Unit 4 What can you do? 单元测试(无答案)

小学英语单元测试卷·五年级上册Unit 4 What can you do
1.food 2. zoo 3.wool 4.foot 5. afternoon
( ) 1. A. cartoon B.look
( ) 2. A. good B. cool
( ) 3.A.book B. room
( )5. A.cook B.noodles
( ) 4. A.school B.wood
1. Dave can sing Chinese songs. ____________________
2. Mary can cook Chinese food. ____________________
3. Tim can play ping-pong. ____________________
4. Bob can make robots. ____________________
5.Tina can play the pipa. ____________________
Hello, I have some good friends. They can do many things. Sam can sing
and draw cartoons. Amy can sing English songs and dance. Ann is a helpful girl. She can cook Chinese food and Italian food. Tom is good at swimming. He can play ping-pong, too. Do you want to make friends with them
Abilities Sam Amy Ann Tom
A.can B.violin C.help E.basketball D.food F.what
1. fruit,vegetable ____________________
2. football, volleyball ____________________
3. pipa,piano ____________________
4. learn, make ____________________
5. may,must ____________________
6. how, when ____________________
( ) 1.His grandfather can't do ____________________kung fu.
A. some B. much C.any
( ) 2. She can play_____________pipa. She can play____________ping-pong, too.
A. the; the B. the; / C. /; the
( ) 3. My mother can cook meals,_______________________my father can't.
A.but B.and C.or
( ) 4.-Can you sing Chinese songs
____________________.I can sing English songs, too.
A.Yes, I can B. No, I can't C.Yes, I do
( ) 1. She can sing English songs.
( ) 2. His father can make a model plane.
( ) 3.They can swim in the sea.
( ) 4. My sister can clean her bedroom.
( ) 5. I can cook Chinese food.
游泳 B. 唱歌 C 烹饪 D. 模型 E. 打扫
1. sing, can, the, she, song, birthday (.)
2. be, to, you, friend, want, do, his ( )
3. her, can, room, sister, clean, my ( . )
4. learn, will, some, tomorrow, kung fu, they ( . )
5. the, Jack, party, do,for,can,English,what ( )
Hello, I'm Henry. Welcome to my lab. I can make different robots. Look! This new robot is Eric. He is short and thin. Eric can do many things. He can speak English, Chinese and French. He can clean the room, wash clothes, do the dishes and cook. He can play sports, too. Do you want a robot What robot do you want Please send me an email at henry008@.
( ) 1. Henry can make different robots.
( ) 2. Eric is tall and thin.
( ) 3. Eric can speak English,Japanese and French.
( ) 4. Eric can clean the room, wash clothes and cook.
任务二:假如你想要一个机器人,你希望你的机器人会做些什么呢 请写几句话告
I want a robot. He can________________________________________.He can________________________________________,too.



上一篇:Unit 4 What can you do ? Part A 同步练习(无答案)

下一篇:Unit 4 Loving My Family 单元测试(含答案)