Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.基础过关检测(无答案)人教版九年级英语全册

感觉到;意识到 v.感觉;意识n. 2.遗憾;怜悯n.同情;怜悯v.
4.伤;伤口;创伤n.使(身体)受伤;伤害 v.
1.澳大利亚(人)的 adj.澳大利亚人n. →澳大利亚
2.电子的;电子设备的adj. →电;电能n.
3.空闲的;不用的 adj. 抽出;留出 v. →空闲的时间(短语) 4. 情况;实情 n. →既然那样;假使那样的话(短语)
5.粘贴;将……刺入 v. →(过去式) →(过去分)
→坚持;固守(短语) v
6.悲哀;沮丧adj. →(同义词)_
7. ending n. →结尾;尽头n.
8. 大量;众多 pron. →大量;充足(短语)
9.关闭;关上v. →(过去式) →(过去分词)
10. superhero n. →(复数形式) →英雄 n.
11. intelligent adj. →(同义词)
12.悲伤;悲痛n. →(令人)悲哀的;(令人)难过的 adj.
13.痛苦;疼痛;苦恼n. →令人痛苦的;令人疼痛的 adj.
14. moving adj. →移动v.
15.表演;执行 v. →表演者;演员 n.
16.总数;合计n.总的;全体的adj. →总共;合计(短语)
17.大师;能手;主人 n.掌握v. →校长n.
二 默写下列短语
2.________________________随着 … 一起唱
4.__________________________ 电子音乐
5. ________________________没什么(事)
6. ______________________ 猜想某人做某事
7. _______________________应该做某事
8. _______________________原以为 …
9. _______________________有空闲时间
10._____________________ 在某人的空闲时间
11. _______________________抽时间做 …
12. ________________________一名电影导演
13. ______________________想太多
15.______________________ 第二次世界大战
17._____________________________比起 B 来更喜欢 A
18. __________________________比起做B 来更喜欢做 A
20. ___________________________想要做某事
21. _________________________坚持,固守
22. __________________________悲哀,沮丧
23. _____________________使 … 高兴 /振奋
24. _______________________有个美满的结局
1. The story is so _____ that everyone is deeply _____(move).
2. Have you ever cut your finger on the edge(边缘) of a book page The small cut on your finger is so _____(pain).
3. The mother said goodbye with a smile, but her eyes couldn't hide her _____(sad).
4. Jerry played the guitar on the show, and his _____(perform) was so wonderful that people cheered happily.
5. This book mainly tells us how to be a good chess _____(play).
6. You put too much salt in the soup. It's too _____(salt) for me.
7. —This T-shirt is very cheap. —So it is. It's _____(expensive).
8. The shoes are too small for me. I always feel _____(comfortable) when I wear them.
9. Someone is knocking at the door _____(loud).
10. My teacher always explains every question _____(clear) and carefully.
11. We made him ________(direct) of our department.
12. The man is one of the most famous ________(music) in the world.
13. I have never seen Beijing Opera ________(perform) so beautifully.
14. There are plenty of ________(egg) in the basket.
15. —What kind of songs ________(interesting) young people —Pop songs, I think.
There are 1,000 students _____ _____ in our school.
Can you _____ _____ the opening times on the website
The area is _____ _____ its very mild winter climate.
After he _____ _____, he moved to Paris with his family.
Please bring back all the library books _____ _____ _____ the week.
Last night one of my Chinese friends _____ me to a concert of _____ _____ _____.
7. 这个经常和我谈话的男孩来自美国
This boy _____ _____ I often talk comes from America.
8. 大熊猫已经成为我们的国宝
The giant panda has become our _____ _____.
9. 我的堂兄有音乐技能,所以他经常参加各种各样的音乐俱乐部
My cousin has _____ _____, so he often joins all kinds of music clubs.
_______ ________ ________, just tell me your phone number.
1. Lucy prefers watching TV to________music.
A. listen to B. listen C. listening to D. listening
2. Do you know that girl________ coat is green
A. whose B. who C. that D. whom
3. It is a place________ we can play football,basketball and volleyball.
A. which B. that C. where D. /
4. We need people________ are good at training dogs.
A. they B. who C. which D. whose
5. Many students enjoy the book Harry Potter ________ by J. K. Rowling.
A. written B. was written C. wrote D. was writing
6. If you can't get to sleep then get up and try to do something ________ lying in bed.
A. and B. or C. instead of D. because of
7. —I like music that I can dance ________. —But I like music that I can sing along________.
A. to; on B. to; with C. at; on D. at; with
8. Jack likes ________.
A. two pieces of musics B. two pieces of music
C. two pieces music D. two piece of music
9. James enjoys ________. He has many books in his bag.
A. reading books B. listening to music
C. watching TV D. drawing pictures
10. She really feels like ________a talk with him about his study at school.
A. having B. have C. has D. to have
11. Most of the young adults like the music that they can sing ________ or dance ________.
A. to; along with B. along with; to C. of; to D. along; to
12. This hotel ________ us ________ a large house.
A. provides; for B. offers; to C. provides; with D. offers; with
13. I ________the man was about forty according to his looks.
A. believed B. knew C. supposed D. accepted
14. He was born in a poor family, but his parents managed to buy books for him ________.
A. in this way B. in a while C. once in a while D. for a while
15. His show was so funny that it made everyone ______ again and again.
A. laugh B. laughed C. laughing D. to laugh
16. —Tom! ________ the tap, or the grass will get too wet.—OK, Mom. I will do that.
A. Take off B. Put off C. Shut off D. Get off
17. You can ________ a note on his door if he is not in.
A. give B. share C. stick D. put
18. The boy prefers ________ basketball to ________ music.
A. play; listen B. playing; listening
C. playing; listening to D. plays; listening
19. After Mike ________, he continued ________ on the street.
A. get married; play B. married; play
C. got married; to play D. gotten married; playing
20. —What are you doing —I'm reading the book ________ you lent me last week.
A. what B. who C. when D. that
六 课本改编完形
Section A 3a
What Do You Feel Like Watching Today
While some people stick 1.______only one kind of movie, I like to watch different kinds 2. __________(depend) on how I feel that day.
When I’m down or tired, I prefer movies 3.________ can cheer me edies like Men in Black or cartoons like Kungfu Panda have funny dialog and usually have a happy 4. _________(end). The characters may not be perfect, but they try their best to solve their problems.After Iwatch them, my problems 5. _______(sudden) seem less serious and I feel better better again. laughing for two hours 6. ____(be) a good way to relax!
I don’t watch dramas or documentaries When I’m sad or tired. Dramas like Titanic make me feel even 7. __________(sad). Documentaries like March of the Penguins which provide plenty of information about a certain subject can be interesting, but when I’m tired I don’t want to think too 8. ______(many). I don’t mind action movies like Spider-Man when I’m too tired to think. I can just shut off my brain, sit back and enjoy watching an exciting superhero who always 9. ____(save) the world just in time. Once in a while, I like to watch movies that are 10. _______ (scared). They can be fun, but I’m too scared to watch them alone. I always bring a friend who isn’t afraid of these kinds of movies, and it doesn’t feel so scary anymore.
Section B 2b
Sad but beautiful
Last night one of my 1. _________(China) friends took me to a concert of Chinese folk music. The piece 2. ______ was played on the erhu especially moved me. The music was strangely beautiful, but under the 3. _______(beautiful) I sensed a strong 4. ______(sad) and pain. The piece had a simple name, Erquan Yingyue (Moon Reflected on Second Spring, but it was one of the most moving pieces of music that I’ve ever heard. Later I looked up the history of Erquan Yingyue, and I began to understand the sadness in the music.
The music 5. ________(write)by Abing, a folk musician who was born in the city of Wuxi in 1893. His mother died when he was very young. Abing’s father taught him to play many musical instruments ,such as the drums, dizi and erhu , and by age 17 , Abing was known for his music ability , However, after his father died, Abing’s life grew 6. _____(bad). He was very poor, not only that, he developed a serious illness and became blind. For several years, he had no home. He lived on the streets and played music 7. ______(make) money . Even after Abing got married and had a home again, he continued to sing and play on the streets. He performed in this way for many years.
Abing’s am azing musical skills made him very popular during his lifetime. 8. ____ the end of his life, he could play over 600 pieces of music. Many of these were written by Abing 9. _____(he). It is a pity that only six pieces of music in total were recorded for the future world to hear ,but his popularity continues to this day. Today, Abing’s Erquan Yingyue is a piece which all the great erhu masters play and praise. It has become one of China’s national 10. _______(treasure). Its sad beauty not only paints a picture of Abing’s own life but also makes people recall their deepest wounds from their own sad or painful experiences.



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