. They make videos with different music and then put them on TikTok. It gives them a chance(机会) to show themselves.
One day, a student Zhou Liang put a video about practicing dancing on TikTok. To his surprise,he got 540,000 fans quickly. After that, Zhou Liang and his friends enjoyed showing their interesting ideas on it. He said he used TikTok as a way to make others happy. He could also watch others'videos from it, so it was a good way to hear other people's voices.
However, if you spend too much time on it, ▲ . Try to put down your phone and go out to enjoy the things in your real life, like sunshine and clean air. Be an artist in the real life.
68.TikTok is popular for ____.
A.five years B.six years C.seven years D.eight years
69.What can we do on TikTok
①To show ourselves ②To make others happy ③To show our interesting ideas
④To make videos ⑤To hear other people's voices
A.①②③④⑤ B.①②③⑤ C.①②④⑤ D.①②③④
70.Choose the best part to fill in the blank" ▲ "in Paragraph 4.
A.you will love it
B.you will find it is important
C.it makes you happy, too
D.you will miss a lot of great things in real life
71.Which of the following may the writer agree(同意) with
A.We can't put videos on TikTok.
B.TikTok is bad for us, we can't use it.
C.We can't spend too much time on TikTok.
D.TikTok is very interesting, so we can enjoy it all the time.
72.Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage
A. B.
C. D.
(2023七下·抚州月考) 请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容从下面方框内的七个选项中选择五个还原到文中,使短文意思通顺、结构完整, 并在答题卡上将其序号涂黑。一空一句。
Today we have many inventions(发明), they are very useful in our daily life.  73.   Here are some best inventions in 2022 around the world, let's take a look!
Hug(拥抱) you back
When we feel unhappy, toys can be our good friends. A company in America made this kind of toys. Different from other toys, the toy weights(重)about 3 kilos.  74.   They make the toy so heavy that it can give us the feeling of being hugged.  75.   The company hopes the toys can help people to keep happy and have good sleep.
Free your hands
 76.   But it can be difficult to hold the phone in one hand for a long time. An England company has made a special camera. It looks like a necklace(项链).  77.   So we can use it to watch videos without the help of our hands. The camera can also be connected(连接) with our friends'phones so that we can share what we see with our friends.
A. They make the world a better place, too.
B. We like to watch short videos or movies on the phone.
C. They have two big eyes and a small mouth.
D. There are some small but heavy balls in the toy.
E. So when we hug the toys, they can hug us back!
F. Most of us have mobile phones.
G. But there is a camera on the necklace.
(2023七下·抚州月考) 请阅读下面对话,根据对话内容从下面方框内的七个选项中选择五个填入空白处,使对话通顺、合理,意思完整, 并在答题卡上将其序号涂黑。 一空一句。
A. Then you can see a bank. B. It just takes you five minutes to walk there. C. Is there a park in the neighborhood D. Thanks for telling me. E. Are there any restaurants near here F. How can I get there G. Can I take a bus
A:Excuse me.  78.  .
B: Yes, there is.
A: 79.  .
B: Just go along this road and turn right.  80.   The park is just next to the bank.
A:Do you often go there
B:Yes, I do.
A: Is it far from here
B:No, it isn't.  81.  .
A:OK. I want to read books and enjoy the sunshine there.
B: Good idea. It's very relaxing to enjoy the sunshine.
A:Yes, you are right.  82.  .
B: You're welcome.
83.(2023七下·抚州月考) "青春须作为, 书香趁年华。追求梦想,用行动诠释。"假如你是李华, 代表班级推荐你的同学Helen 参加学校"年度之星"评选。请根据以下图片提示内容,完成这篇英语推荐信。
要求:1. 必须包含以下所给要点, 条理清晰, 行文连贯, 可适当发挥;2. 文中不能出现真实人名和校名;3. 词数:60词左右(短文开头已给出,不计入总词数)。
Dear Headmaster,
Hearing that you are going to choose the star of the year, I'd like to recommend( 推荐)Helen.
Li Hua
【解析】【听力原文】W: What a sunny day today! I'm so happy to see the sun again.
M:But the radio says it will be cloudy tomorrow, and then rainy for another ten days.
【分析】句意:今天天气怎么样?根据听力材料What a sunny day today!今天真是晴朗的一天!由句中关键词sunny,可知今天天气是晴朗的。故选B。
【点评】考查短对话理解。先浏览题干清楚题干问什么,结合听力材料听出关键词句What a sunny day today!。
【解析】【听力原文】M:How do you go to school
W: I go to school by bike.
M:How about Mary
W: She takes the bus to school.
【分析】句意:玛丽怎么去上学?根据听力材料How about Mary She takes the bus to school.玛丽怎么样?她乘公共汽车去学校。可知她乘公共汽车去学校。故选A。
【点评】考查短对话理解。先浏览题干清楚题干问什么,结合听力材料听出关键词句She takes the bus to school.。
【解析】【听力原文】M: Excuse me, is there a hotel near here
W: Yes, there is. It's on North Street. It's across from the post office, next to the bank.
【分析】句意:酒店在哪儿?根据听力材料It's on North Street.It's across from the post office, next to the bank.它在北街。它在邮局对面,银行旁边。可知它在银行旁边。故选C。
【点评】考查短对话理解。先浏览题干清楚题干问什么,结合听力材料听出关键词句It's across from the post office, next to the bank.。
【解析】【听力原文】M: Would you like some ice cream
W:It tastes good, but it's not good for us.
【分析】句意:女孩这话是什么意思?根据听力材料It tastes good, but it's not good for us.它味道不错,但对我们并不好。可知此处是指冰淇淋对我们的身体不好。故选B。
【点评】考查短对话理解。先浏览题干清楚题干问什么,结合听力材料听出关键词句It tastes good, but it's not good for us.。
【解析】【听力原文】M:Mom, can you help me with my homework
W:Sorry, Bob. I'm washing the clothes. You can ask your father for help.
M: But he is making soup.
W:Come and help me first, then I can help you.
M:Sounds like a good idea.
6.句意:男孩想让妈妈帮忙做什么?根据听力材料Mom, can you help me with my homework 妈妈,你能帮助我做作业吗?可知他让妈妈帮他做作业。故选A。
7.句意:男孩的父亲在做什么?根据听力材料You can ask your father for help.But he is making soup.你可以向你的爸爸寻求帮助,但是他正在做汤。可知他的爸爸在做汤。故选B。
【解析】【听力原文】W:Let's read English, Gavin.
M:Oh, no, Cindy. We can't read here. The baby is sleeping.
W:OK, let's go to the park.
M: That's a good idea. We can read English and fly kites there. But I don't know the way to the park.
W:Go with me. It's near the supermarket.
M:Great. Let's go.
8.句意:他们为什么不能读英文?根据听力材料We can't read here. The baby is sleeping.我们不能在这里看书。宝宝正在睡觉。可知是因为宝宝在睡觉不能大声读英语。故选A。
9.句意:公园在哪里 根据听力材料It's near the supermarket.它靠近超市。可知公园在超市附近。故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】M:Hi, Gina! What did you do on vacation
W:I went to climb mountains.
M: How was the weather
W: It was sunny and warm. And you, John Where did you go on vacation
M:I stayed at home. And the weather was terrible! It was cold and windy! It was really boring!
W: What a pity! You know it is a good sport to climb mountains. And of course, I felt very tired after climbing mountains.
10.句意:吉娜假期做了什么?根据听力材料Gina! What did you do on vacation I went to climb mountains.吉娜!你假期做了什么?我去爬山了。可知她假期去爬山了。故选C。
11.句意:吉娜度假期间天气怎么样?根据听力材料How was the weather It was sunny and warm.天气怎么样?晴朗、温暖。可知她度假期间天气晴朗、温暖。故选B。
12.句意:约翰假期过得愉快吗?根据听力材料! It was really boring!真是无聊极了!可推知他的假期过得不愉快。故选B。
【解析】【听力原文】W:Do you know that boy with blue eyes And he is of medium build.
M: You mean Paul Oh, I know him. He is an American exchange student.
W:How old is he
W:Does he like sports
M: Yes. He can swim and play basketball very well. But he likes soccer best. Do you want to make friends with him
W:Sounds good. Can he speak Chinese
M: Uh... not bad. Maybe you can be friends.
W:Sounds great.
13.句意:保罗几岁了?根据听力材料How old is he Fourteen.他多大了?十四岁。可知保罗是14岁。故选C。
14.句意:保罗长得什么样?根据听力材料Do you know that boy with blue eyes And he is of medium build.You mean Paul Oh, I know him.你认识那个蓝眼睛的男孩吗?他中等身材。你是说保罗吗?哦,我认识他。可知保罗是蓝眼睛,中等身材。故选C。
15.句意:从谈话中我们能得到什么?根据听力材料Can he speak Chinese Uh... not bad.他会说中文吗?呃……还不错。可知他的中文不错。故选B。
17.40/eight forty
18.by bus
20.the museum restaurant
【解析】【听力原文】 Good morning, boys and girls. We're going to visit the space museum on Saturday. We will have to leave school at eight forty in the morning, so don't be late. We will get there by bus.Please meet me at the school gate. The bus trip is 6 dollars each. I'm going to give you some work to do at the museum. You'll need to write things down. So take a pencil and a notebook with you.We will have lunch at the museum restaurant, so you needn't bring any food with you. OK, that's all.
16.根据听力材料We're going to visit the space museum on Saturday.我们将于星期六去参观太空博物馆。可知学生们将周六去参观太空博物馆。故答案为Saturday。
17.根据听力材料We will have to leave school at eight forty in the morning,根据句中eight forty,可知他们将早上八点四十分离开学校,故答案为40/eight forty。
18.根据听力材料We will get there by bus.我们将乘公共汽车到达那里。可知他们将乘公交车去那里。故答案为by bus。
19.根据听力材料So take a pencil and a notebook with you.因此,请带上一支铅笔和一个笔记本。可知他们需要带一支铅笔和一个笔记本。故答案为notebook。
20.根据听力材料We will have lunch at the museum restaurant,我们将在博物馆餐厅吃午餐,可知他们将在博物馆餐厅吃午餐。故答案为the museum restaurant。
【答案】44.busy;45.with;46.in;47.teaching;48.guitar;49.to practice;50.twelfth;51.sport;52.his;53.well;54.because
【解析】【分析】主要介绍了"Happy Kids Club"在即将到来的两个月暑假期间为孩子们提供的丰富多彩的活动。
55.细节理解题。根据第一个表格Chess Club Time: 10:00 a. m.—12:00 a. m. on Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday可知国际象棋俱乐部时间是周三、周四和周日上午10:00至中午12:00,故选A。
56.数字计算题。根据第三个表格Cost:460 yuan a month可知每个月460元,两个月920元,故选C。
57.细节理解题。根据第二个表格You will learn something about sports from some famous players and get good training!可知你会从一些著名的运动员那里学到一些运动知识,并得到很好的训练,故选D。
58.细节理解题。根据This kind of pudding is made from eggs, milk and flour.可知这种布丁是由鸡蛋、牛奶和面粉制成的,没有洋葱,故选B。
59.细节理解题。根据They were hungry after that, so families always ate a big meal.可知在那之后,他们饿了,所以家人总是吃一顿大餐,故选D。
60.代词指代题。根据前句My favorite was always the Yorkshire pudding.我最喜欢的一直是约克郡布丁,可知讲的是作者可以享受约克郡布丁,所以it代指布丁,故选C。
61.细节理解题。根据Today the Sunday roast is not just popular with families at home, it is also a great Sunday activity to meet your friends in the restaurant.可知今天,周日烤肉不仅在家里很受欢迎,而且在餐厅与朋友见面也是一项很棒的周日活动,故选D。
63.细节理解题。根据I saw a mom and her child walking their dog along the road.我看到一位妈妈和她的孩子在路上遛狗,可知妈妈正在遛狗,故选C。
64.词义猜测题。A.生气的;B.高兴的;C.感到兴奋的;D.感到惊讶的。根据前句When I drove past, I had my window down and shouted, "I love your jumpsuit!"当我开车经过时,我摇下车窗大喊:"我喜欢你的连身衣!",可知她感到惊讶,故选D。
65.细节理解题。根据"Was that you !I was having such a bad morning and your words helped me out. Thank you,"she said with a big smile."是你吗?!我早上过得很糟糕,你的话帮了我一把。谢谢你,"她笑着说,可知作者让女士高兴,所以女士感谢作者,故选B。
66.主旨大意题。根据全文可知主要讲了一位女士因为作者的赞美使自己糟糕的心情变得开心,结合最后一段When you see something cool, just say it, maybe the person just need to hear it. When you feel excited to do something, just do it. You will make a difference.当你看到一些很酷的东西时,就说出来,也许这个人只是需要听到它。当你对做某事感到兴奋时,就去做。你会有所作为的,可知讲的是不要吝啬赞美,故选D。
68.细节理解题。根据 TikTok started to be popular in 2017.可知抖音在2017年受欢迎,所以已经6年了,故选B。
69.细节理解题。根据People like to put short videos on TikTok. Some of them are not actors but they are real artists in everyday life. They make videos with different music and then put them on TikTok. It gives them a chance(机会) to show themselves.After that, Zhou Liang and his friends enjoyed showing their interesting ideas on it. He said he used TikTok as a way to make others happy. He could also watch others'videos from it, so it was a good way to hear other people's voices.人们喜欢在抖音上发布短视频。他们中的一些人不是演员,但他们在日常生活中是真正的艺术家。他们用不同的音乐制作视频,然后把它们放在抖音上。这给了他们一个展示自己的机会。在那之后,周亮和他的朋友们喜欢在上面展示他们有趣的想法。他说他用抖音来让别人开心。他还可以通过它观看别人的视频,所以这是一种听到别人声音的好方法,故选A。
70.细节理解题。根据后句Try to put down your phone and go out to enjoy the things in your real life, like sunshine and clean air.试着放下手机,出去享受现实生活中的东西,比如阳光和清新的空气,可知前句讲的是你会错过现实生活中的许多美好事物,故选C。
71.细节理解题。根据ry to put down your phone and go out to enjoy the things in your real life, like sunshine and clean air.试着放下手机,出去享受现实生活中的东西,比如阳光和清新的空气,可知作者认为我们不能花费太多时间在抖音上,故选C。
【解析】【分析】主要介绍了2022年全球的一些最佳发明,并详细描述了其中的两个发明——"Hug(拥抱) you back"和"Free your hands"。
A.They make the world a better place, too.它们也让世界变得更美好。
B.We like to watch short videos or movies on the phone.我们喜欢在电话里看短视频或电影。
C.They have two big eyes and a small mouth.它们有两只大眼睛和一张嘴。
D.There are some small but heavy balls in the toy.玩具里有一些小而重的球。
E.So when we hug the toys, they can hug us back!所以当我们拥抱玩具时,它们也会拥抱我们!
F.Most of us have mobile phones.我们大多数人都有手机。
G.But there is a camera on the necklace.但是项链上有个摄像头。
73.根据前句Today we have many inventions(发明), they are very useful in our daily life.今天我们有很多发明,它们在我们的日常生活中非常有用,可知后句讲的是发明让世界更美好,故选A。
74.根据前句Different from other toys, the toy weights(重)about 3 kilos.与其他玩具不同,这个玩具重约3公斤,可知后句讲的是玩具里有一些小而重的球,故选D。
75.根据前句They make the toy so heavy that it can give us the feeling of being hugged.他们把玩具做得太重了,让我们有被拥抱的感觉,可知后句讲的是与拥抱有关,故选E。
76.根据后句But it can be difficult to hold the phone in one hand for a long time.但是很难长时间用一只手握住手机,可知前句讲的是我们喜欢在电话里看短视频或电影,故选B。
77.根据前句It looks like a necklace(项链).它看起来像一条项链,可知后句讲的是与项链有关,故选G。
A.Then you can see a bank.然后你可以看到一家银行。
B.It just takes you five minutes to walk there.步行到那里只需要五分钟。
C.Is there a park in the neighborhood 附近有公园吗?
D.Thanks for telling me.谢谢你告诉我。
E.Are there any restaurants near here 这附近有餐馆吗?
F.How can I get there 我怎样才能到那里?
G.Can I take a bus 我可以坐公共汽车吗?
78.根据后句Yes, there is.是的,有,可知前句讲的是is there引导的一般疑问句,故选C。
79.根据后句Just go along this road and turn right.沿着这条路走,然后右转,可知前句强劲的怎样到达,故选F。
80.根据前句Just go along this road and turn right.沿着这条路走,然后右转,可知后句讲的是然后你可以看到一家银行,故选A。
81.根据前句Is it far from here B:No, it isn't.可知离这里不远,所以后句讲的是步行五分钟到那,故选B。
82.根据后句You're welcome.不客气,可知前句讲的是谢谢,故选D。
83.【答案】Dear Headmaster,
Hearing that you are going to choose the star of the year, I'd like to recommend Helen.
She is very tall. She has a round face and long hair. She is very friendly and kind. She is always ready to help others. No matter who is in trouble, she will always be there to give a hand. She loves sports and reading. She is good at playing the piano. Last week, she went to the old people's home. She helped the old clean up and told them stories.
We all think Helen can be the star. If she is the star of the year, we will be very happy.
【点评】作文内容全面,运用好词好句,如:be ready to do;help others;give a hand;be good at;play the piano;help sb. do sth.;clean up;tell sb. stories;like doing等。好词好句的运用为文章增色不少,如: No matter who is in trouble, she will always be there to give a hand.If she is the star of the year, we will be very happy.;宾语从句We all think Helen can be the star.等。连词if、and的运用使文章上下文联系更为紧密。



上一篇:人教新目标(Go for it)版九年级全册 Unit 1 How can we become good learners?词汇一练通(教师版+学生版)

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