Unit 12Life is full of the unexpected.单元测试卷(含听力音频+听力原文+答案)

九年级英语下册Unit 12测试卷(江西南昌版,学生版)
满分:120分 时间:120分钟 班级:________ 姓名:________
( )1.Who is doing cooking now
B.Tina's dad.  
C.Tina's mom.
( )2.How does Mike like to travel to work
A.By underground.
B.By bus.
C.By car.
( )3.What subject did Tony fail in
A.English.    B.Maths.     C.History.
( )4.Where will Sandy go this weekend
A.To the beach.
B.To Mary's birthday party.
C.We don't know.
( )5.What time did the class begin
A.At 8:00. B.At 8:10. C.At 8:15.
( )6.Why does Jane look pale
A.Because she hit a boy.     
B.Because she was late for the film.
C.Because she saw an accident.
( )7.Who took the boy to the hospital
A.The driver.   B.The policeman.   C.Jane.
( )8.How did David go to school
A.By bus. B.On foot. C.By car.
( )9.How long had the class been on when David got to school
A.For five minutes.
B.For fifteen minutes.
C.For fifty minutes.
( )10.What is this conversation about
A.A car accident.
B.A fire accident.
C.An earthquake.
( )11.What color is the car
A.Black. B.Blue. C.Red.
( )12.What does the man probably do
A.A driver. B.A policeman. C.A doctor.
( )13.What are the two speakers talking about
A.How to save the environment.     
B.What to take while shopping.
C.How to recycle water.
( )14.How should we go to work according to the speakers
A.By bus.
B.By car.
C.By bike.
( )15.Which of the following isn't mentioned in the conversation
A.Protecting trees.
B.Recycling water.
C.Saving electricity.
16.Food for English breakfast is usually a meal of fried eggs,bread,cakes, and coffee.
17.British people only have a sandwich or a cup of coffee .
18.Children can have a hot meal of or fish at school.
19.British dinner time is between and 9 p.m.
20.British people like food from France,China and .
( )21.—Hello,Mrs.Brown!Where are you going
—I'm going to the ______ to buy some vegetables.
A.factory B.market C.hospital D.park
( )22.—Why did you ______ the match
—Because the weather was too bad.
A.win B.cancel C.hold D.announce
( )23.—Did you see the basketball star who came to visit our school yesterday
—No. When I got to school,he______.
B.has left
C.had left
D.was leaving
( )24.—The little girl set the fish free and watched it until it ______in the river.
—What a kind girl!
( )25.—Jason's grandfather did his best to keep the little tree______but it died in the end.
—Never mind.I think he tries his best.
A.awake B.absent C.alive D.asleep
( )26.—How long have Mr.and Mrs.Green______?
—For more than twenty years.
B.got married
D.been married
( )27.—Did you get to school on time this morning, Jim
—No,______ I overslept and missed the early bus, sir.
A.until B.unless C.but D.because
( )28.—Mom, sometimes I feel so tired of life.
—Life is always full of many ______ things. Face them bravely, and never give up the hope.
One day,Miriam got a letter along with a watermelon seed from Uncle Esai. The letter said:
This is a magic seed for you. Plant it,and it will grant __29__ three wishes. Remember to be patient:the world has its own rhythm.
Uncle Esai
Miriam thought,“A magic seed?Maybe it's Uncle Esai's __30__,but why not have a try?” She planted the seed in the yard,and made her __31__ wish,“I want the watermelon to grow as big as a mountain!”
The next morning,Miriam was very __32__ to see a huge watermelon in the yard. She couldn't believe it.“I must __33__ it at once!” She hurried to cut the watermelon,but it was too hard. She became angry.“This is a silly watermelon!I don't want it!”
Immediately the fruit became a seed again. Miriam __34__ her second wish had been granted.“Humph!This is not fun!” she cried.
A few days later,Miriam found Uncle Esai's __35__ and read it again. She stopped when she saw the words “be patient”.How could she forget it?She rushed out of the door and __36__ ran to the yard to find the seed. This time,she promised she would make the best use of the third wish.
She thought for a while.“I hope my __37__ could spend more time together.” But her parents needed to work. How could the seed help?Although it seemed impossible,she still decided to __38__ the seed with patience.
Miriam got some information about __39__ to plant a watermelon,and then followed the steps carefully. When the seed turned into a normal sized watermelon,she __40__ it with her friends and neighbours. Everybody liked its taste.
Miriam's family got the seeds __41__ the watermelon and planted more afterwards. They were so delicious that the neighbours offered to buy some. The watermelons brought extra money __42__ Miriam's parents didn't have to be away for work as much. They had more family time.
Miriam finally knew what Uncle Esai meant—be patient,and life will be as __43__ as a watermelon!
( )29.A.me B.you C.him D.her
( )30.A.rule B.joke C.choice D.example
( )31.A.first B.second C.third D.fourth
( )32.A.bored B.afraid C.relaxed D.surprised
( )33.A.eat B.wash C.climb D.draw
( )34.A.heard B.explained C.realised  D.imagined
( )35.A.book B.postcard C.letter  D.newspaper
( )36.A.calmly B.carefully C.politely D.quickly
( )37.A.class B.family
C.teachers  D.neighbours
( )38.A.put away B.talk to
C.look after  D.search for
( )39.A.how B.why C.when D.where
( )40.A.watered B.protected C.watched D.shared
( )41.A.for B.from C.behind D.beside
( )42.A.so B.if C.but D.unless
( )43.A.new B.big C.sweet D.quiet
know turn grow down its when
beautiful later worker replace mess
My husband and I bought a house 44. we were in our fifties. One of the reasons I bought it was that it was so attractive. It had a big Japanese red pine,which looked 45. in our front yard. For 20 years,it was a beauty to all who passed by. Raccoons(浣熊)climbed 46. branches. It shaded the bright sun over my small garden of roses and bushes(灌木丛)that I'd planted for bees.
Early last year,a heavy snowfall hit our city. While we were enjoying a quiet Saturday morning,the house shook and we heard aloud crash(撞击声).The tree had fallen,taking out most of the bushes in our yard. So we call forestry 47. ,who cut off its truck and branches and took the wood away. After a week,the yard was still a 48. ,with wood shavings(木屑)and holes everywhere.
In March,I bought a few new bush and rose seedlings 49. those that I thought hadn't lived. But in May, plenty of new flowers were growing in the yard! As the sun shone 50. ,the flowers were able to 51. and attract bees. My old bushes grew back and were healthier than ever before! Our yard 52. into a beautiful garden. And this summer, one year 53. ,all of the plants are three times bigger than they were before.
Life might be hard for you at the moment,but you never 54. what the future holds. It might just be much brighter.
Yesterday was Monday. Class Eleven had a special meeting in the afternoon. The topic was about their terrible experiences last week. Here are some of them.
  Last Friday morning,I left home at half past six. I thought I could get to school on time. However,my bike broke down halfway. I fell down and hurt my right leg. I also left my homework at home,which made my teacher very angry. I thought it was my worst day. —Cindy
  Last Friday afternoon,I played volleyball with some of my classmates against the students from No.5 Middle School. Although we didn't have good players,we had teamwork. However,I fell down and hurt my left leg in the game. As a result,we lost the game. —Helen
  Last Wednesday afternoon,I hurried home with my heavy schoolbag. When I got near the door,my schoolbag broke and dropped onto my right foot. It was so painful that I cried at once. No matter how sad I felt,nobody came to cheer me up. My parents were both out. —Bob
( )55.How did Cindy go to school last Friday morning
A.By bus.
B.By bike.
C.By car.
D.By subway.
( )56.What was the topic of the special meeting
A.Students' health problems.
B.Students' terrible experiences last week.
C.Students' family rules.
D.Students' free time activities.
( )57.Which of the following is TRUE according to the above reading
A.Bob's parents were at home last Wednesday afternoon.
B.Helen fell down and hurt her right leg in the game.
C.Helen's volleyball team has good players.
D.Cindy forgot to take her homework to school last Friday.
When was it that something made you stop,take a good look and get lost in thought?For me,it was last Sunday. My friend invited me to a European art exhibition in Shanghai.
To be honest,I'm not interested in art paintings at all. I know very little about European art. So,at first,I refused to go to the exhibition. But finally I became excited to see the artworks of the famous artists like Monet(莫奈) and Van Gogh(梵高).The exhibition included 52 artworks. It was really a different experience to see them face to face.
My friend was happy to see so many different painting styles in one place. The visit made her remember the trip to Paris several years ago. She told me that art could be found in every corner of the city.
Most of the visitors,I thought,had limited(有限的) knowledge about art,too. They were just busy taking pictures,and then showed everyone on WeChat that they had been there. Under the influence of my friend,who is an art lover,I began to look at the paintings carefully. One painting that moved me most was Van Gogh's Long Grass With Butterflies. Those things such as grass,butterflies were quite common in my life. However,I had never thought they were worth attention. I had usually followed the crowd to see what was “special”.Actually,we should pay more attention to the “common” things around us.
Sometimes we are supposed to have a careful look,think for a while,then we will find the beauty in our life.
( )58.Where was the exhibition held
D.Not mentioned.
( )59.The underlined word “them” in Paragraph 2 refers to “______”.
A.the artists
B.the artworks
C.the visitors
D.the writer and her friend
( )60.Which is the right order about the writer according to the passage
① I refused to go to the art exhibition.
② I went to see the exhibition with my friend.
③ I was invited to the exhibition.
④ I was moved by Long Grass With Butterflies.
( )61.What can we know from the passage
A.The writer used to show great interest in art paintings.
B.This exhibition included 52 artworks of different styles.
C.Monet's Long Grass With Butterflies was very special in fact.
D.All the visitors enjoyed taking photos and showing them on WeChat.
( )62.What's the best title of the passage
A.A Visit to Europe   
B.Stop,Listen and Show
C.Enjoy the Artworks 
D.Stop,Look and Think
The world is full of possibilities,so stay open to all the new ideas. Who knows You might be the next person who can and will change the world!
Remya Jose from an Indian village made a pedal powered(脚踏式) washing machine by herself. It is kinder to the clothes than electric washing machine. The clothes can be conveniently washed even when the electricity is out. Also,it can help people to get some exercise while washing.
One 13 year old girl,Alysa,got an idea from a Facebook story. She collects chip bags. For each bag,she starts by opening and washing it. Then she sticks all the bags together and turns them into nice blankets(毯子).So far she has turned 10,000 chip bags into 200 blankets. She has given them away to homeless people all over Wales.
New Armor(盔甲)
He Yanhong,a young woman from Chengdu,thinks nothing can go to waste. In February 2022,millions of people watched a video of her making a suit of armor. It looked shiny and fantastic. It was made of some old everyday things.
An African artist Koffi made his artworks by using old phones. He took down the parts of old phones,painted them and made them into different artworks. Koffi helped people pay more attention to recycling.
( )63.Match the title with each part.
a.New Blanket   b.New Washing Machine   c.Washing Chip Bags  d.Collecting Chip Bags e.New Artwork
( )64.Who invented the pedal powered washing machine
A. Koffi. B. He Yanhong.
C.Alysa. D. Remya Jose.
( )65.Where does He Yanhong come from
A. Africa. B. Chengdu.
C.India. D. Wales.
( )66.Why did Koffi make artworks with old phones
A. To get some exercise.
B. To make money as much as possible.
C. To help homeless people.
D. To help people pay more attention to recycling.
( )67.Where is the text probably from
A.A story book.
B.A newspaper.
C.A novel.
D.A guidebook.
Think back to a time in your life when you tried something new.
When I was a teenager,I volunteered to pass out water at a local race. I was so excited to see all the different runners who passed by and quickly took a cup of water. Some ran past, some walked past and a few wheeled past. I saw so many types of people doing it. I thought maybe I could do it too!The next year I decided to run for the race, but I had little running practice. I just wanted to finish.
On the day of the race, it was terribly hot. After running for about 5 miles, I was thinking, “I must be crazy. Why did I do this What was I thinking?” And at one moment, I said to myself, “I am never doing this again!” That first 10 km race was quite an experience. I jogged(慢跑),I walked, I jogged and walked. At times, I didn't know if I could finish. Near the end, a 70 year old man ran past me, very fast, and I felt a little embarrassed that I was more than 50 years younger than him and I couldn't even keep up with him. But then I realized something. He was running his race and I was running mine. How often in life do we compare ourselves to others when we really shouldn't I decided that I would not give up on running races, and that one day I would be one of those 70 year old men who were still running.
As I crossed the finishing line, I was proud of myself. I didn't regret having such an experience.
( )68.Why did the writer join the race
A.He just wanted to experience.
B.He was crazy about running.
C.He had practiced running very hard.
D.He wanted very much to win a prize.
( )69.When did a 70 year old runner run past the writer
A.At the first of the race.
B.When he ran for 5 miles.
C.When he ran for about 15 km.
D.Near the end of the race.
( )70.Why was the writer proud of himself
A.He regretted.
B.He encouraged himself.
C.He didn't give up running.
D.He felt a little embarrassed.
( )71.Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage
A. B. C. D.
( )72.Which is the best title of this passage
A.To Be No.1
B.Let's Compare
C.A Volunteering Job
D.Running Your Own Race
One day,a man was going home from a business trip.73. At noon,he stopped to have lunch.
A young man,whose dog was tied to a stick,was sitting next to him.
74. The businessman felt sorry for it and decided to buy it.75. He waited until the businessman left with the dog and followed him. When he had a chance,he killed the businessman and stole all his money.
The dog ran to a nearby police station.76. At last,the policemen understood that it wanted something. The dog led them to the body of the businessman. The dog started barking again and began to run. The policemen chased(追赶) it and the dog led them to a house nearby.77. The dog ran in,jumped onto the young man,and held him on the floor until the police came in and arrested(逮捕) him. Since the dog was homeless,the police took it back to the station,and it became a police dog.
A.The dog looked very sad.
B.There,they found the killer.
C.Life is full of unexpected things.
D.It barked and barked without stopping.
E.He felt very surprised to see this and called the police.
F.He had been successful and had a lot of money with him.
G.When he opened his wallet,the young man noticed all the money.
(John and his friend Kate are talking on the phone. J=John,K=Kate)
K:Hi,John!78. You weren't at the party last Sunday.
J:I'm on vacation right now.
J:I'm afraid not. It's an unusual beach. In my opinion,the fewer people,the better.
J:That's true. The sun is shining brightly and the sea is so beautiful.
J:Nothing much. I just read and rest every day. In fact,I was asleep before your call.
K:Oh,I'm sorry.82.
J:Thanks. See you next week.
A.Where are you
B.That sounds nice.
C.Is it a place I know
D.Have a great vacation.
E.Many people at the party
F.What's the weather like there
G.Did you do anything special there
Something Unexpected Result
父母很早出门上班 睡过了头
到公交站时车已经开走 上学迟到
忘带作业 回家取的路上被摩托车撞伤
I will never forget what happened today. It was an unlucky day for me.九年级英语下册Unit 12测试卷(教师版答案版)
满分:120分 时间:120分钟 班级:________ 姓名:________
( C )1.Who is doing cooking now
B.Tina's dad.  
C.Tina's mom.
( A )2.How does Mike like to travel to work
A.By underground.
B.By bus.
C.By car.
( C )3.What subject did Tony fail in
A.English.    B.Maths.     C.History.
( B )4.Where will Sandy go this weekend
A.To the beach.
B.To Mary's birthday party.
C.We don't know.
( B )5.What time did the class begin
A.At 8:00. B.At 8:10. C.At 8:15.
( C )6.Why does Jane look pale
A.Because she hit a boy.     
B.Because she was late for the film.
C.Because she saw an accident.
( A )7.Who took the boy to the hospital
A.The driver.   B.The policeman.   C.Jane.
( B )8.How did David go to school
A.By bus. B.On foot. C.By car.
( B )9.How long had the class been on when David got to school
A.For five minutes.
B.For fifteen minutes.
C.For fifty minutes.
( A )10.What is this conversation about
A.A car accident.
B.A fire accident.
C.An earthquake.
( C )11.What color is the car
A.Black. B.Blue. C.Red.
( B )12.What does the man probably do
A.A driver. B.A policeman. C.A doctor.
( A )13.What are the two speakers talking about
A.How to save the environment.     
B.What to take while shopping.
C.How to recycle water.
( C )14.How should we go to work according to the speakers
A.By bus.
B.By car.
C.By bike.
( A )15.Which of the following isn't mentioned in the conversation
A.Protecting trees.
B.Recycling water.
C.Saving electricity.
16.Food for English breakfast is usually a meal of fried eggs,bread,cakes,tomatoes and coffee.
17.British people only have a sandwich or a cup of coffee for lunch.
18.Children can have a hot meal of meat or fish at school.
19.British dinner time is between 7 and 9 p.m.
20.British people like food from France,China and India.
( B )21.—Hello,Mrs.Brown!Where are you going
—I'm going to the ______ to buy some vegetables.
A.factory B.market C.hospital D.park
( B )22.—Why did you ______ the match
—Because the weather was too bad.
A.win B.cancel C.hold D.announce
( C )23.—Did you see the basketball star who came to visit our school yesterday
—No. When I got to school,he______.
B.has left
C.had left
D.was leaving
( B )24.—The little girl set the fish free and watched it until it ______in the river.
—What a kind girl!
( C )25.—Jason's grandfather did his best to keep the little tree______but it died in the end.
—Never mind.I think he tries his best.
A.awake B.absent C.alive D.asleep
( D )26.—How long have Mr.and Mrs.Green______?
—For more than twenty years.
B.got married
D.been married
( D )27.—Did you get to school on time this morning, Jim
—No,______ I overslept and missed the early bus, sir.
A.until B.unless C.but D.because
( B )28.—Mom, sometimes I feel so tired of life.
—Life is always full of many ______ things. Face them bravely, and never give up the hope.
One day,Miriam got a letter along with a watermelon seed from Uncle Esai. The letter said:
This is a magic seed for you. Plant it,and it will grant __29__ three wishes. Remember to be patient:the world has its own rhythm.
Uncle Esai
Miriam thought,“A magic seed?Maybe it's Uncle Esai's __30__,but why not have a try?” She planted the seed in the yard,and made her __31__ wish,“I want the watermelon to grow as big as a mountain!”
The next morning,Miriam was very __32__ to see a huge watermelon in the yard. She couldn't believe it.“I must __33__ it at once!” She hurried to cut the watermelon,but it was too hard. She became angry.“This is a silly watermelon!I don't want it!”
Immediately the fruit became a seed again. Miriam __34__ her second wish had been granted.“Humph!This is not fun!” she cried.
A few days later,Miriam found Uncle Esai's __35__ and read it again. She stopped when she saw the words “be patient”.How could she forget it?She rushed out of the door and __36__ ran to the yard to find the seed. This time,she promised she would make the best use of the third wish.
She thought for a while.“I hope my __37__ could spend more time together.” But her parents needed to work. How could the seed help?Although it seemed impossible,she still decided to __38__ the seed with patience.
Miriam got some information about __39__ to plant a watermelon,and then followed the steps carefully. When the seed turned into a normal sized watermelon,she __40__ it with her friends and neighbours. Everybody liked its taste.
Miriam's family got the seeds __41__ the watermelon and planted more afterwards. They were so delicious that the neighbours offered to buy some. The watermelons brought extra money __42__ Miriam's parents didn't have to be away for work as much. They had more family time.
Miriam finally knew what Uncle Esai meant—be patient,and life will be as __43__ as a watermelon!
( B )29.A.me B.you C.him D.her
( B )30.A.rule B.joke C.choice D.example
( A )31.A.first B.second C.third D.fourth
( D )32.A.bored B.afraid C.relaxed D.surprised
( A )33.A.eat B.wash C.climb D.draw
( C )34.A.heard B.explained C.realised  D.imagined
( C )35.A.book B.postcard C.letter  D.newspaper
( D )36.A.calmly B.carefully C.politely D.quickly
( B )37.A.class B.family
C.teachers  D.neighbours
( C )38.A.put away B.talk to
C.look after  D.search for
( A )39.A.how B.why C.when D.where
( D )40.A.watered B.protected C.watched D.shared
( B )41.A.for B.from C.behind D.beside
( A )42.A.so B.if C.but D.unless
( C )43.A.new B.big C.sweet D.quiet
know turn grow down its when
beautiful later worker replace mess
My husband and I bought a house 44.when we were in our fifties. One of the reasons I bought it was that it was so attractive. It had a big Japanese red pine,which looked 45.beautiful in our front yard. For 20 years,it was a beauty to all who passed by. Raccoons(浣熊)climbed 46.its branches. It shaded the bright sun over my small garden of roses and bushes(灌木丛)that I'd planted for bees.
Early last year,a heavy snowfall hit our city. While we were enjoying a quiet Saturday morning,the house shook and we heard aloud crash(撞击声).The tree had fallen,taking out most of the bushes in our yard. So we call forestry 47.workers,who cut off its truck and branches and took the wood away. After a week,the yard was still a 48.mess,with wood shavings(木屑)and holes everywhere.
In March,I bought a few new bush and rose seedlings 49.to replace those that I thought hadn't lived. But in May, plenty of new flowers were growing in the yard! As the sun shone 50.down,the flowers were able to 51.grow and attract bees. My old bushes grew back and were healthier than ever before! Our yard 52.turned into a beautiful garden. And this summer, one year 53.later,all of the plants are three times bigger than they were before.
Life might be hard for you at the moment,but you never 54.know what the future holds. It might just be much brighter.
Yesterday was Monday. Class Eleven had a special meeting in the afternoon. The topic was about their terrible experiences last week. Here are some of them.
  Last Friday morning,I left home at half past six. I thought I could get to school on time. However,my bike broke down halfway. I fell down and hurt my right leg. I also left my homework at home,which made my teacher very angry. I thought it was my worst day. —Cindy
  Last Friday afternoon,I played volleyball with some of my classmates against the students from No.5 Middle School. Although we didn't have good players,we had teamwork. However,I fell down and hurt my left leg in the game. As a result,we lost the game. —Helen
  Last Wednesday afternoon,I hurried home with my heavy schoolbag. When I got near the door,my schoolbag broke and dropped onto my right foot. It was so painful that I cried at once. No matter how sad I felt,nobody came to cheer me up. My parents were both out. —Bob
( B )55.How did Cindy go to school last Friday morning
A.By bus.
B.By bike.
C.By car.
D.By subway.
( B )56.What was the topic of the special meeting
A.Students' health problems.
B.Students' terrible experiences last week.
C.Students' family rules.
D.Students' free time activities.
( D )57.Which of the following is TRUE according to the above reading
A.Bob's parents were at home last Wednesday afternoon.
B.Helen fell down and hurt her right leg in the game.
C.Helen's volleyball team has good players.
D.Cindy forgot to take her homework to school last Friday.
When was it that something made you stop,take a good look and get lost in thought?For me,it was last Sunday. My friend invited me to a European art exhibition in Shanghai.
To be honest,I'm not interested in art paintings at all. I know very little about European art. So,at first,I refused to go to the exhibition. But finally I became excited to see the artworks of the famous artists like Monet(莫奈) and Van Gogh(梵高).The exhibition included 52 artworks. It was really a different experience to see them face to face.
My friend was happy to see so many different painting styles in one place. The visit made her remember the trip to Paris several years ago. She told me that art could be found in every corner of the city.
Most of the visitors,I thought,had limited(有限的) knowledge about art,too. They were just busy taking pictures,and then showed everyone on WeChat that they had been there. Under the influence of my friend,who is an art lover,I began to look at the paintings carefully. One painting that moved me most was Van Gogh's Long Grass With Butterflies. Those things such as grass,butterflies were quite common in my life. However,I had never thought they were worth attention. I had usually followed the crowd to see what was “special”.Actually,we should pay more attention to the “common” things around us.
Sometimes we are supposed to have a careful look,think for a while,then we will find the beauty in our life.
( A )58.Where was the exhibition held
D.Not mentioned.
( B )59.The underlined word “them” in Paragraph 2 refers to “______”.
A.the artists
B.the artworks
C.the visitors
D.the writer and her friend
( C )60.Which is the right order about the writer according to the passage
① I refused to go to the art exhibition.
② I went to see the exhibition with my friend.
③ I was invited to the exhibition.
④ I was moved by Long Grass With Butterflies.
( B )61.What can we know from the passage
A.The writer used to show great interest in art paintings.
B.This exhibition included 52 artworks of different styles.
C.Monet's Long Grass With Butterflies was very special in fact.
D.All the visitors enjoyed taking photos and showing them on WeChat.
( D )62.What's the best title of the passage
A.A Visit to Europe   
B.Stop,Listen and Show
C.Enjoy the Artworks 
D.Stop,Look and Think
The world is full of possibilities,so stay open to all the new ideas. Who knows You might be the next person who can and will change the world!
Remya Jose from an Indian village made a pedal powered(脚踏式) washing machine by herself. It is kinder to the clothes than electric washing machine. The clothes can be conveniently washed even when the electricity is out. Also,it can help people to get some exercise while washing.
One 13 year old girl,Alysa,got an idea from a Facebook story. She collects chip bags. For each bag,she starts by opening and washing it. Then she sticks all the bags together and turns them into nice blankets(毯子).So far she has turned 10,000 chip bags into 200 blankets. She has given them away to homeless people all over Wales.
New Armor(盔甲)
He Yanhong,a young woman from Chengdu,thinks nothing can go to waste. In February 2022,millions of people watched a video of her making a suit of armor. It looked shiny and fantastic. It was made of some old everyday things.
An African artist Koffi made his artworks by using old phones. He took down the parts of old phones,painted them and made them into different artworks. Koffi helped people pay more attention to recycling.
( A )63.Match the title with each part.
a.New Blanket   b.New Washing Machine   c.Washing Chip Bags  d.Collecting Chip Bags e.New Artwork
( D )64.Who invented the pedal powered washing machine
A. Koffi. B. He Yanhong.
C.Alysa. D. Remya Jose.
( B )65.Where does He Yanhong come from
A. Africa. B. Chengdu.
C.India. D. Wales.
( D )66.Why did Koffi make artworks with old phones
A. To get some exercise.
B. To make money as much as possible.
C. To help homeless people.
D. To help people pay more attention to recycling.
( B )67.Where is the text probably from
A.A story book.
B.A newspaper.
C.A novel.
D.A guidebook.
Think back to a time in your life when you tried something new.
When I was a teenager,I volunteered to pass out water at a local race. I was so excited to see all the different runners who passed by and quickly took a cup of water. Some ran past, some walked past and a few wheeled past. I saw so many types of people doing it. I thought maybe I could do it too!The next year I decided to run for the race, but I had little running practice. I just wanted to finish.
On the day of the race, it was terribly hot. After running for about 5 miles, I was thinking, “I must be crazy. Why did I do this What was I thinking?” And at one moment, I said to myself, “I am never doing this again!” That first 10 km race was quite an experience. I jogged(慢跑),I walked, I jogged and walked. At times, I didn't know if I could finish. Near the end, a 70 year old man ran past me, very fast, and I felt a little embarrassed that I was more than 50 years younger than him and I couldn't even keep up with him. But then I realized something. He was running his race and I was running mine. How often in life do we compare ourselves to others when we really shouldn't I decided that I would not give up on running races, and that one day I would be one of those 70 year old men who were still running.
As I crossed the finishing line, I was proud of myself. I didn't regret having such an experience.
( A )68.Why did the writer join the race
A.He just wanted to experience.
B.He was crazy about running.
C.He had practiced running very hard.
D.He wanted very much to win a prize.
( D )69.When did a 70 year old runner run past the writer
A.At the first of the race.
B.When he ran for 5 miles.
C.When he ran for about 15 km.
D.Near the end of the race.
( C )70.Why was the writer proud of himself
A.He regretted.
B.He encouraged himself.
C.He didn't give up running.
D.He felt a little embarrassed.
( A )71.Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage
A. B. C. D.
( D )72.Which is the best title of this passage
A.To Be No.1
B.Let's Compare
C.A Volunteering Job
D.Running Your Own Race
One day,a man was going home from a business trip.73.F At noon,he stopped to have lunch.
A young man,whose dog was tied to a stick,was sitting next to him.74.A The businessman felt sorry for it and decided to buy it.75.GHe waited until the businessman left with the dog and followed him. When he had a chance,he killed the businessman and stole all his money.
The dog ran to a nearby police station.76.D At last,the policemen understood that it wanted something. The dog led them to the body of the businessman. The dog started barking again and began to run. The policemen chased(追赶) it and the dog led them to a house nearby.77.B The dog ran in,jumped onto the young man,and held him on the floor until the police came in and arrested(逮捕) him. Since the dog was homeless,the police took it back to the station,and it became a police dog.
A.The dog looked very sad.
B.There,they found the killer.
C.Life is full of unexpected things.
D.It barked and barked without stopping.
E.He felt very surprised to see this and called the police.
F.He had been successful and had a lot of money with him.
G.When he opened his wallet,the young man noticed all the money.
(John and his friend Kate are talking on the phone. J=John,K=Kate)
K:Hi,John!78.A You weren't at the party last Sunday.
J:I'm on vacation right now.
J:I'm afraid not. It's an unusual beach. In my opinion,the fewer people,the better.
J:That's true. The sun is shining brightly and the sea is so beautiful.
J:Nothing much. I just read and rest every day. In fact,I was asleep before your call.
K:Oh,I'm sorry.82.D
J:Thanks. See you next week.
A.Where are you
B.That sounds nice.
C.Is it a place I know
D.Have a great vacation.
E.Many people at the party
F.What's the weather like there
G.Did you do anything special there
Something Unexpected Result
父母很早出门上班 睡过了头
到公交站时车已经开走 上学迟到
忘带作业 回家取的路上被摩托车撞伤
I will never forget what happened today. It was an unlucky day for me.
I stayed up late last night because of an exciting soccer match. So I didn't hear the alarm go off this morning. When I woke up,my parents had left for work. I overslept. I didn't have breakfast and rushed to the bus stop. But as I got to the bus stop,the bus had already left. As a result,I was late for school. What was worse,by the time I walked into the classroom,I found I had forgotten to bring my homework. I had to ask the teacher to allow me to fetch it. Unluckily,on my way home,I was hit by a motor bike. I had a great pain in my arms and had to go to the hospital.
I will always remember the special day. What an unlucky day I had today!听力材料:
1.W:Are we going to have dinner,Daddy I’m hungry.
M:Sorry,Tina.I’m busy doing my work.Your mom is cooking at the moment.
2.W:Excuse me,Mike,do you usually travel to work by bus
M:No.I prefer the underground to the bus or car.
3.W:Have you got your school report,Tony
M:Yes.I did quite well in most subjects.“A” for English,maths and physics,but I failed in history.
4.M:Do you have any plans for this weekend, Sandy You can go to the beach with me if you like.
W:Thanks for asking,but I have received an invitation from Mary.I’m looking forward to her 14th birthday party.
5.M:What’s wrong,Jane It’s a quarter past eight.You are five minutes late for class.
W:I am sorry.I failed to catch the underground I often take.
W:I’m sorry I’m late for the film.
M:What’s the matter,Jane You look pale.
W:I saw a terrible accident just now on Renmin Road!
M:Oh,my god!Was anybody hurt
W:Yes,but not badly.A boy on a bike was so careless that he hit a car.
M:That’s too bad!Then
W:The driver took the boy to the hospital before the policeman came.
M:I hope he will be better soon.
W:Why were you late this morning,David
M:I stayed up watching a football match last night,so I got up late this morning.
W:What did you do after you got up
M:I ran to the bus stop without breakfast.But unluckily,when I got there, the bus had already left.
W:Poor boy! And then
M:I had to walk to school.When I got to school,the class had started 15 minutes before.
W:You had a terrible morning.
M:Yes,I did.
M:What’s your name,madam
W:I’m Susan Brown.
M:Did you remember what happened
W:Yes.When I was riding along the street,a car suddenly hit me and then went away.
M:Did you see the number of the car
W:Yes.It’s JX5F140.
M:Anything else
W:Hmm...It’s a red car.
M:OK.We’ll call you as soon as we find the car.
W:Thank you very much.
M:Hi,Nancy,if you are ready to go shopping,don’t forget to take your own bag.
W:I know.To save the environment,the supermarket won’t offer us free plastic bags.
M:Now our environment is getting worse and worse.I think it’s right to do that.
W:I think we can do something else,too.For example,riding a bike is a good way to go to work instead of taking a bus or driving a car if we don’t have to.
M:I agree.And we should turn off the lights and computers when we go out.
W:And we shouldn’t waste water.
M:Right.Water is becoming less and less now.
W:So we should tell people to save water and recycle water.
M:How about sending our ideas to more people by putting them on the website
W:I can’t agree with you more.
Talking about having meals,people in the UK are different from the people of many other countries.English breakfast is usually a meal of fried eggs,bread,cakes,tomatoes and coffee.But they often eat a quick lunch of only a sandwich and a cup of coffee.Children at school can have a hot meal of meat or fish.The British usually have their dinners of beef or fish with vegetables between 7 and 9 p.m.,and if they have a party with friends,it can last till midnight.
At weekends they like to have meals with all the family members.They will begin with soup followed by meat with vegetables and many other things such as salad and fruit.People in Britain also like food from other countries,especially food from France,China and India.



