Unit 4 What can you do ? Part A 同步练习(无答案)

Unit 4 What can you do
Part A ( 1 ) Let's try & Let's talk
( ) 1._______________________about you
A.What's B.How C.Where
( ) 2.I can do______________________kung fu.
A. some B.any C.many
( ) 3. We will sing English___________________for Mike's birthday party.
A. song B. a song C.songs
1. Some old men are doing kung fu in the park. _____________________
2. Class is over. It's time to clean the classroom. _____________________
3.What can you do for the school art festival, Joe
I can draw pictures. _____________________
-Can you dance for the party, Amy
No, but I can sing. _____________________
( ) 1. They will have a party next Friday. ( ) 2. Jack can perform a talk show. ( ) 3. Lily can play the pipa. ( ) 4. Mary can sing an English song. ( ) 5. They're all hard-working.
Mrs White: We'll have a party next Friday.
Students: Hooray!
Mrs White: What can you do for it, Jack (同的)
Jack: I can perform(表演) a magic show.
Mrs White: Great! How about you, Lily
Lily: I can play the piano.
Mrs White: Wonderful! How about you, Mary
Mary: I can sing an English song.
Mrs White: You're all helpful.
Unit 4 What can you do
Part A(2)Let’s learn & Do a survey
Who what can draw too play
1. I like singing. I like dancing, _____________________
2. The little girl _____________________read stories.
3. They _____________________the piano in music class.
4. Let's _____________________pictures in the nature park.
5. _____________________are you going to do at the party
I'm going to dance.
6._ ______________________is going to sing English songs Mary.
1.The girls can _____________________跳舞
2. We can __________________________________________唱英文歌
3. I can do ______________________________________功夫for the party.
4.Who can________________________ 绘画
5. Can I___________________________________________弹琵琶for the party, Miss White
Abilities Brain Jim Kate Sarah
sing English songs √
clean the classroom √
draw pictures √ √
play the pipa √
dance √ √
( ) 1.Who can sing English songs
A. Jim. B. Sarah. C.Kate.
( ) 2. Who can clean the classroom
A. Sarah. B. Jim. C.Brain.
( ) 3.What can Kate do
A.She can dance. B. She can sing English songs.
C.She can play the pipa.
( )4.What can Sarah do
A. She can dance and draw pictures.
B. She can sing English songs and clean the classroom.
C.She can draw pictures and play the pipa.
Part A (3)Let's spell
( )1. book A.good B. room C.zoo
( )2. food A. look B.cook C.noodles
( )3. wool A.bamboo B.wood C.tooth
( )4. cookie A.moon B. took C. goose
( )5. balloon A.noon B.foot C. goodbye
( ) 1. Let's play football after school.
( ) 2. She's going to the zoo this afternoon.
( ) 3. Look! The boy is skating. He' s so cool.
( )4. This storybook is good. I like it.
( ) 5. Can you cook some noodles for me
1. 绘画 句式:I can...
牛肉面 句式:My favourite food...
煮饭 句式: I often...in the afternoon.
打扫 句式:I'm going to...
Today is Saturday. I don't go to school. I eat some noodles for breakfast. Then I go to the zoo with my parents. It's windy and cool today. Look! The pandas are sleeping.They are so cute. In the afternoon, I play football with my dad. In the evening, my mom cook a big dinner for us. Before I go to bed, I read a comic book. What a happy day!
1. good: ________________________________________________________
2. balloon:________________________________________________________



上一篇:2025届高三化学暑假培优专练13 化学反应机理-【暑假培优】(含解析)

下一篇:Unit 4 What can you do? 单元测试(无答案)