
Yang Hongwei was born into a kite-making family in Weifang. When she was young, she often saw kites of bright colors and different shapes in her grandfather’s workshop.
“Every time I see these beautiful kites, my bad feelings go away,” said Yang.
Yang learned to make kites from her grandfather at the age of 16. After practicing the skill for 10 years, she started her own shop in 1992.
“Many places around the world have a tradition of flying kites,” Yang said. “But I think the cultural idea behind our kites is special.”
On Yang’s kites, people can see not only common pictures like butterflies and birds, but also some prints telling Chinese myths, legends and history. For example, she once made a kite with a phoenix (凤凰). On each side of the phoenix were 50 images (画像) of famous women from Chinese history. Each woman was different in look, clothes and makeup (妆).
“It took me a lot of time,” Yang said, “but when I explain the stories of the kites to foreigners, I feel a great sense of achievement.”
In her free time, Yang travels to countries such as Germany, Australia, the United States and New Zealand. She tells the stories of Chinese kites and the traditional ways they are made. “It is an important job of mine,” she said.
1.Yang Hongwei started her own shop at the age of ______.
A.10 B.16 C.26 D.56
2.The example of Yang’s kite with a phoenix is given to show ______.
A.how she makes kites B.why she likes kites
C.why she makes kites D.what’s on her kites
3.From the passage we can know Yang Hongwei is ______.
A.creative B.humorous C.honest D.outgoing
4.Yang’s important job refers to (指的是) ______.
A.making more kites B.traveling abroad
C.selling more kites D.spreading Chinese culture
In China, people who love Chinese calligraphic (书法) art should know the “Four Treasures of the Study”. It’s an expression used to refer to the writing brush, the ink stick, Xuan paper and the inkstone.
The writing brush can be used to draw the pictures on the painted pottery (陶器). It is soft because it is mainly made of hair of animals. The brushes of the best quality made in Xuancheng, a city in southeastern Anhui Province, were only supplied to emperors in the past.
The ink stick is the pigment (颜料) used in writing and painting. It is produced in Huizhou, Anhui Province. It is mainly made out of pine soot (松烟) and 20 other materials. Then they are glued together and pressed into the shape of a chocolate bar and left to dry.
Xuan paper was among the four great inventions in ancient China. It was named after its place of origin (起源)— Xuanzhou, Anhui Province. It has a history of over a thousand years. The famous Xuan paper appeared in the Sui and Tang dynasties.
The ink stone was already very popular in the Han Dynasty. It is used to grind (磨碎) the ink stick into powder which will be mixed with water. Among the Four Inkstones, the She inkstone from Shexian in Anhui used to be regarded as one of the most famous inkstones in China.
5.Xuan paper got the name from its ______.
A.materials B.birthplace C.uses D.quality
6.Which of the following is NOT true about the inkstone
A.We can put a lot of water into the inkstone directly.
B.It’s used to g rind the ink stick into powder.
C.The She inkstone was one of the most famous ink stones.
D.The She inkstone and Xuan paper are from the same province.
7.What’s the purpose (目的) of the text
A.To explain why people love calligraphic art.
B.To give facts about Chinese calligraphic art.
C.To introduce the Four Treasures of the Study.
D.To tell people how to learn Chinese calligraphic art.
Every year, thousands of people come to Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland, to be part of the Edinburgh Festival. In 1947, a group of famous people from the art world decided to hold an international festival of music, dance and theater in Edinburgh. The idea was to get Europe together after the Second World War.
The festival lasts for three weeks every August and early September when the city is filled with artists from all over the world. They come to Edinburgh for this biggest art festival in Britain. During this time, the streets of the city are alive with music and dance from early in the morning until late at night. You can even see artists painting pictures on the streets.
One of the most famous art events of the festival is the painting and sculpture (雕塑) celebration, which was started in 2004. The city’s top-level galleries (美术馆) and museums hold important exhibitions (展览) of historic artists and new faces. Each year, you can see the art works from both leading international and the UK artists.
Also, the festival attracts tens of thousands of tourists there to see new movies and plays and to hear music played by famous musicians. This year, you can see over five hundred performances with actors from more than forty countries. The tickets for these performances are quite cheap, and it is usually easier to see your favorite star in Edinburgh than it is in London. So come to the Edinburgh Festival next summer!
8.Who does “They” in Paragraph 2 refer to (指)
A.Artists. B.Musicians. C.Dancers. D.Tourists.
9.As a tour guide, how will you introduce the painting and sculpture celebration in Edinburgh to tourists
A.You can come for it in July every year.
B.You can only find new artists’ works.
C.It only happens in top-level galleries.
D.It has a history of about 20 years.
10.What can we learn about the festival according to the text
A.You can easily enjoy many kinds of art.
B.The festival is the biggest one in the world.
C.Tourists come only for movies and music.
D.Lots of stars only from London will be there.
11.What is NOT a reason for the writer to recommend (推荐) the festival
A.The street is filled with music and dance.
B.There are many performances from different countries.
C.You can meet your favorite star with less cost.
D.It’s the best time of the year in Edinburgh.
From the very beginning of our studies, we have known that many Chinese characters can change their pronunciations in different contexts (语境).
But how will you feel if you’re told that many of the pronunciations we learned in textbooks will be considered incorrect
Last month, an article titled “Chinese characters whose pronunciations have changed” caused heated discussions on Sina Weibo. The article claimed (声称) that some pronunciations, which were previously (先前) considered to have been misread, are now deemed (认为) correct. They include the characters in well-known sentences from ancient poems.
One example is by Du Mu from the Tang dynasty. “I go by slanting stony path to the cold hill; Where rise white clouds, there appear cottages (村舍) and bowers (凉亭).”
Many internet users disagreed with the changes. They argued that altering pronunciations would “change the rhyme of the sentences in poems, ruining the beauty of Chinese literature”.
According to CGTN, supporters of the change say “This is how language advances, and the pronunciations should adapt to the needs of society, rather than remain in the past.”
An official from the Ministry of Education responded, saying that most of the so-called “new” pronunciations have not yet been confirmed. However, according to the fifth and sixth editions of the Modern Chinese Dictionary, quite a few pinyin spellings have already been changed: 呆板 (dai, first tone, 原ai, second tone) and 确凿 (zao, second tone, 原 zuo, fourth tone).
“In some sense, pronunciation is a choice between the most popular version and the version with the longest history,” professor Zhang Yiwu told China Daily.
12.Many Chinese characters will change their ______ based on different contexts.
A.numbers B.meanings C.spellings D.pronunciations
13.The article which was heatedly discussed talks about ______.
A.some misread pronunciations are right now
B.Chinese characters can change their meanings in the same contexts
C.many false pronunciations in Chinese
D.some well-known sentences in ancient poems
14.Which is the correct translation of the underlined poems in the passage
15.Why do people support (支持) the change
A.Because they want to make a new language.
B.Because they think the old language should be replaced.
C.Because they can’t understand many ancient poems.
D.Because they think the language should fit the needs of society.
Whenever the sun set and the moon came up, my father and I used to climb the mountain near my house. Walking together, (my father and I used to have a lot of conversations through which I learned lessons from his experiences. He always told me, “You should have goals (目标) like climbing the mountain.” Without the mountain-climbing that we both enjoyed, we couldn’t have enough time to ① ______ together because my father was very busy. I really got a lot from mountain-climbing. It gave me time to talk with my father and to be in deep thought as well as develop my patience.
Once we climbed a very high mountain. It was a big ② ______ for me because I was only ten years old. During the first few hours of climbing, I enjoyed the flowers and trees, and the birds’ singing, but as time passed, I got a pain in both of my legs. I wanted to quit climbing. In fact, I hated it at that moment, but my father said to me, “You can always see a beautiful sky at the top of the mountain, but you can’t see it before you reach the top. Only at the top can you see all of the nice things, just like in life.”
At that time, I was so young that I couldn’t understand what he said.
But later after that, I got new hope and confidence (信心). I found myself standing at the top of the mountain and the sky was as clear as crystal (水晶).
16.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.
17.Fill in each blank in the passage with one proper word. ① ______ ② ______
18.What kind of person did the writer’s father expect him to be
19.Why didn’t the writer want to continue climbing the high mountain
20.What can we learn from the passage
I remember the green coat in my fifth and sixth grades.
When I needed a new jacket, I 1 something like bikers’ wear to my mother. I thought she understood for sure the kind I wanted.
The next day when I got home, 2 mother shouted from the kitchen that my jacket was on my bed. I rushed and opened the door, hoping the jacket could be the one I liked. No luck, I wanted 3 because it was so ugly and so big. 4 I knew I’d have to wear it for years before I could have a new one. I looked at it for a long time before I 5 and went out, smiling a “thank you” to my mom.
The next day I wore it to school. My 6 friend, Steve, looked at me in a strange way. And the expressions on the girls’ faces were 7 . On the playground, everyone saw me. Although they didn’t say out loud, “Man, that’s ugly!” I 8 their talk and even laughter.
And so I went, in my jacket. So embarrassed (尴尬的), so hurt, I couldn’t even do my lessons the rest of the day. I received Cs on tests. That thing 9 by me for three years. All in those years no love came to me.
I blamed (指责) my mother for her bad taste and her cheap ways. It was a sad time for the heart. I wondered 10 something good could happen to me. Anyway, I spent my sixth—grade year, not giving up.
And it was about that time I began to grow, still in that green ugly jacket, which was like my brother who went along wherever I went.
21.A.interviewed B.described C.produced
22.A.I B.mine C.my
23.A.to cry B.to celebrate C.to warn
24.A.So B.But C.Or
25.A.put it off B.put it on C.turned it down
26.A.worst B.new C.best
27.A.unusual B.impolite C.patient
28.A.will hear B.heard C.have heard
29.A.wore B.will be worn C.was worn
30.A.whether B.why C.what
31.Asking for directions is the first thing we do when we arrive in a new place, or even when we are just trying to find a place. Knowing how to ask for them can make our life much easier!
① ______ Starting the conversation with a greeting is necessary. If you want to get a nice answer, begin by saying “hello” first. And some words like “may”, “can” and “could” will help you express yourself better.
②______ You should know the basic (基本的) words when asking for directions. It may be useful to remember some famous places. Then try to use the right words when asking for a direction.
③______ Sometimes, it can happen that you are still far from your place. Which kind of public transportation should you choose You might ask like this, “Is it far Do I need to take the bus or the subway there ”
④______ Every city in the world has its own symbols. You can decrease search time if you know what the most important symbols are in the city. Your place might be around the symbols.
Learn to relax if you get lost somewhere. ⑤______ We all do that now and then, especially when visiting a new city. But always make sure you can ask others for help!
A.Don’t be too shy to ask. B.Don’t be afraid of using symbols. C.Use greetings and polite expressions. D.Get to know the transportation system. E.Build your words.
32.see, beautiful, among, home, wide, develop, China, artist, because, mountain
Suzhou Embroidery (苏绣) is one of the oldest embroidery techniques (技艺) in the world. It’s also one of the four most famous embroidery styles in ①______. It was listed in the National Intangible Cultural Heritage List (国家非物质文化遗产名录) in 2006.
With a history of about 2,000 years, Wu County of Jiangsu Province was the ②______ of Suzhou Embroidery. The Ming Dynasty is one of the most important stages (阶段) in the ③______ of Suzhou Embroidery. Suzhou Embroidery was best developed in the Qing Dynasty, and Suzhou was ④______ as an “Embroidery City” at that time.
Suzhou Embroidery is famous for its ⑤______ patterns (图案), kinds of stitches (针法), bright colors, and high-level techniques. The patterns have wide themes, including ⑥______, water, flowers, birds, animals and so on. Its stitching is skillful, and Suzhou ⑦______ can use over 40 kinds of stitching and 1,000 different kinds of threads (线) to make embroidery. ⑧______ the works of Suzhou Embroidery, the double- sided embroidery is the most popular. Apart from that, painting embroidery and portrait (肖像) embroidery are also famous ⑨______ of the lifelike art effect (效果). Suzhou Embroidery is so beautiful that many people use the pieces in daily life and collect them as artworks. Suzhou Embroidery is ⑩______ used on clothes, shoes, hats, indoor objects and so on in daily life.
总体介绍 中华传统文化种类多,历史悠久,影响很多人
京剧 国粹之一,包含singing, dancing, speaking; 讲述了很多故事,受各年龄段的人的喜欢
茶文化 茶的种类多,对健康有益
瓷器 中国是瓷器之乡,技术世界最早,闻名于世
参考词汇:china 瓷器;Beijing Opera 京剧;national treasure 国粹;technology 技术
Dear friends,
Welcome to our school. Today, I want to share something about traditional Chinese culture with you.
Thanks for listening.
39..I am a s______ to music and painting. I’m not interested in them at all.
40.He lives in a town ______ (在…旁边) a lake. It’s very beautiful there.
41.As the saying goes, “E______ or west, home is best.”
42.The best way of d______ with the problem is by asking the teacher for help.
43.Although more than 10 million masks (口罩) are p______ every day, it is still not enough for such a country to stop the spread of COVID-19.
解析:细节理解题。根据第三段Yang learned to make kites from her grandfather at the age of l6. After practicing the skill for 10 years, she started her own shop in 1992.”可知,杨红卫16岁开始学做风筝,练习了十年后,于1992年,也就是她26岁时开了自己的第一家店。故选C。
解析:细节理解题。根据第五段中“On Yang's kites, people can see not only common pictures like butterflies and birds, but also some prints...For example she once made a kite with a phoenix.”可知,在杨的风筝上,人们不仅可以看到蝴蝶和鸟类等常见的图案,还可以看到一些讲述中国神话、传说和历史的版画。例如,她曾经做过一只凤凰风筝。因此这里是在展示她的风筝上有什么。故选D
解析:推理判断题。根据全文以及第四、五"Many places around the world have a tradition of flying kites,"Yang said. 'But I think the cultural idea behind our kites is special.’...Each woman was different in look,clothes and makeup.”可知,杨红卫认为风筝背后的文化理念是特别的,而且她做的风筝上除了有普通的蝴蝶小鸟之外,还有历史女性人物的形象画,人物的造型妆容都各不相同,因此她是“有创造力的”。故选A。
解析:词句猜测题。根据上文“In her free time.Yang travels to countries such as Germany, Australia,the United States and New Zealand. She tells the stories of Chinese kites and the traditional ways they are made.”可知,杨常在闲暇时去不同的国家旅游,并向那里的人们讲述中国风筝的故事以及传统做法因此她的重要工作是“传播中国文化”。故选D。
解析:细节理解题。根据第三栏中“It was named after its place of origin -Xuanzhou,Anhui Province."可知,宣纸是以它的发源地安徽宣州命名的,故选B。
解析:细节理解题,根据第四栏中“lt is used to grind the ink stick into powder which willbe mixed with water.可知,它是用来把墨棒磨成粉末,与水混合,而不是直接往砚台里放很多水,故选A。
解析:代词指代题。根据第二段The festival lasts for three weeks every August and early September when the city is filled with artists from all over the world.They come to Edinburgh for this biggest art festival in Britain.(每年8月和9月初,这个节日将持续三周,届时这座城市到处都是来自世界各地的艺术家。他们来到爱丁堡参加这个英国最大的艺术节。)可知,they指的是艺术家。故选A。
解析:推理判断题。根据第三段One of the most famous art events of the festival is t he painting and sculpture celebration,which was started in 2004.(艺术节最著名的艺术活动之一是绘画和雕塑庆典,始于2004年。)可知,爱丁堡的绘画和雕塑庆典开始于2004年,现在2022年,由此推出它有18年的历史。故选D。
解析:细节理解题。根据第二段During this time,the streets of the city are alive with music and dance from early in the morning until late at night.You can even see artists painting pictures on the streets.(这文段时间,城市的街道从清晨到深夜都在音乐和舞蹈中充满活力。你甚至可以看到艺术家在街上画画。)可知,在这个节日期间,你可以很容易地欣赏各种艺术。
解析:细节判断题。根据第二段During this time,the streets of the city are alive with music and dance from early in the morning until late at night.(这段时间,从清晨到深夜,城市的街道上充满了音乐和舞蹈。)以及第四段This year,you can see over fIve hundred performances with actors from more than forty countries.The tickets for these performances are quite cheap,and it is usually easier to see your favorite star in Edinburgh than itis in London.(今年,你可以看到来自四十多个国家的演员超过五百场演出。这些演出的门票相当便宜,而且在爱丁堡通常比在伦敦更容易看到你最喜欢的明星。)可知,街道上充满音乐和舞蹈,有来自不同国家的表演,能以更少的花费见到最喜欢的明星,这些都是作者推荐这个节日的原因。D项,这是爱丁堡一年中最好的时光,没有提及。故选D。
解析:细节理解题。由文章第一段“From the very beginning of our studies,we have been aware that many Chinese characters can change their pronunciations in different contexts.”可知,很多汉字在不同的语境下读音是会改变的故选 D
解析:细节理解题。由第二段第二句“The article claimed that some pronunciations,which were previously considered to have been misread, are now deemed correct, ” 可知,一些以前被认为是错误的发音现在被认为是正确的。故选 A。
解析:细节理解题。由文章划线句“【goby slanting stony path to the cold hill; Where rise white clouds, there appear cottages and bowers.”中的几个关键词“stony path”、“ cold hill”等可知,是“石径”“寒山”等。故选C。
解析:细节理解题。根据文章倒数第三段“This is how language advances, and the pronunciations should adapt to the needs of society,rather than remain in the past,"可知,发音应该适应社会的需要,而不是停留在过去。
解析: my father“我的父亲”;and'和”;“我”used to do sth.“过去常常做某事”:have a lot of conversations“有很多对话”;through“通过”;先行词conversations在定语从句中作介词through的宾语,用关系代词which引导定语从句;learned lessons“吸取教训”;from“从”;his“他的”;experiences“经历”。故填:我父亲和我曾经有很多对话,通过这些对话,我从他的经历中吸取了教训。
17.答案:① spend ② challenge
解析:根据“Without the mountain-climbing that we both enjoyed, we couldn't have enough time to...together because my father was very busy.”可知,没有我们都喜欢的登山,我们就没有足够的时间在一起,因为我父亲很忙。故空处表示“度过”,用spend,动词不定式符号to后接动词原形;根据“'Once we climbed a very high mountain, It was a big...for me because I was only ten years old."可知爬一座很高的山对年仅十岁的作者来说是一个大的挑战,challenge“挑战”符合题意。故填spend;challenge。
18.答案:His father expected him to be a man with goals in life.
解析:根据“You should have goals(目标) like climbing the mountain.”可知,作者的父亲希望他成为一个有人生目标的人。故填His father expected him to be a man with goals in life.
19.答案:Because he got a pain in both of his legs.
解析:根据“During the first few hours of climbing.I enjoyed the flowers and trees, and the birds' singing.but as time passed, I got a pain in both of my legs. I wanted to quit climbing.”可知,因为他的双腿疼痛。故填Because he got a pain in both of his legs.
20.答案:We should have goals in life. Work hard and never give up, and we will succeed. (参考答案,只要学生言之有理,符合文意,且无表达错误,即可给分)
解析:句意:当我需要一件新夹克时,我向妈妈描述了一件类似骑手穿搭的衣服。interviewed采访;described描述;produced生产。根据“ When I needed a new jacket, l...something like bikers’ wear to my mother. I thought she understood for sure the kind l wanted.”可知此处指作者在向妈妈描述他想要的衣服。故选B。
解析:句意:第二天,当我回到家时,妈妈在厨房里大喊,说我的夹克在床上。I我;mine我的(名词性物主代词);my我的(形容词性物主代词)。根据“...mother shouted”可知此处指““我妈妈”,需使用形容词性物主代词。故选C。
解析:句意:很不幸,我想哭,因为它又丑又cry哭;celebrate庆祝;warn警告。根据“No luck...because it was so ugly and so big.”可知此处指作者很想哭。故选A。
解析:句意:但我知道我必须穿它很多年才能有一件新的。So所以;But但是;0r或者,否则。根据“I wanted...because it was so ugly and so big...I knew I'd have to wear it for years before I could have a new one.”可知前后句为转折关系。故选B。
解析:句意:我看了它很长时间,然后穿上它走了出去,微笑着对妈妈说““谢谢”。put of推迟;put on穿上;turn down调低。根据“I looked at it for a long time before l...and went out,”曰知此处指作者穿好衣服,出去和妈妈致谢。故选B。
解析:句意:我最好的朋友史蒂夫用一种奇怪的眼神看着我。worst最差的;new新的;best最好的。根据“My...friend, Steve, looked at me in a strange way.”可知此处指作者的好友用一种很奇怪的眼神看他。故选C。
解析:句意:女孩们脸上的表情很不寻常unusual不同寻常的;impolite不礼貌的;patient有耐心的。根据“"...Steve, looked at me in a strange way.”可推断此处指女孩们脸上的表情很不寻常。故选A。
解析:句意:我听到了他们的谈话,甚至笑声,will hear将听到(一般将来时);heard听到(一般过去时);have heard已经听到(现在完成时)。根据“Although they didn't say out loud,”可知此处需使用一般过去时。故选B。
解析:句意:那件衣服我穿了三年了wore穿(一般过去时);will be worn将被穿;(一般将来时的被动);was worn被穿(一般过去时的被动)。根据“'I received Cs on tests, That thing...by me for three years,”可知此处是一般过去时,又衣服是被穿,需使用被动。故选C。
解析:句意:我想知道是否会有好事发生在我身上。whether是否;why为什么;what什么。根据“All inthose years no love came to me...l wondered...something good could happen to me.”可知作者在想是否会有好事发生。故选A。
解析:①根据“Starting the conversation with a greeting is necessary.”可知,以问候开始谈话是必要的。选项C“使用问候和礼貌的表达。”符合语境。故选C。
②根据“You should know the basic (基本的)words when asking for directions.”可知,应该了解问路的基本话语。选项E“构建你的话语。”符合语境。故选E。
③根据“Which kind of public transportation should you choose ”以及“Is it far Do I need to take the bus or the subway there ”可知,我们需要了解交通系统。选项D“了解交通系统。”符合语境。故选D.
④根据“'Every city in the world has its own symbols.”可知,此处涉及城市的标志。选项B“不要害怕使用标志。”符合语境。故选B。
⑤根据“But always make sure you can ask others for help!”可知,可以向他人寻求帮助。选项A“不要羞于开口。”符合语境。故选A。
32.答案:①China ②home ③development ④seen ⑤beautiful⑥mountains ⑦artists⑧Among ⑨because ⑩widely
①句意:它也是中国四大最著名的刺绣风格之一。根据“lt's also one of the four most famous embroidery styles in”可知,是中国四大最著名的刺绣风格之一,in China“在中国”,故填China。
②句意:江苏吴县是苏绣的故乡,有大约2000年的历史。根据“Wu County of Jiangsu Province was the..of Suzhou Embroidery”及备选词可知,吴县是苏绣的故乡,home“家乡”,故填home。
③句意:明代是苏绣发展的重要时期之一。根据“'The Ming Dynasty is one of the most important stages(阶段) in the .. of Suzhou Embroidery.”及备选词可知,明代是苏绣发展的重要时期之一,the development of……的发展”,故填development.
④句意:苏绣在清代得到了最好的发展,苏州在当时被视为“刺绣之都”。根据“was..as an“Embroidery City”及备选词可知,此处用be seen as“被视为”,故填seen,
⑥句意:图案主题广泛,包括山、水、花、鸟、动物等。根据“The patterns have wide themes,including. water, flowers,birds, animals”可知,山也是主题之一,根据flowers可知,可数名词用复数形式,故填mountains。
⑧句意:在苏绣作品中,双面绣是最受欢迎的。根据“he most popular”"可知,最高级用于三者以上的比较,此空应填介词among+比较范围,故填Among。
⑨句意:除此之外,绘画刺绣和肖像刺绣也因其遍真的艺术效果而闻名。because of因为”,固定搭配。
33.答案:Tom and his parents always spread love and warmth everywhere.
34.答案:When I passed by the park, I saw several people doing kung fu.
35.答案:His words had a great influence on my decision.
36.答案:Tina’s family took pride in her after she won the math contest last week.
37.答案:Our city is as famous/known for its beautiful environment as theirs.
Dear friends
Welcome to our school.Today, l want to share something about traditional Chinese culture with you.There are many kinds of traditional Chinese culture.【高分句型-】Some of them have a long history.They have influenced many people.(中华传统文化种类多、历史悠久,影响很多人。)Beijing Opera comes first.As one of Chinese national treasures, Beijing Opera comes from"Huiban" and it has three parts, including singing, dancing, and speaking.lt's full of famous stories, and it is loved by Chinese people of all ages.(国粹之一,来自"Huiban",包含singing,dancing,speaking;讲述了很多故事,受各个年龄段人的喜欢。)Next, let's talk about tea.In China there are many different kinds of tea in different areas, such as green tea, black tea.lt is good for our health.【高分句型二】(茶的种类多,对健康有益。)The last one is about china.China is the hometown of china.Our china technology is the earliest in the world,and it's famous all over the world.(中国是瓷器之乡,技术世界最早,闻名于世。)Thanks for your listening.
解析:尽管每天生产1000多万只口罩,但对于这样一个国家来说,仍然不足以阻止新冠肺炎的传播。根据首字母提示及“more than 10 million masks”可知,此处指的是“口罩被生产”,produce“生产”,是动词,句子主语与动词之间是被动关系,应用被动语态,空前有are,此处动词用过去分词,故填(p)roduced.



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