
( )1.It’s______ than both of us together.
A.tall B.short C.taller D.shorter
( )2.Did you do ______ else
A.something B.anything C.some D.any
( )3.It looks ______a mule.
A.like B.love C.for D.after
( )4.There was no ______ in my old school.
A.gym B.computer C.library D.grass
( )5.I______ ride my bike well before.
A.could B.can C.couldn’t D.can’t
( )6.How was Grandpa’s weekend
A.It was bad. B.It was good. C.It was happy.
( )7.Who stayed together with Grandpa
A.Grandma. B.Mike. C.Mike’s parents.
( )8.What are they talking about
A.Amy’s holiday. B.Oliver’s holiday. C.A holiday plan.
( )9.Where did Oliver go
A.He went to Sanya. B.He went to Xinjiang. C.He went to Beijing.
( )10.Did he take any pictures
A.We don’t know. B.No, he didn’t. C.Yes, he did.
11.______ 12.______ 13.______ 12.______ 15.______
Today was a 16.______ (A.sun B.sunny) day. I went to the countryside 17.______ (A.with B.and) my parents. In the morning, 18.______ (A.we B.our) rode a bike for three people. That 19.______ (A.was B.were) fun. We took many 20.______ (A.picture B.pictures) of the beautiful countryside. We bought some gifts 21.______ (A.and B.but) ate some delicious food. 22.______ (A.On B.In) the afternoon, Mum ate some bad fruit and didn’t 23.______ (A.feel B.felt) well. So we stayed in the 24.______ (A.hotel B.city). Dad and I made a funny play. We laughed and laughed.
It was a bad day but also a 25.______ (A.good B.bad) day.
五.选择适当的句子完成两人的对话,并将字母标号填在横线上。(共10分)(M=Mike Z=Zhang Peng)
Z: Hello, Mike. You look so happy. What are you doing
M: I’m looking at the photos of my holiday.
Z: 26.______
M: I went to Hangzhou.
Z: 27.______
M: Yes. I went boating on the lake. 28.______
Z: Sounds great. You really have a good time. Summer holiday is coming soon. 29.______
M: I’m going to Shangbai this year.
Z: How are you going there
M: By plane.
Z: Why not go by train 30.______
M: Good idea! Thank you so much.
A.Where are you going this year
B.It’s faster and cheaper than taking a plane.
C.And I visited Leifeng Tower too.
D.Where did you go on your holiday
E.Did you see the West Lake
31.______ 32.______
33.______ 34.______
The Happy Town was a small town before. But now it changes a lot.
( )36.There were many tall buildings in the town before.
( )37.Before there were two big lakes.
( )38.There is a post office in Happy Town now.
( )39.People in the town can see a film now.
( )40.Now there is no school in Happy Town.
My name is Kim. I’m a student. I like stars very much. Last night, I had a dream. I was in a spaceship. Soon I was on the moon. There was no air and no water.
But there were many stars around me. I was excited. I walked, jumped and counted (数数) the stars. Suddenly I fell over. Then I woke up. Oh, it was just a dream. I was a little sad.
Kim is a student. He likes 41.______ very much. He 42.______ a dream last night. In his dream, he went to the moon by 43.______. There 44.______ lots of stars around him. He counted the stars happily. When he woke up, he felt a little 45.______.
How time flies! We’ll say goodbye to our school soon. My school life is really a wonderful journey. (旅程).
Thank you, my dear friends. You made the journey colorful. We had classes together. We did sports together. We ate together. We had a lot of fun. Thank you my dear teachers. You gave us your time and love. We learnt a lot from you. Thank you my beautiful school. There are so many trees and flowers in the school. They make us feel comfortable. (舒服的). We are happy to study here.
It’s time for us to leave. But it’s not the end. It’s a new beginning for us.
46.What did they do at their school (共3分)
( )had classes ( )danced ( )rode a bike
( )did sports ( )went swimming ( )ate food
47.Who did the writer (作者) want to say“Thank you”to 在括号里打“√”(共3分)
( )friends ( )mother ( )father
( )teachers ( )pen pal ( )school
任务二:( )48.What’s the title(题目)of the passage (共2分)
A.My school B.My wonderful journey C.Thank you, my dear school.
暑假即将到来,这个假期你准备去哪里呢 准备做些什么呢?请你根据提示写一篇文章,介绍一下你的暑假计划吧!
Tips: Where are you going When are you going Who are you going with What are you going to do
My summer holiday plan
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上一篇:人教PEP版英语五年级下册Unit 1 My day暑假作业(含答案)
