专练01:阅读理解【乐英阅】-专项训练20篇 2023-2024人教版(Go for it!)八年级英语下学期

专业指引 专注中考
Test 1
Our professor suddenly gave us a pop test in my second month at nursing school. I was a very careful student and answered the questions carefully. But when I saw the last one, which asked about the name of the woman who cleaned the school, I thought it was a joke. I had often seen this woman. She was tall, had dark hair and was around 50. How could I possibly know her name I had no clue. I handed in my paper leaving that question blank.
Before the class ended, a student asked the professor if this last question would count for our grades. The professor said yes and emphasized that in our future lives and careers, we will encounter many people and all of them matter. We should pay attention to them and show care, even with a simple smile or greeting. Later, I found out her name was Dorothy.
1. Why did the writer think the last question was a joke
A. Because it was too easy.
B. Because it was too difficult.
C. Because it was not related to the study.
D. Because he didn't know the cleaner.
2. What did the professor say about meeting people in the future
A. We can ignore them.
B. We should care about them.
C. We don't need to talk to them.
D. We only need to smile at important people.
3. How did the writer feel after the professor's explanation
A. Surprised.
B. Confused.
C. Understanding.
D. Angry.
4. What did the writer do with the last question
A. He answered it correctly.
B. He guessed the answer.
C. He left it blank.
D. He asked for help.
5. What is the main idea of this passage
A. A special test in the nursing school.
B. The importance of knowing everyone.
C. A lesson about caring for others.
D. The relationship between students and professors.
Most teenagers are crazy about pop music, but Liu Shen from Beijing No.4 High School has a special interest in musicals and operas. This talented boy has even successfully directed the renowned musical Les Miserables at his school.
Zac Mihajlovic, who is a huge Batman fan from Australia, spent two years building a real Batmobile at home that looks exactly the same as the one in the Batman films. Antanas Kontrimas from Lithuania has an amazing ability. He can use his beard to lift a woman weighing 64kg, which is the heaviest weight lifted by a beard in the world. There is also a newly designed ETE plate that can help you eat healthily. It has five sections, and each shows the right amount of different food groups for a balanced meal.
1. Who spent two years building something
A. Liu Shen.
B. Zac Mihajlovic.
C. Antanas Kontrimas.
D. The author.
2. What can we know about Antanas Kontrimas
A. He is from Australia.
B. He can lift heavy things with his hands.
C. He can lift a woman with his beard.
D. He is a Batman fan.
3. What is the ETE plate used for
A. Helping people build things.
B. Making people famous.
C. Helping people eat healthily.
D. Making people strong.
4. Which of the following is true
A. Liu Shen is not a student.
B. Zac Mihajlovic is from Lithuania.
C. The ETE plate has five sections.
D. Antanas Kontrimas likes musicals.
5. Where might you read this passage
A. In a science book.
B. On a news website.
C. In a fashion magazine.
D. In a sports newspaper.
Students from all over Italy participated in a competition called "The City I Dream Of". They could present their dream cities through various means like paintings, videos, words, poems, models, and more. One student's painting showed an astonishing school bus in his imagined city. Its shape and size could change depending on the parking space. Marianno, who is only six years old, presented his dream city through a video.
In his city, people and nature lived in harmony. Ilaria and Federica's creation was also remarkable. They designed a city in the shape of a spider web, and in their dream city, there were no cars. The organizer stated that children are the future and hoped that their dream cities would one day become a reality.
1. How could students show their dream cities
A. Only by paintings.
B. Only by videos.
C. Through different forms.
D. Through writing stories.
2. What was special about the school bus in the student's painting
A. It could fly.
B. Its color could change.
C. Its shape and size could change.
D. It could talk.
3. How did Marianno show his dream city
A. With a painting.
B. With a poem.
C. With a video.
D. With a model.
4. What was the shape of the city designed by Ilaria and Federica
A. Square.
B. Round.
C. Spider web.
D. Triangle.
5. What did the organizer hope
A. The children would become famous.
B. The children would win prizes.
C. The children's dream cities would come true.
D. The children would have more dreams.
It's never too early to be an inventor. Shubham Banerjee, a 13-year-old eighth-grader from California, came up with a low-cost Braille printer. Last year, as a school science project, the boy first built a Braille printer. He asked his parents a simple question: How do blind people read They told him to search online. Shubham did some research and was shocked to discover that Braille printers, also known as embossers, cost at least $2,000.
This was way too expensive for most blind readers, especially in developing countries. Shubham thought there should be a cheaper way. He wants to develop a desktop Braille printer that costs about $350 and weighs just a few pounds. This machine can be used to print Braille reading materials on paper. Shubham hopes that eventually, most blind people will be able to use his Braille printer.
1. Where is Shubham Banerjee from
A. Australia.
B. California.
C. New York.
D. London.
2. What did Shubham do first to learn about how blind people read
A. Asked his parents.
B. Read books.
C. Did online research.
D. Talked to blind people.
3. Why was Shubham shocked
A. Because the Braille printers were too cheap.
B. Because the Braille printers were too heavy.
C. Because the Braille printers were too expensive.
D. Because the Braille printers were too difficult to use.
4. What does Shubham want to develop
A. A more expensive Braille printer.
B. A cheaper and lighter Braille printer.
C. A Braille printer that can print in color.
D. A Braille printer that can print very fast.
5. What is Shubham's hope
A. To become rich.
B. To become famous.
C. To help most blind people.
D. To win a prize.
When I was a child, I often played outside with the kids in the neighborhood during most of my free time. Hopscotch is a game that kids might really enjoy. It's a great outdoor game that can be played with a group. Use some sidewalk chalk to draw the hopscotch. Number the squares from one to nine. Choose a stone that's suitable for throwing. Small stones might bounce too much, and big ones might be hard to throw. Start by throwing the stone onto Square 1.
Jump over the stone with one or both feet all the way to the end. Then turn around and come back, stopping on Square 2. Standing on one foot, pick up the stone in Square 1 and jump over Square 1 to the beginning. If you throw the stone and it lands in the wrong square, your turn ends. This game can be played by any number of people, but only one person can go at a time. If the weather is bad or it's dark or too cold outside, you can play it indoors.
1. What do you need to play hopscotch
A. A ball.
B. Some chalk and a stone.
C. A rope.
D. Some cards.
2. How do you start playing hopscotch
A. By jumping onto Square 1.
B. By throwing the stone onto Square 1.
C. By picking up the stone.
D. By balancing on one foot.
3. What happens if you throw the stone into the wrong square
A. You can try again.
B. Your turn is over.
C. You win the game.
D. You have to start from the beginning.
4. Can you play hopscotch indoors
A. Yes, if the weather is bad.
B. No, you can only play it outdoors.
C. Yes, but it's not as fun.
D. No, it's an outdoor game only.
5. How many people can play hopscotch at the same time
A. Only one.
B. Two.
C. Any number, but one at a time.
D. As many as you want.
Test 2
First 100 Words
It is one of the top 10 children's books to read in a lifetime. Your little one will have a great time learning essential first words and looking at beautiful pictures with this wonderful bright board book. There are 100 colorful photos that are fun to look at and talk about. Also, there are 100 simple first words for kids to read and learn.
This book is suitable for children aged 1 to 3. The price of each book is $3.62. The writer, Roger Priddy, has written more than 200 best-selling books for young children. Some of his famous works include Wipe Clean ABC, First 100 Words, and Fuzzy Bee. His love for children makes his books very popular. His books have been translated into over 30 languages.
1. What kind of book is First 100 Words
A. A storybook.
B. A picture book.
C. A textbook.
D. A dictionary.
2. How much should Mrs. Green pay if she wants to buy three books
A. $3.62.
B. $7.24.
C. $10.86.
D. $14.48.
3. What is Roger Priddy famous for
A. His love for children.
B. Writing many books.
C. Translating books.
D. Drawing pictures.
4. Which of the following is TRUE about First 100 Words
A. It has 200 words.
B. It's for older children.
C. It has many black and white photos.
D. It's very popular.
5. What can we learn from the passage
A. Roger Priddy is a teacher.
B. Children don't like First 100 Words.
C. Roger Priddy's books are in many languages.
D. First 100 Words is very expensive.
Savignano is an ordinary teacher in Colombia. He has a very interesting library. It has 40 thousand books and magazines. Every weekend, his eight donkeys carry these books to the countryside. The children there love the books and kindly call it the "donkey library".
Savignano started this special library because many poor children in the countryside couldn't go to school. They missed many chances to study. Savignano wanted to help them. He hoped the children could read more books and learn a lot. Savignano has spent 40 years on his special library. Some reporters asked him why he could keep doing this. He said, "If you want to know the answer, just ask the children. The eagerness for knowledge in their eyes is the best explanation."
1. How often do the donkeys carry the books to the countryside
A. Every day.
B. Every week.
C. Every month.
D. Every year.
2. What did Savignano do to help the poor children
A. He gave them money.
B. He taught them at home.
C. He started the "donkey library".
D. He sent them to school.
3. What does the word "eagerness" mean
A. Sadness.
B. Happiness.
C. Hopefulness.
D. Longing.
4. How long has Savignano had the library
A. 10 years.
B. 20 years.
C. 30 years.
D. 40 years.
5. What can we learn from Savignano
A. We should have many books.
B. We should help others.
C. We should love animals.
D. We should read more.
Two students had a strong desire to write a detailed report about the traffic situation around their school. They believed that understanding the flow of cars near the school would provide valuable insights. So, they made a firm decision to count the number of cars passing by their school throughout the day. To achieve this, they understood that collecting accurate information was crucial. This task was not easy as it required a lot of time and effort.
It took them a full two weeks to gather all the essential data needed for their comprehensive report. During this period, they faced many challenges. Sometimes, they were so busy with their own classes and studies that they couldn't do the counting alone. Therefore, they even had to seek assistance from other students. They asked these classmates to help count the cars when they had spare time at school. Through their hard work and teamwork, they finally managed to complete the data collection.
New questions:
1. What was the main purpose of the two students' counting the cars
A. To have fun.
B. To prepare for a test.
C. To write a report.
D. To win a prize.
2. How did the two students feel during the data collection process
A. Relaxed.
B. Nervous.
C. Tired.
D. Excited.
3. Besides asking classmates for help, what else did the two students do to complete the task
A. Stayed up late.
B. Skipped classes.
C. Used special tools.
D. Spent weekends working.
4. What did the two students learn from this experience
A. The importance of traffic rules.
B. The value of teamwork.
C. How to drive a car.
D. Different car models.
5. If they wanted to do a better job next time, what should they do
A. Count more cars.
B. Collect data for a longer time.
C. Use advanced technology.
D. Work independently.
Ashima Shiraishi was really busy making some amazing achievements. Last year, while most kids were having fun during their spring break, this girl successfully climbed a very challenging rock wall in Santa Linya, Spain. She became the first woman and the youngest person ever to complete this difficult climb. And it only took her ten minutes. Ashima was born on April 3, 2001, in the United States. Her parents come from Japan.
She began this sport when she was just six years old. She practices climbing almost every day after school. She loves climbing because it makes her feel great when she reaches the top. She travels around the world to climb the toughest rock walls in her spare time. "I'm really excited and happy," Ashima said after climbing the huge rock wall in Spain. "For every difficult climb, the hardest part is the mental challenge. That's the most important. I'm glad I didn't give up and reached the end." Just like most kids her age, she celebrated her success with an ice cream.
1. How old was Ashima when she climbed the rock wall in Spain
A. 13 years old.
B. 16 years old.
C. 18 years old.
D. 20 years old.
2. Why did Ashima like climbing
A. Because it was easy.
B. Because it made her famous.
C. Because it made her feel good.
D. Because her parents asked her to do it.
3. How often did Ashima practice climbing
A. Every day.
B. Only on weekends.
C. Only on holidays.
D. Once a week.
4. What was the most important for climbing according to Ashima
A. Physical strength.
B. Good equipment.
C. The mental game.
D. A lot of money.
5. What did Ashima do to celebrate her success
A. She had a party.
B. She bought some new clothes.
C. She ate an ice cream.
D. She went on a trip.
When Charlie got up one morning, he looked out of the window and saw that the ground was all covered with snow. On the side of the house, the snow was even higher than Charlie.
"We must have a path through this snow," said his father. "I would make one if I had time, but I must be at the office early this morning. Do you think you could make the path, my son " he asked little Charlie. "I Why The snow is higher than me! How could I cut a path through that snow "
"How You can do it little by little. I hope you will try," said the father. Then his father left for his office.
Later, Charlie set to work. He threw away one shovelful, and then another; but it was slow work.
"Mom!" he said. "I don't think I can do it. You see, a shovelful is so little, and there is so much snow."
"Little by little, Charlie," said his mother. "That snow fell flake by flake, but you see how much it has made."
"Yes, Mother, I see," said Charlie. "If I throw it away little by little, it will soon be gone." So he worked on.
When his father came home to dinner, he was pleased to see the fine path. The next day was Charlie's birthday, and the father gave little Charlie a pen, with yellow letters "Little by Little" on it.
( )1. Charlie's father left home before Charlie started to make the path.
( )2. Charlie thought it was easy to make the path through the snow at first.
( )3. Charlie's mother didn't help him make the path.
( )4. Charlie finished making the path very quickly.
( )5. Charlie's father didn't like the path when he came home.
Test 3
Here are some messages that Tina received yesterday. Let's take a close look at them and find the right answers to the questions. Tina, Happy Feet is showing now at New Times Theater. Do you have the interest to watch it This is from Chris. Tina, Please buy some milk and sugar on your way back home. Thank you! It's from Jack. Tina, I discovered a new type of dog food named Rover and my dog just loves it.
You should get some for your dog Lucky! This message is from Lisa. Tina, I'm going to hold a birthday party next weekend. Do come and join us! It's from Jenny. Tina, One of your students called you. His number is on your desk. This is from Alice. Tina, Mr. White said that your car is fine. You can go and pick it up between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. tomorrow. It's from Steve.
1. What is Happy Feet
A. A play.
B. A film.
C. A book.
D. A song.
2. What can we know about Rover
A. It's a pet.
B. It's a person.
C. It's a kind of food for dogs.
D. It's a name of a place.
3. What did Jenny invite Tina to do
A. To go shopping.
B. To have a party.
C. To go on a trip.
D. To watch a movie.
4. Who asked Tina to buy something
A. Jack and Lisa.
B. Chris and Jack.
C. Jenny and Lisa.
D. Alice and Steve.
5. What did Mr. White do for Tina
A. He fixed her car.
B. He cleaned her car.
C. He checked her car.
D. He sold her a car.
Do you know the Air Quality Index (AQI) that is reported in the newspaper The AQI helps us understand how the air quality around us affects our health. It uses colors, numbers, and words to give us information about the air. But what exactly do these colors and numbers mean Let's take a closer look.
The AQI comes in different colors like green, yellow, orange, red, and purple. Each color has a corresponding AQI number range and a description of how it affects our health. For example, when the AQI color is green, it means the air is very clean and good for everyone. Yellow indicates that the air quality is okay for most people. Orange warns that people with lung problems should limit their time outdoors. Red means that people with lung issues and active children and adults should avoid spending too much time outside. And purple shows that everyone should try to stay indoors as much as possible.
1. What doesn't the AQI use to show the air quality
A. Maps.
B. Colors.
C. Numbers.
D. Words.
2. When is the air quality good for most people according to the AQI
A. When the color is orange.
B. When the color is yellow.
C. When the color is red.
D. When the color is purple.
3. If the AQI is 250 today, what should we do
A. Go outside and enjoy the air.
B. Stay outside for a short time.
C. Try not to go outside.
D. Go outside and do exercise.
4. Which statement is correct based on the passage
A. When the AQI number is 140, the color is red.
B. When the AQI color is purple, the air is the best.
C. People with lung diseases are sensitive to the air quality.
D. The AQI is useless for knowing the air quality.
Walking makes children healthier. In the UK, there is an activity called WoW (Walk once a Week), which has been ongoing since 1995. The main idea of this activity is to lower the number of cars on the road during the busy time of the day.
In 2015, this activity was a huge success. A large number of parents decided to leave their cars at home and walk with their children to school instead. In fact, more than one million children from over 4,000 schools participated in this activity.
Andy Bready, one of the organizers of the activity, said, "It would be wonderful if more people left their cars at home and walked their children to school. It saves money and improves the traffic around the school gates. It's not only fun but also good for people's health."
In fact, one fifth of people in the UK use a car during the busy time of the day to pick up their children after school. But many of these children live very close to the school. It takes them less than ten minutes to walk to school!
1. What does WoW stand for
A. Walk on Wednesday.
B. Walk or Work.
C. Walk once a Week.
D. World Wide Web.
2. What does the word " participated " mean in Chinese
A. 增加
B. 减少
C. 保持
D. 统计
3. Who is Andy Bready
A. A teacher.
B. A parent.
C. An organizer.
D. A student.
4. Which of the following is true
A. WoW started in 2015.
B. There are over 4,000 schools in the UK.
C. WoW can save money and improve traffic.
D. Over one million teachers took part in WoW in 2015.
5. What's the best title for the passage
A. Children and Schools
B. Saving Money
C. Traffic Problems
D. Walking to School
A young doctor came to work in a small neighborhood to replace the old doctor. Then, the old doctor showed him around the area.
At the first house, a woman said she felt a bit sick in her stomach. The old doctor checked her briefly and said, "Well, it's because you ate too much fresh fruit. You should eat less next time."
As they left, the young doctor asked, "You didn't even examine her thoroughly. How did you know that so surely "
"You saw the banana peels on the ground That likely made her sick."
At the next house, they spent some time chatting with another woman. She said, "I'm feeling tired now and have no appetite."
The old doctor inspected her house carefully and then said, "Well, stay in bed for three days and don't do anything else from today. You'll get better soon."
As they left, the young doctor questioned, "But how did you know this time "
"Well, didn't you see the fresh soil around her shoes under the bed She's been working too hard recently. So she really needs a good rest."
1. How many doctors were there in the neighborhood originally
A. One.
B. Two.
C. Three.
D. Four.
2. Where did the story take place
A. In a village.
B. In a city.
C. In a neighborhood.
D. In a hospital.
3. How did the old doctor know the women's illnesses
A. By asking them many questions.
B. By observing things around them.
C. By giving them medicine.
D. By using special equipment.
4. Why was the second woman tired
A. Because she was ill.
B. Because she didn't sleep well.
C. Because she ate too much.
D. Because she worked hard.
5. What's a suitable title for the passage
A. Two Skillful Doctors
B. Two Sick Women
C. A Smart Old Doctor
D. A Busy Neighborhood
There was a small boy living on a farm. Every morning he needed to get up before the sun rose to do his daily tasks. During sunrise, he would take a break and climb up on the fence. He could see a house far away with golden windows. How beautiful it seemed! His mind would imagine all the wonderful things in that house. He then said to himself, "Some day I will go there and see this wonderful place."
Then, one morning his father told him not to do the chores. Knowing this was a chance, he packed a sandwich and headed towards the house with the golden windows.
In the afternoon he reached the house. He saw no golden windows. All he saw was a place that needed painting badly.
He went to the door and knocked. A small boy about his age opened the door. He asked the boy if he had seen the house with golden windows. The boy said, "Sure, I know!" And he invited him to sit on the porch.
He looked back from where he just came. There the sunset turned the windows of his house to gold.
1. What did the boy do during sunrise
A. He did his chores.
B. He had breakfast.
C. He climbed up on the fence.
D. He played with his friends.
2. What did the boy think of the house with golden windows
A. It was old.
B. It was beautiful.
C. It was small.
D. It was strange.
3. Why did the boy go to the house
A. To visit a friend.
B. To see the golden windows.
C. To help paint the house.
D. To find a place to rest.
4. Who opened the door for the boy
A. A girl.
B. An old man.
C. A boy of his age.
D. A woman.
5. What happened at the end of the story
A. The boy found the golden windows.
B. The boy went back home.
C. The boy stayed in the house.
D. The boy saw his own house with golden windows.
Test 4
Most children are fond of visiting Disneyland. But do you know these hidden facts It's not an easy task to keep the park clean. Every night after the park closes, approximately 200 cats sneak into the park. Thanks to them, there are hardly any pests in the park. They are like diligent workers for the park. In the 1950s, Walt Disney had an apartment within the park.
When the light in his house was on, people knew the owner of the park was present. Nowadays, the light remains on all the time to honor him. Also, at Disneyland, Mickey Mouse logos are everywhere. Nevertheless, there are numerous "Hidden Mickeys" in the park, and they are often tough to spot. Nobody knows exactly how many "Hidden Mickeys" there are in the park.
1. What helps keep the park free of pests
A. Workers.
B. Cats.
C. Lights.
D. Logos.
2. How many "Hidden Mickeys" are there in the park
A. Nobody knows.
B. About 200.
C. Hundreds.
D. A few.
3. When did Walt Disney have an apartment in the park
A. In the 1940s.
B. In the 1950s.
C. In the 1960s.
D. In the 1970s.
4. Why is the light in Walt Disney's house always on now
A. To save electricity.
B. To show it's empty.
C. To honor him.
D. To scare pests away.
5. What can we learn from the passage about Disneyland
A. Its history.
B. Its workers.
C. Its secrets.
D. Its visitors.
Dubai is always a pioneer in new design concepts. You must have heard of the world's tallest building, the Burj Khalifa. But now, you'll surely be astonished to hear that designers are planning to construct a hotel underwater. The designers from Deep Ocean Technology (DOT) hope this hotel can fulfill the desire of holidaymakers to explore the deep ocean.
The hotel is named "Water Discus Hotel". It resembles a spaceship. It offers you views of life beneath the water. The hotel consists of two main parts. One is above the water surface and the other is underwater. The two parts are linked by three "legs". The underwater section is situated up to 10 meters deep and contains 21 hotel rooms. A special lighting system illuminates the area outside. Advanced technology tools in the rooms enable guests to have a closer look at even the tiniest sea creatures. Nervous swimmers needn't worry at all because DOT guarantees that the hotel is built very safely.
1. What is the Water Discus Hotel like
A. A boat.
B. A spaceship.
C. A fish.
D. A bird.
2. How many "legs" connect the two parts of the hotel
A. Two.
B. Three.
C. Four.
D. Five.
3. What can guests do in the underwater rooms
A. See the smallest sea creatures.
B. Swim in the sea.
C. Catch fish.
D. Build a house.
4. Where might you read this passage
A. In a science book.
B. In a storybook.
C. In a travel magazine.
D. In a history book.
5. What is the main idea of the passage
A. The tallest building in the world.
B. A new design of a hotel.
C. Deep Ocean Technology.
D. A special lighting system.
Peter's uncle lives in the countryside. Once Peter went to the countryside for his summer vacation. During that time, Peter traveled with his uncle for several weeks. Whenever they went for a walk or a drive in the car and passed someone, his uncle would wave. Peter was quite surprised and said, "Uncle George, it seems you know everyone here. Where did you meet all of them " "I don't actually know all these people," his uncle replied. "Then why do you wave to them " Peter asked.
"Well, Peter," his uncle answered, "When I wave to someone who knows me, they feel happy. They continue their journey with a more cheerful heart. But when I wave to someone who doesn't know me, they are surprised and think to themselves, 'Who is that man Why did he wave to me Have I ever seen him before ' So they have something to ponder during the rest of their journey, and that makes their dull journey seem shorter. Thus, I make everyone happy."
1. How did Peter feel when he saw his uncle waving to others
A. Happy.
B. Sad.
C. Surprised.
D. Angry.
2. Why does Peter's uncle wave to people he doesn't know
A. To make friends.
B. To be polite.
C. To make them think.
D. To make their journey less boring.
3. Where did Peter go for his summer vacation
A. To a city.
B. To his uncle's home in the countryside.
C. To a park.
D. To a zoo.
4. What kind of person is Peter's uncle
A. Kind.
B. Quiet.
C. Lazy.
D. Rude.
5. What can we learn from the passage
A. We should wave to strangers.
B. We should make others happy.
C. We should travel with others.
D. We should talk to strangers.
It's very common to see people walking their dogs in Shanghai. But it's quite rare to see dogs leading people. These "people-leading" dogs are special. They are guide dogs and their owners are blind. Trained guide dogs in Europe and America have been helping blind people since the early 20th century, but it's a novel thing in China. A guide dog training center was established in Shanghai in 2007, and there were only around twenty working guide dogs in the city at that time.
There was a city regulation that pets and animals weren't allowed in shops and hospitals. That's why many guide dogs and their owners were prohibited when they went shopping or attempted to take a bus. However, guide dogs aren't really pets. They are working dogs whose job is to assist blind people in walking. Shanghai enacted a law in 2011: Guide dogs and their owners should be permitted to enter shops or hospitals. Now, blind people and their guide dogs can access many shops. But the law hasn't made a significant impact. Only by opening people's eyes and changing most people's attitudes can guide dogs and their owners go wherever anyone else can.
1. What are guide dogs used for
A. For playing.
B. For showing.
C. For helping the blind.
D. For making money.
2. When was the guide dog training center set up in Shanghai
A. In 2000.
B. In 2007.
C. In 2011.
D. In 2015.
3. Why weren't guide dogs and their owners allowed in some places before 2011
A. Because of the law.
B. Because of the dogs.
C. Because of the owners.
D. Because of the shops.
4. What is needed for guide dogs and their owners to go anywhere
A. More laws.
B. More training centers.
C. People's understanding.
D. People's money.
5. What is the main idea of the passage
A. The history of guide dogs.
B. The problems of guide dogs.
C. The life of blind people.
D. The situation of guide dogs in Shanghai.
Natalie Portman, a renowned actress, has now ventured into directing. Recently, she presented her new film, A Tale of Love and Darkness, at the Cannes Film Festival. This time, she wasn't just a director. She also penned the script for the film and starred in it. Everyone acknowledges that Natalie is a gifted actress. She became a well-known child star with the film The Professional when she was merely eleven.
Since then, she has featured in numerous films. She clinched the Academy Award for Best Actress in 2010 for her outstanding performance in Black Swan. Now, she is showcasing her talent and aspiration behind the camera with A Tale of Love and Darkness. Her directing prowess has once again astounded the world. The film narrates the story of a boy named Oz during the early years of the State of Israel. The film is based on a renowned tale authored by the Israeli writer Amos Oz. Natalie has a particular sentiment towards the book because she was born into a Jewish family.
1. What did Natalie Portman do for her new film
A. Just directed.
B. Just acted.
C. Directed, wrote and acted.
D. None of the above.
2. When did Natalie Portman become a famous child star
A. At the age of 10.
B. At the age of 11.
C. At the age of 12.
D. At the age of 13.
3. What did Natalie Portman win in 2010
A. A prize for directing.
B. A prize for writing.
C. The Academy Award for Best Actress.
D. None of the above.
4. What is the film A Tale of Love and Darkness based on
A. A story by Natalie Portman.
B. A story by Amos Oz.
C. A story by a Jewish writer.
D. None of the above.
5. Why does Natalie Portman have a special feeling towards the book
A. Because it's interesting.
B. Because she likes the writer.
C. Because she was born in a Jewish family.
D. None of the above.
Test 1
1. D
2. B
3. C
4. C
5. C
1. B
2. C
3. D
4. D
5. B
1. C
2. C
3. D
4. B
5. C
1. B
2. C
3. C
4. B
5. C
1. √
2. ×
3. √
4. ×
5. ×
Test 2
1. B
2. C
3. B
4. D
5. C
1. B
2. C
3. D
4. D
5. B
1. C
2. B
3. D
4. B
5. D
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. C
5. C
1. C
2. B
3. C
4. B
5. C
Test 3
1. B
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. C
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. C
5. C
1. C
2. B
3. C
4. C
5. D
1. A
2. C
3. B
4. D
5. C
1. C
2. B
3. B
4. C
5. D
Test 4
1. B
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. C
1. B
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. B
1. C
2. D
3. B
4. A
5. B
1. C
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. D
1. C
2. B
3. C
4. B
5. C



