
plays shirt doing sweater Whose What's playing toothache
1.—     umbrella is it
— It's Lily's.
2.—     wrong with you
— I have a    .
3.— Do you like this    
— Yes, I do. I like it very much.
4.— What are they    
— They are     football.
二、Read and choose. 读一读, 选择正确的答句。
(2024五下·南山期末)Read and choose. 读一读, 选择正确的答句。
Where will we stay  5.   A. They' re Paul's.
What's the date today  6.   B. It's sunny.
How is the weather in September  7.   C. We will stay in a hotel here.
What does the giant build  8.   D. It's the fifth of May.
Whose socks are those  9.   E. He builds a tall wall.
A. The little boy puts the stone near the nails. The nails all stick to it. How amazing! B. I will try to read more English books and make progress(取得进步). C. The little monkey needs a house. He is going to build a house tomorrow. D. Because of the toothache, the tiger becomes a toothless tiger. E. Paper is a great invention in the world. People can write on it. F. Nian is afraid of the red paper and red firecrackers and runs back into the hills.
A. Blue is my favourite colour. B. How much are they C. Which pair of shoes do you like D. It's not my size. E. You can try them on.
Dad: Look, Andy.  16.  , the blue one or the yellow one
Andy: I like the blue one, Dad.  17.  
Dad: They look cool! You can try them on.
Andy: Oh, no. Dad,  18.  . They're too small.
Dad: Let's ask the shop assistant for help.
Shop assistant: Here is the bigger size.  19.  
Dad: Do you like them, Andy
Andy: Yes! They are great!I can wear them to play basketball this Sunday!
Dad: Okay. We'll take them.  20.  
Shop assistant: They're 120.
Dad: Here you are.
Shop assistant: Thank you!
Here is a Chinese festival. The Spring Festival  21.   (come / comes) in January or February every year. It is  22.   ( an / a) important Chinese festival. People also call it Chinese New Year. On Chinese New Year's Eve, families  23.   ( has / have ) a big dinner together. They often eat fish and dumplings. People visit their friends and relatives.Children often get red
 24.   ( packet / packets) with some money in them. People also  25.   (watching / watch) fireworks at night. They like the beautiful fireworks very much.
26. David doesn't feel well on June 25th.
27. Mary goes to see a doctor on July 2nd.
28. Doctor Wu suggests David to have a rest and eat some sweet things.
29. If we have a stomachache, we shouldn't eat too much.
30. Too many sweet things is not good for our health(健康).
I'm going to take a trip to Hainan. Hainan is far from here. I go there by plane. The beach is big and beautiful. I can enjoy the sunshine on it. I can also play with sand and go swimming in the sea. I'll stay there for two weeks. That's cool. —— Mike
This summer holiday, I'm going to Hangzhou by train. I will go on August 4th and spend five days there. I will visit the West Lake by public bicycle and eat Hangzhou food at Louwailou restaurant. What an interesting holiday! —— Anna
Tibet(西藏)is a beautiful and mysterious place. The air is fresh. The Tibetan people are kind. I'm going there by jeep and stay there from July 14th to July 21st. I'm going to visit the Potala Palace, see the yaks(牦牛) and drink buttered tea. That' ll be amazing! —— Jack
31.Mike is going to take a trip to ____.
A.Hainan B.Hangzhou C.Tibet
32.Ann a will take a ____ to Hangzhou.
A.plane B.train
33. Jack will stay in Tibet for ____ days.
A.fourteen B.twenty-one C.eight
34. ____ thinks the trip will be interesting.
A.Mike B.Anna C.Jack
35.Which one is not true according to the text
A.Mike is going to play at the beach.
B.Anna is going to visit West lake by public bike.
C.Jack is coming back home on June 21°.
Do you like riding bikes Mobike is one of the most popular bikes in China. It is a great invention nowadays. You can rent(租用)and return the bike easily and quickly. When you want to use it, you should use your phone to scan the QR code(二维码)on the bike, open the smart lock, and then you can ride the bike. When you want to return it, put it in special area on the roadside and close the lock. It usually costs(花费)you only one yuan an hour. It is good for our health. Everyone can ride the bike. But, if you are under 12 years old, you can't ride the bike. It's dangerous. There are too many cars on the road. Be careful when you ride the bike.
36.What's Mobike
A.A type of car.
B.A bike you can share.
C.The skateboard.
37.How to use Mobike
A.Scan the QR code to open the lock.
B.Break the lock.
C.Pay money to the keepers.
38.How much should you pay if you ride Mobike for an hour
A.One yuan. B.Five yuan. C.Ten yuan.
39.Why shouldn't kids under 12 ride mobikes
A.It's too expensive.
B.They can't reach them.
C.It's dangerous.
40.Tom is 11 years old. Can he ride the bike on the road
A.Yes, he can. B.No, he can't. C.No, he isn't.
41.Where can you leave the Mobike
A.At your home.
C.In a Mobike parking area.
42.Which invention do you like
43.What do you want to invent in the future
44.Do you like reading English stories every day
45.What do you want to be in the future Why
46.(2024五下·南山期末)同学们,暑假马上就要到了。请你根据思维导图,以My summer holiday为题,写一下你的暑假出游计划,要求语句通顺,标点正确。至少6句话。
My summer holiday
4.(1)句意:—他们......什么?—他们......踢足球。句中含有be动词,缺少实意动词,这符合be doing结构的用法,问句询问他们在做什么,正在做doing,故答案为doing。
(2)—他们正在做什么?—他们......踢足球。句中含有be动词,缺少实意动词,这符合be doing结构的用法,问句询问他们在做什么,答语要回答做的事情,句子时态与问句一致,图片是踢足球play football。play现在分词playing,故答案为playing。
【解析】【分析】 A. They' re Paul's. 它们是保罗的。
B. It's sunny. 它很晴朗。
C. We will stay in a hotel here. 我们要待在这儿的酒店里。
D. It's the fifth of May. 今天是5月5日。
E. He builds a tall wall. 他建造了一堵高墙。
【解析】【分析】A. The little boy puts the stone near the nails. The nails all stick to it. How amazing!小男孩把石头放在钉子旁边。指甲都粘在上面了。太神奇了!
B. I will try to read more English books and make progress(取得进步).我会努力多读英语书,取得进步。
C. The little monkey needs a house. He is going to build a house tomorrow.这只小猴子需要一个房子。他明天要盖房子。
D. Because of the toothache, the tiger becomes a toothless tiger.因为牙痛,老虎变成了一只没有牙齿的老虎。
E. Paper is a great invention in the world. People can write on it.纸是世界上的一项伟大发明。人们可以在上面写字。
F. Nian is afraid of the red paper and red firecrackers and runs back into the hills.年害怕红纸和红鞭炮,跑回山里。
【解析】【分析】A. Blue is my favourite colour.蓝色是我最喜爱的颜色。
B. How much are they 它们多少钱?
C. Which pair of shoes do you like 你喜欢哪双鞋?
D. It's not my size.它不是我的尺码。
E. You can try them on.你能试一试它们。
16.根据下文I like the blue one, Dad.可知,这介绍自己喜欢哪个,说明问句询问对方喜欢哪个物品。选项C询问对方喜欢哪双鞋子,故答案为C。
17.根据上文I like the blue one, Dad.可知,这介绍自己喜欢蓝色的鞋子,结合选项A,这介绍了自己喜爱蓝色,上下文语句联系紧密,故答案为A。
18.根据下文They're too small.可知,鞋子太小了,结合选项D,这不是自己的尺码,所以太小了,故答案为D。
19.根据上文Here is the bigger size.可知,这介绍了有一双更大的鞋,结合选项E,店员可以建议安迪试一试,故答案为E。
20.根据下文They're 120.可知,这介绍了价格,说明问句询问了价格,故答案为B。
21.句意:每年,春节在一月或二月......。come来,动词原形,comes来,动词单三式。the Spring Festival是第三人称单数,其后动词用单三式,come单三式comes,故答案为comes。
22.句意:它是......重要的中国节日。Chinese festival是单数名词,important以元音音素/ /开头,用不定冠词an修饰,故答案为an。
24.句意:孩子们经常得到红......。packet小包,packets小包。get red packets获得红包是固定用法,故答案为packets。
26.句意:6月25日,大卫感觉不舒服。根据图片Name: David和Date: June 25th可知,这是大卫6月25日的诊断报告,图片和题干一致,故答案为正确。
27.句意:玛丽7月2日去看医生。根据图片Name: Mary和Date: July 2nd可知,玛丽7月2日看的医生,图片和题干一致,故答案为正确。
28.句意:吴医生建议大卫休息一下,吃点甜食。根据图片You should have a rest.和You shouldn't eat too many sweet things.可知,医生建议大卫休息,少吃甜食,图片和题干不一致,故答案为错误。
29.句意:如果我们胃疼,我们不应该吃太多。根据图片You shouldn't eat too much.可知,肚子疼不能吃太多,图片和题干一致,故答案为正确。
30.句意:吃太多甜食对我们的健康不好。根据图片You shouldn't eat too many sweet things.可知,医生建议少吃甜食,图片和题干一致,故答案为正确。
31.句意:迈克要到......旅游。A:海南,B:杭州,C:西藏。根据原文I'm going to take a trip to
32.句意:安要乘......去杭州。A:飞机,B:火车,C:吉普。根据原文This summer holiday, I'm
going to Hangzhou by train.可知,安要乘火车去杭州,故答案为B。
33.句意:杰克要在西藏待......天。A:十四天,B:二十一天,C:八天。根据原文I'm going there by
jeep and stay there from July 14th to July 21st.可知,杰克要从7月14日到7月21日待在西藏,故答案为C。
34.句意:......认为旅游将会很有趣。A:迈克,B:安,C:杰克。根据原文What an interesting
35.句意:根据文章,哪个不是真的?A:迈克要在海滩玩耍。B:安要乘共享单车游览西湖。C:杰克要在6月21日回家。根据原文I'm going there by jeep and stay there from July 14th to July 21st.可知,杰克要在7月21日后回家,选项C错误,故答案为C。
36.句意:摩拜单车是什么?A:一类汽车。B:你能分享的自行车。C:滑板。根据原文Mobike is one
of the most popular bikes in China.可知,摩拜单车在中国是最流行的自行车,故答案为B。
you want to use it, you should use your phone to scan the QR code on the bike可知,用手机扫描二维码就可以使用自行车,故答案为A。
usually costs you only one yuan an hour.可知,单车一小时一元,故答案为A。
39.句意:为什么12岁以下的孩子不应该骑自行车?A:它太贵了。B:它们够不到它们。C:太危险了。根据原文But, if you are under 12 years old, you can't ride the bike. It's dangerous.可知,12岁以下的儿童骑车太危险了,故答案为C。
40.句意:汤姆11岁了。他能在路上骑自行车吗?A:是的,他能。B:不,他不能。C:不,他不是。根据原文But, if you are under 12 years old, you can't ride the bike. It's dangerous.可知,12岁以下的儿童不能骑车,应豆丁回答,答语中含有情态动词can,故答案为B。
41.句意:你可以把摩拜单车停在哪里?A:在你的家里。B:任何地方。C:在摩拜单车停车场。根据原文When you want to return it, put it in special area on the roadside and close the lock.可知,当你想归还它时,把它放在路边的特殊区域并锁上,故答案为C。
【答案】42.I like papermaking. Because it is good for culture and education.
43.I want to invent a flying house.
42.句意:你喜欢哪项发明?这是which引导的特殊疑问句,询问对方喜欢的发明是哪个,应回答某项发明,并解释原因。印刷术为知识的广泛传播、交流创造了条件,造纸术有利于文化的交流和教育的普及;指南针有助于人类的科学技术和文明的发展;火药推进了人类历史发展。可以说"我喜欢造纸术。因为它对文化和教育有利。",故答案为I like papermaking. Because it is good for culture and education.
43.句意:在未来,你想要发明什么?这是what引导的特殊疑问句,询问对方在未来想要发明的物品,应回答物品名称,如我想要发明一个会飞的房子,故答案为I want to invent a flying house.
【答案】44.Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
45.I want to be a police officer. Because I can help others.(答案不唯一)
44.句意:你每天喜欢读英语故事吗?这是do引导的一般疑问句,询问对方是否喜欢读英语故事,对方应肯定/否定回答。肯定回答"是的,我是。Yes, I do.",否定回答"不,我不是。No, I don't.",故答案为Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
45.句意:在未来你想要成为什么?为什么?这是what引导的特殊疑问句,询问对方想要在未来成为什么,why引导的特殊疑问句,询问原因。比如说"我想要成为一名警察。因为我想要帮助他人。",故答案为I want to be a police officer. Because I can help others.
【解析】【分析】这是一篇命题作文,要求以"My summer holiday"为题,描述自己的暑假计划。文章用一般将来时和第一人称来描述。首先介绍自己即将有一个忙碌的暑假,运用I am going to have a busy summer holiday;其次介绍暑假要去的地点、交通方式、随行人员,运用I am going to with my ,,, by ...;然后重点介绍在该地要做的事情,运用We are going to ... there;
plays shirt doing sweater Whose What's playing toothache
1.—     umbrella is it
— It's Lily's.
2.—     wrong with you
— I have a    .
3.— Do you like this    
— Yes, I do. I like it very much.
4.— What are they    
— They are     football.
4.(1)句意:—他们......什么?—他们......踢足球。句中含有be动词,缺少实意动词,这符合be doing结构的用法,问句询问他们在做什么,正在做doing,故答案为doing。
(2)—他们正在做什么?—他们......踢足球。句中含有be动词,缺少实意动词,这符合be doing结构的用法,问句询问他们在做什么,答语要回答做的事情,句子时态与问句一致,图片是踢足球play football。play现在分词playing,故答案为playing。
二、Read and choose. 读一读, 选择正确的答句。
(2024五下·南山期末)Read and choose. 读一读, 选择正确的答句。
Where will we stay  5.   A. They' re Paul's.
What's the date today  6.   B. It's sunny.
How is the weather in September  7.   C. We will stay in a hotel here.
What does the giant build  8.   D. It's the fifth of May.
Whose socks are those  9.   E. He builds a tall wall.
【解析】【分析】 A. They' re Paul's. 它们是保罗的。
B. It's sunny. 它很晴朗。
C. We will stay in a hotel here. 我们要待在这儿的酒店里。
D. It's the fifth of May. 今天是5月5日。
E. He builds a tall wall. 他建造了一堵高墙。
A. The little boy puts the stone near the nails. The nails all stick to it. How amazing! B. I will try to read more English books and make progress(取得进步). C. The little monkey needs a house. He is going to build a house tomorrow. D. Because of the toothache, the tiger becomes a toothless tiger. E. Paper is a great invention in the world. People can write on it. F. Nian is afraid of the red paper and red firecrackers and runs back into the hills.
【解析】【分析】A. The little boy puts the stone near the nails. The nails all stick to it. How amazing!小男孩把石头放在钉子旁边。指甲都粘在上面了。太神奇了!
B. I will try to read more English books and make progress(取得进步).我会努力多读英语书,取得进步。
C. The little monkey needs a house. He is going to build a house tomorrow.这只小猴子需要一个房子。他明天要盖房子。
D. Because of the toothache, the tiger becomes a toothless tiger.因为牙痛,老虎变成了一只没有牙齿的老虎。
E. Paper is a great invention in the world. People can write on it.纸是世界上的一项伟大发明。人们可以在上面写字。
F. Nian is afraid of the red paper and red firecrackers and runs back into the hills.年害怕红纸和红鞭炮,跑回山里。
A. Blue is my favourite colour. B. How much are they C. Which pair of shoes do you like D. It's not my size. E. You can try them on.
Dad: Look, Andy.  16.  , the blue one or the yellow one
Andy: I like the blue one, Dad.  17.  
Dad: They look cool! You can try them on.
Andy: Oh, no. Dad,  18.  . They're too small.
Dad: Let's ask the shop assistant for help.
Shop assistant: Here is the bigger size.  19.  
Dad: Do you like them, Andy
Andy: Yes! They are great!I can wear them to play basketball this Sunday!
Dad: Okay. We'll take them.  20.  
Shop assistant: They're 120.
Dad: Here you are.
Shop assistant: Thank you!
【解析】【分析】A. Blue is my favourite colour.蓝色是我最喜爱的颜色。
B. How much are they 它们多少钱?
C. Which pair of shoes do you like 你喜欢哪双鞋?
D. It's not my size.它不是我的尺码。
E. You can try them on.你能试一试它们。
16.根据下文I like the blue one, Dad.可知,这介绍自己喜欢哪个,说明问句询问对方喜欢哪个物品。选项C询问对方喜欢哪双鞋子,故答案为C。
17.根据上文I like the blue one, Dad.可知,这介绍自己喜欢蓝色的鞋子,结合选项A,这介绍了自己喜爱蓝色,上下文语句联系紧密,故答案为A。
18.根据下文They're too small.可知,鞋子太小了,结合选项D,这不是自己的尺码,所以太小了,故答案为D。
19.根据上文Here is the bigger size.可知,这介绍了有一双更大的鞋,结合选项E,店员可以建议安迪试一试,故答案为E。
20.根据下文They're 120.可知,这介绍了价格,说明问句询问了价格,故答案为B。
Here is a Chinese festival. The Spring Festival  21.   (come / comes) in January or February every year. It is  22.   ( an / a) important Chinese festival. People also call it Chinese New Year. On Chinese New Year's Eve, families  23.   ( has / have ) a big dinner together. They often eat fish and dumplings. People visit their friends and relatives.Children often get red
 24.   ( packet / packets) with some money in them. People also  25.   (watching / watch) fireworks at night. They like the beautiful fireworks very much.
21.句意:每年,春节在一月或二月......。come来,动词原形,comes来,动词单三式。the Spring Festival是第三人称单数,其后动词用单三式,come单三式comes,故答案为comes。
22.句意:它是......重要的中国节日。Chinese festival是单数名词,important以元音音素/ /开头,用不定冠词an修饰,故答案为an。
24.句意:孩子们经常得到红......。packet小包,packets小包。get red packets获得红包是固定用法,故答案为packets。
26. David doesn't feel well on June 25th.
27. Mary goes to see a doctor on July 2nd.
28. Doctor Wu suggests David to have a rest and eat some sweet things.
29. If we have a stomachache, we shouldn't eat too much.
30. Too many sweet things is not good for our health(健康).
26.句意:6月25日,大卫感觉不舒服。根据图片Name: David和Date: June 25th可知,这是大卫6月25日的诊断报告,图片和题干一致,故答案为正确。
27.句意:玛丽7月2日去看医生。根据图片Name: Mary和Date: July 2nd可知,玛丽7月2日看的医生,图片和题干一致,故答案为正确。
28.句意:吴医生建议大卫休息一下,吃点甜食。根据图片You should have a rest.和You shouldn't eat too many sweet things.可知,医生建议大卫休息,少吃甜食,图片和题干不一致,故答案为错误。
29.句意:如果我们胃疼,我们不应该吃太多。根据图片You shouldn't eat too much.可知,肚子疼不能吃太多,图片和题干一致,故答案为正确。
30.句意:吃太多甜食对我们的健康不好。根据图片You shouldn't eat too many sweet things.可知,医生建议少吃甜食,图片和题干一致,故答案为正确。
I'm going to take a trip to Hainan. Hainan is far from here. I go there by plane. The beach is big and beautiful. I can enjoy the sunshine on it. I can also play with sand and go swimming in the sea. I'll stay there for two weeks. That's cool. —— Mike
This summer holiday, I'm going to Hangzhou by train. I will go on August 4th and spend five days there. I will visit the West Lake by public bicycle and eat Hangzhou food at Louwailou restaurant. What an interesting holiday! —— Anna
Tibet(西藏)is a beautiful and mysterious place. The air is fresh. The Tibetan people are kind. I'm going there by jeep and stay there from July 14th to July 21st. I'm going to visit the Potala Palace, see the yaks(牦牛) and drink buttered tea. That' ll be amazing! —— Jack
31.Mike is going to take a trip to ____.
A.Hainan B.Hangzhou C.Tibet
32.Ann a will take a ____ to Hangzhou.
A.plane B.train
33. Jack will stay in Tibet for ____ days.
A.fourteen B.twenty-one C.eight
34. ____ thinks the trip will be interesting.
A.Mike B.Anna C.Jack
35.Which one is not true according to the text
A.Mike is going to play at the beach.
B.Anna is going to visit West lake by public bike.
C.Jack is coming back home on June 21°.
31.句意:迈克要到......旅游。A:海南,B:杭州,C:西藏。根据原文I'm going to take a trip to
32.句意:安要乘......去杭州。A:飞机,B:火车,C:吉普。根据原文This summer holiday, I'm
going to Hangzhou by train.可知,安要乘火车去杭州,故答案为B。
33.句意:杰克要在西藏待......天。A:十四天,B:二十一天,C:八天。根据原文I'm going there by
jeep and stay there from July 14th to July 21st.可知,杰克要从7月14日到7月21日待在西藏,故答案为C。
34.句意:......认为旅游将会很有趣。A:迈克,B:安,C:杰克。根据原文What an interesting
35.句意:根据文章,哪个不是真的?A:迈克要在海滩玩耍。B:安要乘共享单车游览西湖。C:杰克要在6月21日回家。根据原文I'm going there by jeep and stay there from July 14th to July 21st.可知,杰克要在7月21日后回家,选项C错误,故答案为C。
Do you like riding bikes Mobike is one of the most popular bikes in China. It is a great invention nowadays. You can rent(租用)and return the bike easily and quickly. When you want to use it, you should use your phone to scan the QR code(二维码)on the bike, open the smart lock, and then you can ride the bike. When you want to return it, put it in special area on the roadside and close the lock. It usually costs(花费)you only one yuan an hour. It is good for our health. Everyone can ride the bike. But, if you are under 12 years old, you can't ride the bike. It's dangerous. There are too many cars on the road. Be careful when you ride the bike.
36.What's Mobike
A.A type of car.
B.A bike you can share.
C.The skateboard.
37.How to use Mobike
A.Scan the QR code to open the lock.
B.Break the lock.
C.Pay money to the keepers.
38.How much should you pay if you ride Mobike for an hour
A.One yuan. B.Five yuan. C.Ten yuan.
39.Why shouldn't kids under 12 ride mobikes
A.It's too expensive.
B.They can't reach them.
C.It's dangerous.
40.Tom is 11 years old. Can he ride the bike on the road
A.Yes, he can. B.No, he can't. C.No, he isn't.
41.Where can you leave the Mobike
A.At your home.
C.In a Mobike parking area.
36.句意:摩拜单车是什么?A:一类汽车。B:你能分享的自行车。C:滑板。根据原文Mobike is one
of the most popular bikes in China.可知,摩拜单车在中国是最流行的自行车,故答案为B。
you want to use it, you should use your phone to scan the QR code on the bike可知,用手机扫描二维码就可以使用自行车,故答案为A。
usually costs you only one yuan an hour.可知,单车一小时一元,故答案为A。
39.句意:为什么12岁以下的孩子不应该骑自行车?A:它太贵了。B:它们够不到它们。C:太危险了。根据原文But, if you are under 12 years old, you can't ride the bike. It's dangerous.可知,12岁以下的儿童骑车太危险了,故答案为C。
40.句意:汤姆11岁了。他能在路上骑自行车吗?A:是的,他能。B:不,他不能。C:不,他不是。根据原文But, if you are under 12 years old, you can't ride the bike. It's dangerous.可知,12岁以下的儿童不能骑车,应豆丁回答,答语中含有情态动词can,故答案为B。
41.句意:你可以把摩拜单车停在哪里?A:在你的家里。B:任何地方。C:在摩拜单车停车场。根据原文When you want to return it, put it in special area on the roadside and close the lock.可知,当你想归还它时,把它放在路边的特殊区域并锁上,故答案为C。
42.Which invention do you like
43.What do you want to invent in the future
【答案】42.I like papermaking. Because it is good for culture and education.
43.I want to invent a flying house.
42.句意:你喜欢哪项发明?这是which引导的特殊疑问句,询问对方喜欢的发明是哪个,应回答某项发明,并解释原因。印刷术为知识的广泛传播、交流创造了条件,造纸术有利于文化的交流和教育的普及;指南针有助于人类的科学技术和文明的发展;火药推进了人类历史发展。可以说"我喜欢造纸术。因为它对文化和教育有利。",故答案为I like papermaking. Because it is good for culture and education.
43.句意:在未来,你想要发明什么?这是what引导的特殊疑问句,询问对方在未来想要发明的物品,应回答物品名称,如我想要发明一个会飞的房子,故答案为I want to invent a flying house.
44.Do you like reading English stories every day
45.What do you want to be in the future Why
【答案】44.Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
45.I want to be a police officer. Because I can help others.(答案不唯一)
44.句意:你每天喜欢读英语故事吗?这是do引导的一般疑问句,询问对方是否喜欢读英语故事,对方应肯定/否定回答。肯定回答"是的,我是。Yes, I do.",否定回答"不,我不是。No, I don't.",故答案为Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
45.句意:在未来你想要成为什么?为什么?这是what引导的特殊疑问句,询问对方想要在未来成为什么,why引导的特殊疑问句,询问原因。比如说"我想要成为一名警察。因为我想要帮助他人。",故答案为I want to be a police officer. Because I can help others.
46.(2024五下·南山期末)同学们,暑假马上就要到了。请你根据思维导图,以My summer holiday为题,写一下你的暑假出游计划,要求语句通顺,标点正确。至少6句话。
My summer holiday
【解析】【分析】这是一篇命题作文,要求以"My summer holiday"为题,描述自己的暑假计划。文章用一般将来时和第一人称来描述。首先介绍自己即将有一个忙碌的暑假,运用I am going to have a busy summer holiday;其次介绍暑假要去的地点、交通方式、随行人员,运用I am going to with my ,,, by ...;然后重点介绍在该地要做的事情,运用We are going to ... there;



