【命题风向标】情境题-备考2025中考英语真题新题型分类 原卷+解析卷

【命题风向标】情境题-备考2025中考英语真题新题型分类 解析卷
(2024·黑龙江牡丹江·中考真题)(Susan is talking with her mother at home.)
A: Susan, what would you like for your birthday this year Some new toys or a visit to the Sun Island
B: Well, 1 I have a birthday party each year and we visited the Sun Island last summer. This year I have something different in mind.
A: 2
B: I decide to give away toys to a children’s hospital.
A: 3
B: No, I’ll just keep a few of my favorites. And I’ll also ask my friends and my classmates for some toys so I can give out more. 4
A: That’s a great idea.
B: Besides, I’ll use some of my pocket money (零花钱) to buy more.
A: 5
B: I don’t know exactly. I’ve saved all into my piggy bank (猪形储钱罐).
A: Then let’s go and count it.
B: OK.
A.I have lost them.
B.I’ll call them later.
C.What should I do
D.What do you decide to do
E.So how much do you have now
F.Will you give away all your toys
G.I have already had too many of them.
【答案】1.G 2.D 3.F 4.B 5.E
1.根据上文“Some new toys or a visit to the Sun Island ”和下文“I have a birthday party each year and we visited the Sun Island last summer.”可知,A询问B要玩具还是去度假,B说去年已经去度假了,所以此处应是谈论跟玩具相关的内容。选项G“我已经有太多了。”符合语境。故选G。
2.根据上文“This year I have something different in mind.”和下文“I decide to give away toys to a children’s hospital.”可知,此处应是询问这个想法的内容。选项D“你决定做什么?”符合语境。故选D。
3.根据下文“No, I’ll just keep a few of my favorites.”可知,自己还会留一些最爱的,说明此处应是问是不是全捐了。选项F“你会把你的所有玩具都捐了吗?”符合语境。故选F。
4.根据上文“And I’ll also ask my friends and my classmates for some toys so I can give out more.”可知,会向朋友和同学要一些玩具来捐出去,说明此处应是介绍如何跟他们说。选项B“晚点我会打电话给他们。”符合语境。故选B。
5.根据下文“I don’t know exactly. I’ve saved all into my piggy bank (猪形储钱罐).”可知,此处谈到了存起来的零花钱,应是询问有多少钱。选项E“所以现在你有多少钱了?”符合语境。故选E。
A: Hi, Amy. Where did you go on vacation
B: Oh, hi, Lily. 6
A: Wow, which do you like best
B: Well, I think Ningxia Museum is the best. There are many rock paintings there. 7
A: Were there many people in it
B: Yes. There were many students there, but they were quiet.
A: Cool! 8
B: No, I won’t. Next year, I plan to visit Chengdu.
A: Nice plan. By the way, I’ll have a party at home this Sunday. 9
B: Sure, I’d love to! What do you think I should wear
A: 10
B: Wonderful! See you on Sunday!
A: See you!
A.You can wear a nice dress.
B.Would you like to come
C.You know, I like rock paintings very much.
D.I went to Ningxia and visited some museums there
E.Will you go there next year
【答案】6.D 7.C 8.E 9.B 10.A
6.根据“Where did you go on vacation ”可知,空处应是回答假期去了什么地方,D项“我去了宁夏,参观了那里的一些博物馆”符合语境,故选D。
7.根据“There are many rock paintings there.”可知,此处介绍的是岩画,C项“你知道,我非常喜欢岩画。”符合语境,故选C。
8.根据“ No, I won’t.”可知,空处应是will开头的一般疑问句,E项“明年你会去那里吗”符合语境,故选E。
9.根据“ By the way, I’ll have a party at home this Sunday. ”和“Sure, I’d love to!”可知,空处应是邀请对方参加派对,B项“你愿意来吗”符合语境,故选B。
10.根据“What do you think I should wear ”可知,空处应是介绍穿着的建议,A项“你可以穿一条漂亮的裙子。”符合语境,故选A。
Li Hua and his foreign friend George are chatting.
George: Hi, Li Hua! 11
Li Hua: I’m enjoying the pictures of Stilts-Walking (踩高跷) of Huangzhong, Qinghai. Have you heard of it
George: 12 Can you tell me something about it
Li Hua: Sure, it’s very famous. It has been invited to perform at the Henan Spring Festival Gala (春晚). Now almost all Chinese people know it!
George: 13 Please tell me more about it.
Li Hua: 14 The performers usually dress up as ancient people and walk on more than 3 meters’ stilts carefully.
George: I can’t wait to watch it. 15
Li Hua: No problem. I can share the video with you later.
George: Thank you!
A.No, I haven’t.
B.Can you share me the video
C.Wow, that’s so cool!
D.It’s a traditional performance during the Spring Festival.
E.What are you doing
【答案】11.E 12.A 13.C 14.D 15.B
11.根据“I’m enjoying the pictures of Stilts-Walking (踩高跷) of Huangzhong, Qinghai.”可知,此处询问对方正在干什么,选项E“你在干什么?”符合语境,故选E。
12.根据“Have you heard of it ”可知,此处应回答是否听说过,选项A“不,我没有。”符合语境,故选A。
13.根据“Sure, it’s very famous. It has been invited to perform at the Henan Spring Festival Gala (春晚). Now almost all Chinese people know it!”和“Please tell me more about it.”可知,此处应对此做出肯定的评价,选项C“哇,太酷了!”符合语境,故选C。
14.根据“The performers usually dress up as ancient people and walk on more than 3 meters’ stilts carefully.”可知,此处继续介绍踩高跷,选项D“这是春节期间的传统表演。”符合语境,故选D。
15.根据“No problem. I can share the video with you later.”可知,此处请对方分享视频,选项B“你能把视频分享给我吗?”符合语境,故选B。
(Lei Lei and Han Lu are talking in the English corner.)
Han Lu: Hi, Lei Lei. You look excited. 16
Lei Lei: Yes. We will have an International Summer Camp.
Han Lu: Really It’s cool.
Lei Lei: Guess what We will work for the camp.
Han Lu: Wow, wonderful! 17
Lei Lei: We can introduce something special about our hometown.
Han Lu: That’s easy. Changbai Mountain and the Songhua River are my favorites.
Lei Lei: I have different ideas. 18
Han Lu: Haha! Very funny. I know you will say that.
Lei Lei: Don’t forget Changchun is also an ice and snow city.
Han Lu: 19 Winter sports in Jilin are famous around the world.
Lei Lei: That’s for sure. I hope we can tell the foreign friends more about our hometown.
Han Lu: 20
Lei Lei: Oh! It’s time for class. Let’s go.
Han Lu: OK.
A.Me, too.
B.You’re right.
C.What can we do then
D.Is there any good news
E.What’s your favorite food
F.My favorites are tieguodun and guobaorou.
【答案】16.D 17.C 18.F 19.B 20.A
16.根据“You look excited”以及“Yes. We will have an International Summer Camp.”可知此处询问对方发生了什么好事,选项D“有什么好消息吗”符合语境。故选D。
17.根据“We can introduce something special about our hometown.”可知此处询问可以做什么,选项C“那我们能做什么”符合语境。故选C。
18.根据“Changbai Mountain and the Songhua River are my favorites.”以及“I have different ideas”可知此处介绍自己的最爱,选项F“我最喜欢的是铁锅炖和锅包肉”符合语境。故选F。
19.根据“Don’t forget Changchun is also an ice and snow city.”以及“Winter sports in Jilin are famous around the world.”可知此处是同意对方的看法,选项B“你是对的”符合语境。故选B。
20.根据“I hope we can tell the foreign friends more about our hometown.”可知希望我们能多告诉外国朋友我们的家乡,选项A“我也是”符合语境。故选A。
Dad: What are you doing on the computer, Ann
Ann: 21
Dad: Do you know them well
Ann: 22 They are my friends in real life.
Dad: Good. You know, it can be dangerous to make friends online.
Ann: Sure, Dad. 23
Dad: That’s right. And you may advise your friends to be careful, too.
Ann: I will tell them later. In fact, I’ll meet them this afternoon.
Dad: 24
Ann: To the city library. We’ll work as volunteers there for the Internet Safety Day.
Dad: I’m so proud of you. 25
A.Have fun there!
B.It’s my pleasure.
C.Don’t worry, Dad.
D.Where are you going
E.I know I need to protect myself.
F.I’m chatting with my friends online.
【答案】21.F 22.C 23.E 24.D 25.A
21.根据“What are you doing on the computer, Ann ”可知,此处应回答自己在做什么,选项F“我在网上和朋友聊天。”符合语境,故选F。
22.根据“Do you know them well ”和“They are my friends in real life.”可知,安告诉爸爸和自己聊天的是现实中的朋友,让爸爸别担心,选项C“别担心,爸爸。”符合语境,故选C。
23.根据“You know, it can be dangerous to make friends online.”可知,爸爸告诉安在网上交朋友是很危险的,选项E“我知道我需要保护自己。”符合语境,故选E。
24.根据“To the city library.”可知,此处询问地点,选项D“你要去哪里?”符合语境,故选D。
25.根据“To the city library. We’ll work as volunteers there for the Internet Safety Day.”和“I’m so proud of you.”可知,爸爸希望安做志愿者能玩得开心,选项A“祝你在那里玩得开心!”符合语境,故选A。
(2024·吉林·中考真题)Li Hua: Hi. Robert. We will give a report about dream jobs this Friday. 26
Robert: Yes, I have.
Li Hua: 27
Robert: I want to be a doctor and I’m going to study Chinese medicine.
Li Hua: Oh, I see. You coughed a lot last month. Chinese medicine helped you, right
Robert: 28 I’ve fallen in love with it. What are you going to be
Li Hua: I want to work as a tour guide in Jilin Province.
Robert: Why do you want to do that
Li Hua: 29
Robert: Your hometown is really fantastic. I’ve seen Tianchi Lake and it’s beautiful.
Li Hua: There are some other wonderful places, such as Jingyue Park in Changchun City and Songhua Lake in Jilin City. 30
Robert: Wow! Remember to be my guide when I go there one day.
Li Hua: With pleasure.
A.You’re right.
B.What do you want to be
C.Have you finished it yet
D.They are all good places to visit.
E.I want to be a policeman when I grow up.
F.Because I want to introduce my hometown to more people.
【答案】26.C 27.B 28.A 29.F 30.D
26.根据“Yes, I have.”可知,此处是一般疑问句,且时态是现在完成时。故选项C“你完成了吗?”符合语境。故选C。
27.根据“I want to be a doctor”可知,此处是询问罗伯特想要成为什么样的人,用what提问。故选项B“你想成为什么样的人?”符合语境。故选B。
28.根据“Chinese medicine helped you, right ”及“I’ve fallen in love with it.”可知,罗伯特赞同李华的观点。故选项A“你说得对。”符合语境。故选A。
29.根据“Why do you want to do that ”可知,此处回答原因,用Because…。故选项F“因为我想把我的家乡介绍给更多的人。”符合语境。故选F。
30.根据“There are some other wonderful places, such as Jingyue Park in Changchun City and Songhua Lake in Jilin City.”可知,此处介绍李华对这些景点的评价。故选项D“它们都是游览的好地方。”符合语境。故选D。
(2024·黑龙江·中考真题)Choose the best choice from A to F to finish the dialogue. You have one more answer. Each choice should be used only once.
(Lin Hai met Wang Wei on his way to a meeting. )
A: Hi, Wang Wei. Long time no see. 31
B: Not bad, but may I know your name, please
A: I’m Lin Hai. We’re old classmates! 32
B: Let me see. Oh, you’re Lin Hai. 33 But now you are tall and strong.
A: Yes, you’re right.
B: 34
A: That’s true. But I have to wear glasses now, because I often work on the computer.
B: Oh, I see. 35 Let’s have dinner together.
A: It’s so nice of you, but I have a meeting this evening.
B: That’s a pity. I’ll call you later.
A: All right. Here’s my card. See you.
B: See you.
A.You used to be short and heavy.
B.Are you free this evening
C.Don’t you remember me
D.How’s it going now
E.You have changed a lot.
F.I remember you didn’t use to wear glasses.
【答案】31.D 32.C 33.A 34.E 35.B
31.根据“Hi, Wang Wei. Long time no see.”和“Not bad”可知此处是两人见面的问候,D选项“现在怎么样”符合情景。故选D。
32.根据“but may I know your name, please ”可知王芳忘记了对方的名字,C选项“你不记得我了吗”符合情景。故选C。
33.根据“But now you are tall and strong.”可知此处介绍林海过去和现在的对比,A选项“你过去又矮又胖”符合情景。故选A。
34.根据“But now you are tall and strong.”可知此处还是谈论长相,前后变化,E选项“你变化很大”符合情景。故选E。
35.根据“Let’s have dinner together.”可知两人要相约去吃饭,B选项“今天晚上你有空吗”符合情景。故选B。
M: Do you still live in the countryside now, Andy
W: No, I live in a new community in the city.
M: 36
W: Because of my father’s new job.
M: 37
W: It’s close to the railway station in which my father works. 38
M: So you can save a lot of time on traveling and a lot of money on public transport.
W: 39
M: And you don’t live with your grandparents every day now, do you
W: 40 Every Sunday is the time that we visit them.
A.No, we don’t.
B.How far is it
C.You’re kidding!
D.Yes, you’re right.
E.It’s a five-minute walk.
F.Why did you move your home
G.Well, where is your new community
【答案】36.F 37.G 38.E 39.D 40.A
36.根据下文“Because of my father’s new job.”可知,此处应是询问“为什么”,选项F“你为什么要搬家?”符合语境。故选F。
37.根据下文“It’s close to the railway station in which my father works.”可知,此处应是询问“在哪儿”,选项G“嗯,你的新社区在哪里?”符合语境。故选G。
38.根据上文“It’s close to the railway station in which my father works.”和下文“So you can save a lot of time on traveling and a lot of money on public transport.”可知,距离很近,走路即可,所以省时又省钱。选项E“步行五分钟”符合语境。故选E。
39.根据上文“So you can save a lot of time on traveling and a lot of money on public transport.”可知,确实省时又省钱,所以对“省时又省钱”的说法表示认可,选项D“是的,你说得对”符合语境。故选D。
40.根据下文“Every Sunday is the time that we visit them.”可知,不是每天都和祖父母住在一起,而是每周日回去看望他们。此处应作否定回答,选项A“不,我们没有”符合语境。故选A。
A: You look pale, Mike. What’s the matter
B: 41
A: I’m sorry to hear that. Is that serious
B: 42 But my right leg is still painful.
A: I think you’d better go to see the doctor at once. 43
B: But I don’t want to miss the lessons.
A: 44 I can help you with all of them.
B: That’s very nice of you. I’ll ask Mr Zhang for leave.
A: All right. 45
B: Thank you so much.
A.I’m not sure.
B.That’s a great idea.
C.Don’t worry about that.
D.I’ll go to the office with you.
E.Or you will not take the lessons.
F.Have a check to make sure it’s OK.
G.I was hit by a bike on the way to school.
【答案】41.G 42.A 43.F 44.C 45.D
41.根据“What’s the matter ”可知,此处在描述自己发生的事情,G选项“我在上学的路上被一辆自行车撞了。”符合情景。故选G。
42.根据“Is that serious ”以及“But my right leg is still painful.”可知,此处在描述自己不知道严重不严重,A选项“我不确定。”符合情景。故选A。
43.根据“I think you’d better go to see the doctor at once.”可知,此处在劝说对方去医院检查,F选项“检查一下,确保没问题。”符合情景。故选F。
44.根据“But I don’t want to miss the lessons.”以及“I can help you with all of them.”可知,此处在安慰对方不要担心,C选项“不要担心那个。”符合情景。故选C。
45.根据“I’ll ask Mr Zhang for leave.”以及“Thank you so much.”可知,此处在描述陪对方去请假,D选项“我和你一起去办公室。”符合情景。故选D。
A: Long time no see, Kate.
B: Hello, Alex. 46
A: That sounds great. 47
B: Certainly. Look at the photo. I wore a local traditional headdress, Zanhua.
A: It’s so beautiful! But I only know it is widely spread online these days. 48
B: 49 In ancient times, women would decorate their hair with all kinds of flowers, which not only added their beauty but also showed their expectations of good luck and happiness.
A: Wow, that’s amazing. 50
B: That’s for sure. Maybe you can experience it next time.
A: I will. I really want to explore more about these traditional things.
A.Did you have a good time there
B.It’s really a wonderful part of our culture.
C.We should let more people learn about the flowers.
D.I’ve just come back from Fujian Province after a seven-day holiday.
E.Of course not.
F.Could you mind introducing it to me
G.What other meanings does it have
【答案】46.D 47.A 48.F 49.E 50.B
46.根据“That sounds great.”可知,此处说到了自己的经历,所以对方说听起来棒极了,D选项“我刚从福建度完七天假回来”符合,故选D。
47.根据“Certainly”以及“Look at the photo. I wore a local traditional headdress”可知,此处应询问对方的游玩情况,A选项“你在那里玩得开心吗”符合,故选A。
48.根据“In ancient times, women would decorate their hair with all kinds of flowers”可知,想让对方介绍一下相关的情况,F选项“你能给我介绍一下吗”符合,故选F。
50.根据“That’s for sure”可知,此处应是发表了自己的观点,所以对方也同意这个观点,B选项“这是我们文化中非常美妙的一部分”符合,故选B。
A: Look at all this mess! You have to clean up your room.
B: OK, Mom, in a moment. 51
A: I’m afraid you have to do it now. Your grandmother will arrive in an hour.
B: All right. 52
A: Get dressed and make your bed quickly. 53
B: OK, I’ll do it.
A: 54
B: Don’t worry, Mom. I won’t forget.
A: Great! And I’m going to clean the kitchen and the living room.
B: 55
A: You can wash the dishes if you like.
B: No problem. Let’s begin!
A.Sorry, I’m in a hurry.
B.What else can I help to do
C.What shall I do first
D.The movie is almost over.
E.And don’t forget to feed the dog.
F.Can you help me do some housework
G.Then pick up all the things on the floor and put them away.
【答案】51.D 52.C 53.G 54.E 55.B
51.根据“You have to clean up your room.”和“OK, Mom, in a moment.”可知,他答应妈妈打扫房间,但要等一会儿,显然正忙于另外的事。选项D“电影快结束了。”符合语境。故选D。
52.根据“All right.”和“Get dressed and make your bed quickly”可知,他答应现在就打扫并问妈妈该这么做。选项C“我该先做什么?”符合语境。故选C。
53.根据“Get dressed and make your bed quickly”和“All right.”可知,此处是妈妈接着上一句继续告诉他要做的事。选项G“然后把地板上所有的东西都捡起来放好。”符合语境。故选G。
54.根据“Don’t worry, Mom. I won’t forget.”可知,妈妈在提醒他不要忘了某件事。选项E“别忘了喂狗。”符合语境。故选E。
55.根据“You can wash the dishes if you like.”可知,他在询问还需要做哪些事。选项B“我还能帮助做什么?”符合语境。故选B。
W: Hi, Dick. Would you like to go swimming this afternoon
M: 56 But I have a ten-page paper to finish.
W: Oh, that’s a big task. 57
M: Yes, I have to write about a poem she has taught in class.
W: That’s hard. 58
M: Not very well. And I also need to study for maths, but I don’t know what to do at all.
W: 59 I’d be happy to help you.
M: Oh, that’ll be great. Where should we meet
W: 60
M: That’s a perfect place. See you!
A.I hope so.
B.Don’t worry.
C.What is the paper for
D.How is it going so far
E.Is that for Mrs Megan’s class
F.Do you have other teachers to meet
G.How about the Students’ Learning Center
【答案】56.A 57.E 58.D 59.B 60.G
56.根据“Would you like to go swimming this afternoon”以及“But I have a ten-page paper to finish”可知,此处表示想去,A选项“我希望如此”符合语境,故选A。
57.根据“But I have a ten-page paper to finish”及“Yes, I have to write about a poem she has taught in class”可知,这是一个一般疑问句,且是询问论文的用处,E选项“那是给梅根夫人上课用的吗”符合语境,故选E。
58.根据“Not very well. And I also need to study for maths”可知,询问事情的进展,D选项“到目前为止进展如何”符合语境,故选D。
59.根据“I’d be happy to help you.”可知,此处应是安慰对方,B选项“不要担心”符合语境,故选B。
60.根据“Where should we meet ”可知,此处提出见面的地点,G选项“学生学习中心怎么样”符合语境,故选G。
A: Hi, Dale! Do you like animals
B: Yes, I do. 61
A: That’s true. So, which animal do you like best
B: 62 They are so cute with their black and white fur.
A: 63
B: Because pandas are endangered animals. They need our protection.
A: That’s a good reason. Pandas are indeed very special animals. 64
B: Yes, I do. Pandas spend most of their time eating bamboo. They eat about 12 hours a day!
A: Wow, that’s a lot of eating! I didn’t know that.
B: 65 They can climb up high trees easily.
A: That’s amazing. We should all care about and protect endangered animals like pandas.
A.Do you know anything else interesting about pandas
B.Why do you like pandas
C.Animals are so cute and interesting.
D.What’s your favourite animal
E.And pandas are also good at climbing trees.
F.I like pandas the most.
【答案】61.C 62.F 63.B 64.A 65.E
61.根据上文“Do you like animals ”和“Yes, I do.”可知,B喜欢动物,因此此处应是B对动物的正面评价。选项C“动物很可爱,很有趣。”符合语境。故选C。
62.根据下文“They are so cute with their black and white fur.”可知,B喜欢的动物是熊猫。选项F“我最喜欢熊猫。”符合语境。故选F。
63.根据下文“Because pandas are endangered animals.”可知,此处询问的是喜欢熊猫的原因。选项B“你为什么喜欢熊猫?”符合语境。故选B。
64.根据下文“Yes, I do. Pandas spend most of their time eating bamboo. They eat about 12 hours a day!”可知,B在介绍有关熊猫的知识,此处应是询问还知道熊猫的其他情况吗。选项A“你还知道有关熊猫的其他有趣的知识吗?”符合语境。故选A。
65.根据下文“They can climb up high trees easily.”可知,B在介绍熊猫的爬树的技能。选项E“还有,熊猫也很擅长爬树。”符合语境。故选E。
Long ago, the early people did not live in houses as we do today. Most of the homes were in caves or shelters (遮蔽物) which were built in trees. These ‘homes’ were only used as temporary (临时的) shelters to p 66 them from the sun, the rain and the wild animals in the forests. Men of that time were called ‘cave people’.
These ‘cave people’ usually lived in small groups and life was not e 67 for them. They had to move from place to place to s 68 for food. They would hunt, fish or pick wild fruit. When they couldn’t find a 69 to eat, they would leave to find another proper place. Their tools were very simple. They ate raw (生的) food u 70 they learnt how to make a fire. For clothing, they used only the bark (树皮) of trees or the skins (皮) of animals to c 71 their bodies.
However, the lives of the ‘cave people’ changed. They collected the seeds (种子) of wild plants that g 72 in the forests. Soon they learnt to plant fruit, vegetables and other crops. They also kept cows, sheep and other kinds of farm a 73 for milk, meat and skins. They became f 74 and lived in only one certain area. Their groups became l 75 than before as they lived more settled (固定的) lives. They built houses as long-lasting homes, and as a result, villages and towns developed quickly. The ‘cave people’ began to be civilized (文明的).
66.(p)rotect 67.(e)asy 68.(s)earch 69.(a)nything 70.(u)ntil 71.(c)over 72.(g)rew 73.(a)nimals 74.(f)armers 75.(l)arger
66.句意:这些“家”只是用作临时庇护所,保护他们免受阳光、雨水和森林里的野生动物的侵害。根据“These ‘homes’ were only used as temporary (临时的) shelters to p... them from the sun, the rain and the wild animals in the forests.”可知,这些“家”保护他们免受阳光、雨水和森林里的野生动物的侵害,protect“保护”,不定式结构中用动词原形,故填(p)rotect。
67.句意:这些“穴居人”通常生活在小群体中,生活对他们来说并不容易。根据“These ‘cave people’ usually lived in small groups and life was not e... for them.”可知,生活对他们来说并不容易,easy“容易的”,在句中作表语,故填(e)asy。
68.句意:他们不得不从一个地方搬到另一个地方寻找食物。根据“They had to move from place to place to s... for food.”可知,他们不得不搬家寻找食物,search for“寻找”符合语境,不定式结构中用动词原形,故填(s)earch。
69.句意:当他们找不到吃的东西时,他们会离开去找另一个合适的地方。根据“When they couldn’t find a... to eat, they would leave to find another proper place.”可知,找不到吃的东西时就会搬家,anything“任何东西”,用于否定句中,故填(a)nything。
70.句意:他们吃生的食物,直到学会如何生火。根据“They ate raw (生的) food u... they learnt how to make a fire.”可知,直到学会如何生火才不吃生的食物,until“直到”符合语境,故填(u)ntil。
71.句意:至于衣服,他们只用树皮或兽皮来遮盖身体。根据“they used only the bark (树皮) of trees or the skins (皮) of animals to c... their bodies”可知,他们只用树皮或兽皮来遮盖身体,cover“遮盖”,不定式结构中用动词原形,故填(c)over。
72.句意:他们收集了生长在森林中的野生植物的种子。根据“They collected the seeds (种子) of wild plants that g... in the forests.”可知,收集生长在森林中的野生植物的种子,grow“生长”,时态是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填(g)rew。
73.句意:他们还饲养牛、羊和其他种类的农场动物,以获取牛奶、肉和皮。根据“They also kept cows, sheep and other kinds of farm a... for milk, meat and skins.”可知,饲养牛、羊和其他种类的农场动物,animal“动物”,“other kinds of”修饰可数名词复数,故填(a)nimals。
74.句意:他们成了农民,只住在一个特定的地区。根据“They became f... and lived in only one certain area.”可知,他们成了农民,farmer“农民”,主语“They”是复数,故填(f)armers。
75.句意:他们的群体变得比以前更大,因为他们的生活更加稳定。根据“Their groups became l... than before as they lived more settled (固定的) lives.”可知,他们的群体变得比以前更大,larger“更大的”,在句中作表语,故填(l)arger。
Community connects us with each other. A community is a p 76 where people live, work and play together. It’s just like a school, where s 77 help each other to learn. People in a community h 78 one another, too.
People in a community have different skills. They often help neighbors s 79 all kinds of problems. For example, sometimes people do not feel well. The d 80 and nurses will make them feel better. There are also some engineers. They may help people f 81 their broken bicycles or washing machines. When people don’t know what to wear to a party or how to design their homes, the artists will give them some a 82 .
Some college students work as volunteers in their s 83 time. They often do some cleaning for the old people and help students with their h 84 .
Community is not a building or an organization. It is like a big f 85 . Members of a community have a sense of trust, safety and caring for each other.
76.(p)lace 77.(s)tudents 78.(h)elp 79.(s)olve 80.(d)octors 81.(f)ix 82.(a)dvice 83.(s)pare 84.(h)omework 85.(f)amily
76.句意:社区是人们一起生活、工作和娱乐的地方。根据首字母及“A community is a…where people live, work and play together.”可知,社区是人们生活、工作和娱乐的地方。place“地方”,名词,冠词a后用其单数形式。故填(p)lace。
77.句意:这就像一所学校,学生们互相帮助学习。根据首字母及“It’s just like a school”可知,社区像一所学校,学生们互相帮助学习。student“学生”,名词,help是动词原形,故名词应用复数形式。故填(s)tudents。
78.句意:社区里的人也会互相帮助。根据首字母及“…help each other to learn. People in a community…one another, too.”可知,此处指社区中的人们互相帮助。help“帮助”,动词。时态是一般现在时,主语是复数,谓语动词用其原形。故填(h)elp。
79.句意:他们经常帮助邻居解决各种各样的问题。根据首字母及“all kinds of problems”可知,此处指解决问题。solve“解决”,动词。help sb. do sth.“帮助某人做某事”,动词用其原形。故填(s)olve。
80.句意:医生和护士会让他们感觉好些。根据首字母及“For example, sometimes people do not feel well”可知,人们感到不舒服时,医生和护士会让他们感觉好些。doctor“医生”,可数名词,此处应用其复数形式表泛指。故填(d)octors。
81.句意:他们可以帮助人们修理坏了的自行车或洗衣机。根据首字母及“their broken bicycles or washing machines”可知,此处指修理坏了的自行车或洗衣机。fix“修理”,动词。help sb. do sth.“帮助某人做某事”,动词用其原形。故填(f)ix。
82.句意:当人们不知道穿什么去参加聚会或如何设计他们的家时,艺术家会给他们一些建议。根据首字母及“the artists will give them some…”可知,此处指艺术家会给出建议。advice“建议”,不可数名词,作动词宾语。故填(a)dvice。
83.句意:一些大学生在业余时间做志愿者。根据首字母及“Some college students work as volunteers in their…time.”可知,此处指大学生在业余时间做志愿者。spare“空闲的”,形容词,作定语修饰名词time。故填(s)pare。
84.句意:他们经常为老人打扫卫生,帮助学生做作业。根据首字母及“and help students with their…”可知,此处指大学生会帮助学生们做作业。homework“作业”,不可数名词。故填(h)omework。
85.句意:它就像一个大家庭。根据首字母及“It is like a big…”可知,此处指社区就像一个大家庭。family“家庭”,可数名词,被a修饰,用其单数形式。故填(f)amily。
Chen Xingrong, 16, whose favorite activity is jumping onto the swing (秋千) in the living room. The swing was s 86 up by his father to help him learn how to swim without water.
He was diagnosed (诊断) with autism (自闭症) when he was a baby. “We did not understand why such a thing would happen to us,” Chen Xunhu says, adding that he began travelling to big c 87 such as Beijing and Guangzhou to learn more about autism. He even quit (停止) his job and paid his full a 88 to the disease.
In 2012, the father learned that swimming could help people with autism, so he spent months learning how to swim by watching videos and reading books. At first the training to his son didn’t w 89 . To his surprise, after three months, he discovered that his son had developed the ability to control his b 90 under water. It improved his confidence, and swimming soon became a keen (热衷的) activity of the family.
Thanks to the strict training and the love and support of his family and community members, Chen Xingrong m 91 become an outstanding swimmer. Last year, he won five m 92 , including a gold, a 93 the eighth National Special Olympic Games.
As well as swimming, learning b 94 life skills is also an important part of life for a teenager with autism. With his father’s efforts, Chen has learned to buy food in the market. He also works as a v 95 at a restaurant and likes to take care of patients in a clinic (诊所) by covering the patients with quilts (被子).
“I hope he will live a wonderful life in the future.”
86.(s)et 87.(c)ities 88.(a)ttention 89.(w)ork 90.(b)reath 91.(m)anaged 92.(m)edals 93.(a)t 94.(b)asic 95.(v)olunteer
86.句意:秋千是他父亲为帮助他学会在没有水的情况下游泳而设的。set up“设立,安装”,动词短语;语态为一般过去时的被动语态,动词应用过去分词。故填(s)et。
87.句意:陈勋虎补充道,他开始前往北京和广州等大城市,以了解更多关于自闭症的知识。根据“Beijing and Guangzhou”可知北京和广州是大城市,结合首字母提示,city“城市”,符合语境,此处应用复数形式。故填(c)ities。
88.句意:他甚至辞掉了工作,全身心地投入到疾病的治疗中。pay attention to“注意”,固定短语。故填(a)ttention。
89.句意:起初,他对儿子的训练并不奏效。根据“To his surprise, after three months, he discovered ...”可知一开始他的训练并不起作用;结合首字母提示,work“起作用,奏效”,符合语境;didn’t后接动词原形。故填(w)ork。
90.句意:令他吃惊的是,三个月后,他发现儿子已经有了在水下控制呼吸的能力。根据“his son had developed the ability to control his ... under water”及首字母可知,此处指在水下控制他的呼吸;breath“呼吸”,符合语境。故填(b)reath。
91.句意:由于严格的训练和家人和社区成员的爱和支持,陈兴融成为了一名优秀的游泳运动员。根据“Chen Xingrong ... become an outstanding swimmer.”及首字母可知,成为一名优秀的游泳运动员,陈兴融做到了,manage to do sth.“设法做到某事”;时态为一般过去时,动词应用过去式。故填(m)anaged。
92.句意:去年,他在第八届全国特奥会上获得了五枚奖牌,其中包括一枚金牌。根据“including a gold”可知,此处指获得了五枚奖牌;medal“奖牌,勋章”,名词;five后接名词复数。故填(m)edals。
93.句意:去年,他在第八届全国特奥会上获得了五枚奖牌,其中包括一枚金牌。根据“the eighth National Special Olympic Games”及首字母可知,在特奥会应用介词at。故填(a)t。
94.句意:除了游泳,学习基本的生活技能也是自闭症青少年生活的重要组成部分。根据“With his father’s efforts, Chen has learned to buy food in the market.”可知此处指学习基本的生活技能;basic“基本的”,形容词作定语。故填(b)asic。
95.句意:他还在一家餐馆做志愿者,喜欢在诊所照顾病人,给病人盖上被子。根据“He also works as a ... at a restaurant”及首字母可知此处指在餐馆做一名志愿者;volunteer“志愿者”,符合语境;空前有不定冠词a,名词用单数。故填(v)olunteer。
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
(2024·黑龙江牡丹江·中考真题)(Susan is talking with her mother at home.)
A: Susan, what would you like for your birthday this year Some new toys or a visit to the Sun Island
B: Well, 1 I have a birthday party each year and we visited the Sun Island last summer. This year I have something different in mind.
A: 2
B: I decide to give away toys to a children’s hospital.
A: 3
B: No, I’ll just keep a few of my favorites. And I’ll also ask my friends and my classmates for some toys so I can give out more. 4
A: That’s a great idea.
B: Besides, I’ll use some of my pocket money (零花钱) to buy more.
A: 5
B: I don’t know exactly. I’ve saved all into my piggy bank (猪形储钱罐).
A: Then let’s go and count it.
B: OK.
A.I have lost them.
B.I’ll call them later.
C.What should I do
D.What do you decide to do
E.So how much do you have now
F.Will you give away all your toys
G.I have already had too many of them.
A: Hi, Amy. Where did you go on vacation
B: Oh, hi, Lily. 6
A: Wow, which do you like best
B: Well, I think Ningxia Museum is the best. There are many rock paintings there. 7
A: Were there many people in it
B: Yes. There were many students there, but they were quiet.
A: Cool! 8
B: No, I won’t. Next year, I plan to visit Chengdu.
A: Nice plan. By the way, I’ll have a party at home this Sunday. 9
B: Sure, I’d love to! What do you think I should wear
A: 10
B: Wonderful! See you on Sunday!
A: See you!
A.You can wear a nice dress.
B.Would you like to come
C.You know, I like rock paintings very much.
D.I went to Ningxia and visited some museums there
E.Will you go there next year
Li Hua and his foreign friend George are chatting.
George: Hi, Li Hua! 11
Li Hua: I’m enjoying the pictures of Stilts-Walking (踩高跷) of Huangzhong, Qinghai. Have you heard of it
George: 12 Can you tell me something about it
Li Hua: Sure, it’s very famous. It has been invited to perform at the Henan Spring Festival Gala (春晚). Now almost all Chinese people know it!
George: 13 Please tell me more about it.
Li Hua: 14 The performers usually dress up as ancient people and walk on more than 3 meters’ stilts carefully.
George: I can’t wait to watch it. 15
Li Hua: No problem. I can share the video with you later.
George: Thank you!
A.No, I haven’t.
B.Can you share me the video
C.Wow, that’s so cool!
D.It’s a traditional performance during the Spring Festival.
E.What are you doing
(Lei Lei and Han Lu are talking in the English corner.)
Han Lu: Hi, Lei Lei. You look excited. 16
Lei Lei: Yes. We will have an International Summer Camp.
Han Lu: Really It’s cool.
Lei Lei: Guess what We will work for the camp.
Han Lu: Wow, wonderful! 17
Lei Lei: We can introduce something special about our hometown.
Han Lu: That’s easy. Changbai Mountain and the Songhua River are my favorites.
Lei Lei: I have different ideas. 18
Han Lu: Haha! Very funny. I know you will say that.
Lei Lei: Don’t forget Changchun is also an ice and snow city.
Han Lu: 19 Winter sports in Jilin are famous around the world.
Lei Lei: That’s for sure. I hope we can tell the foreign friends more about our hometown.
Han Lu: 20
Lei Lei: Oh! It’s time for class. Let’s go.
Han Lu: OK.
A.Me, too.
B.You’re right.
C.What can we do then
D.Is there any good news
E.What’s your favorite food
F.My favorites are tieguodun and guobaorou.
Dad: What are you doing on the computer, Ann
Ann: 21
Dad: Do you know them well
Ann: 22 They are my friends in real life.
Dad: Good. You know, it can be dangerous to make friends online.
Ann: Sure, Dad. 23
Dad: That’s right. And you may advise your friends to be careful, too.
Ann: I will tell them later. In fact, I’ll meet them this afternoon.
Dad: 24
Ann: To the city library. We’ll work as volunteers there for the Internet Safety Day.
Dad: I’m so proud of you. 25
A.Have fun there!
B.It’s my pleasure.
C.Don’t worry, Dad.
D.Where are you going
E.I know I need to protect myself.
F.I’m chatting with my friends online.
(2024·吉林·中考真题)Li Hua: Hi. Robert. We will give a report about dream jobs this Friday. 26
Robert: Yes, I have.
Li Hua: 27
Robert: I want to be a doctor and I’m going to study Chinese medicine.
Li Hua: Oh, I see. You coughed a lot last month. Chinese medicine helped you, right
Robert: 28 I’ve fallen in love with it. What are you going to be
Li Hua: I want to work as a tour guide in Jilin Province.
Robert: Why do you want to do that
Li Hua: 29
Robert: Your hometown is really fantastic. I’ve seen Tianchi Lake and it’s beautiful.
Li Hua: There are some other wonderful places, such as Jingyue Park in Changchun City and Songhua Lake in Jilin City. 30
Robert: Wow! Remember to be my guide when I go there one day.
Li Hua: With pleasure.
A.You’re right.
B.What do you want to be
C.Have you finished it yet
D.They are all good places to visit.
E.I want to be a policeman when I grow up.
F.Because I want to introduce my hometown to more people.
(2024·黑龙江·中考真题)Choose the best choice from A to F to finish the dialogue. You have one more answer. Each choice should be used only once.
(Lin Hai met Wang Wei on his way to a meeting. )
A: Hi, Wang Wei. Long time no see. 31
B: Not bad, but may I know your name, please
A: I’m Lin Hai. We’re old classmates! 32
B: Let me see. Oh, you’re Lin Hai. 33 But now you are tall and strong.
A: Yes, you’re right.
B: 34
A: That’s true. But I have to wear glasses now, because I often work on the computer.
B: Oh, I see. 35 Let’s have dinner together.
A: It’s so nice of you, but I have a meeting this evening.
B: That’s a pity. I’ll call you later.
A: All right. Here’s my card. See you.
B: See you.
A.You used to be short and heavy.
B.Are you free this evening
C.Don’t you remember me
D.How’s it going now
E.You have changed a lot.
F.I remember you didn’t use to wear glasses.
M: Do you still live in the countryside now, Andy
W: No, I live in a new community in the city.
M: 36
W: Because of my father’s new job.
M: 37
W: It’s close to the railway station in which my father works. 38
M: So you can save a lot of time on traveling and a lot of money on public transport.
W: 39
M: And you don’t live with your grandparents every day now, do you
W: 40 Every Sunday is the time that we visit them.
A.No, we don’t.
B.How far is it
C.You’re kidding!
D.Yes, you’re right.
E.It’s a five-minute walk.
F.Why did you move your home
G.Well, where is your new community
A: You look pale, Mike. What’s the matter
B: 41
A: I’m sorry to hear that. Is that serious
B: 42 But my right leg is still painful.
A: I think you’d better go to see the doctor at once. 43
B: But I don’t want to miss the lessons.
A: 44 I can help you with all of them.
B: That’s very nice of you. I’ll ask Mr Zhang for leave.
A: All right. 45
B: Thank you so much.
A.I’m not sure.
B.That’s a great idea.
C.Don’t worry about that.
D.I’ll go to the office with you.
E.Or you will not take the lessons.
F.Have a check to make sure it’s OK.
G.I was hit by a bike on the way to school.
A: Long time no see, Kate.
B: Hello, Alex. 46
A: That sounds great. 47
B: Certainly. Look at the photo. I wore a local traditional headdress, Zanhua.
A: It’s so beautiful! But I only know it is widely spread online these days. 48
B: 49 In ancient times, women would decorate their hair with all kinds of flowers, which not only added their beauty but also showed their expectations of good luck and happiness.
A: Wow, that’s amazing. 50
B: That’s for sure. Maybe you can experience it next time.
A: I will. I really want to explore more about these traditional things.
A.Did you have a good time there
B.It’s really a wonderful part of our culture.
C.We should let more people learn about the flowers.
D.I’ve just come back from Fujian Province after a seven-day holiday.
E.Of course not.
F.Could you mind introducing it to me
G.What other meanings does it have
A: Look at all this mess! You have to clean up your room.
B: OK, Mom, in a moment. 51
A: I’m afraid you have to do it now. Your grandmother will arrive in an hour.
B: All right. 52
A: Get dressed and make your bed quickly. 53
B: OK, I’ll do it.
A: 54
B: Don’t worry, Mom. I won’t forget.
A: Great! And I’m going to clean the kitchen and the living room.
B: 55
A: You can wash the dishes if you like.
B: No problem. Let’s begin!
A.Sorry, I’m in a hurry.
B.What else can I help to do
C.What shall I do first
D.The movie is almost over.
E.And don’t forget to feed the dog.
F.Can you help me do some housework
G.Then pick up all the things on the floor and put them away.
W: Hi, Dick. Would you like to go swimming this afternoon
M: 56 But I have a ten-page paper to finish.
W: Oh, that’s a big task. 57
M: Yes, I have to write about a poem she has taught in class.
W: That’s hard. 58
M: Not very well. And I also need to study for maths, but I don’t know what to do at all.
W: 59 I’d be happy to help you.
M: Oh, that’ll be great. Where should we meet
W: 60
M: That’s a perfect place. See you!
A.I hope so.
B.Don’t worry.
C.What is the paper for
D.How is it going so far
E.Is that for Mrs Megan’s class
F.Do you have other teachers to meet
G.How about the Students’ Learning Center
A: Hi, Dale! Do you like animals
B: Yes, I do. 61
A: That’s true. So, which animal do you like best
B: 62 They are so cute with their black and white fur.
A: 63
B: Because pandas are endangered animals. They need our protection.
A: That’s a good reason. Pandas are indeed very special animals. 64
B: Yes, I do. Pandas spend most of their time eating bamboo. They eat about 12 hours a day!
A: Wow, that’s a lot of eating! I didn’t know that.
B: 65 They can climb up high trees easily.
A: That’s amazing. We should all care about and protect endangered animals like pandas.
A.Do you know anything else interesting about pandas
B.Why do you like pandas
C.Animals are so cute and interesting.
D.What’s your favourite animal
E.And pandas are also good at climbing trees.
F.I like pandas the most.
Long ago, the early people did not live in houses as we do today. Most of the homes were in caves or shelters (遮蔽物) which were built in trees. These ‘homes’ were only used as temporary (临时的) shelters to p 66 them from the sun, the rain and the wild animals in the forests. Men of that time were called ‘cave people’.
These ‘cave people’ usually lived in small groups and life was not e 67 for them. They had to move from place to place to s 68 for food. They would hunt, fish or pick wild fruit. When they couldn’t find a 69 to eat, they would leave to find another proper place. Their tools were very simple. They ate raw (生的) food u 70 they learnt how to make a fire. For clothing, they used only the bark (树皮) of trees or the skins (皮) of animals to c 71 their bodies.
However, the lives of the ‘cave people’ changed. They collected the seeds (种子) of wild plants that g 72 in the forests. Soon they learnt to plant fruit, vegetables and other crops. They also kept cows, sheep and other kinds of farm a 73 for milk, meat and skins. They became f 74 and lived in only one certain area. Their groups became l 75 than before as they lived more settled (固定的) lives. They built houses as long-lasting homes, and as a result, villages and towns developed quickly. The ‘cave people’ began to be civilized (文明的).
Community connects us with each other. A community is a p 76 where people live, work and play together. It’s just like a school, where s 77 help each other to learn. People in a community h 78 one another, too.
People in a community have different skills. They often help neighbors s 79 all kinds of problems. For example, sometimes people do not feel well. The d 80 and nurses will make them feel better. There are also some engineers. They may help people f 81 their broken bicycles or washing machines. When people don’t know what to wear to a party or how to design their homes, the artists will give them some a 82 .
Some college students work as volunteers in their s 83 time. They often do some cleaning for the old people and help students with their h 84 .
Community is not a building or an organization. It is like a big f 85 . Members of a community have a sense of trust, safety and caring for each other.
Chen Xingrong, 16, whose favorite activity is jumping onto the swing (秋千) in the living room. The swing was s 86 up by his father to help him learn how to swim without water.
He was diagnosed (诊断) with autism (自闭症) when he was a baby. “We did not understand why such a thing would happen to us,” Chen Xunhu says, adding that he began travelling to big c 87 such as Beijing and Guangzhou to learn more about autism. He even quit (停止) his job and paid his full a 88 to the disease.
In 2012, the father learned that swimming could help people with autism, so he spent months learning how to swim by watching videos and reading books. At first the training to his son didn’t w 89 . To his surprise, after three months, he discovered that his son had developed the ability to control his b 90 under water. It improved his confidence, and swimming soon became a keen (热衷的) activity of the family.
Thanks to the strict training and the love and support of his family and community members, Chen Xingrong m 91 become an outstanding swimmer. Last year, he won five m 92 , including a gold, a 93 the eighth National Special Olympic Games.
As well as swimming, learning b 94 life skills is also an important part of life for a teenager with autism. With his father’s efforts, Chen has learned to buy food in the market. He also works as a v 95 at a restaurant and likes to take care of patients in a clinic (诊所) by covering the patients with quilts (被子).
“I hope he will live a wonderful life in the future.”
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



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