人教PEP版英语五年级下册Unit 1 My day暑假作业(含答案)

Unit 1 My day
单元知识过关 四会词汇 12个◆三会词汇 24个◆重点句型 2个
cl/ kl/ clean 打扫 clock 钟表 class课 clever 聪明的
pl / pl/ plate 盘子 eggplant茄子 please请 play玩,玩耍
四会词汇(能够听、说、读、写) exercise 活动;运动 take学习;上(课) dancing 跳舞;舞蹈 eat breakfast 吃早饭 have … class 上……课 play sports 进行体育运动 do morning exercises 做早操 eat dinner 吃晚饭 clean my room 打扫我的房间 go for a walk 散步 go shopping 去买东西;购物 take a dancing class 上舞蹈课
三会词汇(能够听、说、认读) when什么时候;何时 after在(时间)后 start 开始 usually通常地;惯常地 Spain 西班牙 late 晚;迟 a. m.午前;上午 p. m.午后;下午 why为什么 shop去买东西;购物 work 工作 last上一个的;刚过去的 sound 听起来好像 also还;也 busy忙的 need 需要 play戏剧;剧本 letter信 live 居住 island 岛 always 总是;一直 cave 山洞;洞穴 win获胜 go swimming去游泳
1. 询问对方作息时间的句型 句型结构:— When do you+动词(短语)原形(+其他) —I/ We+动词(短语)原形+ at+时间点. — When do you finish class in the morning 你们上午的课到几点结束 — We finish class at 1 o’ clock. 我们一点钟结束上午的课。
2. 询问对方周末做什么的句型 句型结构:— What do you do on the weekend —I/ We+动词(短语)原形(+其他). —— So what do you do on the weekend 那么你周末做什么 —I often watch TV and play ping- pong with my father. 我经常看电视,也常和我爸爸一起打乒乓球。
Clever boy, clever boy, it's a cloudy day. Please close TV, close computer.
Come to this place and plant a tree. Clean your hands with clear water.
Let's make it a pleasant place, for us to play and play.
usually do often go always have sometimes play
1. —What do you do on the weekend —I clean my room(★★★).
2. —Did you your homework(☆☆) ——Yes,I do.
3.—Can you the pipa ——Yes,I can. I do it(★★★★★) in my free time.
4. —Do you Chinese classes every day ——No. Just from Monday to Friday.
5.—I shopping(★) in the supermarkets. I like shopping online. —Me too.
1. In the morning, I get up (on/at) 6 o'clock. Then we eat (breakfast/dinner).
2. —When do you do morning (exercise/exercises)
—At 9:00 (a. m./p. m.).
3. They have six (class/classes) today. Now it's 2:30 p. m. PE class (start/starts).
4.—— (Why/What) did you go to school (late/early) today
—Because I didn’t get on the school bus and walked to school.
5. She is (taking/takes) a (singing/sing) class in the music room.
I'm Jack. Today is Wednesday. I 1. at 3 o'clock. I have three classes in the morning. In PE class, I 2. with my classmates on the playground.After class, I 3. at home at 6:30 p. m. Then I 4. with my grandparents and my dog. I do my homework at 8:00 p. m. I 5. at10:00 p. m. It's my day.
五、 单项选择。
( )1. — do you do Sunday in Spain
—I often go to the Prado Museum(普拉多博物馆).There are many famous painti-ngs in it.
A. Where; at B. What; on C. What; in
( )2.—Zhang Peng and I often go to the nursing home(敬老院)to help the old people.
—That great. Please take me with you next time.
A. sound B. sounding C. sounds
( )3.—When does the film begin
—It begins 8 o’clock the evening.
A. at; at B. at; in C. in; at
( )4. I like swimming very much. I usually go swimming my father in the holidays.
A. with B. and C. for
( )5.—What do you usually do on the weekend — .
A. She often cleans her room. B. I sometimes go to bed at nine.
C. We usually play ping-pong.
六、 根据示例及图片提示,仿写句子。
例:I usually go for a walk after dinner.
七、 新趋势根据上下文,完成任务。
Hello, everyone. I'm Bill. I'm now at school in America. From Monday to Friday, I usually get up at seven. After breakfast at about seven fifty, we go to school. We get to school at about half past eight. At noon we eat lunch at school. After lunch we 1. a short sleep. We have three 2. in the afternoon until(直到) three o'clock. Then we go home. I3. at six in the evening.
On Saturday, I often go 4. , visit my grandparents or go to a park with my parents. And on Sunday I go to a library 5. my parents in the morning and have a big meal at one o'clock in the afternoon.
eat dinner not have with class shop
1. Is Bill an English student
2. When does Bill get to school
3. Where does Bill eat lunch
4. What does Bill do on Sunday
5. When do you go to bed (根据实际情况回答问题)
Zoom: Hello, friend. 1.
Zip: I want to play football.2.
Zoom: Yes, I'd like to. 3. A. Today is Monday.
Zip: At 6:00. B. What do you want to do
Zoom: 4. C. I want to eat hamburgers.
Zip: Yes, you can. Do you like this ball D. When will we go
Zoom: I like it. 5. E. Would you like to go together
Zip: OK. F. Can I take my kite
Zoom: By the way(顺便问一下),what day is it today G. We can take it to play.
Zip: Ha ha.6.
Zoom: Thank you.
Zip: You're welcome.
( )1. Jim likes to do morning exercises. A.扫除不迟慢,一天亮堂堂。
( )2. I usually read some books in the evening. B.生命在于运动。 ( )3. She always. cleans her room. C.知识就是力量。



