
Do you want to work at a radio station Look at the following ads.
Daytime Radio Presenter West London radio station “Westside 89.6 FM” is looking for a daytime radio presenter. He or she needs to know much about music. Working hours:9:00 am-11:00 am;3:00 pm to 5:00 pm (From Monday to Friday) Closes: December 17th. Click here to read more.
Broadcast Reporter 103.1 Central FM is looking for a news reporter to join our team—to work at weekends. He or she needs to have a good knowledge (知识) of cars. Working hours:8:00 am-10:00 am; 2:30 pm-5:30 pm Closes: November 20th. Click here to read more.
Broadcast Reporter at Night If you are free at weekends and love telling great stories, and the listeners take great interest in the stories you tell, 104.3 Radio FM is just for you. Working hours:8:00 pm-11:00 pm Closes: November 23rd. Click here to read more.
1.If Amy becomes a presenter of Westside 89.6 FM, she will need to work ________ hours a day.
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5
2.The presenter of 103.1 Central FM needs to know ________ well.
A.music B.cars C.stories D.sports
3.It is clear from the material that ________.
A.104.3 Radio FM’s presenter needn’t work at daytime
B.Westside 89.6 FM’s presenter works at weekends
C.103.1 Central FM is looking for two reporters.
D.applications(申请) all close in November
Mona Island is a special place to spend a holiday. It is very small. The government of Puerto Rico takes care of the island and has made it a natural reserve. That means the island’s animals and plants are protected from being hurt by people. Mona Island is different from most places because only park rangers (管理员) are allowed to live there. Their job is to keep Mona Island beautiful and make sure that the land and animals are safe.
One thing that most people enjoy is getting to see the Mona Island iguana (鬣蜥蜴). Almost 2,000 iguanas live on Mona Island. People also come to the island to get a close-up view of many kinds of fish and other sea life. The water is almost transparent. Through the clear water, divers (潜水者) can see the bright colours of fish: Visitors can also explore caves (探索洞穴). Some of the caves even have paintings and drawings on the walls. After a full day of fun activities, visitors can see the stars in the huge sky. Because the island is far away from other places, it is surrounded (包围) by darkness, and the stars are easier to see. Watching the stars is a perfect end to a perfect day.
4.Why is Mona Island special
A.People can spend a holiday on it.
B.There are many kinds of animals on it.
C.Nobody except park rangers can live on it.
D.Park rangers manage the government of Puerto Rico.
5.What does the underlined word “transparent” in Para 2 probably mean in Chinese
A.透明的 B.黑暗的 C.模糊的 D.饮用的
6.Where can you see the paintings and drawings on Mona Island
A.On the beaches. B.In the sea.
C.On the walls of the hotel. D.In the caves.
7.Where is the text probably from
A.A report. B.A story book.
C.A tour guide. D.A science magazine.
Having a hobby is common for most people. But using your hobby to make a difference is not easy.
Sisters Lily and Evie Babcock from the US have achieved (实现) just that. Lily, 17 and Evie, 15, love cooking and often practise their skills. “Both of us love cooking and want to make our city a better place,” Evie told Yahoo Life.
They often took part in activities to make their city better. In their free time, they baked (烤) cupcakes and then sold them to raise money. According to Yahoo Life, they raised a total of 30,000 dollars (about 191,000 yuan).
“Once you get a taste for making a difference in the world, you can’t stop,”Lily said.
The sisters also helped New American Pathways to help Afghan refugees (难民). Many young Afghan refugees don’t have school supplies (物资). At the suggestion of New American Pathways, they started a bake sale to raise money. Whenever they had time, they would bake cakes by themselves or called for families and neighbours to join them to help. With their great work, they ended up getting 240 schoolbags.
They also hope to inspire (激励) others to make a difference no matter (不论) how small it is. “No matter how small you might feel your voice is,” Lily told Daily Viral News, “just know that you can make a difference. You just have to go for it.”
8.What do Lily and Evie have in common
A.They are at the same age. B.They both work in the UK.
C.They share the same hobby. D.They are both Afghan refugees.
9.From the underlined sentence, we can infer Lily and Evie ________.
A.have many chances to taste delicious food B.may feel great pleasure by helping others
C.like baking very much and are good at it D.want to taste more delicious food later
10.What can we get from the passage
A.Lily and Evie believe every small act can make a difference.
B.Lily and Evie offer help to refugees from all over the world.
C.Lily and Evie once raised 30,000 yuan through a bake sale.
D.New American Pathways produces school supplies.
11.What can be the best title for the passage
A.Hobbies Give People a Second Life B.A Common Hobby of Two Sisters
C.Making a Difference by a Hobby D.Two Girls share a New Hobby
A reader wrote us a letter saying that she was feeling lonely at break because her best friend wasn’t around. Here’s our advice for her and for all the children who feel lonely sometimes.
12 You may feel lonely at break or lunchtime because he or she moved to a different school or a different class. You want to have new friends. But how do you make them Maybe it seems like everybody else already has their friends. 13
Start by looking around your classroom—think about which children you’d like to play with at break. Look for chances to say hi to them, smile and be friendly. Offer to share something or express your appreciation (表达你的欣赏) to them. 14 You can say “Do you want to sit here ” in the lunchroom. When you’re at break, walk over to the children you want to play with, act friendly, and say “Hi, can I play too ” or just join in.
If you have trouble doing this or if you’re feeling shy, ask your teacher to help you make new friends. 15 The best way to make friends is to be a friend. Be kind, be friendly, share, say nice things, offer to help and pretty soon, you will have one, two, or even more friends.
You might still miss that special best friend. But when you see each other, you can share something you didn’t have before she left. You can introduce her to your new friends!
A.Invite someone to play with you.
B.It’s not easy to keep a friendship.
C.It’s hard when a best friend isn’t around.
D.But remember, there’s always room for more friends.
E.Teachers are usually pretty good at matching up friends.
A.so that B.find out C. age D.invite E. practice
Many people make friends by writing letters. One way to find a pen friend is on a special website, where you can “meet” people from all over the world. Members can be any 16 , and they can write to each other online or via snail mail. Some people write to 17 about life in another country. Others want to 18 their foreign languages or share their hobbies. Stamp collectors, for example, write to people in different countries 19 they can collect the stamps on the letters they receive. Most people just enjoy making friends, and they 20 their pen friends to visit them.
valuable, proud, what, that, whether, refused, preferred, list, suggestion, ever, agreed, difference
When I was about 14, I had a friend who liked to tell me my shortcomings (缺点). For example, I was very short, I was too 21 , I wasn’t a top student and so on. I became so angry that I couldn’t stand (忍受) her at last. I ran to my father with tears in my eyes.
He listened to me quietly and asked 22 the things she said were true or not. He said, “Jane, haven’t you 23 thought about what you’re really like Go and make a 24 of everything she said and mark the points that are true. Pay no attention to the other things she said.” I did as he told me. To my great surprise, I discovered 25 about half the things were true. Some were things I couldn’t change, like being very short. But many were things I could and I 26 to change. For the first time, I had a better understanding of myself.
I brought the list back to Dad. He 27 to read it. “That’s just for you,” he said. “You know the truth (事实) about yourself better than any other person does. When something said about you is true, you’ll find that it will be 28 for you. Don’t shut your ears. Listen to them all, but only hear the truth and do 29 you know.”
Dad’s 30 has returned to me at many important moments. In my life, I’ve never had a better piece of advice.
Friendship comes before competition. It’s easy to say but hard to do. However, 11-year-old Jerome, a boy from Australia, did it and set a good example for us.
Jerome was good at running. Of all the races he took part in, he always got the first prize. But last November, after giving up winning a school race, the boy won the 31 (heart) of thousands of people. In the race, kind Jerome ran back to help his good friend Seth to stand up again after he 32 (fall) down. And then he encouraged him 33 (keep) running and let him cross the finishing line first.
Seth, ten years old, was born with cerebral palsy (脑瘫). After he moved to the school last year, he got lots of problems. And he often felt lonely and 34 (happy). Noticing that, his teacher Mrs Taylor 35 (introduce) Seth to Jerome. She asked Jerome to help Seth with things like 36 (go) to the washroom. The two boys soon became good friends. Because of his 37 (ill), Seth had a big head. Some students refused 38 (make) friends with Seth and often laughed at him. Jerome 39 (certain) stopped them.
Seth’s father thanked Jerome for treating his son nicely, “He is such a good child.” The two 40 (boy) story got popular quickly after Jerome’s mother Susan shared it on the Internet. “These boys didn’t win but they were champions (冠军),” said the mother.
Last summer I spent two weeks in Singapore with my sister. It was not easy to make the trip, so I could hardly believe I was in Singapore when I got off the plane.
Many places in Singapore interested us. First, we visited Singapore Zoo and Jurong Bird Park. Both the places were very large and many animals lived there. So we had to spend a day seeing all the animals. However, the most unforgettable event was the bird show in Jurong Bird Park. The workers had trained the birds carefully for long so they could dance, sing and even play basketball. The show was great, but I felt a little sad for the birds. I thought that humans should protect birds and live in peace with them. Their existence (存在) shouldn’t be for entertaining (娱乐) humans.
Second, after spending a week visiting some places of interest in Singapore, my sister and I decided to take part in an English course. The students there had to speak English during the lessons. We thought it would be a good chance for us to improve our English. We really didn’t want to waste it. Finally, we finished the course in a week and we made great progress in our English.
The trip to Singapore was really a nice experience in my life. During the trip, I learned much about Singapore’s culture and history and I improved my English.
41.How did the writer and her sister go to Singapore
42.What did they do in Singapore
① ②
43.How did she feel for the birds in the bird show
44.How long did the English course last
45.Why was the trip to Singapore a really nice experience according to the writer
46.阅读下面对话,用第三人称 Kate:(凯特:女孩名)概括成一篇短文,内容要点要齐全。词数50-60左右。
Kate: I want to start a new hobby, but I don’t know what to choose. Do you have any ideas
Mike: Well, my hobbies are playing football and table tennis.
Kate: Thanks, Mike! Football and table tennis aren’t my favourite sports.
Mike: Have you tried other sports At school you can join the tennis club, the swimming club, or you can try the basketball club.
Kate: I like tennis, but it’s very tiring. Perhaps swimming I don’t know...
Mike: Wait a minute—you’re good at art and music. The art teacher is going to start a new after-school club—you can learn to draw cartoons or write songs. You can join the club.
Kate: That sounds interesting...
47.假如你是朱迪(Judy),请你以“My Best Friend”为题,写一篇英语短文,发表在学校的英语校报上。
1. Who is your best friend
2. What is he/she like
3. Why did he/she become your best friend
4. ……
1. 不要出现真实姓名和学校;
2. 80词左右,要点齐全,语句通顺;
3. 书写认真规范,书写分占3 分。
My Best Friend
1.C 2.B 3.A
1.细节理解题。根据第一则广告“Working hours:8:00 am-10:00 am; 2:30 pm-5:30 pm”可知,“Westside 89.6 FM”白天电台主持人需要工作四小时,故选C。
2.细节理解题。根据“He or she needs to have a good knowledge (知识) of cars.”可知,“103.1 Central FM”播报员需要对汽车了解,故选B。
3.推理判断题。根据第三则广告标题“Broadcast Reporter at Night”及“104.3 Radio FM is just for you.”可知,“104.3 Radio FM”工作是夜间,白天不需要工作,故选A。
4.C 5.A 6.D 7.C
4.细节理解题。根据“Mona Island is different from most places because only park rangers (管理员) are allowed to live there.”可知,因为只有公园管理员才被允许住在那里,故选C。
5.词句猜测题。根据第二段“Through the clear water, divers (潜水者) can see the bright colours of fish”可知,通过清澈见底的海水,潜水者可以看到鱼的鲜艳颜色。可以判断出transparent意为“透明的”。故选A。
6.细节理解题。根据第二段“Some of the caves even have paintings and drawings on the walls.”可知,一些洞穴的墙上有壁画,因此在洞穴里能够看到这些绘画。故选D。
8.C 9.B 10.A 11.C
8.细节理解题。根据第二段“Both of us love cooking and want to make our city a better place”可知,Lily和Evie都喜欢烹饪。故选C。
9.推理判断题。根据“‘Once you get a taste for making a difference in the world, you can’t stop,’Lily said.”可知,Lily认为一旦你尝到了改变世界的滋味就停不下来,故推测出她们通过改变世界来帮助他人,她们自己也感到很快乐。故选B。
10.细节理解题。根据最后一段“They also hope to inspire (激励) others to make a difference no matter (不论) how small it is”可知,她们认为不管做的事如何小,都会对世界有改变。故选A。
12.C 13.D 14.A 15.E
12.根据下文“You may feel lonely at break or lunchtime because he or she moved to a different school or a different class.”可知,此处应是陈述最好的朋友不在身边时的感觉;选项C“当最好的朋友不在身边时,感觉很难受。”符合语境。故选C。
13.根据上文“Maybe it seems like everybody else already has their friends.”可知,此处是指尽管其他人都已经有了自己的朋友,但是其他人还有容纳更多朋友的空间;选项D“但请记住,总有更多朋友的空间。”符合语境。故选D。
14.根据下文“You can say ‘Do you want to sit here ’ in the lunchroom. When you’re at break, walk over to the children you want to play with, act friendly, and say ‘Hi, can I play too ’ or just join in.”可知,此处是指主动出击,邀请某人与你一起玩耍;选项A“邀请别人和你一起玩。”符合语境。故选A。
15.根据上文“If you have trouble doing this or if you’re feeling shy, ask your teacher to help you make new friends.”可知,此处应陈述寻求老师帮助的原因;选项E“老师通常很擅长撮合朋友。”符合语境。故选E。
16.C 17.B 18.E 19.A 20.D
16.句意:成员可以是任何人,他们可以在网上或通过蜗牛邮件互相写信。根据“Members can be any”和所给词汇可知,此处应是“网站成员可以是任何年龄”。age“年龄”,且any后加单数名词。故选C。
17.句意:有些人写信是为了了解另一个国家的生活。根据“Some people write to ... about life in another country.”和所给词汇可知,此处应是“了解有关另一个国家的生活”,find out“找出、查明”,且to后加动词原形,构成不定式表原因。故选B。
18.句意:其他人想练习他们的外语或分享他们的爱好。根据“Others want to ... their foreign languages or share their hobbies.”和所给词汇可知,此处应是“练习外语”,practice“练习”,且want to do“想要做某事”。故选E。
19.句意:例如,集邮者写信给不同国家的人,他们可以收集他们收到的信件上的邮票。根据“write to people in different countries ... they can collect the stamps on the letters they receive.”和所给词汇可知,集邮者写信是为了可以收集邮票,so that“以便、为了”,引导目的状语从句。故选A。
20.句意:大多数人只是喜欢交朋友,他们邀请笔友来拜访他们。根据“they ... their pen friends to visit them.”和所给词汇可知,此处应是“邀请笔友来拜访他们”,invite sb to do“邀请某人做某事”。故选D。
21.proud 22.whether 23.ever 24.list 25.that 26.preferred 27.refused 28.valuable 29.what 30.suggestion
21.句意:例如,我很矮,我太骄傲,我不是一个优等生等等。根据空格前的was可知,空格处应填写形容词作表语;由“tell me my shortcomings”可知,此处应填写一个贬义词,结合待选词汇可知,proud“骄傲的”符合语境。故填proud。
22.句意:他静静地听着我说,问她说的是真是假。根据本句结尾处的“or not”可知,此处考查的是句型结构“whether...or not”,意为“是否”。故填whether。
23.句意:Jane,你就没想过你到底是什么样的人吗?根据“Jane, haven’t you...thought about what you’re really like ”可知,本句使用的现在完成时,且句子结构完整,空格处缺少副词修饰动词,结合待选词汇可知,ever“曾经”,符合语境。故填ever。
24.句意:去把她说的每件事都列出来,并在正确的地方做上记号。根据第三段“I brought the list back to Dad.”可知,Jane的爸爸要求她列出朋友说的话。结合待选词汇和空格前的a可知,list“清单”符合语境。故填list。
25.句意:令我大为吃惊的是,我发现大约一半的事情是真的。分析“I discovered...about half the things were true.”可知,本句是宾语从句,且宾语从句不缺成分,连接词应用that。故填that。
26.句意:但有很多事情我可以改变,而且我更愿意改变。根据“But many were things I could and I...to change.”可知,此处指Jane认识到有一些缺点是她能够并乐意去改变的。由句中的过去式were和待选词汇可知,preferred“更喜欢”,符合语境,prefer to do sth.“更喜欢做某事”。故填preferred。
27.句意:他拒绝读它。根据“That’s just for you.”可知,Jane父亲没有看那份列出的单子。结合待选词汇可知,refused“拒绝”,符合语境,refuse to do sth.“拒绝做某事”。故填refused。
28.句意:当别人说的关于你的事情是真的,你会发现它对你很有价值。根据空格前的be并结合“Don’t shut your ears”可知,此处应填写一个褒义形容词,结合待选词汇可知,valuable“有价值的,珍贵的”,符合语境。故填valuable。
29.句意:都要听,但是只听真的那部分,做你所知道的事。根据“do...you know”可知,本句是一个宾语从句,从句中动词know缺少宾语,结合待选词汇可知,连接词应为what。故填what。
30.句意:在许多重要时刻,我都想起了爸爸的建议。结合全文以及“I’ve never had a better piece of advice”可知,Jane的爸爸给她提了一条关于怎么处理听到别人讲自己缺点的建议,因而在重要时刻,Jane都会想起这条建议。suggestion“建议”符合语境,故填suggestion。
31.hearts 32.fell 33.to keep 34.unhappy 35.introduced 36.going 37.illness 38.to make 39.certainly 40.boys’
31.句意:但去年 11 月,在放弃赢得学校比赛后,这个男孩赢得了成千上万人的心。根据“thousands of people”可知,赢得的是很多人的心,要用复数,win the hearts of…表示“赢得……的心”,故填hearts。
33.句意:然后他鼓励他继续跑并且让他先冲过终点线。根据encourage sb. to do sth.表示“鼓励某人做某事”可知这里要用不定式结构,故填to keep。
34.句意:他经常感到孤独和不开心。此空与lonely是并列关系,此空应填形容词。根据“he got lots of problems”可知,遇到许多问题,所以不开心,故填unhappy。
35.句意:注意到这一点,他的老师泰勒夫人把塞思介绍给了杰罗姆。根据时间状语“last year”可知句子时态为一般过去时,谓语动词要用过去式,故填introduced。
36.句意:她让杰罗姆帮助塞思做诸如去洗手间之类的事情。根据“She asked Jerome to help Seth with things like…to the washroom.”可知like是介词,其后应接动名词,故填going。
37.句意:因为他的病,赛斯有一个大脑袋。根据“Because of his…, Seth had a big head.”可知his是形容词性物主代词,后接名词,故填illness。
38.句意:一些学生拒绝和塞思交朋友并且常常嘲笑他。refuse to do sth.表示“拒绝做某事”。故填to make。
39.句意:杰罗姆当然阻止了他们。根据“Jerome…stopped them.”可知stopped是动词,要用副词修饰,“certain”的副词形式是“certainly”。故填certainly。
41.They took a plane./By plane. 42. They visited Singapore Zoo and Jurong Bird Park/some places of interest. They took part in an English course. 43.Great/Unforgettable but a little sad. 44.A week. 45.Because she learned much about Singapore’s culture and history and she improved her English.
41.根据“I could hardly believe I was in Singapore when I got off the plane.”可知她们是坐飞机去的。故填They took a plane./By plane.
42.根据“First, we visited Singapore Zoo and Jurong Bird Park.”可知她们参观了新加坡动物园和裕廊鸟类公园两个景点;根据“my sister and I decided to take part in an English course”可知她们参加了英语课程。故填They visited Singapore Zoo and Jurong Bird Park/some places of interest.;They took part in an English course.
43.根据“The show was great, but I felt a little sad for the birds”可知节目很好,但是作者为鸟感到有点悲伤。故填Great/Unforgettable but a little sad.
44.根据“Finally, we finished the course in a week”可知英语课程持续了一个星期。故填A week.
45.根据“The trip to Singapore was really a nice experience in my life. During the trip, I learned much about Singapore’s culture and history and I improved my English.”可知新加坡之行对她来说真的是一次美好的经历,在这次旅行中,她了解了新加坡的文化和历史,提高了她的英语水平。故填Because she learned much about Singapore’s culture and history and she improved her English.
46.【详解】① 题材:本文是语篇概括小作文;
② 时态:“一般现在时”为主;
③ 提示:写作要点已给出,考生注意不要遗漏要点,用第三人称概括成一篇短文,突出重点。



