
学校 班级 姓名 等级
Listening Part 听力部分
( )1.A. way B. say C. may
( )2.A. 1000 B. 2000 C. 3000
( )3. A. tired B. excited C. afraid
( )4. A. often B. now C. yesterday
( )5. A. taking B. talking C. making
( )1. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I did.
( )2. A. I’m hungry. B. I’m thirsty.
( )3. A. On the left. B. On the right.
( )4. A. It’s 10 yuan. B. They are 20 yuan.
( )5. A. I hurt my leg. B. I do my homework.
( )1. What is Betty doing
( )2. How does Ling Ling go to Hangzhou
( )3. How old was Li Lei last year
( )4. Where did Li Ming visit yesterday
( )5. Who will send this postcard
( )1. Today is Sunday.
( )2. Some old women are standing beside Jack.
( )3. Jack’s father is watering flowers.
( )4. Jack’s sister is playing a ball with her mother.
( )5. Jack is kind.
1. It’s a day.
2. My mother is on Monday.
3. “ , Mum. I will be a good boy.” says the boy.
4. Let’s a letter to Kim.
Writing Part 笔试部分
( )1.My uncle is drawing a picture.
( )2. Look at this photo of the baby.
( )3. Some children walk to school.
( )4. There is no snow on the street now.
( )5. There are thirteen Chinese people in the room.
( )6. the blackboard.
1. Danny is crying. He is .
2. Don’t in the library.
3. I’d like some .
4. Two old are .
( )1. We can send the postcards at the .
A. post office B. school C. hotel
( )2. This little baby is .She is eating.
A. hungry B. thirsty C. hamburger
( )3.The Palace Museum is .
A. blue B. black C. red and yellow
( )4. Li Ming’s is liming@.
A.QQ number B. email address C. phone number
( )5. —This gift is for you.
— .
A. Thanks! B. Good! C. Good-bye!
1. Drinking more is good for your body.
2. We write a on paper.
3. These are the of my family.
4. Don’t stand on the grass! That’s .
5. There are many in the park. They are happy.
Word List: story,people,wrong,photos,water
(Amy went to Shanghai with her mum last week. Today they came back!)
Dad: Oh, dear. You’re back. I missed you.
Sam: Did you have a nice trip in Shanghai
Dad: What did you do yesterday
Dad: Did you buy any gifts
Amy:(4) And this is for you, dad.
Dad: Oh, a blue T-shirt.
Dad: Thanks.
A. I went shopping with mum. B. I know blue is your favourite colour. C. Yes, I did! D. I missed you, too. E. Yes, I bought many gifts.
On Sunday, the students go camping. Lily is riding a bike. Tom is(1)f a kite. Mr. Lee is(2)s .
Mrs. Lee is (3)d some juice. Susan and Sam are(4)r .Tony is swimming. John is(5)d
a picture. Peter and Paul are(6)w What a fun day!
A famous ping-pong player
Who is the world’s No.1 women ping-pong player She is Sun Yingsha from Shijiazhuang, China. Sun Yingsha has short hair. She plays ping-pong with her right hand.
When she was 5 years old, she began (开始)to play ping-pong at school. Training(训练)is hard, but she loves ping-pong. When she was 15 years old, she began to work for China. She is a kind girl. She often helps I people in her team(队).
She is 24 years old now. People call her “Little Devil”(小魔王), because of her fast and strong attacking!
Here is the timetable in training. Look!
Timetable in Training get up 7:00 training 8:50 have lunch 11:50 training 15:10 have dinner 21:10
( )1. Sun Yingsha is from Shijiazhuang.
( )2. Sun Yingsha gets up at seven thirty.
( )3. Sun Yingsha likes to help people. She’s kind.
( )4. The meaning (意思)of “attacking” is .
A.进攻 B.身体 C.球拍
( )5. Who is Sun Yingsha
A. B. C.
To: Lily@ From: Dan@ Subject: I’m excited. Dear(1) , I had a great time in (2) .There are many interesting places, such as the Palace Museum, the Great Wall and Beihai Park. I(3)Beijing Duck and drank(喝)Bean Juice there. I think Bean Juice(豆汁)is not good. But it’s famous in Beijing. I love Beijing I 1m coming back to Shanghai soon. Your friend. (4)
( )5. This is .
A. an email. B. a letter. C. a postcard.
( )6. Does Dan like Bean Juice
A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn’t. C. We don’t know.
十五、上周日你做了什么 用不少于5句话来描述一下吧。
Tips: Where did you go What did you do Who did you go with



