2025届新高三开学摸底考试卷01(新高考通用) 英 语(含解析含听力原文无音频)

英 语
第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
第一节 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1.What is the weather like now
A.Snowy. B.Sunny. C.Rainy.
2.What will the man do next month
A.Buy a car. B.Fix his car. C.Take a driving test.
3.How does the woman normally eat carrots
A.She cooks them. B.She eats them raw. C.She makes juice out of them.
4.What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Friends. B.Brother and sister. C.Doctor and patient.
5.When will the speakers meet
A.At 5:00 p. m. on Friday. B.At 5:00 a. m. on Friday. C.At 5 :00 p.m. on Saturday.
第二节 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6.What are the speakers talking about
A.Where to go on a vacation.
B.How to choose a birthday gift.
C.What to wear for a job interview.
7.Why does the man want a new job
A.To try something new. B.To get a high position. C.To eam more money.
8.What happened to the man
A.He missed all of his classes.
B.He didn’t eat his sandwich at noon.
C.He forgot to take his lunch to school.
9.What is the man probably
A.A firefighter. B.A cook. C.A student.
10.Where does the conversation probably take place
A.At home. B.In the hospital. C.In the restaurant.
11.What does the woman like to try
A.African dishes. B.Asian dishes. C.South American dishes.
12.What will the man do at the festival
A.Join a dish-making class. B.Buy some local produce. C.Cook some noodles.
13.How long will the festival last
A.Two hours. B.Five hours. C.Seven hours.
14.What is the man’s job about
A.Observing the planets. B.Doing research in space. C.Teaching others knowledge.
15.What is the man looking at today
A.Mars. B.Venus. C.The Moon.
16.Where will the woman have lunch
A.At the man’s office. B.At a café. C.At her home.
17.What will the woman do next
A.Go home. B.Use the telescope C.Have lunch.
18.What is the talk mainly about
A.House decorating skills. B.House selecting secrets. C.Home improvements plans.
19.Why probably does the speaker prefer some new fixtures
A.The old ones don’t match the carpet.
B.The old ones are broken.
C.The old ones are somewhat dark.
20.What is the last job
A.Building a deck. B.Changing the roof. C.Designing a yard.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
2024 Western Colorado Elementary Science Fair
EUREKA! and D51 are partnering to host our annual elementary (小学的) science fair! Here’s your chance to apply your love of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) by conducting your own scientific investigation.
Participation is open to all 3-5th graders living in Wester Colorado, and students can either enter as an individual or as a team of no more than 3 members. Judging will be based on grade, and a team composed of students from multiple grades will be judged in the grade category of the oldest participant’s grade.
Project Submission
All participants must complete all of the following by March 7, 2024:
●Complete the registration form (one per team)
●Create a display poster (either physical or electronic) summarizing their project and email the file or a clear photo of it to the science fair committee
● Create a video presentation (less than 5 minutes) explaining their project to the judges, and submit it to the science fair committee
Public Viewing
Date: Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Location: EUREKA! McConnell Science Museum
Participants can display their posters and present their projects to the public (optional) .
Safety Regulations
It is important to wear proper protective gear (装备) when necessary in addition to disposing of (处理) waste properly when conducting a scientific investigation. We strongly recommend that guardians look up and study Safety Data Sheets for any chemicals that their students use and have responsibility for not allowing students to experiment with dangerous chemicals. EUREKA! holds the right to not display projects if they believe the components break our safety regulations.
21.What is an entry requirement for the science fair
A.A team must consist of three members.
B.A team must be led by-the oldest participant.
C.All participants must be from Western Colorado.
D.Teams must be formed by students in the same grade.
22.What are participants required to do by the submission date
A.Submit a display poster. B.Video the investigation process.
C.Present their project to the public. D.Fill in the registration form individually.
23.Which of the following will result in your project not being displayed
A.Disposing of waste improperly.
B.Performing experiments without a guardian.
C.Involving harmful chemicals in your project.
D.Conducting your investigation without protective gear.
For eight years, Sophie created realistic-looking limbs (肢) for those who wanted to fit in. But she longed to work on more odd designs that would stand out. Then she met Pollyanna Hope, a young amputee (被截肢者).
“She wanted something a little different on her leg: pictures of a cartoon she loved, Peppa Pig,” said Sophie, who is now based in London. So she designed a unique leg covered in tattoo-like images of Peppa and other pigs riding a bicycle and eating ice cream. Working with Hope made Sophie realize there was a potential market for limbs.
Since then, Sophie founded the Alternative Limb Project (ALP) to make artistic limbs. Her work includes an arm wrapped in sculpted snakes and a leg that looks like porcelain (瓷器) covered in a painted flowery vine. She makes about six limbs per year, always including clients’ ideas so that they receive a personal piece they can celebrate rather than hide.
Of course, a fancy-looking limb won't suit everyone. For Sophie, the basis is that each limb must satisfy a combination of comfort, beauty and functionality, and pushing too hard in one direction can weaken other areas. But for amputees who appreciate novelty, Sophie has some amazing ideas.
“I’d really like to make a candy-dispenser leg with colorful candies inside it” she says. “Or a cuckoo-clock leg with a wooden bird that pops out every hour.” Her goal is to fashion a striking limb.
“It’ll transform the limbs from an elephant in the room into a conversation piece.”
24.Why did Pollyanna Hope come to Sophie
A.She hoped to have a tailored limb.
B.She intended to design a cartoon figure.
C.She longed to expand the market for limbs.
D.She expected to sell Sophie some odd ideas.
25.According to paragraph 3, ALP aims to ______.
A.boost users’ confidence B.sharpen users’ creativity
C.improve Sophie’s sculpture skills D.extend Sophie’s art business
26.What is the basis for Sophie's works
A.The novelty of the pattern tops the list. B.The balance of multi-needs comes first.
C.Fashion is the best policy. D.Functionality is the key.
27.What can be inferred from the underlined sentence in the last paragraph
A.Sophie resolves to lead the fashion of limbs.
B.Sophie plans to further transform artistic limbs.
C.Amputees will feel at ease to talk about limbs.
D.Amputees will have easy access to artistic limbs.
In an era of digital technology, the art of writing by hand has slowly been downgraded to a past entertainment. However, recent research suggests that this physical act is essential to brain health and development, having multiple cognitive (认知的) benefits. It is time we should reevaluate the potential benefits it may have on our mental capacities.
According to numerous studies, writing by hand stimulates more complex and diverse brain connections essential for encoding new information and forming memories. For instance, a recent investigation found that brain connectivity patterns were far more complicated and widespread for participants who wrote by hand compared to those who typed. Thus, it is clear that handwriting has a distinct and significant impact on our brain health.
Handwriting isn’t just good for our brains health—it also has clear, practical benefits. Research has shown that students who take handwritten notes score significantly higher on quizzes, demonstrating improved learning. This extends beyond the classroom too. People who recorded information on paper calendars demonstrated more brain activity and recalled information faster than those who used smartphones. The act of handwriting, therefore, could be a valuable tool for students preparing for exams and adults managing daily tasks.
Despite its clear benefits, handwriting has been on the decline. However, 25states in the US have reintroduced writing back into school curriculums. This is a step in the right direction, as previous research has also indicated that handwriting is essential in children’s brain development. Preliterate (未识字的) children who wrote by hand demonstrated brain activity in a circuit of the brain used in learning to read, further strengthening the link between handwriting and cognitive development.
It is clear that handwriting is a valuable activity that has the potential to enhance our brain health, learning, memory, and problem-solving skills. As we continue to navigate the digital age, it is important not to overlook the value of this seemingly simple activity. So, the next time you reach for your keyboard, remember the benefits of picking up a pen instead.
28.What do people usually think of handwriting at present
A.It has become an old-fashioned skill. B.It has many cognitive benefits in life.
C.It has been replaced by digital devices. D.It has been a popular entertainment.
29.What does the author mainly show about handwriting in paragraph 3
A.It is beneficial to brain health. B.It helps students score higher on quizzes.
C.It stimulates diverse brain connection. D.It has good effects on learning and memory.
30.Why is previous research mentioned in paragraph 4
A.To make a comparison. B.To add further evidence.
C.To show different opinions. D.To explain the brain activity.
31.What’s the purpose of the passage
A.To illustrate a finding on handwriting. B.To emphasize the importance of handwriting.
C.To show the wide application of handwriting. D.To introduce the artistic value of handwriting.
Do you see a bird right now Can you hear one chirping If so, you might be getting a mental health boost. A study recently published in the journal Science found that being in the presence of birds made people feel more positive.
Andrea Mechelli, a psychologist at King’s College London, found himself studying the natural world accidentally. Initially he was searching for answers to why people who lived in cities seemed to tend to suffer mental illness, particularly psychosis. In 2015, he created the smartphone app Urban Mind to search for patterns in users’ environments. “Our first finding is that nature has a very powerful effect,” says Mechelli. He and his colleagues then wondered if some aspects of nature were more beneficial than others. They turned to birds for their ubiquity (普遍存在) in rural and urban environments.
Their latest study included 1,292 participants mainly in the United Kingdom and Europe. For two weeks, participants were prompted to fill out a questionnaire about their surrounding environment and their mental state three times a day. Mechelli performed a statistical analysis that found an obvious improvement in wellbeing when birds were present, even when eliminating other factors like the presence of trees or waterways. The mental health benefit was true both for people who disclosed a depression diagnosis and those without any diagnosed mental health conditions.
Peter James, an environmental health scientist at Harvard, would like to see more data. He found that environmental health studies like these lack diversity. Yet, a psychologist at Trent University in Canada, Lisa Nisbet says, “This kind of study helps us understand how people’s everyday experience with specific elements of nature, such as birds, can be restorative.”
Appreciating birds seems to be a promising avenue for nature-based health and wellbeing interventions. At Mechelli’s clinical practice in London, he focuses on early intervention therapies. He suggests his patients go for walks to observe the trees and plants growing in the city, and the bird fluttering by from branch to branch. “It has no side effects,” he says. “It’s something they could try, and they have nothing to lose.”
32.What can be inferred about Andrea Mechelli’s study
A.Diverse environments are rewarding only for depressed people.
B.The presence of birds is beneficial to mental health.
C.Peter James thought highly of Mechelli’s research.
D.It was originally targeted at the research on birds.
33.What does the underlined word “eliminating” mean in paragraph 3
A.Defeating. B.Identifying.
C.Considering. D.Removing.
34.Which of the following statement might Andrea Mechelli agree with
A.Early intervention shows no significance.
B.The access to nature helps people be more confident.
C.Nature-based intervention functions well in mental health.
D.People’s daily experience is connected with mental problems.
35.What’s the best title of the passage
A.Use Nature in Supporting Mental Health B.Get Outside for a Quicker Mental Recovery
C.Analyze Data to Make a Good Treatment Plan D.Turn to Birds for Better Understandings of Humans
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
Global warming is not only bringing rising sea levels and extreme weather events but also causing a growing wave of climate anxiety around the world. An international study found nearly six in ten people were very worried about climate change, while the young appeared to be particularly badly influenced. 36 Here are some effective ways to help deal with your feelings.
37 Not all information on the Internet is true, and you could be receiving misinformation. Even if you stick to trusted sources, too much information may only worsen your feelings. Try to set a time limit for checking climate related content to avoid making your anxiety worse.
It is important to be aware of your own limitations. You alone can’t stop or undo climate change, so you needn’t place the responsibility on yourself. 38 Joining a group of like-minded people to make a difference is a good way to get started and help you feel better.
Talk therapy (谈话疗法) provides you with a chance to discuss your anxiety about climate issues. A good therapist will address your negative emotions and thoughts about the environment in your conversations. 39
Positive changes have taken place at personal, community, and worldwide levels. And there is no reason to believe that they won’t continue, especially with your help. You can discover means to influence others with your own positive attitude. 40 Take on whatever role you feel comfortable with and remember to focus on your mental health on whatever path you choose.
A.However, you can always find ways to contribute positively.
B.Staying in natural green spaces has been shown to reduce stress.
C.For example, organize related activities to educate people around you.
D.Reduce your time spent online, especially on sources that are not trustworthy.
E.The UN has made a list of blogs and other news resources about climate issues.
F.Such a professional will recognize your feelings and work with you to manage them.
G.So consider taking care of your mental well-being if you are struggling with the issue.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
I vividly remember the day when my husband and I set off on a new journey to Tanzania. He had been 41 a position there as a Civil Engineer. Accompanying him, my aim was to find a job shortly after. As you can imagine, I was very excited, even rather 42 , as I’d never been abroad before. So, my first 43 was to get settled in this small town called Dodoma in the middle of Tanzania.
As we got off the train, however, at six in the morning, a lady came rushing along the 44 towards pletely out of breath, she said, “We’ve heard you’re from England and our school 45 needs an English teacher — please say you’ll help us.” I felt tired and 46 a shower after the journey. Though shocked by her 47 , for some reason or other, I agreed to 48 it!
I washed, changed, had a quick bite to eat and was 49 to the two local teachers and my 50 at 8 o’clock. It felt like being thrown into the deep end, as my teaching timetable began 51 at 8:30! Although I’d hardly had time to get my breath, I never 52 my sudden decision.
Though my entry into this 53 was unexpected, I found joy in teaching those youngsters and gradually became part of the local community in the following years. I’ve been fortunate to 54 lifelong friendships, which has left a lasting 55 on both my students and myself.
41.A.awarded B.offered C.allowed D.presented
42.A.disappointed B.dissatisfied C.unconcerned D.uneasy
43.A.priority B.worry C.action D.response
44.A.river B.platform C.sidewalk D.channel
45.A.probably B.suddenly C.desperately D.occasionally
46.A.longed for B.waited for C.heard about D.worried about
47.A.remark B.interruption C.suggestion D.request
48.A.keep B.take C.forget D.quit
49.A.introduced B.recommended C.assigned D.compared
50.A.colleagues B.assistants C.students D.interviewers
51.A.exactly B.finally C.immediately D.smoothly
52.A.expected B.regretted C.delayed D.dropped
53.A.career B.country C.agreement D.relationship
54.A.value B.strengthen C.renew D.harvest
55.A.comment B.record C.impact D.impression
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
The erhu, a famous Chinese musical instrument, has a history 56 (date) back over a thousand years. It is a two-stringed instrument played with a bow (弓), and its unique sound attracts listeners around the world.
The erhu has a slim wooden body whose strings are 57 (traditional) made from silk. The sound it produces is so beautiful 58 it is often compared to the human voice. The instrument is played on the player’s knee and using the bow to create different tunes (曲调).
The erhu can convey 59 wide range of emotions, from joy and happiness 60 sadness and longing. Usually, its pleasant tunes 61 (use) in traditional Chinese music. Modern music and sometimes even cross-cultural performances feature erhu tunes.
Over the years, the erhu has gained 62 (popular) globally, becoming an essential part of many concerts. Many musicians have devoted 63 (they) to exploring and experimenting with different styles, combining traditional Chinese music with modern elements.
Whether 64 (play) as a single instrument or in a group performance, the erhu’s charming tunes have the power 65 (transport) listeners to another time and place. Its timeless appeal continues to make it China’s symbolic musical instrument.
第一节 (满分15分)
I was always afraid of water. This fear could not be explained, but I knew that the moment I stepped near any body of water, my legs would turn to jelly (果冻). I would imagine myself drowning in the water and thrashing around (乱扑腾) helplessly. That was why I had never gone into a swimming pool until swimming became a school requirement. My school wanted all pupils to pass a swimming test, and if they could not, then they would have to attend weekly swimming lessons in school, which made me tremble.
Thus, my parents signed me up for swimming lessons at the pool near my house. With great unwillingness, I attended those weekly lessons, and each one was great suffering for me. I was naturally clumsy, and my fear of water did not help at all. Every lesson, I would be spending my time thrashing about in the water, while my classmates would be swimming countless laps effortlessly and even turning over like dolphins in the water. How was I going to pass the test at this rate
In my swimming class, there was an exceptionally athletic girl. Tall and muscular, her name was Kathy. She was the best swimmer in our class and always looked at me with disdain (鄙视), especially when I thrashed about hopelessly in the water.
Once, after a particularly long and hard swimming lesson, I spotted Kathy swimming gracefully in the pool. Gathering my courage, I asked gently, “Kathy, can you teach me to swim ” She stared at me coldly. It was as if I stood at the edge of an endless ocean of inadequacy, my fears appearing like dark storm clouds threatening to drown me. Yet, in that moment, a glimmer of hope flashed within me, a desperate longing for guidance and acceptance. Would Kathy’s icy exterior (外表) melt under the warmth of empathy, or would I remain forever thrashing in the sea of my own fears
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
To my surprise, she nodded after a few moments of silence.
“Congratulations!” Kathy said when she learnt I had passed the swimming test.
英 语
第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
第一节 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1.What is the weather like now
A.Snowy. B.Sunny. C.Rainy.
【原文】W: It’s supposed to be cold and snowy all day tomorrow and Tuesday. I was hoping for some sunshine …
M: Well, I hope they’re right. Anything would be better than this wet weather.
2.What will the man do next month
A.Buy a car. B.Fix his car. C.Take a driving test.
【原文】W: Nicholas, I finally got my driver’s license. I can’t wait to buy my own car.
M: Wow! Congratulations! I’m a little worried that I will fail my driving test next month.
W: Take it easy! I believe you can do it well.
3.How does the woman normally eat carrots
A.She cooks them. B.She eats them raw. C.She makes juice out of them.
【原文】W: Do you like eating carrots
M: Yes! They’re one of my favorite vegetables. I love eating them raw, and I often make carrot juice in the morning. What about you
W: I enjoy eating carrots, too. But I normally cook them.
4.What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Friends. B.Brother and sister. C.Doctor and patient.
【原文】W: My shoulder has been hurting for three days. Do you think I should go see a doctor
M: Have you tried taking some medicine
W: My brother bought some types of medicine, but I don’t know which one to take.
5.When will the speakers meet
A.At 5:00 p. m. on Friday. B.At 5:00 a. m. on Friday. C.At 5 :00 p.m. on Saturday.
【原文】W : Mark, I regret to tell you that our appointment, which is at 5 :00 p. m. on Frida, has to be put off. Because it’s my turn to go to the hospital to look after my grandma.
M: It doesn’t matter. Let’s make it the same time next day.
第二节 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6.What are the speakers talking about
A.Where to go on a vacation.
B.How to choose a birthday gift.
C.What to wear for a job interview.
7.Why does the man want a new job
A.To try something new. B.To get a high position. C.To eam more money.
【答案】6.C 7.A
【原文】W: I love your new suit!
M: Thanks. It was a birthday gift from my mother. Do you think it’s too formal, though
W: It depends. What’s the occasion
M: I’m going to a job interview. I could hardly go in beachwear, could I
W: Definitely not.
M: But maybe I could wear jeans and a T-shirt. I would feel more comfortable, that’s for sure.
W: No way. This suit is the best clothing for a job interview. By the way, why do you want to change your job For a higher salary or for the position
M: Actually, I’m looking for something new and challenging.
8.What happened to the man
A.He missed all of his classes.
B.He didn’t eat his sandwich at noon.
C.He forgot to take his lunch to school.
9.What is the man probably
A.A firefighter. B.A cook. C.A student.
10.Where does the conversation probably take place
A.At home. B.In the hospital. C.In the restaurant.
【答案】8.B 9.C 10.A
【原文】W: You’re hungry, aren’t you
M: How can you tell
W: You have that look on your face like you’re about to get mad for no reason.
M: Yeah, it’s easy to lose your temper when you’re tired or hungry.
W: What happened to your sandwich
M: It’s still in the refrigerator at school. I never got to eat it.
W: What happened
M: The fire alarm went off. We all had to go out of the building and wait for an hour. We didn’t miss any classes because it was at noon, but we missed all of lunch.
W: Oh, no. Well, I made some cookies. Want one
M: Of course.
11.What does the woman like to try
A.African dishes. B.Asian dishes. C.South American dishes.
12.What will the man do at the festival
A.Join a dish-making class. B.Buy some local produce. C.Cook some noodles.
13.How long will the festival last
A.Two hours. B.Five hours. C.Seven hours.
【答案】11.B 12.A 13.C
【原文】M: Susan, are you going to the international food festival next week
W: Oh, yeah! I’m looking forward to it!
M: Me too! They’re having food stands representing cuisines from over 30 countries. I can’t wait to try some African and South American dishes.
W: I’m eager to taste some of the Asian cuisines, especially the Vietnamese and Thai dishes. And there’ll be live cooking demonstrations, to try making things too.
M: Yeah, I’m planning to attend a sushi workshop.
W: How fun! I’d love to join a noodle-making class if they have one.
M: Also, there are some stands showcasing dishes made from locally sourced produce.
W: Wonderful! It starts at 10 a.m. and goes on till 5 p.m. Maybe we can be there by noon
M: Sounds perfect!
14.What is the man’s job about
A.Observing the planets. B.Doing research in space. C.Teaching others knowledge.
15.What is the man looking at today
A.Mars. B.Venus. C.The Moon.
16.Where will the woman have lunch
A.At the man’s office. B.At a café. C.At her home.
17.What will the woman do next
A.Go home. B.Use the telescope C.Have lunch.
【答案】14.A 15.C 16.B 17.B
【原文】W: What do you think when you look through your telescope
M: Well, I think about my job, which is to look into space, look at planets and discover what knowledge they offer.
W: Yes, but what are your private thoughts about what you see
M: That is a good question. What is your name
W: Jenny.
M: Well, Jenny, even after a quarter of a century in this job, I am still filled with wonder when I look at planets and stars.
W: Do you wonder whether there is life there
M: It depends. When I look at Mars, Venus or the planet I am viewing today, the Moon, I am pretty sure there is nothing living there. Further away…well, maybe.
W: At my school, we had a competition to draw what we thought a space creature would look like.
M: Ha-ha. That is fun, as long as it doesn’t scare you too much. Because the fact is, scientists and explorers have never found evidence that such things exist.
W: Oh, I see.
M: So, Jenny, what will you and your friends be doing next Going back to school, or going home
W: I think we are going to have our lunch at the cafe here.
M: Would you like to look through my telescope before you go
W: Ooh, yes please.
18.What is the talk mainly about
A.House decorating skills. B.House selecting secrets. C.Home improvements plans.
19.Why probably does the speaker prefer some new fixtures
A.The old ones don’t match the carpet.
B.The old ones are broken.
C.The old ones are somewhat dark.
20.What is the last job
A.Building a deck. B.Changing the roof. C.Designing a yard.
【答案】18.C 19.C 20.B
I recently bought an old house, and now, I’m trying to fix it up. I’d like to make a few home improvements before I move in.
First of all, I’m pulling out all of the old carpet and laying down some new carpet throughout the house. I’m also putting in new light fixtures. The old ones don’t light up the rooms very well. Next, I’m remodeling the entire kitchen by putting in new kitchen cabinets, a new counter top, a new sink and tap, and new floors. I’m also going to buy new appliances for the kitchen.
I’m also thinking about adding a new addition to the house, which would include a new family room and dining room area. Outside our back door, I am going to build a deck, which is more or less like a balcony, where we can sit, relax, and have barbecues. We will also do some designing and planting job to the yard to beautify things a little. One final thing I need to do is replace the roof, and if I don’t, I might start having leaks in the house. By the time I’m finished with these home improvement projects, the place should look as good as new.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
2024 Western Colorado Elementary Science Fair
EUREKA! and D51 are partnering to host our annual elementary (小学的) science fair! Here’s your chance to apply your love of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) by conducting your own scientific investigation.
Participation is open to all 3-5th graders living in Wester Colorado, and students can either enter as an individual or as a team of no more than 3 members. Judging will be based on grade, and a team composed of students from multiple grades will be judged in the grade category of the oldest participant’s grade.
Project Submission
All participants must complete all of the following by March 7, 2024:
●Complete the registration form (one per team)
●Create a display poster (either physical or electronic) summarizing their project and email the file or a clear photo of it to the science fair committee
● Create a video presentation (less than 5 minutes) explaining their project to the judges, and submit it to the science fair committee
Public Viewing
Date: Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Location: EUREKA! McConnell Science Museum
Participants can display their posters and present their projects to the public (optional) .
Safety Regulations
It is important to wear proper protective gear (装备) when necessary in addition to disposing of (处理) waste properly when conducting a scientific investigation. We strongly recommend that guardians look up and study Safety Data Sheets for any chemicals that their students use and have responsibility for not allowing students to experiment with dangerous chemicals. EUREKA! holds the right to not display projects if they believe the components break our safety regulations.
21.What is an entry requirement for the science fair
A.A team must consist of three members.
B.A team must be led by-the oldest participant.
C.All participants must be from Western Colorado.
D.Teams must be formed by students in the same grade.
22.What are participants required to do by the submission date
A.Submit a display poster. B.Video the investigation process.
C.Present their project to the public. D.Fill in the registration form individually.
23.Which of the following will result in your project not being displayed
A.Disposing of waste improperly.
B.Performing experiments without a guardian.
C.Involving harmful chemicals in your project.
D.Conducting your investigation without protective gear.
【答案】21.C 22.A 23.C
21.细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Participation is open to all 3-5th graders living in Wester Colorado”(所有居住在西科罗拉多的3-5年级学生都可以参加)可知,所有参赛者必须来自西科罗拉多。故选C。
22.细节理解题。根据文章“Project Submission All participants must complete all of the following by March 7, 2024: ●Complete the registration form (one per team) ●Create a display poster (either physical or electronic) summarizing their project and email the file or a clear photo of it to the science fair committee”(所有参赛者必须在2024年3月7日之前完成以下所有内容:●完成报名表(每队一份)●创建一个展示海报(可以是实物或电子版),总结他们的项目,并将文件或清晰的照片发送给科学博览会委员会)可知,参赛者在提交日期之前需要提交展示海报。故选A。
23.细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“We strongly recommend that guardians look up and study Safety Data Sheets for any chemicals that their students use and have responsibility for not allowing students to experiment with dangerous chemicals.”(我们强烈建议监护人查阅并研究他们的学生使用的任何化学品的安全数据表,并负责不让学生使用危险的化学品进行实验)以及“EUREKA! holds the right to not display projects if they believe the components break our safety regulations.”(如果EUREKA!认为项目的组成部分违反了我们的安全规定,他们有权不展示这些项目)以及可知,如果项目涉及有害化学品,可能会导致项目不被展示。故选C。
For eight years, Sophie created realistic-looking limbs (肢) for those who wanted to fit in. But she longed to work on more odd designs that would stand out. Then she met Pollyanna Hope, a young amputee (被截肢者).
“She wanted something a little different on her leg: pictures of a cartoon she loved, Peppa Pig,” said Sophie, who is now based in London. So she designed a unique leg covered in tattoo-like images of Peppa and other pigs riding a bicycle and eating ice cream. Working with Hope made Sophie realize there was a potential market for limbs.
Since then, Sophie founded the Alternative Limb Project (ALP) to make artistic limbs. Her work includes an arm wrapped in sculpted snakes and a leg that looks like porcelain (瓷器) covered in a painted flowery vine. She makes about six limbs per year, always including clients’ ideas so that they receive a personal piece they can celebrate rather than hide.
Of course, a fancy-looking limb won't suit everyone. For Sophie, the basis is that each limb must satisfy a combination of comfort, beauty and functionality, and pushing too hard in one direction can weaken other areas. But for amputees who appreciate novelty, Sophie has some amazing ideas.
“I’d really like to make a candy-dispenser leg with colorful candies inside it” she says. “Or a cuckoo-clock leg with a wooden bird that pops out every hour.” Her goal is to fashion a striking limb.
“It’ll transform the limbs from an elephant in the room into a conversation piece.”
24.Why did Pollyanna Hope come to Sophie
A.She hoped to have a tailored limb.
B.She intended to design a cartoon figure.
C.She longed to expand the market for limbs.
D.She expected to sell Sophie some odd ideas.
25.According to paragraph 3, ALP aims to ______.
A.boost users’ confidence B.sharpen users’ creativity
C.improve Sophie’s sculpture skills D.extend Sophie’s art business
26.What is the basis for Sophie's works
A.The novelty of the pattern tops the list. B.The balance of multi-needs comes first.
C.Fashion is the best policy. D.Functionality is the key.
27.What can be inferred from the underlined sentence in the last paragraph
A.Sophie resolves to lead the fashion of limbs.
B.Sophie plans to further transform artistic limbs.
C.Amputees will feel at ease to talk about limbs.
D.Amputees will have easy access to artistic limbs.
【答案】24.A 25.A 26.B 27.C
24.细节理解题。根据文章第二段““She wanted something a little different on her leg: pictures of a cartoon she loved, Peppa Pig,” said Sophie, who is now based in London. So she designed a unique leg covered in tattoo-like images of Peppa and other pigs riding a bicycle and eating ice cream. (“她想在腿上画点不一样的东西:她喜欢的动画片小猪佩奇的照片,”现在住在伦敦的Sophie说。因此,她设计了一条独特的腿,上面有纹身图案,比如佩奇和其他猪骑自行车、吃冰淇淋。)”可知,Pollyanna Hope来找Sophie的原因是希望有一个定制的假肢。故选A。
25.细节理解题。根据文章第三段“Since then, Sophie founded the Alternative Limb Project (ALP) to make artistic limbs. Her work includes an arm wrapped in sculpted snakes and a leg that looks like porcelain (瓷器) covered in a painted flowery vine. She makes about six limbs per year, always including clients’ ideas so that they receive a personal piece they can celebrate rather than hide.(从那时起,Sophie创立了“ALP”,制作艺术肢体。她的作品包括一条包裹着雕刻蛇的手臂和一条看起来像瓷器的腿,上面覆盖着彩绘的花藤。她每年制作大约六只假肢,总是包括客户的想法,这样他们就可以得到一件可以庆祝而不是隐藏的个人作品。)”可知,Sophie创立“ALP”是为了让客户有一件可以庆祝而不是隐藏的假肢,也就是为了提升用户的自信心。故选A。
26.细节理解题。根据文章第四段“For Sophie, the basis is that each limb must satisfy a combination of comfort, beauty and functionality, and pushing too hard in one direction can weaken other areas. But for amputees who appreciate novelty, Sophie has some amazing ideas.(对Sophie来说,基础是每个肢体都必须满足舒适、美观和功能的结合,在一个方向上用力过猛会削弱其他领域。但对于喜欢新奇事物的截肢者来说,Sophie有一些惊人的想法。)”可知,对Sophie来说,作品的基础是每个肢体都必须满足舒适、美观和功能的结合。故选B。
27.推理判断题。在英文中“an elephant in the room”比喻一些非常显而易见的,可是却一直被忽略的棘手问题。由此可知,这句话的意思指的是“将假肢的事变成日常话题”,也就是说Sophie希望截肢者能够轻松地谈论假肢。故选C。
In an era of digital technology, the art of writing by hand has slowly been downgraded to a past entertainment. However, recent research suggests that this physical act is essential to brain health and development, having multiple cognitive (认知的) benefits. It is time we should reevaluate the potential benefits it may have on our mental capacities.
According to numerous studies, writing by hand stimulates more complex and diverse brain connections essential for encoding new information and forming memories. For instance, a recent investigation found that brain connectivity patterns were far more complicated and widespread for participants who wrote by hand compared to those who typed. Thus, it is clear that handwriting has a distinct and significant impact on our brain health.
Handwriting isn’t just good for our brains health—it also has clear, practical benefits. Research has shown that students who take handwritten notes score significantly higher on quizzes, demonstrating improved learning. This extends beyond the classroom too. People who recorded information on paper calendars demonstrated more brain activity and recalled information faster than those who used smartphones. The act of handwriting, therefore, could be a valuable tool for students preparing for exams and adults managing daily tasks.
Despite its clear benefits, handwriting has been on the decline. However, 25states in the US have reintroduced writing back into school curriculums. This is a step in the right direction, as previous research has also indicated that handwriting is essential in children’s brain development. Preliterate (未识字的) children who wrote by hand demonstrated brain activity in a circuit of the brain used in learning to read, further strengthening the link between handwriting and cognitive development.
It is clear that handwriting is a valuable activity that has the potential to enhance our brain health, learning, memory, and problem-solving skills. As we continue to navigate the digital age, it is important not to overlook the value of this seemingly simple activity. So, the next time you reach for your keyboard, remember the benefits of picking up a pen instead.
28.What do people usually think of handwriting at present
A.It has become an old-fashioned skill. B.It has many cognitive benefits in life.
C.It has been replaced by digital devices. D.It has been a popular entertainment.
29.What does the author mainly show about handwriting in paragraph 3
A.It is beneficial to brain health. B.It helps students score higher on quizzes.
C.It stimulates diverse brain connection. D.It has good effects on learning and memory.
30.Why is previous research mentioned in paragraph 4
A.To make a comparison. B.To add further evidence.
C.To show different opinions. D.To explain the brain activity.
31.What’s the purpose of the passage
A.To illustrate a finding on handwriting. B.To emphasize the importance of handwriting.
C.To show the wide application of handwriting. D.To introduce the artistic value of handwriting.
【答案】28.A 29.D 30.B 31.B
28.细节理解题。根据第一段“In an era of digital technology, the art of writing by hand has slowly been downgraded to a past entertainment.(在数字技术时代,手写的艺术已经慢慢沦为一种过时的娱乐)”可知,人们通常把手写看成一种已经过时的技能。故选A。
29.主旨大意题。根据第三段“Handwriting isn’t just good for our brains health—it also has clear, practical benefits. Research has shown that students who take handwritten notes score significantly higher on quizzes, demonstrating improved learning. This extends beyond the classroom too. People who recorded information on paper calendars demonstrated more brain activity and recalled information faster than those who used smartphones. The act of handwriting, therefore, could be a valuable tool for students preparing for exams and adults managing daily tasks.(手写不仅对我们的大脑健康有好处——它还有明显的、实际的好处。研究表明,做手写笔记的学生在测验中得分明显更高,这表明他们的学习能力有所提高。这也延伸到了课堂之外。在纸质日历上记录信息的人比使用智能手机的人大脑活动更活跃,回忆信息的速度也更快。因此,对于准备考试的学生和管理日常事务的成年人来说,书写的行为可能是一个有价值的工具)”可知,该段主要讲述手写对学习和记忆的影响。故选D。
30.推理判断题。根据第四段“Despite its clear benefits, handwriting has been on the decline. However, 25states in the US have reintroduced writing back into school curriculums. This is a step in the right direction, as previous research has also indicated that handwriting is essential in children’s brain development. Preliterate (未识字的) children who wrote by hand demonstrated brain activity in a circuit of the brain used in learning to read, further strengthening the link between handwriting and cognitive development.(尽管有明显的好处,但手写一直在走下坡路。然而,美国已有25个州将写作重新引入学校课程。这是朝着正确方向迈出的一步,因为之前的研究也表明,书写对儿童的大脑发育至关重要。识字之前用手写字的儿童在学习阅读的大脑回路中表现出大脑活动,进一步加强了书写和认知发展之间的联系)”可推断,该段提及从前的研究是为了进一步证实书写的好处。故选B。
31.推理判断题。根据第一段“In an era of digital technology, the art of writing by hand has slowly been downgraded to a past entertainment. However, recent research suggests that this physical act is essential to brain health and development, having multiple cognitive (认知的) benefits. It is time we should reevaluate the potential benefits it may have on our mental capacities.(在数字技术时代,手写的艺术已经慢慢沦为一种过时的娱乐。然而,最近的研究表明,这种身体活动对大脑的健康和发育至关重要,有多种认知益处。是时候我们应该重新评估它对我们心智能力的潜在好处了)”结合文章论述强调了书写对我们的心智能力的益处,希望读者重视书写。即文章的目的是强调书写的重要性。故选B。
Do you see a bird right now Can you hear one chirping If so, you might be getting a mental health boost. A study recently published in the journal Science found that being in the presence of birds made people feel more positive.
Andrea Mechelli, a psychologist at King’s College London, found himself studying the natural world accidentally. Initially he was searching for answers to why people who lived in cities seemed to tend to suffer mental illness, particularly psychosis. In 2015, he created the smartphone app Urban Mind to search for patterns in users’ environments. “Our first finding is that nature has a very powerful effect,” says Mechelli. He and his colleagues then wondered if some aspects of nature were more beneficial than others. They turned to birds for their ubiquity (普遍存在) in rural and urban environments.
Their latest study included 1,292 participants mainly in the United Kingdom and Europe. For two weeks, participants were prompted to fill out a questionnaire about their surrounding environment and their mental state three times a day. Mechelli performed a statistical analysis that found an obvious improvement in wellbeing when birds were present, even when eliminating other factors like the presence of trees or waterways. The mental health benefit was true both for people who disclosed a depression diagnosis and those without any diagnosed mental health conditions.
Peter James, an environmental health scientist at Harvard, would like to see more data. He found that environmental health studies like these lack diversity. Yet, a psychologist at Trent University in Canada, Lisa Nisbet says, “This kind of study helps us understand how people’s everyday experience with specific elements of nature, such as birds, can be restorative.”
Appreciating birds seems to be a promising avenue for nature-based health and wellbeing interventions. At Mechelli’s clinical practice in London, he focuses on early intervention therapies. He suggests his patients go for walks to observe the trees and plants growing in the city, and the bird fluttering by from branch to branch. “It has no side effects,” he says. “It’s something they could try, and they have nothing to lose.”
32.What can be inferred about Andrea Mechelli’s study
A.Diverse environments are rewarding only for depressed people.
B.The presence of birds is beneficial to mental health.
C.Peter James thought highly of Mechelli’s research.
D.It was originally targeted at the research on birds.
33.What does the underlined word “eliminating” mean in paragraph 3
A.Defeating. B.Identifying.
C.Considering. D.Removing.
34.Which of the following statement might Andrea Mechelli agree with
A.Early intervention shows no significance.
B.The access to nature helps people be more confident.
C.Nature-based intervention functions well in mental health.
D.People’s daily experience is connected with mental problems.
35.What’s the best title of the passage
A.Use Nature in Supporting Mental Health B.Get Outside for a Quicker Mental Recovery
C.Analyze Data to Make a Good Treatment Plan D.Turn to Birds for Better Understandings of Humans
【答案】32.B 33.D 34.C 35.A
32.推理判断题。根据第三段中“Mechelli performed a statistical analysis that found an obvious improvement in wellbeing when birds were present(Mechelli进行了一项统计分析,发现有鸟在场时,幸福感有明显改善)”以及“ The mental health benefit was true both for people who disclosed a depression diagnosis and those without any diagnosed mental health conditions.(对于那些被诊断出患有抑郁症的人和那些没有任何被诊断出患有精神疾病的人来说,心理健康方面的好处都是真实的。)”可知,从Andrea Mechelli的研究中可推知鸟的存在有利于心理健康。故选B项。
33.词句猜测题。根据划线所在句子“Mechelli performed a statistical analysis that found an obvious improvement in wellbeing when birds were present, even when eliminating other factors like the presence of trees or waterways.(Mechelli进行了一项统计分析,发现有鸟类在场时,即使eliminating树木或水道等其他因素,人们的幸福感也会有明显改善)”中的“when birds were present”以及“even when”可知,此处应是表达“只要有鸟类在场,即使排除树木或水道等其他因素,人们的幸福感也会有明显改善”符合语境,划线词eliminating应是“排除”之意,和D项“Removing(排除,去除)”意思一致。故选D项。
34.推理判断题。根据最后一段“Appreciating birds seems to be a promising avenue for nature-based health and wellbeing interventions. At Mechelli’s clinical practice in London, he focuses on early intervention therapies. He suggests his patients go for walks to observe the trees and plants growing in the city, and the bird fluttering by from branch to branch. “It has no side effects,” he says. “It’s something they could try, and they have nothing to lose.”(欣赏鸟类似乎是一种基于自然的健康和福祉干预的有希望的途径。在伦敦Mechelli的临床实践中,他专注于早期干预疗法。他建议他的病人去散步,观察城市里生长的树木和植物,以及在树枝间飞舞的鸟儿。“它没有副作用,”他说。“这是他们可以尝试的东西,他们没有什么可失去的。”)”可推知,Andrea Mechelli建议他的病人去散步,观察城市里生长的树木和植物以及在树枝间飞舞的鸟儿,由此可推知,Andrea Mechelli会赞同基于自然的干预对心理健康有很好的作用。故选C项。
35.主旨大意题。根据第一段“Do you see a bird right now Can you hear one chirping If so, you might be getting a mental health boost. A study recently published in the journal Science found that being in the presence of birds made people feel more positive.(你现在看到一只鸟了吗 你能听到其中一只啾啾吗 如果是这样,你可能会得到心理健康的促进。最近发表在《科学》杂志上的一项研究发现,有鸟在身边会让人感觉更积极)”以及纵观全文可知,本文主要讲述了与鸟儿在一起会让人感觉更加积极,所以A项“Use Nature in Supporting Mental Health(利用自然支持心理健康)”是本文最好的标题。故选A项。
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
Global warming is not only bringing rising sea levels and extreme weather events but also causing a growing wave of climate anxiety around the world. An international study found nearly six in ten people were very worried about climate change, while the young appeared to be particularly badly influenced. 36 Here are some effective ways to help deal with your feelings.
37 Not all information on the Internet is true, and you could be receiving misinformation. Even if you stick to trusted sources, too much information may only worsen your feelings. Try to set a time limit for checking climate related content to avoid making your anxiety worse.
It is important to be aware of your own limitations. You alone can’t stop or undo climate change, so you needn’t place the responsibility on yourself. 38 Joining a group of like-minded people to make a difference is a good way to get started and help you feel better.
Talk therapy (谈话疗法) provides you with a chance to discuss your anxiety about climate issues. A good therapist will address your negative emotions and thoughts about the environment in your conversations. 39
Positive changes have taken place at personal, community, and worldwide levels. And there is no reason to believe that they won’t continue, especially with your help. You can discover means to influence others with your own positive attitude. 40 Take on whatever role you feel comfortable with and remember to focus on your mental health on whatever path you choose.
A.However, you can always find ways to contribute positively.
B.Staying in natural green spaces has been shown to reduce stress.
C.For example, organize related activities to educate people around you.
D.Reduce your time spent online, especially on sources that are not trustworthy.
E.The UN has made a list of blogs and other news resources about climate issues.
F.Such a professional will recognize your feelings and work with you to manage them.
G.So consider taking care of your mental well-being if you are struggling with the issue.
【答案】36.G 37.D 38.A 39.F 40.C
36.根据前文“Global warming is not only bringing rising sea levels and extreme weather events but also causing a growing wave of climate anxiety around the world. An international study found nearly six in ten people were very worried about climate change, while the young appeared to be particularly badly influenced.(全球变暖不仅带来了海平面上升和极端天气事件,还在全球范围内引发了越来越多的气候焦虑。一项国际研究发现,近六成的人非常担心气候变化,而年轻人似乎受到的影响尤其严重。)”和后文“Here are some effective ways to help deal with your feelings.(这里有一些有效的方法来帮助你处理你的情绪。)”可知,此处是指要关心自己有关气候变化的情绪问题,所以选项G“因此,如果你正在与这个问题作斗争,请考虑照顾好你的精神健康。”切合文意。故选G。
37.根据后文“Not all information on the Internet is true, and you could be receiving misinformation.(不是互联网上所有的信息都是真实的,你可能会收到错误的信息。)”可知,此处是指避免在网上接收不实信息,所以选项D“减少上网的时间,尤其是那些不值得信赖的资源。”切合文意。故选D。
38.根据后文“Joining a group of like-minded people to make a difference is a good way to get started and help you feel better.(加入一群志趣相投的人来创造不同是一个很好的开始方式,也会让你感觉更好。)”可知,此处是指找到积极做贡献的方法,和前文“You alone can’t stop or undo climate change, so you needn’t place the responsibility on yourself.(你一个人无法阻止或消除气候变化,所以你不必把责任放在自己身上。)”构成转折关系,所以选项A“然而,你总能找到积极贡献的方法。”切合文意。故选A。
39.根据前文“A good therapist will address your negative emotions and thoughts about the environment in your conversations.(一个好的治疗师会在谈话中解决你对环境的负面情绪和想法。)”可知,此处是指好的治疗师能够起到的作用,所以选项F“这样的专业人士会认识到你的感受,并与你一起管理它们。”切合文意。故选F。
40.根据前文“You can discover means to influence others with your own positive attitude.(你可以发现用自己积极的态度影响他人的方法。)”可知,此处是对如何影响他人进行举例,所以选项C“例如,组织相关活动来教育你周围的人。”切合文意。故选C。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
I vividly remember the day when my husband and I set off on a new journey to Tanzania. He had been 41 a position there as a Civil Engineer. Accompanying him, my aim was to find a job shortly after. As you can imagine, I was very excited, even rather 42 , as I’d never been abroad before. So, my first 43 was to get settled in this small town called Dodoma in the middle of Tanzania.
As we got off the train, however, at six in the morning, a lady came rushing along the 44 towards pletely out of breath, she said, “We’ve heard you’re from England and our school 45 needs an English teacher — please say you’ll help us.” I felt tired and 46 a shower after the journey. Though shocked by her 47 , for some reason or other, I agreed to 48 it!
I washed, changed, had a quick bite to eat and was 49 to the two local teachers and my 50 at 8 o’clock. It felt like being thrown into the deep end, as my teaching timetable began 51 at 8:30! Although I’d hardly had time to get my breath, I never 52 my sudden decision.
Though my entry into this 53 was unexpected, I found joy in teaching those youngsters and gradually became part of the local community in the following years. I’ve been fortunate to 54 lifelong friendships, which has left a lasting 55 on both my students and myself.
41.A.awarded B.offered C.allowed D.presented
42.A.disappointed B.dissatisfied C.unconcerned D.uneasy
43.A.priority B.worry C.action D.response
44.A.river B.platform C.sidewalk D.channel
45.A.probably B.suddenly C.desperately D.occasionally
46.A.longed for B.waited for C.heard about D.worried about
47.A.remark B.interruption C.suggestion D.request
48.A.keep B.take C.forget D.quit
49.A.introduced B.recommended C.assigned D.compared
50.A.colleagues B.assistants C.students D.interviewers
51.A.exactly B.finally C.immediately D.smoothly
52.A.expected B.regretted C.delayed D.dropped
53.A.career B.country C.agreement D.relationship
54.A.value B.strengthen C.renew D.harvest
55.A.comment B.record C.impact D.impression
41.B 42.D 43.A 44.B 45.C 46.A 47.D 48.B 49.A 50.C 51.C 52.B 53.A 54.D 55.C
41.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他在那里得到了一个土木工程师的职位。A. awarded授予;B. offered提议;C. allowed允许;D. presented赠送。根据后文“a position there as a Civil Engineer”指被提供工作,应用offer。故选B。
42.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:你可以想象,我非常兴奋,甚至有些不安,因为我以前从未出过国。A. disappointed失望的;B. dissatisfied不满足的;C. unconcerned不关心的;D. uneasy不安的。根据后文“as I’d never been abroad before”可知,作者因为没有出过国感到不安。故选D。
43.考查名词词义辨析。句意:所以,我的首要任务是在坦桑尼亚中部一个叫Dodoma的小镇安顿下来。A. priority优先权,首要任务;B. worry担心;C. action行动;D. response回复。根据后文“was to get settled in this small town”可知,出国后的首要任务是安顿下来,故选A。
44.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,当我们在早上6点下火车时,一位女士沿着站台向我们跑来。A. river河流;B. platform站台;C. sidewalk人行道;D. channel频道。根据上文“As we got off the train”可知在火车站,所以是站台,故选B。
45.考查副词词义辨析。句意:她上气不接下气地说:“我们听说你是从英国来的,我们学校急需一名英语老师,请说你会帮助我们。”A. probably可能;B. suddenly突然;C. desperately非常;D. occasionally偶尔。根据上文“Completely out of breath”可知,对方很着急,说明学校急需一名英语老师,故选C。
46.考查动词短语辨析。句意:旅行结束后,我感到很累,很想洗个澡。A. longed for渴望;B. waited for等待;C. heard about听说;D. worried about担心。根据上文“I felt tired and”指作者感到很累,渴望洗澡。故选A。
47.考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽然对她的要求感到震惊,但出于某种原因,我还是同意了!A. remark评论;B. interruption打断;C. suggestion建议;D. request要求。根据上文“please say you’ll help us”此处指女士的请求。故选D。
48.考查动词词义辨析。句意:虽然对她的要求感到震惊,但出于某种原因,我还是同意了!A. keep保持;B. take带走,接受;C. forget忘记;D. quit停止。根据上文“for some reason or other, I agreed to”指作者决定接受对方的请求,故选B。
49.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我洗了澡,换了衣服,很快吃了一点东西,8点钟被介绍给当地的两位老师和我的学生。A. introduced介绍;B. recommended推荐;C. assigned分配;D. compared比较。根据后文“to the two local teachers”指作者被介绍给当地的两位老师。故选A。
50.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我洗了澡,换了衣服,很快吃了一点东西,8点钟被介绍给当地的两位老师和我的学生。A. colleagues同事;B. assistants助手;C. students学生;D. interviewers采访者。根据上文“needs an English teacher”可知,作者是去当老师的,所以是被介绍给当地的两位老师和学生。故选C。
51.考查副词词义辨析。句意:当我的教学时间表从八点半开始时,我感觉自己被扔进了深渊!A. exactly恰好地;B. finally最后;C. immediately立即;D. smoothly顺利地。根据上文“as my teaching timetable began”指教学从八点半立即开始。故选C。
52.考查动词词义辨析。句意:虽然我几乎没有时间喘口气,但我从不后悔我突然的决定。A. expected期待;B. regretted后悔;C. delayed推迟;D. dropped落下。根据后文“my sudden decision”指后悔自己突然的决定。故选B。
53.考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽然我进入这个职业是出乎意料的,但我发现了教那些年轻人的乐趣,并在接下来的几年里逐渐成为当地社区的一员。A. career事业;B. country国家;C. agreement协议;D. relationship关系。根据上文可知,作者是在火车站接受了去当老师这个工作的,所以是指职业出乎意料。故选A。
54.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我很幸运地收获了一生的友谊,这对我的学生和我自己都留下了持久的影响。A. value重视;B. strengthen加强;C. renew重新开始;D. harvest收获。根据后文“lifelong friendships”一生的友谊是作者的收获。故选D。
55.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我很幸运地收获了一生的友谊,这对我的学生和我自己都留下了持久的影响。A. comment评论;B. record记录;C. impact影响;D. impression印象。根据后文“on both my students and myself”可知,友谊对学生和作者留下了持久的影响。故选C。
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
The erhu, a famous Chinese musical instrument, has a history 56 (date) back over a thousand years. It is a two-stringed instrument played with a bow (弓), and its unique sound attracts listeners around the world.
The erhu has a slim wooden body whose strings are 57 (traditional) made from silk. The sound it produces is so beautiful 58 it is often compared to the human voice. The instrument is played on the player’s knee and using the bow to create different tunes (曲调).
The erhu can convey 59 wide range of emotions, from joy and happiness 60 sadness and longing. Usually, its pleasant tunes 61 (use) in traditional Chinese music. Modern music and sometimes even cross-cultural performances feature erhu tunes.
Over the years, the erhu has gained 62 (popular) globally, becoming an essential part of many concerts. Many musicians have devoted 63 (they) to exploring and experimenting with different styles, combining traditional Chinese music with modern elements.
Whether 64 (play) as a single instrument or in a group performance, the erhu’s charming tunes have the power 65 (transport) listeners to another time and place. Its timeless appeal continues to make it China’s symbolic musical instrument.
56.dating 57.traditionally 58.that 59.a 60.to 61.are used 62.popularity 63.themselves 64.played 65.to transport
56.考查现在分词。句意:二胡是中国著名的乐器,它的历史可以追溯到一千多年前。分析句子结构可知,date back在句子中不作为谓语动词使用,它和 history 之间为主动关系,因此使用现在分词作后置定语,故填 dating 。
57.考查副词。句意:二胡的琴身纤细,弦传统上由丝绸制成。使用副词作状语修饰谓语动词“are made”,需要的词义为“传统上”,为traditionally,故填traditionally。



