Unit 6 How do you feel单元测试(无答案)

Unit 6 阶段复习
1. Look! The cat is ____________________(追赶)a mouse.
2.- Why do you look sad, Ann -____________________(因为) my mother is ill.
3. Today is my birthday. I'm so ____________________.
4.I'm ____________________ of my PE teacher. He's very strict.
5. Where is my pet dog I can't find it. I'm a little ____________________ .
1. so,today,am, happy,I(.)
2. feel,now, how, you, do ( )
3. police, cat, the, officer, a, is (.)
4. angry, dog, Tom, with, his, is (.)
A mother duck has four baby ducks.
They want to ____________________(游泳)in the river, but one little gray duck doesn't jump into the water. And he is ____________________(丑陋的). Mother duck is______________________(生气的).She says, "You are not my son! Go away!” The little duck is_____________________(伤心的).He walks away.
In winter, the little duck is ____________________(冷的) and hungry. A _____________________(和善的)farmer takes him home.
Spring comes. It's ____________________(暖和的). The little duck is not an ugly duck now. He is a swan(天鹅).He is very ____________________(开心的).
训练5 Part B Read and write ~Let's wrap it up
hear sit stuck ant grass pull mud
1.草坪 ____________________2.坐 ____________________
3.听见_____________________4. 蚂蚁____________________
7. 陷住;无法移动____________________
1. The New Year party is coming. Everyone ____________________(is/are) excited.
2. If you have a cold, you should drink ____________________(many/more) water.
3. Don't ____________________ (worry/worried), little ant. I won't sit on you.
4. The ____________________ (mouse/mice) are bad. We all hate them.
A. Robin is stuck in the mud and worried. B. The ant is afraid. He says,“Please don't sit on me. " C. The ants are strong. They pull Robin out of the mud.
Unit 6综合检测
(满分:100分 时间:20分钟)
() 1. We can't go to the zoo today.
()2. How does Dad feel now
() 3. The mice are bad. They hurt people.
( ) 4. I won't sit on you.
( ) 5. She's a head teacher.
(第1题)伤心 (第2题) 害怕的 (第3题)热的
(第4题)生气的 (第5题)深呼吸
1. Mary is very____________________ because she lost her new toy.
2. The boy is____________________ of snakes.
3. It's hot outside. You should____________________ cool clothes today.
4. Look at the man. He is very____________________ .
5. You should take a deep ____________________.
1. These mice _____________________(be) bad. They hurt people.
2. Jack is very fat. His father is _____________________ (worry) about his health.
3.- How do you feel, Jim -Not _____________________ (good). I'll see a doctor.
4. If you want to stay____________________(health), you should do more exercise.
5. Bob is late for school again.The head teacher is angry with ______________ (he).
( ) 1. I can't go with you_____________I have to do my homework now.
A. and B. because C.so
( ) 2. The cat is coming. The mouse is________________ of him and runs away.
A. angry B. afraid C. sad
( )3.-When Robin is stuck in the mud, how does he feel ____________________
A. He's happy. B. She's not well. C. He's worried.
( ) 4. Binbin looks so weak(虚弱的).He should____________________
A. count to ten B. wear cool clothes C. see a doctor
( )5.____________________Mymother is ill in bed.
A. What's wrong B. What does she do C.Where does she work
1. Ben should see a doctor.(对画线部分提问)
What ________________________________________
2. The cat chases a mouse every day. (用now 替换every day改写句子)
The cat________________________________________.
3. makes, the, sad, me,story,feel (.)(连词成句)
4. How do the children feel now
5. What should Lily do if she is worried about the exam (给出你的建议)
六、从方框中选择正确的单词补全短文。(每空2.5 分,共20分)
Feel ill should well snowy worried tomorrow hospital
It's a _______day today. Mike _______ and he can't get up. His mother is____. She takes him to the____. The doctor asks,“How do you_____, little boy ”“I feel very cold. ”“Don't worry. You ____ take some medicine (药) and have a rest.”
Then Mike asks,“Can I go to school ____ ”“Of course, if you feel______," answers the doctor.
Today is Saturday. It's a nice day. What are my friends going to do Tom and
I are going to ride a bike together. We are happy. Lucy is not going to stay at home. Her grandmother is ill. She is worried. Jack's room is messy(凌乱的).He can't find his favourite storybook. He is sad. Mary is going to learn to swim. But she is afraid of water.
Name Feeling Reason(原因) Suggestion(建议)
Tom happy He will ride a bike with his friend.
SUGGESTIONS A. visit her grandmother C.ask teachers for help B. clean the room D.pay attention to the traffic rules



上一篇:2023-2024冀教版(三起) 英语五年级下册期末测试卷(含答案含听力原文无听力音频)
