人教新目标(Go for it)版九年级全册 Unit 1 How can we become good learners?词汇一练通(教师版+学生版)

Ⅰ. 词汇运用
1. It’s a secret    , so don’t tell anyone else.
2. You should take notes    in class and review them after class. 21教育网
3. You can remember    (记住)the new words by using them in sentences. 2·1·c·n·j·y
4. Please read these ( http: / / ) sentences slowly so that I can repeat    (重复)them after you.
5. I find it a bit difficult to learn English grammar    (语法).
6. He’s poor at spelling. He made a lot of spelling m istakes    in his writing.
7. —I’m sorry I’m late for class.
—It doesn’t m atter    . But please be on time next time. 21教育网
8. —How can I increase my reading speed     —By reading word groups.
9. She was born with the ability    (才能)to dance.
10. Students should pay attention    (注意)to their study skills. 21·世纪*教育网
11. Reading English aloud will help you improve your pronunciation    (pronounce).
12. Mr Green spoke so quickly    (quick)that we couldn’t understand what he said.
13. You can learn new words by making    (make)word cards. 21教育名师原创作品
14.  Having    (have)conversations with friends really improves my speaking skills.
15. At first, it’s too hard for me to study    (study)English grammar.
W16. What we learn wil ( http: / / )l become a part of us and change us, so we need to learn
 wisely    (wise)and well.
17. —Can you tell me how to pronounce    (pronounce)the word —Sure.
18. It’s not easy for m ( http: / / )e to understand (understand)the native speakers if they speak too quickly.
19. If one can connect  (connect)what he or she needs to learn, he or she will not get bored.
20. In order to study better, you need to develop    (develop)your study skills.
21. pronunciation n.发音→ _pronounce     v.发音
22. expression n 表情;表示→ express     v. 表达
23. ability n. 能力;才能→ able   adj. 能够的;能干→  disable adj.不能的,不会的
24. patient adj. 有耐心的 → patience   n.耐心→ impatient     adj.不耐心的
25.create v.创造→ creativity    n.创造→____creative_______adj.有创造力的
26.active adj.积极的 → ____activity____ n. 活动 →  actively   adv.积极地;活跃的27.connect v. (使) 连接 → connection     n.联系
28.wisely adv. 聪明的 → wise    adj.聪明的 → wisdom    n.聪明,才智
29. loud adj,大声的→ loudly    adv→大声地;喧闹地 
30. knowledge n.知识→ knowledgeable    adj. 知识渊博的
31.听磁带_listen to the tape___ 32.向某人求助 __ask sb. for help_______
33.为备考学习_study for a test__ 34.查阅 look up
35.以 … 结束 end up 36.犯错误 make mistakes
37.英语口语spoken English 38.做笔记 take notes
39.做.....的秘密the secret to 40.注意... pay attention to
41.生而具有 be born with 42.做某事的能力the ability to
43.逐字逐句地 word by word 44.也 as well
45.同某人谈talk with 46.把.....和...连接connect with
47.小菜一碟It’s a piece of cake 48.爱上 fall in love with
49.焦虑不安的_be nervous about 50.决定做某事 decide to do
51.尽某人最大努力 try one’s best 52.愉快地做某事enjoy doing
53.练习做某事 practice doing 54.不敢去做 be afraid to do
55.完成做某事finish doing
Ⅲ. 完成句子
56. 在某种程度上, 是否能学好英语取决于你的英语学习习惯。
In a way, whether or not you can learn English well depend       on   your English learning habits. 21·com
57. 学好汉语对我们来说很有必要。
It is necessary  for   us to learn Chinese well    .
58. 开始时, 吉姆不知道如何记笔记。
To begin with, Jim didn’t know how     to     take    notes    .
59. 为了提高英语口语, 你不应该害怕在课堂上说英语。
In order to improve spoken English, you shouldn’t
  be     afraid       of    speak in class.
60. 要尽力对你所学的东西产生兴趣。
Try   to    create    an interest in what you learn.
61. 她说她通过做英语练习来学习语法。
She said she studied grammar  by      doing   English exercises. 21cnjy.com
62. 你通过对话来练习英语口语吗
Do you practice spoken English  by    having    conversation    
63. 制作单词卡对学习英语单词很有帮助。
 Making    word      cards    is very helpful to learn English words.
64. 我认为学习英语的最好方式是运用它。
I think the best way to learn English is to     use      it   .
65. 请问, 你是怎样练习听力技能的
Excuse me, how    do you practice listening      skills     Unit1
Ⅰ. 词汇运用
1. It’s a s     , so don’t tell anyone else.
2. You should take n     in class and review them after class. 21教育网
3. You can     (记住)the new words by using them in sentences. 2·1·c·n·j·y
4. Please read these ( http: / / ) sentences slowly so that I can     (重复)them after you.
5. I find it a bit difficult to learn English     (语法).
6. He’s poor at spelling. He made a lot of spelling m     in his writing.
7. —I’m sorry I’m late for class.
—It doesn’t m     . But please be on time next time. 21教育网
8. —How can I increase my reading s      —By reading word groups.
9. She was born with the     (才能)to dance.
10. Students should pay     (注意)to their study skills. 21·世纪*教育网
11. Reading English aloud will help you improve your     (pronounce).
12. Mr Green spoke so     (quick)that we couldn’t understand what he said.
13. You can learn new words by     (make)word cards. 21教育名师原创作品
14.      (have)conversations with friends really improves my speaking skills.
15. At first, it’s too hard for me     (study)English grammar.
W16. What we learn wil ( http: / / )l become a part of us and change us, so we need to learn
     (wise)and well.
17. —Can you tell me how     (pronounce)the word —Sure.
18. It’s not easy for m ( http: / / )e     (understand)the native speakers if they speak too quickly.
19. If one can      (connect)what he or she needs to learn, he or she will not get bored.
20. In order study better, you need     (develop)your study skills.
21. pronunciation n.发音→ _________________v.发音
22. expression n 表情;表示→________________ v. 表达
23. ability n. 能力;才能→__________ adj. 能够的;能干→ __________adj.不能的,不会的
24. patient adj. 有耐心的 →________________n.耐心→________________ adj.不耐心的
25.create v.创造→________________n.创造→________________adj.有创造力的
26.active adj.积极的 → _____________ n. 活动 →______________ adv.积极地;活跃的27.connect v. (使) 连接 →________________ n.联系
28.wisely adv. 聪明的 →______________ adj.聪明的 →_______________n.聪明,才智
29. loud adj,大声的→___________ adv→大声地;喧闹地__________ adv.大声地;出声地
30. knowledge n.知识→________________ adj. 知识渊博的
31.听磁带______________________ 32.向某人求助 ____________________________
33.为备考学习__________________ 34.查阅 ____________________________
35.以 … 结束 _________________ 36.犯错误 ____________________________
37.英语口语____________________ 38.做笔记 ____________________________
39.做.....的秘密_________________ 40.注意... _____________________________
41.生而具有 _________________ 42.做某事的能力___________________________
43.逐字逐句地 _______________ 44.也 ___________________________
45.同某人谈___________________ 46.把......和......连接_________________________
47.小菜一碟_____________________ 48.爱上 __________________________
49.焦虑不安的____________________ 50.决定做某事 __________________________
51.尽某人最大努力 ______________ 52.愉快地做某事 _________________________
53.练习做某事 ____________ _______ 54.不敢去做 __________________________
Ⅲ. 完成句子
56. 在某种程度上, 是否能学好英语取决于你的英语学习习惯。
In a way, whether or not you can learn English well           your English learning habits. 21·cn·jy·com
57. 学好汉语对我们来说很有必要。
It is necessary     us to learn Chinese     .
58. 开始时, 吉姆不知道如何记笔记。
To begin with, Jim didn’t know                       .
59. 为了提高英语口语, 你不应该害怕在课堂上说英语。
In order to improve spoken English, you shouldn’t
                 speak in class.
60. 要尽力对你所学的东西产生兴趣。
Try           an interest in what you learn.
61. 她说她通过做英语练习来学习语法。
She said she studied grammar           English exercises. 21cnjy.com
62. 你通过对话来练习英语口语吗
Do you practice spoken English                 
63. 制作单词卡对学习英语单词很有帮助。
                 is very helpful to learn English words.
64. 我认为学习英语的最好方式是运用它。
I think the best way to learn English is                 .
65. 请问, 你是怎样练习听力技能的
Excuse me,     do you practice           



上一篇:人教版英语八年级上册Unit7Will people have robbots重难点精练(含答案)
