【命题风向标】地区特色-备考2025中考英语真题新题型分类 原卷+解析卷

【命题风向标】地区特色-备考2025中考英语真题新题型分类 解析卷
It was reported in May 2024 that the China Wildlife Conservation Association (CWCA,中国野生动物保护协会) will send giant pandas Yun Chuan and Xin Bao to the San Diego Zoo in the United States, which is a symbol of a new 10-year period of international conservation partnership. The CWCA has organized experienced caretakers and doctors to go with the pandas to the US. The zoo is getting ready to provide the pandas with a larger and more comfortable living environment. It has also formed a team with special skills related with panda care, daily nursing, and scientific research.
The cooperation (合作) between the CWCA and the San Diego Zoo dates back to 1996 when Bai Yun and Shi Shi became the first pair of pandas to live in the zoo. Giant pandas Hua Mei, born in 1999, and Mei Sheng, born in 2003, who used to live there, are the result of China-US giant panda research cooperation. Over the past twenty years, the two sides have cooperated and solved many technical problems, including important discoveries in key areas like panda raising.
Since the 1990s, China has cooperated on giant panda conservation with 20 countries. “International cooperation in fields such as disease prevention and control, treatment, and wild training and reintroduction to the wild, has achieved good results. Giant pandas will facilitate communication between peoples and let people around the world know China better,” said Li, the leader of the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda.
“Scientific and educational outreach (延伸服务) also serves as a key role in international giant panda exchanges, allowing more people to understand giant pandas, which provides very good support for our efforts in protecting wild giant pandas,” Li said.
1.China’s sending Yun Chuan and Xin Bao to the San Diego Zoo means ________.
A.a good living condition for pandas B.a new age of conservation cooperation
C.a great achievement in scientific research D.a long-term plan for training panda caretakers
2.How long have the CWCA and the San Diego Zoo cooperated
A.21 years. B.25 years. C.28 years. D.34 years.
3.What is Paragraph 2 mainly about
A.The history of the cooperation. B.The raising of the giant pandas.
C.The lives of the pandas in the US. D.The process of solving the problems.
4.What does the underlined word “facilitate” in Paragraph 3 probably mean
A.Expect. B.Create. C.Improve. D.Receive.
5.What do we know from the last paragraph
A.Scientific research is well on its way. B.The outreach plays an important part.
C.The cooperation requires international support. D.Education about wildlife protection is a big success.
【答案】1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.B
1.细节理解题。根据“It was reported in May 2024 that the China Wildlife Conservation Association will send giant pandas Yun Chuan and Xin Bao to the San Diego Zoo in the United States, which is a symbol of a new 10-year period of international conservation partnership.”可知中国野生动物保护协会将把大熊猫云川和鑫宝送往美国圣地亚哥动物园,这标志着双方新的10年国际保护伙伴关系。故选B。
2.推理判断题。根据“The cooperation between the CWCA and the San Diego Zoo dates back to 1996 when Bai Yun and Shi Shi became the first pair of pandas to live in the zoo.”可知中国野生动物保护协会和圣地亚哥动物园的合作是从1996年开始,到现在已经28年了。故选C。
3.推理判断题。根据“The cooperation between the CWCA and the San Diego Zoo dates back to 1996 when Bai Yun and Shi Shi became the first pair of pandas to live in the zoo.”可知本段介绍了中国野生动物保护协会和圣地亚哥动物园的合作。故选A。
4.词义推断题。根据“Giant pandas will facilitate communication between peoples and let people around the world know China better”可知大熊猫会促进人们的沟通,让世界人们了解中国,facilitate有“促进”的意思,用improve意思相近。故选C。
5.推理判断题。根据“Scientific and educational outreach also serves as a key role in international giant panda exchanges, allowing more people to understand giant pandas, which provides very good support for our efforts in protecting wild giant pandas,”可知最后一段介绍了延伸服务的重要作用。故选B。
In Northwest China’s Gansu Province, there are camel traffic lights at Mingsha Mountain and Yueya Spring, a scenic spot (景点) surrounded by sand dunes (沙丘). A red camel shows “stop” and a green camel shows “go”. The special traffic lights, first designed to reduce the traffic jam in the desert, got much media attention in 2023 and have become a popular tourist attraction.
According to a report, more than 3.7 million tourists visited the spot in 2023, with 42 percent choosing camel rides.
The quick increase in tourists needs more local camel herders (牧民). Zhao, 42, is an experienced camel owner from the Yueya Spring Village, who owns 21 camels. The rapid development of tourism has brought hope for the villagers. And they began to do the camel walking business at the scenic spot.
In the busy season in summer, the scenic area is home to about 2,000 camels. Each camel undertakes three trips a day.
“Our village used to be poor, but now we are rich because of the camel walking business. They are like family members to us. In summer, we give them nice food and help them cool down. We also take them to the vet for annual check-ups in winter.” Zhao said.
6.How does the writer introduce the topic of the passage in Paragraph 1
A.By telling a story. B.By giving examples.
C.By asking questions. D.By describing a scene.
7.How many tourists chose camel rides at the scenic spot in 2023
A.More than 3.7 million tourists. B.More than 4.2 million tourists.
C.More than 1.5 million tourists. D.More than 2.4 million tourists.
8.The underlined word “they” in Paragraph 3 refers to “________”.
A.tourists B.villagers C.scenic spots D.camel rides
9.What’s the best title for the passage
A.The friendship between the villagers and camels.
B.The camels living in the desert.
C.The developing tourism in the desert.
D.The special camel traffic lights in the desert.
10.The passage probably is ________.
A.a letter B.an ad C.a novel D.a news report
【答案】6.D 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.D
6.细节理解题。根据“In Northwest China’s Gansu Province, there are camel traffic lights at Mingsha Mountain and Yueya Spring, a scenic spot (景点) surrounded by sand dunes (沙丘)....”可知,第一段开头描绘了鸣沙山月牙泉景区的景象,以此引入文章主题。故选D。
7.细节理解题。根据“According to a report, more than 3.7 million tourists visited the spot in 2023, with 42 percent choosing camel rides.”可知,在2023年,超过370万游客参观了该景点,42%的游客选择骑骆驼,即大约3700000×0.42=1554000人骑骆驼。故选C。
8.词句猜测题。根据“The rapid development of tourism has brought hope for the villagers. And they began to do the camel walking business at the scenic spot.”可知,旅游业的快速发展给村民们带来了希望。于是村名们开始在景区做骆驼散步的生意。此处代词“they”指代前句“the villagers”。故选B。
10.推理判断题。根据“According to a report, more than 3.7 million tourists visited the spot in 2023, with 42 percent choosing camel rides.”以及通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了甘肃省鸣沙山月牙泉景区骆驼生意的发展,文章可能来自于一篇新闻报道。故选D。
More tigers are moving from Russia into northeastern China. This is because the environment is better for them to live in.
As human activities become less and the number of the wild animals is rising, tigers come to China for food.
Also, there is a cross-border corridor (跨境走廊) between China and Russia. It helps the tigers travel around freely. Data (数据) from a research team show that between 2013 and 2016, nearly 80 percent of the tigers moved across the corridor.
Besides, China started a number of projects to protect the tigers. As we all know, tigers need large areas to move around, so it’s important to build national parks. In 2021, the Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park was set up in Heilongjiang Province and Jilin Province. It covers around 14,100 square kilometers. The national park creates a shared home for the animals. As a result, the number of the tigers has grown.
One more reason is that experts from China and Russia work together to research on tiger protection. Many volunteers go to protect tigers around the forests every year. It’s believed that there will be more tigers in the near future.
11.Between China and Russia, there is a cross-border corridor.
12.Nearly 90 percent of the tigers moved across the corridor between 2013 and 2016.
13.It’s important to build the national parks because tigers need large areas to move around.
14.The Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park was set up in 2023.
15.Many volunteers go to protect tigers around the forests each year.
【答案】11.T 12.F 13.T 14.F 15.T
11.细节理解题。根据第三段“Also, there is a cross-border corridor (跨境走廊) between China and Russia.”可知,中国和俄罗斯之间有一条跨境走廊。故答案为T。
12.细节理解题。根据第三段“Data (数据) from a research team show that between 2013 and 2016, nearly 80 percent of the tigers moved across the corridor.”可知,在2013年至2016年期间,近80%的老虎穿过了跨境走廊。故答案为F。
13.细节理解题。根据第四段“As we all know, tigers need large areas to move around, so it’s important to build national parks.”可知,老虎需要大面积的活动区域,所以建立国家公园是很重要的。故答案为T。
14.细节理解题。根据第四段“In 2021, the Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park was set up in Heilongjiang Province and Jilin Province.”可知,东北虎豹国家公园于2021年建立。故答案为F。
15.细节理解题。根据最后一段“Many volunteers go to protect tigers around the forests every year.”可知,每年都有许多志愿者去保护森林周围的老虎。故答案为T。
Yushu, Qinghai is one of the habitats for black-necked cranes (黑颈鹤). Cranes have very long necks and their necks are black. That’s why they are called black-necked cranes. Cranes travel very far every year. Cranes spend about 5 months in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.
Starting in March, black-necked cranes will fly back to Qinghai. There are lakes and marshes (沼泽), perfect for them to live in. Year after year, black-necked cranes may fly to other places, but they always come back to the plateau areas.
Their life is harsh, because they have no enough food and the weather changes very often. Black-necked cranes have a very small population. They are under first-class state protection in China. Local people treat the birds with love. In local tradition, they are a symbol of good luck, so they are very popular.
It is not hard to get along with the wild animals. Just give them a little more space. They can have a bigger chance to thrive (兴旺). People in Qinghai are working very hard to make sure the black-necked cranes live better.
16.How long do the cranes spend in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
A.About 3 months. B.About 4 months.
C.About 5 months. D.About 6 months.
17.________ are the perfect places for black-necked cranes to live in.
A.Lakes and marshes B.Rivers C.Mountains D.Trees
18.Why do local people love the birds
A.Because they can fly in the sky. B.Because they are black.
C.Because they look beautiful. D.Because they are a symbol of good luck.
19.In paragraph 3, what does the underlined word “harsh” mean
A.Hard. B.Easy. C.Interesting. D.Relaxing.
20.According to the passage, what will happen to black-necked cranes in the future
A.Black-necked cranes will not come back.
B.There will be more black-necked cranes in the future.
C.The city will be a home for black-necked cranes.
D.People will hurt black-necked cranes.
【答案】16.C 17.A 18.D 19.A 20.B
16.细节理解题。根据“Cranes spend about 5 months in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.”可知,鹤在青藏高原的生活时间约为5个月。故选C。
17.细节理解题。根据“There are lakes and marshes (沼泽), perfect for them to live in.”可知,湖泊和沼泽非常适合它们居住。故选A。
18.细节理解题。根据“Local people treat the birds with love. In local tradition, they are a symbol of good luck, so they are very popular.”可知,在当地的传统中,它们是好运的象征,所以它们很受欢迎。故选D。
19.细节理解题。根据“Their life is harsh, because they have no enough food and the weather changes very often.”可知,它们没有足够的食物,而且天气经常变化,所以它们的生活是很艰苦的,故选A。
20.推理判断题。根据“It is not hard to get along with the wild animals. Just give them a little more space. They can have a bigger chance to thrive (兴旺). People in Qinghai are working very hard to make sure the black-necked cranes live better.”可知,与野生动物相处并不难。给它们多一点空间。它们可以有更大的机会变得兴旺。青海人民正在努力工作,以确保黑颈鹤生活得更好。由此可知,在青海人民的努力下,将来会有更多的黑颈鹤。故选B。
Pan Yuzhen, 77, is an inheritor (继承人) of the intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产) of Miao embroidery (刺绣) in Southwest China’s Guizhou Province. Pan has often been a guest on the International fashion stage. 21
“ 22 Since I was five years old, I have learned embroidery from my mother and sister. Miao embroidery methods are complicated (复杂的), but I have financially mastered all of them.” Pan said. “I can embroider clothe for myself and family.”
Pan’s daughter Zhang Yanmei was born in 1977. She suffered from poliomyelitis (小儿麻痹症) at the age of three. Because her family is so poor, 23 She traveled to many cities including Shanghai, Beijing and other places by train. Zhang remembered that her mother was always back home in a hurry and brought some candies and new clothes to her, but she never complained about her hardship.
In 1999, Zhang went to Beijing to join her mother after graduation from high school to do business while learning embroidery. 24 she met many foreign friends there. “They advised me to go abroad and sell embroidery products. I went to the United Sates to do business related to Miao embroidery from 2006 to 2016.” Pan said.
Pan also went to the UK to join in all kinds of fashion show activities. Pan said. “When the foreigners saw these products 25 Miso embroidery is the pride of our Chinese people.”
A.Due to the family’s heavy financial burden (经济负担).
B.At that time, Pan had a stall (摊位) in Panjiayuan Antique (古玩) Market.
C.who were interested in Miao embroidery.
D.She has been famous for these experiences.
E.Pan began to sell Miao embroidery products around the country.
F.they rushed to take photos with the Chinese embroiderer.
G.The girls in my hometown can embroider with needles (针) from a very young age.
【答案】21.D 22.G 23.E 24.B 25.F
21.根据“Pan has often been a guest on the International fashion stage. ”可知,她经常是国际时尚舞台上的嘉宾,此处介绍的是她很出名,D选项“她因为这些经历而出名”符合,故选D。
22.根据“Since I was five years old, I have learned embroidery from my mother and sister.”可知,此处介绍她小时候的情况,G选项“我家乡的女孩很小的时候就会用针刺绣”符合,故选G。
23.根据“Because her family is so poor…She traveled to many cities including Shanghai, Beijing and other places by train. Zhang remembered that her mother was always back home in a hurry and brought some candies and new clothes to her”可知,因为家里穷,所以她去各地做一些生意,E选项“潘开始在全国各地销售苗绣产品”符合,故选E。
24.根据“she met many foreign friends there”可知,提到了遇见外国朋友的地方,B选项“当时,潘在潘家园古玩市场摆摊”符合,故选B。
25.根据“When the foreigners saw these products ”可知,此处介绍外国人看到这些产品时的反应,F选项“他们冲过去和中国刺绣师合影”符合,故选F。
After a 10-year project to count tuna and other large fish in the world's oceans, scientists have made a very surprising discovery: these fish are almost gone. Because of too much fishing, almost 90 percent of the worldwide population of large fish—the ones we usually eat—has disappeared. If we don’t act, these animals will totally disappear. That will influence every animal in the ocean.
The demand for fish is growing. Almost a billion people around the world get their protein (蛋白质) mostly from fish. Doctors praise seafood for being low in fat. But what seems like a healthy choice for humans is causing a disaster to our oceans. “People are consuming (消费) too much,” says Lance Morgan, a scientist at the Marine Conservation Biology Institute.
A dish of tuna in restaurants costs more than just one animal's life. When fish like tuna disappear from the ecosystem (生态系统), the ocean’s food chain (链) breaks down. Animals such as sharks, which normally eat tuna, may die because they find no food.
The news may be scary, but taking action from now on can prevent harm that hasn’t happened yet. World organizations are ordering countries to stop fishing too much. The Monterey Bay Aquarium gives seafood choices to anyone hoping to keep healthy without destroying the environment.
“If you care about wildlife, first spend time and think about your own values and beliefs,” says Morgan. “Then decide what you’re going to eat.”
26.How does the writer start the text
A.By giving a fact. B.By asking a question.
C.By telling a story. D.By using a saying.
27.What does the underlined word “demand” in Paragraph 2 probably mean
A.Wish. B.Support. C.Need. D.Price.
28.From Paragraph 3, we know that ________.
A.if sharks die out, tuna will die out soon B.tuna will be more popular in restaurants
C.tuna plays an important role in the ecosystem D.tuna disappeared because they found no food
29.What’s the purpose of the text
A.To tell people to stop polluting our oceans. B.To tell people to protect wildlife in oceans.
C.To tell people to avoid eating too much seafood. D.To tell people to live a balanced and healthy life.
30.What does the last paragraph of the article explain ________.
A.We need to care about wildlife B.We need to eat wild animals
C.We need to reflect on our own values and beliefs D.We don’t want to protect wild animals
【答案】26.A 27.C 28.C 29.B 30.C
26.推理判断题。根据“After a 10-year project to count tuna and other large fish in the world’s oceans, scientists have made a very surprising discovery...”可知,作者根据科学家研究发现事实引入本文内容。故选A。
27.词句猜测题。根据划线单词所在句子后面内容“Almost a billion people around the world get their protein (蛋白质) mostly from fish. Doctors praise seafood for being low in fat.”可知,很多人从鱼肉中获取蛋白质,医生也称赞海洋食物低脂肪,推测出因此造成了对鱼类需求的增加。因此,demand意为“需求”,与need同义。故选C。
28.推理判断题。根据“When fish like tuna disappear from the ecosystem (生态系统), the ocean’s food chain (链) breaks down.”可知,金枪鱼在生态系统中起着重要作用。故选C。
29.推理判断题。根据“If we don’t act, these animals will totally disappear.”和“If you care about wildlife, first spend time and think about your own values and beliefs”可知,作者通过本文想要呼吁人们保护海洋中的野生动物。故选B。
30.细节理解题。根据“ ‘If you care about wildlife, first spend time and think about your own values and beliefs,’ says Morgan. ‘Then decide what you’re going to eat.’ ”可知,作者在最后一段表明了我们需要反思我们自己的价值观和信仰,故选C。
Have you ever imagined what bees can do with their tiny brains Now scientists are looking into a bee’s brain.
Clint Perry, a scientist, has spent much time studying how bees think. He says studying bees is not very different from studying other animals. “The main difficulty is to design (设计) an experiment (实验) bee and get what we want,” he says. “With humans, we can ask them a question and get an answer. But we can’t use the same way to get an answer from bees. They are just trying to get sugar. Bees like sugar.”
The fact that bees like sugar is helpful for scientists to design experiments. For example, in one experiment, Perry gave bees a task: to find delicious sugar on a landing place above a black bar (棒). Perry made the task easier or harder by moving the landing place farther from or closer to the black bar. He found that bees would avoid the task when it was difficult. And when the task was easy, bees would try it.
As for humans, we might choose not to take a test when we weren’t ready for it. And we might choose to take the test when we were well prepared. In the same way, bees seemed to make decisions like humans.
Perry points out that we are not sure whether bees actually make a thoughtful choice from experiments. Now scientists still do not know how bees manage to do so much with their tiny brains. But learning more about how bees’ brains work could help us learn more about how our own brains deal with information.
31.What did Perry study in his experiments
A.How bees sleep. B.How bees think. C.How bees dream.
32.What can we know from Paragraph 2
A.Bees can talk. B.Bees are lazy. C.Bees like sugar.
33.What would bees do when the task was easy according to Paragraph 3
A.They would try it. B.They would avoid it. C.They would praise it.
34.What’s the importance of looking into bees’ brains
A.It helps us learn how human brains work.
B.It tells us how to make thoughtful choices.
C.It lets us know how to deal with information.
35.Where is the article probably taken from
A.A travel magazine. B.A sports magazine. C.A science magazine.
【答案】31.B 32.C 33.A 34.A 35.C
31.细节理解题。根据“Clint Perry, a scientist, has spent much time studying how bees think.”可知,科学家克林特·佩里花了很多时间研究蜜蜂是如何思考的。故选B。
32.细节理解题。根据“Bees like sugar.”可知,蜜蜂喜欢糖。故选C。
33.细节理解题。根据“And when the task was easy, bees would try it.”可知,当任务很容易时,蜜蜂就会尝试。故选A。
34.细节理解题。根据“But learning more about how bees’ brains work could help us learn more about how our own brains deal with information.”可知,但更多地了解蜜蜂的大脑是如何工作的,可以帮助我们更多地了解人类大脑是如何处理信息的。故选A。
We’ve all seen pictures of camels carrying heavy loads (负载物) across the sandy desert. They walk without stopping for food or water for several days.
Have you ever wondered how they do it For your answer, take a look at the bag round hump which is on a camel’s back.
Camels are the only animals with humps. And it’s the hump that gives camels the amazing ability to go for long periods of time without food or water. The hump is like a spare cupboard (备用食物柜) where the camel stores (储存) food and water for days when there is nothing to eat or drink.
When life is good, and there is plenty to eat and drink, a camel’s hump can grow to as big as 40 kilograms. The food is changed into fat (脂防) and stored in the camel’s bump.
When there is nothing to eat or drink, camels begin to use the stored fat in their humps. That’s why they can continue to live for weeks without food and up to 10 days without water.
Camels are like sponges. They can take in more than 130 litres of water in one short drink. In only a few minutes, all of this water goes directly to the camel’s blood cells (组胞).
Camels save water too. They never know when they’ll find the next watering hole. As they breathe out, their noses close quickly. The water in the breath stays in their bodies.
After a long trek across the desert carrying 100 kilograms or more, a camel can lose up to 150 kilograms of weight. The camel’s hump will become very small. As soon as this camel gets to an oasis (绿洲), it will take in hundreds of litres of water. In a day, it will get back most of its weight.
Nature really has given camels the perfect system for living the hard desert life.
36.What is Paragraph 3 mainly about
A.The shape of the hump. B.The habit of the camel.
C.The function (功能) of the hump. D.The ability of the camel
37.Which is TRUE about the hump
A.The hump stores different kinds of food.
B.The hump always stays the same size.
C.The hump can store more than 130 litres water.
D.The weight of the hump depends on eating conditions.
38.What does the underlined word “sponges” mean
A.海绵 B.弹簧 C.水桶 D.吸管
39.Why docs the writer use some numbers in this passage
A.To explain the facts more clearly.
B.To express the ideas more politely.
C.To make the article more educational.
D.To make the language more beautiful.
40.What does the writer mainly want to tell us
A.Camels have some amazing abilities.
B.Camels are good helpers for desert people.
C.Camels have a great quality of never wasting water.
D.Camels have a perfect system for living in the desert.
【答案】36.C 37.D 38.A 39.A 40.D
36.主旨大意题。根据“Camels are the only animals with humps. And it’s the hump that gives camels the amazing ability to go for long periods of time without food or water...”可知本段主要介绍了驼峰的功能。故选C。
37.推理判断题。根据“When life is good, and there is plenty to eat and drink, a camel’s hump can grow to as big as 40 kilograms”可知当生活很好,有充足的食物和饮料时,骆驼的驼峰可以长到40公斤大,可见驼峰的重量取决于饮食条件。故选D。
38.词义猜测题。根据“Camels are like sponges. They can take in more than 130 litres of water in one short drink”可知是像海绵一样,可以吸水,故此处划线部分意为“海绵”。故选A。
39.推理判断题。根据“a camel’s hump can grow to as big as 40 kilograms”“they can continue to live for weeks without food and up to 10 days without water.”“They can take in more than 130 litres of water in one short drink”以及“After a long trek across the desert carrying 100 kilograms or more, a camel can lose up to 150 kilograms of weight.”可知这些数字更好地描述了骆驼的情况,即为了更准确地解释事实。故选A。
People know animals do have feelings, but they are not sure if these feelings are correctly understood. In recent years, scientists have done research about the feelings of cows, frogs and pandas. ▲ It says that humans can tell whether a chicken is happy or sad by listening to its calls.
The researchers put a bowl behind a door. Inside the bowl, sometimes, there was something chickens love to eat, such as rice or insects. Sometimes, there was nothing. When the chickens saw food behind the door, they seemed happy and produced fast and loud sounds, known as food calls. When there wasn’t food, the chickens made low and long noises to express disappointment. The researchers recorded all these sounds and studied their waves.
Then the researchers chose 16 recordings of such chicken noises. Half were from the chickens seeing the food and half were from the chickens finding no food. The recordings were played to 194 volunteers. Sixty-nine percent of the volunteers correctly understood whether the chickens were feeling happy or not, and some of them even had no experience of taking care of chickens.
The result shows that humans have the natural ability to understand the feelings of chickens. Hopefully, this finding can bring about new technology to help with chicken-raising, a big industry in many countries. Some scientists are already working on a smart computer program that can identify chickens’ feelings. This is good news for farmers who want to make the birds happier and healthier.
41.Which of the following can be put in “________” in Paragraph 1
A.Humans may not like animals. B.Scientists know nothing about it.
C.Nobody knows why this happens. D.A new study adds chickens to the list.
42.Which is most probably the sound wave of a happy call by a chicken
A. B. C. D.
43.How did the volunteers help with the research
A.By listening to the chicken calls. B.By taking care of the chickens.
C.By finding food for the chickens. D.By making the chickens happy.
44.What does the underlined word “identify” mean in Paragraph 4
A.Control. B.Hide. C.Recognize. D.Hurt.
45.What is the best title for the passage
A.Chickens’ Food Calls B.Happy Chickens, Sad Chickens
C.Farmers’ Best Choice D.Smart Farmers, Healthy Farmers
【答案】41.D 42.D 43.A 44.C 45.B
41.推理判断题。根据“In recent years, scientists have done research about the feelings of cows, frogs and pandas. ... It says that humans can tell whether a chicken is happy or sad by listening to its calls.”可知,空前提到牛、青蛙和熊猫,空后提到鸡,选项D “一项新的研究将鸡加入了这个名单” 符合语境,故选D。
42.推理判断题。根据“When the chickens saw food behind the door, they seemed happy and produced fast and loud sounds”可知,当鸡看到门后有食物时,它们似乎很高兴,并发出快速而响亮的声音。选项D符合 “快速而响亮的声音” 这一描述,故选D。
43.细节理解题。根据“The recordings were played to 194 volunteers.”可知,这些录音播放给194名志愿者听,所以志愿者们是通过听鸡叫来帮助这项研究,故选A。
44.词句猜测题。根据“Some scientists are already working on a smart computer program that can identify chickens’ feelings.”可知,一些科学家已经在研究一种可以……鸡的情感的智能计算机程序。联系前文可知,是为了识别鸡的情感,故选C。
45.最佳标题题。本文介绍研究结果表明人类可以通过听鸡的叫声来判断它是高兴还是悲伤,选项B “快乐的鸡,悲伤的鸡” 符合主题,故选B。
The Four Seasons, written by the Italian musician Antonio Vivaldi, was first played about 300 years ago. Since then, it has enjoyed worldwide popularity.
The great musical work includes four parts: “Spring”, “Summer”, “Autumn” and ‘‘Winter”. Each part brings to mind the season it is meant to describe. “Summer”, for example, begins slowly. Listeners can easily picture a hot, lazy summer day when nobody wants to move. When you listen to “Autumn”, a harvest (收获) celebration will readily come to mind.
But now, Hache Costa, a music director in Spain, has decided to give the old work a fresh feel. He says the climate (气候) today is very different from what it was in the 1700s. The Four Seasons would be “a lot dirtier” if it were written now.
Costa has “updated” the musical work to make it match the realities of the modern world. The ‘“updated” musical work has been played in Madrid, Spain. The performance takes place in front of a screen. As the musicians play, a video shows the effects (影响) of climate change, such as forest fires and unusually dry weather.
After enjoying it, people find the new “Summer” now sounds noisier and more powerful. Because of global warming (全球变暖), the other three seasons have become shorter. Costa says he expects people to feel “really sad” after listening to the new Four Seasons.
“I really want more people to become truly aware of (意识到) what is happening to our planet,” says Costa. “And I believe Vivaldi would not be angry with my changes.”
46.What do we know about The Four Seasons
A.It is still unpopular now.
B.It was written by Hache Costa.
C.It was first played about 300 years ago.
47.What will come to mind when we listen to the old “Autumn” according to the passage
A.Forest fires and dry weather. B.A harvest celebration. C.A hot lazy day.
48.Which is close to the underlined word “updated” in meaning in Paragraph 4
A.提上日程 B.追根溯源 C.赋予新意
49.Why did Hache Costa give the old work a fresh feel
A.To call on more people to love music.
B.To raise public awareness of climate change.
C.To present the story of Antonio Vivaldi’s colorful life.
【答案】46.C 47.B 48.C 49.B
46.细节理解题。根据“The Four Seasons, written by the Italian musician Antonio Vivaldi, was first played about 300 years ago.”可知,意大利音乐家安东尼奥·维瓦尔第创作的《四季》首次演奏是在大约300年前。故选C。
47.细节理解题。根据“When you listen to ‘Autumn’, a harvest (收获) celebration will readily come to mind.”可知,当你听到“秋天”时,你会很容易想到丰收的庆祝。故选B。
48.词句猜测题。根据“Costa has ‘updated’ the musical work to make it match the realities of the modern world.”可知,使其符合现代世界的现实,所以是给这部音乐作品“赋予新意”,故选C。
49.推理判断题。根据“Because of global warming (全球变暖), the other three seasons have become shorter. Costa says he expects people to feel ‘really sad’ after listening to the new Four Seasons.”和“I really want more people to become truly aware of (意识到) what is happening to our planet.”可知,由于全球变暖,其他三个季节变短了。科斯塔说,他预计人们在听了新的《四季》之后会感到“非常难过”。作者希望更多的人真正意识到我们的星球正在发生什么。由此可知,Hache Costa给老作品带来新鲜感是为了提高公众对气候变化的认识。故选B。
When I was a little boy, I lived next to David. He liked to plant trees in his large yard on weekends. But the way he planted trees was quite different. He never watered his new trees. I asked him why he did so, and he said that watering trees would spoil them. “If you water the trees, each baby tree will grow weaker and weaker.” said David. He told me that watering these new trees would make roots (树根) shallow (浅), but deep roots were very important for trees. I didn’t understand his words at that time.
Several years after I left home, I came back to visit my parents. When I walked by David’s house, I saw the trees that he planted. They are strong now. I suddenly realize that planting a tree is like raising a child. As a father of two children, I shouldn’t care for them too much. Instead, they should depend on themselves. In that case, whatever happens, they can make their own decisions.
50.When did David like to plant trees
A.On weekends. B.On Fridays.
C.On sunny mornings. D.On rainy days.
51.What does the underlined word “spoil” probably mean in Paragraph 1
A.be bad for B.be famous for C.be similar to D.be thankful to
52.Why didn’t David water his new trees
A.Because he didn’t have enough water. B.Because he was too old to water trees.
C.Because he wanted to make roots deep. D.Because he didn’t know how to water trees.
53.How are the trees that David planted now
A.Dead. B.Strong. C.Small. D.Weak.
54.What does the writer learn from his experience
A.Children should plant trees. B.Parents should water trees all the time.
C.Children should depend on themselves. D.Parents should care for their kids too much.
【答案】50.A 51.A 52.C 53.B 54.C
50.细节理解题。根据“He liked to plant trees in his large yard on weekends.”可知,David喜欢在周末种树。故选A。
51.词句猜测题。根据下文“If you water the trees, each baby tree will grow weaker and weaker.”可知,如果给树浇水,每棵小树会变得越来越弱,所以“spoil”在这里的意思是“对……有害”。故选A。
52.细节理解题。根据“He told me that watering these new trees would make roots (树根) shallow (浅), but deep roots were very important for trees.”可知,新树浇水会使根变浅,但深根对树来说非常重要,所以David不给新树浇水是因为他想让树根深入。故选C。
53.细节理解题。根据“When I walked by David’s house, I saw the trees that he planted. They are strong now.”可知,David种的树现在很强壮。故选B。
54.细节理解题。根据“As a father of two children, I shouldn’t care for them too much. Instead, they should depend on themselves.”可知,作者从这次经历中学到的是孩子应该学会依靠自己,父母不能对他们过分关心。故选C。
Genevieve Moss has serious hearing loss. Her world has always been silent. Alone in a town in England, she often felt lonely.
Then one day in April in 2021, something stopped Moss as she read the local newspaper. It was a photo of a tiny black-and-white cat. A family was looking for a home for their last newborn cat. Moss fell in love with it at first sight and contacted the family. Soon, the cat came to Moss’s house. Moss called the cat Zebby because his colors looked like those of a zebra.
Moss once heard of studies showing that pets can help people deal with loneliness. However, she had no idea that Zebby would become her helper and her ears. From their first night together, Zebby has slept next to her. When he hears noises in the dark, he jumps up. “He became my night watch cat,” Moss said. “Sometimes he would run around the room until I woke up.”
After several weeks, Moss noticed that whenever her phone rang or someone knocked at the door, Zebby would touch her lightly. It wasn’t long before the cat took on another task: collecting Moss’s mail. Now whenever he hears the mailbox being opened, he runs towards it, carries the mail in his mouth and drops it at Moss’s feet.
This past May, Zebby was named Britain’s National Cat of the Year by Cats Protection. According to the largest cat charity, Zebby beat out about 3,000 other cats because of the many ways he makes Moss’s life easier. He has had no training at all, but his natural abilities seem to have told him that his owner needs his help.
“Zebby has made my house a home,” Moss said. “I can hardly imagine not having Zebby in my life now.”
55.Why did Moss choose the cat
A.Because she liked it when she saw its photo. B.Because she wished to have a helping ear.
C.Because she wanted to help a local family. D.Because she planned to study pet animals.
56.What do the underlined words “beat out” probably mean in Paragraph 5
A.Looked prettier than. B.Was quieter than.
C.Felt softer than. D.Did better than.
57.What is the best title for the passage
A.Moss trains Zebby for the prize B.Zebby brings help and joy to Moss
C.Moss takes good care of Zebby D.Zebby finds itself a warm home
【答案】55.A 56.D 57.B
55.细节理解题。根据“Moss fell in love with it at first sight and contacted the family.”可知,Moss在报纸上看到猫的照片的第一眼就喜欢上它。故选A。
56.词句猜测题。根据“Zebby beat out about 3,000 other cats because of the many ways he makes Moss’s life easier”可知,Zebby在很多方面让它的主人Moss生活得更轻松,因此此处指它比3000多只猫都做得要好;“beat out”表示“比……做得更好”。故选D。
We’re plants. Give us your care and we will bring joy to you. Please take us home, will you
Get to know us Flowers We bring bright colors! Houseplants We are green and light up rooms! Succulents (多肉植物) We don’t need much care! Vegetables How about home-grown food Give us a home We can live in a pot. It can be put near a window, by a sofa or under a tree. Placing us on a wall will bring you much fun. We love it, too. Care for us Spring We may need fertilizers (化肥). Summer We hate harmful insects. Autumn We need less water. Winter Give us a larger home if necessary.
58.According to the text, ________ don’t need much care.
A.flowers B.houseplants C.succulents D.vegetables
59.It’s fun to put a pot of plants ________.
A.on a wall B.by a sofa C.near a window D.under a tree
60.Plants need to be protected from harmful insects, especially in ________.
A.spring B.summer C.autumn D.winter
61.Which part of a magazine is the text most probably taken from
A.Art. B.Life. C.Sports. D.History.
【答案】58.C 59.A 60.B 61.B
58.细节理解题。根据“Succulents (多肉植物) We don’t need much care!”可知,多肉植物不太需要照顾,故选C。
59.细节理解题。根据“Placing us on a wall will bring you much fun.”可知,把植物挂在墙上会给你带来很多乐趣。故选A。
60.细节理解题。根据“Summer We hate harmful insects.”可知,尤其是在夏天需要保护植物不受有害昆虫的侵害,故选B。
Orangutan means “person of the forest” in the Malay language. Orangutans are great apes (猿). Wild orangutans live on two islands—Sumatra and Borneo in Southeast Asia. Orangutans have long and powerful arms, fingers and toes. These help them climb and swing between trees in the rainforest.
Orangutans mostly eat fruit. They also eat leaves, flowers, and sometimes insects. Over 300 different types of food have been found in their diet. Orangutans play a very important role in spreading fruit and plant seeds in the forest. This helps to keep their rainforest home healthy.
Orangutans are smart and intelligent. They create and use tools to get seeds from fruit. They also use tools to catch insects from the insides of trees. Orangutans memorize the rainforest where they live. This helps them know which trees have ripe (成熟的) fruit. They build a sleeping nest each night made of branches (树枝) and leaves.
However, orangutans are in great danger. Scientists say that there are less than 62, 000 orangutans remaining in the wild. Young orangutans are sometimes caught and sold as pets. Orangutans are also hunted for food. The biggest problem is that orangutans are losing their homes. Millions of rainforests are cut down each year for palm oil (棕榈油). Palm oil can be used to make candy bars, cookies, shampoos, soaps, and pet food. Most of the palm oil produced in the world is from Sumatra and Borneo.
Wildlife organizations are working hard to help protect the remaining rainforests. If the rainforests disappear, orangutans will disappear forever.
62.What are orangutans
A.Rainforests. B.Great apes. C.Islands.
63.What is Paragraph 3 mainly about
A.Why orangutans create and use tools.
B.Where orangutans build a sleeping nest.
C.How smart and intelligent orangutans are.
64.Which is the main reason why orangutans are in great danger
A.Orangutans are caught as pets.
B.People hunt orangutans for food.
C.Millions of rainforests are cut down.
65.In which section of a website can we probably read the passage
A.Fantastic Wildlife. B.Modern Technology. C.Famous People.
【答案】62.B 63.C 64.C 65.A
62.细节理解题。根据“Orangutans are great apes”可知,猩猩是类人猿。故选B。
63.段落大意题。根据“Orangutans are smart and intelligent. ”可知,第三段主要介绍了猩猩的聪明才智。故选C。
64.细节理解题。根据“The biggest problem is that orangutans are losing their homes. Millions of rainforests are cut down each year for palm oil”可知,猩猩处于危险中的主要原因是失去了它们的家,因为棕榈油,雨林被砍伐。故选C。
Smoke alarms (警报器)
House fires cause many deaths each year and a large number of these fires are unfortunately set by children. 66 Kids must understand that they’d better not play with fire. You should keep matches and lighters out of their reach.
67 The main job of such an alarm is to protect you while you’re asleep. You should have a smoke alarm outside each bedroom and on each floor of your home. You ought to have two plans for getting out of your house if there is a fire and practise these plans in the dark with your family.
A smoke alarm warns you of the danger. 68 Take action immediately. When you come to a closed door, check it with the back of your hand. If it feels hot, there may be smoke or fire behind the door, so take care. Once you are out of your house, call the fire department from a neighbor’s house. If a family member or a pet is caught inside, you shouldn’t go back in. Firemen know how to perform rescues safely.
69 Change the batteries at least once a year. You should use the test button each month to see if the alarm and batteries are still working. A smoke alarm lasts about ten years. You ought to change it even if it seems to be working.
About two out of three fire deaths happen in homes with no working smoke alarms. 70
A.Most of these deaths can be avoided.
B.But when you hear it, you don’t have much time.
C.A smoke alarm is only good if it’s working properly.
D.So, it’s important to teach them that fire is a tool, not a toy.
E.A smoke alarm greatly reduces your chances of being hurt in a fire.
F.Most of the time, we give a smoke alarm to other people.
【答案】66.D 67.E 68.B 69.C 70.A
66.根据“House fires cause many deaths each year and a large number of these fires are unfortunately set by children.”可知,很多火灾都是儿童引发的。选项D“所以,重要的是要告诉他们火是一种工具,而不是玩具。”符合语境。故选D。
67.根据“The main job of such an alarm is to protect you while you’re asleep.”可知,此处是在介绍烟雾报警器的作用,可以在你睡觉时保护你。选项E“烟雾报警器大大降低了你在火灾中受伤的几率。”符合语境。故选E。
68.根据“Take action immediately.”可知,烟雾报警器会提醒你危险,这时你要立即行动。选项B“但是当你听到它的时候,你没有太多的时间。”符合语境。故选B。
69.根据“Change the batteries at least once a year. You should use the test button each month to see if the alarm and batteries are still working.”可知,要经常查看报警器和电池是否仍在工作。选项C“烟雾报警器只有在正常工作时才有用。”符合语境。故选C。
70.根据“About two out of three fire deaths happen in homes with no working smoke alarms.”可知,大约三分之二的火灾死亡发生在没有烟雾报警器的家庭中。由此可知,如果有烟雾报警器,死亡可能会避免。选项A“这些死亡大多是可以避免的。”符合语境。故选A。
Can you get paid to eat ice cream and make a living by it Actually, we don’t know anyone who gets paid to cat ice cream, but some people make a living by tasting things. 71 And yes, some of them get paid to taste ice cream!
72 Some taste testers might be food scientists who work for food companies (公司). They might take an active role in research and development. They may also help with food preparation and tasting new products. Other taste testers may be marketing experts. They test new food products before they hit the market.
73 When a food company finds a trusty taste tester, they may have their taste buds insured (为味蕾投保) for big money.
It might not be easy to find a job as a taste tester for an ice cream company, but you could always try to find a career (职业) that lets you work with ice cream, even if you don’t get to eat it all day long. 74 Ice cream companies develop new flavors (味道) in all kinds of different ways, including getting suggestions from customers and using researchers to dream up new flavors that will capture (俘获) the taste buds of ice cream lovers.
Besides, ice cream companies have positions in all kinds of different areas. 75 Or ou can create your own homemade frozen treats to turn ice cream into a career.
A.They’re called professional taste testers.
B.And you can also start your own ice cream shop.
C.Professional taste testing can take different forms.
D.There’s no doubt that it is a fun thing to think about.
E.To be a professional taste tester, you must have excellent taste buds.
F.For example, perhaps you could find a job creating exciting new flavors.
【答案】71.A 72.C 73.E 74.F 75.B
71.根据“some people make a living by tasting things”一些人凭靠品尝东西来谋生,所以横线上是介绍这样的人,选项A“他们被称为专业的味觉测试员”符合语境。故选A。
72.根据“Some taste testers... Other taste testers...”可知介绍的是不同的测试员,选项C“专业的味觉测试可以采取不同的形式”符合语境。故选C。
73.根据“When a food company finds a trusty taste tester, they may have their taste buds insured for big money.”可知谈论的是好的味蕾,选项E“成为一个专业的味觉测试员,你必须有极好的味蕾”符合语境。故选E。
75.根据“ice cream companies have positions in all kinds of different areas”可知,冰淇淋公司在不同领域有职位,所以选项B“你也可以开一家自己的冰淇淋店”符合语境。故选B。
We do eye exercises. We wear sunglasses. We do lots of things to protect our eyes. 76 .
Ears help us hear the world. But many things, such as loud noises, can cause hearing troubles. So how can we protect our ears 77 .
Keep your ears dry and warm
Dry your ears with a towel (毛巾) after swimming or taking a bath. If you feel water in your ear, shake your head a little bit. 78 . Also in summer, when the sun is shining, wear some sunscreen (防晒霜) on your ears. In winter, protect your ears with a hat or a scarf.
How to clean your ears
79 . The earwax (耳屎) itself comes out of the ear along with some dirt. Don’t clean your ears with anything sharp, or it can make the earwax go too deep into your ears and hurt them. But if your ears start to hurt, you can go to a doctor for help.
Don’t listen to loud music on your headphones for a long time. Follow the 60:60 rule: listen to music at 60 percent of your headphone’s maximum volume (最大音量) for no more than 60 minutes a day. Over-the-ear headphones are better than in-ear ones. They do a better job of stopping outside noise so you can listen at a lower volume.
A.How to use headphones
B.Let’s take a look together
C.Usually, our ears clean themselves
D.This can help you get the water out of your ears
E.If you want to clear your ears, ask the doctor for help
F.But we usually forget another important part of our body, the ears
【答案】76.F 77.B 78.D 79.C 80.A
76.根据“We do lots of things to protect our eyes.”和“Ears help us hear the world.”可知这里引出关于耳朵的事情,选项F“但是我们通常忘记身体的另一重要部位——耳朵”符合语境,故选F。
77.根据“So how can we protect our ears ”可知是引出保护耳朵的方法,选项B“让我们一起来看一下”符合语境,故选B。
78.根据“If you feel water in your ear, shake your head a little bit.”可知这里应解释晃一下头的原因,选项D“这可以帮你把耳朵里的水弄出来”符合语境,故选D。
79.根据“The earwax (耳屎) itself comes out of the ear along with some dirt.”可知这里介绍耳屎可以自己从耳朵里出来,选项C“通常,我们的耳朵会自我清洁”符合语境,故选C。
80.根据“Don’t listen to loud music on your headphones for a long time.”可知这里提到如何利用耳机,选项A“如何利用耳机”符合语境,故选A。
Are you an “active couch potato (沙发土豆)” You can answer the following two questions and find out: Do you exercise for 30 minutes every day 81
If you answer yes to both questions, then you are an “active couch potato”. It means that even though you exercise, you could be at risk of kinds of health problems.
The World Health Organization advises us to exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. And this can improve our health. 82
Few researchers have tried to answer the question.
Later, some Finnish scientists did new research. 83 The research studied how people move-or don’t move-during the day. The scientists found that about a third of these people exercised for half an hour, but then sat for 10 to 12 hours a day. These people were “active couch potatoes”. 84 The results tell us that if we exercise for half an hour but then sit for the rest of the day, it’s almost as if we had not exercised at all.
85 Just keep it simple. For example, we can clean our houses or climb the stairs. We can also try to do a little more exercise. In short, the goal is to sit less. So try to move more, whenever we can and in any ways that we enjoy.
A.Do you like to eat snacks while watching TV
B.More than 3,700 men and women took part in it.
C.The lesson from the research is that we need to move often.
D.Do you spend the rest of the day sitting in front of a screen
E.But does it matter how we spend the other 23 and a half hours
F.And their blood sugar and body fat were higher than that they should be. Couch Potato!
【答案】81.D 82.E 83.B 84.F 85.C
81.根据“If you answered yes to both questions”可知此处提到两个问题,说明空1是另一个问题,结合“The scientists found that about a third of these people exercised for half an hour, but then sat for 10 to 12 hours a day.”可知,此处指久坐,选项D“这天剩下的时间你都花在屏幕前吗?”符合语境,故选D。
82.根据“Few researchers have tried to answer the question.”可知此处提出另一个问题,很少有研究者回答的问题,故选项E“但是我们如何花剩下的23.5小时有关系吗?”符合语境,故选E。
83.根据“The research studied how people move”可知此处讲的是研究相关的话题,故选项B“超过3700名男性和女性参加。”符合语境,故选B。
84.根据“but then sat for 10 to 12 hours a day. These people were ‘active couch potatoes’.”可知此处讲的是“积极的沙发土豆”的特点,故选项F“他们的血糖和血脂都比正常值要高。沙发土豆!”符合语境,故选F。
85.根据“Just keep it simple. For example, we can clean our houses or climb the stairs.”可知此处讲到如何移动,即打扫房子和爬楼梯都可以,故选项C“研究的结论是我们需要经常移动。”符合语境,故选C。
DIY cooker What if you had a cooker that could cook food all by itself This is the Tasty One Top. It is from the US news website Buzzfeed. There is an app for the cooker. It has more than 1,700 recipes (菜谱), such as making a delicious pizza. You choose a recipe and the app will let the cooker know what to do. The app will also tell you what to do when you cook. Cooking is so easy!
This little robot has a big, round head and a fat body. Does it look like a cartoon character It is Jibo, a family robot. The US company Jibo Inc made it. When you say, “Hey, Jibo,” it dances and turns to face you. When it talks, it moves its head and body. There are no eyes or mouth on Jibo’s face. Jibo can only do some easy things, such as taking photos and reading the news. But he may learn to do more in the future. Social robot
Perfect shoes Wearing this pair of shoes, you can run faster and jump higher. That’s the idea behind the Futurecraft 4D, a new sports shoe from Adidas. The key is the sole (鞋底) of the shoe. It is 3D printed. If there is something wrong with it, they can change it at any time on a computer. Print a sole takes two hours.
86.What can the DIY cooker do
A.It can cook food by itself. B.It can cut food by itself.
C.It can wash the dishes. D.It can keep the food cool.
87.What does the underlined word “it” refer to
A.The US. B.Burnfeed. C.The app. D.The cooker.
88.What can Jibo do
A.It can smile. B.It can wash clothes. C.It can cook. D.It can take photos.
89.What’s special about the Futurecraft 4D shoes
A.Its sole is 3D printed. B.The shoes are produced by Adidas.
C.It takes only 2 hours to make the shoes. D.The shoe s can make you run longer.
90.Where can you read the passage
A.In a guidebook. B.In a cook book.
C.In a technology magazine. D.In a fashion magazine.
【答案】86.A 87.C 88.D 89.A 90.C
86.细节理解题。根据“What if you had a cooker that could cook food all by itself ”可知它可以自己做饭。故选A。
87.词句猜测题。根据“There is an app for the cooker. It has more than 1,700 recipes (菜谱), such as making a delicious pizza.”可知这款炊具有一个应用程序,它有1700多种食谱,比如制作美味的披萨。“It”指的是“应用程序”。故选C。
88.细节理解题。根据“ Jibo can only do some easy things, such as taking photos and reading the news. But he may learn to do more in the future.”可知Jibo能拍照。故选D。
89.细节理解题。根据“The key is the sole (鞋底) of the shoe. It is 3D printed. ”可知特别之处在于鞋底是3D打印的。故选A。
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
【命题风向标】地区特色-备考2025中考英语真题新题型分类 原卷
It was reported in May 2024 that the China Wildlife Conservation Association (CWCA,中国野生动物保护协会) will send giant pandas Yun Chuan and Xin Bao to the San Diego Zoo in the United States, which is a symbol of a new 10-year period of international conservation partnership. The CWCA has organized experienced caretakers and doctors to go with the pandas to the US. The zoo is getting ready to provide the pandas with a larger and more comfortable living environment. It has also formed a team with special skills related with panda care, daily nursing, and scientific research.
The cooperation (合作) between the CWCA and the San Diego Zoo dates back to 1996 when Bai Yun and Shi Shi became the first pair of pandas to live in the zoo. Giant pandas Hua Mei, born in 1999, and Mei Sheng, born in 2003, who used to live there, are the result of China-US giant panda research cooperation. Over the past twenty years, the two sides have cooperated and solved many technical problems, including important discoveries in key areas like panda raising.
Since the 1990s, China has cooperated on giant panda conservation with 20 countries. “International cooperation in fields such as disease prevention and control, treatment, and wild training and reintroduction to the wild, has achieved good results. Giant pandas will facilitate communication between peoples and let people around the world know China better,” said Li, the leader of the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda.
“Scientific and educational outreach (延伸服务) also serves as a key role in international giant panda exchanges, allowing more people to understand giant pandas, which provides very good support for our efforts in protecting wild giant pandas,” Li said.
1.China’s sending Yun Chuan and Xin Bao to the San Diego Zoo means ________.
A.a good living condition for pandas B.a new age of conservation cooperation
C.a great achievement in scientific research D.a long-term plan for training panda caretakers
2.How long have the CWCA and the San Diego Zoo cooperated
A.21 years. B.25 years. C.28 years. D.34 years.
3.What is Paragraph 2 mainly about
A.The history of the cooperation. B.The raising of the giant pandas.
C.The lives of the pandas in the US. D.The process of solving the problems.
4.What does the underlined word “facilitate” in Paragraph 3 probably mean
A.Expect. B.Create. C.Improve. D.Receive.
5.What do we know from the last paragraph
A.Scientific research is well on its way. B.The outreach plays an important part.
C.The cooperation requires international support. D.Education about wildlife protection is a big success.
In Northwest China’s Gansu Province, there are camel traffic lights at Mingsha Mountain and Yueya Spring, a scenic spot (景点) surrounded by sand dunes (沙丘). A red camel shows “stop” and a green camel shows “go”. The special traffic lights, first designed to reduce the traffic jam in the desert, got much media attention in 2023 and have become a popular tourist attraction.
According to a report, more than 3.7 million tourists visited the spot in 2023, with 42 percent choosing camel rides.
The quick increase in tourists needs more local camel herders (牧民). Zhao, 42, is an experienced camel owner from the Yueya Spring Village, who owns 21 camels. The rapid development of tourism has brought hope for the villagers. And they began to do the camel walking business at the scenic spot.
In the busy season in summer, the scenic area is home to about 2,000 camels. Each camel undertakes three trips a day.
“Our village used to be poor, but now we are rich because of the camel walking business. They are like family members to us. In summer, we give them nice food and help them cool down. We also take them to the vet for annual check-ups in winter.” Zhao said.
6.How does the writer introduce the topic of the passage in Paragraph 1
A.By telling a story. B.By giving examples.
C.By asking questions. D.By describing a scene.
7.How many tourists chose camel rides at the scenic spot in 2023
A.More than 3.7 million tourists. B.More than 4.2 million tourists.
C.More than 1.5 million tourists. D.More than 2.4 million tourists.
8.The underlined word “they” in Paragraph 3 refers to “________”.
A.tourists B.villagers C.scenic spots D.camel rides
9.What’s the best title for the passage
A.The friendship between the villagers and camels.
B.The camels living in the desert.
C.The developing tourism in the desert.
D.The special camel traffic lights in the desert.
10.The passage probably is ________.
A.a letter B.an ad C.a novel D.a news report
More tigers are moving from Russia into northeastern China. This is because the environment is better for them to live in.
As human activities become less and the number of the wild animals is rising, tigers come to China for food.
Also, there is a cross-border corridor (跨境走廊) between China and Russia. It helps the tigers travel around freely. Data (数据) from a research team show that between 2013 and 2016, nearly 80 percent of the tigers moved across the corridor.
Besides, China started a number of projects to protect the tigers. As we all know, tigers need large areas to move around, so it’s important to build national parks. In 2021, the Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park was set up in Heilongjiang Province and Jilin Province. It covers around 14,100 square kilometers. The national park creates a shared home for the animals. As a result, the number of the tigers has grown.
One more reason is that experts from China and Russia work together to research on tiger protection. Many volunteers go to protect tigers around the forests every year. It’s believed that there will be more tigers in the near future.
11.Between China and Russia, there is a cross-border corridor.
12.Nearly 90 percent of the tigers moved across the corridor between 2013 and 2016.
13.It’s important to build the national parks because tigers need large areas to move around.
14.The Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park was set up in 2023.
15.Many volunteers go to protect tigers around the forests each year.
Yushu, Qinghai is one of the habitats for black-necked cranes (黑颈鹤). Cranes have very long necks and their necks are black. That’s why they are called black-necked cranes. Cranes travel very far every year. Cranes spend about 5 months in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.
Starting in March, black-necked cranes will fly back to Qinghai. There are lakes and marshes (沼泽), perfect for them to live in. Year after year, black-necked cranes may fly to other places, but they always come back to the plateau areas.
Their life is harsh, because they have no enough food and the weather changes very often. Black-necked cranes have a very small population. They are under first-class state protection in China. Local people treat the birds with love. In local tradition, they are a symbol of good luck, so they are very popular.
It is not hard to get along with the wild animals. Just give them a little more space. They can have a bigger chance to thrive (兴旺). People in Qinghai are working very hard to make sure the black-necked cranes live better.
16.How long do the cranes spend in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
A.About 3 months. B.About 4 months.
C.About 5 months. D.About 6 months.
17.________ are the perfect places for black-necked cranes to live in.
A.Lakes and marshes B.Rivers C.Mountains D.Trees
18.Why do local people love the birds
A.Because they can fly in the sky. B.Because they are black.
C.Because they look beautiful. D.Because they are a symbol of good luck.
19.In paragraph 3, what does the underlined word “harsh” mean
A.Hard. B.Easy. C.Interesting. D.Relaxing.
20.According to the passage, what will happen to black-necked cranes in the future
A.Black-necked cranes will not come back.
B.There will be more black-necked cranes in the future.
C.The city will be a home for black-necked cranes.
D.People will hurt black-necked cranes.
Pan Yuzhen, 77, is an inheritor (继承人) of the intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产) of Miao embroidery (刺绣) in Southwest China’s Guizhou Province. Pan has often been a guest on the International fashion stage. 21
“ 22 Since I was five years old, I have learned embroidery from my mother and sister. Miao embroidery methods are complicated (复杂的), but I have financially mastered all of them.” Pan said. “I can embroider clothe for myself and family.”
Pan’s daughter Zhang Yanmei was born in 1977. She suffered from poliomyelitis (小儿麻痹症) at the age of three. Because her family is so poor, 23 She traveled to many cities including Shanghai, Beijing and other places by train. Zhang remembered that her mother was always back home in a hurry and brought some candies and new clothes to her, but she never complained about her hardship.
In 1999, Zhang went to Beijing to join her mother after graduation from high school to do business while learning embroidery. 24 she met many foreign friends there. “They advised me to go abroad and sell embroidery products. I went to the United Sates to do business related to Miao embroidery from 2006 to 2016.” Pan said.
Pan also went to the UK to join in all kinds of fashion show activities. Pan said. “When the foreigners saw these products 25 Miso embroidery is the pride of our Chinese people.”
A.Due to the family’s heavy financial burden (经济负担).
B.At that time, Pan had a stall (摊位) in Panjiayuan Antique (古玩) Market.
C.who were interested in Miao embroidery.
D.She has been famous for these experiences.
E.Pan began to sell Miao embroidery products around the country.
F.they rushed to take photos with the Chinese embroiderer.
G.The girls in my hometown can embroider with needles (针) from a very young age.
After a 10-year project to count tuna and other large fish in the world's oceans, scientists have made a very surprising discovery: these fish are almost gone. Because of too much fishing, almost 90 percent of the worldwide population of large fish—the ones we usually eat—has disappeared. If we don’t act, these animals will totally disappear. That will influence every animal in the ocean.
The demand for fish is growing. Almost a billion people around the world get their protein (蛋白质) mostly from fish. Doctors praise seafood for being low in fat. But what seems like a healthy choice for humans is causing a disaster to our oceans. “People are consuming (消费) too much,” says Lance Morgan, a scientist at the Marine Conservation Biology Institute.
A dish of tuna in restaurants costs more than just one animal's life. When fish like tuna disappear from the ecosystem (生态系统), the ocean’s food chain (链) breaks down. Animals such as sharks, which normally eat tuna, may die because they find no food.
The news may be scary, but taking action from now on can prevent harm that hasn’t happened yet. World organizations are ordering countries to stop fishing too much. The Monterey Bay Aquarium gives seafood choices to anyone hoping to keep healthy without destroying the environment.
“If you care about wildlife, first spend time and think about your own values and beliefs,” says Morgan. “Then decide what you’re going to eat.”
26.How does the writer start the text
A.By giving a fact. B.By asking a question.
C.By telling a story. D.By using a saying.
27.What does the underlined word “demand” in Paragraph 2 probably mean
A.Wish. B.Support. C.Need. D.Price.
28.From Paragraph 3, we know that ________.
A.if sharks die out, tuna will die out soon B.tuna will be more popular in restaurants
C.tuna plays an important role in the ecosystem D.tuna disappeared because they found no food
29.What’s the purpose of the text
A.To tell people to stop polluting our oceans. B.To tell people to protect wildlife in oceans.
C.To tell people to avoid eating too much seafood. D.To tell people to live a balanced and healthy life.
30.What does the last paragraph of the article explain ________.
A.We need to care about wildlife B.We need to eat wild animals
C.We need to reflect on our own values and beliefs D.We don’t want to protect wild animals
Have you ever imagined what bees can do with their tiny brains Now scientists are looking into a bee’s brain.
Clint Perry, a scientist, has spent much time studying how bees think. He says studying bees is not very different from studying other animals. “The main difficulty is to design (设计) an experiment (实验) bee and get what we want,” he says. “With humans, we can ask them a question and get an answer. But we can’t use the same way to get an answer from bees. They are just trying to get sugar. Bees like sugar.”
The fact that bees like sugar is helpful for scientists to design experiments. For example, in one experiment, Perry gave bees a task: to find delicious sugar on a landing place above a black bar (棒). Perry made the task easier or harder by moving the landing place farther from or closer to the black bar. He found that bees would avoid the task when it was difficult. And when the task was easy, bees would try it.
As for humans, we might choose not to take a test when we weren’t ready for it. And we might choose to take the test when we were well prepared. In the same way, bees seemed to make decisions like humans.
Perry points out that we are not sure whether bees actually make a thoughtful choice from experiments. Now scientists still do not know how bees manage to do so much with their tiny brains. But learning more about how bees’ brains work could help us learn more about how our own brains deal with information.
31.What did Perry study in his experiments
A.How bees sleep. B.How bees think. C.How bees dream.
32.What can we know from Paragraph 2
A.Bees can talk. B.Bees are lazy. C.Bees like sugar.
33.What would bees do when the task was easy according to Paragraph 3
A.They would try it. B.They would avoid it. C.They would praise it.
34.What’s the importance of looking into bees’ brains
A.It helps us learn how human brains work.
B.It tells us how to make thoughtful choices.
C.It lets us know how to deal with information.
35.Where is the article probably taken from
A.A travel magazine. B.A sports magazine. C.A science magazine.
We’ve all seen pictures of camels carrying heavy loads (负载物) across the sandy desert. They walk without stopping for food or water for several days.
Have you ever wondered how they do it For your answer, take a look at the bag round hump which is on a camel’s back.
Camels are the only animals with humps. And it’s the hump that gives camels the amazing ability to go for long periods of time without food or water. The hump is like a spare cupboard (备用食物柜) where the camel stores (储存) food and water for days when there is nothing to eat or drink.
When life is good, and there is plenty to eat and drink, a camel’s hump can grow to as big as 40 kilograms. The food is changed into fat (脂防) and stored in the camel’s bump.
When there is nothing to eat or drink, camels begin to use the stored fat in their humps. That’s why they can continue to live for weeks without food and up to 10 days without water.
Camels are like sponges. They can take in more than 130 litres of water in one short drink. In only a few minutes, all of this water goes directly to the camel’s blood cells (组胞).
Camels save water too. They never know when they’ll find the next watering hole. As they breathe out, their noses close quickly. The water in the breath stays in their bodies.
After a long trek across the desert carrying 100 kilograms or more, a camel can lose up to 150 kilograms of weight. The camel’s hump will become very small. As soon as this camel gets to an oasis (绿洲), it will take in hundreds of litres of water. In a day, it will get back most of its weight.
Nature really has given camels the perfect system for living the hard desert life.
36.What is Paragraph 3 mainly about
A.The shape of the hump. B.The habit of the camel.
C.The function (功能) of the hump. D.The ability of the camel
37.Which is TRUE about the hump
A.The hump stores different kinds of food.
B.The hump always stays the same size.
C.The hump can store more than 130 litres water.
D.The weight of the hump depends on eating conditions.
38.What does the underlined word “sponges” mean
A.海绵 B.弹簧 C.水桶 D.吸管
39.Why docs the writer use some numbers in this passage
A.To explain the facts more clearly.
B.To express the ideas more politely.
C.To make the article more educational.
D.To make the language more beautiful.
40.What does the writer mainly want to tell us
A.Camels have some amazing abilities.
B.Camels are good helpers for desert people.
C.Camels have a great quality of never wasting water.
D.Camels have a perfect system for living in the desert.
People know animals do have feelings, but they are not sure if these feelings are correctly understood. In recent years, scientists have done research about the feelings of cows, frogs and pandas. ▲ It says that humans can tell whether a chicken is happy or sad by listening to its calls.
The researchers put a bowl behind a door. Inside the bowl, sometimes, there was something chickens love to eat, such as rice or insects. Sometimes, there was nothing. When the chickens saw food behind the door, they seemed happy and produced fast and loud sounds, known as food calls. When there wasn’t food, the chickens made low and long noises to express disappointment. The researchers recorded all these sounds and studied their waves.
Then the researchers chose 16 recordings of such chicken noises. Half were from the chickens seeing the food and half were from the chickens finding no food. The recordings were played to 194 volunteers. Sixty-nine percent of the volunteers correctly understood whether the chickens were feeling happy or not, and some of them even had no experience of taking care of chickens.
The result shows that humans have the natural ability to understand the feelings of chickens. Hopefully, this finding can bring about new technology to help with chicken-raising, a big industry in many countries. Some scientists are already working on a smart computer program that can identify chickens’ feelings. This is good news for farmers who want to make the birds happier and healthier.
41.Which of the following can be put in “________” in Paragraph 1
A.Humans may not like animals. B.Scientists know nothing about it.
C.Nobody knows why this happens. D.A new study adds chickens to the list.
42.Which is most probably the sound wave of a happy call by a chicken
A. B. C. D.
43.How did the volunteers help with the research
A.By listening to the chicken calls. B.By taking care of the chickens.
C.By finding food for the chickens. D.By making the chickens happy.
44.What does the underlined word “identify” mean in Paragraph 4
A.Control. B.Hide. C.Recognize. D.Hurt.
45.What is the best title for the passage
A.Chickens’ Food Calls B.Happy Chickens, Sad Chickens
C.Farmers’ Best Choice D.Smart Farmers, Healthy Farmers
The Four Seasons, written by the Italian musician Antonio Vivaldi, was first played about 300 years ago. Since then, it has enjoyed worldwide popularity.
The great musical work includes four parts: “Spring”, “Summer”, “Autumn” and ‘‘Winter”. Each part brings to mind the season it is meant to describe. “Summer”, for example, begins slowly. Listeners can easily picture a hot, lazy summer day when nobody wants to move. When you listen to “Autumn”, a harvest (收获) celebration will readily come to mind.
But now, Hache Costa, a music director in Spain, has decided to give the old work a fresh feel. He says the climate (气候) today is very different from what it was in the 1700s. The Four Seasons would be “a lot dirtier” if it were written now.
Costa has “updated” the musical work to make it match the realities of the modern world. The ‘“updated” musical work has been played in Madrid, Spain. The performance takes place in front of a screen. As the musicians play, a video shows the effects (影响) of climate change, such as forest fires and unusually dry weather.
After enjoying it, people find the new “Summer” now sounds noisier and more powerful. Because of global warming (全球变暖), the other three seasons have become shorter. Costa says he expects people to feel “really sad” after listening to the new Four Seasons.
“I really want more people to become truly aware of (意识到) what is happening to our planet,” says Costa. “And I believe Vivaldi would not be angry with my changes.”
46.What do we know about The Four Seasons
A.It is still unpopular now.
B.It was written by Hache Costa.
C.It was first played about 300 years ago.
47.What will come to mind when we listen to the old “Autumn” according to the passage
A.Forest fires and dry weather. B.A harvest celebration. C.A hot lazy day.
48.Which is close to the underlined word “updated” in meaning in Paragraph 4
A.提上日程 B.追根溯源 C.赋予新意
49.Why did Hache Costa give the old work a fresh feel
A.To call on more people to love music.
B.To raise public awareness of climate change.
C.To present the story of Antonio Vivaldi’s colorful life.
When I was a little boy, I lived next to David. He liked to plant trees in his large yard on weekends. But the way he planted trees was quite different. He never watered his new trees. I asked him why he did so, and he said that watering trees would spoil them. “If you water the trees, each baby tree will grow weaker and weaker.” said David. He told me that watering these new trees would make roots (树根) shallow (浅), but deep roots were very important for trees. I didn’t understand his words at that time.
Several years after I left home, I came back to visit my parents. When I walked by David’s house, I saw the trees that he planted. They are strong now. I suddenly realize that planting a tree is like raising a child. As a father of two children, I shouldn’t care for them too much. Instead, they should depend on themselves. In that case, whatever happens, they can make their own decisions.
50.When did David like to plant trees
A.On weekends. B.On Fridays.
C.On sunny mornings. D.On rainy days.
51.What does the underlined word “spoil” probably mean in Paragraph 1
A.be bad for B.be famous for C.be similar to D.be thankful to
52.Why didn’t David water his new trees
A.Because he didn’t have enough water. B.Because he was too old to water trees.
C.Because he wanted to make roots deep. D.Because he didn’t know how to water trees.
53.How are the trees that David planted now
A.Dead. B.Strong. C.Small. D.Weak.
54.What does the writer learn from his experience
A.Children should plant trees. B.Parents should water trees all the time.
C.Children should depend on themselves. D.Parents should care for their kids too much.
Genevieve Moss has serious hearing loss. Her world has always been silent. Alone in a town in England, she often felt lonely.
Then one day in April in 2021, something stopped Moss as she read the local newspaper. It was a photo of a tiny black-and-white cat. A family was looking for a home for their last newborn cat. Moss fell in love with it at first sight and contacted the family. Soon, the cat came to Moss’s house. Moss called the cat Zebby because his colors looked like those of a zebra.
Moss once heard of studies showing that pets can help people deal with loneliness. However, she had no idea that Zebby would become her helper and her ears. From their first night together, Zebby has slept next to her. When he hears noises in the dark, he jumps up. “He became my night watch cat,” Moss said. “Sometimes he would run around the room until I woke up.”
After several weeks, Moss noticed that whenever her phone rang or someone knocked at the door, Zebby would touch her lightly. It wasn’t long before the cat took on another task: collecting Moss’s mail. Now whenever he hears the mailbox being opened, he runs towards it, carries the mail in his mouth and drops it at Moss’s feet.
This past May, Zebby was named Britain’s National Cat of the Year by Cats Protection. According to the largest cat charity, Zebby beat out about 3,000 other cats because of the many ways he makes Moss’s life easier. He has had no training at all, but his natural abilities seem to have told him that his owner needs his help.
“Zebby has made my house a home,” Moss said. “I can hardly imagine not having Zebby in my life now.”
55.Why did Moss choose the cat
A.Because she liked it when she saw its photo. B.Because she wished to have a helping ear.
C.Because she wanted to help a local family. D.Because she planned to study pet animals.
56.What do the underlined words “beat out” probably mean in Paragraph 5
A.Looked prettier than. B.Was quieter than.
C.Felt softer than. D.Did better than.
57.What is the best title for the passage
A.Moss trains Zebby for the prize B.Zebby brings help and joy to Moss
C.Moss takes good care of Zebby D.Zebby finds itself a warm home
We’re plants. Give us your care and we will bring joy to you. Please take us home, will you
Get to know us Flowers We bring bright colors! Houseplants We are green and light up rooms! Succulents (多肉植物) We don’t need much care! Vegetables How about home-grown food Give us a home We can live in a pot. It can be put near a window, by a sofa or under a tree. Placing us on a wall will bring you much fun. We love it, too. Care for us Spring We may need fertilizers (化肥). Summer We hate harmful insects. Autumn We need less water. Winter Give us a larger home if necessary.
58.According to the text, ________ don’t need much care.
A.flowers B.houseplants C.succulents D.vegetables
59.It’s fun to put a pot of plants ________.
A.on a wall B.by a sofa C.near a window D.under a tree
60.Plants need to be protected from harmful insects, especially in ________.
A.spring B.summer C.autumn D.winter
61.Which part of a magazine is the text most probably taken from
A.Art. B.Life. C.Sports. D.History.
Orangutan means “person of the forest” in the Malay language. Orangutans are great apes (猿). Wild orangutans live on two islands—Sumatra and Borneo in Southeast Asia. Orangutans have long and powerful arms, fingers and toes. These help them climb and swing between trees in the rainforest.
Orangutans mostly eat fruit. They also eat leaves, flowers, and sometimes insects. Over 300 different types of food have been found in their diet. Orangutans play a very important role in spreading fruit and plant seeds in the forest. This helps to keep their rainforest home healthy.
Orangutans are smart and intelligent. They create and use tools to get seeds from fruit. They also use tools to catch insects from the insides of trees. Orangutans memorize the rainforest where they live. This helps them know which trees have ripe (成熟的) fruit. They build a sleeping nest each night made of branches (树枝) and leaves.
However, orangutans are in great danger. Scientists say that there are less than 62, 000 orangutans remaining in the wild. Young orangutans are sometimes caught and sold as pets. Orangutans are also hunted for food. The biggest problem is that orangutans are losing their homes. Millions of rainforests are cut down each year for palm oil (棕榈油). Palm oil can be used to make candy bars, cookies, shampoos, soaps, and pet food. Most of the palm oil produced in the world is from Sumatra and Borneo.
Wildlife organizations are working hard to help protect the remaining rainforests. If the rainforests disappear, orangutans will disappear forever.
62.What are orangutans
A.Rainforests. B.Great apes. C.Islands.
63.What is Paragraph 3 mainly about
A.Why orangutans create and use tools.
B.Where orangutans build a sleeping nest.
C.How smart and intelligent orangutans are.
64.Which is the main reason why orangutans are in great danger
A.Orangutans are caught as pets.
B.People hunt orangutans for food.
C.Millions of rainforests are cut down.
65.In which section of a website can we probably read the passage
A.Fantastic Wildlife. B.Modern Technology. C.Famous People.
Smoke alarms (警报器)
House fires cause many deaths each year and a large number of these fires are unfortunately set by children. 66 Kids must understand that they’d better not play with fire. You should keep matches and lighters out of their reach.
67 The main job of such an alarm is to protect you while you’re asleep. You should have a smoke alarm outside each bedroom and on each floor of your home. You ought to have two plans for getting out of your house if there is a fire and practise these plans in the dark with your family.
A smoke alarm warns you of the danger. 68 Take action immediately. When you come to a closed door, check it with the back of your hand. If it feels hot, there may be smoke or fire behind the door, so take care. Once you are out of your house, call the fire department from a neighbor’s house. If a family member or a pet is caught inside, you shouldn’t go back in. Firemen know how to perform rescues safely.
69 Change the batteries at least once a year. You should use the test button each month to see if the alarm and batteries are still working. A smoke alarm lasts about ten years. You ought to change it even if it seems to be working.
About two out of three fire deaths happen in homes with no working smoke alarms. 70
A.Most of these deaths can be avoided.
B.But when you hear it, you don’t have much time.
C.A smoke alarm is only good if it’s working properly.
D.So, it’s important to teach them that fire is a tool, not a toy.
E.A smoke alarm greatly reduces your chances of being hurt in a fire.
F.Most of the time, we give a smoke alarm to other people.
Can you get paid to eat ice cream and make a living by it Actually, we don’t know anyone who gets paid to cat ice cream, but some people make a living by tasting things. 71 And yes, some of them get paid to taste ice cream!
72 Some taste testers might be food scientists who work for food companies (公司). They might take an active role in research and development. They may also help with food preparation and tasting new products. Other taste testers may be marketing experts. They test new food products before they hit the market.
73 When a food company finds a trusty taste tester, they may have their taste buds insured (为味蕾投保) for big money.
It might not be easy to find a job as a taste tester for an ice cream company, but you could always try to find a career (职业) that lets you work with ice cream, even if you don’t get to eat it all day long. 74 Ice cream companies develop new flavors (味道) in all kinds of different ways, including getting suggestions from customers and using researchers to dream up new flavors that will capture (俘获) the taste buds of ice cream lovers.
Besides, ice cream companies have positions in all kinds of different areas. 75 Or ou can create your own homemade frozen treats to turn ice cream into a career.
A.They’re called professional taste testers.
B.And you can also start your own ice cream shop.
C.Professional taste testing can take different forms.
D.There’s no doubt that it is a fun thing to think about.
E.To be a professional taste tester, you must have excellent taste buds.
F.For example, perhaps you could find a job creating exciting new flavors.
We do eye exercises. We wear sunglasses. We do lots of things to protect our eyes. 76 .
Ears help us hear the world. But many things, such as loud noises, can cause hearing troubles. So how can we protect our ears 77 .
Keep your ears dry and warm
Dry your ears with a towel (毛巾) after swimming or taking a bath. If you feel water in your ear, shake your head a little bit. 78 . Also in summer, when the sun is shining, wear some sunscreen (防晒霜) on your ears. In winter, protect your ears with a hat or a scarf.
How to clean your ears
79 . The earwax (耳屎) itself comes out of the ear along with some dirt. Don’t clean your ears with anything sharp, or it can make the earwax go too deep into your ears and hurt them. But if your ears start to hurt, you can go to a doctor for help.
Don’t listen to loud music on your headphones for a long time. Follow the 60:60 rule: listen to music at 60 percent of your headphone’s maximum volume (最大音量) for no more than 60 minutes a day. Over-the-ear headphones are better than in-ear ones. They do a better job of stopping outside noise so you can listen at a lower volume.
A.How to use headphones
B.Let’s take a look together
C.Usually, our ears clean themselves
D.This can help you get the water out of your ears
E.If you want to clear your ears, ask the doctor for help
F.But we usually forget another important part of our body, the ears
Are you an “active couch potato (沙发土豆)” You can answer the following two questions and find out: Do you exercise for 30 minutes every day 81
If you answer yes to both questions, then you are an “active couch potato”. It means that even though you exercise, you could be at risk of kinds of health problems.
The World Health Organization advises us to exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. And this can improve our health. 82
Few researchers have tried to answer the question.
Later, some Finnish scientists did new research. 83 The research studied how people move-or don’t move-during the day. The scientists found that about a third of these people exercised for half an hour, but then sat for 10 to 12 hours a day. These people were “active couch potatoes”. 84 The results tell us that if we exercise for half an hour but then sit for the rest of the day, it’s almost as if we had not exercised at all.
85 Just keep it simple. For example, we can clean our houses or climb the stairs. We can also try to do a little more exercise. In short, the goal is to sit less. So try to move more, whenever we can and in any ways that we enjoy.
A.Do you like to eat snacks while watching TV
B.More than 3,700 men and women took part in it.
C.The lesson from the research is that we need to move often.
D.Do you spend the rest of the day sitting in front of a screen
E.But does it matter how we spend the other 23 and a half hours
F.And their blood sugar and body fat were higher than that they should be. Couch Potato!
DIY cooker What if you had a cooker that could cook food all by itself This is the Tasty One Top. It is from the US news website Buzzfeed. There is an app for the cooker. It has more than 1,700 recipes (菜谱), such as making a delicious pizza. You choose a recipe and the app will let the cooker know what to do. The app will also tell you what to do when you cook. Cooking is so easy!
This little robot has a big, round head and a fat body. Does it look like a cartoon character It is Jibo, a family robot. The US company Jibo Inc made it. When you say, “Hey, Jibo,” it dances and turns to face you. When it talks, it moves its head and body. There are no eyes or mouth on Jibo’s face. Jibo can only do some easy things, such as taking photos and reading the news. But he may learn to do more in the future. Social robot
Perfect shoes Wearing this pair of shoes, you can run faster and jump higher. That’s the idea behind the Futurecraft 4D, a new sports shoe from Adidas. The key is the sole (鞋底) of the shoe. It is 3D printed. If there is something wrong with it, they can change it at any time on a computer. Print a sole takes two hours.
86.What can the DIY cooker do
A.It can cook food by itself. B.It can cut food by itself.
C.It can wash the dishes. D.It can keep the food cool.
87.What does the underlined word “it” refer to
A.The US. B.Burnfeed. C.The app. D.The cooker.
88.What can Jibo do
A.It can smile. B.It can wash clothes. C.It can cook. D.It can take photos.
89.What’s special about the Futurecraft 4D shoes
A.Its sole is 3D printed. B.The shoes are produced by Adidas.
C.It takes only 2 hours to make the shoes. D.The shoe s can make you run longer.
90.Where can you read the passage
A.In a guidebook. B.In a cook book.
C.In a technology magazine. D.In a fashion magazine.
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