Unit 4 Loving My Family 单元测试(含答案)

Unit 4 Loving My Family 单元复习卷(含答案)
1.family 2.welcome 3.candle
4.birthday 5.nurse 6.uncle
( ) 1. 你想询问对面男孩是谁时,你可以这样问朋友:
A.What is your name,please? B. Who’s he
( ) 2. 你告诉朋友你的伯母是护士时,可以这样说:
A.This is my aunt. B. My aunt is a nurse.
( ) 3. 告诉朋友,他们是我的爷爷奶奶时,可以这样说:
A. They are my father and mother. B. They are my grandpa and grandma.
( ) 4. 跟朋友说我爱我的家庭时,可以这样说:
A.I love my family. B. I have a big family.
( ) 5. my sister,Kate.
She is B. He is
( ) 6. Who is the girl
A.He is my brother. B. She is my sister.
1.My mother’s mother is my .
2.This boy is Yangming’s . .
3.I have a big .
Who is she
She is my aunt. She is a .
A.job B.family C. big D.Who
E.worker F.a G.photo H.my
I love my . 2. is he 3.I have a family.
4 . My aunt is a . 5.My uncle’s is doctor. 6.She is nurse.
Hello,I’m Sally. I’m seven years old. I have a big family of five people(人). My father and mother,grandpa and grandma,sister and brother.And my mother is an English teacher,father is a doctor.My grandpa is a farmer. My grandma is a cook.They are so cute.We are a happy family.
Today is my birthday,I’m very happy,because(因为) I have receive(收到) many presents from(来自)my family and friends.
Sally’s family members are ( )
4 B. 5 C. 6
2.Sally’s father is ( )
A.doctor B.farmer C. cook
3.How old is Sally? ( )
A.8 B.7 C. 6
4.How many jobs talk about in an article(在文中)?
A.1 B.3 C.4
5.Who’s job is English teacher?( )
A.Sally’s grandma B.Sally’s mother C. Sally’s sister
Unit 4 Loving My Family
Lesson 4 I love my family.(参考答案)
二、1-6 BBBAAB
三、1.grandma 2.brother 3.family 4.nurse
四、1-6 BDCEAF 五、1-5 BABCB



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