
(2024·全国甲卷)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
One day, we had a family dinner. While the adults were busy with their serious talk outside, I was left alone in the 1. to help my grandmother wash dishes. 2. my grandmother would tell me stories about her childhood.
Born just before WWI, my grandmother 3. an entirely different childhood lifestyle from mine. She did not have a chance to go to 4. . Like in typical families, where boys were 5. much more than girls, my grandma had to stay at home to do 6. . The only opportunity(机会)she could seize to 7. was when her brother was having Chinese 8. with the family tutor. She would sit quietly at the far end of the long dinner table, listening 9. . This training taught her to read and write her Chinese upside down一 a skill that has turned out to be quite 10. ,especially whenever we share the newspaper. On most weekends, my grandmother, a young girl then,and her brother would go to the 11. . There, they would walk through deep water, sit down cross-legged underwater and hold their 12. while they watched all action going on around them. This is something I 13. — her ability to open her 14. underwater and still sit comfortably on the seabed.
My childhood is quite 15. compared with hers. I am 16. that I did not need to 17. the hardships like she did. I've never faced the problem of 18. . I guess our different childhood background is what makes my grandmother such an amazing person to 19. to: her stories always make my history textbooks 20. .
1.A. sitting room B. kitchen
C. yard D. dining hall
2.A.As always B.By the way
C.For example D. Here and now
3.A.adjusted B. promoted C. achieved D.experienced
4.A.work B.school C. court D.press
5.A. favored B. tolerated C. trusted D.acknowledged
6.A. gardening B. homework C. business D.housework
7.A. exercise B. study C. explore D.teach
8.A.food B. guests C. lessons D.tea
9.A. closely B. directly C. nervously D.freely
10.A.professional B. awkward C.simple D. practical
11.A.market B.mountain C. beach D. class
12.A.secret B. breath C. view D.tongue
13.A.admire B. notice C. adopt D.value
14.A.hands B.mouth C.eyes D.arms
15.A. difficult B. complex C. happy D.similar
16.A. grateful B. surprised C. convinced D.regretful
17.A.reflect upon B. go through C. ask about D.prepare for
18.A. unemployment B. health C. education D.communication
19.A. attend B. refer C. lead D.talk
20.A. come true B.come round C.come out D.come alive
1.句意:当大人们在外面忙着严肃的谈话时,我一个人留在厨房里帮奶奶洗碗。A. sitting room客厅;B. kitchen厨房;C. yard院子;D. dining hall餐厅。根据后句中的"help my grandmother wash dishes帮我奶奶洗碗",可知作者和奶奶在厨房,故选B。
2.句意:像往常一样,我的祖母会给我讲她童年的故事。A. As always像往常一样;B. By the way顺便说一下;C. For example比如;D. Here and now此时此地。根据空后的"my grandmother would tell me stories about her childhood我祖母会给我讲她童年的故事",结合后文,可知奶奶会像往常一样,给我讲她童年的故事,故选A。
3.句意:我的祖母出生在第一次世界大战之前,她的童年生活方式与我的完全不同。A. adjusted调整;B. promoted提升;C. achieved实现;D. experienced经历。根据后文"I am16 that I did not need to17 the hardships like she did. I've never faced the problem of18 . I guess our different childhood background is what makes my grandmother such an amazing person to19 to: her stories always make my history textbooks20 ",结合选项,可知作者的童年生活与奶奶的童年经历大不相同,故选D。
4.句意:她没有机会上学。A. work工作;B. school学校;C. court法院;D. press出版社。根据下文"The only opportunity(机会)she could seize to7 was when her brother was having Chinese 8 with the family tutor",可知奶奶没机会上学,故选B。
5.句意:就像在典型的家庭里,男孩比女孩更受宠爱,我奶奶不得不呆在家里做家务。A. favored受到优待的,受宠的;B. tolerated容忍的;C. trusted信任的;D. acknowledged承认。根据下文"The only opportunity(机会)she could seize to7 was when her brother was having Chinese 8 with the family tutor",可知奶奶的兄弟可以上学,而奶奶不能,所以那个时代,男孩子在家里是受到青睐的,故选A。
6.句意:就像在典型的家庭里,男孩比女孩更受宠爱,我奶奶不得不呆在家里做家务。A. gardening园艺;B. homework作业;C. business生意;D. housework家务。根据上文" She did not have a chance to go to 4",可知奶奶没机会上学,只能在家做家务,故选D。
7.句意:她唯一能抓住的学习机会是她哥哥和家庭教师一起上中文课的时候。A. exercise练习;B. study学习;C. explore探索;D. teach教。根据后半句"when her brother was having Chinese 8 with the family tutor",可知此处是指奶奶的兄弟和家庭教师一起上中文课的时候,奶奶才有学习的机会,故选B。
8.句意:她唯一能抓住的学习机会是她哥哥和家庭教师一起上中文课的时候。A. food食物;B. guests客人;C. lessons课;D. tea茶。根据空格后的"with the family tutor",可知此处是指和家庭教师上中文课,故选C。
9.句意:她会静静地坐在长长的餐桌的另一头,仔细地听着。A. closely仔细地;B. directly直接地;C. nervously紧张地;D. freely自由地。根据"This training taught her to read and write her Chinese upside down一 a skill that has turned out to be quite10 ,especially whenever we share the newspaper",可知奶奶听得很仔细认真,故选A。
10.句意:这个训练教会了她读和写倒过来的中文一这个技能被证明是非常实用的,特别是当我们分享报纸的时候。A. professional专业的;B. awkward尴尬的;C. simple简单的;D. practical实际的。根据"especially whenever we share the newspaper尤其是当我们共用报纸的时候",可知奶奶倒过来读写的技能很实用,故选D。
11.句意:在大多数周末,我的祖母,一个年轻的女孩,和她的哥哥会去海滩。A. market市场;B. mountain山;C. beach海滩;D. class班级。根据"There, they would walk through deep water在那里,他们会穿过深水",可知奶奶和兄弟去海滩,故选C。
12.句意:在那里,他们会穿过深水,盘腿坐在水下,屏住呼吸,看着周围发生的一切。A. secret秘密;B. breath呼吸;C. view观点;D. tongue舌头。根据上下文"There, they would walk through deep water, sit down cross-legged underwater在那里,他们会穿过深水,盘腿在水下坐下",可知去水下,需要屏住呼吸,故选B。
13.句意:我很欣赏她在水下睁开眼睛,还能舒服地坐在海底的能力。A. admire欣赏;B. notice注意;C. adopt采纳;D. value珍惜。根据破折号后的"her ability to open her 14 underwater and still sit comfortably on the seabed",可知作者很羡慕奶奶可以在水下可以睁眼的能力,故选A。
14.句意:我很欣赏她在水下睁开眼睛,还能舒服地坐在海底的能力。A. hands手;B. mouth嘴;C. eyes眼睛;D. arms胳膊。根据"while they watched all action going on around them他们看着周围发生的一切",可知奶奶在水下睁着眼睛看周围的一切,故选C。
15.句意:与她的童年相比,我的童年要快乐得多。A. difficult困难的;B. complex复杂的;C. happy高兴的;D. similar相似的。根据" I am 16 that I did not need to 17 the hardships like she did. I've never faced the problem of 18 . I guess our different childhood background is what makes my grandmother such an amazing person to 19 to: her stories always make my history textbooks 20",可知作者很高兴没有经历奶奶经历过的困难,故选C。
16.句意:我很感激我没有像她那样经历苦难。A. grateful感激的;B. surprised惊讶的;C. convinced信服的;D. regretful后悔的。根据空格后的"the hardships like she did像她一样的艰辛",结合选项,可知此处指作者很感激不需要像奶奶那样经历苦难,故选A。
17.句意:我很感激我没有像她那样经历苦难。A. reflect upon反思;B. go through经历;C. ask about询问;D.prepare for准备。根据空格后的"the hardships like she did像她一样的艰辛",结合选项,可知此处指作者不需要像奶奶那样经历苦难,故选B。
18.句意:我从来没有遇到过教育的问题。A. unemployment失业;B. health健康;C. education教育;D. communication交流。根据上文,可知奶奶没上过学,而作者从来不用面对教育的问题,故选C。
19.句意:我想我们不同的童年背景使我的祖母成为一个如此令人惊奇的人:她的故事总是使我的历史教科书生动起来。A. attend参加;B. refer提到;C. lead带领;D. talk交谈。根据后半句中的"her stories",可知奶奶经常给作者讲故事,故选D。
20.句意:我想我们不同的童年背景使我的祖母成为一个如此令人惊奇的人:她的故事总是使我的历史教科书生动起来。A. come true实现;B. come round恢复到以前的状态;C. come out出来;D. come alive活跃起来。结合选项,可知此处是指奶奶的故事让作者在历史课本上学的知识生动起来,故选D。
When I decided to buy a house in Europe ten years ago, I didn't think too long. I liked traveling in France, but when it came to picking my favorite spot to 21. , Italy was the clear winner.
During my first visit to Italy, I 22. to ask for directions or order in a restaurant. But every time I tried to 23. a sentence of Italian together, the locals smiled at me and 24. my language skills. That encouragement helped me to get through the language 25. . After I made Italy my permanent home, I discovered how 26. Italians are. Neighbors will bring me freshly made cheese and will come to my door to 27. me to close the window in my car when rain is coming. It's these small 28. of kindness that make a new country feel like home.
As a foodie, the way to my heart is through my stomach, and nowhere fuels my 29. quite like Italy. Each town has its own traditional 30. , and every family keeps a recipe passed from one generation to another. Families 31. for big meals on Sundays, birthdays, and whatever other excuses they can 32. . These meals are always 33. by laughter and joy. Whatever 34. life in Italy might have, the problems are 35. once you sit down to a big meal with friends and family.
21.A. study B. rent C. visit D. settle
22.A. planned B. struggled C. refused D. happened
23.A. string B. hang C. mix D. match
24.A. improved B. assessed C. admired D. praised
25.A. course B. barrier C. area D. test
26.A. open-minded B. strong-willed
C. warm-hearted D. well-informed
27.A. remind B. allow C. persuade D. order
28.A. tricks B. promises C. acts D. duties
29.A. ambition B. success C. appetite D. growth
30.A. costume B. dish C. symbol D. tale
31.A. gather B. cheer C. leave D. wait
32.A. put up with B. stand up for
C. come up with D. make up for
33.A. signaled B. confirmed C. represented D. accompanied
34.A. disadvantages B. meanings
C. surprises D. opportunities
35.A. created B. forgotten C. understood D. identified
21.句意:我喜欢去法国旅游,但在选择我最喜欢的定居地点时,意大利显然是赢家。A. study学习;B. rent租;C. visit参观;D. settle定居。根据上文中的"When I decided to buy a house in Europe ten years ago当我十年前决定在欧洲买房子的时候",结合选项,可知作者买房是为了在定居,故选D。
22.句意:在我第一次访问意大利时,我很难问路或在餐馆点菜。A. planned计划;B. struggled挣扎;C. refused拒绝;D. happened发生。根据前半句中的"my first visit to Italy我第一次去意大利",可知作者在问路或在餐馆点菜时遇到了困难,故选B。
23.句意:但每次我试着用意大利语拼凑句子时,当地人都会对我微笑,称赞我的语言能力。A. string把……连在一起;B. hang悬挂;C. mix混合;D. match匹配。根据空格后的"a sentence of Italian together",结合选项,可知此处是表示把意大利句子拼凑在一起,故选A。
24.句意:但每次我试着用意大利语拼凑句子时,当地人都会对我微笑,称赞我的语言能力。A. improved改进;B. assessed评估;C. admired钦佩;D. praised表扬。根据下句中的"That encouragement",可知意大利当地人鼓励了作者,故选D。
25.句意:这种鼓励帮助我克服了语言障碍。A. course课程;B. barrier障碍;C. area区域;D. test测试。根据上文"During my first visit to Italy, I struggled to ask for directions or order in a restaurant在我第一次访问意大利时,我很难问路或在餐馆点菜",可知作者初到意大利时遭遇了语言障碍,故选B。
26.句意:在我定居意大利之后,我发现意大利人是多么的热情。A. open-minded开明的;B. strong-willed意志坚定的;C. warm-hearted热心的;D. well-informed消息灵通的。根据下句"Neighbors will bring me freshly made cheese and will come to my door to 7me to close the window in my car when rain is coming邻居们会给我带来新鲜的奶酪,还会在下雨的时候来我家门前 我关上车窗",可知邻居们很热心,故选C。
27.句意:邻居们会给我带来新鲜的奶酪,还会在下雨的时候来我家门前提醒我关上车窗。A. remind提醒;B. allow允许;C. persuade说服;D. order命令。根据上句,可知邻居们很热心,结合选项,可知此处应是提醒我关上车窗,故选A。
28.句意:正是这些小小的善举让一个新国家有家的感觉。A. tricks技巧;B. promises诺言;C. acts举动;D. duties责任。 上句中的"Neighbors will bring me freshly made cheese and will come to my door to remind me to close the window in my car when rain is coming邻居们会给我带来新鲜的奶酪,还会在下雨的时候来我家门前提醒我关上车窗"都是善良的举动,故选C。
29.句意:作为一个吃货,要抓住我的心就得先抓住我的胃,没有什么地方比意大利更能满足我的胃口了。A. ambition抱负;B. success成功;C. appetite食欲;D. growth成长。根据前半句"As a foodie, the way to my heart is through my stomach作为一个吃货,要抓住我的心就得先抓住我的胃",结合选项,可知此处是指意大利很符合作者的"胃口",故选C。
30.句意:每个城镇都有自己的传统菜肴,每个家庭都有代代相传的食谱。A. costume服装;B. dish菜;C. symbol象征;D. tale故事。根据空前的"Each town has its own traditional 个城镇都有自己传统的",结合选项,可知"菜肴dish"符合句意要求,故选B。
31.句意:家人在星期天、生日或任何他们能想出的借口聚在一起吃大餐。A. gather聚集;B. cheer欢呼;C. leave离开;D. wait等待。根据空格后的"for big meals on Sundays, birthdays, and whatever other excuses在星期天、生日或任何借口",结合选项,可知此处是在这些日子聚会,故选A。
32.句意:家人在星期天、生日或任何他们能想出的借口聚在一起吃大餐。A. put up with忍受;B. stand up for支持;C. come up with想出;D. make up for弥补。根据空格前的"whatever other excuses they can",结合选项,可知此处表示他们能想出的任何借口,故选C。
33.句意:这些饭菜总是伴随着笑声和喜悦。A. signaled发信号;B. confirmed确认;C. represented代表;D. accompanied陪伴。根据上文,结合空格后的"laughter and joy笑声和喜悦",可知意大利人喜欢以各种借口聚会,而且聚会上会伴随有笑声和喜悦,故选D。
34.句意:无论意大利的生活有什么缺点,一旦你和朋友和家人坐下来吃顿大餐,这些问题就会被遗忘。A. disadvantages缺点;B. meanings意思;C. surprises惊讶;D. opportunities机会。根据后句"the problems are 15once you sit down to a big meal with friends and family",可知此处表示无论意大利的生活有什么缺点,故选A。
35.句意:无论意大利的生活有什么缺点,一旦你和朋友和家人坐下来吃顿大餐,这些问题就会被遗忘。A. created创造;B. forgotten忘记;C. understood理解;D. identified辨认。根据上文介绍的意大利人的热心和喜欢聚会,结合空格后的"once you sit down to a big meal with friends and family一旦你坐下来与朋友和家人一起吃大餐"和选项,可知此处表示一旦你和朋友和家人坐下来吃顿大餐,问题就会被遗忘,故选B。
(2024·新高考Ⅰ卷) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
I've been motivated-and demotivated-by other folks' achievements all my life.
When I was a teenager, a neighborhood friend 36. a marathon race. Feeling motivated, I started running 37. , but then two things happened. First, a girl I met one day told me she was 38. for a "super, "referring to a 52.4-mile double marathon. Then, the next day I went on my longest run-15 miles. To be honest, I 39. it! Between the girl making my 40. seem small and the pure boredom of jogging, I decided that the only 41. I'd ever run again is if a big dog was running after me!
So I 42. cycling. I got a good bike and rode a lot. I 43. of entering cycle races until I flew to San Diego to visit my sister. While she was at work one day, I 44. her bike and went for a ride. The 45. : The roads there went through large valleys where I'd be riding uphill for miles at a time. I'd never faced such 46. . That day, I got 47. by about 100"local"bikers who were used to such roads. When I got back home, suddenly riding my bike didn't seem quite as 48. .
I've 49. a lot since then. I've come to accept that whatever 50. I set for myself, they just have to be my own.
36.A. knew B. held C. won D. quit
37.A. regularly B. silently C. proudly D. recently
38.A. asking B. looking C. waiting D. training
39.A. made B. believed C. hated D. deserved
40.A. advantage B. achievement C. contribution D. influence
41.A. way B. risk C. place D. reason
42.A. gave up B. went on C. turned to D. dealt with
43.A. heard B. dreamed C. complained D. approved
44.A. painted B. borrowed C. bought D. parked
45.A. problem B. secret C. principle D. advice
46.A. dangers B. events C. opponents D. challenges
47.A. passed B. convinced C. admired D. stopped
48.A. reliable B. convenient C. familiar D. appealing
49.A. traveled B. matured C. missed D. worried
50.A. limits B. dates C. goals D. tests
【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文, 讲述了作者的一生都受到他人成就的激励和打击。年轻时,作者受到邻居朋友完成马拉松的激励开始跑步,但随后被另一位女孩的超级马拉松成绩和自己的无聊感所打击,放弃了跑步。接着,作者转向骑自行车,并在开始时感到满意,但在一次骑行中遇到了从未有过的挑战,被当地的自行车手超越,这让作者再次感到沮丧。最后,作者意识到无论设定什么目标,都应该是自己的,而不是受他人成就的影响。
36.句意:我十几岁的时候,邻居的一个朋友赢得了马拉松比赛。A. knew知道;B. held举行;C. won赢;D. quit放弃。根据下句中的"Feeling motivated有了动力",结合选项,可知此处让作者有动力的是邻居的一个朋友赢得了马拉松比赛,故选C。
37.句意:有了动力,我开始定期跑步,但后来发生了两件事。A. regularly定期地;B. silently安静地;C. proudly骄傲地;D. recently最近。根据空格前的"I started running我开始跑步",结合选项,可知作者受到邻居朋友的影响,开始有规律地跑步,故选A。
38.句意:首先,有一天我遇到的一个女孩告诉我,她正在为"超级"马拉松训练,指的是52.4英里的双人马拉松。A. asking问;B. looking看;C. waiting等;D. training训练。根据空格后的"a "super, "referring to a 52.4-mile double marathon"超级"马拉松,指的是52.4英里的双人马拉松,结合选项,可知此处是指女孩在为超级马拉松进行训练,故选D。
39.句意:说实话,我讨厌它!A. made制作;B. believed相信;C. hated讨厌;D. deserved值得。根据第6空后的 I'd ever run again is if a big dog was running after me如果有条大狗追着我跑,我才会再跑,可知作者不喜欢跑步了,故选C。
40.句意:那个女孩让我的成就显得微不足道,再加上慢跑的无聊,我决定,我再次跑步的唯一原因就是有只大狗在后面追我!A. advantage优势;B. achievement成就;C. contribution贡献;D. influence影响。根据上半句中的"my longest run-15 miles我最长的一次跑是15英里",结合选项,可知15公里的长跑是作者的成就,故选B。
41.句意:那个女孩让我的成就显得微不足道,再加上慢跑的无聊,我决定,我再次跑步的唯一原因就是有只大狗在后面追我!A. way方式;B. risk风险;C. place地方;D. reason原因。上文提到,作者因为那位女孩,讨厌跑步,所以除非遇到危险,即有只大狗在后面追赶,这是让作者重新跑步的原因,故选D。
42.句意:于是我转向骑自行车。A. gave up放弃;B. went on继续;C. turned to转向;D. dealt with处理。上文提到作者放弃了跑步;根据空格后的cycling,可知作者转向了骑行,故选C。
43.句意:我梦想着参加自行车比赛,直到我飞到圣地亚哥去看我妹妹。A. heard听到;B. dreamed梦想;C. complained抱怨;D. approved同意。根据上句"I got a good bike and rode a lot我买了一辆好自行车,骑了很多次",结合选项,可知作者梦想参加骑行比赛,故选B。
44.句意:有一天她上班的时候,我借了她的自行车去兜风。A. painted画;B. borrowed借;C. bought买;D. parked停放。根据上文she was at work one day有一天她在上班,结合下文,可知作者借了妹妹的自行车骑行,故选B。
45.句意:问题是:那里的道路穿过很大的山谷,我一次要骑上坡好几英里。A. problem问题;B. secret秘密;C. principle原则;D. advice建议。根据下半句The roads there went through large valleys where I'd be riding uphill for miles at a time那里的路穿过很大的山谷,我每次都要骑上坡好几英里,这对作者来说是个大问题,故选A。
46.句意:我从来没有遇到过这样的挑战。A. dangers危险;B. events事件;C. opponents对手;D. challenges挑战。根据上句中的The roads there went through large valleys where I'd be riding uphill for miles at a time那里的路穿过很大的山谷,我每次都要骑上坡好几英里,结合选项,可知作者的此次骑行面临巨大的挑战,故选D。
47.句意:那天,我被大约100名"当地"骑自行车的人身边经过,他们已经习惯了这种道路。A. passed通过;B. convinced相信;C. admired钦佩;D. stopped停止。根据上文,作者的此次骑行,面对这巨大的挑战和问题,所以此处试着作者被很多人超越了,故选A。
48.句意:当我回到家,突然骑自行车似乎不那么吸引人了。A. reliable可靠的;B. convenient方便的;C. familiar熟悉的;D. appealing有吸引力的。此次骑行,使作者备受打击,原来对骑行的喜爱现在看来夜没那么有吸引力了,故选D。
49.句意:从那以后我成熟了很多。A. traveled旅行;B. matured成熟;C. missed错过;D. worried担心。根据下句话 I've come to accept that whatever 15 I set for myself, they just have to be my own我已经开始接受,无论我为自己设定了什么,它们都必须是我自己的,结合选项,可知作者因为上文提到的两次经历,变得成熟了,故选B。
50.句意:我已经开始接受,无论我为自己设定什么目标,它们都必须是我自己的目标。A. limits限制;B. dates日期;C. goals目标;D. tests测试。根据上文,作者每次的目标都因受到周围人的影响而被迫放弃,所以文章最后作者开始接受无论我为自己设定什么目标,它们都必须是我自己的目标,故选C。
(2024·浙江) 阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
While taking a 20-hour train ride along the edge of the Taklimakan Desert in northwestern China, I had the kind of humbling, educational, and above all else, wonderful 51. with a local that all travelers long for. A young Chinese man 52. me on the train. My 53. friend spoke virtually no English, so I happily took the 54. to practice my Chinese.
Over several hours he would tell me about how he had 55. a two-year professional school to quickly find a job 56. highways in order to help support his family. Perhaps the most 57. , however, was the fact that this man spent hours studying every day after hard physical labor. Without batting an eye, he would 58. a translated Emerson passage before asking about the literary influence of American 59. as a whole. "And what do you all learn about Russian authors " I 60. him asking at one point.
It would have been easy to 61. my assumptions about this highway builder who had never been more than a few hundred miles from home. But this highly informed, 62. , and admirable person prevented me doing so. In the course of a couple of hours, he 63. me just how much one can gain from 64. with an open mind, and a willingness to 65. with locals from all walks of life.
51.A. experiment B. encounter C. competition D. appointment
52.A. treated B. saved C. lectured D. approached
53.A. true B. so-called C. new D. long-lost
54.A. chance B. advice C. trouble D. right
55.A. visited B. financed C. attended D. founded
56.A. building B. sweeping C. checking D. guarding
57.A. typical B. obvious C. natural D. remarkable
58.A. publish B. quote C. сорy D. download
59.A. writers B. historians C. workers D. students
60.A. anticipate B. imagine C. recall D. catch
61.A. look into B. rely on C. go over D. deal with
62.A. well-behaved B. multi-skilled
C. warm-hearted D. self-educated
63.A. asked B. warned C. showed D. promised
64.A. traveling B. reading C. searching D. teaching
65.A. cooperate B. side C. negotiate D. engage
51.句意:我在中国西北部的塔克拉玛干沙漠边缘坐了20个小时的火车时,其间我与一个当地人有了一种谦卑、有教育意义的,最重要的是,美妙的邂逅,这是所有旅行者都渴望的。A. experiment"实验";B. encounter"邂逅,相遇";C. competition"比赛";D. appointment"任命"。根据空后"with a local that all travelers long for"指作者和当地人有了一次美妙的邂逅。故选B。
52.句意:一位年轻的中国男子在火车上向我走来。A. treated"对待";B. saved"拯救";C. lectured "演讲";D. approached"靠近"。根据空后"me on the train"以及后文两人交谈,可知一位年轻的中国男子在火车上向作者走来。故选D。
53.句意:我的新朋友几乎不会说英语,所以我很高兴地抓住这个机会练习我的中文。A. true"真的";B. so-called"所谓的";C. new"新的";D. long-lost"很久不见的"。根据上文"A young Chinese man"可知,两人是在火车上认识的,所以是新朋友。故选C。
54.句意:我的新朋友几乎不会说英语,所以我很高兴地抓住这个机会练习我的中文。A. chance"机会";B. advice"建议";C. trouble"麻烦";D. right"权利"。根据空后"to practice my Chinese"可知,作者抓住这个机会练习中文。故选A。
55.句意:在几个小时里,他会告诉我他是如何参加了一个为期两年的专业学校,以便迅速找到一份工作,修建高速公路,以帮助支持他的家庭。A. visited"拜访";B. financed"提供资金";C. attended"参加,上(学)";D. founded"成立"。根据空后"a two-year professional school"可知,指这个年轻人去上了一个为期两年的专业学校。故选C。
56.句意:在几个小时里,他会告诉我他是如何参加了一个为期两年的专业学校,以便迅速找到一份工作,修建高速公路,以帮助支持他的家庭。A. building"修建";B. sweeping"打扫";C. checking"检查";D. guarding"守卫"。根据空后"highways in order to help support his family"可知,年轻人修建高速公路,以帮助支持他的家庭。故选A。
57.句意:然而,也许最值得注意的是这个人每天在辛苦的体力劳动之后花几个小时学习。A. typical"典型的";B. obvious"显然的";C. natural"自然的";D. remarkable"引人注目的"。根据空后"this man spent hours studying every day after hard physical labor."可知,这个人每天在辛苦的体力劳动之后花几个小时学习,这是最值得注意的品质。故选D。
58.句意:他会眼都不眨地引用翻译的爱默生的一段话,然后再询问美国作家对文学的整体影响。A. publish"出版";B. quote"引用";C. copy"复制";D. download"下载"。根据空后"a translated Emerson passage"指引用翻译的爱默生的一段话,故选B。
59.句意:他会眼都不眨地引用翻译过的爱默生的一段话,然后再询问美国作家对文学的整体影响。A. writers"作者";B. historians"历史学家";C. workers"工人";D. students"学生"。根据空前"a translated Emerson passage before asking about the literary influence of American";以及下文"And what do you all learn about Russian authors "你们对俄罗斯作家有什么了解?可知,年轻人对美国和俄罗斯的作家感兴趣。故选A。
60.句意:"你们对俄罗斯作家有什么了解?"我记得他曾经问过。A. anticipate"预期";B. imagine"想象";C. recall"记起";D. catch"抓住"。根据空后"him asking at one point"可知,作者在回忆年轻人提过的问题。故选C。
61.句意:对于这位从未离开过家乡几百英里的公路建设者,我很容易凭空想象。A. look into"调查";B. rely on"依靠";C. go over"复习";D. deal with"处理"。根据空后"my assumptions about this highway builder who had never been more than a few hundred miles from home"可知,年轻人从来没有离开过离家几百英里的地方,因此作者很容易依靠自己的假设对他进行判断。故选B。
62.句意:但这位见多识广、自学成才、令人钦佩的人阻止了我这么做。A. well-behaved"行为端正的";B. multi-skilled"多技能的";C. warm-hearted"热心的";D. self-educated"自学的"。根据上文"this man spent hours studying every day after hard physical labor."这个人每天在繁重的体力劳动之后花几个小时学习,指这个年轻人的自学能力。故选D。
63.句意:在几个小时的时间里,他向我展示了带着开放的心态旅行,并愿意与来自各行各业的当地人打交道,会有多么大的收获。A. asked"询问";B. warned"警告";C. showed"展示";D. promised"承诺"。根据空后"me just how much one can gain from"指年轻人通过自己向作者展示了一个人可以从开放的心态和愿意与各行各业的当地人交往中获得多少收获。故选C。
64.句意:在几个小时的时间里,他向我展示了带着开放的心态旅行,并愿意与来自各行各业的当地人打交道,会有多么大的收获。A. traveling"旅行";B. reading"阅读";C. searching"搜索";D. teaching"教学"。根据空后"with an open mind, and a willingness to"结合作者当时在乘火车旅行,所以是指带着开放的心态旅行,故选A。
65.句意:在几个小时的时间里,他向我展示了带着开放的心态旅行,并愿意与来自各行各业的当地人打交道,会有多么大的收获。A. cooperate"合作";B. side"边";C. negotiate"协商";D. engage"参与"。根据空后"with locals from all walks of life"指和各行各业的当地人打交道,engage with固定短语,"与……接触"。故选D。
(2023·全国甲卷) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Many years ago, I bought a house in the Garfagnana, where we still go every summer. The first time we 66. there, we heard the chug chug-chug of a motorbike 67. its way down the hill toward us. It was 68. called Mario, coming to 69. us a box containing some tomatoes and a bottle of wine. It was a very nice 70. for him to make. But when we looked at the tomatoes, we were 71. because they were so misshapen: not at all like the nice, round, 72. things you get in a supermarket. And the wine was cloudy, in a funny old bottle with no label(标签) on it These can't be any 73. , we thought. But we were 74. his kindness, so we 75. them.
What we discovered is that it's 76. to judge what you eat only by its 77. . Those tomatoes had 78. that reminded me of the ones my uncle used to grow when I was a child. Nowadays supermarket tomatoes 79. perfect but taste of water. Nobody's going to have a 80. memory of those. It's a surprise they haven't managed to grow square ones so that they can 81. them easily. Mario's wine may have been cloudy and come out of an old bottle, but it was 82. .
It's good to eat things at the correct time, when they're 83. , and as close as possible to where they were 84. . What Mario had 85. us was the taste of the Garfagnana.
66.A.waited B.met C.camped D.stayed
67.A.making B.searching C.squeezing D.feeling
68.A.customer B.neighbor C.relative D.passenger
69.A.lend B.send C.bring D.show
70.A.choice B.comment C.promise D.gesture
71.A.worried B.moved C.thrilled D.bored
72.A.simple B.real C.shiny D.fun
73.A.more B.good C.new D.easy
74.A.sympathetic to B.thankful for
C.cautious about D.interested in
75.A.tried B.sold C.retumed D.mixed
76.A.unnecessary B.uncertain C.unwise D.unusual
77.A.appearance B.quality C.origin D.price
78.A.size B.shape C.color D.taste
79.A.smell B.look C.become D.work
80.A.happy B.vivid C.short D.vague
81.A.clean B.check C.count D.pack
82.A.perfect B.useful C.convenient D.familiar
83.A.on view B.on sale C.in season D.in need
84.A.finished B.stored C.found D.grown
85.A.cooked B.given C.bought D.told
【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了邻居 Mario 给作者一家送了一些自己种的西红柿和酿的酒,起初作者一家因为西红柿畸形的外表,和酒的浑浊感到不是很好,但是尝试过后,发现比超市的好,这让作者明白仅仅以外表来判断食物是否好吃是不明智的。
66.句意:我们第一次住在那里的时候,我们听到了一辆摩托车从山上向我们开过来的嘎吱嘎吱的声音。A. waited"等待";B. met"遇见";C. camped"露营";D. stayed"暂住,停留"。根据上文"Many years ago, I bought a house in the Garfagnana, where we still go every summer."可知,作者在当地买了房子,可推知是第一次住在那里。故选D。
67.句意:我们第一次住在那里的时候,我们听到了一辆摩托车从山上向我们开过来的嘎吱嘎吱的声音。A. making"使,让";B. searching"搜索";C. squeezing"挤压";D. feeling"感觉"。根据下文"coming to 4 us a box containing some tormatoes and a bottle of wine."可知,摩托车是开过来给我们送东西的,make one's way固定短语,"前往"。故选A。
68.句意:那是邻居 Mario ,他给我们带来了一个盒子,里面装着一些西红柿和一瓶酒。A. customer"顾客";B. neighbor"邻居";C. relative"亲戚";D. passenger"乘客"。根据上文"we heard the chug chug-chug of a motorbike 2 its way down the hill toward us.";以及下文"What Mario had 20 us was the taste of the Garfagnana"可知, Mario 是从山上下来的,送来了当地的食物,可推测是作者的邻居。故选B。
69.句意:那是邻居 Mario ,他给我们带来了一个盒子,里面装着一些西红柿和一瓶酒。A. lend"借出";B. send"发送";C. bring"带来";D. show"展示"。根据下文"It was a very nice 5 for him to make."可知, Mario 很友好,所以是给作者一家带来一个盒子。故选C。
70.句意:他这么做真是太好了。A. choice"选择";B. comment"评论";C. promise"诺言,承诺";D. gesture"姿态"。根据上文"coming to 4 us a box containing some tormatoes and a bottle of wine."可知,Mario给作者一家带来一盒子的西红柿和酒,所以是好的姿态。故选D。
71.句意:但当我们看着那些西红柿时,我们是担心的,因为它们是非常畸形的:一点也不像你在超市里买到的那种漂亮的、圆的、闪亮的样子。A. worried"担心的";B. moved"感动的";C. thrilled"兴奋的";D. bored"感到厌倦的"。根据空后"because they were so misshapen"可知,西红柿是畸形的,所以作者一家很担心是否能吃。故选A。
72.句意:但当我们看着那些西红柿时,我们是担心的,因为它们是非常畸形的:一点也不像你在超市里买到的那种漂亮的、圆的、闪亮的样子。A. simple"简单的";B. real"真正的";C. shiny"闪亮的,闪光的";D. fun"有趣的"。根据空前"not at all like the nice, round"可知,此空是在形容超市里的西红柿,和空前的"nice, round"并列,故选C。
73.句意:我们想,这些肯定不好。A. more"更多的";B. good"好的";C. new"新的";D. easy"容易的"。根据上文"But when we looked at the tomatoes, we were 6 because they were so misshapen: not at all like the nice, round, 7 things you get in a supermarket. And the wine was cloudy, in a funny old bottle with no label (标签) on it."可知, Mario 带来的西红柿和酒都不好,因此作者一家认为这些都不可能好。故选B。
74.句意:但我们很感谢他的好意,所以我们试了试。A. sympathetic to"同情";B. thankful for"对……表示感谢";C. cautious about"谨慎对待";D. interested in"对……感兴趣"。根据上文"It was 3 called Mario, coming to 4 us a box containing some tomatoes and a bottle of wine."可知,西红柿和酒是邻居送的,因此表示很感谢他。故选B。
75.句意:但我们很感谢他的好意,所以我们试了试。A. tried"尝试";B. sold"出售";C. returned"回来";D. mixed"混合"。根据下文"Those tomatoes had 13 that reminded me of the ones my uncle used to grow when I was a child."可知, Mario 送的西红柿让作者想起了小时候叔叔种的西红柿,可推知,他们是尝试了。故选A。
76.句意:我们发现,仅仅以外表来判断你吃的东西是否好吃是不明智的。A. unnecessary"不需要的";B. uncertain"无把握的";C. unwise"不明智的";D. unusual"特别的"。根据语境可知,作者一家刚开始看到马里奥送的西红柿是畸形的,对其感到担心,但是后来发现,它的味道,比超市的西红柿要好,所以此处表示根据外观来判断你吃的东西是不明智的。故选C。
77.句意:我们发现,仅仅以外表来判断你的吃的东西是否好吃是不明智的。A. appearance"外观";B. quality"质量";C. origin"源头";D. price"价格"。根据上文"we were 6 because they were so misshapen"可知,此处表示通过外观来评判。故选A。
78.句意:那些西红柿的味道让我想起了我小时候叔叔种的西红柿。A. size"尺寸";B. shape"形状";C. color"颜色";D. taste"味道"。根据下文"Nowadays supermarket tomatoes 14 perfect but taste of water."可知,此处应是用 Mario 送的西红柿和超市的西红柿作对比, Mario 送的西红柿外观差,但是味道好,让作者想起了小时候叔叔种的西红柿。故选D。
79.句意:现在超市里的西红柿看起来很好,但味道像水。A. smell"闻起来";B. look"看起来";C. become"变成";D. work"工作"。根据上文"not at all like the nice, round, 7 things you get in a supermarket."可知,超市的西红柿看起来很完美。故选B。
80.句意:没有人会对那些有快乐的记忆。A. happy"快乐的";B. vivid"清晰的";C. short"短的";D. vague"模糊的"。根据上文"Nowadays supermarket tomatoes 14 perfect but taste of water."可知,超市的西红柿,看起来很好,但是吃起来像水,因此没有将会有快乐的记忆。故选A。
81.句意:令人惊讶的是,他们没有设法种植方形的,这样他们就可以方便地包装它们。A. clean"打扫";B. check"检查";C. count"计数";D. pack"包装"。根据空前"It's a surprise they haven't managed to grow square ones"可知此处指方形的易包装。故选D。
82.句意:马里奥的酒可能是混浊的,而且是从一个旧瓶子里出来的,但它是完美的。A. perfect"完美的";B. useful"有用的";C. convenient"便利的";D. familiar"熟悉的"。根据空前"Mario's wine may have been cloudy and come out of an old bottle"以及空前的but可知,此处表转折,结合选项,此处指的是" Mario 的酒可能是混浊的,而且是从一个旧瓶子里出来的,但它是完美的",故选A。
83.句意:在合适的时间,当它们是应季的时候,并且尽可能靠近它们生长的地方,吃东西是好的。A. on view"在展出";B. on sale"出售";C. in season"当令的";D. in need"困难中的"。根据空前"It's good to eat things at the correct time"可知,在合适的时间,也就是食物应季,当令的时候吃该食物口感是最好的。故选C。
84.句意:在合适的时间,当它们是应季的时候,尽可能靠近它们生长的地方,吃东西是好的。A. finished"完成";B. stored"贮存";C. found"找到";D. grown"成长"。根据空前"It's good to eat things"以及空后"as close as possible to where"可知,此处在讲在合适的时间吃东西是好的,在结合语境,此处指的是在靠近它们生长的地方,摘下来吃,能保持新鲜,是好的,故选D。
85.句意:马里奥给我们的是Garfagnana的味道。A. cooked"烹饪";B. given"给";C. bought"买";D. told"告诉"。根据上文"It was 3 called Mario, coming to 4 us a box containing some tormatoes and a bottle of wine."可知,此处是 Mario 给作者一家的。故选B。
On Oct. 11, hundreds of runners competed in a cross-country race in Minnesota. Melanie Bailey should have 86. the course earlier than she did. Her 87. came because she was carrying a 88. across the finish line.
As reported by a local newspaper, Bailey was more than two-thirds of the way through her 89. when a runner in front of her began crying in pain. She 90. to help her fellow runner, Danielle Lenoue. Bailey took her arm to see if she could walk forward with 91. . She couldn't. Bailey then 92. to let Lenoue climb onto her back and carried her all the way to the finish line, then another 300 feet to where Lenoue could get 93. attention.
Once there, Lenoue was 94. and later taken to a hospital, where she learned that she had serious injuries in one of her knees. She would have struggled with extreme 95. to make it to that aid checkpoint without Bailey's help.
As for Bailey, she is more 96. about why her act is considered a big 97. . "She was just crying. I couldn't 98. her," Bailey told the reporter. "I feel like I was just doing the right thing."
Although the two young women were strangers before the 99. , they've since become friends. Neither won the race, but the 100. of human kindness won the day.
86.A.designed B.followed C.changed D.finished
87.A.delay B.chance C.trouble D.excuse
88.A.judge B.volunteer C.classmate D.competitor
89.A.race B.school C.town D.training
90.A.agreed B.returned C.stopped D.promised
91.A.courage B.aid C.patience D.advice
92.A.went away B.stood up C.stepped aside D.bent down
93.A.medical B.public C.constant D.equal
94.A.interrupted B.assessed C.identified D.appreciated
95.A.hunger B.pain C.cold D.tiredness
96.A.worried B.ashamed C.confused D.discouraged
97.A.game B.problem C.lesson D.deal
98.A.leave B.cure C.bother D.understand
99.A.ride B.test C.meet D.show
100.A.secret B.display C.benefit D.exchange
86.句意:梅勒妮·贝利应该比 更早完成进程。A. designed设计;B. followed跟随;C. changed改变;D. finished完成。上句提到,贝利参加了越野赛跑,结合选项,此处应是她本应该更早地完成比赛的,故选D。
87.句意:她的延迟是因为她背着一名竞争对手冲过终点线。A. delay延迟;B. chance机会;C. trouble麻烦;D. excuse借口。根据上句中的谓语动词should have finished,可知贝利没能早些完成比赛,所以此处应是她延迟完成了比赛,故选A。
88.句意:她的延迟是因为她背着一名竞争对手冲过终点线。A. judge裁判;B. volunteer志愿者;C. classmate同学;D. competitor竞争者。根据上句中的谓语动词should have finished,可知贝利没能早些完成比赛,根据下文可知,未能早些完成比赛是因为她背着另一个参赛者到达终点,故选D。
89.句意:据当地一家报纸报道,当贝利跑到三分之二多的时候,她前面的一名选手开始痛苦地哭泣。A. race比赛;B. school学校;C. town城镇;D. training训练。根据上文,贝利参加越野赛race,故选A。
90.句意:她停下来帮助她的同伴Danielle Lenoue。A. agreed同意;B. returned返回;C. stopped停止;D. promised承诺。根据下文,贝利背着因剧痛无法完成比赛的Danielle Lenoue到达终点,所以此处是她停下来帮助Danielle Lenoue,故选C。
91.句意:Bailey took her arm to see if she could walk forward with aid。A. courage勇气;B. aid帮助;C. patience耐心;D. advice建议。根据空格前的took her arm,可知贝利试图给予Danielle Lenoue帮助,帮她完成比赛,故选B。
92.句意:然后贝利弯下腰,让勒诺爬到她的背上,一路抱着她走到终点线,然后又走了300英尺,到勒诺接受治疗的地方。A. went away走开;B. stood up站起;C. stepped aside走一边;D. bent down弯腰。根据空格后的let Lenoue climb onto her back,可知贝利需要弯下腰,故选D。
93.句意:然后贝利弯下腰,让勒诺爬到她的背上,一路抱着她走到终点线,然后又走了300英尺,到勒诺接受治疗的地方。A. medical医学的;B. public公共的;C. constant持续的;D. equal平等的。根据第9空格后的and later taken to a hospital,可知贝利帮助Danielle Lenoue获得了医学护理,故选A。
94.句意:勒诺在那里接受了检查,后来被送往医院,在那里她得知自己的一个膝盖受了重伤。A. interrupted打断;B. assessed评估;C. identified确认;D. appreciated感激。根据空格后的later taken to a hospital,可知医生在Danielle Lenoue被送去医院前,应是对她的伤势进行了评估,故选B。
95.句意:如果没有贝利的帮助,她可能会在极度的痛苦中挣扎着到达那个援助检查站。A. hunger饥饿;B. pain疼痛;C. cold感冒;D. tiredness疲倦。根据句意,结合下文提到的"She was just crying",可知如果没有贝利的帮助,Lenoue需要忍受巨大的痛苦才能完成比赛,故选B。
96.句意:至于贝利,她更困惑的是为什么她的行为被认为是一件大事。A. worried担心的;B. ashamed羞耻的;C. confused困惑的;D. discouraged泄气的。根据第13空后的"I feel like I was just doing the right thing我觉得我做的是对的",可知贝利认为这没什么大不了的,而且她对于别人认为这是一件了不起的事的想法感到困惑不解,故选C。
97.句意:至于贝利,她更困惑的是为什么她的行为被认为是一件大事。A. game比赛;B. problem问题;C. lesson教训;D. deal交易。a big deal是固定短语,意"了不起的事",故选D。
98.句意:我不能留下她。A. leave离开;B. cure治愈;C. bother打扰;D. understand理解。贝利表示,Lenoue一直在哭,她不能置之不理,故选A。
99.句意:虽然这两个年轻女子在见面之前是陌生人,但后来她们成了朋友。两人都没有赢得比赛,但人类的善良赢得了胜利。A. ride骑;B. test测试;C. meet见面;D. show展示。 根据上下文,可知贝利和Lenoue是第一次见面,所以在这次见面前她们是陌生人,故选C。
100.句意:虽然这两个年轻女子在见面之前是陌生人,但后来她们成了朋友。两人都没有赢得比赛,但人类的善良赢得了胜利。A. secret秘密;B. display展示;C. benefit益处;D. exchange交换。通过贝利与Lenoue的故事,他们所展示出的善良举止赢得了人们的关注,故选B。
In April last year, I saw a post on the PNP (Pilots N Paws) website from a family in Topeka. They had to move to Virginia but they were on a very tight 101. . They could not afford to pay for 102. for their dog, Tiffy, and 103. wanted to take her with them.
It just 104. that I was planning another PNP flight with another pilot, Karen, who 105. to take Tiffy from Kansas City to Virginia. What I was to do was fly to Topeka to 106. Tiffy.
When I met Tiffy's owners, they seemed very 107. . George, the husband, was trying to be calm, but I could tell this was 108. for him, having to leave his dog to a 109. and trust that everything would 110. .
After some goodbyes, I asked George and his wife to help me 111. Tiffy into the plane. I promised to take care of Tiffy and 112. them as soon as we got to Kansas City.
The flight was 113. , and Tiffy was a great passenger. The next day, she 114. with Karen and made it back to George in Virginia within a few days. He was so 115. and sent me a nice e-mail with pictures. It felt great to know that I had helped bring this family together again.
101.A.turn B.budget C.schedule D.connection
102.A.food B.shelter C.medicine D.transportation
103.A.desperately B.temporarily C.secretly D.originally
104.A.appeared B.proved C.happened D.showed
105.A.waited B.offered C.hurried D.failed
106.A.see off B.look for C.hand over D.pick up
107.A.confused B.nervous C.annoyed D.curious
108.A.hard B.fine C.common D.lucky
109.A.coworker B.passenger C.stranger D.neighbor
110.A.speed up B.work out C.come back D.take off
111.A.feed B.follow C.change D.load
112.A.call B.join C.leave D.serve
113.A.unnecessary B.unexpected C.unavoidable D.uneventful
114.A.returned B.fought C.flew D.agreed
115.A.thankful B.generous C.proud D.sympathetic
【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者通过Pilots N Paws网站帮助一家搬家的人将他们的狗接到另一个城市的过程。
101.句意:他们不得不搬到弗吉尼亚,但他们的预算非常紧张。根据They could not afford to pay for… 他们付不起……可知这个家庭用钱的预算非常紧张,再根据选项A. turn转折点;B. budget预算;C. schedule时间表;D. connection联系,可知选项budget预算;符合题意,故答案为B。
102.句意:他们付不起他们的小狗Tiffy的交通费,又非常想带她一起走。根据上文他们不得不搬到弗吉尼亚,但他们的预算非常紧张。以及句意:付不起他们的狗的……可知付不起狗去弗吉尼亚的交通运输费用,再根据选项A. food食物;B. shelter庇护;C. medicine药;D. transportation运输,运送;可知选项transportation运输,运送;符合题意,故答案为D。
103.句意:他们付不起他们的小狗Tiffy的交通费,又非常想带她一起走。根据wanted to take her with them.想带她一起去。可知这家人非常想把狗一起带走;再根据选项A. desperately非常、拼命地;B. temporarily暂时地;C. secretly秘密地;D. originally起初。可知选项desperately非常、拼命地;符合题意,故答案为A。
104.句意:碰巧我和另一名飞行员Karen正在计划另一次PNP飞行,他主动提出愿意把Tiffy从堪萨斯城带到弗吉尼亚。根据句意:我和另一名飞行员Karen正在计划另一次PNP飞行,可知在作者看来只是很碰巧的事情,A. appeared出现;B. proved证明;C. happened碰巧;D. showed展示。可知选项happened碰巧;符合题意,故答案为C。
105.句意:碰巧我和另一名飞行员Karen正在计划另一次PNP飞行,他主动提出愿意把Tiffy从堪萨斯城带到弗吉尼亚。根据句意:把Tiffy从堪萨斯城带到弗吉尼亚,可知飞行员Karen愿意帮忙把狗Tiffy从堪萨斯城带到弗吉尼亚;再根据选项A. waited等待;B. offered 提议,表示愿意(做某事);C. hurried匆忙;D. failed失败。可知选项offered 提议,表示愿意(做某事);符合题意,故答案为B。
106.句意:我要做的就是飞到托皮卡去接Tiffy。根据上文:他主动提出愿意把Tiffy从堪萨斯城带到弗吉尼亚。可知"我要做的就是飞到托皮卡"的目的就是接这条狗Tiffy;再根据选项A. see off为……送行;B. look for寻找;C. hand over移交;D. pick up接载,去某地点接某人; 可知选项pick up符合题意,故答案为D。
107.句意:当我见到Tiffy的主人时,他们看起来很紧张。根据下文George, the husband, was trying to be calm,丈夫乔治试图保持冷静,可知这家人看起来有点紧张和不安;再根据选项A. confused困惑的;B. nervous紧张的;C. annoyed恼怒的;D. curious好奇的。可知选项nervous符合题意,故答案为B。
108.句意:丈夫George试图冷静下来,但我看得出来,这对他来说很难,他不得不把狗留给一个陌生人,并相信一切都会解决的。根据句意:丈夫George试图冷静下来,狗离开自己,可知这对狗主人来说很难;再根据选项A. hard困难的;B. fine好的;C. common常见的;D. lucky幸运的;可知选项hard符合题意,故答案为A。
109.句意:丈夫George试图冷静下来,但我看得出来,这对他来说很难,他不得不把狗留给一个陌生人,并相信一切都会解决的。根据句意:丈夫George试图冷静下来,可知作者不认识狗主人,再根据选项A. coworker合作者;B. passenger乘客;C. stranger陌生人;D. neighbor邻居;可知选项stranger符合题意,故答案为C。
110.句意:丈夫George试图冷静下来,但我看得出来,这对他来说很难,他不得不把狗留给一个陌生人,并相信一切都会解决的。根据句意:相信一切都会……可知是指狗被平安送到目的地会被办好,再根据选项A. speed up加速;B. work out解决;C. come back回来;D. take off起飞;可知 选项work out符合题意,故答案为B。
111.句意:道别之后,我让George和他的妻子帮我把Tiffy送上飞机。根据句子成分Tiffy into the plane,可知作者想让George和他的妻子帮忙把Tiffy装入飞机;再根据选项A. feed喂养;B. follow跟随;C. change改变;D. load装载;可知 选项load 符合题意,故答案为D。
112.句意:我答应过会照顾好Tiffy,一到堪萨斯城就给他们打电话。根据句意:一到堪萨斯城就给他们……,可知作者承诺一到堪萨斯城就给他们联系;再根据选项A. call打电话;B. join加入;C. leave离开;D. serve服务;可知 选项call符合题意,故答案为A。
113.句意:这次飞行平安无事,Tiffy是个很棒的乘客。根据句意:Tiffy是个很棒的乘客,可知作者这次护送的飞行一切都顺利,再根据选项A. unnecessary没有必要的;B. unexpected意想不到的;C. unavoidable不可避免的;D. uneventful太平无事的;可知选项uneventful符合题意,故答案为D。
114.句意:第二天,她和Karen一起坐飞机,几天后就回到了弗吉尼亚的George那里。根据第一天是作者护送狗,第二天是Karen护送到最后目的地,可知Karen带狗Tiffy飞往弗吉尼亚州的, 再根据选项A. returned返回;B. fought打仗;C. flew飞;D. agreed同意;可知选项flew符合题意,故答案为C。
115.句意:他非常感激,给我发了一封很漂亮的电子邮件,并附上了照片。根据句意:给我发了一封很漂亮的电子邮件,并附上了照片;可知对于作者的帮助,George非常感激;再根据选项A. thankful感激的;B. generous慷慨的;C. proud骄傲的;D. sympathetic同情的;可知 选项thankful符合题意,故答案为A。
To become the Olympic champion in the individual (个人) all-around event, Gabby Douglas had to leave everything she 116. best. She had to 117. her bedroom in Virginia. She had to say 118. to her two dogs and to the beach, where she loved to 119. waves on her board. But it was 120. to take the leap (飞跃), however 121. it would be. Even at 14, Douglas knew that. So she 122. about 1,200 miles away from home, to 123. with a coach from China. She lived with a family she had never 124. and everything was new to her.
As it turned out, Douglas did 125. what she needed to do to become Olympic champion when she 126. two Russians. The Chinese coach 127. Douglas into one of the best gymnasts in the 128. , helping her skyrocket from an 129. member of the national team to the top of the sport. By 130. the Olympic all-around title, she became the first black woman to do so. She 131. the competition from beginning to end. She said she had felt 132. all along that she would win.
Not so long ago, Martha Karolyi, the coordinator (联络人) of the women's national team, did not think Douglas had what it 133. to be an Olympian. As time went by, she thought 134. that she could make the London Games — and win.
"I'm going to inspire so many people," she said. "I'm ready to 135. ."And shine she did.
116.A.tried B.thought C.judged D.knew
117.A.take up B.pack up C.clean up D.do up
118.A.goodbye B.hello C.thanks D.no
119.A.cause B.observe C.ride D.strike
120.A.common B.time C.fun D.tough
121.A.breathtaking B.heartbreaking C.eye-catching D.head-spinning
122.A.dropped out B.moved on C.pulled over D.went off
123.A.reason B.talk C.compete D.train
124.A.met B.helped C.understood D.needed
125.A.approximately B.gradually C.exactly D.possibly
126.A.defeated B.pleased C.respected D.assisted
127.A.forced B.transformed C.persuaded D.put
128.A.world B.city C.team D.state
129.A.amateur B.elected C.average D.enthusiastic
130.A.clarifying B.defending C.winning D.demanding
131.A.followed B.organized C.watched D.led
132.A.confident B.nervous C.excited D.uneasy
133.A.viewed B.appeared C.mattered D.took
134.A.now and then B.more and more C.far and wide D.on and on
135.A.shine B.fly C.dance D.score
【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了美国体操运动员Gabby Douglas为了圆梦个人全能项目的奥运冠军,远离家乡,和一名来自中国的教练一起训练。最终Douglas成为世界上最好的体操运动员之一,赢得奥运会全能冠军,成为了第一个获此殊荣的黑人女性。
116.句意: 为了成为个人全能项目的奥运冠军,Gabby Douglas不得不离开她最熟悉的一切。A. tried"尝试";B. thought"思考";C. judged"判断";D. knew"知道,熟悉"。根据空前"To become the Olympic champion in the individual (个人) all-around event, Gabby Douglas had to leave everything";以及下文"1,200 miles away from home"离家1200英里远,可知,为了成为个人全能项目的奥运冠军,Gabby Douglas离开她最熟悉的一切,来到一个陌生的地方,故选D。
117.句意:她不得不整理好她在弗吉尼亚的卧室。A. take up"从事";B. pack up"打包、收拾行李";C. clean up"清理";D. do up"梳理,重新装修"。根据上文"Gabby Douglas had to leave everything"和空后"her bedroom in Virginia"可知此处指她整理好她的卧室,准备离开,故选B。
118.句意:她不得不和她的两只狗以及她喜欢在冲浪板上冲浪的海滩说再见。A. goodbye"再见";B. hello"你好";C. thanks"感谢";D. no"没有,不"。根据上文"Gabby Douglas had to leave everything"可知,Gabby Douglas要离开自己的家,因此此处指与家里的两只狗说再见,故选A。
119.句意:她不得不和她的两只狗以及她喜欢在冲浪板上冲浪的海滩说再见。A. cause"引起,造成";B. observe"观察";C. ride"骑,漂浮";D. strike"打击"。根据空后"waves on her board."可知,此处表示冲浪,ride the waves固定短语,"冲浪",故选C。
120.句意:但是,是时候迈出这一步了,无论这将是多么令人心碎。A. common"平民,普通";B. time"时间";C. fun"乐趣";D. tough"粗暴的人,暴徒"。根据空后"to take the leap (飞跃)"可知,虽然离开自己所熟悉的一切很难,但是是时候该迈出这一步了,故选B。
121.句意:但是,是时候迈出这一步了,无论这将是多么令人心碎。A. breathtaking"激动人心的";B. heartbreaking"令人心碎的,令人伤心的";C. eye-catching"引人注目的";D. head-spinning"头晕的"。根据上文,Gabby Douglas不得不放弃她最熟悉的一切可知,离开自己所熟悉的一切是令人伤心,故选B。
122.句意:所以她离家1200英里,和一个来自中国的教练一起训练。A. dropped out"退出";B. moved on"继续";C. pulled over"靠边停车";D. went off"离开"。根据空后"about 1,200 miles away from home,"可知,Gabby Douglas到了一个离家1200英里的地方,故选D。
123.句意:所以她离家1200英里,和一位来自中国的教练一起训练。A. reason"推理";B. talk"谈话";C. compete"竞争";D. train"培训"。根据上文"To become the Olympic champion in the individual (个人) all-around event"和空后"with a coach from China"可知,为了成为个人全能项目的奥运冠军,Gabby Douglas离开家,可推知,她来到这里是为了和一位来自中国的教练一起训练,故选D。
124.句意:她和一个素未谋面的家庭住在一起,一切对她来说都是全新的。A. met"遇到,见过";B. helped"帮助";C. understood"理解";D. needed"需要"。根据空后"everything was new to her."可知,一切对她来说都是全新的此处指她和一个素未谋面的家庭住在一起,故选A。
125.句意: 事实证明,Douglas击败了两名俄罗斯选手,完全完成了她成为奥运冠军所需要做的一切。A. approximately"大约";B.gradually"逐渐地";C. exactly"准确地,完全";D. possibly"可能地"。根据下文"the Olympic all-around title, she became the first black woman to do so"可知,Gabby Douglas获得了奥运会全能冠军,可知,Gabby Douglas完全完成了她成为奥运冠军所需要做的一切,故选C。
126.句意: 事实证明,Douglas击败了两名俄罗斯选手,完全完成了她成为奥运冠军所需要做的一切。A. defeated"打败";B. pleased"使高兴";C. respected"尊敬";D. assisted"帮助"。根据空前"what she needed to do to become Olympic champion"和下文"the Olympic all-around title, she became the first black woman to do so"可知,Douglas击败了两名俄罗斯选手,成为了奥运冠军,故选A。
127.句意:这位中国教练让Douglas成为世界上最好的体操运动员之一,帮助她从国家队的普通队员一跃成为体操运动的顶尖选手。A. forced"强迫";B. transformed"转换,改造";C. persuaded"劝说";D. put"放"。根据空后"Douglas into one of the best gymnasts"可知,这位中国教练让Douglas变成世界上最好的体操运动员之一,transform...into...,固定短语,"使……变成……",故选B。
128.句意:这位中国教练让Douglas成为世界上最好的体操运动员之一,帮助她从国家队的普通队员一跃成为体操运动的顶尖选手。A. world"世界";B. city"城市";C. team"团队";D. state"国家"。根据下文"the Olympic all-around title, she became the first black woman to do so"可知,Douglas赢得奥运会全能冠军,因此她是世界最好的体操运动员之一,故选A
129.句意:这位中国教练让Douglas成为世界上最好的体操运动员之一,帮助她从国家队的普通队员一跃成为体操运动的顶尖选手。 A. amateur"业余爱好的";B. elected"当选的";C. average"平均的,普通的";D. enthusiastic"热情的"。根据空后"member of the national team to the top of the sport"可知,这位中国教练帮助Douglas从国家队的普通队员一跃成为体操运动的顶尖选手。故选C。
130.句意:通过赢得奥运会全能冠军,她成为了第一个获此殊荣的黑人女性。A. clarifying"分类";B. defending"打败";C. winning"赢得";D. demanding"要求"。根据空后"the Olympic all-around title, she became the first black woman to do so."可知,Douglas赢得奥运会全能冠军,故选C。
131.句意:她自始至终领先于竞争对手。A. followed"跟随";B. organized"组织";C. watched"观看";D. led"带领、领先"。根据空后"the competition from beginning to end"可知,比赛过程中,Douglas一直领先于竞争对手,故选D。
132.句意:她说她一直坚信自己会赢。A. confident"自信的,坚信的";B. nervous"紧张的";C. excited"兴奋的";D. uneasy"不安的"。根据空后"all along that she would win."可知,Douglas一直坚信自己会赢,故选A。
133.句意:就在不久前,女子国家队联络人Martha Karoly还认为Douglas不具备成为奥运选手所需要的条件。A. viewed"看待";B. appeared"出现,好像";C. mattered"重要";D. took"需要"。根据空后"to be an Olympian"可知,此处表示Martha Karoly还认为Douglas不具备成为奥运选手所需要的条件,故选D。
134.句意:随着时间的推移,她越来越相信自己能够在伦敦奥运会上获胜。A. now and then"时不时地";B. more and more"越来越......";C. far and wide"广泛地";D. on and on"不断地"。根据空前"As time went by"和空后"that she could make the London Games — and win."可知,随着时间的推移,Douglas越来越相信自己能够赢得伦敦奥运会。故选B。
135.句意:"我准备好发光了"。A. shine"照耀、发光";B. fly"飞行";C. dance"跳舞";D. score"得分"。根据上文"I'm going to inspire so many people"和下文"And shine she did."可知,Douglas认为自己将会激励很多人,即自己会发光,影响到很多人,故选A。
The sun was beginning to sink as I set off into the Harenna Forest. I was on my way to 136. a unique honey harvest. Here, in south-east Ethiopia, hand-carved beehives(蜂箱)are placed in the 137. . Reaching them to get the honey is difficult—and often 138. .
I 139. beekeeper Ziyad over a wide stretch of grassland before entering a thick jungle. Ziyad began preparations. He 140. handfuls of damp tree leaves, wrapped them with string, and 141. the bunch to create a torch(火把). Then, with one end of a rope tied to his waist and the other end around the trunk of a tree, Ziyad began 142. . He stopped every few minutes to move the 143. higher up the tree trunk.
144. , Ziyad got close to the hive which was around 20 metres above the ground. Sitting on a branch, he 145. towards it and blew smoke from his torch into a tiny hole in the hive. Suddenly, Ziyad let out a sharp cry. Within seconds, he'd 146. the trunk and was back on the ground.
It was too 147. to collect the honey. A cool summer had delayed 148. . Baby bees were still in the honeycombs(蜂巢). The adult bees were 149. and kept attacking as Ziyad escaped from the tree. He had to wait for the right 150. to go back up.
136.A.share B.collect C.celebrate D.witness
137.A.courtyards B.fields C.treetops D.caves
138.A.urgent B.dangerous C.expensive D.pointless
139.A.searched B.recognised C.followed D.invited
140.A.gathered B.cleaned C.dropped D.checked
141.A.shook B.lit C.measured D.decorated
142.A.jumping B.talking C.testing D.climbing
143.A.hives B.leaves C.rope D.honey
144.A.Finally B.Surprisingly C.Naturally D.Immediately
145.A.backed B.dived C.shouted D.inched
146.A.cut off B.gone up C.slid down D.held onto
147.A.high B.early C.fast D.close
148.A.hatching B.training C.sowing D.trading
149.A.curious B.hungry C.bored D.angry
150.A.moment B.equipment C.person D.order
136.句意:我此行是见证一次独特的采蜜行动。A. share“分享”;B. collect“收集”;C. celebrate“庆祝”;D. witness“见证,目睹”。根据下文"I 4 beekeeper Ziyad over a wide stretch of grassland before entering a thick jungle."可知,作者是跟随经验丰富的养蜂人Ziyad见证埃塞俄比亚传统的采蜜方式。故选D。
137.句意:在埃塞俄比亚东南部,手工制作的蜂箱被放在树顶。A. courtyards“庭院”;B. fields“田野,领域”;C. treetops“树顶”;D. caves“洞穴”。根据下文"higher up the tree trunk."可知,手工制作的蜂箱是放在树顶高处。故选C。
138.句意:靠近树顶的蜂箱采蜜是很困难的,而且相当危险。A. urgent“紧急的”;B. dangerous“危险的”;C. expensive“昂贵的”;D. pointless“毫无意义的”。根据下文"The adult bees were 14 and kept attacking as Ziyad escaped from the tree."可知,采摘蜂蜜可能会招致蜂群持续不断的攻击,这是很危险的。故选B。
139.句意:我跟随着养蜂人走过一片广阔的草地,进入茂密的丛林。A. searched“搜索”;B. recognised“认出”;C. followed“跟随”;D. invited“邀请”。根据上文"I was on my way to 1 a unique honey harvest."可知,作者此行是为了跟随经验丰富的养蜂人,近距离观察Ziyad如何采蜜。故选C。
140.句意:他采集了几捧潮湿的树叶,用细绳把它们包裹起来,最后点燃这捆树叶当火把。A. gathered“聚集,采集”;B. cleaned“清除”;C. dropped“掉落”;D. checked“检查”。根据空后"handfuls of damp tree leaves"可知,此处指Ziyad从丛林各处,收集一些潮湿的树叶。故选A。
141.句意:他采集了几捧潮湿的树叶,用线把它们包裹起来,最后点燃这捆树叶当火把。A. shook“摇晃”;B. lit“点燃,点亮”;C. measured“测量”;D. decorated“装饰”。根据空后"to create a torch (火把) "可知,此空格处指点燃用细绳捆扎的树叶当火把。故选B。
142.句意:然后,将绳子的一头拴在腰间,另一头则缠绕在一棵大树的树干上。然后Ziyad开始向上攀爬。A. jumping“跳”;B. talking“谈话”;C. testing“测试”;D. climbing“攀爬”。根据下文"higher up the tree trunk"可知,Ziyad要向上爬到树顶,才能采集到蜂蜜。故选D。
143.句意:他每过一会儿就停下调整绳索位置,继续向上攀爬。A. hives“蜂房”;B. leaves“树叶”;C. rope“绳索”;D. honey“蜂蜜”。根据上文"Then, with one end of a rope tied to his waist and the other end around the trunk of a tree,"可知,Ziyad是通过不断调整绳索的位置,保证自己安全灵活地向上攀爬。故选C。
144.句意:Ziyad最终到达了蜂巢。那儿距离地面大概有20米高。A. Finally“最终”;B. Surprisingly“令人意外地”;C. Naturally“自然地”;D. Immediately“立刻”。根据上文"He stopped every few minutes to move the 8 higher up the tree trunk."可知,身手矫健的Ziyad借助绳索不断向上攀爬,终于到
(2024·全国甲卷)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
One day, we had a family dinner. While the adults were busy with their serious talk outside, I was left alone in the 1. to help my grandmother wash dishes. 2. my grandmother would tell me stories about her childhood.
Born just before WWI, my grandmother 3. an entirely different childhood lifestyle from mine. She did not have a chance to go to 4. . Like in typical families, where boys were 5. much more than girls, my grandma had to stay at home to do 6. . The only opportunity(机会)she could seize to 7. was when her brother was having Chinese 8. with the family tutor. She would sit quietly at the far end of the long dinner table, listening 9. . This training taught her to read and write her Chinese upside down一 a skill that has turned out to be quite 10. ,especially whenever we share the newspaper. On most weekends, my grandmother, a young girl then,and her brother would go to the 11. . There, they would walk through deep water, sit down cross-legged underwater and hold their 12. while they watched all action going on around them. This is something I 13. — her ability to open her 14. underwater and still sit comfortably on the seabed.
My childhood is quite 15. compared with hers. I am 16. that I did not need to 17. the hardships like she did. I've never faced the problem of 18. . I guess our different childhood background is what makes my grandmother such an amazing person to 19. to: her stories always make my history textbooks 20. .
1.A. sitting room B. kitchen
C. yard D. dining hall
2.A.As always B.By the way
C.For example D. Here and now
3.A.adjusted B. promoted C. achieved D.experienced
4.A.work B.school C. court D.press
5.A. favored B. tolerated C. trusted D.acknowledged
6.A. gardening B. homework C. business D.housework
7.A. exercise B. study C. explore D.teach
8.A.food B. guests C. lessons D.tea
9.A. closely B. directly C. nervously D.freely
10.A.professional B. awkward C.simple D. practical
11.A.market B.mountain C. beach D. class
12.A.secret B. breath C. view D.tongue
13.A.admire B. notice C. adopt D.value
14.A.hands B.mouth C.eyes D.arms
15.A. difficult B. complex C. happy D.similar
16.A. grateful B. surprised C. convinced D.regretful
17.A.reflect upon B. go through C. ask about D.prepare for
18.A. unemployment B. health C. education D.communication
19.A. attend B. refer C. lead D.talk
20.A. come true B.come round C.come out D.come alive
When I decided to buy a house in Europe ten years ago, I didn't think too long. I liked traveling in France, but when it came to picking my favorite spot to 21. , Italy was the clear winner.
During my first visit to Italy, I 22. to ask for directions or order in a restaurant. But every time I tried to 23. a sentence of Italian together, the locals smiled at me and 24. my language skills. That encouragement helped me to get through the language 25. . After I made Italy my permanent home, I discovered how 26. Italians are. Neighbors will bring me freshly made cheese and will come to my door to 27. me to close the window in my car when rain is coming. It's these small 28. of kindness that make a new country feel like home.
As a foodie, the way to my heart is through my stomach, and nowhere fuels my 29. quite like Italy. Each town has its own traditional 30. , and every family keeps a recipe passed from one generation to another. Families 31. for big meals on Sundays, birthdays, and whatever other excuses they can 32. . These meals are always 33. by laughter and joy. Whatever 34. life in Italy might have, the problems are 35. once you sit down to a big meal with friends and family.
21.A. study B. rent C. visit D. settle
22.A. planned B. struggled C. refused D. happened
23.A. string B. hang C. mix D. match
24.A. improved B. assessed C. admired D. praised
25.A. course B. barrier C. area D. test
26.A. open-minded B. strong-willed
C. warm-hearted D. well-informed
27.A. remind B. allow C. persuade D. order
28.A. tricks B. promises C. acts D. duties
29.A. ambition B. success C. appetite D. growth
30.A. costume B. dish C. symbol D. tale
31.A. gather B. cheer C. leave D. wait
32.A. put up with B. stand up for
C. come up with D. make up for
33.A. signaled B. confirmed C. represented D. accompanied
34.A. disadvantages B. meanings
C. surprises D. opportunities
35.A. created B. forgotten C. understood D. identified
(2024·新高考Ⅰ卷) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
I've been motivated-and demotivated-by other folks' achievements all my life.
When I was a teenager, a neighborhood friend 36. a marathon race. Feeling motivated, I started running 37. , but then two things happened. First, a girl I met one day told me she was 38. for a "super, "referring to a 52.4-mile double marathon. Then, the next day I went on my longest run-15 miles. To be honest, I 39. it! Between the girl making my 40. seem small and the pure boredom of jogging, I decided that the only 41. I'd ever run again is if a big dog was running after me!
So I 42. cycling. I got a good bike and rode a lot. I 43. of entering cycle races until I flew to San Diego to visit my sister. While she was at work one day, I 44. her bike and went for a ride. The 45. : The roads there went through large valleys where I'd be riding uphill for miles at a time. I'd never faced such 46. . That day, I got 47. by about 100"local"bikers who were used to such roads. When I got back home, suddenly riding my bike didn't seem quite as 48. .
I've 49. a lot since then. I've come to accept that whatever 50. I set for myself, they just have to be my own.
36.A. knew B. held C. won D. quit
37.A. regularly B. silently C. proudly D. recently
38.A. asking B. looking C. waiting D. training
39.A. made B. believed C. hated D. deserved
40.A. advantage B. achievement C. contribution D. influence
41.A. way B. risk C. place D. reason
42.A. gave up B. went on C. turned to D. dealt with
43.A. heard B. dreamed C. complained D. approved
44.A. painted B. borrowed C. bought D. parked
45.A. problem B. secret C. principle D. advice
46.A. dangers B. events C. opponents D. challenges
47.A. passed B. convinced C. admired D. stopped
48.A. reliable B. convenient C. familiar D. appealing
49.A. traveled B. matured C. missed D. worried
50.A. limits B. dates C. goals D. tests
(2024·浙江) 阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
While taking a 20-hour train ride along the edge of the Taklimakan Desert in northwestern China, I had the kind of humbling, educational, and above all else, wonderful 51. with a local that all travelers long for. A young Chinese man 52. me on the train. My 53. friend spoke virtually no English, so I happily took the 54. to practice my Chinese.
Over several hours he would tell me about how he had 55. a two-year professional school to quickly find a job 56. highways in order to help support his family. Perhaps the most 57. , however, was the fact that this man spent hours studying every day after hard physical labor. Without batting an eye, he would 58. a translated Emerson passage before asking about the literary influence of American 59. as a whole. "And what do you all learn about Russian authors " I 60. him asking at one point.
It would have been easy to 61. my assumptions about this highway builder who had never been more than a few hundred miles from home. But this highly informed, 62. , and admirable person prevented me doing so. In the course of a couple of hours, he 63. me just how much one can gain from 64. with an open mind, and a willingness to 65. with locals from all walks of life.
51.A. experiment B. encounter C. competition D. appointment
52.A. treated B. saved C. lectured D. approached
53.A. true B. so-called C. new D. long-lost
54.A. chance B. advice C. trouble D. right
55.A. visited B. financed C. attended D. founded
56.A. building B. sweeping C. checking D. guarding
57.A. typical B. obvious C. natural D. remarkable
58.A. publish B. quote C. сорy D. download
59.A. writers B. historians C. workers D. students
60.A. anticipate B. imagine C. recall D. catch
61.A. look into B. rely on C. go over D. deal with
62.A. well-behaved B. multi-skilled
C. warm-hearted D. self-educated
63.A. asked B. warned C. showed D. promised
64.A. traveling B. reading C. searching D. teaching
65.A. cooperate B. side C. negotiate D. engage
(2023·全国甲卷) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Many years ago, I bought a house in the Garfagnana, where we still go every summer. The first time we 66. there, we heard the chug chug-chug of a motorbike 67. its way down the hill toward us. It was 68. called Mario, coming to 69. us a box containing some tomatoes and a bottle of wine. It was a very nice 70. for him to make. But when we looked at the tomatoes, we were 71. because they were so misshapen: not at all like the nice, round, 72. things you get in a supermarket. And the wine was cloudy, in a funny old bottle with no label(标签) on it These can't be any 73. , we thought. But we were 74. his kindness, so we 75. them.
What we discovered is that it's 76. to judge what you eat only by its 77. . Those tomatoes had 78. that reminded me of the ones my uncle used to grow when I was a child. Nowadays supermarket tomatoes 79. perfect but taste of water. Nobody's going to have a 80. memory of those. It's a surprise they haven't managed to grow square ones so that they can 81. them easily. Mario's wine may have been cloudy and come out of an old bottle, but it was 82. .
It's good to eat things at the correct time, when they're 83. , and as close as possible to where they were 84. . What Mario had 85. us was the taste of the Garfagnana.
66.A.waited B.met C.camped D.stayed
67.A.making B.searching C.squeezing D.feeling
68.A.customer B.neighbor C.relative D.passenger
69.A.lend B.send C.bring D.show
70.A.choice B.comment C.promise D.gesture
71.A.worried B.moved C.thrilled D.bored
72.A.simple B.real C.shiny D.fun
73.A.more B.good C.new D.easy
74.A.sympathetic to B.thankful for
C.cautious about D.interested in
75.A.tried B.sold C.retumed D.mixed
76.A.unnecessary B.uncertain C.unwise D.unusual
77.A.appearance B.quality C.origin D.price
78.A.size B.shape C.color D.taste
79.A.smell B.look C.become D.work
80.A.happy B.vivid C.short D.vague
81.A.clean B.check C.count D.pack
82.A.perfect B.useful C.convenient D.familiar
83.A.on view B.on sale C.in season D.in need
84.A.finished B.stored C.found D.grown
85.A.cooked B.given C.bought D.told
On Oct. 11, hundreds of runners competed in a cross-country race in Minnesota. Melanie Bailey should have 86. the course earlier than she did. Her 87. came because she was carrying a 88. across the finish line.
As reported by a local newspaper, Bailey was more than two-thirds of the way through her 89. when a runner in front of her began crying in pain. She 90. to help her fellow runner, Danielle Lenoue. Bailey took her arm to see if she could walk forward with 91. . She couldn't. Bailey then 92. to let Lenoue climb onto her back and carried her all the way to the finish line, then another 300 feet to where Lenoue could get 93. attention.
Once there, Lenoue was 94. and later taken to a hospital, where she learned that she had serious injuries in one of her knees. She would have struggled with extreme 95. to make it to that aid checkpoint without Bailey's help.
As for Bailey, she is more 96. about why her act is considered a big 97. . "She was just crying. I couldn't 98. her," Bailey told the reporter. "I feel like I was just doing the right thing."
Although the two young women were strangers before the 99. , they've since become friends. Neither won the race, but the 100. of human kindness won the day.
86.A.designed B.followed C.changed D.finished
87.A.delay B.chance C.trouble D.excuse
88.A.judge B.volunteer C.classmate D.competitor
89.A.race B.school C.town D.training
90.A.agreed B.returned C.stopped D.promised
91.A.courage B.aid C.patience D.advice
92.A.went away B.stood up C.stepped aside D.bent down
93.A.medical B.public C.constant D.equal
94.A.interrupted B.assessed C.identified D.appreciated
95.A.hunger B.pain C.cold D.tiredness
96.A.worried B.ashamed C.confused D.discouraged
97.A.game B.problem C.lesson D.deal
98.A.leave B.cure C.bother D.understand
99.A.ride B.test C.meet D.show
100.A.secret B.display C.benefit D.exchange
In April last year, I saw a post on the PNP (Pilots N Paws) website from a family in Topeka. They had to move to Virginia but they were on a very tight 101. . They could not afford to pay for 102. for their dog, Tiffy, and 103. wanted to take her with them.
It just 104. that I was planning another PNP flight with another pilot, Karen, who 105. to take Tiffy from Kansas City to Virginia. What I was to do was fly to Topeka to 106. Tiffy.
When I met Tiffy's owners, they seemed very 107. . George, the husband, was trying to be calm, but I could tell this was 108. for him, having to leave his dog to a 109. and trust that everything would 110. .
After some goodbyes, I asked George and his wife to help me 111. Tiffy into the plane. I promised to take care of Tiffy and 112. them as soon as we got to Kansas City.
The flight was 113. , and Tiffy was a great passenger. The next day, she 114. with Karen and made it back to George in Virginia within a few days. He was so 115. and sent me a nice e-mail with pictures. It felt great to know that I had helped bring this family together again.
101.A.turn B.budget C.schedule D.connection
102.A.food B.shelter C.medicine D.transportation
103.A.desperately B.temporarily C.secretly D.originally
104.A.appeared B.proved C.happened D.showed
105.A.waited B.offered C.hurried D.failed
106.A.see off B.look for C.hand over D.pick up
107.A.confused B.nervous C.annoyed D.curious
108.A.hard B.fine C.common D.lucky
109.A.coworker B.passenger C.stranger D.neighbor
110.A.speed up B.work out C.come back D.take off
111.A.feed B.follow C.change D.load
112.A.call B.join C.leave D.serve
113.A.unnecessary B.unexpected C.unavoidable D.uneventful
114.A.returned B.fought C.flew D.agreed
115.A.thankful B.generous C.proud D.sympathetic
To become the Olympic champion in the individual (个人) all-around event, Gabby Douglas had to leave everything she 116. best. She had to 117. her bedroom in Virginia. She had to say 118. to her two dogs and to the beach, where she loved to 119. waves on her board. But it was 120. to take the leap (飞跃), however 121. it would be. Even at 14, Douglas knew that. So she 122. about 1,200 miles away from home, to 123. with a coach from China. She lived with a family she had never 124. and everything was new to her.
As it turned out, Douglas did 125. what she needed to do to become Olympic champion when she 126. two Russians. The Chinese coach 127. Douglas into one of the best gymnasts in the 128. , helping her skyrocket from an 129. member of the national team to the top of the sport. By 130. the Olympic all-around title, she became the first black woman to do so. She 131. the competition from beginning to end. She said she had felt 132. all along that she would win.
Not so long ago, Martha Karolyi, the coordinator (联络人) of the women's national team, did not think Douglas had what it 133. to be an Olympian. As time went by, she thought 134. that she could make the London Games — and win.
"I'm going to inspire so many people," she said. "I'm ready to 135. ."And shine she did.
116.A.tried B.thought C.judged D.knew
117.A.take up B.pack up C.clean up D.do up
118.A.goodbye B.hello C.thanks D.no
119.A.cause B.observe C.ride D.strike
120.A.common B.time C.fun D.tough
121.A.breathtaking B.heartbreaking C.eye-catching D.head-spinning
122.A.dropped out B.moved on C.pulled over D.went off
123.A.reason B.talk C.compete D.train
124.A.met B.helped C.understood D.needed
125.A.approximately B.gradually C.exactly D.possibly
126.A.defeated B.pleased C.respected D.assisted
127.A.forced B.transformed C.persuaded D.put
128.A.world B.city C.team D.state
129.A.amateur B.elected C.average D.enthusiastic
130.A.clarifying B.defending C.winning D.demanding
131.A.followed B.organized C.watched D.led
132.A.confident B.nervous C.excited D.uneasy
133.A.viewed B.appeared C.mattered D.took
134.A.now and then B.more and more C.far and wide D.on and on
135.A.shine B.fly C.dance D.score
The sun was beginning to sink as I set off into the Harenna Forest. I was on my way to 136. a unique honey harvest. Here, in south-east Ethiopia, hand-carved beehives(蜂箱)are placed in the 137. . Reaching them to get the honey is difficult—and often 138. .
I 139. beekeeper Ziyad over a wide stretch of grassland before entering a thick jungle. Ziyad began preparations. He 140. handfuls of damp tree leaves, wrapped them with string, and 141. the bunch to create a torch(火把). Then, with one end of a rope tied to his waist and the other end around the trunk of a tree, Ziyad began 142. . He stopped every few minutes to move the 143. higher up the tree trunk.
144. , Ziyad got close to the hive which was around 20 metres above the ground. Sitting on a branch, he 145. towards it and blew smoke from his torch into a tiny hole in the hive. Suddenly, Ziyad let out a sharp cry. Within seconds, he'd 146. the trunk and was back on the ground.
It was too 147. to collect the honey. A cool summer had delayed 148. . Baby bees were still in the honeycombs(蜂巢). The adult bees were 149. and kept attacking as Ziyad escaped from the tree. He had to wait for the right 150. to go back up.
136.A.share B.collect C.celebrate D.witness
137.A.courtyards B.fields C.treetops D.caves
138.A.urgent B.dangerous C.expensive D.pointless
139.A.searched B.recognised C.followed D.invited
140.A.gathered B.cleaned C.dropped D.checked
141.A.shook B.lit C.measured D.decorated
142.A.jumping B.talking C.testing D.climbing
143.A.hives B.leaves C.rope D.honey
144.A.Finally B.Surprisingly C.Naturally D.Immediately
145.A.backed B.dived C.shouted D.inched
146.A.cut off B.gone up C.slid down D.held onto
147.A.high B.early C.fast D.close
148.A.hatching B.training C.sowing D.trading
149.A.curious B.hungry C.bored D.angry
150.A.moment B.equipment C.person D.order
One Monday morning, while the children were enjoying "free play", I stepped to the doorway of the classroom to take a break. Suddenly, I 151. a movement of the heavy wooden door. This was the very door I 152. guided the children through to ensure their safety from the bitter cold. I felt a chill (寒意) go through my body.
My legs carried me to that door, and I pushed it open. It was one of my kindergarteners who I thought was 153. that day. He had been dropped off at school late and was 154. to open the door.
He must have been waiting there for quite a while! Without a word, I rushed him to the hospital. He was treated for frostbite on his hands. He'd need time to 155. and wouldn't come for class the next day, I thought.
The next morning, one of the first to 156. was my little frostbitten boy. Not only did he run in with energy, but his 157. could be heard as loud as ever! I gave him a warm hug and told him how 158. I was to see him. His words have stayed with me all these years, "I knew you would open the door."
That cold Monday morning, he waited a long, long while for adults to 159. . To a child, every minute feels like forever. He didn't attempt to walk back home, he waited and trusted. This five-year-old taught me a powerful lesson in 160. .
151.A.caused B.spotted C.checked D.imagined
152.A.hesitantly B.randomly C.dizzily D.carefully
153.A.angry B.absent C.special D.noisy
154.A.courageous B.content C.unable D.unwilling
155.A.recover B.play C.change D.wait
156.A.settle B.gather C.arrive D.react
157.A.sneeze B.weep C.complaint D.laughter
158.A.lucky B.happy C.curious D.nervous
159.A.show up B.pull up C.hold up D.line up
160.A.gratitude B.forgiveness C.faith D.kindness
My husband, our
children and I have had wonderful camping experiences over the past ten years.
Some of our 161. are funny, especially from the early years
when our children were little.
Once, we 162. along Chalk Creek. I was 163. that our 15-month-old boy would fall into the creek (小溪). I tied a rope around his waist to keep him near to our spot. That
lasted about ten minutes.
He was 164. , and his crying let the whole campground know it. So 165. tying him up, I just kept a
close eye on him. It 166. he didn't end up in the creek. My
three-year-old, however, did.
Another time, we
rented a boat in Vallecito Lake. The sky was clear when we 167. , but storms move in fast in the mountains, and this one quickly 168. our peaceful morning trip. The 169. picked up and thunder old. My husband stopped fishing to 170. the motor. Nothing. He tried again.
No 171. We were stuck in the middle of the lake
with a dead motor. As we all sat there 172. a fisherman pulled up, threw
us a rope and towed (拖) us back. We were 173. Now, every year when my husband pulls our camper out of the garage, we
are filled with a sense of 174. ,
wondering what camping fun and 175. we will experience next.
161.A.ideas B.jokes C.memories D.discoveries
162.A.camped B.drove C.walked D.cycled
163.A.annoyed B.surprised C.disappointed D.worried
164.A.unhurt B.unfortunate C.uncomfortable D.unafraid
165.A.due to B.instead of C.apart from D.as for
166.A.worked B.happened C.mattered D.changed
167.A.signed up B.calmed
down C.checked out D.headed off
168.A.arranged B.interrupted C.completed D.recorded
169.A.wind B.noise C.temperature D.speed
170.A.find B.hide C.start D.fix
171.A.luck B.answer C.wonder D.signal
172.A.patiently B.tirelessly C.doubtfully D.helplessly
173.A.sorry B.brave C.safe D.right
174.A.relief B.duty C.pride D.excitement
175.A.failure B.adventure C.performance D.conflict
You can tell a lot about a
man by how he treats his dogs.
For many years, I enjoyed
living with my dogs, Tilly and Chance. Their 176. was nearly enough to keep my loneliness at
bay, Nearly. Last year. I started dating, but with 177. .
When I first dated Steve, I 178. he
had a dog. Molly, and a cat, Flora. While I was 179. that he was an animal lover, I 180. that three dogs were perhaps too many, and my
dogs might attack 181. ,
the cat.
The next week we 182. our dogs together. It was a hot day. When we
paused to catch our 183. ,
Steve got down on one knee. Was he proposing (求婚)
I liked him too. But so 184.
He poured water from a bottle into his hand and offered it to my dogs. 185. , I began to fall for him.
We 186. to date, though neither of us brought up the
future. And then in late November, Tilly had an operation on her 187. . I took the dogs out four times a day, and I
worried that Tilly 188. climbing the stairs could reopen the wound.
Then Steve 189. his house. All worked 190. .
The three dogs formed a pack that, with coaching, 191. Flora's space; Steve and I formed a good team 192. for Tilly. We made good housemates.
A year later, much to my 193. this man produced a little box with a ring and
proposed to me. He did not kneel (跪) down, nor
did I 194. him to. That's only for giving 195. to the dogs that brought us together.
176.A.ownership B.membership C.companionship D.leadership
177.A.reservations B.expectations C.confidence D.prejudice
178.A.feared B.doubted C.hoped D.learned
179.A.unsatisfied B.amused C.terrified D.thrilled
180.A.predicted B.worried C.regretted D.insisted
181.A.Flora B.Chance C.Molly D.Tilly
182.A.tied B.walked C.bathed D.fed
183.A.breath B.balance C.attention D.imagination
184.A.calm B.sure C.soon D.realf
185.A.By the way B.In that case
C.By all means D.In that moment
186.A.continued B.decided C.intended D.pretended
187.A.eye B.tail C.ear D.leg
188.A.secretly B.constantly C.eventually D.unwillingly
189.A.left B.sold C.suggested D.searched
190.A.late B.hard C.fine D.free
191.A.emptied B.respected C.occupied D.discovered
192.A.looking B.caring C.waiting D.calling
193.A.delight B.credit C.interest D.disadvantage
194.A.beg B.trust C.need D.aid
195.A.toys B.awards C.food D.water
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



