Unit 6 I'm going to study computer science. 单元练习(无答案)2024-2025人教版英语八年级上册

I’m going to study computer science.
班级:___________ 姓名:___________
1.编程人员__________ 2.厨师,烹饪__________ 3.医生__________
4.工程师__________ 5.小提琴师__________ 6.司机__________
7.飞行员__________ 8.钢琴家__________ 9.科学家__________
10.学院__________ 11.教育__________ 12.药学__________
13.大学__________ 14.伦敦__________ 15.文章__________
16.邮寄,发送_______ 17.决心__________ 18.队,组__________
19.外国的__________ 20.能够__________ 21.承诺__________
22.开头__________ 23.改进__________ 24.身体的__________
25.他们自己_________ 26.自我改进__________ 27.业余爱好__________
28.在...上刷油漆__________ 29.每周的__________
30.学校作业__________31.提问,怀疑__________ 32.意义__________
33.讨论__________ 34.自己的__________ 35.个人的__________
1.长大____________________ 2.上课____________________
3.努力学习____________________ 4.擅长做某事____________________
5.坚持做某事____________________ 6.确信____________________
7.确保____________________ 8.尽某人最大努力做某事___________
13.能够做某事____________________ 14.一种____________________
15.在...开始____________________ 16.写下____________________
17.和...有关____________________ 18.学着做,开始做_________________
19.每周计划____________________ 20.太...以至于不能________________
Langlang is a famous pianist. He is good at ________(play) the piano.
She kept on ________(work), although she was very tired.
Bob likes to play basketball. He wants to be a basketball ________(play) when he grows up.
This is his ________(person) notebook. You’d better not use it.
At the __________(begin) of the month, she made the soccer team.
Andy and Paul are engineers. They made a machine by ________(they).
Lucy is able ________ (keep) on her resolutions.
These ideas are about ________(improve) our physical health.
I will take up a new hobby like ________(sing) or ________(dance).
Ken is a famous________(act) and he works in a American theater.
--_______ are you going to _______ when you grow up
-- I want to be a violinist.
How; do B. What; do C. How; doing D. What; doing
-- Do your parents want you to be a violinist
-- I’m not sure _______ it.
with B. to C. about D. for
Kathy likes _______. She wants to be a _______.
cook; cooker B. cook; cook C. cooking; cooker D. to cook; cook
--What do you think of the news I told you
-- It _______ interesting!
smells B. sounds C. tastes D. feels
I_______ the supermarket. Can I get you anything
go to B. went to C. am going to D. was going to
-- What’s your plan next Sunday, Lily
-- I _______ go hiking with my best friends.
do B. did C. am done D. is going to
-- Can you answer me the math question
-- Sorry, the math question is _______ difficult _______answer. You can ask the teacher for help.
too; to B. too; too C. so; that D. such; that
Bill always dreams of being a _______ because he hopes to fly a plane.
teacher B. doctor C. driver D. pilot
Students Times is a_______ newspaper. It comes out every Tuesday.
daily B. weekly C. monthly D. yearly
-- The winter vacation is coming! Do you have any plans
--I’m going to _______ a bobby, like playing the chess.
cut up B. look up C. take up D. turn up
My uncle gave me a book for my 15th birthday. It_______ history.
about B. has to do with C. used D. related to
You eat too much junk food. I _______ your physical health.
worry about B. talk about C. hear about D. come about
Our health has something to do _______ our eating habits.
of B. for C. up D. with
-- _________________
-- I’m going to study math harder and harder.
Why are you going to an engineer
How are you going to an engineer
When are you going to an engineer
Where are you going to an engineer
-- I’m going to eat healthier food and exercise more next week.
--____________! But the most important thing is to keep on it.
Sounds like a good plan B. Thank you
C. Lucky you D. Have a good day
Like many other young boys, I didn't know what I wanted to be when I was a middle school student.My mother advised(建议)me to be a teacher like her, but it seemed that I was not interested in it.My father wanted me to be a pianist.However, I couldn't stand spending all my time in front of a piano.
I got my goal (目标) after I went to university.I got a part-time (兼职的)job at a radio station and I found it was interesting.I loved to discuss college life and my favorite music with my friends on the radio.I kept doing this job during the next four years.When I left university, I got a full-time job at the radio station in my city.My career (事业)began.My program is successful and I have a lot of fans now. I enjoy my job and my life.
Not everyone in middle school knows what they want to be, but you can find what you are interested in, and then try your best.Maybe your interest will help you get a career. At last, you can be anything you want!
( )1.The writer started working at a radio station ______.
when he was a middle school student
when he was a high school student
when he studied at university
D. after he left university
( )2.What did the writer talk about on the radio at the beginning
A. School life. B. Favorite films.
C. Part-time jobs. D. Famous people.
( )3.What can we learn from the last paragraph
We don't need to know what we want to be at school.
If we have an interest, we don't need to study hard.
C. A good interest may help us start our career.
D. Everyone can develop (发展) an interest into a career.
( )4.Which of the following is TRUE
A. The writer was interested in teaching.
B. The writer couldn't play the piano.
C. The writer often interviews(采访) stars.
D. The writer's program is very popular now.
( )5.Which can be the best title for the passage
A. Never Listen to Your Parents
B. The Importance of a Part-time Job
C. No Job Is Easy to Get
D. Interest Helped Me Find My Career



上一篇:人教版九年级全册 Unit 6 When was it invented? 单元基础过关练习(无答案)

下一篇:Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.基础过关检测(无答案)人教版九年级英语全册