Unit 1 The Changing World Topic 3 知识梳理(无答案)仁爱版英语九年级上册

Unit 1 Topic 3 知识梳理
一. 重点短语
____________ 习惯于;____________ 过去常常
____________ 事实上;____________ 来参观
____________ 过上正常的生活
____________ 身处困境的人们
____________ 决定某事;___________ 陷入麻烦
____________ 有意地,故意地
______________________ 为...做出贡献
____________ 鼓励某人做某事;___________ 结果
Section A
1. You _____ ____ ____ New York ___ a long time. 你在纽约很长时间了。
★_____ _____ _____ 在某地(多长时间);_____ _____ _____ 去过(已归);____ _____ _____ 去了(不在说话地点)
Eg. —I called you, but there was no answer, Where ____ you ______
—I___________ my grandpa’s, but Where is Jane
—She __________ the library.
—How long _____ she _____ _____ the library
—About half an hour.
2. ___ __ ___ ____ living there 你觉得在这里生活怎样?
★___ __ ___ ____ … = ____ __ ___ _____ __ ……你认为……怎么样?
Eg. ____ do you _____ ______ the life here 你觉得这里的生活怎么样?
=_____ do you _____ ______ here
3. You will ___ ____ __ it very soon __ you come. 如果你来,你会很快习惯于它的。
They _____ _____ ____,but the city ____ _____ a lot _____ I _____ here a few years ago. 它们过去是, 但是自从我几年前来到这里,这个城市已经改善了很多。
★___/__ ____ __ (_____) ___.习惯于(做)某事;
____ ____ ___ ____ 过去常常做某事
Eg. He can’t ___ ____ __ the weather here. 他不习惯这儿的天气。
I_____ _____ ____ up late, but now I ____ ____ ____ ____ up early.我过去起床迟,但是我习惯于早起。
★_______ 自从,连词,引导_________ 从句,主句用_______时态,从句用__________时态。
Eg. Great changes _________(take) place in our hometown since he _________(leave).
Since you _______(help) Tom, he _______(make) great progress in his English.
4. __ _ ______ __ ____, it’s a wonderful place __ ____.事实上,它是一个居住的好地方。
★ __ _ ______ __ ____ = __ ____ 事实上,实际上
__ _____ __ ____, 一个居住的地方;动词不定式to live 作place的后置定语。
Eg. a room ______ 一个居住的房间;
a friend ____________ 一个聊天的朋友。
5. You must ____ ___ _ _____. 你必须来参观。
Section B
1. Martin ______ me __ interesting article. 马丁让我看了一篇文章。
★ ____ __. ___=____ ___. __ __. 把某物展示给某人看
____ __. ______ 带某人四处参观
2. Since it ______, it _____ _____ ______ _____ people return to work and ____ ____ normal life. 自从它诞生以来,它已帮助好几百人重返工作岗位,过上了正常生活。
★________ ______ 好几百;______ ____________ 五百
★______/______ ____ …______ 过……的生活
Eg. In the past, people ______ _____ ______ _______.
3.____ they find people __ ____, they ______ __ suitable ways __ _____ them help. 一旦他们找到有需要的人,他们就会决定为他们提供帮助的合适方式。
★ ____: 连词,引导时间状语从句,意思为:________
此外once: adv. _______/________
Eg. ______ she ________(arrive), I will call you. 一旦她到了,我就打电话给你。
★__ ____: 在困难中,在贫困中
Eg. A friend ___ _____ is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。
★______ (___) __ __ ___.决定(不) 做某事
______ __ ___. 决定某物;
____ _ ________ (__ __ ___) 下定决心(做某事)
★____ _____ _____ 向某人提供…=_____ _____ ___ _____.
Eg. The program _____ them job training.
=The program ______ job training _____ them.
4.The program also ______ them _____ job training __ ____ they can find jobs again.这个项目也向他们提供工作培训,以便于他们可以再次找到工作。
★____ _____ _____ _______向某人提供…
=_____ _____ ___ _____.
Eg. They have _______ us _____ lots of help.
They have _______ lots of help _____ us.
★____ ______ 为了、以便于,引导__________从句
____ _____ _____ 为了,后跟________
Eg. We got up early __________ we could catch the early bus.
=We got up early ________________ the early bus.
5.I think __ is important ___ those people __ ____ ____ ____ _________. 我认为这些人自我感觉良好很重要。
★____ +___.+___ __. __ __ ___对某人来说做某事是…
★___ ___ ____ ______ 自我感觉良好,有信心
6. The world has changed ___ ___ ______. 世界已经变得更好了。
Section C
1. One of the ____ _____ human _____ is a home.人类最基本的需求之一是家。
★ ____ ____ +______________+_____ 最……中之一
Eg. It’s _____ ____ the _______________________. 它是最受欢迎的电影之一。
2.Some people are homeless ___ _ _____ ______ __ _____. 一些人短时无家可归。
3. Sometimes people are homeless because they ____ _ _______ ____ drugs。有时人们无家可归是因为他们有吸毒问题。
★____ _ _______ ____ 在……有困难或有问题
Eg. Do you _____ any _____ _____ your study 你的学习有困难吗?
4. No one is ever homeless __ _______.没有人故意无家可归。
★_______ n. 目的,意图;__ _______ 故意的,有目的
Eg. What’s the _____ of this passage 这篇文章的写作意图是什么?
No one is always late ___ _____.没有人总是故意迟到。
5. ________ the _____ __ homelessness is, the _______ are the same. 无论无家可归的原因是什么,影响都是一样的。
★______ _______ ______ …的原因;______ ___ ____ ____ 引起某人做某事。
Eg. What’s ___ ___ _____ the fire 火灾的原因是什么?
Too much noise may ______ people ______ (become) ill.
★ _______ n. 影响;________ v.
_____ _____ ______ ______ sth. 对……有影响
Eg.It ____ _____ _____ _____ both a buyer and a seller. 它既对购买者有影响,也对销售者有影响。
6.…but more need __ __ ____.…但还需要做更多的工作。
★need在肯定句中,常用作实义动词,后跟_______, 意思是__________; need用作情态动词,常用于否定句,意思是________;
______________ =___________ 需要被做。
Eg. —The book needs_________(read). You need _______(read) it carefully.
—I needn’t ________(read) any more. I have read it many times.
7. We must _____ __ the homeless __ people, not just as problems. 我们必须将无家可归者视为人,而不仅仅是问题。
★_____ __ … __....= ______ … __… 把……认为/看成……; think of 意思是__________________________
Section D
1. It _____schools in the poorest parts in China and it helps poor families ______ an education _____their children. 它在中国最贫困的地区建立学校,帮助贫困家庭为他们的孩子提供教育。
★______ v. 建造;-______-_____; _________ n.建筑物
Eg. They have ______ many great _______ in the city. 他们在这个城市已经建造了很多宏伟的建筑。
★_______ v. 负担得起;常与__________连用
Eg. I ______ ______ it. 我买不起它。
2. Project Hope has ____ important _____________ __ ____ the education ___ the health of children. 希望工程为儿童的教育和健康做出了重要贡献。
★____ _____________ __ _____ 为某事做贡献
Eg. We should ______ __ ___________ ______ ______ the environment. 我们应该为保护环境做贡献。
★__/ ___ ____ __ _____ ___. 习惯做某事
___ _________ __ _____ 注意做某事
____ _______ __ _____ 期盼做某事
______ _____ __ _____ 宁可做某事
★both…and 意思是_________________________
3. ___ more than 20 years, Project Hope ___ __________ the moral ___________ and modern ________ of students. 20多年来,希望工程一直鼓励学生的道德发展和现代思维。
★____________ v. 鼓励;
_____________ _____ (____)____ ___ 鼓励某人(不要)做某事;
___________v. 阻止、阻拦,____________ 阻止做某事
Eg. The teacher often __________ us ____ ___ ___ ___.
We _______ ______ trees here. 我们这里禁止砍伐树木。
四.语法 ——现在完成时
She has lived in Beijing for 10 years.
现在完成时表示过去开始的动作,一直延续到现在。常与________ 和________ 连用,动词必须是延续性动词
for+___________; since 当介词时,后跟________; 当连词时,引导_______________________
______ two days; _______ two days ago
_________ 2012; ________ a long time
_______ this morning; __________ a whole morning
die —— __ ____ borrow/lend —— ____
come / go —— __ __ buy —— ____
leave —— __ ____ (____) begin / start —— __ __ open —— __ ____close —— __ ______
become —— __ join —— __ __
1. He ______(die) 5 years ago.
He _____ ____ ____ _____ 5 years.
2. We ________(buy) a house in 2020.
We ____ ____ a house ______2020.
3. She ________(close) the door 15 minutes ago.
The door ____ ____ _____ _____ 15 minutes ago.




下一篇:人教版(2024)七年级上册Unit 7 Happy Birthday限时训练(无答案)