
(2024·新高考Ⅱ卷) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Choice of Walks for Beginner and Experienced Walkers
The Carlow Autumn Walking Festival is a great opportunity for the beginner, experienced or advanced walker to enjoy the challenges of Carlow's mountain hikes or the peace of its woodland walks.
Walk 1-The Natural World
With environmentalist anna Lamhna as the guide, this walk promises to be an informative tour. Walkers are sure to learn lots about the habitats and natural world of the Blackstairs.
Date and Time: Saturday, 1st October, at 09: 00
Start Point: Scratoes Bridge
Walk Duration: 6 hours
Walk 2-Introduction to Hillwalking
Emmanuel Chappard, an experienced guide, has a passion for making the great outdoors accessible to all. This mountain walk provides an insight into the skills required for hillwalking to ensure you get the most from future walking trips.
Date and Time: Sunday, 2nd October, at 09: 00
Start Point: Deerpark Car Park
Walk Duration: 5 hours
Walk 3-MoonlightUnder the Stars
Walking at night-time is a great way to step out of your comfort zone. Breathtaking views of the lowlands of Carlow can be enjoyed in the presence of welcoming guides from local walking clubs. A torch(手电筒)along with suitable clothing is essential for walking in the dark. Those who are dressed inappropriately will be refused permission to participate.
Date and Time: Saturday, 1st October, at 18: 30
Start Point: The Town Hall
Walk Duration: 3 hours
Walk 4-Photographic Walk inKilbrannish Forest
This informative walk led by Richard Smyth introduces you to the basic principles of photography in the wild. Bring along your camera and enjoy the wonderful views along this well-surfaced forest path.
Date and Time: Sunday, 2nd October, at 11: 45
Start Point: Kilbrannish Forest Recreation Area
Walk Duration: 1.5 hours
1.Which walk takes the shortest time
A.The Natural World.
B.Introduction to Hillwalking.
C.Moonlight Under the Stars.
D.Photographic Walk in Kilbrannish Forest.
2.What are participants in Walk 3 required to do
A.Wear proper clothes. B.Join a walking club.
C.Get special permits. D.Bring a survival guide.
3.What do the four walks have in common
A.They involve difficult climbing.
B.They are for experienced walkers.
C.They share the same start point.
D.They are scheduled for the weekend.
【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了适合初学者和有经验者的四次步行活动的信息。 卡尔洛秋季步行节为初学者、有经验及资深步行者提供了挑战卡洛山脉徒步或享受其林地宁静步行的绝佳机会。活动包括多个步行路线,如环境学家埃安娜·拉姆纳带领的"自然世界"徒步,介绍山地徒步所需技能的"山地徒步入门",夜间进行的"星光下的月光漫步",以及由理查德·史密斯指导的"基尔布兰尼什森林摄影徒步"。这些活动涵盖了不同时长和难度,旨在让参与者在大自然中学习和享受。
1.细节理解题。根据标题1"Walk 1-The Natural World"下的"Walk Duration: 6 hours"、根据标题2"Walk 2-Introduction to Hillwalking"下的"Walk Duration: 5 hours"、 根据标题3"Walk 3-MoonlightUnder the Stars"下的"Walk Duration: 3 hours"和 根据标题4"Walk 4-Photographic Walk inKilbrannish Forest"下的"Walk Duration: 1.5 hours",可知用时最短的步行是Walk 4-Photographic Walk inKilbrannish Forest,它耗时1.5小时,故选D。
2.细节理解题。根据标题3"Walk 3-MoonlightUnder the Stars "下的"Those who are dressed inappropriately will be refused permission to participate着装不得体者将被拒绝参加",可知参与要被要求穿合适的衣物,故选A。
3.推理判断题。根据标题1"Walk 1-The Natural World"下的"Date and Time: Saturday, 1st October, at 09: 00"、根据标题2"Walk 2-Introduction to Hillwalking"下的"Date and Time: Sunday, 2nd October, at 09: 00"、 根据标题3"Walk 3-MoonlightUnder the Stars"下的"Date and Time: Saturday, 1st October, at 18: 30"和 根据标题4"Walk 4-Photographic Walk inKilbrannish Forest"下的"Date and Time: Sunday, 2nd October, at 11: 45",可知四次步行活动的共同之处是都计划在了周末举行,故选D。
(2024·新高考Ⅰ卷) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Help restore and protect Marin's natural areas from the Marin Headlands to Bolinas Ridge. We'll explore beautiful park sites while conducting invasive(侵入的)plant removal, winter planting, and seed collection. Habitat Restoration Team volunteers play a vital role in restoring sensitive resources and protecting endangered species across the ridges and valleys.
Groups of five or more require special arrangements and must be confirmed in advance. Please review the List of Available Projects and fill out the Group Project Request Form.
Volunteers aged 10 and over are welcome. Read our Youth Policy Guidelines for youth under the age of 15.
Bring your completed Volunteer Agreement Form. Volunteers under the age of18 must have the parent /guardian approval section signed.
We'll be working rain or shine. Wear clothes that can get dirty. Bring layers for changing weather and a raincoat if necessary.
Bring a personal water bottle, sunscreen, and lunch.
No experience necessary. Training and tools will be provided. Fulfills(满足)community service requirements.
Time Meeting Location
Sunday, Jan.15 10:00am-1:00pm Battery Alexander Trailhead
Sunday, Jan.22 10:00am-2:30pm Stinson Beach Parking Lot
Sunday, Jan.29 9:30am-2:30pm Coyote Ridge Trailhead
4. What is the aim of the Habitat Restoration Team
A.To discover mineral resources.
B.To develop new wildlife parks.
C.To protect the local ecosystem
D.To conduct biological research.
5. What is the lower age limit for joining the Habitat Restoration Team
A.5. B.10. C.15. D.18.
6. What are the volunteers expected to do
A.Bring their own tools. B.Work even in bad weather.
C.Wear a team uniform D.Do at least three projects.
【解析】【分析】本文是一篇应用文,介绍了HABITAT RESTORATIONTEAM招募志愿者的要求和活动安排。
4.推理判断题。根据第一段中的"We'll explore beautiful park sites while conducting invasive(侵入的)plant removal, winter planting, and seed collection. Habitat Restoration Team volunteers play a vital role in restoring sensitive resources and protecting endangered species across the ridges and valleys我们将探索美丽的公园遗址,同时进行入侵植物的清除,冬季种植和种子收集。Habitat Restoration Team的志愿者在恢复敏感资源和保护山脊和山谷中的濒危物种方面发挥着至关重要的作用",结合选项,可知Habitat Restoration Team的目的应是保护当地的生态系统,故选C。
5.细节理解题。根据小标题"AGE, SKILLS, WHAT TO BRING"下第一段中的"Volunteers aged 10 and over are welcome欢迎10岁及以上的志愿者参加",可知加入Habitat Restoration Team的最低年龄限制是10岁,故选B。
6.细节理解题。根据小标题"AGE, SKILLS, WHAT TO BRING"下第三段中的"We'll be working rain or shine. Wear clothes that can get dirty. Bring layers for changing weather and a raincoat if necessary我们将风雨无阻地工作。穿容易弄脏的衣服。多带几层衣服以应对多变的天气,必要时带上雨衣",可知志愿者们即使天气不好也要工作,故选B。
(2024·浙江) 阅读理解
Tom Sawyer Play Is an Adventure
A 35-minute hand-clapping, foot-stomping musical version of a Mark Twain favorite returns with this Tall Stacks festival.
"Tom Sawyer: A River Adventure" has all the good stuff, including the fence painting, the graveyard, the island and the cave. It is adapted by Joe McDonough, with music by David Kisor. That's the local stage writing team that creates many of the Children's Theatre of Cincinnati's original musicals, along with the holiday family musicals at Ensemble Theatre.
This year Nathan Turner of Burlington is Tom Sawyer, and Robbie McMath of Fort Mitchell is Huck Finn.
Tumer, a 10th-grader at School for Creative and Performing Arts, is a familiar presence on Cincinnati's stages. He is a star act or of Children's Theatre, having played leading roles in "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" and "The Wizard of Oz, " and is fresh from Jersey Production "Ragtime".
McMath is a junior at Beechwood High School. He was in the cast of "Tom Sewyer" when it was first performed and is a Children's Theatre regular, with five shows to his credit. This summer he attended Kentucky's Governor's School for the Arts in Musical Theatre.
Note to teachers: Children's Theatre has a study guide demonstrating how math and science can be taught through "Tom Sawyer. " For downloadable lessons, visit the official website of Children's Theatre.
7.Who wrote the music for "Tom Sawyer: A River Adventure"
A.David Kisor. B.Joe McDonough.
C.Nathan Turner. D.Robbie McMath.
8.What can we learn about the two actors
A.They study in the same school.
B.They worked together in "Ragtime".
C.They are experienced on stage.
D.They became friends ten years ago.
9.What does Children's Theatre provide for teachers
A.Research funding. B.Training opportunities.
C.Technical support. D.Educational resources.
7.考查细节理解。根据第二段中的"It is adapted by Joe McDonough, with music by David Kisor."本剧由乔·麦克多诺改编,大卫·基索作曲。可知,本剧是由大卫·基索作曲的。故选A。
8.考查细节理解。根据第四段"Tumer, a 10th-grader at School for Creative and Performing Arts, is a familiar presence on Cincinnati's stages. He is a star act or of Children's Theatre, having played leading roles in 'The Legend of Sleepy Hollow' and 'The Wizard of Oz' and is fresh from Jersey Production ‘Ragtime'."Tumer是一名创意与表演艺术学校的10年级学生,是辛辛那提舞台上的常客。他是儿童剧院的明星演员,曾在《断头谷的传说》和《绿野仙踪》中担任主角,也是新泽西制作公司‘Ragtime'的新成员。可知,Tumer是辛辛那提舞台上的常客,儿童剧院的明星演员,曾在《断头谷的传说》和《绿野仙踪》中担任主角;以及第五段中的"McMath is a junior at Beechwood High School. He was in the cast of‘Tom Sewyer' when it was first performed and is a Children's Theatre regular, with five shows to his credit."McMath是比奇伍德高中的三年级学生。他是《汤姆·休厄》首演时的演员,也是儿童剧院的常客,演出了五场。可知,McMath也是儿童剧院的常客。所以说,这两位演员在舞台上经验丰富。故选C。
9.考查细节理解。根据最后一段"Note to teachers: Children's Theatre has a study guide demonstrating how math and science can be taught through ‘Tom Sawyer.' For downloadable lessons, visit the official website of Children's Theatre."给老师们的提示:儿童剧院有一份学习指南,展示了如何通过《汤姆·索亚》教授数学和科学。如欲下载课程,请访问儿童剧院官方网站。可知,儿童剧院为教师提供了一份学习指南,展示如何通过《汤姆·索亚》教授数学和科学,可通过儿童剧院的网站下载课程。所以说,儿童剧院为教师提供了教育资源。故选D。
Bike Rental & Guided Tours
Welcome to Amsterdam, welcome to MacBike. You see much more from the seat of a bike! Cycling is the most economical, sustainable and fun way to explore the city, with its beautiful canals, parks, squares and countless lights. You can also bike along lovely landscapes outside of Amsterdam.
Why MacBike
MacBike has been around for almost 30 years and is the biggest bicycle rental company in Amsterdam. With over 2,500 bikes stored in our five rental shops at strategic locations, we make sure there is always a bike available for you. We offer the newest bicycles in a wide variety, including basic bikes with foot brake (刹车), bikes with hand brake and gears (排挡), bikes with child seats, and children's bikes.
  Hand Brake, Three Gears Foot Brake, No Gears
1 hour ?7.50 ?5.00
3 hours ?11.00 ?7.50
1 day (24 hours) ?14.75 ?9.75
Each additional day ?8.00 ?6.00
Guided City Tours
The 2.5-hour tour covers the Gooyer Windmill, the Skinny Bridge, the Rijksmuseum, Heineken Brewery and much more. The tour departs from Dam Square every hour on the hour, starting at 1:00 pm every day. You can buy your ticket in a MacBike shop or book online.
10.What is an advantage of MacBike
A.It gives children a discount. B.It offers many types of bikes.
C.It organizes free cycle tours. D.It has over 2,500 rental shops.
11.How much do you pay for renting a bike with hand brake and three gears for two days
A.?15.75. B.?19.50. C.?22.75. D.?29.50.
12.Where does the guided city tour start
A.The Gooyer, Windmill. B.The Skinny Bridge.
C.Heineken Brewery. D.Dam Square.
10.细节理解题。根据标题Why MacBike下的“We offer the newest bicycles in a wide variety, including basic bikes with foot brake (刹车), bikes with hand brake and gears (排挡), bikes with child seats, and children's bikes我们提供各种各样的最新自行车,包括带脚刹车的基本自行车,带手刹车和齿轮的自行车,带儿童座椅的自行车和儿童自行车”,可知MacBike为客户提供多种类型自行车以供选择,故选B。
11.细节理解题。根据表格第二列Hand Brake, Three Gears下的信息可知,租两天带手刹和3档自行车的费用是14.75+8.00=22.75,故选C。
12.细节理解题。根据标题Guided City Tours下的“The tour departs from Dam Square every hour on the hour, starting at 1:00 pm every day每天下午1点开始,每小时整点从大坝广场出发”,可知出发地是Dam Square,故选D。
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
(2024·新高考Ⅱ卷) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Choice of Walks for Beginner and Experienced Walkers
The Carlow Autumn Walking Festival is a great opportunity for the beginner, experienced or advanced walker to enjoy the challenges of Carlow's mountain hikes or the peace of its woodland walks.
Walk 1-The Natural World
With environmentalist anna Lamhna as the guide, this walk promises to be an informative tour. Walkers are sure to learn lots about the habitats and natural world of the Blackstairs.
Date and Time: Saturday, 1st October, at 09: 00
Start Point: Scratoes Bridge
Walk Duration: 6 hours
Walk 2-Introduction to Hillwalking
Emmanuel Chappard, an experienced guide, has a passion for making the great outdoors accessible to all. This mountain walk provides an insight into the skills required for hillwalking to ensure you get the most from future walking trips.
Date and Time: Sunday, 2nd October, at 09: 00
Start Point: Deerpark Car Park
Walk Duration: 5 hours
Walk 3-MoonlightUnder the Stars
Walking at night-time is a great way to step out of your comfort zone. Breathtaking views of the lowlands of Carlow can be enjoyed in the presence of welcoming guides from local walking clubs. A torch(手电筒)along with suitable clothing is essential for walking in the dark. Those who are dressed inappropriately will be refused permission to participate.
Date and Time: Saturday, 1st October, at 18: 30
Start Point: The Town Hall
Walk Duration: 3 hours
Walk 4-Photographic Walk inKilbrannish Forest
This informative walk led by Richard Smyth introduces you to the basic principles of photography in the wild. Bring along your camera and enjoy the wonderful views along this well-surfaced forest path.
Date and Time: Sunday, 2nd October, at 11: 45
Start Point: Kilbrannish Forest Recreation Area
Walk Duration: 1.5 hours
1.Which walk takes the shortest time
A.The Natural World.
B.Introduction to Hillwalking.
C.Moonlight Under the Stars.
D.Photographic Walk in Kilbrannish Forest.
2.What are participants in Walk 3 required to do
A.Wear proper clothes. B.Join a walking club.
C.Get special permits. D.Bring a survival guide.
3.What do the four walks have in common
A.They involve difficult climbing.
B.They are for experienced walkers.
C.They share the same start point.
D.They are scheduled for the weekend.
(2024·新高考Ⅰ卷) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Help restore and protect Marin's natural areas from the Marin Headlands to Bolinas Ridge. We'll explore beautiful park sites while conducting invasive(侵入的)plant removal, winter planting, and seed collection. Habitat Restoration Team volunteers play a vital role in restoring sensitive resources and protecting endangered species across the ridges and valleys.
Groups of five or more require special arrangements and must be confirmed in advance. Please review the List of Available Projects and fill out the Group Project Request Form.
Volunteers aged 10 and over are welcome. Read our Youth Policy Guidelines for youth under the age of 15.
Bring your completed Volunteer Agreement Form. Volunteers under the age of18 must have the parent /guardian approval section signed.
We'll be working rain or shine. Wear clothes that can get dirty. Bring layers for changing weather and a raincoat if necessary.
Bring a personal water bottle, sunscreen, and lunch.
No experience necessary. Training and tools will be provided. Fulfills(满足)community service requirements.
Time Meeting Location
Sunday, Jan.15 10:00am-1:00pm Battery Alexander Trailhead
Sunday, Jan.22 10:00am-2:30pm Stinson Beach Parking Lot
Sunday, Jan.29 9:30am-2:30pm Coyote Ridge Trailhead
4. What is the aim of the Habitat Restoration Team
A.To discover mineral resources.
B.To develop new wildlife parks.
C.To protect the local ecosystem
D.To conduct biological research.
5. What is the lower age limit for joining the Habitat Restoration Team
A.5. B.10. C.15. D.18.
6. What are the volunteers expected to do
A.Bring their own tools. B.Work even in bad weather.
C.Wear a team uniform D.Do at least three projects.
(2024·浙江) 阅读理解
Tom Sawyer Play Is an Adventure
A 35-minute hand-clapping, foot-stomping musical version of a Mark Twain favorite returns with this Tall Stacks festival.
"Tom Sawyer: A River Adventure" has all the good stuff, including the fence painting, the graveyard, the island and the cave. It is adapted by Joe McDonough, with music by David Kisor. That's the local stage writing team that creates many of the Children's Theatre of Cincinnati's original musicals, along with the holiday family musicals at Ensemble Theatre.
This year Nathan Turner of Burlington is Tom Sawyer, and Robbie McMath of Fort Mitchell is Huck Finn.
Tumer, a 10th-grader at School for Creative and Performing Arts, is a familiar presence on Cincinnati's stages. He is a star act or of Children's Theatre, having played leading roles in "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" and "The Wizard of Oz, " and is fresh from Jersey Production "Ragtime".
McMath is a junior at Beechwood High School. He was in the cast of "Tom Sewyer" when it was first performed and is a Children's Theatre regular, with five shows to his credit. This summer he attended Kentucky's Governor's School for the Arts in Musical Theatre.
Note to teachers: Children's Theatre has a study guide demonstrating how math and science can be taught through "Tom Sawyer. " For downloadable lessons, visit the official website of Children's Theatre.
7.Who wrote the music for "Tom Sawyer: A River Adventure"
A.David Kisor. B.Joe McDonough.
C.Nathan Turner. D.Robbie McMath.
8.What can we learn about the two actors
A.They study in the same school.
B.They worked together in "Ragtime".
C.They are experienced on stage.
D.They became friends ten years ago.
9.What does Children's Theatre provide for teachers
A.Research funding. B.Training opportunities.
C.Technical support. D.Educational resources.
Bike Rental & Guided Tours
Welcome to Amsterdam, welcome to MacBike. You see much more from the seat of a bike! Cycling is the most economical, sustainable and fun way to explore the city, with its beautiful canals, parks, squares and countless lights. You can also bike along lovely landscapes outside of Amsterdam.
Why MacBike
MacBike has been around for almost 30 years and is the biggest bicycle rental company in Amsterdam. With over 2,500 bikes stored in our five rental shops at strategic locations, we make sure there is always a bike available for you. We offer the newest bicycles in a wide variety, including basic bikes with foot brake (刹车), bikes with hand brake and gears (排挡), bikes with child seats, and children's bikes.
  Hand Brake, Three Gears Foot Brake, No Gears
1 hour ?7.50 ?5.00
3 hours ?11.00 ?7.50
1 day (24 hours) ?14.75 ?9.75
Each additional day ?8.00 ?6.00
Guided City Tours
The 2.5-hour tour covers the Gooyer Windmill, the Skinny Bridge, the Rijksmuseum, Heineken Brewery and much more. The tour departs from Dam Square every hour on the hour, starting at 1:00 pm every day. You can buy your ticket in a MacBike shop or book online.
10.What is an advantage of MacBike
A.It gives children a discount. B.It offers many types of bikes.
C.It organizes free cycle tours. D.It has over 2,500 rental shops.
11.How much do you pay for renting a bike with hand brake and three gears for two days
A.?15.75. B.?19.50. C.?22.75. D.?29.50.
12.Where does the guided city tour start
A.The Gooyer, Windmill. B.The Skinny Bridge.
C.Heineken Brewery. D.Dam Square.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



