人教版八年级英语上册Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? 素养综合测试卷(含答案及听力原文)

人教版八年级英语上册Unit 5Do you want to watch a game show
( )1. A. I love it. B. I don't watch it. C. Alan likes to watch it.
( )2. A. She wants to be beautiful.
B. She doesn't like the watch.
C. She likes the ring.
( )3. A. Thank you. B. He doesn't mind it. C. Yes, he likes it.
( )4. A. Last Sunday. B. For two years. C. Twice a week.
( )5.A. Hardly ever. B. Interesting. C. On TV.
( )6. What does Mark think of the game show
A.Exciting. B. Interesting. C. Boring.
( )7. Does Tom like talk shows
A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn't. C. We don't know.
( )8. What does the man think of the belt
A. It is nice. B. It is colorful. C. It is cool.
( )9. What may Peter think of the news
A. It's boring. B. It's relaxing. C. It's enjoyable.
( )10. How often does Mary watch the soap opera
Every day. B. Once a week. C. Twice a week.
Free time activities
Watching TV It is 11.__________and easy to do.
Visiting friends People often have 12.__________with friends.
Doing 13.__________ It's good for people of all 14.__________
Other interesting activities Going 15.__________and listening to music.
( )16.This will be__________educational and enjoyable e and join us !
A.a B.an C./ D.the
( )17.You are late for class again. Can you tell me the__________
A.calendar B. concert C.machine D.reason
( )18.Hangzhou is famous__________the West Lake.
A.as B.in C.for
( )19. -The boy is my friend; he is__________because his parents died last year.
-What a poor boy!
A. unhealthy B. unlucky C. lucky D. healthy
( )20.I plan__________a soap opera tonight.
A. to watch B.watch C. watches D. watching
( )21.I like watching the news. It's a good way to__________what's going on around the world.
A. find out B. send out C. bring out
( )22.-We just learned the poem(诗) Wang Yue from Du Fu. What do you think of it
-__________It is beautiful and meaningful.
A. I really love it B. I can't stand it C. I don't mind it
( )23.The film The Battle at Lake Changjin(《长津湖》)is very__________and educational.Many young people saw the film with their parents.
A.simple B. successful C.common D.fresh
( )24.You can't always__________your parents to help you. You are eighteen years oldnow.
A.expect B.invite C.happen D.refuse
( )25.The teacher told us__________too much noise because the other students were having an exam.
A. to not make B. not to make C. not make D. not making
Little Mix is a British singing group. They26__________a British talent show in 2011 and became famous. They are the first27__________to win the show.The 28__________of Little Mix has a special meaning."Little" means they are young girls. The oldest one was born in1991, and the29__________was born in 1993. "Mix"means each of them is different. Little Mix has a lot of young fans. The girls thinkit's30__________to give fans a positive message. Students 31__________ have some troubles(苦恼) at school or at home. Their music can help them feel 32__________and become more confident(自信的). The girls are tired sometimes,33__________they feel great to sing on the stage,meet their fans and34__________with each other. They are more 35__________sisters. Now this group is successful. Do you want them to come to China one day
( )26. A.won B.watched C.played
( )27. A.grade B.class C.group
( )28. A. girl B.name C.song
( )29.A.tallest B. most beautiful C.youngest
( )30.A.important B. poor C. talented
( )31.A.should B.may C.need
( )32. A. more B.worse C. better
( )33. A. if B.though C.but
( )34.A.travel B.care C.stay
( )35. A. like B.as C. for
CCTV-118: 30 Children's World19: 00 News Broadcast19:35 Weather Forecast(预报)19:38 Topics in Focus(《焦点访谈》)20: 00 TV plays CCTV-918: 30 China Today19: 00 World Wide Watch19: 30 Chinese Civilization(文明)20: 00 Culture Reports22: 30 Around China
YTTV18: 30 YT News19: 00 Popular Song:I Dreamed a Dream (by Susan Boyle)19: 30 Animal World20: 20 Volleyball Match:America-Italy22: 30 Science and Life THTV18: 40 English for Children19:00 China News19: 30 TH News19: 45 Football Match:England-Brazil20:30 TV plays
( )36. Children's World on CCTV-1 lasts(持续)about__________minutes.
A. 15 B. 30 C. 45
( )37. At 19: 10__________is on show on CCTV-9.
A. News Broadcast B. World Wide Watch C. Popular Song
( )38. There is a __________match between America and Italy.
A. football B.basketball C. volleyball
( )39. On THTV the program at 18: 40 is for__________
A. young people B.parents C.kids
( )40. Which of the following is TRUE
A. Weather Forecast is about the weather all over China.
B. Around China is on show at 20: 00 on CCTV-9.
C. Susan Boyle is a reporter.
Long time ago, children didn't have smartphones, iPads or computers to play with. Instead,they thought of interesting games to play. Let's take a look.
Stone balls
Playing a stone ball game around was a welcome sport in ancient(古代)China, and it was often played in winter to keep warm. Stones were like small balls and played with feet.
Flying kites
Kites have quite a long history. The earliest kites weren't made of paper, but wood. Nowadays, the three most famous kites are the Beijing kite, Tianjin kite and Weifang kite. The swallow-shaped kite is a well-known Beijing style(风格).
Watching shadow(影子)plays
The closest thing to watching a movie or TV for fun during ancient times was to see a shadow play. People use shadow puppets(皮影) behind the screen, telling stories with music.
China Daily
( )41. In which section can we see the news
A. Sports. B. Culture. C. Environment. D. World.
( )42. Which game was played for keeping warm
A. Computer games. B. Watching shadow plays. C. Flying kites. D. Stone balls.
( )43. Kites are made of__________now in the passage.
A. stone B. wood C.paper D. swallow
( )44. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A. You can hear music when watching shadow plays.
B. Kids often play stone balls with hands.
C. The swallow-shaped kite is a famous Weifang style.
D. Kids in ancient times could watch a movie or TV for fun.
( )45. What is the main idea of the passage
A. How to have fun.
B. Taking more exercise.
C. Children's games in ancient China.
D. People's Childhood.
4.我有时也看动画片,最喜欢的动画片是《西游记》(Journey to the West)o
1. What do you think of the talk show
2. What does your sister like
3. What does Tom think of the sports news
4. How often do you watch the sports show
5. What do you think of talent shows
6. W: Do you want to watch a game show, Mark
M: No, not at all. It's boring. I'd like to play sports outside.
7. W: Do you like game shows, Tom
M: No, but I like talk shows.
8. W: What do you think of the belt
M: I think it is very cool.
9. W: Do you like to watch the news, Peter
M: A little. However, I always watch talent shows.They are more relaxing and enjoyable.
10. M: Mary, do you like watching the soap opera It's very popular now.
W: Yes! I can't help seeing what happens next, so I watch it every day.
What do people usually do in their free time Watching TV is a popular activity. It is relaxing and easy to do. Television programs are about news, sports,animals, vacations and so on. Visiting friends is popular,too. People often have dinner with friends on weekends.Some people like to do sports in their free time. It's good for people of all ages. They can go swimming, play soccer or basketball, or do some running in the park. There are also other interesting activities, such as listening to music and going shopping.
1-5 ACBCB 6-10 CACAA
11.relaxing 12. dinner 14. ages 13. sports 15. shopping
16-20 BDCBA 21-25 AABAB
26-30ACBCA 31-35BCCCA
36-40BBCCA 41-45BDCAC
One possible version:
I like watching TV, but I spend more time on study.I often watch TV on Saturdays or Sundays after finishing my homework. I like game shows and my favorites are sports shows, because I am good at playing basketball. I don't like soap operas because they are too boring. Sometimes I watch cartoons. My favorite cartoon is Journey to the West.If you are free at weekends and want to see something interesting, choose it.




下一篇:人教版(2019) 选择性必修第一册 Unit 1 People of Achievement单元词汇与话题写作练(含答案)