
Hey, guys! I want to try Shanxi mianshi. 1 Well, Harry. There are many delicious noodles in Shanxi. 2 Could you tell me how to make it 3 As far as I know, a good cook can slice 200 noodles in one minute. Wow! It sounds so cool. The process of making sliced noodles must be interesting. You are e to Shanxi! 4 OK! I will go to Shanxi as an exchange student next week. Really 5 We can enjoy sliced noodles and other Shanxi mianshi then.
A.What noodles are there
B.It’s a kind of noodle sliced (削) with a special knife.
C.It tastes so good!
D.Then I’ll treat you to delicious sliced noodles.
E.One of the most delicious noodles is sliced noodles.
F.I’m looking forward to your coming.
G.What kind of material do you need to make sliced noodles
As one of the most famous symbols of China, the Great Wall has a long history. It is not just one wall, but many different walls that were built 6 years ago.
The walls built at 7 times were often built with different materials (材料), everything from packed dirt to stone and brick. The earliest walls were built more than two thousand years ago to protect their teritories (领土) from attackers (攻击者). Later, the first 8 of China, Qin Shihuang, ordered people to rebuild the walls to 9 the country from northern attackers.
The emperors of the Ming Dynasty built the best-known sections of the wall. The Ming Great Wall is about 8,851 kilometers long. Badaling is one of the 10 parts of the Ming Great Wall.
The Great Wall is the longest man-made 11 ever built by humans. Today the Great Wall of China is a World Heritage Site (世界遗产), protected for all human beings to enjoy. Only some pieces of the wall are taken care of because the wall is too big to 12 and take care of.
Still, the Great Wall is one of the most popular places for 13 to visit in China, attracting millions of people each year.
6.A.thousands of B.hundreds of C.millions of
7.A.special B.different C.peaceful
8.A.prince B.emperor C.queen
9.A.lead B.continue C.protect
10.A.strangest B.funniest C.most famous
11.A.objects B.records C.inventions
12.A.lend B.notice C.repair
13.A.farmers B.volunteers C.tourists
请阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。
14.We can go to the yard sale on ________.
A.Sunday B.Thursday C.Saturday
15.You cannot find any ________ at the yard sale.
A.toys B.pianos C.bikes
16.Lily wants to buy a dress, a book and a magazine. She needs to pay ________.
A.$7 B.$8 C.$9
17.If you don’t know how to use Letgo, you can ________.
A.call Julie B.call Susan C.search for Susan@199X
18.Which of the following is TRUE about the yard sale
A.It is for three days only. B.It is closed after 10:00 am. C.The bikes are almost new.
I still needed a lot of things. Every day, I had to work hard to make them.
First of all, I wanted to make my cave bigger. I carried out stones from the cave, and after working hard for many days, I had a large cave in the side of the hill. Then I needed a table and a chair, and that was my next job. I had to work on them for a long time. I also wanted to make places to put all my food, and all my tools and guns. But every time I wanted a piece of wood, I had to cut down a tree. It was long, slow, difficult work, and during the next months, I learnt to be very clever with my tools.
I also went out every day, and I always had my gun with me. Sometimes I killed a wild animal, and then I had meat to eat.
But when it got dark, I had to go to bed because I had no light. I couldn’t read or write because I couldn’t see. For a long time, I didn’t know what to do. But in the end, I learnt how to use the fat of dead animals to make a light.
The weather on my island was usually very hot, and there were often storms and heavy rain. The next June, it rained all the time, and I couldn’t go out very often. I was also ill for some weeks, but slowly, I got better. When I was stronger, I began to go out again. The first time I killed a wild animal, and the second time I caught a big turtle.
I was on the island for ten months before I visited other parts of it. During those months I worked hard on my cave and my house and my fence.
One day I traveled across to the other side of the island and I could see the other islands. I said to myself, “Perhaps I can get there with a boat. Perhaps I can get back to England one day.”
—Adapted from The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
19.What’s the correct order of the following
① Robinson was ill for weeks. ②Robinson learnt to make a light.
③ Robinson made a large cave. ④Robinson caught a big turtle.
A.②①④③ B.③②①④ C.③①④②
20.The underlined word “cave” means ________.
A.a large hole in the side of a hill
B.the land in the middle of the sea
C.one land that is higher than the other
21.The underlined sentences in the last paragraph suggest (暗示) ________.
A.Robinson wanted to leave the island
B.Robinson thought the others lands were better
C.Robinson enjoyed living by himself
22.According to the passage, Robinson was ________.
A.careless and forgetful B.honest and friendly C.brave and smart
23.Which of the following is the best title for the passage
A.Home in England B.My First Sea Journey C.Learning to Live Alone
In many parts of China, it’s a tradition to dress children in colorful tiger-head shoes. The tiger-head shoes are made of cloth and the front of each shoe is made in the image of a tiger’s head. 24 That’s how the shoes got the name.
In Chinese culture, the tiger is a symbol of good luck. So people make tiger-head shoes for their children with many good wishes. 25 They also hope that the tiger-head shoes can protect their children from getting sick. We don’t know who made the first tiger-head shoes. 26 The following is one of them.
Once upon a time, there was a lady. She was good at making things by hand. 27 One night, a monster (怪兽) came to the village and caught all the children there except (除……之外) her son. Other villagers believed that the child’s tiger-head shoes helped scare the monster away. From then on, people began to make tiger-head shoes for their children.
Tiger-head shoes are an important part of Chinese culture. 28 As time goes by, however, fewer and fewer children wear such shoes. What a pity!
A.But there are several stories about it.
B.The shoes look much like the animal itself.
C.She once made a pair of tiger-head shoes for her child.
D.The tiger-head shoes are mainly colored red and yellow.
E.They hope that their children will become as strong as tigers.
F.It used to be quite common for children to wear tiger-head shoes.
请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,在方框内的缩写文章中,填入与短文意思最 符合的单词。每空一词。
Should we use artificial intelligence (AI,人工智能) in schools Some people may say no, but many experts think we should use it in a good way. They say AI can help us learn better.
Zheng Qinghua, president of Tongji University, said it’s important for us to use AI in education. He believed that AI could help us learn new things and get better at what we study. He also advised that young people should improve their understanding of the knowledge (知识) created by technology.
In fact, AI has already become more and more important for teaching and learning. Zheng stressed the widespread use of different models, such as Ernie Bot, an AI chatbot (聊天机器) developed by Baidu. It can write papers, solve science problems and do homework. Students also used AI for their study. A survey (调查) made by online learning platform study showed that 89 percent of students had used ChatGPT to help them do homework.
However, some people worry that it may bring the problem of academic integrity (学术诚信) and bad influence (影 响) on education. Instead of simply using AI to give answers or finish homework and tests, people should focus on using AI to help students be creative and have the ability of solving real-world problems, said Zheng.
Colin Bailey, president of Queen Mary University of London, said that as ChatGPT develops fast, stopping AI from being used in schools is not the answer. Instead, we should think about how to use it safely and in the right way.
People hold different opinions about the use of AI in schools. Zheng Qinghua, president of Tongji University, said AI could help us learn new things and understand what we study 29 . In fact, it is more and more important for us to use AI in teaching and learning. Ernie Bot, a model developed by Baidu, is able to write papers, 30 science problems and do homework. However, AI may bring some problems in academic integrity and have bad influence on 31 . We shouldn’t 32 use AI to give answers or finish homework. We should let AI help students be creative and have the ability to solve real-world problems. 33 of stopping AI from being used in schools, we should think about how to use it safely and properly.
With the development of the technology, people’s life has changed greatly. In the past, connecting (联络) with friends meant spending time with them in person (亲自). Today, most young people like to connect with their friends online better. They think it is a good way to keep in touch with (与……保持联系) their friends. However, experts worry many young people are so busy connecting with friends online that they may lose their real-world friendships (友谊).
Technology hurts friendships. When we communicate with our friends in front of a screen, it’s easier to misread their tones (语调) or body languages. We might think friends are smiling while they’re actually upset. A friend might send a text message as a joke that says, “You’re the worst friend!” But our feelings might be hurt because we think he’s serious. —Andy
Technology doesn’t hurt friendships. In fact, it can make them stronger. My best friends live in California where I used to live. The last time I met them in person was three years ago. But I talk to them online every week. It feels like they’re right there with me. Without technology, there wouldn’t be close friends anymore. —Anna
According to experts, staying connected online is not enough to build true friendships. Spending time together face-to-face is also important when people are in trouble. During the hard times, people don’t need someone who likes their pictures or posts. What they really need is someone who can offer them help.
34.What does the study (研究) in Picture 1 show
35.According to Andy, what problem might people meet when communicating with their friends online
36.How long didn’t Anna meet her friends in California in person
37.Please finish the chart above.
38.What’s the purpose (目的) of the passage
39.Do you like to connect with your friends online or in person Why
Have you imagined that a mobile-phone maker could produce (生产) cars one day
Xiaomi answered this 40 with its electric car SU7.
The company, best known for its popular smartphones, showed its SU7 model on March 28 in China this year. Actually, it is the first electric car from a phone maker. The SU7 would sell for 215,900 yuan in China. It is about 30,000 yuan 41 than Tesla’s Model 3, which starts at 245,900 yuan. “This is to keep my promise made three years ago,” Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Lei Jun wrote on Tuesday. Lei also added that 42 the competition is strong, he’s confident (有信心的) about entering the EV (电动汽车) market. Xiaomi may 43 some sales problems because companies like BYD and Tesla are cutting prices to attract (吸引) customers to buy their EVs. Whether SU7 will be a success is unknown, but just as Lei Jun said to many young people, life is a long-time race, and temporary (暂时的) success or failure (失败) 44 not important. We should believe in dreams and keep making a try.
请阅读下面短文,根据语篇内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文通 顺、连贯。方框中有两个词为多余项。
grow ancient stone lead how provide protect excite shine achieve they careful
Long long ago, people often ran out of food and died of hunger. The Yan Emperor was the leader of 45 China then. One day, he said to his people, “We can’t only live on what nature 46 for us. We need to find some good seeds (种子) to plant so that we can get enough food.”
To look for good seeds, the emperor 47 his people across mountains and rivers.
When they had a rest on a mountain, a phoenix (凤凰) flew over. It dropped a rice plant and then many rice grains (米粒) fell from the plant. These rice grains 48 like golden sand.
To 49 surprise, these rice grains magically grew into tall rice plants and bore new grains in a few minutes. A young man picked up some of the rice grains and shouted with 50 . Then the Yan Emperor took these rice grains, looked at them 51 and said happily, “The phoenix helps us create new life.”
After that, the emperor taught his people 52 to farm. And he used some wood and 53 to make farming tools for his people.
Later, the Yan Emperor and some of his people traveled through the country. They found some other crops (作物) that were easy 54 . At last, they didn’t need to worry about food to eat anymore.
1.What was your hometown like in the past
2.What story did you have in your hometown
3.How has your hometown changed over the years
3. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名。
1.A 2.E 3.B 4.D 5.F
1.根据“I want to try Shanxi mianshi”以及“Well, Harry. There are many delicious noodles in Shanxi”可知,此处应是问有什么样的面条,选项A“有什么面条?”符合,故选A。
2.根据“Well, Harry. There are many delicious noodles in Shanxi”以及“The process of making sliced noodles must be interesting.”可知,此处应是推荐最美味的面条,选项E“刀削面是最美味的面条之一。”符合,故选E。
3.根据“Could you tell me how to make it ”可知,此处应是介绍刀削面的制作步骤,选项B“这是一种用特殊的刀切成的面条。”符合,故选B。
4.根据“You are e to Shanxi!”以及“OK! I will go to Shanxi as an exchange student next week”可知,此处应是邀请对方来并请对方吃刀削面,选项D“然后我请你吃美味的刀削面。”符合,故选D。
5.根据“Really ”以及“We can enjoy sliced noodles and other Shanxi mianshi then.”可知,此处应是期盼对方的到来,选项F“我期待着你的到来。”符合,故选F。
6.A 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.C 11.A 12.C 13.C
thousands of成千上万的;hundreds of数以百计的;millions of成百上千万。根据常识可知,长城是几千年前建造的许多不同的墙。故选A。
special特殊的;different不同的;peaceful和平的。根据“The walls built at…times were often built with different materials”可知,不同时期的城墙通常用不同的材料建造。故选B。
prince王子;emperor皇帝;queen女王。根据“Qin Shihuang”及常识可知,秦始皇是中国第一位皇帝。故选B。
lead引领;continue继续;protect保护。根据“ordered people to rebuild the walls to…the country from northern attackers.”可知,修建城墙以保护国家抵御北方的攻击者。故选C。
strangest最奇怪的;funniest最有趣的;most famous最著名的。根据“The emperors of the Ming Dynasty built the best-known sections of the wall.”可知,明朝的皇帝建造了长城最著名的部分。此处指“八达岭是明长城最著名的一段”。故选C。
objects物体;records记录;inventions发明。根据“The Great Wall is the longest man-made”可知,长城是人类建造的最长的人造物体。故选A。
lend借;notice通知;repair修理。根据“the wall is too big to…and take care of”可知,因墙太大,无法修复和照料。故选C。
farmers农民;volunteers志愿者;tourists游客。根据“the Great Wall is one of the most popular places for…to visit”可知,长城仍然是中国最受游客欢迎的景点之一。故选C。
14.C 15.B 16.B 17.A 18.C
14.细节理解题。根据日期“June 17, 2022”对应的是星期五,而“June 18, 2022”对应的是星期六可知,我们可以周六去庭院售卖。故选C。
15.细节理解题。根据“Clothes (adults & kids) $7”“Books $1”“Toys $2”“Mountain bikes (almost new) $100”“Guitar $50”“And furniture(家具)”可知,无法在庭院售卖中找到钢琴。故选B。
16.推理判断题。根据“Clothes (adults &kids) $7 Books $1”以及“Buy 1 book and get 1 magazine for free.”可知,莉莉买一件衣服,一本书和一本杂志需要花费8美元。故选B。
17.细节理解题。根据“If you have any questions, please call Julie at 1774XX.”可知,不知道如何用app Letgo,可以电话联系朱莉。故选A。
18.细节理解题。根据“Mountain bikes (almost new)”可知,自行车几乎是全新的。故选C。
19.B 20.A 21.A 22.C 23.C
19.细节理解题。根据“I had a large cave in the side of the hill.”可知,鲁滨逊挖了一个大洞。故③位于第一位;根据“But in the end, I learnt how to use the fat of dead animals to make a light.”可知,鲁滨逊学会了制造灯。故②位于第二位;根据“I was also ill for some weeks,”可知,鲁滨逊病了好几个星期。故①位于第三位;根据“the second time I caught a big turtle.”可知,鲁滨逊抓到了一只大乌龟。故④位于第四位。故选B。
20.词义猜测题。根据“I carried out stones from the cave, and after working hard for many days, I had a large cave in the side of the hill.”可知。“cave”指“山坡上的大洞”。故选A。
21.推理判断题。根据“Perhaps I can get there with a boat. Perhaps I can get back to England one day.”可推知,鲁滨逊想有一天能回到英国。故选A。
22.推理判断题。根据“It was long, slow, difficult work, and during the next months, I learnt to be very clever with my tools.”可知,鲁滨逊是聪明的;根据“The first time I killed a wild animal, and the second time I caught a big turtle.”可推知,鲁滨逊是勇敢的。故选C。
24.B 25.E 26.A 27.C 28.F
24.根据“That’s how the shoes got the name.”可知,空处解释了虎头鞋得名的原因。选项B“鞋子看起来很像动物本身。”符合语境。故选B。
25.根据“In Chinese culture, the tiger is a symbol of good luck. So people make tiger-head shoes for their children with many good wishes.”可知,在中国文化中,老虎是好运的象征。所以人们为他们的孩子制作虎头鞋,并致以美好的祝愿。选项E“他们希望他们的孩子像老虎一样强壮。”符合语境。故选E。
26.根据“The following is one of them.”以及通读第三段可知,空处涉及关于虎头鞋的故事。选项A“但是关于它有几个故事。”符合语境。故选A。
27.根据“Once upon a time, there was a lady. She was good at making things by hand.”可知,一位女士擅长手工制作东西。选项C“有一次,她给孩子做了一双虎头鞋。”符合语境。故选C。
28.根据“As time goes by, however, fewer and fewer children wear such shoes.”可知,此处表示转折,故空处指“以前很多孩子们穿虎头鞋”。选项F“过去孩子们穿虎头鞋是很常见的。”符合语境。故选F。
29.better 30.solve 31.education 32.simply 33.Instead
29.根据“He believed that AI could help us learn new things and get better at what we study.”可知,他认为人工智能可以帮助我们学习新事物,并在我们学习的东西上做得更好,故填better。
30.根据“It can write papers, solve science problems and do homework.”可知,它可以写论文,解决科学问题和做作业,故填solve。
31.根据“However, some people worry that it may bring the problem of academic integrity (学术诚信) and bad influence (影响) on education.”可知,有人担心这会给教育带来学术诚信问题和不良影响,故填education。
32.根据“Instead of simply using AI to give answers or finish homework and tests, people should focus on using AI to help students be creative and have the ability of solving real-world problems, said Zheng.”可知,郑说,人们应该专注于利用人工智能来帮助学生发挥创造力,具备解决现实问题的能力,而不是简单地用人工智能来回答问题或完成作业和测试。故填simply。
33.根据“Colin Bailey, president of Queen Mary University of London, said that as ChatGPT develops fast, stopping AI from being used in schools is not the answer. Instead, we should think about how to use it safely and in the right way.”可知,阻止人工智能在学校的应用并不是解决问题的办法。相反,我们应该考虑如何安全、正确地使用它。故填Instead。
34.It shows that the teenager spends too much time on the Internet. 35.It’s easier for people to misread their friends. 36.For three years. 37.Spending time together face-to-face. 38.To tell us it’s important to connect with our friends both online and in person. 39.I like to connect with my friends in person. Because we can study and play together.
34.根据“According to a study, teenagers sends 2000 text messages a month and spends more than 44 hours every week in front of a screen.”可知,图1中的研究显示青少年在互联网上花费了太多时间。故填It shows that the teenager spends too much time on the Internet.
35.根据“When we communicate with our friends in front of a screen, it’s easier to misread their tones (语调) or body languages.”可知,Andy认为人们在网上与朋友交流时更容易误解自己的朋友。故填It’s easier for people to misread their friends.
36.根据“The last time I met them in person was three years ago.”可知,Anna已经三年没有亲自见到她在加州的朋友了。故填For three years.
37.根据“According to experts, staying connected online is not enough to build true friendships. Spending time together face-to-face is also important when people are in trouble.”可知,专家表示,保持在线联系不足以建立真正的友谊。当人们遇到麻烦时,花时间面对面地在一起也很重要。故填Spending time together face-to-face.
38.通读全文内容可知,本文主要介绍了人们和朋友在网上交流联系这种方式的利弊和对它的个人看法。故可推知,本文的目的是告诉我们与朋友保持联系是很重要的,无论是在线的还是面对面的。故填To tell us it’s important to connect with our friends both online and in person.
39.开放性题目,答案合理即可。参考答案为I like to connect with my friends in person. Because we can study and play together.
40.question 41.cheaper 42.although/though 43.face/have/meet 44.is
40.句意:小米用其电动汽车SU7回答了这个问题。根据“Have you imagined that a mobile-phone maker could produce (生产) cars one day ”可知,文章开头提出了一个问题。根据“Xiaomi answered this…with its electric car SU7.”可知,小米用其电动汽车SU7回答了这个问题。question“问题”符合题意。故填question。
41.句意:它比特斯拉的Model 3便宜约3万元,Model 3起售价为24.59万元。根据“than”可知,此处应该用比较级,根据“The SU7 would sell for 215,900 yuan in China.”以及“Tesla’s Model 3, which starts at 245,900 yuan.”可知,它比特斯拉的Model 3便宜约3万元,cheaper“更便宜的”符合题意。故填cheaper。
42.句意:雷军还补充说,尽管竞争激烈,但他对进入电动汽车市场充满信心。根据“…the competition is strong, he’s confident (有信心的) about entering the EV (电动汽车) market.”可知,此处表示让步,应该用although/though引导让步状语从句。故填although/though。
43.句意:小米可能会面临/有/遇见一些销售问题,因为比亚迪和特斯拉等公司正在降价吸引客户购买他们的电动汽车。根据“because companies like BYD and Tesla are cutting prices to attract (吸引) customers to buy their EVs.”可知,小米可能会面临/有/遇见一些销售问题,face“面对”、have“有”、meet“遇见”均符合题意。情态动词may后接动词原形。故填face/have/meet。
44.句意:SU7能否成功不得而知,但就像雷军对很多年轻人说的那样,人生是一场长期的比赛,一时的成功或失败并不重要。分析句子结构可知,空处缺少be动词,此处是一般现在时,主语temporary (暂时的) success or failure是第三人称单数,be动词用is。故填is。
45.ancient 46.provides 47.led 48.shone 49.their 50.excitement 51.carefully 52.how 53.stones 54.to grow
45.句意:炎帝是当时中国古代的领袖。根据“Long long ago”可知,此处指“古代的中国”,ancient“古代的”,形容词作定语。故填ancient。
46.句意:我们不能只靠大自然提供给我们的东西生活。根据“what nature…for us”可知,此处指“大自然提供给我们东西”,provide“提供”符合题意。根据语境可知,此处是一般现在时,主语nature是第三人称单数,谓语动词用其三单式。故填provides。
47.句意:为了寻找好的种子,皇帝带领他的人民翻山越水。根据“the emperor…his people across mountains and rivers.”并结合备选词可知,此处指“皇帝带领他的人民翻山越水”,lead“带领”符合题意。根据“Long long ago,”可知,讲述故事时为一般过去时,故谓语动词应该用其过去式。故填led。
48.句意:这些米粒像金色的沙子一样闪闪发光。根据“like golden sand”可知,这些米粒像金色的沙子一样闪闪发光。shine“发光,照耀”符合题意。根据“Long long ago,”可知,讲述故事时为一般过去时,故谓语动词应该用其过去式。故填shone。
49.句意:令他们惊讶的是,这些米粒在几分钟内神奇地长成了高大的水稻植株,并结出了新的谷粒。to one’s surprise“令某人惊讶的是”,根据“When they had a rest on a mountain”可知,此处指“令他们惊讶”,they的形容词性物主代词their“他们的”符合题意。故填their。
50.句意:一个年轻人捡起一些米粒,兴奋地大喊。根据“A young man picked up some of the rice grains and shouted with”可知,年轻人看见这些米粒很兴奋,根据空前的“with”可知,空处应该填excite的名词excitement“兴奋”。故填excitement。
51.句意:然后,炎帝拿起这些米粒,仔细地看着它们,高兴地说:“凤凰帮助我们创造新的生命。”根据“Then the Yan Emperor took these rice grains, looked at them…and said happily,”可知,此处指“仔细地看”,carefully“仔细地”,副词修饰动词。故填carefully。
52.句意:在那之后,皇帝教他的人民如何耕种。根据“the emperor taught his people…to farm”可知,皇帝教他的人民如何耕种。故填how。
53.句意:他用一些木头和石头为他的族人制作农具。根据“he used some wood and…to make farming tools for his people.”可知,他用一些木头和石头为他的族人制作农具。stone“石头”符合题意,此处用其复数表示泛指。故填stones。
54.句意:他们发现了其他一些容易种植的作物。根据“They found some other crops (作物) that were easy…”可知,他们发现了其他一些容易种植的作物。grow“生长”符合题意,此处用动词不定式作后置定语。故填to grow。



