
My favourite athlete is Ma Long. He’s one of the 1 table tennis players in the world.
Just like many other successful athletes, Ma Long has made great achievements (成就) in table tennis through hard work. Born in 1988, Ma Long started 2 table tennis at the age of 5. When he was 13, his ability in table tennis 3 by a coach. Therefore, he had to leave 4 hometown for Beijing so that he could continue training for table tennis. In 2003, Ma Long joined the national team. He trained very hard, 5 he became a great player later.
So far Ma long 6 many gold medals. In the Tokyo Olympics in 2021, he became the champion of both men’s singles and men’s team. It was his third time to take part 7 it. In the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou in 2023, he won the gold medal of 8 team with his teammates.
Whatever he does, he 9 gives up. In my heart, Ma Long is a symbol (象征) of courage and success. He is 10 amazing table tennis player! As a Chinese, I am so proud of him.
1.A.worst B.worse C.greatest D.greater
2.A.to play B.play C.to make D.make
3.A.notices B.noticed C.is noticed D.was noticed
4.A.him B.his C.me D.my
5.A.because B.but C.or D.so
6.A.has won B.won C.wins D.will win
7.A.for B.on C.in D.at
8.A.man B.men’s C.woman D.women’s
9.A.always B.usually C.never D.often
10.A.a B.an C.the D./
One day, Joe watched a video at school. It was about a factory. The factory made a lot of rubbish and 11 it into a river. People living near the river drank the polluted water and many of them got 12 . They needed to see a doctor.
But the video wasn’t all bad news. It showed ways to pick up rubbish and 13 it’s important to do this. It said everyone can make a 14 to the environment.
Two days later, Joe walked through a park. He 15 lots of rubbish in the lake there. He thought of the video and decided to clean the lake. He told his grandfather about his 16 . His grandfather said, “It’s a tradition in our family to help people. That’s why we 17 food every month. I’m glad that you can help people by cleaning the lake.”
Cleaning the lake would take lots of work. Joe decided to 18 a group to help himself. He asked his family and friends to join him. They worked 19 together. Six weeks later, there was no rubbish in the lake. Although they were tired, they were 20 that they did something for the environment.
11.A.got B.threw C.turned D.shared
12.A.wet B.excited C.sick D.bored
13.A.when B.where C.why D.what
14.A.mistake B.difference C.noise D.habit
15.A.taught B.lost C.chose D.saw
16.A.hobby B.decision C.health D.invention
17.A.give away B.shut down C.put off D.try on
18.A.organize B.discuss C.collect D.happen
19.A.late B.quietly C.hard D.badly
20.A.poor B.sad C.angry D.happy
It is Saturday today. Steven doesn’t need to go to school. But he and his classmates still meet at the school gate at 8:00 in the morning. Why Because they are going to the City Park.
They take a bus and get to the park at 8:30 a.m. At 9 o’clock, the students are giving a concert. Steven is playing the piano. He can play the piano well. Diana, Steven’s deskmate, is singing an English song. Jenny is good at playing the violin, so she is playing it. And David is playing the drums. Many people in the park are listening to the music.
Why do the children give this concert They don’t do it for fun. They do it for Nick, a boy in their class. Nick is ill in the hospital. So, the students want to help him. They give this concert to raise money for Nick. They hope Nick can get well and come back to school early.
21.Where do the students meet
A.At the concert. B.At the City Park. C.At Steven’s home. D.At the school gate.
22.Why do the children give this concert
A.Because they want to raise money for Nick. B.Because they like to play music very much.
C.Because they want to make money to buy toys. D.Because they want to do something interesting.
23.Which word can best describe the students in the passage
A.Strict. B.Lazy. C.Quiet. D.Kind.
Dear Nina, I got a phone from my grandparents for my 13th birthday two months ago. Since last month, I have spent at least two hours on it every day after school. When my parents knew it, they got really angry. My mom said, “From now on, you can use the phone for no more than an hour every day. And you can’t play games on it.” I feel so sad. Most of my friends have their own phones and they can use them any time they like. What should I do Yours, Christina
Dear Christina, I know how you feel. When I got my first phone at the age of 14, I was very happy. But my parents were very strict. My dad said I could use it for at most 45 minutes every day. I was sad, but it was no use. I decided to make good use of it. Every day, I spent half an hour listening to my favourite English songs. The rest of the time, I either sent messages to my friends or talked with them. I never played games on it. The phone brought me much happiness. So here’s my advice: Think what you really want to do with your phone and make good use of it. Yours, Nina
24.How long could Nina use her phone every day
A.More than two hours. B.More than an hour. C.At most 30 minutes. D.At most 45 minutes.
25.Nina used her phone to do the following things EXCEPT ________.
A.sending messages to her friends B.listening to English music C.playing games D.talking with her friends
26.Christina wrote to Nina to ________.
A.say thanks B.ask for advice C.say sorry D.give advice
Brazil is the biggest country with the largest population in South America. It produces one third of all coffee in the world. This makes the country the biggest coffee producer in the world.
Tourism is also important in Brazil. What makes millions of visitors come here every year The beautiful landscape (风景) may be the answer. The world’s largest forest, the Amazon Forest, covers about half of Brazil. It is the home of thousands of animal species. The Amazon River flows through Brazil. It is the second longest river in the world after the Nile in Africa. The Iguazu Falls are made up of 275 waterfalls. Sometimes, rainbows appear and butterflies fly high in the sky. Can you imagine how beautiful it is
The beautiful landscape gives its people special feature. Brazilians are kind and hospitable. Although Brazilians are from different races (种族), including Amerindians, European settlers, and Africans, they get along well with each other.
Brazil’s official language is Portuguese. In fact, it is the only country that speaks Portuguese in South America. Soccer is the most popular sport in Brazil. Its national team is among the best in the world. The team has won the World Cup five times.
27.If a person travels to Brazil, he or she most probably buy some ________.
A.tea B.milk C.coffee D.wine
28.Millions of people visit Brazil every year because ________.
A.the landscape there is so beautiful B.the people there are very kind
C.the coffee there is really delicious D.it has the best national soccer team
29.The underlined word “hospitable” in Paragraph 3 means “________”.
A.brave B.friendly C.serious D.hard-working
30.What’s best title for the passage
A.Brazil’s Coffee Production B.Some Information About Brazil
C.Tourism in Brazil D.The Population of Brazil
There are many ways to grow a garden. You must consider many things when you decide to begin gardening.
Does your garden get enough sun That’s important. 31
Does your garden have good soil You can test it to make sure. To make the soil rich enough, you can put compost (肥料) in your garden. It is the best food for plants.
32 Plants need water to grow strong and stay healthy. Usually, rain waters plants, but sometimes there is not enough rain, and the garden gets dry. You need to keep water nearby.
What else do you need to consider for your garden 33 Rabbits, squirrels and many other animals will try to get into your garden and eat your plants. You need to make a fence. 34
Finally, don’t forget to have fun. That is the whole purpose of growing a garden. You have fun planting it. 35 And best of all, you have fun eating all the great food from it.
A.Most plants need a lot of sunlight to grow well.
B.It can help keep these small animals away from your garden.
C.Do plants need any food
D.Think about animals.
E.Is it easy to water your garden
F.You have fun taking care of it.
G.People don’t like gardening because it’s too boring.
Can you some water to me
The of this computer is broken.
Xi’an is many places of interest.
Let’s the kitchen after dinner.
We can use glasses to protect the environment paper cups.
speaker China wide three come proud she good be travel
Recently, a foreign student in China gave a very touching answer to the question: What should China be proud of It was 41 spread online.
Emma is from Canada. She 42 to China four years ago. Now she is a university student in Hangzhou. The following is China in 43 eyes.
“Finding a job in China can be really simple. There 44 more job chances here than in any other country in the world. ”
“I have 45 to many countries so far. The public security (安全) in China is the greatest, and I think China is really safe. ”
“About 400 million 46 are studying English. China will have the largest number of English 47 among non-English speaking countries.
“The speed of Chinese trains is high. On my 48 visit to my friend in Beijing, I took a train there. From Hangzhou to Beijing, the train runs about 1,365 kilometers and takes only six hours. ”
“There will be many more things China should be 49 of in the future. I believe China must be much 50 than other countries.
The Nile crocodile (鳄) lives in and near African rivers. It is a very large animal. It can grow up to 6 meters long. Its body is green and brown and it has a very big mouth. Most of the Nile crocodiles can live to be about 70 years old in the wild. Some can even live up to 100.
The Nile crocodiles spend most of the day on the bank (岸边) of the river in the sun without moving. At night, they go back into the water to find food. They are excellent swimmers. They can swim as fast as 30 km/h and stay up to 30 minutes under water.
As meat caters, the Nile crocodiles eat birds, fish and other crocodiles. Sometimes they even eat people. A person washing clothes by the river might just look like a delicious meal for them. Hundreds of people die because of them each year.
Now the Nile crocodiles are in danger. Do you know why First, people kill them for their skin (皮肤) to make things like shoes and handbags. Second, people catch them for food or medicine. And sometimes they die because they hurt people. Last but not least, some people destroy their home so the Nile crocodiles don’t have enough space to live.
51.How old can most of the Nile crocodiles live
They can live to be about .
52.When do the Nile crocodiles go to look for food
They go to look for food .
53.Why are the Nile crocodiles excellent swimmers
Because they can and stay up to 30 minutes under water.
54.What do the Nile crocodiles feed on
They eat and sometimes even people.
55.Which English word means “破坏” in the last paragraph
It’s “ ”.
A: Hello, Zhang Ting! 56
B: Hello, Li Mei. I’m reading a magazine.
A: 57
B: It is about how to protect our environment.
A: Does it say what we should do
B: 58 . It says that we should not use plastic bags but cloth bags when we go shopping.
A: OK. Plastic will pollute the environment.
B: 59 . And we should use both sides of the paper.
A: Our teachers have asked us to do so. By the way, does it mention rubbish sorting
B: Yes. Sorting the rubbish is also important.
A: Oh, I see. Thanks for sharing the information with me.
B: 60 .
61.假如你叫李华,国际奥委会(the International Olympic Committee)在其官网上发布了招募2024年巴黎奥运会志愿者的海报。请你根据下列提示问题,用英文给相关负责人Sam写一封自荐信。
提示问题: 1. What’s your personal information
2. Why do you want to be a volunteer
3. What can you do for the games
要求:1. 参考提示内容,可适当发挥;
2. 语句通顺,意思连贯,书写工整;
3. 文中不得出现你的任何真实信息 (姓名、校名和地名等);
4. 词数:不少于70词 (开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数)。
Dear Sam,
I’m writing to express my interest in volunteering for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games.
Li Hua
1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.C 10.B
worst最坏的;worse更坏的;greatest最棒的;greater更棒的。此处是“one of the+最高级+名词复数”结构,结合常识,马龙是最棒的乒乓球运动员之一,故选C。
to play打(球),动词不定式;play打(球),动词原形;to make制作,动词不定式;make制作,动词原形。play table tennis“打乒乓球”,start to do sth“开始做某事”,故选A。
notices动词三单;noticed动词过去式;is noticed一般现在时的被动语态;was noticed一般过去时的被动语态。本句主语是动作的承受者,结合“When he was 13”可知,用一般过去时的被动语态。故选D。
has won现在完成时;won一般过去时;wins一般现在时;will win一般将来时。根据“So far”可知,此处用现在完成时。故选A。
for为了;on在上面;in在里面;at在。take part in“参加”,固定短语,故选C。
man男子;men’s男子的;woman女子;women’s女子的。根据“he won the gold medal of...team with his teammates”可知,马龙获得的应该是男子团体金牌,作定语修饰team,用名词所有格。故选B。
always总是;usually通常;never从不;often经常。根据“Whatever he does, he...gives up.”可知,他从不放弃。故选C。
11.B 12.C 13.C 14.B 15.D 16.B 17.A 18.A 19.C 20.D
got得到;threw扔;turned转向;shared分享。根据“The factory made a lot of rubbish and...it into a river.”可知,把垃圾扔进了河里。故选B。
wet湿的;excited激动的;sick生病的;bored无聊的。根据“People living near the river drank the polluted water and many of them got...”可知,被污染的水会让人生病,故选C。
when何时;where何地;why为什么;what什么。根据“It showed ways to pick up rubbish and...it’s important to do this.”可知,展示了为什么这么做很重要,故选C。
mistake错误;difference差异;noise噪音;habit习惯。根据“It said everyone can make a...to the environment.”可知,此处是make a difference短语,意为“做贡献”,故选B。
taught教;lost丢失;chose选择;saw看见。根据“Two days later, Joe walked through a park. He...lots of rubbish in the lake there.”可知,看到湖里有很多垃圾,故选D。
hobby爱好;decision决定;health健康;invention发明。根据“He thought of the video and decided to clean the lake. He told his grandfather about his...”可知,这是乔的决定,故选B。
give away分发;shut down关闭;put off推迟;try on试穿。根据“That’s why we...food every month.”可知,是分发食物,故选A。
organize组织;discuss讨论;collect收集;happen发生。根据“Joe decided to...a group to help himself.”可知,乔组织了一个小组来帮助自己。故选A。
late晚;quietly安静地;hard努力地;badly坏地。根据“They worked...together.”可知,此处是work hard“努力工作”,故选C。
poor贫穷的;sad悲伤的;angry生气的;happy开心的。根据“Although they were tired, they were...that they did something for the environment.”可知,很开心为环境做了一些事情。故选D。
21.D 22.A 23.D
21.细节理解题。根据“But he and his classmates still meet at the school gate at 8:00 in the morning.”可知在校门口见面。故选D。
22.细节理解题。根据“They give this concert to raise money for Nick.”可知,他们举办这场音乐会是为了给尼克筹钱。故选A。
23.推理判断题。根据“So, the students want to help him. They give this concert to raise money for Nick. They hope Nick can get well and come back to school early.”可知,学生们想要帮助尼克,他们办音乐会为尼克筹款,并希望尼克快些恢复返校,由此推出他们是善良的。故选D。
24.D 25.C 26.B
24.细节理解题。根据“My dad said I could use it for at most 45 minutes every day.”可知,尼娜每天最多只能用手机45分钟,故选D。
25.细节理解题。根据“Every day, I spent half an hour listening to my favourite English songs. The rest of the time, I either sent messages to my friends or talked with them. I never played games on it”可知,尼娜用手机听英文歌曲、给朋友发信息、和他们聊天,但是不玩游戏。故选C。
26.推理判断题。根据“What should I do ”和尼娜的回信可知,克里斯蒂娜写信给尼娜是为了寻求建议。故选B。
27.C 28.A 29.B 30.B
27.推理判断题。根据“It produces one third of all coffee in the world. This makes the country the biggest coffee producer in the world.”可知,巴西是咖啡生产大国,所以朋友去巴西旅行时最可能买咖啡。故选C。
28.细节理解题。根据“What makes millions of visitors come here every year The beautiful landscape (风景) may be the answer.”可知,每年数百万人到巴西旅游,是因为那里的风景很美。故选A。
29.词义猜测题。根据“Although Brazilians are from different races (种族), including Amerindians, European settlers, and Africans, they get along well with each other.”可知,虽然巴西人来自不同的种族,但他们彼此相处得很好,故猜测hospitable表示“友好的”。故选B。
31.A 32.E 33.D 34.B 35.F
31.根据“Does your garden get enough sun That’s important.”可知,此处介绍菜园需要足够的阳光,选项A“大多数植物需要大量的阳光才能长得好。”符合语境,故选A。
32.根据“Plants need water to grow strong and stay healthy.”可知,此处介绍需要给菜园浇水,选项E“给你的菜园浇水容易吗?”符合语境,故选E。
33.根据“Rabbits, squirrels and many other animals...”可知,此处提到一些动物,选项D“想想动物。”符合语境,故选D。
34.根据“You need to make a fence.”可知,建栅栏为了让小动物远离你的菜园,选项B“它可以帮助这些小动物远离你的菜园。”符合语境,故选B。
35.根据“Finally, don’t forget to have fun.”可知,此处介绍一些乐趣,选项F“照顾它你乐在其中。”符合语境,故选F。
【详解】根据中英文对照可知,空处缺少“提供”,可以用动词bring/offer/give表示“提供”,其固定短语为bring sth to sb,offer sth to sb,give sth to sb,位于情态动词后用动词原形。故填bring/offer/give。
38.famous for
【详解】由英汉对照可知,空格处填“因……而出名”,(be) famous for以……而闻(出)名,固定短语。故填famous for。
39.clean up
【详解】clean up“打扫干净”,Let’s do sth“让我们做某事”,故填clean up。
40.instead of
【详解】此处缺少“代替”的翻译,instead of“代替”,固定短语,故填instead of。
41.widely 42.came 43.her 44.are 45.traveled/ travelled 46.Chinese 47.speakers 48.third 49.proud 50.better
41.句意:它在网上广泛传播。空格处修饰动词“spread”应用副词,结合“It was…spread online.”和所给词可知是,广泛传播,wide的副词是widely“广泛地”。故填widely。
42.句意:她四年前来到中国。根据“She…to China four years ago.”和所给词可知是,四年前来到中国,由时间状语“four years ago”可知,时态为一般过去时。come to sp.“来到……”,come“来”的过去式came。故填came。
43.句意:以下是她眼中的中国。根据“Emma is from Canada. …The following is China in…eyes.”可知是,指Emma的眼中,空格处修饰eye结合所给词,可知应用she的形容词性物主代词her。故填her。
44.句意:这里的工作机会比世界上任何其他国家都多。此句是there be句型,时态为一般现在时,由空格后名词“more job chances”是复数,be动词应用are。故填are。
45.句意:到目前为止,我去过很多国家。根据时间状语“so far”可知,此句时态为现在完成时,空格处应用过去分词;结合“I have…to many countries so far”可知是,作者去过很多国家,travel to sp. 前往,去某个地方旅行,travel的过去分词为traveled/travelled。故填traveled/travelled。
46.句意:大约有4亿中国人在学习英语。根据“About 400 million…are studying English.”和所给词可知是,大约有4亿中国人,China中国,Chinese中国人,单复数相同。故填Chinese。
47.句意:在非英语国家中,中国将拥有最多的英语使用者。根据“China will have the largest number of English…among non-English speaking countries.”可知是,中国将拥有最多的英语使用者,the largest number of后面跟名词复数,speaker说话者,发言者,English speaker英语使用者,复数是English speakers。故填speakers。
48.句意:在我第三次去北京看望朋友时,我坐火车去了那里。根据“On my…visit to my friend in Beijing, I took a train there.”和所给词可知是,在我第三次去北京看望朋友,应用three的序数词third。故填third。
49.句意:未来中国会有更多值得骄傲的事情。be proud of“感到自豪”,固定短语。故填proud。
50.句意:我相信中国一定比其他国家好得多。根据“than”可知使用比较级,根据“I believe China must be much…than other countries.”和所给词可知是,中国一定比其他国家好得多,应用good的比较级better。故填better。
51.70 years old in the wild 52.at night 53.swim as fast as 30 km/h 54.birds, fish and other crocodiles 55.destroy
51.根据第一段“Most of the Nile crocodiles can live to be about 70 years old in the wild.”可知大多数尼罗河鳄在野外可以活到70岁左右。故填70 years old in the wild。
52.根据第二段“At night, they go back into the water to find food.”可知,它们晚上会回到水中寻找食物。故填at night。
53.根据第二段“They are excellent swimmers. They can swim as fast as 30 km/h and stay up to 30 minutes under water.”可知,尼罗河鳄是优秀的游泳运动员是因为它们的游泳速度可达30公里/小时,在水下停留时间可达30分钟。故填swim as fast as 30 km/h。
54.根据第三段“As meat caters, the Nile crocodiles eat birds, fish and other crocodiles. Sometimes they even eat people.”可知,尼罗河鳄鱼以鸟类、鱼类和其他鳄鱼为食,有时他们甚至吃人。故填birds, fish and other crocodiles。
55.最后一段中“Last but not least, some people destroy their home so the Nile crocodiles don’t have enough space to live.”意为“最后但并非最不重要的一点是,有些人破坏了他们的家园,所以尼罗河鳄鱼没有足够的生存空间。”由此可知,destroy意为“破坏”。故填destroy。
56.What are you doing 57.What is the magazine about/What is it about 58.Yes, it does 59.You’re right/I agree with you 60.You are welcome/My pleasure
56.根据“I’m reading a magazine.”可知,此处询问对方正在做什么,故填What are you doing。
57.根据“It is about how to protect our environment.”可知,此处询问杂志的内容关于什么,故填What is the magazine about/What is it about。
58.根据“Does it say what we should do ”和“It says that we should not use plastic bags but cloth bags when we go shopping.”可知,此处应做肯定回答,故填Yes, it does。
59.根据“Plastic will pollute the environment.”和“And we should use both sides of the paper.”可知,此处表示同意对方的观点,故填You’re right/I agree with you。
60.根据“Thanks for sharing the information with me.”可知,此处应回答“不客气”,故填You are welcome/My pleasure。




下一篇:人教新目标Go For It! 八年级下册 Unit 2 I'll help to clean up the city parks.单元检测(含答案)