人教版九年级全册 Unit 1 How can we become good learners Section B(含答案)

Unit 1 Section B (3a-Self Check)
1. The railway will ___________(连接) the small town with other cities.
2. He is a __________ (耐心的)father.He has played with his daughter for four hours.
3. Now the maglev train (磁悬浮列车) can reach a top __________(速度) of 600 km/h.
4. He is an __________ (积极的)student.He always hands up to answer the teachers' questions.
5. As I didn't hear the name of China's first Mars rover (火星探测器) clearly,I asked him to __________ (重复)it.
1. He is a man of many ________ (ability) .
2. Someone is ________ (bear) to have a special ability.
3. —Who ________(create) the first movie which lasted only one minute
—I don't know.
4. They ________ (look) up his phone number in the phone book yesterday.
5. Though he is a child, he knows much _________ (knowledge) of science.
Your mother asked you to go home __________ __________.
When you are __________ __________,you should listen to music.
He usually understands the use of the words or phrases by __________ __________.
My father saved money __________ __________ __________ until he had enough to buy a car.
You can listen to tapes __________ __________ __________ __________ to improve your listening skills.
1. — ______does Lisa improve her writing
—By writing e-mails to her penfriends.
A. Where B. When C. Why D. How
2. —Which teacher will you miss most after junior high school, Clara
— Mr. Lee. He is always ______ with me in math class.
A. careful B. patient C. busy D. secret
3. —Peter always remembers ______ the light off when he leaves the room.
— That’s great. It’s a good way to save energy.
A. shut B. shutting C. to shut D shuts
4. Vincent sometimes sits ______ the river and listens to music.
A. on B. by C. over D. under
5. —Annie has improved a lot in English since she joined the English club.
—Yes, you are right. How ______ she chose to be in that club!
A. differently B. clearly C. hardly D. wisely
6. —I think it’s a good habit to ______ new words in a dictionary.
—Yes, that’s helpful to us.
A. look after B. look up C. look at D. look for
7. The ______ on her face shows that terrible things must have happened to her.
A. smile B. action C. expression D. picture
8. Have you decided ______ for tomorrow’s party
—Yes, I’m going to play the piano for it.
A. what preparing B. how preparing
C. what to prepare D. how to prepare
9. The rain in Zhengzhou was ______ heavy ______ the subway station was flooded.
A. so; that B. such; that C. as; as D. so; as
10. —Mary, you have to put what you learn into use. ______.
—You're right. This way I'll never forget.
A. It takes time B. It's a piece of cake
C. Use it, or lose it D. Every minute counts
success practice repeat develop create
1. I memorize new words by ____________ them many times.
2. The ______________ of science has changed our world a lot.
3. Parents must ____________ good living conditions for children.
4. Tom __________ his listening by listening to the tapes over and over.
5. Li Xin's brother is a ____________ businessman.He owns several companies.
I started learning English at the age of 22. It is kind of __1__ to start studying a language. However, age is never a problem if you really want to __2__something.I was preparing myself to study engineering in the USA. To enter(进入)my dream university, I had to __3__ a TOEFL score(托福分数)of 90 or higher. After careful thought, I signed up for( 报名参加)a six-month program to study English.
It was __4__to get 90 in six months for someone who started learning English from the very beginning, but I decided to have a try. In order to join the __5__ , I moved to a different city and rented(租用)a house with a friend. We were in the same program. We did not have any distractions(使人分心的事物)in __6__ house, such as televisions, computers or smartphones.
We had classes every day from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. __7__ a lunch break only. After the classes were over, we had something for dinner and started __8__what we had learned and doing homework. We would study __9__we became sleepy, and usually we would finish it by midnight.My friend and I encouraged each other and we did our best. __10__ , we both got perfect TOEFL scores and went to the USA at last.
1. A. long B. busy C. slow D. late
2. A. learn B. explain C. control D. trust
3. A. use B. get C. read D. write
4. A. difficult B. natural C. boring D. dangerous
5. A. university B. program C. test D. trip
6. A. his B. her C. their D. our
7. A. for B. over C. with D. from
8. A. reviewing B. introducing C. questioning D. reporting
9. A. or B. if C. until D. since
10. A. Usually B. Luckily C. Probably D. Typically
我们现在已经升入九年级了。经过几年的英语学习,你一定有很多的经历和感受。学校英语角将举行一次有关学英语的征文活动,请你以“It's_________to Learn English”为题,写一篇短文,为该征文活动投稿。
2. 中心突出,行文流畅,层次清楚,书写规范;
3. 文中不得出现真实的人名和校名;
4. 词数:80~100词。
It's_________to Learn English
一、1.connect 2.patient 3.speed 4.active 5.repeat
二、1.abilities 2.born 3.created 4.looked 5.knowledge
三、1.at once 2.stressed out 3.taking notes 4.bit by bit 5.over and over again
四、1-5DBCBD 6-10BCCAC
五、1.repeating 2.development 3.create 4.practices 5.successful
六、1-5 DABAB 6-10DCACB
It's Interesting to Learn English
Of all the subjects,I like English best.I think it's interesting to learn English.
First,I can work with my friends and practice my spoken English.Second,I like to watch English movies,and it can improve my English.Third,I can take part in many kinds of English competitions and I will have the chance to win the prize.Though I am not very good at English,I never give up studying.I think if I put my heart into learning it,I will improve the grades little by little.




下一篇:【人教九上中档题专题提优】专题八 一元二次方程的实际应用(2)一循环、传染、分叉问题(含解析)